[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Seventy-Three

Appearing Characters: Amber Kearnen, Aoibh Reòthadh, Aliden Perenolde, Danath Trollbane, Galen Trollbane, Gilveradin Windrunner, Liiraluma, Myrtle, Samuel Hawke, Sully McLeary, Teemo Manabrake, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner

November 21st

After Vel was confident Aoibh had her story set, she set up a new telepathic bond between the pair of them and set off into the castle to get a read on the situation at large. She stuck largely to higher places and she started to focus on the various help staff.

She ended up in one of the washer rooms and she heard some of the younger waitstaff talking about the One-Eyed Gryphon, which drew her attention.

Curious Waitstaff says: Did you hear, some of the soldiers said they returned from a skirmish with the Gryphon?
Embellishing Waitstaff says: Is it true she eats the eyes out of her enemies to regrow her own?

They continued back and forth with ludicrous stories, and one of them said they heard a rumor she was a jilted lover of Galen’s that he had turned away, but then an older woman scoffed and both of the younger ones looked at her.

Older Waitstaff says: There’s plenty of funny things around here. But that ain’t one, not really.

She moved up to the younger pair and quieted her voice.

Older Waitstaff says: Word of advice, ladies… sometimes rumors like that are better left unspoken.

The other two looked a bit taken-aback and they argued they were just talking. The older woman got a serious look.

Older Waitstaff says: I’ve seen people thrown down in the streets for less, and you’d be lucky if that’s all that happened to you.

The woman smiled and moved back to her workstation to get a pile of clothes to take off to where it belonged. The two girls were confused, but one of the girls waved her off as old Myrtle. However, they did not breach the topic of jilted lovers again.

Vel moved on, and she wound up seeing more “special advisors” that wore no iconography, but had Alteraci accents and occasional signet rings. Some of them had rings that indicated nobility. However, after she empowered her eye to use truesight, she noted three individuals that were all using magic to disguise themselves.

They were drakonids, and she saw two of them meeting and having a discussion in draconic in passing.

Ambitious Drakonid says [draconic]: So what’s the plan now?
Sly Drakonid says [draconic]: We’ll have to report back. Without the princess… we’ll need some other incentive.
Ambitious Drakonid says [draconic]: Well, she’s not the only princess.
Sly Drakonid says [draconic]: Fair point, but this one didn’t have an archmage as a mother.

They laughed and continued on. Vel immediately pieced together they were talking about potential leverage, specifically against Uther. It was also likely Aliden did not know the true identities of them. Vel made a mental note of their appearances and identities, and she moved on.

She attempted to find Galen specifically, and she found him. At first, he was alone, pacing back and forth in a meeting chamber. He then sat down, his head in his hands as he nursed a stein of some sort of libation. But not long after, the door slipped open, and a familiar figure walked in. It was Aliden Perenolde.

Aliden Perenolde says: Your Majesty… you have my deepest and most sincere condolences for your most untimely loss.
Galen Trollbane says: I don’t need your condolences, Perenolde. I need you to figure out what happened to her. Who did this? Where are they?

Aliden nodded.

Aliden Perenolde says: Of course, your Majesty. I am but a humble servant, but there are a number of other points of interest we should discuss first, don’t you think?

Galen whipped the half-drunk tankard at Aliden, who dodged with a shift of his head. Galen slammed his fist on the table.

Galen Trollbane says: I don’t give a bloody damn about any other business right now! If you and your two-timing snakes are good for anything, then you’ll learn what happened to my Vittoria, and you’ll bring their still-bleeding heads here! We’re making a formal announcement in three days time, I want them dead by then! Do you understand me?
Aliden Perenolde says: We will do everything in our power to make that happen… that being said, I would remind you Stromgarde is a large kingdom and we have little to work with.
Galen Trollbane says: The coroner. She’s the one that found her. Squeeze her for whatever information you need. And if she’s responsible, or involved, I expect you to make sure she learns what happens to those who cross me.

Aliden nodded.

Aliden Perenolde says: But of course, your Majesty. There is of course the matter of… well… as you know, we are compensated for our services. But unless you wish for this story to be shared with individuals I am uncertain you would wish to bring in on this blind spot you’ve found yourself with…?

Galen scowled and grit his teeth.

Galen Trollbane says: You’ll have what you need. Double it. As long as I get what I want, and as long as news of this doesn’t get back to the High King, you’ll have as much coin as you want, you bloody parasite.
Aliden Perenolde says: But of course. As ever… house Perenolde is happy to aid our dear friends from Arathi. And of course foster a long-term friendship between our families.

Galen hissed.

