Appearing Characters: Aoibh Reòthadh, Chulainn, Elissa Cross, Feeboz, Fozruk, Gilveradin Windrunner, Kala, Kel'Thuzad, Liiraluma, Maighread Tàillear, Seria, Siobhan Nials, Skye Menethil, Sleeby, Teemo Manabrake, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, Vittoria Trollbane, Znort
Voyage to the Broken Isles
While Seria was on the Gral’s Tooth making their voyage to the Broken Isles after they discovered magical transport would not be safe, she spent several days of being wracked with nightmares.
Kala appeared to check in with her, and she admitted she was having nightmares.
Kala says: I’m not surprised, given everything you’ve been doing recently, it’s not hard to imagine it’s affected you. Not to mention Lord Eranikus himself… that whole temple was steeped in it. But these nightmares… are they yours, or are you seeing Riff’s? I’ve noticed he’s been tossing and turning too.
Seria says: Both, I think?
Kala says: Oh, sweetheart.
Her spectral hand ran along Seria’s back.
Kala says: Anything you want to talk about?
Seria’s tail flicked in agitation.
Seria says: Did you… know this was going to work?
Kala says: I can’t say I knew what was going to happen, but… I know of some of the old magics. It’s hard not to in our line of work. Blood is a powerful thing. It always has been. And even though blood magic be anathema amongst most of our kind, especially jungle trolls like us, no one is fool enough to pretend it ain’t something strong. I knew it was risky… but what I do know is if I was in your place and it was you there hurting, I would have done anything I could to help you. So it’s only right I do the same to help you help him. We’re family, after all. But… apologies for taking such a big risk, even if I get the feeling had I the time to explain you would have done it anyways. It’s alright to be scared. I know whatever is going on with you and Riff… it’s uncharted waters, forgive the pun. But I’ll be here for you. For both of you.
Seria says: I don’t regret doing what I did… but I’m afraid of what the tribe is going to think.
Kala sighed.
Kala says: I know. Hakkar has done a lot of damage over the years. He’s… one of the worst. One of the names that strikes fear into many, not just Zandali. But it’s important to remember that the fear is the real enemy. It isn’t going to be easy, but if you can beat that fear and show that you and your boy don’t mean anything ill… I think there’s a chance, scary though it might be. You’re still yourself. The same Seria who beat all the odds and came back to them just in time to save them. Who gave us the chance to see everyone on the other side. Though you may have changed on the outside, you have the same heart on the inside. Now we just gotta make everyone else see that. Besides… once you look past the old fears, I think the feathers and tail are cute, and something tells me I won’t be the only one to think that.
She chuckled, and Seria’s tail flicked again.
Kala says: I’m talking about Zuni, hun. I know you’re worried about him too. Worried about what he might say. But if half the stories I’ve heard from you and Riff, and what little I’ve seen, are true, I got the feeling he’s going to understand. He’s brave. He’s not going to let fear rule him.
Seria says: You’re… probably right.
Kala chuckled.
Kala says: I’m always right, Seria.
Seria says: That’s not what auntie Z said.
Kala says: Ohhh, you know better than to listen to auntie Z.
Seria says: That’s also not what Zabra said.
Kala chuckled.
Kala says: He’s one you may be better off listening to. But I know it’s scary, Seria, but you’re strong, and you aren’t alone.
She looked out over the ocean and sighed as she reflected that the open seas were where their people truly belonged. They sat for a moment in silence.
Seria says: I know you told me not to ask before… but after everything that happened… are you going to tell me about the deal you made?
Kala sighed and laughed softly.
Seria says: I think it’s fair.
Kala says: I told you not to worry, Seria. But…
She sighed again.
Kala says: But I guess I owe you that.
Seria says: You did help me stab myself.
Kala didn’t look over to her daughter and instead continued to look out over the water.
Kala says: It ain’t much of a surprise, but the deal was with Bwonsamdi. He’s the master of the Other Side, after all. Legba controls the door, but he’s the one that decides who goes in and out. So… when it came time, if I wanted to make my way over here to be with you, he was the one who I’d need to go to. Since I’m here, obviously you can see he and I reached an agreement. He agreed to let me watch over you and help you until you didn’t need me anymore. So long as I come back every now and then and fulfill some duties and obligations for him. But it ain’t a big deal. At least, not at the moment.
Seria says: What do you mean?
Kala says: I um… I agreed to become one of his wives, Seria.
Seria stared at her blankly, unsure how to respond.
Kala says: It ain’t a big deal. But I… well… lets just say I don’t know how Rokhan is gonna take it, yeah? But that’s a problem for another day. Regardless, I don’t regret it. I could never regret it, because it means I can be here with you now. And the loa of graves… he ain’t so bad. After all, he did help you get to where you need to be to help me. So it’s fitting he’s the one that let me get to where I need to be to help you.
Seria really wanted to hug her mother, clearly worried.
Kala says: Thank you for worrying, Seria, but you don’t need to. Everything will turn out alright, I know it will.
Seria says: I’m allowed to worry about you, you’re my mada.
Kala says: And you’re as stubborn as I am.
Seria says: Everyone has said I got my stubbornness from you.
Kala says: And I’m sure your father didn’t help either. I don’t know how Rokhan puts up with either of us.
Seria says: I met him, and I don’t like him.
Kala says: He’s tough to like, to be fair.
Seria says: I don’t know what you saw in him.
