[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Fifty-Five

Appearing Characters:

August ??? - ???

Tol’vas joins Tyrande and Shandris to go and visit Malfurion in the Stormrage barrow den.

Shand: I take it by the fact you’re standing, that everything went well with the Circle?

Tol: It went better than expected.

Shan: That’s good. I won’t lie, the last thing I wanted to deal with right now was… well. We’ve had to say goodbye to a number of our friends. I wouldn’t want you to have to go back too.

Tol: That would have been a very short-lived freedom.

Tyrande: I suppose you’ll have to make sure it’s well earned, Tol’vas.

Tol: That I can say for sure I’ll make sure to do.

The trio soon finds themselves at the entrance of the barrow den. No one gives them much of a second glance as they enter, and they are quickly directed to where Malfurion is still slumbering down below.

Tol’vas had never been in a proper barrow den. It seems to be a natural cave, but one that had been shaped by the hands of various druids in a specific design to serve as a resting place for various druids dealing with errands within the Dream. In many long corridors, there are chambers similar to those in the Wailing Caverns. Some are empty, but others have druids returning to or maintaining their slumber.

After a couple moments, they arrive at a cavern deeper in.

Tyrande: This is it.

The trio steps in, and they see a simple room. At the center is a bed of roots and twisting vines and leaves, and laid upon it is Malfurion. He looks more wizened than the last time Tol’vas had seen him: his beard is more full, and his antlers have blossomed into their full size. Yet, there is a certain sunkenness to him, as if he was suffering from illness. He was breathing, though his breaths had been slowed significantly by the trance.

Shandris whispers under her breath in acknowledgement of her father, and Tyrande kneels down next to Malfurion to run her hands through his hair.

Tyrande: He looks worse than he did when I last saw him. If there was any doubt my beloved was in danger, this is more than enough evidence to know something is amiss.

Tol’vas stands at the entranceway.

Tol: How long has he been there?

Shandris: Over the Long Vigil, his visits back were few and far between. Even less so than most of the others. His hibernations were always long, but he would at least visit us while we rested. Until he vanished. Until he stopped arriving, and until any efforts made to reach out to him began to fail.

Tyrande sighs and shakes her head.

Tyran: It’s been hundreds of years since I last spoke to him.

Tol’vas’s eyes go wide.

Tyrande: Though I’ve tried to reach out to him in my dreams, and I’ve come to see him, I believe that something is wrong. Something has gone wrong. I’m going to fix this. If something is taking you, my love, I will find whatever it is that’s doing this, even if I have to fight my way into the Dream itself. I’m going to fix this. I don’t know what to do without you, and I’m tired of pretending that I do.

Tol: Where he is within the Dream is deep and dark. I suppose we’ll just need to bring the light to him.

Tyrande withdraws a small curved blade and cuts a small piece of Malfurion’s hair.

Tyrande: I may no longer be the high priestess, but I still walk in Elune’s grace. She has not turned her back on me for my failure, and I will not fail again. If he is deep, than I shall go deeper. I do not fear the darkness. If anything, it is the darkness that should fear me.

Tyrande clenches her fist around the lock of hair as she sheathes her blade.

Tol: I think any enemy of yours should be afraid.

Tyrande stands and lays her hand on Malfurion’s chest one more time.

Tyrand: I’m coming, my love, and Illidan is helping me. I believe the two of you have much to speak on. He would have come himself, but we saw wisdom in not causing a panic in the Moonglade. Sleep well, my love. I’m coming.

She leans down and places a kiss on Malfurion’s cheek. Shandris also gives him a kiss on the forehead and squeezes his shoulder. They then step back to give Tol’vas some space if he desired it.

Tol’vas kneels down next to Malfurion and places a hand on his shoulder.

Tol: I’m sorry, how we parted. I was… angry, and you came to help, and I… lashed out. If there’s one thing I regret, it’s the hurt you must have felt.

Tol’vas stays there for a moment.

Tol: I hope soon I can actually ask them for your forgiveness. With the people coming after you, I have pretty high hopes you’ll be found and this will be made right.

Tol’vas squeezes Malfurion’s shoulder and stands back up. Shandris puts a hand on Tol’vas’s shoulder.

Shan: I’m sure he’ll forgive you, Tol’vas. It’s been a very long time, even if it doesn’t seem like it for you. And he cared a lot about you. There’s always time to make things right.

Tyrande casts one last glance at Malfurion before the group heads out of the barrow den.


Vel is able to find Syeori basically everywhere. She keeps hearing she is all over the place, but she eventually does find her in Timbermaw Hold as the other elf had gotten press-ganged into moving things around and packing for the various groups.

Sye: Vel, hey!

Vel: I’ve heard you’ve been all over the place.

Sye: Yeah, there’s a lot to do and I want to make sure I can help as much as I can before we continue onto our own mission.

Vel: I take it you’re continuing exploring Kalimdor for the time being?

Sye: Yeah. We’re going to be heading back to Gadgetzan with the rest of the Explorer’s League and trying to collect what information we can about where the hell Brann went. We have a few ideas, but I feel like we may be looking in the wrong direction. We’ll figure it out!

Vel: Well you found Sir Finley, or he found you. Perhaps you can get lucky again?

Sye: I can sure hope so. I think a lot the evidence seems to be pointing to him not going as far north as we thought. Or at least he didn’t stay there. We’ll have to double back. Meanwhile I’ll be spending a little more time with Li Li before she leaves too. Her and Bo are going to try to find her uncle Chen.

Vel: He might be on the Eastern Kingdoms at this point, as that’s where he was heading. He mentioned going east. But, do you have a moment?

Sye: Sure. I can always make a moment for you, Vel. Especially since it won’t be too long before you head off on your own business.

Vel: There are a lot of things to cover back home. We’ve been away for quite a bit.

