[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Fifty-Eight

Appearing Characters: Arlethal Sunwatcher, Astalor Bloodsworn, Malande, Sehaar, Tae'shara Sunwatcher, Tae'thelan Sunwatcher, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner

August 29th

Remnii gets a message on her sending stone from Rakeesh.

Rak: Remnii. I do hope that you’re not too busy.

Rem: No. I can speak.

Rak: You’ll be pleased to hear your message has been delivered. She’s agreed to your conditions. The meeting place has been arranged, as has your transportation.

Remnii shivers.

Rem: Very well. Where are we to meet?

Rak: There is a cape to the north of the mountains the Exodar crash landed upon. No more than a day or two north. Far enough to be away from prying eyes. Your transportation will await you there. There should be room for you and a small contingent, assuming you’re not planning on meeting with her alone.

Rem: I don’t believe it will be wise.

Rak:The meeting is at an abandoned hulk in the Twisting Nether. Unoccupied and uncontrolled. I would be there myself, but duty calls. That said, I’ll be in contact with you soon enough, and we can speak about our further arrangements.

There is silence for a moment.

Rem: Very well. Thank you for passing the message along.

Rak: Good luck, Remnii. I look forward to hearing all about what happens.

The connection severs, and Remnii goes to find Maraad–who had been press-ganged by Moroes to move things around. He was wrangling a feisty chair that didn’t want to stay in place.

Mar: What can I help you with, Remnii? Is everything alright? It was… very hard not to break one of the legs.

He stands up from the chair wrangling, and Remnii smiles.

Rem: I believe the time to collect Yrel is coming soon.

Maraad’s face falls into a steeliness.

Mar: I see.

Rem: Everything is arranged… I believe I am going to share with the party what it will take for me to do this. I know you and Samaara will be at my back, and I am thankful…

Remnii falters, visibly nervous.

Mar: You can tell me.

Rem: I was going to just tell you to trust me… but it did not feel fair. At some point soon, I have agreed to go to Argus.

Mar: To Argus? Why? For what purpose?

Rem: There was a might of press-ganging into the matter… the demon I am in contact with, the one who took Arthak’s sending stone… to even pass the message along and let this happen, he wanted something in return. I believe it will be no more than one day.

Mar: This is almost certainly a trap, Remnii. To walk into the belly of the beast… what will stop him from taking you captive?

Rem: I have a small host of… I’ve had a friend. Another friend. One who traveled with the warband. She has been keeping me apprised of how he seems to operate.

Maraad paces.

Mar: I don’t like this, Remnii. If you are concerned, we should simply mask you from him. Lure him into a trap. There are other ways.

Rem: This is the part where I say I hope you trust me. He knew. He tried to tell me before vakas did. He knows everything. He knew before I did. He sent someone looking for me before I even found all of you, and they found me. If I do not… I want… I want to see this through, because if I do not, it will catch up with me.

Maraad’s shoulders deflate and he sighs.

Mar: It’s not you I’m having trouble trusting, Remnii. It’s this demon. But you raise good points… if this Rakeesh knows… then there is likely something he wishes…

Rem: It seems he has a point to this, and he seems to be someone to keep his word so far. I do not trust that… but I am shamefully more afraid of what happens if I do not face my parentage or Argus… if I do not face them head on, then they will face me. I’m not conventionally strong, but I know who I am, and where I stand.

Remnii reaches out and offers her hand, which Maraad takes.

Mar: I just wish there was something else I could do.

Rem: Be there for me when I come back.

Mar: That will be a given. If this is something you truly must do… I will not stop you. I could not stop you if I wanted to. But I want to make something perfectly clear, Remnii, if a single one of your hairs is out of place, if he harms you, nothing will stop me from finding him and make him pay for what he’s done. Tell him that. Though I’m certain he is already aware of what will occur should he return you in any condition other than when you left.

Relief and regret passes over Remnii’s face, and she nods.

Rem: I will do just that if that is what you wish of me. I’m afraid I’ll continue to go out on limbs at points… but… thank you.

Maraad wraps his arms around Remnii.

Mar: Thank you for trusting me with this.

Rem: I wanted to avoid repeating myself. I wanted to tell you to trust me and just walk in there, but I don’t think I could…

Remnii hugs him harder, and eventually the two of them gather the rest of the group. The party is there, as well as Medivh, Wynn, and Elissa.

Rem: I feel this is far more official than I was intending, but…

Remnii fidgets with her hands.

Rem: I wanted to speak with you all in the wake of my leaving, for a moment. Um… I am tired of secrets, of withholding things… I wanted your opinion of me to be at least favorable if nothing else. But I have two things to share with you that will be having a bearing on me, as I will be gone for a bit. It may not be important now, but it will be someday. It came to light somewhat recently that… I was adopted! By Velen. That should not be much of an issue, except my birth parents are… well, my birth father is one half of the high command of the Burning Legion.

Vel blinks.

Rem: And, if any of you saw her…

She looks at Vel for a moment.

Rem: My mother is the White Tyrant, the one who opened the Portal to this world in the first place. I am still considering what that means for me, but… I am… that is my concern. One of two, as mentioned.

Wynn whistles.

Tol: What… should that mean for you?

Rem: To me personally, I still know who I am. That does not change what I was brought up to be, and what I believe and how I go about my daily life.

Tol: Of course, you’re not your parents.

Vel: But this is… a political issue.

Remnii nods.

Rem: This information will be disseminated about the draenei that are there while I am gone. As I do not intend for this to be held over my head. Many draenei have family that are now demons upon Argus. It is the nature of the split. Only one third of the eredar people at the time, and now that name is synonymous for the demons that share our shape. Thus… I would want you all to know first. Not because I am changing anything about myself, but because this can make trouble in the future. It will be common knowledge by then. I will continue to let my continued deeds and performance outshine the weight of blood.

Med: And here I thought I had to struggle living in the shadow of my parents’ legacies.

Wynn snort-laughs.

Rem: That is the first matter. Any questions?

Med: If you’re concerned, I don’t believe my opinion or anyone else’s opinion has changed. But I am concerned… such powerful demons would… want you back?

Rem: That touches upon point two.

Med: Don’t let me keep you then.

Remnii looks around the room and focuses on Vel and Uther. Vel seems to be taking everything in, while Uther looks quite concerned.

Rem: As for the second point… upon my return to Kalimdor, I will be making contact with the White Tyrant, and I will be telling her myself that the daughter she thought was dead is still alive.

Vel: Oh… she doesn’t… know?

Rem: No.

Wynn whistles again.

Rem: Mind you, this is done in an exchange. She took from me a person who I have spoken not very much on. Her name is Yrel. A fellow Priestess of Aldor… a budding Vindicator herself… and my boon companion since I was born. She interjected on my behalf and allowed Raluhi and myself to escape. She has been in the hands of very powerful demons since I came to this world. Samaara knows, as Yrel is Samaara’s blood sister. Maraad will be coming with me. Velen knows.

Wyn: I trust you will be taking appropriate precautions?

Mar: That is what I’m here for.

Wynn gives Maraad a look.

Wyn: I presume you’re taking more precautions than a single Vindicator?

Rem: I will have plane shift at my disposal, and I will have a way back to the Exodar if we need to get out fast.

Wyn: Very well. Don’t get yourself killed or captured is the best advice I could offer.

Rem: In exchange for passing this information along… the demon that sent the messenger at the Violet Hold is another powerful demon. I have been invited to Argus. To the old seat of the eredar people.

Med: I’ve received a lot of invitations in my life… but that one is a bit concerning.

Rem: I understand. I would not have taken the invitation if he had not known everything already. He attempted to tell me of my parentage before my father did.

Med: Sounds like he has some play in mind.

Rem: He has something to show me.

Maraad looks quite grumpy.

Rem: I intend to come back to you all with a wider understanding. Though I will likely not see too much in a day… I want to express I am as politically prepared as I can possibly be.

Vel: I… don’t suppose I should ask if you got this particular deal in writing, yes?

Rem: I have not met him. Not in person. I am hesitant to share, as I have only recently learned and I have only recently learned this. I am frightened, in a lot of ways. To get here in the first place, I have made friends in hard and interesting places. I hope you will all continue to trust me after my return.

Uther: Always.

Remnii smiles.

Rem: I believe that is all I have to say.

Wyn: You are full of surprises, Remnii. I did not take you as much of a risk taker, but it seems you have quite the gambling streak. Do what you will, just take necessary precautions, and don’t trust anything the demons tell you.

Medivh nods.

Med: I’ll do what I can to uncover more about the nature of these demons. This White Tyrant, and I believe you’re talking about Archimonde or Kil’Jaeden.

Rem: Archimonde.

Med: Hm.

Vel: I don’t suppose we can know the name of your benefactor in the event something goes wrong.

Wyn: You need not worry about attracting their attention here in Karazhan.

Rem: Of which I am grateful for. The names of the demons you will need to know. Shaspira, the White Tyrant. Archimonde. Rakeesh is the name of the demon I will be meeting.

Wyn: That one I’ve not heard of before, though I’m not surprised.

Rem: If it helps… they call him the Terminus Butcher.