Galen Trollbane says: See to it. Leave me.
Aliden Perenolde says: Of course, your majesty.

As Aliden turned to leave, his eyes looked up at Vel in passing, and he grinned faintly. He brushed a hand through his hair, signing “enjoying the show?” However, Vel did not confirm nor deny it.

Gil put an order in with Luma for three sending stones that he requested to be “distinctly Gil-like but also subtle”. Luma scoffed, stating that was a contradiction, but they ultimately took the commission, and Teemo also offered to dedicate some time to it.

Uther went to a place where off-duty soldiers went to get drunk to see if he could get a read on Danath Trollbane, Galen’s cousin and also a man that Vittoria affectionately referred to as “uncle”. The establishment was called the Wobbly Shepherd, which was owned by an ex-soldier.

A young waitress approached him and welcomed him into the tavern. Uther requested their house special and then sat down to enjoy his meal. He was served with a hearty beef stew in a bread bowl with butterfly mashed potatoes on the bottom and a cranberry mead with a cherry. Uther immediately tore into the meal and opted to mingle around the tavern.

He heard from some of the soldiers that they had recently returned with Danath from the frontlines when they were recalled by Galen after Vittoria was kidnapped. When Uther asked about Danath, the soldier explained the Grand Marshall was busy nowadays given he was trying to coordinate with the frontlines at the Bulwark while also trying to head the dealings against the League of Arathor.

The soldier, who was called Samuel Hawke, asked what sort of business Uther, who was going by Angus the Bastard, had with Danath.

Uther leaned forward and asked if they could keep a secret.

Samuel Hawke says: What kind of secret? One that’ll get me in trouble?
Uther Menethil says: Nothing of the sort!

One of the other guards opted to bite, and Uther smirked.

Uther Menethil says: Gonna be awfully difficult to marry my fiance if the League of Arathor has a hold of her. I’m here to get her back.

One of the soldiers laughed.

Veteran Soldier says: You must think you’re hot shit if you think the princess would marry you if you go off and rescue her!

Another soldier commented that Vittoria was already engaged. Samuel’s eyes went wide.

Samuel Hawke says: Aye, she bloody does, and I heard recently he came back. Are… are you bloody prince Uther?
Uther Menethil says: The very same.

The other soldiers jumped and Samuel chided them to not throw a fuss and keep it cool before he expressed it was a pleasure to meet Uther.

Samuel Hawke says: I suppose someone from your station would be in a much better position to get an audience with the Grand Marshall. I can see what I can do.
Uther Menethil says: I’d very much appreciate it. You all seem like a trustworthy bunch, but I am trying to avoid the fanfare that tends to come with my station.
Samuel Hawke says: You won’t have any issues with us, it must be rather nerve wracking to be traveling incognito. I’ll head back to the keep later and see if the Grand Marshall would be willing to meet you, and I’ll make sure it’s discrete. Do you mind if I let him know who you are?
Uther Menethil says: Not at all.
Samuel Hawke says: That’ll make it easier! I can’t say I’ve ever had the privilege of dining with royalty before!

Samuel put a hand up and ordered a round for them all.

Uther continued to get a read on various topics, and some of the soldiers talked about how the League of Arathor was a thorn in their sides for years as they attacked patrols and then effortlessly squirreled themselves away. However, Samuel furrowed his brow as he swirled his mug of mead, and he seemingly had more complex feelings about the matter. Uther raised an eyebrow at him.

Uther Menethil says: You feel differently, mister Hawke?
Samuel Hawke says: I suppose you can say that. I’m a quartermaster, supply officer by trade. It’s my job to make sure the men and women on the front have their supplies. I just…
Veteran Soldier says: Oh here he goes again!
Samuel Hawke says: The League don’t act like terrorists. They only attack military, never in their history have they gone after civilians. At most they’ve convinced suppliers to cut off supplies to the kingdom. The only people they’ve spread terror through is the fightin’ force. If anything, I’ve seen their fingerprints aiding the civilians. I know what the stories say, but the numbers don’t add up. I know we’ve all lost friends in skirmishes, but…

He sighed.

Uther Menethil says: They’re still your countrymen.
Samuel Hawke says: Aye, it seems like it! These aren’t just brigands and ruffians, in fact, on more than one occasion, the interference of the League has prevented actual banditry before we’ve gotten to it.
Veteran Soldier says: That’s how they get the populace to stand against us! Or they’re extracting protection from ‘em!
Samuel Hawke says: I don’t think that’s the case, not in this circumstance. I’ve spoken to people who were around them. A lot of them have nothing but good things to say. It’s only in cities like Strom that you got people speaking ill. Dunno if that’s good or bad, but frankly I’m sick of fighting. We’ve got bigger problems. But not everyone has seen the devastation in your backyard.
Uther Menethil says: Surprisingly difficult to impress the magnitude on people who haven’t seen it.

Samuel said it was just easier to point swords in one direction at a time, and not at their own kinsmen. Uther mused that the landscape of the Alliance shifted once the High King rose into power, and Samuel said things had gotten more interesting since that happened. Some of the contraptions the Dark Iron had brought with them were truly amazing, and he confirmed stories Uther had heard about them having drills that could come up behind enemy lines and dispense soldiers. In fact, Samuel had seen them work, in addition to firearms that spouted flames and lava and other boomsticks. They had also sent more forces to the front lines than the Ironforge ever did.

Samuel Hawke says: I don’t know, the politics of the business are confusing. Stormwind wasn’t even sending anyone after everything us up north did back during the old war, and they couldn’t even send a single soldier! It’s a shame to see them leave, but I can’t say I’m sad to see them go, not after their poor showing. I can’t say this business with the High King is something I understand, but at least he ensured we didn’t lose ground. Imagine if we lost Andorhal?
Veteran Soldier says: Aye, but did you hear about that plague? Did you see anything about that, your highness? They said it hit Andorhal particularly bad.
Uther Menethil says: That it did. If not for… the immense capabilities of my companions, that could have gone much worse.

Samuel smiled and took a bite of bread.

Samuel Hawke says: Cheers to that! I can’t say what would have happened if we lost all of our grains at once.
Uther Menethil says: I hear starvation is a terrible way to go.
Samuel Hawke says: Aye. Rough winter, I wager.
Uther Menethil says: I believe if we work together, we’ll survive.

Samuel nodded and smiled again.

Samuel Hawke says: I wager you’re happy to see king Prestor leading the Alliance, right? I heard he was singing your praises quite sincerely.
Uther Menethil says: I heard the same. No wonder my ears were burning halfway across the world!

Samuel chuckled.

Samuel Hawke says: Well. I guess now that you’re back, we can all hope our kingdoms will flourish, especially if we can get the princess back.
Uther Menethil says: Prior to my impromptu exodus, I ran into a spot of trouble with an organization called the Syndicate. You have issues with them this far south?
Samuel Hawke says: The Syndicate? The folk in the Arathi Mountains?
Uther Menethil says: The same.
Samuel Hawke says: I can’t see why they’d be this far. Besides, didn’t they get wiped out when Prestor took power a few decades ago? I thought that was the whole business when Aiden was overthrown. There were them recently?
Uther Menethil says: Aye, I did. And even if I hadn’t, it’s always dangerous to assume an enemy is gone.
Veteran Soldier says: Of course they’re around, you know better than to think insects like that wouldn’t crawl into the woodwork.
Samuel Hawke says: I guess that does make a degree of mistake, but no I don’t think we saw anything like that around here.
Uther Menethil says: Reassuring.

Uther ordered a round for the table and he reached into his pocket and asked if they played Hearthstone. All their eyes lit up and they eagerly asked if Uther played as well. Uther smirked and said he had a few wins, including one at the Hallows End Open where he bested his own mother.

Veteran Soldier says: Your mother? The queen? The youngest archmage of the Kirin Tor in history?
Uther Menethil says: Indeed!

Sam grinned and said there were a handful of friends at the barracks that would love to play a few games. Uther joined them and taught them how to play Battlegrounds. Samuel, meanwhile, arranged a meeting for Uther with Danath the following day.

Gil pulled out his Camtheus Glowsun persona and went out amongst the poor to try and ease their problems as much as he could. Over the course of the day, he was able to make a fair degree of progress on helping the sick and downtrodden. Elissa also went out to help him. In the process, he tried to spread a rumor that the princess would return and herald great things in Strom’s future.

He chose to spread the rumor through kids, citing a “lost princess”, which adults quickly connected to Vittoria. The story took off like a wildfire.

Luma opted to look around the city to see what types of things Strom was good at building. In the process, they encountered a dwarf quarter, which had a robust industry of dwarven crafts. However, there was no sort of mage tower, and it appeared any mages present were those sent by the Kirin Tor.

They bought a potato and proceeded to take a bite out of it raw as they went around to try and get a feel of the weapon industry and its supply lines. They opted to go to a firing range and set up to take a few shots with their energy weapons. They found a dwarf named Sully McLeary, and he appeared to be a relatively young dwarf with brownish dirty-blonde hair.

The dwarf welcomed Luma to the shooting range, and gestured to the sign, which read “Sully’s Shooting Range” with a opossum encircling it. He commented they were quite tall, but asked what he could do for them. Luma asked for whatever shooting packages were available. Sully asked if they needed to rent a gun, and Luma said they could take a look, but they brought their own.

Sully showed them all sorts of rifles of different makes and models, and Luma picked up a standard rifle but scoffed about “slug throwers”. They said they’d start with their own, and Sully welcomed them into the range. Luma pulled out their disruption rifle and set up. The targets had poorly drawn bandit, troll, and monster faces on them.

However, Luma suddenly heard some scratching, and Sully pardoned himself as he headed to a wooden outhouse where the scratching was coming from.

Sully McLeary says: Hose, did you get yourself stuck again?

He opened the door, and the opossum hissed at him. Sully asked if he wanted to come out but the creature hissed at him again and Sully sighed and left the door open. Sully apologized for “hose” and Luma asked if it was named after the tube, and Sully said he was talking about hose like a lady wears. Luma was baffled as Sully continued to explain, but finally suggested he should name another one Socks before they turned to shoot down the range.

They annihilated the target.

Sully McLeary says: Uh… what in Khaz’goroth’s beard was that?
Liiraluma says: A firearm.
Sully McLeary says: Oh no no no no! I’ve seen a firearm before! You don’t think I’d fall for that?!

Luma held up a pistol.

Liiraluma says: My pistol does it too.
Sully McLeary says: Then show me! Come on!

Luma fired off the pistol, and Sully laughed in disbelief.

Sully McLeary says: Amber is gonna lose her shit! Are you gonna be in town at all for the next few days?!
Liiraluma says: I’ve got my… feet… on the ground, yeah.
Sully McLeary says: Hohoho! My friend is in town for a few days! I think she’d be right keen to see these! Could you come back here tomorrow? I think she would be real excited to see them!

Luma shrugged and said they didn’t have much else to do, but they drew a small crowd of artisans and Luma continued to schmooze with them. Some of the dwarves asked to try it and also take it apart so they could watch Luma put it back together.

Luma ended up asking a couple of questions about the economy, and it seemed the taxes in Stromgarde had started to increase dramatically over the last two years. The dwarves had also been dealing with the fact their homeland was no longer part of the Alliance, and the Dark Iron were being welcomed in, so there was competition between them and the Dark Iron.

The weapon quotas for the front lines were also very high, and the dwarves were unable to reach such quotas. One of the artisans made an off-handed comment about how he thinks there’s something wrong with the books.

November 22nd

Luma cast a [Seeming] over the group, and Uther met Samuel at the Wobbly Shepherd and he was taken to the keep. Notably, the guards asked Uther to turn over his weapons, which he did, as he wasn’t carrying his special weapons on him. It was something that Stromgarde never did before, but Galen it seemed had set a different standard.

Uther had a moment where he was waiting before he went to speak with Danath, and Vel took that opportunity to try and slip into his belongings. But then she heard a shriek, and one of the people that Vel had pegged as a Syndicate agent the day before pointed at her.

Undercover Syndicate Agent says: Uh, sir… you might not want to move.
Samuel Hawke says: Oh. F– don’t move. I’m going to get it.

Uther turned and made a show of trying to look for whatever was on him. Vel managed to slip her way into Uther’s bag in the confusion, and both Samuel and the secret Syndicate member looked around for her, but didn’t see her.

Samuel Hawke says: Where did it go? Did it fall off?
Uther Menethil says: Hold on, hold on… I don’t feel anything.

Samuel sighed.

Samuel Hawke says: It must have fallen off. It was a–
Uther Menethil says: Nope. If it was a spider, I need you to lie to me.
Undercover Syndicate Agent says: It was a… puppy. A very charming little puppy. I just wanted to pet.
Uther Menethil says: Apologies for scaring it off, I thought it was a spider and that would have been terrible.

The Syndicate member nodded, but Samuel leaned over to them and expressed that they needed to find the creature, as no one wanted Galen to see a spider in the castle.

Uther Menethil says: It’s alright, someone once told me they are more scared of us than we are of them.
Undercover Syndicate Agent says: What? Puppies?
Velameestra Windrunner says [message]: I’m not.

Her eye roll was palpable, and Uther laughed at the message, but disguised it as him laughing at what the Syndicate member said.

Uther went into the meeting room, and was greeted by Danath Trollbane. He was seated looking at some documents, but he smiled at Uther.

Danath Trollbane says: Well, tan my hide, you’re actually here.

He stood up to meet Uther.

Danath Trollbane says: Uther bleedin’ Menethil, back from the bloody grave.