Sye: Yeah, I ended up talking with Examiner Sunwatcher after she got out. We shared a few notes. I was surprised I kind of thought she hated me.

Vel: I get the sense Tae’shara warms up to people over time. I’m glad you were able to share what you found at least.

Sye: She told me a little bit about what was happening. Sort of follow up on what we talked about in the Barrens.

Vel: What did she cover so I’m not repeating anything?

Sye: Mostly the same. She said that you knew more. But she wasn’t at liberty to talk about everything. I assume it’s state secrets given she’s technically a government agent.

Vel: Of sorts.

Sye: She was also interrogating me again about why I joined the Explorers League, and if I wanted to join the Reliquary. She’s really caught up on that.

Vel: I have a feeling this is going to be an ongoing competition.

Sye: Most likely. I don’t mind. But sorry, getting distracted. What did you want to talk about?

Vel: Some of things she was not at liberty to discuss. There’s a couple other layers of repercussions to the invasion that I mentioned. Layers if by the time you get back from Kalimdor will be on the forefront. I didn’t want you to get blindsided.

Sye: Oh?

Vel: There’s no graceful way to breach this, but some of the dead did not stay dead.

Sye: What exactly do you mean?

Vel: There’s a bit of a cultural shift going on. Moreso than just the moniker Sin’dorei.

Vel pauses as she pieces together how to word this.

Vel: A faction of undead have emerged. Intelligent ones, trying to exist as they once were.

Sye: Wow. Yeah, okay. I can definitely see why that was something she wasn’t at liberty to talk about. How do you know about this though?

Vel: I’m one of them.

Syeori blinks several times.

Sye: Wait, seriously?

Vel: Seriously.

Syeori studies Vel, looking at her from side to side.

Sye: I mean you look like you could use some sleep, but you don’t exactly… You do look a little different though.

Vel: Vampyrs are fortunately able to blend in a little bit more than others.

Sye: Wait? Vampyrs? Like vampire-vampyrs? Like, can’t eat garlic, don’t have reflections, turn into bats vampires?

Vel: Not all the stories are accurate.

Sye: That’s good, cause I think there was a bushel of garlic that was just moved… nevermind. Wow! Are you okay? I don’t really… do the Naaru things know?

Vel: They know. The draenei that need to know also know.

Sye: That’s good, I wouldn’t want anyone to try and hurt you or something.

Vel: I’ll be fine. The nature of that I imagine will be uncovered knowledge by the time you get back from over the sea. And the repercussions of that come with it. You’re taking this rather well actually.

Sye: Well it’s something out of a storybook! It’s a lot to digest but it’s kind of cool in a way. What did you think I was going to be afraid of you or something?

Vel: That was a potential, yes.

Sye: Vel. We’ve known each other since we were kids. You almost killed me a few times, and that had nothing to do with the fact that you were a vampyr. I don’t think that would change anything. And when did this happen? When we met in the Barrens were you still alive then?

Vel: I was alive when we first met, but I was dead when we parted ways.

Sye: I would never have guessed! I’m sure there’s a lot more to this then what I would understand, but I just want to know more! I’m more curious then anything else!

Vel: Alright, if you have a minute.

Sye: Please! Let me get a notepad!

Syeori asks a lot of questions, mostly “How do you feel?” Do you still feel happiness, do you still care about protecting the people you love, and other obscure questions. There is distinct difference in the questions Syeori would ask versus the questions Tae’shara would ask. Vel would be incredulous on some of the questions, but she answers them.

Remnii happens to see Jarod and Maiev together conversing as they approach the Exodar. As they part ways, Remnii is able to catch her as she starts to walk closer to the massive ship–looking up at it. Remnii offers Jarod a wave and exchanges pleasantries before she approaches Maiev.

Rem: High priestess! May i speak with you?

Maiev’s ear twitches in acknowledgement, but she doesn’t break away from looking at the Exodar.

Mai: So this is what started it all?

Rem: Yes.

Remnii stands beside her, also looking up at the ship.

Mai: When I heard the reports the Violet Star was a giant crystal mountain, I don’t know what I expected, but that’s about how I would describe it.

Rem: This one part of a bigger citadel that fell to the orcs and the Legion.

Mai: Your people traveled amongst the stars in these crystal mountains?

Remnii considers, and purses her lips as she nods in agreement.

Rem: Aptly named. Yes, I suppose we do.

Maiev pinches her brow.

Mai: There is a lot I don’t understand.

Maiev finally looks at Remnii.

Mai: You wanted to speak, ambassador?

Rem: I will not take up much of your time. But, what do you think of it all? Even if you do not understand, you have seen and experienced more.

Mai: Your people have… there’s a lot we can learn. And vice versa. It’s better for both of our peoples’ sakes that we’re now giving instead of taking. But I believe I can speak for myself and all others that I would prefer it if no more of your crystal mountains fell from the sky, though I’m sure you’re of a similar mindset.

Rem: That is the hope.

Mai: It is also… humbling that your flying fortresses can be felled. It means we have a lot more to prepare for when the Legion inevitably returns.

Rem: Well put there as well. I know the times were different then, but I have often thought about the few words we exchanged in the barrow deeps.

Maiev remains silent.

Rem: I will not beg an answer or press. I understand to beat back the Legion once took a toll on your people. War leaves wounds deeper than can sometimes be expressed. I simply wish to say I look forward to our continued partnership while we work to heal the land, and perhaps get the Exodar moving again. Few and far between are the people on this world that have seen the horrors of the Legion first hand.

Mai: Yes. Well. I have no doubts that if this can be done, your fortress can be lifted back into the sky, my brother is likely the man to aid you in doing so. He is hopelessly optimistic if nothing else. He will serve you well.

Rem: He has been far too kind already.