Wyn: Charming.

Rem: I do not wish to keep any more secrets. I value Yrel’s life enough to go through with this, and I understand these things will find me. More than two people know. I thank you for listening. I believe this time away will be good with the draenei, and quite frightening for the rest.

Vel: I respect you for beating this before it gets out. We’ll be here when you get back.

Uth: Walk with the Light, Remnii.

Elis: If there’s anything we can do, just let us know! I know this has to be scary, but we’re with you.

Rem: I appreciate that more than you know.

Remnii stammers.

Rem: I think I’m going to go take a walk. It’s a lot to unpack.

Vel: Understandable. I have one other contact I’m going to be planning to reach out to. But I’m preparing to go back to Gadgetzan soon.

Rem: I am in no rush. I just know what will be awaiting us when we return.

Vel nods.

Rem: For now, if you could, I believe Liiraluma will do a good job in my stead. But I would rather tell them myself versus than letting this disseminate.

Vel: Of course.

Rem: But otherwise… Thank you again, I am grateful for your time and attention.

Vel: Thank you for telling us.

Elissa gives Remnii a hug.

Eli: I’ll miss you!

Rem: Don’t say that now, I kept it together for so long!

Eli: I’m looking forward to meeting your friend sometime to.

Rem: I do too. I think all of you would get along with her better then you get along with me. I mean that in a complimentary sense. But thank you, I will put on a brave face.

Remnii hugs Elissa back.

Rem: With my leaving soon, if anyone has anything to discuss before I go… I will be sure to unpack my bag of anything useful to the party that I will not need. Med: Oh that reminds me. Speaking of things that may be useful, I’ve convinced Moroes to give me a small stipend to thank you for rescuing me from jail and doing your part to save the world. So I’ll make sure you have that before you go as well.

Otherwise, Remnii and Maraad get packing.

August 30th

Vel informs the group that she is leaving briefly to tap into some contacts for information they might have about the Scarlet Crusade, but that she should only been gone an hour.

She teleports to the teleportation circle in Jandice’s room. The first thing she notices is the room looks both more orderly and ransacked then normal. There are less things in here than there were before. She looks around and sees the sign of a struggle. There are some tears in the curtains, there is a bloodstain, there’s a crack in one of the nearby mirrors, and the wardrobe has been looked through.

Vel uses Sending to Jandice.

Vel: Jandice. I’m in Caer Darrow. Did something happen?

Jan: Velameestra, is that you? You’re supposed to be dead. One moment, I’ll be right there.

After a few moments the door opens, and Vel sees a human woman. She has beautiful blonde hair and is dressed in an elaborate style that she recognizes as one of the ones in Jandice’s closet. Her eyes shine with a supernatural sheen.

She recognizes the woman as Jandice, possessing someone.

Jan: Vel, it’s wonderful to see you again.

Vel: I take it something did happen then.

Jan: Oh, lots has happened since you died. Though that tends to be the case. I would know from experience. But what brings you here?

Vel: To get information on the Scarlet Crusade if you have any.

Jan: Oh there’s quite a bit, it turns out. As you know, Caer Darrow used to be home to a fortress. It also happens to be on the frontlines of a war. The Scarlet Crusade wants to rebuild the fort. Where do you think I got this beautiful body?

Vel: I take it they’ve been unsuccessful?

Jan: For the most part. They’re still crawling around the island like cockroaches. But for the most part they’ve been finding it a bit more than they expected. Would you believe people are saying that this island is haunted? I find it hard to believe.

Vel: People believe fairy tales all the time.

Jan: But yes, they’ve been quite a nuisance. I’ve been taking this one around, learning what I can. Trying to figure out what exactly they’re up to. So far they haven’t brought a large contingent of people to try and handle things here. But word is that they may try to send a larger force to investigate more thoroughly. I’m sure Scholomance will answer in whatever means it deems necessary.

Vel: So the school is still intact for the time being?

Jan: Yes. They’ve been poking around my old house, which I don’t appreciate, as you can see.

Jandice gestures toward the room.

Jan: Though, it has been more interesting around here than it has in some time. But for the time being the school is actually quite popular you might say. There have been a number of new arrivals as well as some alumni that have come back to see what’s happening.

Vel: You don’t say. Is Nem'aen still here?

Jan: Of course they are. They’re the only one that’s bold enough to stroll about the Scarlet Enclaves. From what I can tell the crew is quite charmed by them.

Vel: You mentioned the Scarlet Crusade was cleared out of the lower levels?

Jan: Oh they never found the lower levels. Not yet. But they’ve been crawling around the island and trying to evangelize to the poor downtrodden citizens up there trying to make a living. It’s actually quite comical.

Vel: I can imagine. Where is Nem'aen at now, if they’re even wandering up top?

Jan: They’re either poking around in the water or speaking with some of the would-be crusaders. Trying to play games with them. I presume the crusaders see them as just another of the village children. They have no idea they are actually quite adept at the magics they happen to practice.

Vel; For the best. It’s good to see you again.

Jan: Of course! Do be careful popping back in here. They didn’t discover the teleportation circle, but they have been poking around the manor here and there. While I’ve done what I can to keep them from discovering the skeletons in my closet, eventually I wouldn’t want them to be poking around in here when you arrive. Questions might be asked. Just be careful.

Vel: I’ll get something else so I can teleport further in.

Jan: A fantastic idea. Right now the manor is bereft of any cockroaches, however, so you should be free to descend into the cellars if you need to speak to anyone else. Now if you don’t mind I’m going to go back into the Crusader’s camp and see if I can get any more compliments.

Vel: Of course. Enjoy, Jandice.

Jan: As ever. We really do need to catch up again. Your makeup looks wonderful by the way.

Vel: I learned from the best.

Jandice gives her a cheeky smile. She turns, almost walking into the door, but stops herself remembering she’s corporeal. She then opens to the door to leave.

Vel goes down into the cellars and picks up a rock, then sends Nem'aen.

Vel: No need to respond if you’re up top. I’m down in the cellars. I’d like to see you Nem’aen, it’s been a long time.

Vel gets a response back that sounds like a mouth full of water. Not long after, as she’s poking around she hears someone down the hall.

Voice: Watch where you’re going Nem'aen. Don’t run in the halls or else I’m going to get Rattlegore to discipline you again. You wouldn’t want that, would you?

Nem: Sorry Professor Roame!

Vel sees Nem'aen come out of the corner, and the professor notices Vel.

Tam: And just who do we have here? I haven’t seen you in these halls before.

Vel: And neither have I you. I trust you returned after I died.

Tam: That’s correct. Tamsin Roame, former alumnus here and part time instructor for the time being. I take it you’re friends with this little spitfire here.

Vel: Indeed. Velameestra. It’s a pleasure.

Tam: The pleasure is all mine. That said I do have a class or two to attend to.

Vel: Don’t let me keep you.

Tamsin nods and go on her way, seemingly satisfied that if Vel knows Nem’aen she’s probably fine. Nem’aen hugs Vel.

Nem: Vel, we thought you were dead!

Vel: A lot of people did.

Nem: Well congratulations on not being dead!

Vel: Not fully anyway.

Nem: I was going to go down to where they said you were killed to try and find your body. I wanted to see if I could bring you back! I thought that would have been pretty funny. Then maybe you could have been a ghost and hang out with Professor Barov.

Vel: I’m sure she would have been quite endeared by that. But there was no body to find so it was probably for the best that you didn’t.

Nem: I guess we did find your body, didn’t we?

Vel: Yes I suppose you did. Jandice mentioned you’ve been busy since the crusaders arrived.

Nem: We have! Some of them are pretty mean, but honestly a lot of them are very nice. They’re pretty scared of the island though. They think it’s haunted. Technically I guess they’re not wrong.

Vel: Technically no.

Nem: We’ve been telling them the places to avoid.

Vel: I’m sure they appreciate that.

Nem: Most of them. Some of them still end up getting drowned to death though. Not by us, though. We would never do something like that!

Vel: No. I imagine they run across Lady Barov.

Nem: Some of them have.

Vel: Have you found anything interesting when you’ve been up and about?

Nem: We did sneak across the river once. To see an orc in person! I found a dead one.

Vel: A dead one.

Nem: Mhm. I found one on the side of a battlefield. I talked to them for a little bit, but I didn’t understand what they said. I guess it makes sense. They wouldn’t know common, not most of them.

Vel: No, probably not.

Nem: They just repeated the same thing over and over again. It was just a few words, and then it sounded like a name. Garona, or something like that. I’m not sure what it means.

Vel: I can’t say the name is familiar.

Nem: Oh well. Maybe that was their name?

Vel: Perhaps it was.

Nem: Are you going to stay for awhile? Are you going to teach some classes like Professor Roame or Professor Willow?

Vel: Unfortunately not right now. I do promise I will not be gone as long as I was prior.

Nem: That’s good!

Vel: Which perhaps you could help me. I do need something to come back, seeing I can’t exactly go through Professor Barov’s room safely. Perhaps you have an idea?

Nem: We do!

Nem’aen pulls out what seems to be an old signet ring with the Barov crest on it.

