[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Seven

Appearing Characters: Altruis Shadowsong, Arthak Saurfang, Driana, Elya Azuremoon, Farondis, Levia Blackflight, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Rak'Symma, Sol'chi, Vaerux, Velameestra Windrunner (Simulacrum), Zar'Kaa

December 4th

As Nyxxa prepares to contend with the remnant of Nerus Moonfang, the elemental that manifested as the Wrath of Azshara released a roar as it prepared to engage with Arthak, Rak’Symma, Sol, and Zar’Kaa. The ankle-deep water started to churn around them, and shattered pieces of the statues started to animate as they danced and fought to the whims of the ancient curse. Three revenants of frost, tempest, and water as materialized, along with dozens of strange, shark-octopus-like Mindbenders.

Arthak immediately ran for the Wrath of Azshara. He swung in with a solid hit, but his blade collided into a massive magical barrier. Brackish water splashed off the barrier and started to try and coat his flesh, but he was able to shake it off.

Meanwhile, in the decrepit tavern, Nerus kicked a chair over at Nyxxa but she leaped over it as she moved in to close.

Zar’Kaa put a hexblade’s curse on the nearby tempest revenant. He used his fel abilities to pull some of the crackling lightning from the revenant, which swirled around Rokul Kaz just before he drove the weapon straight into the center of the assembling statue. He then drew the Eagletalon spear and dove into the center of the revenant as she drove both weapons into its core and shattered the essence that was materializing. The statue crumbled to the ground, destroyed. Zar’Kaa spun around and closed with the water revenant statue on the other side of the room.

The Wrath of Azshara looked over at Zar’Kaa and he felt an immense pressure on his body as the water and air coalesced around him. It was as if the creature was bringing down the pressure of the very depths of the ocean.

Nyxxa used [Mirror Image], and as the illusory doubles manifested around her she moved to slash at Nerus. He tried to catch the weapon on his blade, but as she scraped the weapon across his blade she managed to knock him in the face. Nerus steeled himself and was able to shake it off. He spun around with an overhead swing and clipped her in the side.

Driana saw an opening and twirled her staff around.

Driana says: I call upon all colors of the spectrum! Wash away these fiends!

Several different-colored magic circles materialized as she used [Prismatic Spray] over the frost revenant and several mindbenders. With several explosions of elemental energy, the frost revenant shattered and two of the mindbenders also were destroyed. The last of the mindbenders in the group was left reeling, and Driana squeaked as she hurriedly raised her staff to fend off another mindbender that leaped at her.

More water started to surge upward and Rak’Symma was slammed into the ceiling as a sudden waterspout sent her sailing.

Sol called to Zar’Kaa over the telepathic bond and asked if he wanted to become a dragon with him. Zar’Kaa said he’d be willing to trust him on this, and Sol twinned a [True Polymorph]. The Wrath of Azshara moved to counterspell it, but Zar’Kaa then countered the counterspell. The spell successfully went off, and Sol was changed into a red dragon while Zar’Kaa was changed into a blue dragon.

Meanwhile, Nerus and Nyxxa continued to clash with dogged determination. Nyxxa steeled herself and was able to strengthen her nerves.

As Arthak was shot into the air by the water, he got big as he hovered over the Wrath of Azshara. The massive elemental tried to charm Arthak, but the magic of Varg’osh repelled it. Meanwhile the mindbenders tried to latch onto Sol, but were unsuccessful.

The Wrath of Azshara released a high-pitched screech that shot through the entire battlefield as it used [Psychic Scream]. Everyone managed to soldier through the crippling scream, and the Wrath lashed out with whips of ice and water at Arthak and Sol. The massive elemental then surged through the water away from Arthak. However, Arthak pursued.

Nerus swung with his greatsword and shattered one of Nyxxa’s mirror images. He clipped her with his follow up strike, but a third strike broke another mirror image.

Rak’Symma swam downwards and began to channel electricity as she readied a spell to be released when the water dropped.