Mai: He is wont to do that. There will be much work to do, but the sooner it is done the sooner I can retire this mantle I’ve been given. This brand of leadership ill suits me.

Rem: I do not know you well, but I know you ‘run a tight ship’ as some might say. Perhaps a brisk form of leadership can inspire.

Mai: Not tight enough to prevent one priestess of the moon to cause the second largest breakout in history. But your compliment is acknowledged and appreciated.

Remnii offers a soft chuckle combined with a sigh.

Rem: If you ever wish to speak, or have a tea, or something, let me know.

Mai: I’m not one for small talk, ambassador. But perhaps.If you’ll excuse me, I need to meet with your other leaders.

Rem: Have a good day, high priestess.

Maiev looks up at the sun.

Mai: Yes. Day.

She heads off.

Vel goes to get an audience with Velen. He seems to have collected the last of his own things, and will soon be leaving Timbermaw Hold. Divinias stops her.

Div: I’m sorry Velameestra, but the Prophet is busy at the moment and cannot speak.

Vele: There is no need for that. I have just finished my last thanks and prayers to this land. I have a moment to speak, especially for a person who is responsible for the salvation of our people.

Divinias narrows her eyes and bows her head.

Div: As you say.

Vele: Join me on one last walk of the premise.

Vel: Sure. I wanted to apologize before I left.

Vele: What did you want to apologize for?

Vel: I was blatantly avoiding you. And I realized I am not the best at hiding that fact.

Vele: I accept your apology. Though, to be fair, I am as much as fault as you for this. I have been told by some that in spite of my best efforts I can be difficult to approach. Even amongst my own people. Remnii has made sure to remind me to keep my hooves on the group when it is so easy to have them lost.

Vel: She has made it very obvious as to how much she cares for you. And I suppose that is why I felt it unfair as to why I chose to look at it more of how I felt about it rather than how she expressed it. Though I understand that family relations are a little bit different in that regard.

Vele: Yes. Though, I have a confession to make to you. I had actually wished to speak with you before we had the opportunity to do so when you came to speak of the prophecy. But I too, did not know how to approach you.

Vel: Ah. What did you want to speak of?

Vele: I believe I simply wished to know you. It is obvious that Remnii cares a great deal for all of those she has traveled with, and fought beside. In a better way to understand her heart, I sought to know yours as well. And I suppose a part of me wanted to tell you that you have nothing to fear. Though you may be different, all peoples have come to their journeys very differently. Yours may be unconventional, that does not mean it is wrong. Afterall in spite of your trepidations in approaching me and the Naaru, still you risked your life to save us and strangers. Strangers who would condemn you at first and second glances. I make it a habit to know people such as this.

Vel: I should probably prelude that I am not particularly good at small talk.

Vele: Neither am I. I have an unfortunate tendency to wax philosophical.

Vel: I tend to prefer magical theory.

Vele: The practitioners of the true magics enjoyed listening to you when you visited them!

Vel: It has been good to have people to talk to that also practice the same magics.

Vele: I must admit was never an expert on the topic. But I have a great deal of respect for those who can understand the topic. And for those who use that knowledge for the good of their brothers and sisters.

Vel: I suppose I feel a similar way to those who practice the more divine approaches. Though I don’t personally keep them.

Vele: It takes all kinds. The gourmet chef cannot create a meal without the farmer toiling in the fields, or the hunter to bring his catch. But thank you, Velameestra. I know that our paths may not reconverge for some time. But until then, I am glad to have met you in a more true sense.

Vel: It is good to put a face to the name Remnii mentioned so frequently.

Velen smiles. He asks about Vel’s own thoughts and feelings towards her own practices.


After wrapping things up with the Cenarion Circle, Tol’vas makes preparations to head to the Howling Vale. He asks both Arthas and Vel to accompany him, and informs Remnii they would be going. Vel and Arthas agree to go, and Uther also opts to go because he overheard the conversation with Arthas.

Via magic, they are able to get to a section of Ashenvale they had previously passed, and Qiana leads them northward toward the Howling Vale itself. She speaks to one of the sentinels at the nearby watchtower, who greets the group and introduces herself as Melyria Frostshadow–the individual that safeguards the woods.

Melyria informs them that she would be leading them the rest of the way to the Vale along with a group of sentinels. She explains the worgen there are named the Terrorwolf Pack, and they were summoned by Belinda Starsong before to battle back lingering demons. There were at least three dozen.

The worgen originally listened to their summoner, and when Belinda left they remained at the shrine, however, in her absence, they had grown protective of the Vale. They refused to leave, but also did not accept trespassers within.

Melyria expresses she hopes Tol’vas would be more accepted, though they should be prepared for anything. Keeper Ordanus could also help them get to the area, and Tol’vas knew him as the elder brother of Remulos and Lunara, thus the eldest of Cenarius’s children.

Tol: I’m surprised Keeper Ordanus is here.

Melyr: Long has he protected the Rainwood as a last bastion between the corruption of the Felwood and Ashenvale. But if you have no further questions, we can head off. We should reach there soon.

The group is led through the woods during the day, and they soon see a night elf structure built into an ancient tree. Before long, Melyria is able to retrieve Ordanus, and he emerges through the ancient woods. This section of the wood is very old and shadowy. Ordanus’s hair is dark purple, almost black, and he is wearing armor reminiscent of that the Sentinels wear.

Ord: So you are the one that my brother sent to the Howling Vale?

He looks at Tol’vas.

Tol: Yes. We’re here to look for evidence that may point us to where Belinda Starsong has gone.

Orda: I see. Many have gone to the shrine. Few have returned unmarred. Are you certain you’re prepared for what must be done? The Scythe alone may not be enough to protect you.

Tol: I’m as ready as I’m going to be.

Ordan: Very well. If all of you are prepared, I shall open the gateway, but beyond it, the rest of you will be on their own. Melyria, I trust you will not allow this to turned into tragedy, and if anyone is turned, they will be contained.