He offered Uther a handshake, and Uther gripped his hand warmly.

Uther Menethil says: More than once, even. It’s good to see you again, Danath.
Danath Trollbane says: And you. When I heard news of your miraculous survival, I tried to do everything I could to find her lad… but um… take a seat. I’ve got some news to tell ya.

Uther took a seat.

Danath Trollbane says: I’m sure you know at this point that my Vit… princess Vittoria was kidnapped. We suspected it was a terrorist group by the name of the League of Arathor. My man mentioned you were willing to help, but there’s been a recent development. There’s um… a local coroner. She arrived yesterday. She found a body–

Danath looked utterly devastated, and Vel had moved the clairvoyance sensor she had set up outside the door so she could ensure they weren’t interrupted.

Uther Menethil says: Danath, I have much better news. It’s going to be a lost of exposition, but Vittoria is alive.

Danath blinked.

Danath Trollbane says: What do you mean lad? She’s here, lad.
Uther Menethil says: I know. I brought her here.
Danath Trollbane says: But… wait…
Uther Menethil says: As I mentioned, a lot of exposition.

Danath sank into his chair with his hand on his forehead.

Danath Trollbane says: You’ve got my attention. Please. What have you got for me?

Uther went into a full explanation of who the One-Eyed Gryphon was as well as her side of the story concerning Thoras, as well as the fact Vittoria was taken by Maighread but not hurt, and how Vittoria agreed to the catatonic state.

Danath sighed as he took it all in.

Danath Trollbane says: That’s quite the story, Uther…
Uther Menethil says: Indeed.
Danath Trollbane says: I’ve got no reason to suspect that you think you’re lying. After all… you’re an honest man. That much I can tell in how you swing your weapon. The woman… the coroner… she knows this then?
Uther Menethil says: Yes. She’s one of our allies.
Danath Trollbane says: She’s allied with the One-Eyed Gryphon? With the League?
Uther Menethil says: A friend, if not an ally.
Danath Trollbane says: Then how do you know you can trust them? Maighread… you know what she tried to do, yes?
Uther Menethil says: I’m versed in my history.
Danath Trollbane says: Then you know she tried to kill Vittoria’s father. You know that she’s been aiming to take power. I… how do you know she’s not trying to use Vittoria? Turn her against Galen? Trying to get her to be a puppet queen? Have you spoken with her?
Uther Menethil says: I have.
Danath Trollbane says: You know she’s charismatic. You know she’s got a way with people. She had us all convinced. None of us saw what happened coming. I still find it hard to believe she would have tried…
Uther Menethil says: One thing I know for certain about this woman… is that while I was gone on the other side of the world and apart from this world, that woman has been protecting my fiance and my daughter.

Danath’s eyes widened and he covered his mouth.

Danath Trollbane says: You don’t mean…?

He smiled and laughed and clapped Uther on the shoulder.

Danath Trollbane says: My boy! I wee lass!
Uther Menethil says: Her name is Skye. Beautiful.
Danath Trollbane says: Is she alright? Is she still out there with her?
Uther Menethil says: She is.

Danath chuffed and shook his head with a sigh.

Danath Trollbane says: I think I’m getting too old for this…
Uther Menethil says: Then we best unravel this mystery, save my fiance, win the war in the north, and then you can retire!
Danath Trollbane says: Can you imagine, Danath Trollbane, retired, what the devil would I do. Alright.
Uther Menethil says: I imagine have a very hearty breakfast then back at your desk by lunch!

Danath laughed.