Nem: I found this at the bottom of the lake! I showed it to Professor Barov, and she said she never wanted to see it ever again.

Vel: That may be perfect.

Vel takes the ring.

Vel: Which, I do need to get back pretty quickly. But I’ll be sure to stay in touch.

Nem: Okay! Maybe next time when you come back we could go treasure hunting together.

Vel: I think that could potentially be arranged.

Nem: Okay! Well I know you’ve very busy! Bye bye!

They give Vel another hug and then heads off.

Vel then runs into Professor Chillheart, and the two have a conversation. Then heads back to Karazhan.

September 2nd

Uther goes to find Moroes, and Moroes immediately finds him.

Mor: Is there something I can help you with?

Uth: How did you know I was looking for you?

Moro: ‘Tis all in your expression, my boy. I have many years of practice being a host.

Uth: Part of why I’m searching for you, actually. I’m in a bit of a situation. I have a diplomatic meeting I’m going to be attending. Circumstances dictate that wearing Silver Hand armor would be… gosh.

Moro: I do see why that could be a dilemma. Doubly so seeing the order has been abolished. My condolences. So you need a change of attire, Master Menethil?

Uth: I do. I’ll be meeting with the government in Exile of Silvermoon.

Moro: Northrend?

Uth: Correct.

Moro: I recently helped another client with such a thing. Right this way, Master Menethil. We shall find something in the many many closets this place has to offer.

Uth: Excellent!

Moroes outfits Uther in a simple yet well-made tunic with a white cloak with dark gray trim. The metal clasp in the center is in the shape of the Lordaeron L. It’s heav and durable.

Uth: I’m stunned, Moroes. You have absolutely exceeded my expectations.

Moro: Apologies for the age. It’s been many a year since a delegate from Lordaeron has visited, but I believe things shouldn’t look too outdated. One last thing to pull together the ensemble!

He pulls out an ornate sword.

Moro: It’s dreadfully dull. But a ceremonial blade will bring this together quite nicely, I think.

Uth: I can’t thank you enough.

Moro: I’m simply glad this blade didn’t gain sentience over the last decade.

Uth: I’m… sorry?

Moro: Nothing to trouble yourself with, Master Menethil. Just, how do you say, Karazhan…

Uth: The wonders never cease in this place, it seems.

Moro: Certainly one word for it, Master Menethil. Certainly one word for it.

Now outfitted with his proper attire, Uther heads out to where he planned to meet Vel. He sees Vel, but not only Vel. He sees three Vels. And a small gargoyle perched on a desk, reading a book.

All three Vels look at him, and are wearing different outfits. Uther can identify Vel Prime by the fact she is wearing her trademark coat.

All three Vels: Uther.

Uth: Vel-s! I… Do I need to introduce myself to the new ones… or?

Vel: No they have the same memories that I did at the moment of their creation.

Uth: Excellent. Fantastic. And who is this charming young gentleman?

Vel: This is Sahar, he’s my steward.

Sah: Pleasure to make your acquaintance, your highness. I’ve heard much about you.

Sahar hops off the desk and gives Uther a deep bow.

Sah: It’s been a pleasure in these brief days that I have been here to serve as Mistress Windrunner’s steward and assistant in all things here in Karazhan and beyond.

Vel: Yes, I’m dispersing myself as much as I am able to on all continents. You look good.

Uth: Oh yes. I thought it would be in poor taste to wear my armor.

Uther takes a moment to look at the symbol of his homeland that’s on his chest.

Vel: That may have potentially caused a panic yes.

Uth: Fortunately Moroes was able to assist me in obtaining something more appropriate for myself.

Sahar: Myself as well. I was stunned by his attention to detail, especially given my diminutive stature.

Sahar adjusts his monocle.

Uth: Moroes simply doesn’t miss, does he?

Vel: No he does not. Which, I wanted to ask before we go, what exactly is this meeting about?

Sah: Pardon me Miss Windrunner, but would you like me to leave the room?

Vel: Yes, if you don’t mind. Thank you, Sahar.

Sahar flies out of the room. Vel then looks to her simulacrums.

Vel: If you wouldn’t mind informing Remnii and Maraad we’re getting ready to leave.

Both Vels nod and also leave the room.

Vel: But yes, what exactly is this meeting going to be about?

Uther presses his hands together.

Uth: My plan initially was to discuss with his majesty plans moving forward in the conflict with the Legion. But in light of recent revelations I suppose this is more to offer condolences and offer whatever aid I can. Though they are being misled, those are still my people and thusly my responsibility.

Vel’s shoulders relax slightly.

Vel: Alright. So it’s not going to be how we can put aside our differences for the focus of the Legion. Okay.

Uth: The Legion threat still remains, but there are bigger things at state. At least, immediately there are. Vel: Things that are a little bit more apparent. Um. I’ve been thinking a lot.

Uth: I’m surprised!

Vel: I know, it’s very surprising. I trust your grandfather spoke to you before we left?

Uth: He did.

Vel: I’m not going to scold you, believe it or not. I think I’ve accepted that’s not something that is productive nor is particularly fair to you to do.

Uth: Oh, I don’t think it’s inappropriate of you to call a fool a fool.

Vel: In that case, you were a fool in that particular regard. But what I really want to know Uther is…

Vel takes a moment to mull over her words.

Vel: If something were to happen when you dive into those situations, would you be able to die without regrets? Even if all of the other things you put into motion can’t be seen through to by you?

Uther opens her mouth as to say “Of course not” but then thinks about it.

Uth: That’s a difficult question.

Vel: Yes it is. But I think it’s one I want to hear an answer from you.

Uth: If I’m being completely honest, I think that as long as our world is plagued by pain, suffering and death I don’t see a way for me to die without having some measure of regret. Somehow I don’t think that’s what you’re talking about.

Vel: Well it’s some comfort that your response was not “I won’t die, Vel. You’re being silly.” I’m going to be honest with you. I want to rely on you, and I want to be able to trust you. And the sweeping promises and words you’ve been saying. But I have legitimate fear.

Uth: I can’t very well keep those promises if I’m dead, can I?

Vel: Yes. And extending support to his majesty and my people has us relying on you as a potential foot in the door to being seen as something more than what the crusade may see us as. It’s a lot of eggs being placed in one basket.

Uth: Oh. I suppose an easier way to think about that is this is a basket that doesn’t require eggs. I won’t fault you, Kael’thas, or your people for having plans if I can’t do the things that I say I’m going to do. I understand the ability to impact this situation is limited as it stands. To anyone whose mind I must change, for all intents and purposes I’m dead. For the time being, anyway.

Vel: I’m just trying to sort out contingencies.

Uth: Fortunately that’s a skill you’re quite adept at.

Vel: I’ve gotten a lot of practice over the years. But I suppose the entire scope of everything is probably best suited for you to see it. Ultimately provided his majesty is even there. He has been lost for our own political dealings up in Northrend right now.

Uth: I can’t imagine what he must be going through.

Vel: Currently the brewing of another way, as that in particular stands. Some of the denizens of Northrend aren’t exactly friendly.

Uth: A winter blasted land at the roof of the world? Inhospitable?

Vel: Well the weather is quite nice actually. But in any case, we should make sure Remnii and Maraad are ready to go.

Uth: Yes we should.

Uther goes to put his hand on the door, but looks over his shoulder.

Uth: Vel. Should the sight of the Prince of Lordaeron send the understandably stressed King Kael’thas into a murderous rage, and he ends my life… Could you bring me back?

Vel blinks.

Vel: Ideally that won’t happen? I think ideally the first thing we should pursue is seeking out Remnii were that to happen, rather then my own means. I don’t particularly want to explain to your mother why you are undead, and don’t make me have that conversation with her. Please. It’s going to be bad enough explaining that your father is a worgen.

Uth: I can’t believe I ever complained about homework from you.

Uther shakes his head, and the two go off to find Remnii. Remnii and Maraad are just coming to terms with the fact that there are two Vels only for a third to show up.

Rem: Oh.

Before Remnii leaves, Remnii adds two calm emotions to Seria’s ring. She says goodbye to everyone.

Vel then zoops herself, her other two selves, Uther, Remnii and Maraad back to Gadgetzan. It is very warm. The group heads to the Reliquary. Before long Kilnar meets them in the lobby.

Kil: Velameestra. I expected to see you again soon. But, well… I expected to see you only once. What’s this?

Vel: Simulacrums.

There is a proud glimmer in her eye.

Kil: Why, you have been busy, haven’t you?

Vel: Yes. And actually I thought. if you were receptive, I figured you wouldn’t mind an assistant on your voyage.

Kilnar smiles.

Vel: Nothing would make me happier, Vel.

Kilnar looks to the Vel simulacrum.

Kil: I have no doubt that we’ll be able to make whatever arrangements we do need to ensure you’ll have a safe passage as well.

Vel: I’ll be bringing back something she would need for that.

Kil: Perfect. Well, it will be a pleasure to have you on board.

Simulacrum Vel smiles.

Sim Vel: The pleasure is mine, I’m curious to see wherever Illidan and the others take us.

Kil: A place called Black Rook Hold. I know little of it beyond its legacy.