Mel: Of course master keeper.

Ord: Very well.

Ordanus reaches forward with his gnarled claw, which sinks into the bark of a tree. The bark spreads open.

Ord: Go then, now, he who would be called Nahlen’do. Go. And do not tarry.

As the group step through the portal, they find themselves in a dark thicket of woods. There is a thick mist, which makes visibility difficult.

Melyr: We’ll allow you to lead the way, Tol’vas, but if we keep moving southward, we’ll come upon the Shrine of Melthandris. We’re already in the Howling Vale. Be ready. Defend yourselves, but try not to strike anyone down. These are our people, even if they are not themselves.

Qiana draws a bow, and starts to look out for any evidence of danger as the group continues to move forward.

It doesn’t take long before Vel gets the distinctive sense they are being followed, and in the mist, Tol’vas sees the shadow of movements. There is an occasional, quiet, distant growl. All of the group then hears an echoing howl that rings through the vale.

Artha: I see why it gets its name.

Arthas lights his flaming axe to burn away some of the mist as he holds it up like a torch.

Tol: They’re already here.

Vel: How far is the shrine?

Melyr: It shouldn’t be far. Just keep your wits about you. They won’t like it when we start to get closer.

Others draw weapons, and the growling starts to get louder. In the mists, they see glowing eyes watching them.

Tol: Melyria would you be uncomfortable if I took their form?

Mel: If it will get them to hesitate before they strike, then perhaps that won’t be a bad idea.

Tol’vas nods and starts to shift into his worgen form. There is a sudden rush of motion, and one of the figures leaps from the wilderness. As Tol’vas turns back he sees one of the worgen with patches of white around her eyes and grey and black fur. She has tattered of night elven clothing, and she promptly pins Tol’vas down. Another worgen leaps down, and Arthas grabs the worgen to start wrestling it.

One of the sentinels fends off some of the others.

The worgen on Tol’vas is growling and snapping at him. Tol’vas channels energy through the scythe to use calm emotions. The rest of the worgen start to back off, but the one on Tol’vas seems to be unaffected.

Worgen: How dare you bring that here! Where is Velinde? What have you done to herrrrrr?!

She growls in Tol’vas’s face, who is taken aback that she can speak.

Tol: I don’t know where she is, that’s why we’re here.

Worgen: You lie!

Tol’vas continues to shift into his full form, and he suddenly recognizes the other worgen. He doesn’t recall her name, but the patterns are known to him. She was a member of the druids that followed in Goldrinn’s path.

As Tol’vas wrestles the other worgen back, the other worgen stops, and then sniffs.

Worgen: You… Tol’vas? Is that you?

Tol: It’s me, sister.

The worgen gets off and barks for her pack to stand down as she stands up.

Worgen: You’ve emerged from your slumber… and the scythe? If you have it then… what has become of Velinde? You said she was gone?

Tol: I don’t know. I was pulled here with the scythe by Fangfire.

Worgen: How did he get it? Velinde was protecting it. This is wrong. This is all wrong! This is not how it was supposed to be! She was late, but there are others who have emerged. And not by her call.

Tol: Here?

Worgen shakes her head.

Worgen: No. With you.T he others. We felt it. We thought Velinde had called more… You said you needed to see the shrine. That it might help. Come.

The worgen starts to lead the group as the other worgen prowl along the periphery of the group, but do not attack again.

Worgen: I’m glad you were one of those who answered the call.

As the worgen looks back at Tol’vas, her name comes to him. Her name is Ulrica, one of the more gifted of the students of the pack, and something of a natural leader even before.

Tol: You’re Ulrica.

The worgen nods.

Ulrica: For a moment, I did not know if you had recognized me. But yes. I am denmother. I led our people as we waited for Nahlendo to return. We continue her work. Protecting this place from the demons. The satyrs that would twist it.

Tol: From what I hear, you kept it very safe.

Ulrica offers a toothy grin.

Ulric: You expected anything else?

Tol’vas shakes his head.

Tol: Not from a pack with its mind.

Soon enough, the group emerges from the mist into a clearing. At the center is a moonwell with an old, moss-covered fountain, but water still issues forth from the shrine-like monument. There is an interior to the monument where the Scythe could have been placed.

The worgen seem to have turned the grove and monument into their home. The place is beautiful in a dark sort of way, and it’s radiating magic.

Ulrica: Here. The shrine.

Ulrica looks at Vel and then squints.

Ulric: You trust these outsiders in this sacred place?

Tol: I do. They helped me get this far.

Ulrica then looks at Uther, and then to Arthas. She growls, but nods.

Ul: Very well. We’ll be watching, however. Act with respect, and our pack will have no complaint.

Many of the other worgen settle to watch the group, but they allow the group to take a look around. Ulrica scratches at her mane-like hair.

Ulr: I don’t know what you’ll find. Velinde has been gone for many years. But if you can find something…

Vel joins Tol’vas and the others in poking around the shrine after she casts detect magic. The fountain is different from some of the other moonwells she had seen, as if it had been constructed after the shrine itself was built.

Ulrica explains that Velinde often meditated within the shrine holding chamber. The area also seems to run across a moonwell. Tol’vas asked if Velinde had left anything behind, though Ulrica says there was nothing to their knowledge that had not already been used from where she normally kept her camp.

As Vel continues to look, she notices a stone that seems to not be fully in place. She manages to get her fingers under it and pull the stone free. There is a sound of stone scraping against stone, and another slab of stone pushes up to replace it. It’s a switch that the brick was pressing.

As she looks around further, she sees a small recessed chamber behind where the scythe was kept. It’s an old, simple, leather-bound book.

Vel: I found something, I think.

