Praetors of the Emerald Flame
The loose organization of satyr sects with some remaining connection to the Burning Legion, but mostly self serving towards their own goals.
Leader: Prince Raze
Location: Nightsong Woods, Ashenvale
Small but elite satyr sect focused on spreading fear and corruption in the kaldorei heartland. Their capital, also named Xavian, is constantly on the move and nearly impossible for outsiders to track down.
Prince Raze controls the sect to an micromanaging degree, ensuring that every satyr within it do things exactly as he wishes them too.
While Raze only leads the Xavians, his reign of terror extends to the other sects in Ashenvale. All other sects in the area, Bleakheart and Felmusk, must pay tribute to him for permission to operate in his territory. Additionally he is able to pressure the other sects in the area to doing his bidding. Any sect that had tried to defy Raze's rule has been utterly demolished by him.
- Praetor Geltharis - Raze's lieutenant and enforcer.
- Terestian Illhoof - Hellcaller and agent of Raze, sent to search for interesting artifacts
- Xalan the Feared - Former lieutenant that was cast out after a humiliating defeat at the hands of Shandris Feathermoon during the War of the Satyr. Raze keeps his skull and calls upon him if ever has use for "the skills of a failure".
Leader: Prince Xavalis
Location: Felwood
Largest satyr sect who's territory covers nearly the entirety of Felwood. Some of their activity spills out to Darkshore.
Jaedenar is their capital, a permanent village in the mountains where the corruption is too dangerous for non-demons to reach safely. Many non-satyr demons also call this village home.
Jaedenar contains Shadow Hold, the palace of Prince Xavalis, and the Shrine of Kil'jaedin. Prince Xavalis rules Jaedenar as a hedonistic king, and considers everything within his sect as his royal domain. Xavalis leaves most of the work to his lieutenants, choosing to relish in the relatively luxurious life he has created for himself on the backs of his sect. However, he is still a dangerous man. When someone incurs his wrath enough to take up his blades, his rage is heard and felt throughout the whole of Jaedenar. It always ends as quickly as it came, but there is usually never anything left of the satyr who angered him.
The Shrine of Kil'jaedin exists as a mockery of a temple of the moon and primarily serving as a black market. At it's heart is an idol of Xavius spewing flaming fel ichor- created as a twisted version of iconography of Haidene. In truth the statue of Xavius was modeled in likeness of Xavalis, who takes great pride in this as a victory against his brothers.
As the only permanent settlement, it serves as the primary gathering place for the Praetors of the Emerald Flame.
This sect also boasts having the largest number of female satyrs, roughly a dozen at any given time. They are always outnumbered by succubi, who are viewed as their superiors. While the succubi appear to revel in this in public, occasionally in private some of them may reach out to the female satyr in solidarity.
During the Legion's poisoning of Nordrassil, Jaedenar served as a staging ground until the dreadlord Lord Banehallow was slain by Illidan, Kor'vas, Samaara, and Feronas.
- Praetor Xavaric - Lieutenant of Xavalis. Keeps a flute carved from an Ancient.
- Praetor Xavathras - Lieutenant of Xavalis. Cultivates a corrupted moonwell.
- Xaravan - Disguised himself as Archdruid Navarax to infiltrate Whisperwind Grove, but was discovered and killed by Feronas.
- Trey - former human paladin and member of Daelin Proudmoore's expedition. Was turned when he chose to break his oath over being tortured to death.
- Arko'narin - former sentinel. Turned recently when she was captured and convinced they would end Trey's torture if she was to became a satyr. Eventually convinced Trey to break his oath so he could survive.
Leader: Prince Kellen
Location: Sargeron, Desolace
A medium sect of satyrs usually focused on scouring imperial ruins and digging up artifacts.
Prince Kellen takes no effort to run the sect. As a son of Xavius, most of the satyrs in the sect wish to gain his approval and see to his whims. The rest wish to infultrate in an attempt to assassinate him in order to gain the approval of his brothers. Kellen is apathetic to all of this, and simply just seems to focus on whatever is interests him at the time.
There are only three female satyrs in this sect, all of them escapees from Jadefire.
Location: Val'sharah
A sect of satyr intent on harrying the druids of Val'sharah and corrupting their groves.
A dwindling sect of satyr. It's best talent has been poached by the Taintheart, and the remaining satyrs have been left to either languish or join the Legion.
Nyxxa and Driana visited a small encampment looking for information and befriended a small group of them.
- Xinthoss the Spear - Former tauren that became a satyr during the War of the Ancients. Though considered a talented warrior he is reluctant to get involved in the activity of the Emerald Flame.
- Hellcaller Xaroth - Former nightborne exile. He was found by satyrs when he was dangerously close to becoming withered, and wanting to use his talents as an arcane mage they offered to turn him. Having very little options, he accepted the curse. Keeps a wide birth from the leadership of the sect, as he doesn't like being told what to do by the Praetors. He keeps the blood of each of the satyrs he travels with, so that when they die he can summon them back.
- Jerrikar - Stole a sword from the naga during a skirmish with them. Has had a crush on Zandras for years and following Nyxxa's visit the two of them became a couple.
- Zandras - Fights with a chain whip and shadow magic.
Leader: Zevrax
Location: Bloodmyst Isles
Satyr sect that aided with perpetuating the war between the kaldorei and the draenei.
In order to be considered an "official" sect, the leader must be a Praetor.
To become a Praetor of the Emerald Flame, one has to become a master of all of the satyr castes:
- Hellcaller: Specialists in fel magic. Broken down into two other castes, Pyromancers and Felsingers. Pyromancers use fel magic and Felsingers summon demons. A true Hellcaller does both.
- Shadowdancer: Specialists in shadow magic, and use it to aid in ambushes.
- Trickster: Specialists in illusion and enchantment magic, which they use to trick and beguile.
- Soulstealer: Specialists in necromancy, they use their magic to manipulate souls.
- Corruptor: Tap into the innate corruption of the curse, and use it to their advantage. They are also the only satyrs capable of passing on the curse through normal circumstances.
Only satyrs with magical talent are considered to be of any value to the Praetors, and only those that cultivate it may raise in the ranks.
Despite the presence of a female satyrs in a sect being seen as a status symbol for that sect, they are usually considered second class at best and property of their sect's leader at worse. It is possible for a female satyr to earn a caste, but this rare and is unlikely to earn her any additional respect. A female satyr can never become a praetor.
Known Members
![]() | ![]() | Zevrax | Alive |