More mindbenders swarmed Sol and attempted to hijack his mind, but he was able to fend them off. Meanwhile the Wrath of Azshara summoned a rippling force of arcane magic and sent an arcane bomb at Sol. It hovered slowly toward him, as if it had homed in on him.

The water revenant used its tidal wave ability and the statue churned a rush of water over Rak’Symma and Sol.

Altruis dove in and slashed through the Wrath of Azshara, once more chipping at the barrier that seemed to be repairing itself. However, as he slashed into the barrier, ichor of black water stained his arm and spread up onto his neck. However nothing seemed to be happening.

The water suddenly receded. Zar’Kaa slammed into the ground and was knocked off his feet. As Symma fell, she unleashed the crackling lightning and fried the remaining mindbenders before it seared through the water revenant. It slammed its fist into the ground, using the earth as a ground, but it was heavily scorched. Sol, meanwhile, had dug his claws into the ceiling to prevent himself from falling.

Arthak plummeted onto the Wrath of Azshara and drove Varg’osh into the shield, which had started to severely crack. As he slid down the barrier he slammed Varg’osh into it again, which finally broke through the barrier. He punched the creature in the face, and he tried to slam his sword into the creature one more time, but ultimately had to redirect to catch himself as he fell the rest of the distance.

The water around the room turned dark and roiled again as everyone’s lungs filled brackish water. Symma pushed through it, and Zar’Kaa, Arthak, and Sol coughed up brackish sea water, their voices momentarily gone.

Meanwhile, Nerus attempted to kick Nyxxa with another cheap shot and shattered her final mirror image.

The water revenant looked at Rak’Symma and drove its trident at her. Rak’Symma blew a gust of wind back at it as the trident clipped her. She then used [Heal] on herself, mending her wounds.

Nerus smiled at Nyxxa as he paced around her.

Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: You’ve gotten better than I remember.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Well you did keep teaching me.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: That’s true, but did I ever teach you this?

He suddenly ran along the wall of the tavern and swung around with a roundhouse kick to the back of Nyxxa’s head. Nerus landed behind her and twisted his greatsword around with a wide swing and sliced into her legs. Nyxxa blocked it, and Nerus sent one of her warglaives flying into the air and it stuck into the nearby table. He swept Nyxxa’s leg, which dropped her to her knees. He readied another swing to take advantage of her position.

Zar’Kaa turned his attention toward the Wrath of Azshara and leapt towards it. The water revenant swept its trident around and clipped Zar’Kaa. However he reared back and released a surge of arcane and cold energy from his maw.

Nyxxa looked at Nerus.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: No, but you did teach me this.

She shrieked as she used [Shatter]. Nerus tried to interrupt her, but she caught his blade as the twisted voice of Agara Deathsong ripped through the room. She snagged her weapon from the table as Nerus staggered back.

The arcane bomb finished closing on Sol, who was still on the ceiling. It slammed into him, and he was able to push through the stunning resonance.

The Wrath of Azshara used [Hypnotic Pattern] on Sol, but he was able to resist. The Wrath of Azshara started to summon more magic as it casted [Weird], but Zar’Kaa was able to counter it. The massive elemental roared and whipped at Arthak with a lash of mana and Sol with a lash of storms.

Nerus struck at Nyxxa and managed to clip her. He then tried to grab her, but Nyxxa kicked off with her hooves and got out of his grasp.

Sol released his grip on the ceiling and flew to the ground. He released a wave of fire over Arthak, Zar’Kaa, Altruis, and the Wrath of Azshara. The fires scorched the Wrath of Azshara, but healed Arthak, Altruis, and Zar’Kaa. The black water was burned off Altruis’s arm, and he gasped as if he was suddenly able to breathe again.

The Wrath of Azshara released a cry of rage and anguish, and a [Storm of Vengeance] erupted over the area with a loud boom of thunder.

A stray mindbend leaped at Arthak, but he caught it and crushed it in a gauntleted hand. However, a deluge of water splashed upward across the room and slammed into them as Rak’Symma fluttered out of the way.