Tol’vas comes over as Vel takes the book to looks through it. It seems to be a collection of notes and findings on the curse and the Scythe of Elune. It seems Velinde had made it quickly, though there doesn’t seem to be an exact explanation.

It recounts a truncated history of the events as well as her first recollection of summoning the worgen. It seems that when the worgen were called during the moon’s zenith, there were certain ways to ensure the magic that bound them could be broken–such as being summoned under a full moon and drinking from a moonwell.

There are also notes about how Velinde constructed the moonwell and brought blessings from the Moonwell of Purity because she wanted to experiment to see if it had any effect on the worgen called here to fight the demons. It did. It seemed to give them some clarity if they drank from it once a day, and bathed in it during the full moon.

The last entries detail a change in the Scythe. Velinde had sensed the magics of the scythe had been interfered with, as if something else had tapped into it. She was tracking down where the presence was located, and she believed it was across the ocean–likely some connection to Tal’doren in the grove where the scythe was first made. She mentioned she was going alone, and the worgen would watch over the shrine.

She was clearly preparing for the possibility she would not come back.

Vel: She was thorough. This was meant to be a guide of sorts if she didn’t return. She mentioned Tal’doren as a potential location she was going.

Tol’vas sighs.

Tol:That tree is in what you call Gilneas now.

Vel: Well that would explain where the Gilnean curse originated. She mentioned something was starting to interfere with the magic of the scythe and she felt a pull of some sort.

Tol: Someone else summoned worgen there possibly.

Mel: Is that possible? I thought only the scythe could call them from where they were.

Tol: They were in the dream. So I suppose if you could tap into that? They don’t know druidic magics over there from what I’ve gathered.

Vel: It’s not common knowledge, but there could be some sects that we don’t know about. Secret magics are all over the place.

Tol: Or maybe it wasn’t druidic in nature.

Vel: Or perhaps that. I don’t know much about Gilneas, they’ve been cut off for most of my life.

Tol: Would that journal allow you to track her? Or let you find out if she’s actually…

Vel: At this point it’s so old that the charm she put on it is starting to fade. I imagine any form of sympathetic magic is fading along with it. But there are commune spells, potentially scrying. Things like that are possible with belongings of hers.

Tol: Ulrica, would you be offended if we took this?

Ulrica shakes her head.

Ul: If it will aid you, then no. Take it.

Melyria: You intend on trying to find her in these Eastern Kingdoms?

Tol: I had already planned to go there anyway. To help with the worgen curse that’s broken out. It just seems like everything is coming to one place.

Mely: Velinde was my mentor. She taught me much, and she entrusted me in watching over her legacy. If it’s all the same to you, I would like to request that I may accompany you. If there’s anything I can do to find out what happened to her, and perhaps get some closure for these brave men and women who have watched over this place. Then… may I accompany you?

Tol: I’m grateful you would even ask.

Mely: I will see to what preparations I need to make once we return to the Rainwood, and I will ensure I am prepared when you and yours are ready to disembark. Thank you for allowing me to help with this.

Tol: I’ll take all the help I can get.

Ulrica looks at Tol’vas.

Ulr: The rest of us… we are to remain here then?

Tol: How much control do you have?

Ulrica looks around.

Ulr: We… we are given clarity by the shrine. By the waters of Velinde’s moonwell. By our purpose. By each other. By our dedication. I fear what could happen knowing that tragedy may have taken her. Without our purpose… what would become of us?

Melyria: Your purpose has not ended, denmother. This place is still sacred and still bears a connection to the Scythe. If it were to be corrupted, there’s no telling what will happen. It’s an anchor. No matter what happens, no matter what we discover, I don’t think that will change.

Tol: Your purpose is to protect this place. I understand your fears. Maybe there’s something I can do to help.

Tol’vas walks over to the moonwell and pours the remaining charges of the scythe into it to, channeling the remove curse aspect of the magic specifically. He dips the scythe into the water, and the blade begins to glow.

He suddenly gets a pain in the side of his head, like a pressure that comes in and out. The scythe starts to tremble, and hum. The glowing persists, but then fades. The pain also subsides, but there is still a pull to the scythe that wasn’t there before. It shakes, ever slightly, like the fang is trembling.

Ulrica: It… it resonates to you. What does that mean?

Mel: I don’t know, but I feel like you’ll probably find out.

Ulrica: Go then. Find the reset of our brothers and sisters. Bring them back to us. Find Velinde. We… we continue our vigil. But we wait.

Arthas walks to the edge of the moonwell and absently runs a hand through it. He chuffs to himself, and then looks around at the worgen with a pensive look on his face.

Uther: Something on your mind, father?

Artha: All this talk of wells and purposes and packs. It’s just weird. I don’t know. It just doesn’t make sense to me.

Ulrica: You have been blessed by Goldrinn as well.

Arthas looks at her and then looks away.

Art: Oh. You’re talking to me.

Ulric: Yes. Human.

Art: Yeah… what I don’t get is I haven’t drunk this moonwell stuff. I haven’t bathed in any waters. I don’t understand.

Ulric: You wonder what makes us different?

Art: Yeah. Yeah I guess that’s kind of what I was thinking.

Ulrica looks at Uther.

Ulrica: This your son?

Arthas nods.

Ulric: Then we are not so different. You too fight with purpose.

Arthas rolls his eyes.

Art: You’ve got to be kidding me.

Ulrica grins.

Tol: She has a point though.

Arthas sighs and shrugs.

Arthas: Well… maybe she does. This is just… are we all done here?

Arthas looks around.

Arth: We find everything we need? I think I’d rather leave.

Vel: We got the direction Velinde was heading in, which I believe was our entire reason for coming here.

Ulr: Then go. And may Elune watch you. And you, human. Do not fear your own instincts. They are a gift, not a curse.

Art: …Yeah. Uh, thanks, I guess.