Kala says: It’s hard to say. He’s gruff. Grumpy. Quick to anger. Terrible at talking about his feelings. Most of our communication was behind bars. But… there was something about him. Something… deep behind his brooding, scowling face. You could tell he cared. I wish you could have got to know him. That he would have come along. But it didn’t hurt he was pretty handsome for an elf too. Maybe that’s why I liked him. He knew how to shut his mouth, unlike a lot of his kind. I know you got no reason to care about him. But… if you ever get the chance to talk to him again, if you ever see him again, why don’t you ask him the same thing you asked me? Find out why he did what he did. Why he took mercy on me. Pity on me. Because though plenty of people told me he just took advantage of me and ensured no one would find out he got me pregnant, I know he did it because he cared. But I think you should hear it from him. If you ever can. But if you don’t, well, maybe you’ll be better off for it.
Seria says: I dunno if he really wants to see me.
Kala shrugged.
Kala says: He might not want to, but I think he should.
Seria says: Last time I talked to him he called you weak and I tried to maul him.
Kala says: Well thank you for sticking up for me.
Kala smiled and put her arm around her.
Kala says: I love you, Seria. And I’m so proud of you.
Seria says: I love you too, mada. And thank you, I really needed that.
Seria had a good cry being held in her mother’s spectral embrace.
November 17th
Vel asked the group if they wanted to go to Stromgarde that day or the next, and Gil said that he didn’t see the reason for keeping a father separate from his child. Uther agreed he didn’t want to delay reuniting with Vittoria and Skye again, and Vel said she could get them there without issue.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Did you want to inform Vittoria, or surprise her?
Uther just smirked.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Surprise it is.
Victor opted to stay at Karazhan to tend to his mother, and the party decided to bring Elissa along with them. Gil suggested bringing one of the Scales as well.
Liiraluma says: You know, I don’t have much to do, so if you wanted to give me something to do…
Vel rolled her eyes.
Velameestra Windrunner says: We’ll just bring Teemo.
Vel channeled magic through her eye to scry on the pond they had priorly met Vittoria at again. She saw a Stromic man, likely one of the scouts for the camp, fishing at the edge of the pond.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Alright, it’s just one man. That’s manageable. Is everyone ready to go?
Everyone confirmed.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Alright, Uther, prepare to assure him we aren’t a threat.
Luma started to laugh as Vel released the arcane incantation that teleported them to the pond. They materialized next to the man, who jumped with a shout, dropped his fishing rod, and reached for a crossbow.
Uther Menethil says: Peace! We mean you no harm, we’re friends.
The man lowered his weapon.
Refuge Guard says: Who are all of you then?
Uther Menethil says: A man eager to see his fiance. Uther Menethil, at your service.
Refuge Guard says: You know, under any other circumstances, I’d not believe you, but the fact you just manifested in the middle of nowhere informs me you likely aren’t pulling my leg…
Uther Menethil says: Well, we won’t be keeping you from your watch.
He started to mozy toward the camp but the man scrambled to his feet and told them this was exactly the sort of thing he’s supposed to watch for.
Velameestra Windrunner says: We would hate for you to get in trouble with the Gryphon.
Refuge Guard says: Much appreciated. You’re some sort of mage then?
Vel introduced herself as a mage of the Kirin Tor, and the man then looked at Luma and asked what they were. Luma asked for an explanation as to why “pulling a leg” implied trickery, and the man faltered and admitted he didn’t know before Luma said they were a draenei.
The scout led them back toward the camp and gave the other watchmen a signal to allow the newcomers in. They were met by captain Siobhan Nials.
Siobhan Nials says: Wasn’t expecting to see you today. Welcome back, your highness.
Uther Menethil says: Much appreciated and I’m glad to be back.
Siobhan Nials says: I presume you’ll be wanting to speak with Vittoria, ay?
Uther Menethil says: Only as quickly as possible.
Nials smiled and said Vittoria was taking her meals with the One-Eyed Gryphon so they could have their debates in peace. Nials led them back and they heard the discussion before they entered the building.
Vittoria Trollbane says: The moment you start taking to the field is the moment you become the enemies and the monster my father has been saying the whole time. Is that what you want?
Maighread Tàillear says: Things aren’t going to get better in this country until we take action, or do you want our people to be freezing when the winter really comes?
They entered a moderately-sized festhall. The One-Eyed Gryphon was on one side of the table, Vittoria was on another, and between them was a handful of officers that could not get a word in as they attempted to diffuse things. It was not working.
In a small wooden high-chair next to Vittoria was Skye, who was sitting and making gurgling noises.
Nials cleared her throat and both Vittoria and her mother turned with a “What?!”. Then they saw she wasn’t alone. Vittoria got up with a smile.
Vittoria Trollbane says: Uther!
Uther Menethil says: Surprise!
Vittoria disregarded everything to rush over to her fiance. She wrapped him in a hug and locked him into a deep kiss. But in the midst of kissing, Vittoria brushed his hair away.
Vittoria Trollbane says: Uther? What happened? What did you do?
Uther Menethil says: I paid the price I had to save someone important to me–
Liiraluma says: Uther did not wear the helmet I specifically made him to avoid this!
Luma glared pointedly over their glasses at the back of Uther’s head.
Uther Menethil says: …I in fact was not wearing the helmet.
Liiraluma says: And look what happened!
Vittoria Trollbane says: Can you still see through it?
Uther Menethil says: As well as ever.
Vittoria Trollbane says: Does it hurt?
Uther Menethil says: No.
Vittoria kissed the side of his face.
Vittoria Trollbane says: I think it looks pretty good.
Liiraluma says: No it doesn’t! You cannot be cute with that injury!
Luma waved the entire side of their scarred body at them. Vel took a small step away from Luma as there was suddenly a large flurry of explosive activity. The One-Eyed Gryphon laughed.
Maighread Tàillear says: Seems you’re doing better than I am!