Rem: Ah. That is a place Jarod frequented some time ago during the rebellion.

Kil: So I’ve been led to believe. I personally am looking forward to see what history is buried beneath it. For what’s left of it at least. But I suppose we’ll get to discover that together.

Vel: Her prime directive is to help you where you need it, and return to me with any information she happens to acquire.

Kil: Well, we’ll make sure to share anything further that I happen to learn. And make sure that this arrangement is the most beneficial that it can be for us and the Sin’dorei.

Vel: Of course.

Kil: And Uther, it’s a pleasure to see you. Before you leave, I would like to speak with you in regards to the item that you entrusted into our care when last you left.

Uth: Oh yes, absolutely.

Kil: But we have time. Please make yourselves comfortable. I’ll see to some refreshments. And Remnii. I presume you and Maraad will be heading back to your own people?

Rem: Yes, we shall be.

Kil: Well do be safe. And know that you are always welcome here, as are the rest of your companions. A number of them have informed us that they will be leaving with you when you return, while the rest will be staying here until a future time. I will see too that they’re informed that you’ve arrived.

Rem: Thank you very much. And I hope there will be a day where draenei will be more common. But that is a ways off. Otherwise, thank you for your hospitality. It has been through you and the reliquary that we were able to accomplish such feats in the first place. At least, in the sense of monetary value.

Kil: If anything I should be thanking you and your friends. But competitive gratitude aside, it’s been an honor.

Rem: Quite.

Kilnar leaves and acquires water and refreshments. Vel simulacrum will inform Kilnar as to the state of the Meitre scrolls.

Vel looks to Remnii.

Vel: Before we parted ways, Remnii, I did want to mention I spoke with Nobundo while I had the opportunity to. He mentioned you were taking over the Auchenai.

Rem: I believe taking over is still a strong word. I simply have seen… our people live for a very long time naturally. In a degradation of culture, with all the lives we have lost and all the expertise of that has been sundered by way of not only our separation of our kinsmen. I do not wish to be dramatic, but the dramatic loss of life that has taken place between Draenor and here, the Auchenai can never be what it once was. But our people still need to grieve. So I hope to have a hand in recovering this ancient touchstone. So I suppose perhaps helping to reform some. But, yes.

Vel: When you come back, I want to teach you the spell that I developed. Nobundo mentioned it was similar to some of the magics that they used in the past. I thought perhaps utilizing it may be able to get you some insights to those that were lost.

Remnii smiles.

Rem: I would like that very much. And for what we cannot recover we can rebuild anew. I would be honored to have you be a part of that. Thank you!

Vel: Of course. But be safe.

The smile on Remnii’s face falters and she nods.

Vel: Maraad, it was a pleasure.

Mar: Thank you, Velameestra. You opened my eyes to things I may have never considered otherwise. You carry knowledge and wisdom beyond your years. For that I thank you for sharing.

Vel: It’s what allies do, from what I understand.

Mar: Uther, it was an honor fighting alongside you. I sincerely hope it will not be the last time.

Uth: I’d be surprised if it was.

Maraad gives Uther a solid handshake, as he’s seen humans do that. But Uther pulls him into a hug.

Uth: Stay alive, you two.

Rem: Thank you for opening your home to me, Uther. When there was so much going on, I am glad I am able to count you amongst my friends.

Uth: Likewise Remnii. I wouldn’t be able to count anyone among my friends if it wasn’t for you.

Rem: Be well, and be gentle on yourselves. There is much to do. Otherwise, walk in the light. And embrace the shadow where you must.

Vel nods.

And Remnii and Maraad go to meet up with the Ati Kaso.

Vel looks to Uther.

Vel: I’m going up to determine if Kael’thas is actually there. If he’s not I’ll let you know.

Uther: Alright, I’ll be waiting.

Vel takes the other simulacrum and Sahar out to the graveyard where she uses Grave stride to teleport to Northrend. The three of them emerge from the Wintercroft. A few people give her second glances, given the two identical Vels. But she’s able to make her way to Vengeance Landing. It is far busier than it’s been in the past. There are two more catafalques ships that are almost complete, and they seem to have been completed faster then were previously. There are a number of vrykul around that are helping out, but some look different. These new one’s have pallid flesh, sickly green hair and they look as though they are perpetually wet. There are also more frost vrykul than before. The two Vel’s exchange glances as they head towards the sanctum Astalor typically hangs out in. She looks upward and sees Al’ar circling overhead. The solstice is rapidly approaching, as is the long night.

As Vel enters the sanctum, she has her simulacrum hand out on the other side of the door so that when Vel opens it the simulacrum won’t be visible. Vel then knocks on the door.

Ast: Come in! The door’s open.~

Astalor’s voice is sing-songy.

Vel: You’re in a good mood.

Ast: Velameestra! And my mood keeps getting better! You are here at the perfect time, come in my friend! Please, we have so much to speak on.

Sahar follows Vel as she enters.

Ast:. Well, what is this peculiar little creature? Is this a steward?

Vel: It is. His name is Sahar.

Sah: A pleasure to make your acquaintance Magister Bloodsworn. It is an honor to meet you in person.

Ast: What a distinguished little gentleman you are.

Astalor holds out a hand, which Sahar takes and gives a shake.

Ast: You’ve been quite busy Velameestra.

Vel: I have. Though you mentioned we had much to talk about.

Ast: We do! As it just so happens I’ve just finished up. I’ve got a fair bit of news. First and foremost the teleportation circle has been completed. I’ll take you there so that you can memorize it, so that you can return here whenever you need. Second most is a little project I’ve been working on. A couple of the gifted members of the magistrate have just completed it and it just so happens we are running the first field test today. Velameestra, would you like to see history in the making?

Vel: Of course.

Ast: Wonderful. We still have some time before the test run, but it will be taking place at the top floor of the observatory here. So we don’t have to go very far. But please, can I get you anything? Some coffee perhaps?

Vel: Yes, of course. I also have a surprise for you as it would happen. Some additional research for you that might be interesting. As well as somebody else.

Vel attempts to call her simulacrum in, but she hear voices through the door. The simulacrum appears to be speaking to someone. She goes to the door to check to find the simulacrum locked in a conversation with King Kael’thas.

Kael: I feel terrible, Velameestra. Every time you’ve come to visit I have been unable to repay the gratitude I feel for everything you’ve done for our people. I want to sincerely apologize for not being able to give you the level of hospitality that I believe that you-

He stops as he notices Velameestra Prime come through the door. His mouth sort of opens a bit.

Vel: Your Majesty. I see you’ve met my simulacrum.

Kael: Ah yes.

Kael’thas straightens up and puts a hand behind his back, clearing his throat.

Kael: Of course. Well, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

He says to the simulacrum, before looking back to Vel..

Kael: It’s wonderful to see you again. I was just telling her that I’m glad the two of us have happened upon Vengence Landing simultaneously at this particular juncture, that I may repay you for all that you’ve done for our people.

Vel: There’s no need to repay, but I’m glad that we had the happenstance.

Kael: The feeling is mutual. I was just coming to tell Astalor that the preparations are complete and the test is ready to begin.

Astalor makes his way out.

Ast: Your majesty!

He then sees the second Vel.

Ast: You weren’t joking! You really were busy Velameestra. Look at you, already able to make simulacrums.

Vel: Yes the second one is with Kilnar for the time being. But I figured this one would be suited for helping up here.

Astalor puts a hand over his heart.

Ast: Truly you are too kind! Velameestra, I can’t even imagine all the work that we are going to be able to get done.

Sim Vel: I will enjoy having the opportunity to focus on one thing.

Ast: Likewise. And I must admit… you said you have another one that you sent with the Seeker of Wisdom.

Vel: Yes. I did.

Ast: Well. I look forward to learning much from you as we might also learn together.

Astelor bows to the simulacrum.

Vel: Your majesty, actually. If you were receptive, Uther wants to meet with you.

Kael: His highness? Curious. Whatever does he wish to speak about?

Vel: About some news from the Eastern Kingdoms.

Kael: I see. Is this something I should know now, or should we wait until his highness arrives in person to speak further.

Vel: Likely a warning. I suppose the best way to do this is a bookend. The Silver Hand has been disbanded. And in it’s place is an organization known as the Scarlet Crusade. The rumors about vampyrs among the elven people have started to spread.

Kael’thas’s face goes from genial to a frown, and then to a scowl, then his fangs are bared.

Kael: Unbelievable. Our people have been chased from our home!. And now this crusade is hunting us right when we’re at our lowest point! What is being done about it?! What is Regent Theron or the Ranger General done in response?

Vel: My contacts are unfortunately sparse, given we need to lay low for the time being. But Uther wants to express his support in our people as one of the still remaining members of the Silver Hand.

Kael’thas furrows his brow.

Kael: Very well. I’ll meet with his highness. But he should know that empty platitudes will do us nothing. We are going to need to take action. Something needs to be done if our people are to be preserved in this time of difficulty.

Vel: Which brings me to the other bookend that I was able to uncover. A different way for us to feed. One that doesn’t require donation or hunting.

Ast: You don’t say? And what is it?