Danath Trollbane says: You’re likely more right than you know. Alright. Alright lad. I can’t condone… working with Maighread. Not yet. But… none of you are part of the League, so I don’t see why there’s any reason for me to let anyone know you’ve been in contact with them. There’s… there’s going to be a public ceremony. To be on this Sunday. In a couple days when they announce her demise. By the end, they’ll bring her body into the tomb to inter it. You need to get in there, I’ll ensure you can. But lad… if Galen learns you’ve been sneaking around, he’s going to be livid.
Uther Menethil says: I’ve been yelled at before.
Danath Trollbane says: Yelling will be the last of your worries. If he… I don’t know if I can protect you if he finds out.
Uther Menethil says: I don’t need you to go down with the ship, Danath. Getting us into the tomb is help enough.
Danath Trollbane says: There will be a royal guard that will bring her casket into the tomb. I’ll be leading it. I can make sure that you and anyone else are filling out the rest of the ranks. That way you’ll be able to get right in there, and we won’t have to explain anything to anyone else. But look… we’re going to do whatever it takes to find out the truth, alright? And when we find out the truth, we’ll make a plan. If Maighread’s story comes up that she’s been manipulating Vittoria, I’m counting on you to help us.
Uther Menethil says: Do you imagine the type of father to leave my daughter in the hands of a woman who’s lied to me?
Danath Trollbane says: No, I don’t suppose you are. And now I need to figure out how in the darkest corners of the Isle of Skye we’re going to explain this to Galen. If it comes in that direction. I don’t know what you’re expecting to find in there, but… if my Vit trusts you enough to put her life in your hands, I’ve got no reason not to let you try.
Uther Menethil says: We’ll find the truth, and once we do, we’ll do what we can with what we learn. It’s been working out for me so far.
Danath Trollbane says: Alright. Thanks for stopping by, lad. You sure you don’t want to try and explain this to Galen?
Uther Menethil says: Not until we know the truth.
Danath Trollbane says: Aye. Makes sense.
Uther Menethil says: Because if the Gryphon’s story is true… I don’t want to give him the opportunity to stop us from learning it.
Danath Trollbane says: Alright. I’ll have my man meet you. He’ll have the uniforms you’ll need. I’ll send them tomorrow evening. He’ll have more details so you can be there at the appointed hour. If I get court marshalled for this, I expect you and your friends to save me from the gallows, and to give me a position in your own army, you hear me?
Uther Menethil says: I couldn’t possibly let uncle Danath go to the gallows! Vittoria would never speak to me!

Danath chuckled and asked how Vittoria was doing and if Siobhan was still with her. Uther confirmed she was, and he launched into how amazing and beautiful Vittoria was, and how incredible it was to ride with her through the highlands because of how her face lit up. He continued to gush about her for a bit, and then Danath laughed good-naturedly and said he got the point as he stood up.

Uther blushed.

Uther Menethil says: I get carried away.
Danath Trollbane says: I’m sure she loves that silver tongue of yours.

Uther’s blush deepened and Danath laughed again as he told him to keep himself out of trouble. He gave Uther another handshake as he left. Danath sank back into his chair with a sigh.

Danath Trollbane says: Galen… what did you get yourself into…

Meanwhile, while Uther left the keep and looked for a place for Vel to skitter out of his bag, Vel commented that the encounter seemed to have gone well and things were going to be much easier with Danath’s support if Maighread’s story proved true. Uther agreed it went better than he expected by a sizeable margin, and Vel joked that she was sure Vittoria would forgive him for dropping the news about Skye before she did.

However, she added there was another hiccup she wished to inform him about.

Velameestra Windrunner says [message]: As I suspected, there are members of the Syndicate in the keep. That much was not a surprise. But unfortunately I was able to identify three of them as drakonids.
Uther Menethil says [message]: Is that so?
Velameestra Windrunner says [message]: I was able to get a read on what they were planning… you have Prestor scared. They were trying to target Vittoria to use as leverage, but given she has been seemingly removed as an option… they were talking about other options.

She could sense Uther’s heart quicken.

Uther Menethil says [message]: I see…
Velameestra Windrunner says [message]: I wanted to see how things went with Danath before I worried you. But it may be best if we eliminate that particular threat before they have the chance to leave Stromgarde.
Uther Menethil says [message]: Do you know when they’re going to leave?
Velameestra Windrunner says [message]: I can find out. But I imagine master Perenolde will not be keen on his organization being infiltrated in such a manner. Provided he recognizes the mutually beneficial arrangement that can be made… we may be able to get his aid. Then we won’t be killing supposed Syndicate members behind his back after I gave my word on the matter.
Uther Menethil says [message]: Very good. Do let me know when they plan to leave the city.
Velameestra Windrunner says [message]: You’ll be the first to know after myself.
Uther Menethil says [message]: I appreciate that very much. Do you see anywhere you’d like me to drop you off?
Velameestra Windrunner says [message]: The tree in the courtyard is fine. I can make my own way back in.

Uther moved by the tree and Vel crawled out of his bag and disappeared into the tree. However, at that moment, she got a telepathic message over the bond she had set up with Aoibh.

Aoibh Reòthadh says [telepathic bond]: Vel? I might be in a bit of trouble here. They brought a priest.
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: I’m on my way.

Vel hurried back toward the keep and discorporated into mist to pass into the building. She moved quickly after she transformed back into her spider form, and she slipped back into Aoibh’s room. There were four people there at first. Galen was explaining the situation to Aoibh, and that he was sure she understood the importance of her cooperation. Aoibh nodded, and he then left, leaving the priestess of the Holy Light, a guard, and one of the “special assistants” that Vel knew was a Syndicate member.

The priestess smiled.