She tapped her missing eye with a laugh. Luma looked down at Teemo.
Liiraluma says: Probably wasn’t wearing a helmet.
Teemo snorted as she tried not to laugh.
Maighread Tàillear says: Apologies, we didn’t know you were coming or we would have set up a few extra places for ya!
Velameestra Windrunner says: That was by design.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: It was Uther’s idea.
Vittoria smiled.
Vittoria Trollbane says: Well, are you all hungry? We have plenty. For now at least.
Uther Menethil says: Absolutely.
Some of the officers scooted aside to give them room, and Uther sat down next to his daughter. Vel abstained from food and simply took some drink. Uther immediately started to talk nonsense to Skye, who responded with a cooing noise.
Vittoria Trollbane says: So… what all have you been doing?
Uther launched into an explanation of everything, while Vel looked increasingly tired as he regaled them of all the stories.
Maighread Tàillear says: I was gonna scold you for keeping us waiting… but I can’t blame you given all of that.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I have a question.
Maighread Tàillear says: You’re a new one, aren’t you? Maighread Tàillear, leader of this bag of brigands.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Gilveradin Windrunner.
Maighread Tàillear says: Ah. Aren’t you wanted by the High King?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Yeah, for killing him.
He pointed at Uther.
Maighread Tàillear says: It didn’t stick I see.
She smirks.
Maighread Tàillear says: What’s your question?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: How have they not found you?
Maighread explained that they were off the beaten path and it wasn’t their only base, just one of the largest. They had lost many holdouts over the years, but this one, Refuge Point, had managed for the better part of the year. And ultimately, they could abandon it immediately if they needed to, but she had hope that if the group was there to help, it would see them through to the end of the conflict.
Vittoria Trollbane says: And if we do it our way, we can avoid a whole damn siege of Strom!
Maighread shrugged.
Maighread Tàillear says: I wasn’t sure if your friends were coming back, but here you are. We can still try that magic you were talkin’ about?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes, ah… you mentioned a means to get into the crypt?
Maighread smiled.
Maighread Tàillear says: Aye, I’ve got a good idea. As it happens, you arrived at a good time. I don’t think she’s left the Refuge yet.
Vittoria Trollbane says: Who are you talking about, Maighread?
Maighread Tàillear says: The coroner of course. I’m friends with a mortician. One who travels about. She does work with many of the surrounding towns and villages, including Strom. She might be willing to do us a favor. She’s not a part of the cause, but she’s a personal friend.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes a coroner would be very useful, in that case.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: So… what’s the plan then?
Vel briefly explained that Maighread had claimed the trolls were not responsible for the assassination of the former king, Thoras, but instead Galen had conscripted human assassins. Vel believed that being able to speak with the soul of Thoras could shed light on which story was true, and thus could give them guidance in how to handle the situation at large.
Vittoria Trollbane says: And I want to see it too.
Maighread Tàillear says: Vittoria, you can’t be serious. You’ll be smuggling yourself into Galen’s pit of vipers!
Vittoria Trollbane says: I don’t care, Maighread. I’m not a part of your operation, and I know what you think you saw, but if Vel’s magic can conjure the spirit of Thoras back, I want to hear it with my own ears.
Maighread Tàillear says: Alright, I’m not going to fight you. As long as your friends are willing to bring you with them, then I won’t stop it.
Vel confirmed she did not see any issue, as ultimately they had magic that could help to obscure Vittoria’s true identity. She asked if Galen’s court had any mages, and Maighread said they were few and limited to hedge-mages. There weren’t any Kirin Tor mages in the service to the crown that she knew of.
Maighread Tàillear says: But you have to keep your wits about you. Are you familiar with the Syndicate?
Velameestra Windrunner says: More than I care to be.
Maighread Tàillear says: They have operations here in Stromgarde. We have reason to believe the assassins Galen hired were from them. They’ve got their hedge-mages involved in things I imagine.
Velameestra Windrunner says: In that case, they won’t be missed if they need removed.
Maighread smirked.
Uther Menethil says: Those poor wizards.
Velameestra Windrunner says: But good, if we can speak with this coroner, we can make plans from there.
Maighread got to her feet.
Maighread Tàillear says: Right, I ain’t sure when Miss Reòthadh is leaving, so I had best get her.
Vel recognized the name, and she felt Kel’Thuzad’s interest suddenly keenly focused.
Kel'Thuzad says [telepathically]: Did she say… Reòthadh?
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathically]: She did.
The One-Eyed Gryphon informed the officers that they had their orders, and she would be back shortly. Vittoria got to her feet and got Skye out of her chair. She asked Uther if wanted to hold her, and he eagerly took his child in his arms.
Vittoria joked she didn’t see why Skye couldn’t be privy to conspiracies while they were safe in the Refuge, and Vel commented that if she could recall any of them than she was a child that was more keen than even she had gauged her to be.
Skye looked directly at Vel as she had started speaking, and the sheer amount of focus she had was fascinating for a child of her age.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Hmph. I have to say, Uther, her focus is already leagues ahead of yours.
Uther Menethil says: Well. I’m sure she’ll appreciate the compliment even if it’s not a particularly high bar. Daddy doesn’t have much focus at all, doesn’t he?
He tickled her under her chin as he held her, and Skye smiled and giggled.
They headed out into the Refuge and saw a cart with two horses hooked up. It was well-maintained but a bit ramshackled. A quartermaster was unloading a few tonics and medicinal supplies, and they saw a well-dressed woman with reddish-burgundy hair that was wearing comfortable, utilitarian traveling clothes. She also had the materials on her tool belt for preparing corpses to be laid down or performing autopsies. Her hair was tied up in a neat bun, and she appeared to be roughly of the age of Jaina or Arthas.
