Recent Changes
SisterhoodOfElune . . . March 04, 2025, at 10:41 AM by ?: *'''Elder''' - (''Han'Melun'' or ''Minn'eldre'') Their robes and sashes match in color. These Priestesses oversee entire regions, much like a Sentinel Commander. The High Priestess (''Shan'Melun'') is the highest ranked Elder.
Sentinels . . . March 04, 2025, at 10:15 AM by ?: *'''Sentinel'''- (''Dinnala'') Feathers are added to the uniform. *'''Ranger/Courier/Huntress''' - (''Anala/Alator/Minn'musha'') A sentinel that has received special elite training. Two claws are added to the uniform, as are gems to the belt and helmet. Ranger is elite infantry while Huntress is saber cavalry. Courier deliver messages and information, thus are outfitted with a hippogryph to travel quickly. *'''Captain''' - (''Nar'Dinnala'') Two more claws are added to the armor, for a total of four. Gems are added to chest. Captains oversee units or smaller areas. *'''Commander''' - (''Eldre'Dinnala'') Two more claws are added, for a total of six. Commanders oversee several captains or entire regions. The General (''Shan'Dinnala'') is the highest ranked commander.
PraetorsoftheEmeraldFlame . . . September 16, 2024, at 03:44 PM by ?: *''Zandras'' - Fights with a chain whip and shadow magic.
ScarletCrusade . . . May 27, 2024, at 12:07 PM by ?: During the investigation of [[Uther Menethil]] and his companions into the plague of undeath that had started to emerge in Lordaeron, however, evidence was found that a high ranking member of the Scarlet Crusade, [[Characters/Arellas Fireleaf]], had apparently made large donations to the organization responsible for the plague. In addition, mage lord [[Characters/Billy Bright]] informed [[Characters/Remnii]] that [[Characters/Sally Mograine]] had visited him in the past alongside Arellas, seeking support for the Scarlet Crusade's cause.
Illidari . . . May 14, 2024, at 08:10 PM by ?: [[Characters/Jace Darkweaver]], a highborne mage, engineered both the binding and tattooing process. Additionally, he developed a technique of simplifying magic sigils to make it easier for the more martially inclined Illidari to use magic. Though careful study he narrowed the process down to the use of five glyphs, as well as a simple magic circle. Novice hunters memorize all five and a personal magic circle in order to create sigils to cast their spells.
Farstriders . . . March 03, 2024, at 07:11 PM by ?: !! Members (:pagelist link=Category.Farstriders fmt=#organization:) !! Former Members (:pagelist link=Category.FarstridersFormerly fmt=#organization:)
HakkariTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:52 PM by ?: (:title Hakkari Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Jin'do]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Swamp of Sorrows:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.HakkariTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
DarkspearTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:38 PM by ?: (:Location: Echo Isles:)
ZandalariTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:35 PM by ?: (:title Zandalari Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Kabrakan]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Dazar'alor:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.ZandalariTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
NathavorTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:34 PM by ?: (:title Natha'vor Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Poz'ga]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Natha'vor:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.NathavorTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
AmakiTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:33 PM by ?: (:title Amaki Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Nagla]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Zal'amak:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.AmakiTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
NazmaniTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:32 PM by ?: (:title Nazmani Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: Unknown:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Zul'Nazman:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.NazmaniTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
ShadowtoothTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:31 PM by ?: (:title Shadowtooth Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Ik'nal]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Barrow Deeps:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.ShadowtoothTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
SandfuryTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:30 PM by ?: (:title Sandfury Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Ukorz]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Zul'Farrak:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.SandfuryTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
FarakkiTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:29 PM by ?: (:title Farakki Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Kulratha]] & [[Characters/Velratha]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Zul'Farrak:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.FarakkiTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
IcetuskTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:28 PM by ?: (:title Icetusk Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Drakani]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Dread Chain:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.IcetuskTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
WinteraxTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:27 PM by ?: (:title Winterax Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Korrak]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Alterac Valley:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.WinteraxTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
FrostmaneTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:26 PM by ?: (:title Frostmane Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Arctikus]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Dun Morogh:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.FrostmaneTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
DrakkariTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:25 PM by ?: (:title Drakkari Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Malakk]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Zul'drak:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.DrakkariTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
FiretreeTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:24 PM by ?: (:title Firetree Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: Unknown:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Burning Steppes:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.FiretreeTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
SmolderthornTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:22 PM by ?: (:title Smolderthorn Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Voone]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Burning Steppes:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.SmolderthornTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
WitherbranchTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:20 PM by ?: (:title Witherbranch Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Gurthani]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Molten Cay:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.WitherbranchTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
WitherbarkTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:19 PM by ?: (:title Witherbark Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Zalas]] & [[Characters/Ojin'ba]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Arathi Highlands:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.WitherbarkTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
ShadowpineTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:18 PM by ?: (:title Shadowpine Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Kel'gash]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Zeb'Nowa:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.ShadowpineTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
ShadowglenTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:16 PM by ?: (:title Shadowglen Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Krag'jin]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Silverpine Forest:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.ShadowglenTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
MossflayerTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:15 PM by ?: (:title Mossflayer Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Vex'tul]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Zul'Mashar:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.MossflayerTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
VilebranchTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:14 PM by ?: (:title Vilebranch Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Hexx]] & the Keepers:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Jintha'Alor:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.VilebranchTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
RevantuskTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:12 PM by ?: (:title Revantusk Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: Elder & Primal Torntusk:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Hinterlands:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.RevantuskTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
AmaniTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:10 PM by ?: (:title Amani Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Zul'jin]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Zul'Aman:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.AmaniTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
ShatterspearTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:09 PM by ?: (:title Shatterspear Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Ohseso]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Shatterspear Vale:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.ShatterspearTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
SkullsplitterTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:06 PM by ?: (:title Skullsplitter Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Ana'thek]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Zul'Mamwe:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.SkullsplitterTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
BloodscalpTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:05 PM by ?: (:title Bloodscalp Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Gan'zulah]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Zul'Kunda:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.BloodscalpTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
GurubashiTribe . . . February 22, 2024, at 06:01 PM by ?: (:title Gurubashi Tribe:) (:Type: Troll Tribes:) (:Leader: [[Characters/Mar'li]]:) (:Affiliation: Neutral:) (:Location: Zul'Gurub:) !! Known Members (:pagelist link=Category.GurubashiTribe fmt=#organization:) !!Former Members
Factions . . . February 22, 2024, at 05:59 PM by ?: [deleted]
HandOfArgus . . . April 08, 2021, at 09:11 PM by ?:
Rangari . . . April 08, 2021, at 09:09 PM by ?:
Auchenai . . . April 08, 2021, at 09:08 PM by ?:
Artificers . . . April 08, 2021, at 09:04 PM by ?:
Aldor . . . April 08, 2021, at 09:00 PM by ?:
CouncilOfExarchs . . . April 08, 2021, at 08:58 PM by ?:
LightsChosen . . . April 08, 2021, at 08:50 PM by ?:
ThalassianResistance . . . April 08, 2021, at 08:33 PM by ?:
Magistrate . . . April 08, 2021, at 08:24 PM by ?:
Reliquary . . . April 08, 2021, at 08:24 PM by ?:
AtiKaso . . . April 08, 2021, at 08:22 PM by ?:
AshtongueBrotherhood . . . April 08, 2021, at 08:22 PM by ?:
SilverHand . . . April 08, 2021, at 08:19 PM by ?:
ChurchOfTheHolyLight . . . April 08, 2021, at 08:18 PM by ?:
SpellbreakerLegion . . . April 08, 2021, at 08:10 PM by ?:
EarthenRing . . . April 08, 2021, at 08:08 PM by ?:
BrokenBladeClan . . . April 08, 2021, at 08:08 PM by ?:
BlackrockClan . . . April 08, 2021, at 08:07 PM by ?:
DruidsOfThePack . . . April 08, 2021, at 08:07 PM by ?:
CenarionCircle . . . April 08, 2021, at 08:07 PM by ?:
WindrunnerFamily . . . April 04, 2021, at 06:43 PM by ?:
ArgusWake . . . April 04, 2021, at 06:37 PM by ?:
ArchivalAuthorityOfArgus . . . April 04, 2021, at 06:33 PM by ?:
BlackDragonflight . . . April 04, 2021, at 06:31 PM by ?:
ClippedWing . . . April 04, 2021, at 06:29 PM by ?:
ConvocationOfSilvermoon . . . April 04, 2021, at 06:27 PM by ?:
GuardiansOfTheEternalSpring . . . April 04, 2021, at 06:27 PM by ?:
ShatteredHandClan . . . April 04, 2021, at 06:22 PM by ?:
Korkron . . . April 04, 2021, at 06:15 PM by ?:
ShadowCouncil . . . April 04, 2021, at 06:11 PM by ?:
Hidden . . . February 19, 2021, at 11:58 AM by ?:
BurningBladeClan . . . November 23, 2020, at 02:09 PM by ?:
ChromaticDragonflight . . . November 23, 2020, at 12:18 AM by ?:
GreenDragonflight . . . November 23, 2020, at 12:18 AM by ?:
BlueDragonflight . . . November 23, 2020, at 12:17 AM by ?:
BronzeDragonflight . . . November 23, 2020, at 12:16 AM by ?:
BlackToothGrinClan . . . November 22, 2020, at 11:42 PM by ?:
FrostwolfClan . . . August 12, 2020, at 11:52 PM by ?:
WhiteclawClan . . . August 12, 2020, at 11:48 PM by ?:
BleedingHollowClan . . . August 12, 2020, at 11:47 PM by ?:
ThunderlordClan . . . August 11, 2020, at 10:59 PM by ?:
RedDragonflight . . . December 09, 2019, at 04:52 AM by ?:
ShadowmoonClan . . . December 09, 2019, at 04:42 AM by ?:
Ironmarch . . . September 19, 2019, at 06:45 PM by ?:
WarsongClan . . . September 05, 2019, at 07:09 AM by ?:
LaughingSkullClan . . . September 05, 2019, at 07:09 AM by ?:
Sargerei . . . September 05, 2019, at 07:04 AM by ?:
Sunreavers . . . September 05, 2019, at 06:58 AM by ?:
KirinTor . . . September 05, 2019, at 06:58 AM by ?:
Shadowsword . . . September 04, 2019, at 05:12 PM by ?:
MenethilFamily . . . September 04, 2019, at 05:11 PM by ?:
StormreaverClan . . . September 04, 2019, at 05:02 PM by ?:
BurningLegion . . . September 04, 2019, at 05:00 PM by ?:
CovenOfWhispers . . . September 04, 2019, at 04:58 PM by ?:
CovenOfBones . . . September 04, 2019, at 04:58 PM by ?:
ExplorersLeague . . . September 02, 2019, at 09:42 PM by ?:
AurumBlades . . . September 02, 2019, at 09:31 PM by ?:
Syndicate . . . May 28, 2017, at 11:24 PM by ?: