[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Seventy-Four

Appearing Characters: Ailen Astravar, Arthak Saurfang, Aurore Astravar, Ly'leth Lunastre, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Rak'Symma, Randeth Duskmere, Reydan Duskmere, Riema Dawnrunner, Ruven Duskmere, Selora, Seria, Sol'chi, Thisalee Crow, Volrath, Zar'Kaa

December 22nd

Seria went to meet with Volrath as well as Nyxxa and Arthak in the office on the Reuniter. She retold the story of what had happened with Zar’Kaa earlier that day, and Volrath sat listening intently. When Seria completed the retelling, he sighed.

Volrath says: I’m sorry you encountered this issue so quickly, Seria. Now I suppose I want to talk to all of you about what the best course of action would be. How do we want to follow up?

He looked over at Arthak and Nyxxa as well.

Volrath says: This is a personal matter between the two of you, but I have no problems stepping in if you think that’s what’s best. Or, as your group will be traveling together, I can leave this in your hands.
Arthak Saurfang says: Respectfully, this is an internal matter, and a personal one. I don’t know the history. I was not there. If this ends up becoming a problem in the field, that’s a different matter, but for now this is something that is not my place.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I’d like to know how he thinks that conversation went. And I’d like to get Bru’kan’s opinion.
Volrath says: A sound plan. And what about you, Zen’seria? This is your decision. If you don’t feel comfortable with your current assignment, I can see if we can reach out to Zen’tabra to see if she can meet up with you.
Seria says: I’ll be fine. I just wanted you to be aware.

Volrath thanked her, and Arthak agreed knowing was important. Volrath looked at Nyxxa.

Volrath says: I’ll be looking to you to mediate. I appreciate what you’ve done so far.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Of course, it’s my job. And Seria, if you want to talk to him again and follow up, I can accompany you. But that is up to you.
Seria says: I’ll keep that in mind.

Volrath wished them the best of luck, and he asked for Seria to continue to keep him informed. However, he had one final request, and he pulled out a cigar and looked at Arthak, who lit it, and Volrath went out to have a smoke.

A bit later, the group returned to Shal’Aran and Nyxxa announced there was something she wished to inform them all of.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: On behalf of the Illidari it has been my job to bridge the gap concerning the Red Mist. I wanted to let you all know that Kilnar is forming a committee. Given there are people on multiple sides and a rare opportunity to discuss this topic, it’s better to approach this research more formally. So once we are finished with Suramar, for now, the first gathering will occur.
So'chi says: So who is going to have representation and sit in on this committee?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: The first one is just those with information or general interest.

Zar’Kaa said he was intending on going, and Nyxxa added that Remnii had been researching the matter for years at this point, in addition to the sin’dorei and the arakkoa. Rak’Symma suggested she could see if Dawn and some hexxers could arrive, though Dawn was a bit preoccupied.

Rak'Symma says: It’s actually with good news. There’s going to be a new matriarch on Highmountain.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Oh! Congratulations!

Symma had a proud but confused expression, as the entire matter had progressed very quickly.

Meanwhile, the mana wyrms had started to adapt to their new surroundings around the Arcan’dor quite well, and they had readily taken to preying upon the locusts. The tree had started to grow some branches, and it appeared to be actively approaching the first critical juncture.

The group headed back into Suramar City at dusk, and Ly’leth awaited them in the dining hall. She clapped her hands cheerfully as she greeted them.

Ly'leth Lunastre says: Splendid work, all of you! I hope you had some good rest, but it seems your visit to the Twilight Vineyards bore significant fruit. I just received word from our mutual friend from the gondolas and apparently just earlier this morning, they started receiving a most generous trickle of arcwine from a most curious source. I’m not sure how you pulled it off, but well done, all of you. It seems our motions are kicking into gear, and just in time. I just received word that Elisande will be appointing her advisor in three days time.
Arthak Saurfang says: So we have a small window with which to ensure your appointment.
Ly'leth Lunastre says: That we do. It’ll be taking place at midnight three days from now. So we have tonight and the next two nights to do what we can. Where things stand at present, I’d say I have a decent running, but I don’t like decent. Decent won’t ensure the city won’t fall to ruin by having another yes-man installed next to Elisande. Decent doesn’t ensure I have an ear on the pulse of the city to ensure our book club gets what it needs to do its work. So I would beg one more boon of you. But we’ll need to approach this carefully. Campaigning in the streets is helpful, but truthfully we need the support of the other houses. There are plenty who are already committed to one way or another, but there are some who are undecided. People I believe that should be the first we approach. There is of course the option of a more aggressive campaign strategy, in which we utilize the perceptions of the public to bend the opinion in our favor. We might even be able to do both. Amongst the more neutral noble house, lady Aurore of House Astravar is the most prominent. The grand harbor bears her house’s name. They tend to be somewhat moderate. I’m personal friends with Aurore, but I would not begrudge her being cautious. But if we earn her vote, others will follow.

Arthak asked for clarification that she was seeking them to do a favor for Aurore in exchange for her vote, and Ly’leth admitted the nobles often worked in transactional ways. Arthak acknowledged the notion was something he was familiar with, and Ly’leth thanked him for his patience.

Arthak then asked about the more aggressive strategy, and Ly’leth added she had considered the idea of ensuring the populace was talking about good things they have done, and bad things competitors have. Nyxxa said she was curious about how her competitors thought about alternates to arcwine, and Ly’leth agreed she wanted to see what was going on behind the curtains since the Legion arrived.

Stelleris, however, remained Ly’leth’s chief rival, as his family had accolades in the Duskwatch and in the more influential regions of artifice in the city. The house promised law and order, something the public was quick to buy into. Arthak asked if he had any political weaknesses, and Ly’leth smiled.

Ly'leth Lunastre says: House Stelleris and House Duskmere have always had favorable relations, but Duskmere has always been the more wealthy and popular of the two, especially amongst the younger generations. While Coryn and Ruven are friends, I daresay with the right angle one could perhaps… push things in certain directions. Directions that could repaint their friendship as something with a bit more animosity.
Arthak Saurfang says: Drive a wedge.
Ly'leth Lunastre says: Indeed. If their supporters begin to cannibalize each other, we could sweep up the scraps.
Arthak Saurfang says: I may have some ideas.
Ly'leth Lunastre says: It was brought up earlier that there was an information broker that master Vanthir had recommended. We may be able to reach out to him and see what kind of persuasive efforts he might be able to help with.
Zar'Kaa says: As part of the average campaign in this city, how does that work? Is it debates, is it some sort of build up?
Ly'leth Lunastre says: Nothing so drawn out. This is a situation where the opinions of the populace only matter as much as the nobles that wish to control them. When things come down to it, this will be a meeting of the houses and Elisande herself at the Sanctum of Order. The nominees can state their case, and then the vote will be cast.. Before sunrise, Elisande will have a new advisor.
Zar'Kaa says: So the populace doesn’t decide… but they hold some influence with some of the nobles?

Ly’leth confirmed the populace will remember if a slandered noble is elevated, and they will talk. Elisande wouldn’t want them to talk. Zar’Kaa suggested they spread a narrative through the clinic he had set up, and Arthak said he could likely draft something that could be distributed, like papers and the like slandering different houses from other houses.

Ly’leth offered them breakfast, and the group grabbed some food before they headed out to visit with House Astravar. She also met with Seria and asked if she needed a mask to disguise herself in the city, but Seria effortlessly was able to mask her own appearance. She opted to disguise herself as a felblood elf like Levia, but her skin was more grey, and she had curved horns on her head coming out of her long black hair.

The Guilded Market was the seat of the house, which was filled with many shops and stalls that were selling all sorts of things. There were even shopping malls and super stores that people could find many different shops in one place. It was one of the most high class areas in the city because of the sheer amount of wealth that was funneled into it.

Symma asked if Sol could answer a question for her, and Symma gestured out to the shops.

Rak'Symma says: Why do people need so much… stuff?
Sol'chi says: Well, a lot of the things here are mostly vices. You know how some of the harpies love to grab shiny things? Think of it like that, except there’s a lot of demand for shiny things, and they disappear as they are used, so you have to keep getting shiny things. Thus, a gathering like this happens. And then there’s food and other things.
Rak'Symma says: The necessities I understand, but this seems… excessive.
Sol'chi says: True. Some of this is for show. To catch the eye. And people buy things they don’t need a lot of time, but advertisements make things seem more desirable than they actually are. You buy one thing, return home, and end up dissatisfied.
Rak'Symma says: So it’s just… deception and lies?
Sol'chi says: Yeah, I’d say a good half of it is. Not all of it, but yeah.
Thisalee Crow says: It’s kind of like a bird’s mating dance!

They made their way to the southern edge of the Guilded Market where House Astravar was located. However, when Symma, disguised as Anarys, greeted them and explained why they arrived, she was informed Aurore was not presently seeing guests. It was clear the man was entirely genuine

Symma sighed.

Rak'Symma says: You know, my sister would be disappointed if I didn’t at least offer to help. Is there anything we can do?
Astravar Guard says: Regrettably, I believe it would be… I wish I had another answer for you, but I fear lady Lunastre will need to take the disappointment for the time being.
Rak'Symma says: You know how well she does that. It may be beyond you, but… if you speak to Aurore, just assure her that if there’s anything house Lunastre can do, she might as well take the helpful hand.

She handed off the letter of intent to the steward, who nodded.

Astravar Guard says: I will get this to her, but I insist it’s not wise for you to be seen here. Don’t expect a follow-up.
Rak'Symma says: Would it make any difference if I came in alone?

The guard glanced at the other guard, but said that doing so would make things even more complicated.

Astravar Guard says: If you were to relay all this to your sister, that will only get worse…. Come inside. I’ll pass this message to Aurore and see if she can grant you an audience. But I hope she doesn’t fire me for this.

While the conversation was going on, Sol stealthily cast [Detect Thoughts]. They were led into an external garden, and Sol threw his perceptions toward the guard, who was still thinking about how complicated matters were going to get and that he hoped none of “his men” saw them come in.

Before too long, a nightborne woman met them. She appeared to be similar in page to Ly’leth, and she wore a large, puffy dress that was relatively low-cut. Her hair was done up in a hasty-looking braid that was tied with a bow that looked like a dolphin’s tail. She offered a smile and curtsy.

Aurore Astravar says: Hello everyone, I’m terribly sorry about the uncharacteristically terse greeting you received. I sincerely hope that your dear sister takes no offense. Please… may I help you? I’m a bit busy, but since you’re here, I’ll hear you out briefly.

The surface thoughts Sol was getting was a series of “this is bad, this is very bad”.

Rak'Symma says: I’m sorry, Aurore, but your guard reported distress and if I reported that to my sister she would be knocking down your door.
Aurore Astravar says: What, me? No. Not at all.

Sol continued to get thoughts about “I need to convince them to leave, this is not good”. She was clearly distressed, though there didn’t seem to be an immediate threat in the area.

Aurore Astravar says: I’m very sorry, Anarys, it’s something you and your sister should not get involved with. I know you mean well, but I beg of you, please… please just go home. And tell Ly’leth that everything is fine. Will you please do this for me?
Rak'Symma says: As much as I love lying to my sister, she also knows when I do.
Aurore Astravar says: Of course she does… I presume she sent you here to secure my vote for the impending election?
Rak'Symma says: She was actually wondering if you needed help.
Aurore Astravar says: Yes, I’m sure that’s what she told you to tell me.
Rak'Symma says: She’ll just come herself if I return empty-handed.
Aurore Astravar says: You’re right, you’re right. It’s bad enough you’re here, but if Ly’leth was here… it might already be too late at this point.
Rak'Symma says: Besides, this is the first time I made myself a nuisance.
Aurore Astravar says: Dear Anarys… I… you aren’t the first to arrive. Last night, lord Duskmere made a visit. He asked for my support in the coming vote, this was before we even received notice… he came and asked for my support. I could not give him a promise. There are too many… master Duskmere’s extremist policies would my constituents concerned, but he said he could promise me that if I supported him he could ensure that my life and my son’s would continue as normal… I sent him away, but this evening my son was gone, and I don’t know where he is. I didn’t think that’s what he meant! And now there’s nothing I can do! And if he knows you’re here then–

Symma took Aurore’s hands in hers briefly, but released them before her illusion failed.

Aurore Astravar says: If you’re seen here, and if he took my boy… if the people who took him, if they saw you here… I… I fear for his life. What if they hurt him because they know I’m in contact with competition?
Rak'Symma says: Then he’d be a fool.
Aurore Astravar says: That’s why I tried to send you away.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Then we need to find him.
Rak'Symma says: We’ll leave. We haven’t been here long, we were simply be pushed back through the door.

Zar’Kaa asked if the woman knew where her son was being held, but Aurore had no idea and she was terrified that if they tried scrying or finding him they would hurt her son. Zar’Kaa asked if he could discreetly check the perimeter, but Aurore shook her head and said if anyone was watching the house, they might get keyed off they were looking.

Arthak emphasized that he was not comfortable with that risk, as it was too much risk to the son, whose name was Ailen, and Aurore had been through enough.

They returned to the bustling city of Suramar, and Sol cast [Invisibility] on Zar’Kaa as he set off to try and pick up any sort of trail. However, there didn’t seem to be one, so Ailen was likely not drug out with any sort of struggle.

Thisalee suggested they could maybe reach out to Silgryn to put some pressure on it, but Arthak said that Duskwatch getting involved was too risky. Nyxxa suggested just informing Silgryn, and Arthak agreed informing just Silgryn was wise. Thisalee said she could take care of that, and she took off.

Sol suggested they maybe talk to the animals, and Seria volunteered to do so. Sol gave her a treat to give to any of them with good information, but Seria just took the treat herself when she turned into an animal and scurried off. Before too long, she found a gang of mana pigeons and asked if they had seen anything weird. One of the pigeons proclaimed there was unauthorized aerial transportation happening the prior night, and he knew for sure it was unauthorized because he kept a tight ship. They had bombarded the figure, but then it disappeared.

Seria reported back, and it seemed likely Ailen had been taken by a sayaad.

Meanwhile, Symma went to a restaurant and pretended to have been stood up on a date with a bunch of dramatic sighs and frustrations. Before too long, a nightborne woman Symma did not recognize but seemed to recognize Anarys came over to greet her and ask what was wrong, and Symma went on a long tirade about how they were stood up on a date.

Unknown to Symma, it was Riema Dawnrunner, who Sol had met, who was apparently a very supportive friend that was also low-key into Anarys.

Arthak opted to meditate and open his senses, trying to get a feel for some sort of intuition. He simply started to walk. He didn’t know why, or how, but there was some sort of nudge toward something unknown. However he had an earnest belief he would find something when he was meant to find it.

Sol pulled his two simulacrum into the city, and then head headed off to talk to the sayaad they had in custody. Selora was in her assigned room playing some sort of board game, and she furrowed her brow as Sol and his cohorts entered. He was disguised as Socrethar, and two other unnamed demons that had been killed on Draenor.

He asked how Selora was doing, and she asked who they were supposed to be. Sol said they needed to know where Ruven would bring a kidnapping victim, and Selora demanded to know who he even worked for. Sol said he worked for himself, and he could make her stay more comfortable if she cooperated.

Selora says: In what way? I’m plenty comfortable here.

Another of the simulacrums pointed out it could be made more uncomfortable. A lot more so. Selora shrugged and assumed Sol was likely in league with the others that captured her..

Selora says: I’m surprised Duskmere went and did it.
Sol'chi says: He’s been discussing it for a while?
Selora says: The possibility was raised. Who did he wind up taking? Or am I not allowed to know that?
Sol'chi says: Ailen.
Selora says: That makes sense. He has a number of warehouses on Moonlit Landing. I don’t know which one, but I can give you a few addresses. Maybe you’ll find the right one.

She handed over some addresses and leaned right up to the edge of the magic circle.

Selora says: A word of advice. Maybe you should stick to playing good boy. You don’t look like you enjoy threatening people much.
Sol'chi says: I don’t! That’s how you make people dislike you a lot!
Selora says: You don’t say. How were you planning on making my stay better here? Or was that a lie?
Sol'chi says: No, I plan on giving you something. You spend a lot of time here?
Selora says: Ever since one of you knocked me unconscious.
Sol'chi says: You like any books?
Selora says: I could go for a bad romance novel. I’m not much a reader, but I could use something to do with my hands. Unless you want to come, of course.
Sol'chi says: No, I’m fine. I’ll try to find you a book.
Selora says: Open offer. Happy hunting!

Meanwhile, Nyxxa went back to the Duskmere estate and she made her way to speak to Ruven, who was apparently expecting her. She knocked and Ruven greeted her tersely, but then realized who she was. He clarified the house guards couldn’t tell the difference between the demons, but he was glad to see her. However, he had been quite busy given the time was running down until the advisorship election.

Nyxxa asked if there was anything she could help with.

Ruven Duskmere says: Why… actually, I think there might be.

He stood up.

Ruven Duskmere says: Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’ve spoken with Anarys Lunastre, yes?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Yes, they are one of my friends in the city.
Ruven Duskmere says: What have they been up to lately? I heard they had a recent visit to the Twilight Vineyards, I presume you were there as well, yes?

Nyxxa nodded.

Ruven Duskmere says: Given their sister is trying to become an advisor, have you noticed any campaigning?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Anarys has been trying to get out of the house. They’ve been fighting a lot.
Ruven Duskmere says: I see…
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I’ve been keeping them company mostly.
Ruven Duskmere says: Tell me, how close are you two?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I don’t know, they’re rather fickle.
Ruven Duskmere says: They can be. Poor Reydan had his heart nearly broken. They do seem like a rather fair-weather friend, unlike me, of course.

Nyxxa cocked her head to the side.

Ruven Duskmere says: I’m not optimistic for my chances, so I’ve tried some unorthodox campaigning. I think you can help me. Could you bring Anarys here?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Well, I brought them here before. So probably!

Nyxxa relayed the notion over the telepathic bond, and Rak’Symma confirmed she was fine with the plan.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I can do it!

Ruven smiled.

Ruven Duskmere says: Excellent. I look forward to your visit then.

He ran his thumb along the edge of Nyxxa’s chin and tipped her face up.

Ruven Duskmere says: I did luck out having someone like you stroll through my door, didn’t I?
Rak'Symma says [telepathic bond]: I suppose if he tries to kill me, I could just kill him back.

Nyxxa smiled.

Sol went out to try and narrow down the warehouses while Arthak continued to follow his intuition.

Nyxxa convened with Symma to bring her to the Duskmere manor. She found her still talking to Riema. Nyxxa informed her that Reydan wanted to apologize, and several nightborne that were listening gasped, but then hastily looked away like they weren’t listening. Riema expressed her shock but encouraged Symma to go, but once Symma and Nyxxa left, the woman sighed in frustration.

As they approached the manor, they were actually intercepted by Ruven, who informed them there was construction so they were going to go through a back way. Nyxxa could see that there was a sayaad with him, but Rak’Symma could only see the sayaad in her disguise, which was Reydan. “Reydan” said he wanted to apologize to Anarys, and started to approach, at which point the sayaad attempted to charm Rak’Symma.