Maighread Tàillear says: Miss Reòthadh, if you please?
The woman looked at them over her glasses.
Bespecled Coroner says: Lady Tàillear. Didn’t you have some business to attend to?
Maighread Tàillear says: That’s why I’m here.
Kel’Thuzad hummed in Vel’s mind.
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathically]: Is she familiar to you?
Kel'Thuzad says [telepathically]: No… she’s not. That’s… not her. But…
He quieted down as he considered.
Maighread Tàillear says: Ladies and gentlemen, and everyone between, this is Aoibh Reòthadh, the woman I had mentioned. Miss Reòthadh, these are some friends of mine with a rather unorthodox request. Allow me to introduce…
She ran through their names, and it was obvious Aoibh honed in on a few of the names.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: I heard a number of you were supposed to be dead, but then I also heard of your miraculous recovery. Congratulations on that, I suppose.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Some things don’t stick. It’s nice to meet you.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: Charmed I’m sure. So what do you need of me?
Velameestra Windrunner says: We need to get into the royal crypts.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: Is that all?
Velameestra Windrunner says: We’re people that pride ourselves on reasonable requests.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: And I pride myself on being a woman of sarcasm.
She looked at Maighread.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: What in Scáthach’s floating island would make you think that I would help you and your allies smuggle yourselves into the city? I already told you the business we do here is clerical. I’m not looking to take sides here.
Maighread Tàillear says: And we’re not asking you to take sides, Aoibhe. They just need to get into the crypts, and you aren’t doing it for me, you’re doing it for her.
She gestured at Vittoria.
Vittoria Trollbane says: We have reason to want to reach the final resting place of my grand-dad. We’re hoping we can learn something from him.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: If you’re looking to perform an autopsy, I can tell you from the get-go that things were checked out.
Vittoria Trollbane says: It’s not for that.
Uther Menethil says: More an interrogation.
Maighread Tàillear says: We’re willing to pay, if that’s your concern.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: That goes without saying.
She sighed and considered the request.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: And what are you trying to learn with this interrogation?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Who actually killed Thoras Trollbane.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: I see the One-Eyed Gryphon has shared her story with you as well then.
Velameestra Windrunner says: She did. Unfortunately the only sources we have of that event are the word of his son… or Thoras himself.
Aoibh furrowed her brow.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: You have a way to learn that?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I do. I’m a thanatologist.
Aoibh pushed her glasses up.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: You don’t say.
She considered again.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: I’d be willing to entertain your request. But if we’re going to do this, we’re doing it my way, and we will need my mother’s assistance.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And who would your mother be?
Aoibh Reòthadh says: Her name is Faerlina Reòthadh. She’s the proprietress of the Red Widow.
The group noticed a red spider with a black symbol on the side of the carriage, which was likely a symbol of the establishment in question. Recognition at the name crossed over Vel’s face, and Aoibh noted it.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: I’m not surprised you’ve heard of her.
Velameestra Windrunner says: …Your mother’s reputation precedes her.
She felt Kel’Thuzad clam up in the back of her mind, and Aoibhe explained the Red Widow was not terribly far from the Refuge and she was in fact planning on heading back. She said the Red Widow had a lovely view of the keep, and if her mother was willing to help, she would be able to get them into Strom a few days after. Vel nodded, and Aoibh looked at Maighread.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: One-Eyed Gryphon… you owe me big time for this.
Maighread laughed.
Maighread Tàillear says: I owe you a great deal, my old friend!
Aoibh chuffed and asked when the group was prepared to leave. Vel said they could leave immediately if needed, and Aoibh returned she wanted to get started on the road in the next two hours so she could make time before nightfall, an arrangement that was accepted by the group.
Teemo smiled and laughed. She offered Aoibh a different way of getting to the Red Widow so the horses could rest, but Aoibh politely declined. Teemo assured her it wouldn’t explode, but Aoibh was insistent, and Vel quietly assured Teemo the silver lining was that they could likely ride with Luma.
She went to address Vittoria about something, but it seemed Vittoria and Uther had already set off together. Luma shouted after them.
Liiraluma shouts: Wear your helmet!
Uther Menethil shouts: No!
Skye had been handed off to Maighread and she asked if any of them were good with children, she would appreciate the help. Elissa eagerly put up her hand and happily took the child in her arms.
Luma and Vel headed off to help with some of the infrastructure. Luma commented everything was better but it was rudimentary and backwater.
Maighread Tàillear says: Do you think you could do better with the time we had?
Liiraluma says: Yeah.
Maighread Tàillear says: Then show me.
Luma scoffed and asked for a 100 foot by 100 foot cleared area, which the Gryphon was able to direct them to. Luma sized it up and then a powerful surge of magic shifted in the air as they suddenly zipped around and, over the course of 6 seconds, a massive stone stronghold was constructed in its place. A moment later, Luma rematerialized where they were at and wiped sweat off their brow.
The One-Eyed Gryphon looked at it, dumb-founded.
Liiraluma says: What, like it was hard?
Maighread laughed and smacked Luma on the back, then pulled them into an arm-lock.
Maighread Tàillear says: You know, we could really use someone like you on our side. Ever thought of being a terrorist before?
Liiraluma says: Honestly, I have.
Maighread Tàillear says: We’ll get along just fine.
Liiraluma says: I would like to get lunch sometime. I often like terrorizing myself and others.
Maighread Tàillear says: Well, now you’re going to need to give me a tour of whatever this is!
Vel joined them on the tour so she could examine the interior.
Velameestra Windrunner says: You certainly did not do your change of life path in half measures.
Liiraluma says: I was sick of doing what I was doing, so I stopped.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Good for you. Honestly.
Maighread was utterly flabbergasted by everything she saw. However, as Vel analyzed how Luma had cast the spell, it was clear they were tapping into bronze dragon magic and marrying it into their ability for artifice in a very unique manner. It was fascinating.
Vel also opened up a magnificent mansion in the fortress so they had additional extended food stores.
Gil opted to entertain what small amount of children were in the camp with various small animals. He also managed to find a highland cow that reminded him of Motah.
The group reconvened with Aoibh, and Maighread gave them a stromic salute and informed them that she would be waiting. She asked that they try to stay out of trouble. Vittoria said she should say the same, but they would be back.
Nials was holding the baby and took Skye’s arm to wave at them.
Vel conjured the additional steeds that were needed and also manifested a [Seeming] over the group to make everyone, and the steeds, look less unconventional.
Teemo was riding behind Luma.
Teemo Manabrake says: You know. I still think we should have took rockets, but this isn’t bad.
Liiraluma says: You’re sitting on my tail, shortling.
Teemo Manabrake says: Oh shit!
They headed off into the Arathi Highlands in the company of the cart. They traveled for a fair bit through the rolling hills, largely avoiding stones and overly rocky terrain. They passed by endless fields of green with patches of snow.
The weather was cool and drizzly, and heavy clouds dominated the sky. In the distance, they could see herds of highland cows grazing, and they could hear the keening cries of gryphons.
Vel spent some time talking to Aoibh about her work.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: We specialize in a number of different products. I work there with my three sisters along with my mother. My mother is a gifted alchemist, it was part of her trade over the years, and I’ve helped her for all of my life. My three sisters aid the business in their own ways. Ciara and Deirdre have operations of their own, Fiadh is a bit young but she maintains the storefront. Rather than aiding my mother directly, I handle bookkeeping and my own mortician business. I also sometimes make deliveries for the Red Widow. Hence what I’ve been doing. And why Maighread thought to ask me. I do business for the city as well as the countryside.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And how did you meet the One-Eyed Gryphon?
Aoibh smiled.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: I did work in the city for a long time. Including back when Maighread was a consort. We had met on a number of occasions. I’m also the reason she was able to escape the city safely. Needless to say, when she came to me bleeding, missing an eye, and asking for help, I wasn’t about to turn her down. So I smuggled her out of the city and ensured she didn’t bleed out on my cart.
Velameestra Windrunner says: She’s lucky she had you then.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: If only I could say the same! My life has been much more complicated because of her.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I dare say we all have friends like that.
Aoibh smirked and she clearly had guessed Vel was talking about someone in the group, but she wasn’t about to point fingers.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: My mother is an alchemist, and the one who is most gifted with alchemical sciences and magic. I imagine she’ll be the most interested in learning about this thanatology you spoke of. Deirdre is an alchemist as well, but she specializes in potables and libations primarily. I’ll have to say, she’s perfected an impressive hard cider that has brought a great deal of attention to the Widow. Ciara is a gifted herbalist who has taken to growing and preparing the many herbs that are native as well as medicinal ones I use. Fiadh, the youngest, hasn’t gotten into a trade yet, but she helps me handle the books and maintain the storefront.
Vel mused that it seemed Aoibh had a nice arrangement, and she agreed she did.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: It’s a fair bit more crowded than it was when it just me and ma, but that’s the business of it.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And it’s good to have family you can rely.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: It is. Even if they’re only half-sisters, I still love them like my own.
Velameestra Windrunner says: They’re all half-sisters then?
Aoibh Reòthadh says: Aye. All four of us have different fathers.
Velameestra Windrunner says: …ah.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: My mother has a bad stroke of luck when it comes to matters of love.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m sorry to hear that.
Aoibh shrugged.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: Appreciated, but I lost my father long ago. I’m reasonably over it, so no worries there.
With each new piece of information Vel fished out, it was like a dagger through Kel’Thuzad’s heart. She mentally asked him if she should stop, and he assured her it was likely for the best he found out as much as he could as he didn’t believe he had the privilege of shielding himself from everything he had missed.
Kel'Thuzad says [telepathically]: …Four different husbands.
Aoibh, on the other hand, seemed to have decided to never get married, and she explained that everything she had learned she had learned from her mother over the years.
Uther had a light to his eyes that had not been present in a long time. He was singing as they were traveling, and the visible weight that had been on his shoulders didn’t seem to be impacting him at all. Vittoria joined in at points and was eager to point out anything Uther might have been interested in.
Luma was clearly bored out of their mind and had settled down to just pointing out cows and horses. Teemo made a small music box to try and help with the boredom.
There were cobblestone roads that branched all over, and they turned up one and headed toward the main road, which was silhouetted in the moonlight. In the distance, they could see a watchtower fortress that overlooked the area.
Vittoria explained that it was called Highperch, and Strom was clearly visible from the watchtower. Aoibh said it was a good place to make camp, and they pulled up off the side of the main road. Not too far off the beaten path, they saw a circle of stones in a valley beneath them. They were intricately laid cairn stones with old runes emblazoned on them. Each one had a large circle, within which a flickering mote of magic glowed. They seemed to be pointing in different directions.
Velameestra Windrunner says: What are those, Vittoria?
Vittoria Trollbane says: The Circle of Elements! An old ruin. It’s some sort of ancient ritual site for the people that practiced the Old Ways. There are a lot of stories about them.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: And I’m sure that most of them are false, but it would be smart if we kept our distance.