Vel: It’s a process using a source known as anima. It’s technically what we feed on. I guess the traces that are found in blood are less substantial then going directly to the source. It works on animals and the like as well, so we don’t have to feed on other people.

Vel hands over the notes, which Astalor thumbs through.

 Ast: This is astronomical, Velameestra!  

Kael’thas takes them as well, and his eyes widen.

Kael: Where did you find this?

Vel: I happened upon information that wound up being a valuable trade.

Kael: A trade from whom?

Vel: They didn’t give a name. But he knew about our situation quite in depth. In fact I did personal tests on myself to make sure that it was largely what they said it was.

Ast: We can do further tests just to make certain. But just at a brief glance it seems to be incredibly details. Whoever this benefactor is certainly knows what they’re talking about.

Kael: You said that you’ve done tests yourself?

Vel: Correct.

Kael: Do you think this is promising?

Vel: I do. In its current state it’s restricted to those capable of magical means. But I have a couple of theories presented in there. It may be able to be altered or manufactured… perhaps create vessels to store it. If we’re going to be fighting a war, perhaps we can benefit from it.

Ast: Well I know one of the things we’ll be working on, that’s for certain.

Vel: She’s obviously capable of the techniques and she can teach people.

Kael: If this does what you say it does, it could be the windfall that our people need to survive the coming winters.

Vel: It’s more sustainable.

Kael: We found ought but cruelty in the last year. But this may be another step towards fighting back the things that have taken so much from us. Astalor, find what you can. And if it seems promising then let us look further into it.

Ast: Of course, your majesty.

Kael: I will go and inform the others and make preparations for this field test. I presume you’ll be there as well, Velameestra?

Vel: Yes, I’m intending on staying the night.

Kael: Very good. At the very least it will give me the opportunity to treat you with the hospitality that you deserve. Do inform Prince Menethil that he too is welcome to observe the field test if he so desires.

Vel: Of course I can fetch him now.

Kael: Then I will see all of you at the test, at the roof of the observatory.

Kael’thas bows deeply.

Kael: Thank you for the information.

Vel: Of course.

And Kael’thas exits with a dramatic swish of his cape.


Meanwhile, as Uther is waiting over an hour, the other Vel fetches him to speak with Kilnar.

Uth: Absolutely! Lead the way… Vel…

She does, and as he enters in Kilnar smiles at him.

Kil: Ah good. Please take a seat Uther.

Uther: Absolutely.

Kil: We have finished our observations of the relics that he brought back. The weapons that you brought back have unfortuantely lost a great deal of the magic that once surrounded them. However, the material itself is quite hardy. Nearly indestructible. As it were a skilled smith may be able to break it down with magical assistance and reform it into something greater. That said, if you’re interested, the Reliquary is prepared to purchase the raw material from you for a modest fee. But if you would prefer it returned to you, that too can be arranged. They would certainly be valuable in the creation of arms and armor, and the corrupting elements seem to have mostly eroded. I would not recommend giving it to child, but I wouldn’t recommend that from most such objects.

Uth: Indeed. The way you said mostly has me concerned. Say a necklace or bracelet was made from it, and the wearer didn’t know, what would the dangers be?

Kil: After being discarded for millennia, this particular specimen lost most of its power. However, the metals were still drawn from the Twisting Nether. They are chaotic. I would not recommend creating a jewelry line. It’s possible residual aether could be infused within them. While it’s unlikely to cause lasting harm, it could cause bouts of poor luck or unexpected circumstances… most certainly any bread you drop will be butter side down. Just a theory, of course.

Uth: If we were to smith a weapon from this material, would its origin have impact on other creatures from the Twisting Nether?

Kil: That would depend mostly upon the wielder. It would be virtually indestructible, and such weapons could be useful against certain types of demons–those who have supernatural resilience. But such things would be useful against most entities.

Uth: I see.

Kil: So what say you? Of course, if you’re uncertain, we can hold on to it and come back to it later. But I’ll be difficult to reach before long, as will you.

Uth: Allow me a moment to consider it, Kilnar.

Kil: Of course. If you need more time, I’ll ensure Tae’thalan is informed.

Uth: Much obliged.

Kilnar and Uther chat for a bit, and eventually the real Vel returns to Gadgetzan once more to pick Uther up.

Vel: You got the all clear, Uther.

Uther: Well. No sense wasting time.

Vel: You also got a formal invitation to see the demonstration of whatever the sin’dorei have been working on.

Uther: A demonstration?

Vel: I don’t have the full context. It’s a surprise for me as well.

Uther: Well! That sounds fun.

Kil: Do share the surprise once you return, dear.

Vel: Of course, Kilnar. Also, Uther, a fair warning. To quote his majesty: ‘Platitudes mean nothing, he wants to see action.’

Uther: Well. I’ll have to ask for patience on that front. There’s little I can do from here or Northrend.

Vel: Understood. But a fair warning, in that regard.

Uther: Alright. Well. Lets go.

Vel draws a teleportation circle and teleports them both up to Northrend, using the circle that Astalor had recently completed. They appear in the arcane sanctum, and Vel leads Uther to the observatory. Uther sees Vengeance Landing for the first time. There are buildings all around, with walkways and awnings veiled in dark cloth to protect the passage of vampyrs.

Uther sees many elves, and also vrykul–some of which are clearly flesh and blood, but others are very much undead. Their skin is shades of white and blue, and their hair is equally pale. Their eyes have a supernatural glow. Others have a pallid, sickly green skin, and there is a thick mist creeping up to 20 feet into the landing, beyond the dock and the edge of the sea.

Vel: Welcome to Vengeance Landing.

Uther sees these massive ships that seem to be made of stone, a dark blackish grey material. As he looks he sees darkness around it but there are figures walking aboard. They look like a massive troop transport, but beyond that he can’t tell. The light of the sun does not reach the decks.

Uth: This is all very, very impressive.

Vel: They did a good deal. Also the sole town where the undead and the living live in relative harmony right now. Though try not to stare too much.

As Vel speaks a shadow passes overhead of a massive figure, a skeletal bird with cindered wings and rattling chains. It lets out a keening cry.

Vel: That’s Al’ar.

Uth: Al’ar? The phoenix?

Vel: Yes. No one left Deathholme alive. Not even him.

Uth: I see.

As he flies overhead, there are two figures flying with him. One is a humanoid figure, but with long black wings.

They reach the gathered group at the observatory. In front of them they see a gunmetal gray stand of some kind, like something that would hold a scrying orb. It’s currently empty. They hear shifting as planetarium like orbs and observational items shift in preparation for this ritual. As of those who are gathered, King Kael’thas is there, as is Astalor. Next to the king they see Grand Magister Rommath, who is currently looking at the king. The two of them appear to be having a conversation. As Vel and Uther emerge he gives them a nod. There are a number of other unrecognizable magisters. Last, but not least, they see Lana’thel in her black and crimson armor, hands folded behind her back. Her glowing eyes look to them, and there is a sparkle of recognition. She looks very different then when last Uther saw her. Her skin is washed out and almost bluish, and two prominent scars cross her neck where it seems that two blades had been brought to bare against it. Behind her there is a vrykul woman, living, wearing furs and feathers. Her cowl is down at the moment and they can see tattoos that run all over her. On her other side is another vrykul with pristine unblemished flesh. She wears mostly ceremonial armor that does not cover most of her body. She has a spear as tall as she is at her side, and on her back are two dark wings. She turns to face them but they do not see her eyes, as a visor covers her face. Black hair billows out from beneath her visor in massive braids as tall as they are. She is tall and imposing, even amongst the others.

Astalor: Ah Velameestra! Just in time.

Him and the Vel simulacrum that is here gesture them over.

Ast: It’ll begin in just a few moments. And I’m glad you were able to make it. You’re looking quite nice.

Uth: Many thanks. I must say I’m very impressed with what you’ve all managed to accomplish here.

Ast: It is quite impressive. Truthfully we would not have been able to do it without the aid of all of the Sin’dorei. And of Lorderon as well. They were as generous as they could be in aiding us with what material and funding they could. I understand the difficulty of their own situation. I only wish it was warmer. It’s only going to get colder as the months pass.

In the distance they can see quite a few more flying vrykul. Astalor directs them to the side.

Ast: You’re free to stand right here. We’ll be getting started quite shortly. I hope you enjoy the show, we’ve worked very hard to make this a possibility.

Uth: I look forward to it.

Uther and Vel have a moment as Astalor finish setting it up with the other magisters. A few moments later, Astalor announces they are just about ready.

Ast: Alright everyone! If you would just back up a bit, just in case. Magister Dawngrasp, if you would be so kind.

Another magister steps up, presumably Magister Dawngrasp.

Dawn: Of course!

They withdraw a small bag and gently take it out of their bag. It appears to be a black sphere of some sort, that almost seems to absorb the light. The magister makes their way forward.

Dawn: For those of you that are less in the now about matters arcane, this is the project that we’ve been toiling on. While we wish we could have finished it earlier, we have at least been able to have it prepared better late than never.

They move forward and place it on on the podium.

Dawn: We call this the Nightfall Pearl. And I do enjoy what it is capable of doing.