However, then Nyxxa’s eyes widened as she saw the real Reydan walk around the corner.

Reydan Duskmere says: Brother? What’s going on? I heard you talking about Anarys earlier–

Ruven sighed loudly.

Ruven Duskmere says: Oh Reydan, you should have known your place, brother.

Then Reydan saw the sayaad that looked like him.

Reydan Duskmere says: What are you doing to them!?

At that moment, Ruven disappeared, and then reappeared directly in front of his brother.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Wait!

Ruven’s blade was drawn and then there was a splash of blood. Reydan was tossed to the side, a slash straight up through one of his eyes. He was barely conscious, but not looking good at all. He looked at Nyxxa.

Ruven Duskmere says: Were you saying something, my dear?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I was just going to say that it would have been better if it wasn’t your weapon…
Ruven Duskmere says: Ah, you’re right. Would you help me, Nymecia, and ensure he’s not found?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Of course my lord!

Over the telepathic bond, Nyxxa asked Zar’Kaa to meet her at the Duskmere estate, and she went to take Reydan back after she turned invisible with him and took off. She teleported straight into the patriarch’s room, who was taken aback, but Nyxxa hastily explained what happened and that a doctor was on the way. Lord Randeth shouted for the guards and ordered them to allow the doctor in when he arrived, and Nyxxa gave the entire story of what was going on.

Randeth Duskmere says: I can’t believe this…

Zar’Kaa arrived on the scene as soon as he could and was allowed inside, but then Zar’Kaa heard the sound of a blade activating. Zar’Kaa spun around and sliced the guard’s throat open. Two other guards drew their weapons and charged at him, but other guards started to fight them off. One of the guards ordered Zar’Kaa to get into the room and help Reydan.

Seria, meanwhile, had taken off to tail Symma.

Zar’Kaa got into the room and managed to stabilize Reydan amidst a bunch of produse thanks from the patriarch. He turned to Nyxxa and told her to stop his other son. Nyxxa promised they would, and she and Zar’Kaa hurried out to rendezvous with the others.

Meanwhile, Symma was being taken by Ruven to a warehouse. There were other sayaad there, as well as some soldiers, and she heard snarling as a number of mana sabers noted they entered. However, near the back of the warehouse hovered a malevolent creature. It was a monstrous, grotesque demon with deep green skin. It was covered in armor, but had no legs, simply wispy energy. On his back was a large cage made of black metal. In the cage was a young nightborne man that looked despondent and terrified. He had the same colored hair as Lady Astravar.

Ruven Duskmere says: There’s been a change of plans! We’re going to be moving warehouses when I hear back from one of our agents.

A guard asked how they were going to transport them, and Ruven asked if another jailer can be acquired. A sayaad said it would take time.

Ruven Duskmere says: We don’t have time. So I suppose we’ll need to make do.

Fel magic wreathed around his arm as he started to cast a powerful summoning spell. He spoke in eredun, and his veins turned black as his eyes sank into his skull, his eyes alight with fel energy. The summoning circle started to grow erratic.

Ruven Duskmere says: Don’t just stand there!

He barked at the other mages, and they put their own energy into the circle. One of the mages caught on fire and he started to scream. They exploded into a pile of ash, and a doomguard was right where the prior mage had been. Ruven’s eyes were wide and mad with power.

Ruven Duskmere says: you! I’m your master now!
Summoned Doomguard says: As you command.

He commanded the doomguard to take “Anarys”, who continued to pretend she was charmed as she asked where everyone was. Symma heard Reydan’s voice in her mind, as the sayaad tried to command her.

Duskmere Sayaad says: Follow this kind gentleman. Do whatever he says.

Symma took a step forward, and the doomguard yanked her deeper into the warehouse. The jailer demon waved his finger and chains wrapped around Symma’s arms, clueless that she could slip them with ease. Ruven started to pace back and forth, waiting for his satyr to arrive.