Vittoria Trollbane says: It’s true. They say the place was cursed by the people that predated the ancient Arathi. The ancient tribes that lived here. It’s said that giants built this place. There are circles like this all over the Highlands.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Vittoria, I think you gathered the interest of anyone here.
Vittoria Trollbane says: I’ve always been interested in them. This is the largest location of all of them though.
Velameestra Windrunner says: If you’re interested in telling them, Vittoria, I wouldn’t mind hearing them.
Vittoria Trollbane says: Well yeah, sure! You’ve heard the tale of King Thoradin, right?
Velameestra Windrunner says: We’re… intimately familiar with that now.
Uther Menethil says: I haven’t heard you tell it.
Vittoria blushed.
Liiraluma says: Well now I don’t want to hear it!
Vittoria laughed as Luma settled down to listen regardless. Vittoria explained it was said Thoridan met her ancestor on his own lands and waltzed into his camp to challenge him to a fight. It was said they fought and wrestled for three days, and Thoridan proved victorious, and offered her ancestor a hand, which resulted in the Arathi and Alterac forces to join together. From there, they traveled across the lands and befriended the other ancient tribes, which raised the empire.
However, in honor of Thoradin’s first friend, they named themselves Arathi, and Strom was named the heart of the empire. But even before that, it was said that the humans that lived in the highlands found the ancient sites and heard the voices of the land, which molded their perceptions and granted them strength.
They were sacred places, but in the years that followed, they who watched the cairn stones faded, and the rise of the church turned them into a thing of the past. The cairn stones became forgotten relics, and now people believe they can hear the whispers of the stones on a clear night, similar to that very night.
Vel asked if all of them had the lights upon them, and Vittoria said that the others were simply standing stones.
Vittoria Trollbane says: These ones are special, the ones of the Circle of the Elements. The Circles of Binding, as the others are called, look different. But it’s said each cairn stones points to the other circles of binding, almost like some sort of puzzle or diagram. I’ve always found it fascinating.
As they looked on, each stone resonated with a different element.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And they say the place is cursed?
Vittoria smiled.
Vittoria Trollbane says: Cursed and haunted by the spirits of before, warning those not to mess with the work laid down before, or perhaps asking for someone to pick up where they left off so some horrible monster isn’t unleashed.
Vel chuffed.
Velameestra Windrunner says: So the typical sorts of stories.
Vittoria Trollbane says: More or less!
Gil had already started to head down toward the stones.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Well. I had best ensure my brother doesn’t get cursed then… Aoibh, any requests for your quarters tonight? I’ll get that set up first.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: You’re designing quarters? I thought you were going to set up one of those… domes I’ve seen before.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Oh. No. This is something more akin to conjured demiplane.
Luma snorted.
Aoibh Reòthadh says: I wouldn’t be opposed to a warm bath.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That’s a given.
Vel pulled out a skeleton key and turned it in the face of a rock, opening up the doorway to the mansion. She said they could likely fit the horses inside, though the cart they would simply set up alarms around so they knew if it was tampered with. She welcomed Aoibh to make herself at home.
The rest of group made their way down to the standing stones and ended into the Circle of Elements. Vel and Gil looked around as they entered spiraling ring of stones. They didn’t see any ghosts, but there were some strange phenomena inside. The spiral on the ground had ancient magic that spun through it, but Vel could see active magic churning through the stones.
Vel could trace where the magic ran, and as she focused on it, she could see a beam of energy that focused beyond the stones as if it was refracting into a pattern around it. As Vel looked at it, she realized it was an extremely large and ancient magic circle that was very much active.
Velameestra Windrunner says: …Vittoria, you said that in some of those stories it was said the stones contained an ancient horror, did you not?
Vittoria Trollbane says: Aye, something of the like.
Velameestra Windrunner says: There’s active magic here. It’s… a magic circle of a size I don’t believe I’ve ever seen.
Vittoria Trollbane says: Wait, so there actually is something here?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes. You can’t see it with conventional sight, but there are tethers that appear to connect to the different Circles of Binding. It appears it may traverse the entirety of the Highlands…
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Magic on that scale dwarfs… well, just about anything, really.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That’s more on the scale of something like a mythal, which is the type of magic that was used to create the ban’dinoriel in Quel’Thalas…
The language that Vel could see written on the runestones appeared similar to Titanic, but not exact. It was almost a middle point between Titanic and Vrykul.
As Vel and Gil continued to look around, they caught movement up on a hill from the corners of their eyes. It was what appeared to be a large and wild-looking Stromic wolfhound. But it was glowing and partially translucent. As they looked at it, it turned away from them and disappeared over the crest of the hill.
Velameestra Windrunner says: …Gil, you saw that right?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Yeah, I’m following it.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Alright.
Vittoria asked what they saw, and Vel explained it was possibly a ghost-dog, and Vittoria excitedly asked what they were waiting for.
Teemo looked uncertain about the entire thing, clearly not sure about the possibility of chasing down a ghost, but Luma egged her on.
The dog started to run as if it realized they were now chasing it. Gil dimension door’d up and appeared up on the hill ahead of the dog. Vel followed suit, and the dirt around her whipped up, but she was able to cover her eyes and dispelled the dust devil-like magic that threatened to blind her. Uther also took up using his rockets.
Vittoria laughed as they all took off and she started to run after them.
Vittoria Trollbane says: Get em!
The dog looked at Gil and its eyes flashed. From Gil’s left, a stone glowed with elemental energy and flew at him. It slammed into his side to try and disrupt his magic, but Gil was able to push through the effect. Vel used [Wall of Force] and the hound started to flicker, but Uther talked into the wolfhound, and the force wall surrounded him.
But as Vel got a closer look at it, she realized it wasn’t an undead creature.