The magister stands back, licks their lips and rubs their hands together. Their eyes start to glow. They hold out their hand and begin to speak thalassian incantations.

Dawn: Night rise up. Rise about the land. May it bring us into it’s cold embrace.

As they speak, the pearl begins to scintillate with a pulsing shadow. The gathered crowd feels a wave, not enough to push them back but enough to ruffle their coats. As the wave extends upward and outward, the light of the sun’s light vanishes. What few clouds remain in the sky are still there, and the stars and the moon are visible. Vengeance Landing has been consumed in night. Magister Dawngrasp sighs in relief, as the other Magisters clap and congratulate them.

Kael: I always knew you had a great deal of potential.

Dawn: You are far too kind, your highness. I would have not been able to do this without the aid of everyone else. Not to mention the research of Miss Windrunner. Without her incantation, none of this would have been possible.

Ast: Well, you’re quite capable of thanking her yourself, Magister.

Astalor gestures over to Vel, and Magister Dawngrasp looks over.

Dawn: Oh! I had no idea you would be in attendance. Forgive me, I was too preoccupied with the incantation.

 Vel: No need to worry.  It’s a pleasure to meet you Magister.

Dawn: The feeling is mutual. Varden Dawngrasp! I had the pleasure of applying you protective penumbra spell on a macro level using some of the magics used in the creation of the Ban’denareal. Tweaking a few numbers here and there and making it work! Apologies, I’m a bit starstruck!

Vel: Ingenious application.

Dawn: Thank you, you’re far to kind.

Ast: You are far too modest, my friend. Afterall, you should know Velameestra, Magister Dawngrasp trained under Kael’thas himself.

Vel: Indeed?

Dawn: For a brief period. He was generous enough to take me in as his apprentice for a brief time after returning to Silvermoon.

Kael: You were the best and only apprentice I’ve ever had. You’ve more than earned your accolades today.

Dawn: Thank you again, sir. It’s beautiful isn’t it?

Varden looks at the sky.

Vel: Very.

Dawn: With this perhaps our people need not worry about hiding any longer. At least not here.

Vel gives a look of acknowledgement.

As the test is wrapping up there is a moment for chatter. Vel lets Varden go on with their invention. The groups begin to disperse. Lana’thel was the first to leave, but gave them a nod of acknowledgement. She wished to speak with Vel later, but didn't want to interrupt. Kael’thas and Rommath approach Vel and Uther. Rommath reaches out into their minds.

Rom: His majesty informed me of everything that you told him. If you’re not opposed to it, I would participate in this discussion of yours before I rejoin with the Ranger Captain in Dragonblight. Are you opposed?

Uth: No, not at all.

Vel: No, of course.

Kael: When you’re ready to speak, your highness, Velameestra, come and find us in the command hall.

He points to a building across the way.

Kael: There’s a meeting chamber in there that I will ensure is suitable for our private discussion.

Seeing as the both of them are ready to go, they head down together. The barracks are a base of operations for the Blood Knights, the Far Striders and the Guardians of the Eternal Spring. The king secures one of the meeting chambers, which are rather large. Much larger then what is needed for four people. The door closes behind them. Kael’thas crosses his arms.

Kael: Velameestra has informed me of what is occurring in your homeland.

Prince Uther gives a somber nod.

Kael: To say I am dissatisfied to hear this would be an understatement. However, I’ve been led to believe you are likewise unsatisfied with events.

Uther: As the Prince of Lorderon, as one of the last members of the Silver Hand, and as a person. Yes. What is happening in my homeland fills me with dread that I didn’t know that I could feel.

Kael: The rumors are true. My people are being hunted in shacks and shelters, dragged from their ramshackled homes and killed in the streets. Dread does not begin to describe it. So. Why should I trust the future of my people to someone like you? When your father sits idly by while this occurs and raises not a hand to protect them.

Uth: Well. Not that it matters overmuch. But whoever sits on the throne of Lorderon Castle is not my father.

Kael: Explain yourself.

Uth: Down in that cavern where we recovered my father’s unconscious body, whoever that was a fake. We found my father in Kalimdor. His memory is gone. My assumption is one of the agents of Daval Prestor created a simulacrum of sorts.

Vel: We believe there are more powerful magics at work. We don’t know the exact scope of it. But it’s a possibility that whoever is sitting on the throne of Lordaeron may be an anchor for whatever kind of magic is inflicting Arthas as of now.

Rom: And you believe the dragons are involved?

Uth: Involved? I believe that the dragons are the cause.

Rom: I suppose then it’s good that the ranger captain and I are investigating. We may learn more about the dragons.

Vel: Specifically it’s the Black Dragonflight.

Kael: I am aware that Daval Prestor would have us believe the red dragons are responsible. And yet we also know the truth. General Borel was once one of them. Though it dissatisfies me to know that our inner circle was infiltrated by a dragon in the first place, such things are obviously possible.

Uth: And it doesn’t strike me the slightest bit odd that a black dragon would have you think the reds are the enemy.

Rom: Bold accusation. But not one that is outside the realm of possibility.

Kael: So then the high king’s farce that the red dragons were responsible is as false as you claim it to be. Which I have any reason to believe given what I have been told from Rommath. Then you also likewise believe that he is a black dragon. That alone is going to need a great amount of proof if you’re going to turn others against him, as I’m sure you’re aware.

Uth: Indeed.

Kael: So tell me, Prince Uther. What do you plan on doing with the information that you have gathered in regards to the Scarlet Crusade, and the threat that they pose to your nation and mine?

Uth: It won’t be quick. But. The first step is to return to the Eastern Kingdoms and build some measure of a powerbase there. I’m not ignorant to the fact that solving this problem could very well mean staging a rebellion from within the Alliance. It’s not a conflict we can expressly afford. But if the alternative is letting Daval Prestor have is way then we are lost. I still hold the Librum of Justice. I know that the transition of the Scarlet Crusade was not met with unanimous support. A few members, some that I know well, see this crusade for what it is. We will make contact with them, and ultimately the Scarlet Crusade will be disbanded. And if they won’t, they’ll be snuffed out.

Rom: That sounds awfully like a declaration of war. Are you certain you’re prepared to do what is necessary to do that? Doubly so for the fate of a people who are not your own.

Uther: It’s been a trying journey. The more I travel, it seems the realm of things that I don’t know expands at a much greater rate than the realm of things I do. But one thing I know for certain, is that what’s being done to your people is wrong. And those that are perpetrating this will cease. Ideally peacefully, diplomatically, but that proves to be impossible… I will end 100 lives to save 10,000. With my own hands if I must.

Kael: And you can speak with such confidence, knowing that you are the only living being in this room? In spite of everything that your misguided brothers and sisters are fighting for, you’ll stand up for storybook monsters? Even if it means killing your own?

Uther takes a breath.

Uth: Will you grant me a departure from diplomatic decorum, your majesty?

Kael: Consider it granted, Uther.

Uther: Kael’thas, what’s living? What does that mean? Am I alive because I draw breath? Because I eat, and sleep, and drink, and shit?

Rommath glances at Kael’thas, and then over at Vel. Kael’thas crosses his arms.

Uther: Is that what makes me alive?

Kael: By its definition, yes.

Uth: And if all I did was eat, and sleep, and drink, and shit. I never spoke to another person. I would still be alive, yes?

Kael: Yes, I suppose you’re right.

Uther: Then I don’t think that word has meaning. I love. I laugh. I speak. I sing. I dance. Poorly. I fight to protect the people I love. To me, that is what makes me alive. You love your people. You share experiences with them. You seek to survive so you can continue to do those things. That, to me, is what makes you, and Vel, and Rommath, and everybody here, alive. I don’t care that your heart doesn’t beat and that you don’t need to breathe.

Kael: Very well, Uther. I will offer you the following arrangement. Follow through on your promise of abolishing the Scarlet Crusade and banishing them from your lands, and paving a way where my people need not fear for their lives or unlives simply because of who they are or who they choose to protect. Aid me in doing this, and as king of the sin’dorei, I guarantee you any amount of support I can muster. When the time comes to stand against High King Daval Prestor. He who would *sanction* the barbaric murder of my people. Does this accord sound efficacious to you?

Uther: I believe it does. Full disclosure, your majesty, I was going to do that anyway.

Kael’thas chuckles.

Kael: Well then, I suppose it’s good I am not overtaxing you with my *humble* request. There are things I must take care of. Arrangements that must be made before I return to the Eastern Kingdoms. But when the time comes to make moves, I will be there. The time for misguidance and misunderstanding amongst the Convocation has come to an end. And I will need to meet with Lord Regent Theron, and Ranger-General Windrunner. We will speak on everything that occurred, and what must be done.

Rommath projects to those in the room.

Rom: Are you certain that’s wise?

Kael: We have no choice. The Scarlet Crusade is moving. They WILL reveal the truth of what plagues our people, if they have not done so already. They will come to judgment calls of their own. And if we are not there, we will have no influence on what is done, said, or what policies are issued.

Rom: Then, if I am able, I would go with you. I would not have you face this alone. Once I am able to wrap up what we are working on in the Dragonblight, I will see what I can do.