Nerus was starting to slow down as he continued to try and land a hit on Nyxxa.

Zar’Kaa started to wrestle with the Wrath of Azshara as the water revenant used [Slow] over Arthak and the dragons. Arthak swung at the Wrath of Azshara and clipped it.

Rak’Symma used [Call Lightning] and amped up the magic to its maximum strength. The Wrath of Azshara was able to counter the spell, and Rak’Symma hastily tried to put the magic to use to fabricate a smaller storm, but the Wrath of Azshara stole the magic and instead cast it at full strength. It blasted through Arthak and Zar’Kaa as Rak’Symma wrenched the cloud back under her control. The bolt of lightning surged through the Wrath of Azshara, and it burned the rest of its energy to just barely stay up.

Rak’Symma took the rest of the crackling energy and hurled a [Jolt], which blasted the pearl clear out of its chest. It levitated back to its pedestal as the creature faded into the brackish water, and the water revenant also collapsed.

Sol had everyone gather up and released one last blast of healing fire over them to purge any other disease. Farondis lowered the barrier he had erected.

Farondis says: Whatever that was, you banished it, but there’s still no sign of Nyxxa.

Meanwhile, Nyxxa and Nerus continued to spar, but more of Nerus’s energy had been sapped with the death of the Wrath of Azshara. Nyxxa unleased a whirlwind of strikes, and then spun around with kicks from her hooves. She connected with his face, and he staggered back as he spit out a tooth.

Nyxxa pressed her advantage.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Not bad, old man.

She kicked his sword out of his hand and punched him in his gut with the broad side of her blade, knocking Nerus to the ground. He laughed weakly. However, she didn’t strike him down.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Tell me the answer.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: Are you… sure this is what you want, kid?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Nothing good has come from not knowing things… and even if it’s painful, I want to know.

Nyxxa pulled out some alcohol and handed it out to him. Nerus took a drink and handed it back.

Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: You… heard the prophecy, I imagine. You figured it out before you even got in here. Your friends are alright. The rest of the curse’s manifestation outside here has been dealt with. It will be some time before it can reform, but it will persist as long as the curse does. It will return, and killing me over and over again won’t stop that.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: You’ve tried?
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: …It got awfully lonely in here.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I get it.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: There’s only one way this breaks, kid. Only one way this goes away. He, I, came to visit, once. He was… looking for answers. I don’t know what he was trying to fix, I don’t know if he was trying to figure out if he could undo our mistake, or if he wanted to try and undo his mistake.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: He told me before he was trying to undo the satyr’s curse.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: His research led him here. I don’t know what that means. It seems I got into some crazy shit, so.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I consumed his soul. I can’t hear him here. It’s… a long story, but the short of it is that to gain the reins on my own curse, I’m using his soul to suppress it.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: Serves him right.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I can’t hear him here though.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: I don’t know why. Given what I am… when he first came here, he was barely able to speak with me. I think the nature of this curse prevents him from interacting with me directly, and I think he figured that out.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: He can’t remember what happened here.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: Good. Because I’m sure I know the first thing that came to his mind. Nyxxa, the point of this whole deal? It was to save two souls, and only two souls given can break it. It’s right there. In the fine print.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: A selfish soul selflessly given, and a selfless soul selfishly given.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: Sounds like you and me, huh? I didn’t want him to do it. I didn’t want him to drag you into my mess. But you’re here anyways, and now it seems you used his soul for something. I think there’s some irony there. Yet he still found you and turned you into a satyr, right? That’s what we are.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: That’s a long story. Ironically, to save one of the same souls.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: Why am I not surprised?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: You think it’ll work…? Even though I used his soul already?
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: I don’t know. I don’t know enough about what you are. But you shouldn’t be considering that! Nemmy, this is your life! But then again… you take after me. You don’t listen to orders.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I got worse.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: Great. A regular chip off the ol’ block.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I… still don’t want to do it though.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: I don’t know if there’s another way. Not unless you find some saps willing to throw their lives away. This is it. Just… just walk away. You don’t need to make this your problem anymore. The people here have been trapped for thousands of years. Just let them go. Don’t drag yourself into their problem.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I haven’t made a decision yet… as you said, my soul might not work, and there… we found other options, but I’d sooner die than… there’s a lot to consider. It’s not a decision I’m going to make lightly.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: I can drink to that, at least.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Besides… I’ve also lived 10,000 years. Far longer than any of us are supposed to.