The dog growled at Uther and attempted to push him off, but Uther was too strong.
Uther Menethil says: Oh who's a fast boi! Whose a fast boi!
Wolfhound says: Let me go!
Uther Menethil says: The boy can talk!
Liiraluma says: Does that make it a best boy then?
Luma huffed and puffed as they caught up.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Uther, you can get off him though.
Uther Menethil says: Right, my apologies!
Uther released the wolfhound, and the creature started to shift and glow as he turned into a human man that looked to be no older than 20 or 25.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Wait… so you’re still around?
The man brushed dirt off his shoulders.
Mysterious Man says: That depends on who is asking. Is that why you all chased me down and penned me in this magic?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: To be fair, we thought you were a spiritual dog, not a person.
Mysterious Man says: And I thought you were tampering with the circle of stones.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Not tampering, just investigating.
Mysterious Man says: Why?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Curiosity.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Literally just that. Our friend was telling stories about them. We were in the area.
Vittoria caught up and also put her hands on her knees.
Vittoria Trollbane says: I was their friend!
Velameestra Windrunner says: My apologies.
She dropped the barrier.
Mysterious Man says: Seems we were both mistaken. I’ll be on my way then.
He turned to walk away.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Are you one of the cairnwatchers then?
The man looked back at her.
Mysterious Cairnwatcher says: I suppose you could call me that.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It’s a… fascinating example of magic. A magic circle of that degree is basically unprecedented.
Mysterious Cairnwatcher says: of course it is. What did you expect?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: A ghost.
Velameestra Windrunner says: There were a lot of embellishments in the stories. We didn’t know what to expect.
Vittoria Trollbane says: We didn’t even know your kind was still alive! I’m Vittoria, by the way.
Mysterious Cairnwatcher says: The princess?
Vittoria Trollbane says: I’m surprised you know that.
Mysterious Cairnwatcher says: The earth speaks. Your name is known. If you aren’t the ones tampering with the stones, I have no business with you.
Velameestra Windrunner says: There are people tampering with the stones?
The man paused and gritted his teeth as he realized that he had given away something he shouldn’t have. He said it was none of their business.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Judging from the size of the circle, I don’t want whatever it’s keeping in out.
Velameestra Windrunner says: if someone is tampering with them… we make it a habit of looking into such matters.
The cairnwatcher regarded the group.
In that moment, the group felt an ear-piercing sound that resonated through them. It felt like an earthquake in their minds, as if a crystal was cracking. Everyone doubled over, but Vel was able to make out a word. It was a feminine voice in Kalimag: “Help Me.”
The keening stopped and they were all stunned. As the group came too, Vel shook her head.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That was the elemental tongue. It said help me.
Mysterious Cairnwatcher says: You know it?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes. I know a smattering of languages.
Liiraluma says: Understatement!
Vittoria Trollbane says: She does know what she’s talking about.
Uther Menethil says: We have a habit of falling into places where we can do some good.
The cairnwatcher was clearly considering as they continued to regroup from the noise, their ears still ringing, and he sighed.
Mysterious Cairnwatcher says: I cannot tell you what’s going on… but I can take you to someone who can.
Vel asked if they were nearby, and he clarified they were not, but he could take them there quickly. After some discussion, and a promise from the man they would be returned before dawn, Vel used sending to alert Aoibh they had run into one of the cairnwatchers and would be back in a few hours, but assured her the mansion would be safe.
The man introduced himself as Chulainn, and as he returned to the Circle of Elements, his hand glowed with earthen magic. In a very old dialect of Arathi he spoke.
Chulainn says [arathi]: Veins of the earth, return us to our destination. Let us travel upon you.
The earthen magic spiraled out and caused the circle to alight. In a cousin of a teleportation spell, they disappeared and reappeared underground. The sky was no longer visible, and they were not sure where they were geographically. However, the most noteworthy thing they saw was that there were large stalactites that had wood built around them. There were also bright lights in the cavern, and it appeared to be well lit by candles.
There were scaffoldings of wood and small domiciles built in and around the stalactites. Bustling around were kobolds.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I… can’t say I was actually expecting kobolds.
Chulainn says: The Drywhisker are ancient allies of my master. So long as you pay them respect and you harbor no ill will toward their candles, you won’t find issue here.
He gestured for them to follow, and a few kobolds approached and started to chitter at the man. They were welcoming Chulainn back, and the man calmed them down with a raise of his hand. All the kobolds appeared to be wearing kobold-sized garments that were similar to Chulainn’s.
One of the kobolds asked why Chulainn brought outsiders because “Flintdagger” didn’t like them, and Chulainn addressed “Znort” that he knew, but he believed the outsiders could help. Another kobold looked at Teemo and said that “Sleeby” didn’t trust them. Teemo assured the kobold that they didn’t have to, and maybe they could trust them after they helped with the circles.
Chulainn says: Don’t mind them. Master Fozruk is the one that makes the call here.
Another kobold named “Feeboz” told the others to keep an eye on the over dwellers while he went to alert Flintdagger.
The group followed Chulainn through the under and overpasses, and he warned them to mind the wax. As they made their way to the center, they saw a massive cairn stone that was covered in wax and runes.
Chulainn knelt at the cairn stone and made a few gestures.
Chulainn says: Master Fozruk, I beseech thee. While checking on the Circle of Elements, I encountered a group of outsiders, but they were not the ones that tampered with the Circles of Binding. I seek your guidance, and they seek your council. Please appear before us.
It was silent for a moment, but then the cairn stone started to tremble, and they heard a voice respond in a mysterious language.
Fozruk says [giant]: So it seems.