Kael: Good. I would prefer having you there, Rommath. I will need someone there to watch my back.

Rommath nods.

Kael: Very well. This has been enlightening, Prince Menethil. I thank you for taking the time out of your busy subterfuge to meet with us.

Uth: Our people have been allies for a long time. I don’t want to see that change.

Kael: Though it has not been without its rocky parts… you and I are of the same mind. After all, my people are dependent on the hospitality of yours. So for this evening, allow me to provide the same for both of you. ‘Tis the least I can do. For the time being, make yourselves comfortable in Vengeance Landing. If anyone gives you trouble, send them to me, and I’ll be sure to straighten them out. And Velameestra, if you would be willing, I would very much like to speak to you in private.

Vel: Of course, your majesty.

Kael’thas bows his head. With that he turns.

Kael: Then I will speak to both of you again. Remember the Sunwell.

Vel: Remember the Sunwell.

Uth: We’ll never forget it.

Kael’thas leaves. As Rommath prepares to go, he looks to the two of them seriously.

Rom: Death.

Vel and Uther look puzzled.

Rom: You asked the difference between the living and the dead. The answer is death. You can experience it, while we already have. Remember that. Uth: I guess everyone in this room might have more in common than you had thought.

They see a crease of a smirk beneath his collar.

Vel: One more thing for you Grand Magister. Remnii showed me where Frostmourne came from. It was forged from an ally of the dreadlords.

Rommath’s eyebrows furrow.

Rom: I see. That will warrant further investigation. I appreciate you telling me.

Vel: Of course.

Rom: Is there anything you would like me to pass forward to your aunt, on my honor?

Vel: I’ll be dreaming her tonight.

Rom: I’ll make sure that she rests then.

Vel: Thank you.

Once again there is a slight grin under the collar.

Rom: A pleasure as always.

Vel: You as well.

Rommath makes his exit.

Vel looks to Uther.

Vel: Bold declarations.

Uth: It’s what I do.

Vel: It is in fact what you do. I can show you around.

Uth: I’d like that.

The two of them make their way around a darkened Vengeance Landing. It is lit so that people can see. She brings Uther on a grand tour of the area. They see all sorts of things. The vrykul and their various mounts. They pass by many elves that Uther is mostly unable to tell if they are living or dead. Occasionally they pass by one that is clearly not amongst the living. Uther is more concerned about the fact that it was midday an hour ago, and now it’s midnight. He is curious about how far it goes, and if possibly they deleted the sun. Though he is reassured it was only a 10 mile radius in every direction. That still flabbergasts him.

Amongst the individuals he encounters, Vel goes and finds Lenore for him. This was the first time he had seen her since he saved her life on the docks. She invites the two of them for supper. She’s living, but all of her daughters are not, and all of the daughters are in attendance. There is a banshee, a skeleton, and a vampyr. Vel notices that the vampyr daughter is also getting mutations. Lenore did make sure there was blood for the ones that need that, because that’s a normal thing now.


As they make their way out, they hear a ruckus. They hear two vrykul yelling at each other. One is living one is a kvaldir. Moments afterwards, the living vrykul decks the kvaldir, and the two begin to fight. The kvaldir pulls out a dagger.

Uth: Is that normal?

Vel: I can’t say that’s normal. I don’t know what’s normal concerning the vrykul.

Vel goes to intervene. As she makes her way over, all the sudden another medium sized figure leaps up and grabs the faces of the men and plant them into the dirt. They see the unmistakable armor of the blood knights. The elf is a few inches shy to seven feet tall. It’s Taldaraam.

Tal: No fighting.

The vrykul get up, and the kvaldir spits curses at him. He gets ready to hit him, and the elf kicks him in the face.

Tal: General’s orders. No fighting. Unless you want to answer to the val’kyr.

The kvaldir’s nose is bleeding black ichor. He goes to pick up his dagger but Taldaram steps on it. The kvaldir spits a few more curses and leaves. The mortal vrykul gets up and runs off. Taldaram then picks up the dagger, shrugs, and puts it in his pocket and walks away. He glances in their direction but doesn’t do anything.

Vel recognizes him and his connection to Seria.

They hear a voice from behind them.

Lana’thel: Captain Evenstar isn’t one for words, but he is effective isn’t he?

Vel: He certainly is.

They turn and see Lana’thel. She’s accompanied by the same vrykul and winged vrykul as before.

Vel: General Duskseeker it’s good to see you.

Lana: Velameestra Windrunner. It’s a pleasure to see you unmasked.

Vel: Yes, as it would happen there’s no need for it up here anymore.

Lana: And Prince Menethil. A pleasure to see you again. You look good.

Uth: Many thanks General. You’re looking good yourself.

There is a tuck of a smile at the corner of her mouth, and she sort of hums.

Lana: Allow me to introduce you to my compatriots. This is Syreian. She’s been a great help and was responsible for brokering the first meeting between our peoples. She has told us much of the way of the land and we would not have gotten far without her.

Syr: You honor me, pale walker. I’ve heard of your exploits, Velameestra Windrunner.

Vel: Good things, I hope.

Syr: Only just. I’ve been led to believe that this mysticism that covers the night sky is partially your doing. And that your knowledge and mind have steeled the Sin’dorei against many a foe. It is rare in my culture for blood seers to be female, but I believe that you are stronger than all of them combined. Though I am a bit biased.

Vel: It is good the sin’dorei would find such a valuable ally.

Syreian returns a smile.

Lana: This is Anhilde the caller. She is an adjutant from an ally of our people. She has come to aid us in negotiations that will take place between myself and the rest of the vrykul clans.

Vel: It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Anh: The pleasure is all mine.

Her voice echoes with a supernatural twinge.

Ahn: The val’kyr have come to observe and to aid. We have heard much about the plight of your people. And General Duskseeker has provided a curious and most beneficial aid to my mistress. It is an honor to represent her along with my sisters.

Vel: Your fellows that fly with Al’ar?

Ahn: They were charmed by the king’s creature and his many stories to tell. The nature of his existence is one ever curious to the youngest among us, those who haven’t seen everything the world has to offer.

Vel: I have no doubt he does.

Ahn: But we nine are here to serve as much as we are to observe. Should you or your simulacrum need anything in the time you are here, ask and we will see that it is done.

Vel: I’ll make sure she knows. I imagine you’ll be dealing with her more then you’ll be dealing with me.

Anhilde nods.

Ahn: And should the peace between the Helarjar and the Dragonflayer clan continue to devolve, rest assured we shall intervene. They should know better than to act against Helya’s will. And the general has demanded peace between them, and that peace will be maintained.

Vel nods.

Lana: Would you indulge for me a curiosity?

Vel: Of course, general.

Lana’thel gestures for them to follow as she begins to walk.

Lana: It has come to my knowledge that you and yours traveled together are most certainly alive, in a sense.

Vel: I’m the only exception to that rule.

Lana: Tell me. Do you still travel with a one called Remnii?

Vel: We do, until just recently.

Lana: I see.

Vel: She’ll be returning soon enough once she deals with her own business.

Lana: When she does, would you be so kind as to pass a message?

Vel: Of course.

Lana: I would very my like an audience if it was suitable with her arrangements. I believe the two of us have much to speak on.

Vel: Consider it delivered.

Lana: It has also come to my acknowledgement that she has been reunited with her own people, confirmed by your own testimony. For that I am glad. Please do pass my congratulations on.

Vel: I shall.

Lana: She need not prostrate herself before monsters any longer. For that, she and I can both be gladdened for indeed. I spoke briefly with Magister Bloodsworn about the research that you had collected. This anima seems quite promising.

Vel: It does. And some of the potential theories I think your Blood Knights may have use for.

Lana: Of that we are in agreement.

Vel: After all I don’t think anyone else in Vengeance Landing has the same knowledge of similar magics. At least a cousin, if my theories are accurate. Potentially something that can be adapted for our own uses.

Lana: In that you are quite unique, Velameestra. And for that I appreciate you. Our people are going through an unprecedented time. The fervor in which you have put yourself at risk has not gone unnoticed. And I’m sure that his majesty and the Grand Magister have given you their thanks, but I wish to extend my own as well.

Vel: My life for my people. Quite literally, in this case.

Lana: I look forward to seeing what your brilliant mind comes up with next, Velameestra.

Vel: And I hope to impress.

Lana: But I shant distract you from your tour any longer. I will be heading north again shortly, but I presume by then you will have already taken your leave.

Vel: Tomorrow.

Lana: Then may you rest easy this evening.

Vel: And my you hunt well.

Lana: Likewise. Your highness.

Lana’thel bows her head to Uther, and she and the others make their way out.

Vel plans to send Remnii tomorrow the message.

They spend the rest of the evening at Vengeance Landing. Uther is given a nice place to stay, and Astalor makes sure he’s well taken care of. He offers him a robe out of his own wardrobe. It’s a little short, but oh well. Uther gets flirted with the entire night.

September 3rd

The next morning the both of them are roused from their sleep, Sehaar comes to find Vel.