Arthas turns around and starts to head off while the rest of the group turns to follow.

Vel holds up the journal to Tol’vas.

Vel: Do you want me to keep this?

Tol: I don’t have anything I can do with it.

Mel: I might, there may be some clues where she was headed. Maybe we can follow in her footsets. But, you hang onto it for now.

Vel: I’ll ensure it’s kept preserved.

Mel: Much appreciated, highborne.

Vel: We like our books.

Mel: Some things never change, it seems.

Arthas is completely silent, and periodically glances back at the shrine.

Tol: Arthas… did it call to you?

Art: What does that even mean?

Tol’vas seems to be struggling for words, and Vel opts to speak up.

Vel: Do you feel a desire to be near it, or some sort of wanting?

Art: It seemed safe. Like if we had rested there it would have been fine. If that’s what that means.

Tol: That’s Elune’s grace.

Arthas huffs.

Art: I thought we had this discussion already. I’m a married man.

Vel chuffs.

Art: I don’t think it was anything. I think it was just a coincidence. I don’t know. Some weird worgen thing?

Tol: Uther, your father wielded the Light like you do, right?

Uther: It’s true.

Tol: Perhaps it’s your connection to that.

Art: Yeah. Apparently I have connections to a lot of things I don’t understand. Look, it’s probably nothing. It’s probably some weird dog thing.

Tol: We’re not dogs.

Art: Dogs. Wolves.

Tol: Don’t you dare say they are the same thing.

Art: Look. In either sense, I’d rather not think about it. This has been a lot more than I expected. The sooner we can track down this Velinde person or what’s left of her, the sooner we can take out this Alpha Prime, the sooner we can, I don’t know, do something.

Tol: It won’t removing Goldrinn’s blessing. You do know that, right?

Art: …Yeah. I think I did.

Tol: It’s not an enemy to be defeated. That might be your struggle with it.

Arth: I don’t know what else to do with enemies.

Tol’vas shrugs.

Tol: Just be.

Arth: …druids.

The group is able to return, and Melyria heads back to Rainwood to prepare to leave Kalimdor.

Vel seeks out Illidan, and finds him kneeling in a meditative stance over the lip of the Felwood. Vel walked up the cliff and sat next to him.

Ill: Can you believe they wouldn’t let me see my own brother?

Vel blinks.

Ill: A panic, they said. I’d cause a panic.

Vel: For what it’s worth. When you’re the one that brings him back you can be the one to cause a panic when he welcomes you back with open arms.

Ill: That. Would be something.

Vel: I’m sure since situations have changed, he would have loved for you to see him.

Ill: Perhaps, but he is the one that imprisoned me for 10,000 years. So perhaps not.

Vel: Hard to say. I wanted to ask you about something you mentionedf before.

Ill: Go on.

Vel: You mentioned vials of the original Well of Eternity. That Dathramar seems to have found one.

Ill: Yes, apparently so. I didn’t have much time to hide them with the world falling apart. And I have no way of knowing if the ones I hid would have been discovered. Seems he stumbled upon one.

Vel: Do you intend to find them again?

Ill: I do.

Vel: And what do you intend to do with them once you do?

Ill: I’m not sure yet. But ensuring they don’t end up in the wrong hands is a good first step.

Vel: One of the best first steps in fact.

Ill: When I collected the vials I hid them in different places. The one that I hid on Mt. Hyjal seems to have been the one discovered. The others, well if they still exist I will have an opportunity to find them. Unfortunately many of them were in lands that may be at the bottom of the ocean.

Vel: Or some potentially in the Eastern Kingdoms.

Ill: Possibly. Though most of them were not hidden that far to the east. But I don’t know what the world looked like when it shattered. It’s entirely possible. Regardless, I intend to find them. Why do you ask?

Vel: I was wondering if you’d be open to the idea of a negotiation in the future.

Ill: Hmph. Want to get your hands on another one for your people?

Vel: Our Sunwell needed to be destroyed so the Legion couldn’t step through it. Unfortunately those of us that couldn’t find other means of magic to attach ourselves to, and are now bereft of it. The young and the elderly in particular are have been drastically effected.

Ill: My condolences. But you must realize that in spite of everything I’m not exactly a generous person. These vials are very valuable.

Vel: Of course. I wasn’t intending you to hand one over for nothing.

Vel pulls out two vials of the wispy Dreadlord blood.

Vel: I managed to get this from Tichondrius before he was destroyed. It’s his blood.

Ill: That is dangerous, is what it is.

Illidan smiles.

Vel: Dangerous, but I imagine in the hands of someone that wanted to track him down permanently would be very valuable.

Ill: Yes, I imagine it would be. I can’t make any promises, not before I find them. As it turns cataclysmic eruptions and the destruction of so much land, I can’t even promise the vials did not simply shatter and let their contents spill.

Vel: I wasn’t looking for a promise. Just a consideration.

She holds the two vials out. He looks at them, then he looks at her.

Ill: Hmph. THen you are more geneous soul then I, Velameestra.

Vel: I’m not going to hold your vengeance over your head.

Ill: And I will have vengeance.

Vel: I don’t doubt it. And I’m keeping two of them for myself. I haven’t had the chance to taste dreadlord blood yet.

Ill: I can only imagine it’s quite the delicacy. Do tell me what you find, whenever you get the chance. And after I recover the vials, perhaps I will reach out to you and your king.

Vel: I can’t speak for Kael'thas, but I’m sure that anything you’d say he’d find intriguing.

Ill: I’m interested enough in meeting the descendant of Dathramar Sunstrider that I have no doubt. I’m sure it’ll be an interesting conversation. One way or another.

Vel: And I have no doubt that yourself and your Illidari will get along quite well with us.

Ill: My Illidari…

Vel: You were the inspiration.