Nerus shook his head and offered a sad smile.

Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: Don’t start coming up with reasons.

Nyxxa sensed that, eventually, Nerus would recover his strength, but she could maybe reunite him with the rest of Vaerux inside of her. Nyxxa told Nerus she could take him with her, and reunite him with his other half.

Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: You sure don’t make it sound glamorous. What I became doesn’t seem something I’d be proud of… but you think you can?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I want to try. I don’t want to leave you here.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: Listen, I don’t know what’s going to happen… so… I… there’s something I wanted to say to you before that. I don’t think he ever would, because I sure didn’t when I had the chance. Look. I know you said you don’t remember much before the war… but honestly, this isn’t the first time you and I ended up on the floor of a bar together.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: He said that’s how we met.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: Yeah… I wanted to ask you. Um. Before everything happened. The war started and demon sightings… I was thinking about asking if you wanted me to… if you wanted me to be your dad on paper–

Nyxxa immediately hugged him.

Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: You… didn’t need me. You never needed me, but…
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I know I always wanted that. No matter how good or competent I was, I always wanted that.

Nerus wrapped his arms around her in turn and gave her a kiss on the top of the head.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I want to make him pay for doing this to you.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: He’s me, kid… I…
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Not him. I didn’t mean him.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: Oh… just… look… Nemmy I know you put me on my ass, but this is Xavius we’re talking about. I don’t know where he is, or what he’s done these last years, but… you can’t… you can’t expect him to just… don’t let him hurt you.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: It’s good I got some experience taking down powerful demons. And barring that… this is not me saying I made a decision, I want to do everything I can to break everything he’s done.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: I can drink to that too I guess.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Elune guided me here. I mean that. I got a vision from her.
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: Seriously? Shit.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: So no matter what that means, lets see it through, okay?
Remnant of Nerus Moonfang says: Okay. Just don’t let some goddess tell you what to do, alright? Don’t let anyone tell you what to do.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I’ll try not. I love you, an’da. I’m glad I got to meet you. This part of you.

Tears started to drip slowly from Nerus’s eyes as she brought his spirit into her. The tavern around them started to collapse. She felt her silenced inner demon stir, but then it felt whole, and she felt the weight of everything that had happened and what both of them had gone through. It threatened to overwhelm her, but as she remembered the voices of those she held dear, she knew they were counting on her, and so was Nerus. She steeled her sense of self, and she opened her eyes.

The rest of the group watched as the pearl seeped water, and the black ichor dripped from it and fell into the water. It coalesced into Nyxxa laying down under the water. She jolted up to the sound of Vaerux screaming inside of her head.

Vaerux says [telepathically]: What the hell did you do!?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathically]: You’re whole again.
Vaerux says [telepathically]: Make it stop! Eugh! Who was in there!? What was that!?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathically]: It was part of you.
Vaerux says [telepathically]: That can’t be! I’m here! I’ve always been here!
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathically]: Xavius split you into two. And he was using that to protect the curse.
Vaerux says [telepathically]: What…?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathically]: You erased your memory of what happened here.

She could almost hear and feel him remembering.

Vaerux says [telepathically]: What a mess…
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathically]: I hope that starts to feel better at some point.
Vaerux says [telepathically]: Why would you want that for me? Look at everything I did to you!
Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathically]: Because… I get to choose. Like I said before, I’m tired of hating you. I think I finally understand you. An’da.

Vaerux tensed in her mind.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says [telepathically]: And you’re going to carry that. We both are.