Priestess of the Holy Light says: You have nothing to fear, my child. All I’m going to do is cast a simple spell to ensure everyone here is being truthful about the things they are speaking of. As long as you have nothing to hide, simply relax and these questions will go by quickly.

Vel felt Aoibh’s heart race as she started to panic.

Aoibh Reòthadh says [telepathic bond]: What do I do?
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: I’m here. I’m going to cast a spell, it’ll shield your mind from the influence of the zone of truth.

Vel skittered in and subtle spelled [Mind Blank] on Aoibh right before the priestess erected the zone of truth.

Aoibh held her breath as the zone of truth washed over her, and the Syndicate member started to ask questions about where Aoibh found the body and the state of it. Aoibh was able to tell the story as recited, and she delivered it straight-faced as Vel was able to help give her some assurance and guidance over the telepathic bond.

The Syndicate member nodded and said they believed that was all the questions they needed. They said the ceremony would be the day after tomorrow, and he believed Galen would want Aoibh to help prepare the body for the ceremony the next day. The priestess quickly gave Aoibh a blessing and thanked her for her cooperation.

The duo left along with the guard, and Aoibh collapsed on the bed with a deep exhale. Vel assured her that she did very well, and it seemed like they had bought it completely, so the hard part for Aoibh was now likely over.

Aoibh Reòthadh says [telepathic bond]: I hope you’re right.
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: The enchantment I placed on you will last the remainder of the day and into tomorrow. So if there are any other surprise interrogations, you should be protected.
Aoibh Reòthadh says [telepathic bond]: I appreciate it. I don’t think I could have done this without you…
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: I did say I wasn’t going to leave you.
Aoibh Reòthadh says [telepathic bond]: Would you… mind staying here for a bit longer?
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: Absolutely.

Vel stayed in the room in her spider form and continued to talk to Aoibh via the telepathic bond while she scouted around with the clairvoyance sensor she had erected the day before. However, once Aoibh had calmed down, Vel assured her she would be back before too long, and she went back into the corridors to try and locate Aliden Perenolde.

She managed to locate his approximate position, and she sent a telepathic message to him via [Message].

Velameestra Windrunner says [message]: You have a few rats in your organization, I noticed. It may be worth talking about.

Aliden looked up, as if he expected to see the same spider above his head, but she had secluded herself elsewhere.

Aliden Perenolde says [message]: Rats you say? I don’t like the notion.
Velameestra Windrunner says [message]: You didn’t strike me as the type of person that hires people with scales.

Aliden raised a brow.

Aliden Perenolde says [message]: I presume you’re in the keep?
Velameestra Windrunner says [message]: You presume correctly.
Aliden Perenolde says [message]: So that was you, wasn’t it?
Velameestra Windrunner says [message]: If it wasn’t, you looked rather foolish.
Aliden Perenolde says [message]: To a spider.

He chuffed.

Aliden Perenolde says [message]: Perhaps we should speak in person?
Velameestra Windrunner says [message]: If you have some place we can do so privately.

Aliden smiled.

Aliden Perenolde says [message]: That shouldn’t be a problem.
Velameestra Windrunner says [message]: Time and place, master Perenolde.
Aliden Perenolde says [message]: Tomorrow afternoon, at the chapel inside the keep. I presume that won’t be a problem for you?

Vel felt her skin crawl, but she projected a chuff over the telepathic message.

Velameestra Windrunner says [message]: Assuming there’s no priest here powerful enough to hallow it… but I suppose we’ll find out.
Aliden Perenolde says [message]: I suppose we will.

Vel went and tracked down the people she had pegged at drakonids, and she was able to confirm they didn’t seem like they intended to leave anytime soon before she returned to Aoibh.

Luma headed back out to Sully’s shooting range and they opted to bring Teemo along. Sully was there with several of the other dwarves from yesterday, and there was a great deal of heckling and one of the dwarves called him “Pickle”.

Sully happily greeted the duo when they arrived and asked who Luma’s friend was. Teemo introduced herself as Teemo, and they exchanged a bit of small talk, and it appeared Sully was trying to flirt with Teemo, but then realized Luma and Teemo were flirting.

Sully McLeary says: Oh! You two are an item then?
Liiraluma says: Items. There are two of us.
Sully McLeary says: I was asking if you were together!
Liiraluma says: Ah.
Teemo Manabrake says: I do have that esteemed privilege!

At that moment, they heard a loud gunshot from something way more powerful than anything Sully had on his racks. Luma smirked, and some of the other dwarves jumped and laughed, including Sully.

Sully McLeary says: Magni’s beard, Amber, put your damn silencer on that thing!