Ill: So it seems. I must say part of me is voracious to discover who this Slayer is. They must be quite a fan.

Vel: Or quite a fool depending on who you ask.

Ill: Depending on who you ask indeed.

Vel: You’ll be coming with us to Gadgetzan to find a ship, from what Kor’vas was saying?

Ill: That’s correct. Tyrande will be coming with us to meet this Slayer and the Illidari. From there we will hunt down where my brother has gone.

Vel: Fair warning, you will be meeting Kilnar. I don’t know if you will get along famously or you’ll be at each other’s throats.

Ill: Well, I suppose we’ll find out.

Vel: Don’t tell her I warned you.

Vel gets up to leave him to his meditation.


As Uther is helping with various projects as Daelin is going through the arduous process of saying goodbye to his friends amongst the draenei. Vel had started to get some of the crew members back to Gadgetzan over the few days.

Dae: Hard to believe we’re going back after all this time. It’s finally happening. Little sad packing this up, but I’m looking forward to getting back on the option.

Uth: I can’t imagine how long it feels for you. It feels like a lifetime for me.

Dae: Aye. But our paths be calling us, and that’s what’s important. There was… somethin’ I wanted to talk to you about, lad. We’ll be headed back to Gadgetzan and getting the Sea’s Daughter back to Kul Tiras, and I know you’ll be going with the rest of your friends. But before we go, I wanted to grab ya. Have another heart to heart, because we might not get the chance to do so for a little bit at least.

Uth: What’s on your mind?

Dae: What ya said when you asked me what it was like to lead men. How you knew when you were ready. What to do with that burden. I thought about it again when I got a visit a couple days ago from two of your friends. Velameestra and… the troll girl. Seria. They came to me and brought up some concerns.

Uth: I have an idea of what those might have been.

Dae: What do you think it is, lad?

Uth: An egregious and unforgiveable moment of foolishness. The part of me that I can’t ignore, but must temper.

Dae: They told me about what happened. I can’t say why Seria decided to come to me about it. But Vel at least seemed… concerned. She cares about ya, lad.

Uth: Don’t let her gruff demeanor fool you. Seria cares for me too. I will always look for an opportunity to save a life. But it’s important for me to understand that I, at the end of the day, am little more than… a mortal boy. And in certain situations… the action I want to take would only result in two lives being lost instead of one.

Dae: That’s not an easy lesson, lad. It never is. Prioritizing if your ship is on fire, and also taking on water, what do you handle first?

Uth: I haven’t the experience with ships necessary to handle that decision, but I understand your meaning.

Daelin chuckles.

Dae: A spirit that wants to help everyone, Uther, that’s an important spirit. You got that from your mum and your dad. It’s not something you need to be ashamed of, but you’re right, and so are the lasses. If you would have dove down, if you would have found her and saved her, there’s no telling if you would have been able to make it out yourself. Even if you did, the effort it would have taken… the strength that you would have spent trying to save her… if you didn’t have that when you faced the demon head on, what could have happened? It’s all a game of balancing. But at the end of the day, you’re the captain of a ship, uther. It may not be the same ship as me. Yours is much bigger, and it isn’t constricted to the water like mine is. Your desire to help your fellow men be somethin’ good. But as a captain… you need to know and learn how to recognize where you can do the most good. Dyin’ to save one life, or livin’ to save ten. That’s the struggle of a good man. But it never gets easier. But that just means you’re not lettin’ it. Because if you let it get easier, that’s when you let yourself harden. Don’t let yourself become a hard old man, Uther, it’s not worth it.

Uth: Difficult to imagine that as a possibility, but I understand.

Dae: Best advice I can give a fellow captain. A good man, not a foolish boy. Trust your friends, and trust yourself. Your crew. They know what they be doing. You aren’t doing this alone. If you’re worried about your sins being egregious… well, even the most proud and respected captains got to take a step back and apologize every now and then.

Uth: I’ll have to do more than apologize.

Dae: Aye, but it’s a good first step.

Uth: She saved my life again, you know. I was… not lucid. But that demon held me in his claws. As my vision faded to black, something that was not my body I felt like icy talons wrap around it and pull. She saved me. In my half-dead state, it didn’t feel like much more than warmth. Fierce. But that warmth, fierce presence roared. The icy talons lost their grup, and for that reason I stand before you today.

Daelin sighs.

Uth: I know hatreds die hard, grandfather. I know that you’ve lost much at the hands of trolls. But for what it’s worth, due to the actions of a troll, you do still have a grandson.

Dae: And due to the actions of another, I don’t have a son. Uther, I know you trust her. And that’s enough. I… just… my shriveled old heart ain’t gonna change because of the actions of one woman.

Uth: Certainly not. But a journey around the entire world begins with a single step.

Daelin smirks and looks down.

Dae: Ya got me there, captain. Ya got me there.

Uth: But it’s not for this pup to tell you how to live the remainder of your years. I just think perhaps if we focus on the things we have in common than the things that separate us, we might have less enemies.

Dae: You’re right. And I’m glad you are. After all, only one of us is gonna be leading a nation after some time. That person ain’t gonna be me. A future without hate… it’s a nice thing to think about, innit?

Uther: Perhaps impossible. Idealistic. But the harder I try, the closer I’ll get.

Dae: You sound just like her in so many ways.

Daelin puts a hand on Uther’s shoulder..

Dae: Glad we got to meet like this. We’ll have to make sure it’s not fifteen years between now and the next time, aye?

Uther: Certainly! See you back in the Eastern Kingdoms, grandfather!

Uther pulls Daelin into a hug, and his grandfather hugs him back.

August 25th

The group gathers together to teleportation circle back to Gadgetzan. It seems Broll is also accompanying Tyrande after a card game with Jarod to determine who would stay and help at Azuremyst and who would help Tyrande.