Sehaar says: Mistress Windrunner, something has happened. Late last night the expedition from Whispering Gulch returned. It may be wise of you to steel yourself and make your way to the medical tent.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Oh dear.

Vel catches Uther.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Uther. I’m on my way. Something’s arose.
Uther Menethil says: What’s the matter?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I don’t know other than the mining expedition returned that I had some concerns about.
Uther Menethil says: I’ll join you.

Vel nods and the two make their way to and area that’s been transformed into a hospital. It’s partially inside, partially outside. As they arrive they hear a voice raised in irritation. It’s Tae'thelan Sunwatcher, Tae’shara’s father. He’s levitating a few feet about Malande who meets him with a steely smile that is impervious to any sort of emotion, as she bars his way from entering into the tent. They also see Tae’shara behind her father.

Tae'thelan Sunwatcher says: That is my husband in there, priestess. You must understand that given the circumstances, allowing me to go in and see him is paramount to anything!
Malande says: I understand, Magister. But right now Arlethal isn’t in a condition to receive visitors. I would ask that you please remain calm until his condition is stable.

Tae’shara notices Vel and Uther.

Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: Hey guys, I didn’t expect to see you again so soon.
Velameestra Windrunner says: What’s going on?
Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: I’m not exactly sure. Something happened on the expedition to my dad. They got back and something’s wrong. They’re not letting us in to see him.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Let me see what I can do.

Tae’shara nods, and the three of them head over to the tent. Malande turns to them.

Malande says: Velameestra. I’m glad that you arrived.
Velameestra Windrunner says: What’s the situation? Tae’shara said they returned and there’s something wrong.
Tae'thelan Sunwatcher says: And they won’t let me see him!
Malande says: You must understand, Magister Sunwatcher. As I was already saying his condition is unstable.
Tae'thelan Sunwatcher says: Will you at least tell me what that means, woman?!
Malande says: It seems he’s become somewhat unresponsive to stimuli. He speaks things that seem to be nonsensical. As if he’s been addled in some way. We are currently looking for treatments, but so far our magics have not availed us too much. But he has only just arrived. There is time.
Tae'thelan Sunwatcher says: And what of the other members of the expedition?
Malande says: They are in similar condition. But we are currently looking for ways for them to be treated. They are being kept in secure wards and facilities, with overflow being kept safely within secure locations elsewhere. I assure you no harm will come to them. Please be patient.
Tae'thelan Sunwatcher says: How am I to be patient when the light of my life is beyond this door and I can do nothing to help?!
Velameestra Windrunner says: Malande, I was working with Magister Bloodsworn. I had asked him to inform me of some of the things that were going on. Is it alright if I take a look?

Malande nods.

Malande says: As it stands, Magister Bloodsworn is already looking over the patient along with you.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Excellent.
Tae'thelan Sunwatcher says: Miss Windrunner. I implore you, please. Get to the truth of this matter.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’ll do what I can, magister.

Tae’thelan looks like he hasn’t slept much. He levitates over her.

Tae'shara Sunwatcher says: Father, come on. Sit down a moment.

He does stop levitating for a moment, and allows his body to collapse. Tae’shara helps him get into a comfortable position, and he puts his head into his hands. He continues to rant for awhile as Vel and Uther go in.

Malande says: If there’s any insight your training could give, we’d take all the help we can get.

They head further in and as they approach they hear screaming.

Arlethal Sunwatcher screams: Make me forget! Make me forget! I don’t want to know anymore! Just… please. The truth is too difficult! Just take it from me already! What are you doing??

They are directed there by other priestesses and encounter Astalor and the Vel simulacrum. Strapped down to the table they see Arlethal Sunwatcher. His eyes are sunken and wild. His jawline is narrow as if he’s starting to show signs of starvation and dehydration. He is straining against his restraints, causing raw skin on his arms and legs to rub off. He is very clearly insane.

Arlethal Sunwatcher screams: Don’t come in! If you know too, you won’t be able to leave!!
Velameestra Windrunner says: Oh dear.

Vel quickly coordinates with her simulacrum.

Astalor Bloodsworn says: Velameestra, it’s good you’re here. It may be good for you to give him a dose.

He looks to another person who gives Arlethal a dose of sedative.

Astalor Bloodsworn says: Well, this is the situation at large. His condition hasn’t gotten any better. In fact it’s gotten worse. It seems to be rather similar to that of the miners. He’s not afflicted with a disease, and there’s no parasites or anything like that. It seems to be a degradation of his mental state. They were barely able to bring him back. The further they got from the gulch the worse it got.

Vel: Has there been any attempts from the priests to calm emotions or anything of the sort?

Ast: They’ve tried and it aided clarity for short bursts. But not even a greater restoration can lift it more than an hour at most, in which point he just mostly falls to rest. Docile, but not himself. The same is the case for all of them. Well most of them.

Vel: Most of them?

Ast: The only ones that were able to avoid succumbing to this madness are some of the workers that shared a condition similar to you. They seem to have been unaffected. Likewise, some of the overseers that still draw breath were exempt. But they were further from the heart of things. I understand that Arlethal had been investigating the depths. That may have something to do with how his condition degraded so quickly. Apparently he was growing aggressive after being brought up from the mine. Before which, he was fine, but they got more erratic as they got further way until his behavior became downright belligerent the last couple of days.

They watch as the sedative kicks in, and he is not rendered fully unconscious but is instead in a stupor.

Vel: The things he’s going on that he wants to forget, has he specified beyond that?

Astelor shakes his head.

Ast: Not beyond speaking of “It”. He has mentioned “it” on multiple occasions. Your simulacrum has been making notes of what has been said.

The simulacrum hands her notes over to Vel. She sees similar things to what she saw. That it’s coming. To hide. Talking about knowing the truth and wanting to forget. About it seeing them, and watching and it’s almost free. And to run and hide.

Vel: And none of the undead have succumbed whatsoever? No signs of madness of anysort?

Ast: It seems there are some cases of headaches, weariness and queasiness. But that passes quickly. But not even any universal standard.

Vel: Alright. Well maybe we can get to the bottom of this.

Vel casts telepathy on Arlethal.

Vel: What is it you want to forget? Perhaps we can help you. But I need you to tell me what that is.

All Vel hears as she tries to connect is his voice whimpering and a thousand whispers. And as she tries to focus

Voice: Give up. This was your fault. They’re coming. There’s no escape. Death, life, There's no escape. They’re turning against you. Watch your back. They never loved you.

All are being whispered at the same time, and Vel is able to peel herself from the mind as the words assault her. It is almost overwhelming. Vel dispels magic.

Vel notices there is a similarity to what was going on with the druids. He’s less cognizant.

Vel: There is something in his head, similar to what we encountered with the druids. It’s more pronounced.

Ast: You think something in the mind caused this? The material they were gathering?

Vel: If the similarity of those who were more afflicted were deeper in the mine, that would be my best guess. I don’t know if potentially anyone that is capable of Mind Blank. But similar magics could ease him for the time being. But there’s an entity that is trying to talk with him.

Ast: We will try.

Uth: What material is being gathered in this mine?

Ast: A mineral. It’s been called Saronite. Incredibly durable, but malleable. They were collecting it and gathering it to turn it into… well whatever you would turn metal into.

He looks over to a lead box in the corner.

Ast: Velameestra if you would…

The simulacrum gathers it and brings it over.

Ast: I wouldn’t touch it, if I were you. Not until we learn more about it.

The simulacrum opens the case just a bit. They see a small chunk of tealish blue metal. It looks strange. It’s beautiful in a way, almost emitting a glow.

Ast: That’s a sample of it. I believe that after the two of you leave, we are taking a look at this. One of the projects that may be wise for her to handle. I will be keeping my distance until we learn more about it.

Vel: For the best. I am not sure any of the living should go back into that mine yet.

Ast: Not yet.

Uth: And where is it being stored?

Ast: Most of it is in a safe facility in the mine. Or outside of it at least. Little of it has been brought back, as the operations had only begun. Would it help if you brought a sample with you, Vel? A small one.

Vel: I can take a closer look at it. It’s secure. Lead ensures there’s no cross contamination?

Ast: There’s been no problems with it thus far. If this mineral is corrupting, only those who touch it directly for extended periods of time, and are living, have been affected.

Vel: I have potential people I can follow up with.

Ast: It’s not the only sample I’ve brought. So take that. We can observe the others.

Vel: Alright.

Vel takes the box.

Ast: At the very least they deserve to see him before further action is taken. Whatever that will be.

Vel: Right.

Astalor nods and goes back to what he was doing. As they leave Tae’shara makes her way out.

Tae: Well, how does it look?

Vel: They are going to try to get him into a coma state so that you and your father can see him. There may have something to do with what he was looking into. We don’t have much information, not yet at least. But I will be looking into it personally. And my simulacrum will be helping Astalor on that front.

Tae: I appreciate that. Really. If anyone could figure it out, it’ll be you.

Vel: I’ll do what I can.

Tae’shara gives her a hug and she makes her way over to tell her dad. The see his shoulders start to wrack a bit, and Tae’shara gives him a hug.

But, with the sample in hand Uther and Vel head off. Vel plans to reach out to Locus Walker.