Vaerux went silent as the weight of everything crashed down on him.

At that moment, Altruis and Levia ran forward to check on her. Altruis asked if she was alright and what happened, and Nyxxa took a deep breath and explained what had happened.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: He gave me an answer about what it would take to undo the curse.
Altruis Shadowsong says: What did he say?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: He believes he and I need to sacrifice ourselves. Obviously we’ll need to look into things to see if that is accurate. But I suppose it is one answer.

Levia furrowed her brow.

Levia Blackflight says: No it’s not.
Sol'chi says: We have to find another way.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: As I said, I don’t know if that would actually work anyway.
Levia Blackflight says: We don’t have to play by those games. There has to be another way. Sacrificing yourself? No. No. We’ll find something else.

She looked over at Driana.

Levia Blackflight says: You said you had ideas.
Driana says: Of course. I would be happy to look into those still.

Driana, however, gave Nyxxa a deep and thoughtful look.

Driana says: We’ll get to the bottom of this. I’m sure we will, and if there’s another way, we can find it.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Of course.
Rak'Symma says: Curses are often cruel, but sometimes the spirits can be merciful.
Zar'Kaa says: But if there isn’t another way, and this is something you still want to do, that will be your choice. I don’t want it to come to that, but I will respect that choice.
Arthak Saurfang says: We need more information. We need answers. Before we start addressing whatever that road is.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: He’s been wrong about things before.
Arthak Saurfang says: Many things.
Levia Blackflight says: Exactly! There’s probably another way to interpret this. I know we can find something.

Nyxxa offered a smile at Levia.

Sol'chi says: We also have a lot of people in our corner. We can ask the blue dragons. One of them is ancient. He may know a thing or two. We can pose some questions.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Of course, but if you all wouldn’t mind, I don’t want to talk about this right now.
Arthak Saurfang says: More than fair. You need time. And we have other things to do.

Elya Azuremoon, the headmistress, had stepped forward. She was no longer stunned by whatever had influenced her.

Elya Azuremoon says: There it is… but it’s fractured. It’s missing pieces.

Farondis looked to her and confirmed.

Farondis says: That’s because it was destroyed to curse our kingdom, Elya. I’ve been trying to tell you that for ages… but no one would listen because of the curse. That’s why we’re here. That’s what these brave outsiders just risked their lives to suppress. But I know you won’t believe me because it won’t let anyone believe me. I can only sit here and watch.

Elya furrowed her brow and looked around.

Elya Azuremoon says: You believe him, don’t you?
Arthak Saurfang says: You said so yourself. There’s something wrong. You can tell. You know magic.
Velameestra Windrunner says: The logic doesn’t line up.
Elya Azuremoon says: It doesn’t. Even now I’m compelled to spit at his feet. But you all… I don’t know if it’s because it feels like something is missing, or whatever you just did, but I think you’re right.

She looked at Farondis.

Elya Azuremoon says: For now, your highness, I find myself able to swallow my hatred. If by some strange chance you’re right? Then I will not do anything to impede the continued research of these outsiders. If there is a curse on the pearl, I’ll ensure no one else reaches it. And should you need to return here, you just need to tell me. I’ll ensure the wards are restored.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: There are other people trying to get in right now.
Elya Azuremoon says: They can certainly try.

Vel opted to try and used her [Identify] on the pearl with some of Sol’s assistance, and she was able to gather that there was not a solution that did not require some amount of sacrifice, be it material or bodily. Theoretically if they destroyed the makers, it was possible it would fade in time, but the sheer scope that would entail would be hard to say.