A part of the cairn moved, and one section of it pulled itself up and stood. Two great eyes opened upon the stone.The wax-covered, rune-engraved cairn stone was actually a grand mountain giant. It was one of the largest they had ever seen.
Fozruk spoke in common as he addressed the group.
Fozruk says: You… you are from the Highlands above?
Vittoria nodded.
Vittoria Trollbane says: Yes, great one. I am princess Vittoria of Stromgarde. Are we beneath the Highlands right now?
Fozruk nodded.
Fozruk says: In a fashion, yes. This domicile resides within the mountains near the Binding Circles.
Vittoria smiled.
Vittoria Trollbane says: I guess that makes you our neighbor then!
The mountain giant offered a low gravely chuckle.
Fozruk says: I suppose you are right. Chulainn. You say these strangers wish to know how they can help?
Chulainn nodded.
Fozruk says: Why do you wish to help us in our matters? They do not concern you and I can offer no reward.
Velameestra Windrunner says: The binding circles are keeping something contained, yes? I imagine it is something that shouldn’t be released?
Fozruk says: Perhaps, yes.
Vittoria Trollbane says: And if we’re neighbors, if you aren’t able to do our job, we’d suffer as much as you, yes?
Fozruk says: Wise.
Uther shrugged.
Uther Menethil says: I just like solving plights.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’ve made several promises that will elicit my help.
Fozruk says: I see. You have found interesting friends, Chulainn.
Chulainn says: They–
Chulainn sighed.
Chulainn says: Thank you, master.
Fozruk sat down with a loud crash. He leaned forward.
Fozruk says: You are correct. That which you know as the Circle of Elements holds a powerful elemental princess who has been imprisoned for millennia. When this world was young, when we shaped it along with the Shapers, the elements raged. In shadows they schemed and twisted. They forced the lands, the fires, and the airs and waters into shapes unnatural and wrathful. This land was once ruled by an elemental master. A princess of earth by the name of Myzrael. In ancient times, my kin rose against her. Unseated her from her throne, and built this prison for her. The Circles of Binding, and the Circle of Elements… the earth itself would be her prison. Until such a time that she could be sent back to her home. There are two of us now who watch over these circles. My kin… the millennia have not been kind to them. We now protect these circles, teach what must be done to maintain them to those whose ears can hear the earth’s call. But… the circles have attracted the attention of outsiders who have tampered with them. We do not know what they seek. Only that should they continue… the binding circle beneath which Myzrael is imprisoned will be in jeopardy. It is not the first time that the forces of darkness have sought to free her, but we are few, and though Chulainn and the Drywhisker seek to continue our good work, I do not know if they can do it alone. We can only be in so many places at once. You do not speak to the earth, but perhaps the perspective of mortal eyes from different places may reveal something that we missed.
Vel asked if they had gotten any descriptions of the people that were tampering with the circles, and Fozruk explained they had only seen evidence, as they were quick to test the Circles of Binding and then leave the scene.
She asked if the tampering had been at all of them, and Fozruk clarified it had only been at the circle of west and inner binding so far. Gil asked Vittoria if she knew those locations, and she confirmed they were well-known landmarks. They were only a short way south of where they were camping, and near Thoradin’s wall.
Fozruk says: If you find anything in your investigations… then reach out to me or to my apprentice. And should you require further assistance, my brother Thenan oversees the western-most circles. He too may be able to assist you.
Chulainn says: I suppose that means that I am going to be assisting you, whether you like it or not.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Yeah, that’s what friends do.
Chulainn scoffed. He handed Vel a small stone that had a rune in it, and Vel mentioned she was just about to ask if he had one of those.
Chulainn says: Do you… have one then?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I do. If you would like I can just attune yours to mine.
Chulainn sighed, but handed a similar stone over. He asked them to reach out to him when they reached one of the Circles of Binding and he could meet them there.
Fozruk says: Thank you, mortals. Your interest in the plights of the earth has not gone unnoticed.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It seems the earth has had a great many plights recently. If one of them can be resolved, all the better.
Chulainn says: I’ll return you to the Circle of Elements.
Chulainn once more transferred them through the earth to the circle of standing stones they had left, and Vel thanked him for the swift return.
Chulainn says: Thank you for offering to assist. Even if I’m not certain you’ll be able to find much.
Gil grinned.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: You might be surprised.
Chulainn says: I suppose I won’t be opposed to being pleasantly surprised. I’ll get back to what I was doing.
Vittoria Trollbane says: It was nice to meet you, by the way. I know you aren’t technically a part of Stromgarde, but you are a child of the Highlands, so I’m glad to know you’re here watching our back.
As Chulainn went about his rounds, he scoffed, and Vittoria chuckled, recognizing the type of guy he was.
They headed back to the mansion and Vittoria excitedly talked about what they had just seen.
Vittoria Trollbane says: What was that thing we spoke to?!
Velameestra Windrunner says: A mountain giant.
Vittoria Trollbane says: So you’ve seen them before!?
Velameestra Windrunner says: We fought alongside a couple… during the period we were believed dead.
Vittoria Trollbane says: There’s been one, nay, two! Living in our Highlands this entire time! Makes you wonder what other mysteries are out there, eh?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Countless ones.
Uther Menethil says: We’ll perhaps need to find them.
Vittoria chuckled, but the noise was interrupted by a yawn, and she suggested they hold off on finding other mysteries until the morning. She grabbed Uther’s hand as they entered the mansion to explore it a bit before they went to bed.
Aoibh was surprised to see they had returned so soon, and they gave her a brief summary of what had happened, but Vel said that ultimately they were still going to speak to Aoibh’s mother first as it didn’t appear that matters were going to crumble overnight.