Luma saw a human woman who was leaning back with the most sophisticated sniper rifle that Luma had seen in their entire life that wasn’t draenic tech. It appeared to be human-made, though parts of it were dwarven, and other parts of it were from different nations as well, including a goblin stand and stabilizers. Most interestingly, the scope looked to be gnomish.

Luma released a low whistle and smiled. The woman had long black hair in a sleek ponytail and tight leather clothing.

Amber Kearnen says: I have to use that thing far too much. You can’t really mind me hearing my baby squeal now and then, can you?

She looked at them, and Luma saw she wore a technologic eyepiece that appeared to be some sort of visor. The woman got to her feet and leaned the rifle on her shoulder as she strolled over to Luma.

Amber Kearnen says: So you’re who everyone is talking about.
Liiraluma says: I suppose so.

Amber held out a hand.

Amber Kearnen says: Amber. Amber Kearnen.
Liiraluma says: Luma.

Amber looked them up and down.

Amber Kearnen says: Charmed, I’m sure.

She began to clean her rifle and she mused she had heard Luma had several interesting homemade firearms on them, and Luma cracked a smile.

Liiraluma says: Something like that.
Amber Kearnen says: Could you give me a little demonstration?
Liiraluma says: I see you met the gnomes.

Amber raised a brow.

Amber Kearnen says: I’m surprised you have.
Liiraluma says: They let me borrow their garage.

Luma shrugged.

Amber Kearnen says: How interesting. Where are you from, Luma?
Liiraluma says: Far away from here.
Amber Kearnen says: I was starting to get that picture.
Liiraluma says: Now I’m here.
Amber Kearnen says: And it seems we’re all better for it.

She looked across the gathered dwarves as Luma picked up their own weapons and took a few shots.

Amber Kearnen says: Not bad. How about a wager, Luma?

Luma raised their brow.

Amber Kearnen says: Why don’t you and I have a little contest with that beautiful specimen of yours. If you win, I’ll owe you a favor, now or later. Anything you ask. And I mean anything. But if I win, I keep the rifle.

She nodded at Luma’s disruptor rifle. Teemo didn’t seem to like Amber as she was flirting with Luma and was way too cool.

Amber Kearnen says: I won’t even give myself any practice shots with it. It’ll be my first time using that weapon, versus your expertise.

Luma looked at Teemo.

Liiraluma says: Would you hate me if I did it?
Teemo Manabrake says: …I could never hate you. But if you lose that rifle, I reserve the right to say I told you so.
Liiraluma says: Alright, lets do this!

Amber asked if Luma wanted a series of shots, or if they just wanted the first shot to count. Luma said they’d do one, and Amber asked who they wanted to go first. Luma said that Amber could start, and Amber took the rifle and admired it fondly before she laid down and lined up a shot.

She obliterates the target right in the middle, and the dwarves let out a series of cheers. Amber smiled.

Amber Kearnen says: Oh. I like this. Don’t cry. I’ll have you back real soon.

She smirked as she handed the rifle back to Luma. Luma took the rifle back, and they used [Foresight] as there was a sandy hiss in the air.

They fired through the target with equal precision.

Amber Kearnen says: Not bad. Not bad.

She smiled.

Amber Kearnen says: I’ll concede to that one. After all, they say the house always wins, and judging from this crowd, you might be the one closest to it. Besides, I’ve never seen someone match my marksmanship like that before.
Liiraluma says: You haven’t met the right people.
Amber Kearnen says: Perhaps I haven’t.
Sully McLeary says: Hey!

Amber gave him a wink.

Amber Kearnen says: I guess I owe you a favor. Any ideas now, or do you want to leave this girl waiting.
Liiraluma says: I believe we’ll have to leave you waiting for now.
Amber Kearnen says: Then I’ll see you around.

She grabbed her own rifle and moved to saunter out.

Liiraluma says: Amber.
Amber Kearnen says: Hm?

She turned around.

Liiraluma says: Catch.

She tossed her refraction pistol at Amber, and the woman caught it and spun it on her finger.

Amber Kearnen says: I guess we both won, didn’t we?

Luma saluted as Amber blew on the pistol and stored it in her bag, and then sauntered out the door.

Teemo inhaled.

Teemo Manabrake says: Gods, that was so hot.

Gil continued on his work as Camtheus Glowsun and he further spread the rumors he had started, building the story about how the lost princess would change the kingdom so the people would come first again.

Children had started to sing songs that had been created about the story, and there were kids play-acting the narrative. The story had evolved beyond his control, and the kidnapper was now sometimes a dragon or sometimes the princess turned into the dragon.

It was an inspiration to those that needed it.