Arthak also tried to tap into the essence of the pearl, and he saw a great hand of a figure with a striking helmet over a darkened sea. It almost looked like thunderbolts on each side of his helmet, and with a raise of his hand, oceans moved and seas were created as darkness was washed away. A peel of lightning lit up the blackened world in his vision, and he saw a massive figure. He had silver hair, and the Tidestone was the size of a coin in his hand until it enlarged to fit his palm. He was easily 100 feet tall or taller. Then it was in the hands of another, with clouds formed and storms created and calmed, areas of drought given relief. Then it was in this very chamber, pristine and studied with a thousand eyes, then it ruptured and cracked by the hand of divinity made flesh. He had seen the full Tidestone: a great tablet with a beautiful pearl at its center. The tablet was ruptured, and the calamity ran forth. He was then the water in the lungs of thousands of innocents, and he felt their lungs collapse and their lives drip away. As he felt the weight of so many lives snuffed out by his existence, he pulled his hand away and started to cough up sea water.

He moved over to sit down and smoke a cigar. Zar’Kaa immediately hurried over to check on him, but Arthak assured him he was fine. Zar’Kaa offered him a gourd of medicinal water anyway.

Zar'Kaa says: I might ask what you saw later.
Arthak Saurfang says: I saw the flood. I felt the flood.
Zar'Kaa says: Well. Fuck Bwonsamdi twice. Those powers you have are wonderful and terrifying.
Arthak Saurfang says: The woman who did this is going to answer for it. Maybe not today, maybe not soon, but there will be a reckoning. For fucking pride.
Zar'Kaa says: Well, you aren’t alone in that. When it comes down to it, it is Azshara’s fault that Zar’jira even came to my people’s home in the first place and claimed it for her own. So yeah, on that sentiment we definitely agree. But yeah, keeping the Tidestone away from her will have to do.
Arthak Saurfang says: For now. For now.

They left the chamber and Elya erected the wards again and put more in place. Farondis looked at them and asked what their goal was, as they couldn’t do anything else until the shards were reunited.

Farondis says: Even if the curse is lifted, Azshara will come for the Tidestone. If we want to seek out a way to destroy it…

He looked over at Nyxxa, which caused her to come to her senses.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Right, yeah, I want to destroy that thing if we can.
Arthak Saurfang says: I have reservations about doing that.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Ultimately the only options are destroying it or hiding it away where Azshara can’t find it… and either option is a high order.
Farondis says: Hopefully she wouldn’t have any interest in a broken toy.
Arthak Saurfang says: We don’t know the consequences. It was used in the shaping of the world. The hammer was not ours to use, it was no one’s to use. It can’t go to her, but there was a reason it was left here. An inheritance maybe. I have reservations, but we need more answers.
Zar'Kaa says: I agree she can’t get a hold of it. But maybe we can use it. I think it’s fair to say these artifacts don’t operate the same. So the hammer was not for us to use, but the pearl may be.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I believe that depends on the origin of their creation. If they shaped the world, they likely came from the same source.
Zar'Kaa says: Fair point.

Nyxxa asked Farondis what he wanted to do, and Farondis expressed that if the group wanted to keep it, they would do what they could, but Azshara’s forces wouldn’t stop pursuing it, and he wouldn’t be surprised if she allied with the demons to acquire it.

Zar'Kaa says: And then there would be a war on two fronts.
Farondis says: If I had it in my power, I would wipe Azshara off the face of the planet, but I do not have it. And unless you do, you need to think carefully. Azshara shattered the Tidestone. It’s not invincible. If there are other artifacts of similar power, I wouldn’t be surprised if they could do the same. But it is not my decision. We have watched over it, but I don’t want it to hurt anyone else. I think that’s what I want. I don’t want it to be used to hurt anymore.
Zar'Kaa says: A fair sentiment. For now… it seems like the naga in the area won’t be able to get the Tidestone themselves. We have time. But if Azshara plans to push her forces inland, I can talk to my people and request they keep an eye out on naga movement in the area and see if they are pressing the offensive.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I believe while you all are looking into other matters, I’m going to stay here. Ultimately, I can also keep an eye on things and this place is within my realm of expertise more than anything.
Altruis Shadowsong says: We have those demonic contacts we need to follow up with. They may also be able to offer a read on things.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: We should make haste. They won’t wait forever.
Altruis Shadowsong says: Then let's rest up and we can head out.