Remnii is not alone when she arrives with the group. Maraad is with her, as is Liiraluma along with Ramuul, Velen, and Ishanah.

Her prosthetic arm seems to have been completed and is now attached to her arm.

Rem: Does everyone have everything?

Vel: I believe so. No one is scrambling around looking for things.

Elissa: Don’t worry, I triple checked! Then Vel triple checked. I think we got everything.

Rem: I won’t daly…

She looks guilty.

Rem: I will see you all to Karazhan, but I believe I would like to take some time and stay here. There is much to be done, and I’ve been away from my people for too long. I hope you’ll forgive my absence for a time.

Vel: I don’t think anyone will fault you for that.

Ramuul: On that note… if you’re willing, we have another representative to send with you. I believe you’ve been acquainted with Liiraluma.

Luma folds their arms and smirks.

Luma: I would like to see your Eastern Kingdoms.

Liiraluma is notably taller than Remnii, and much more slender. They adjust their glasses.

Luma: I have intentions of settling in your Dalaran. Your mage city. It’s about time I get out of this pit. If you would have me along, perhaps I may not be the healer the ambassador is...

Rem: I believe they’ll still provide an asset. This will not be for an extended amount of time. I intend to make my way back… I have some ability to get back and forth. Whenever I am further south, I will hopefully be able to make contact… and with some help…

She looks at Vel.

Rem: I should be able to get back. I just would like to spend some time here after everything… Vel: I think that can be arranged.

Rem: THere is much to do. And I am not out of your fights, which are my fights as well. I would like to spend some time here after we are appraised on the situation happening. Is this alright with all of you?

Vel: I should warn you, it may be a bit before we actually make contact with Dalaran. We need to keep ourselves low for the time being.

Luma: That is fine. I am not just going for the city of true magics. There is more that interests me about your continent for ants.

Vel: Well then I don’t see a problem.

Luma: Does anyone else care? What about you tiny Vindicator?

Uth: You’ll find no argument from me.

Tol: One of our first stops is a dark forest of werewolves…

Luma: oh! Werewolves! A dark forest! How different!

They point at Tol’vas and Arthas. Tol’vas pouts slightly.

Tol: They’re… angrier….

Ram: Then it is settled. Just remember Liiraluma this is not simply a joyride to test out your arm. You still remember your objectives to survey the efficacy of this beacon that Remnii wishes to build. This Gilneas may be an opportunity to broaden the horizons of your search.

Luma leans the real arm on Ramuul’s shoulder.

Luma: I could take this for a test anywhere. Purpose can also have fun. Don’t forget to take the stick out of your butt. Without me to bicker with, who will end up on the end of your pent up rage?

Ramuul raises his brow.

Luma: I’ll miss you though.

Ram: I make no such promises. It will be quieter without you.

Luma: He’s going to miss me.

They seem to be assuring Remnii, who looks concerned.

Ram: And for the record, Luma, that stick performs a very integral role in keeping everything from falling apart.

Luma: Keep your business to yourself, brother!

Ramuul rolls his eyes.

Ram: But on behalf of the Exarch council, we wish you the best of luck. Thank you for what–

Ishan: We can handle this part. Thank you for your help, chief artificer.

Ram: Praise the Light.

He turns to take care of some other things.

Ishan: We will see you again soon, Remnii. Be safe, and bring us back anything you need if there’s anything we can do to help your friends.

Rem: I’ll be sure to.

Remnii hugs Ishanah, and then Velen.

Velen: Go in the Light, my friends. Until our paths cross once more.

Ishanah nods.

Ish: Krono ki kristorr.

Shandris thanks the group for everything they’ve done, and offers to show everyone the better parts of Ashenvale next time. Tyrande and Shandris exchange their goodbyes, and Tyrande reminds Shandris to take care of herself so both she and Maiev aren’t running themselves in the ground. Shandris tells Tyrande she’s the last person to be telling her that, and then looks at Illidan.

Shan: Stay out of trouble, uncle Illidan!

Illidan winces.

Ilidan. That’s… still taking some getting used to.

Zen’tabra gives Seria a final hug goodbye and gives her a final mission to find any other recruits for their circle. Jen’zak also sees her off with a simple “safe travels, Zen’seria.”

Vel completes the teleportation circle and warns those who have not teleported via the arcane before of what to expect. She then releases the magic, targeting Marin’s teleportation circle in Gadgetzan.

They emerge from the teleporter, and Tyrande visibly staggers and grabs her forehead.

Vel: A little bit rougher than it normally would be…

Luma: Who did this???

Vel: Marin, he’s the goblin stationed her.

Luma sees goblins everywhere.

Luma: Ugh!

Goblin Woman: Ugh yourself!

Luma laughs.

Illidan offers Tyrande an arm.

Ill: Are you alright, Tyrande?

Tyran: You always… travel like this?

Vel: Yes.

Tol: Not if I can help it.

Tyran: It’s an… experience. and a fair bit warmer than I expected.

She looks up at the sun. Tyrande is now dressed in traveling armor and has her hair tied back.

Tyran: Well, I won’t be upset when we can get out of the sun. It’s much hotter than Ashenvale.

Tol: No, this area is just very unpleasant.

Vel: It’s a desert. It’s full of sand of course it is.

Tyrande: This is… the first time I’ve seen a desert. Huh. I didn’t even think of that.

Tol: I thought you participated in the War of the Shifting Sands?

Ty: No. I was ensuring Ashenvale was secure. I never got the opportunity to see it. Hm.

Tyrande looks around the city.

Tyr: This is… quite the difference. More akin to Zin’Azshari than anything in Ashenvale.

Vel: Which we should likely reconvene with the Reliquary. I can apologize to Marin for our excessive use of his circle in the past few days.

Tyr: We can find our way. And I am quite alright, Illidan.

Ill: Ah, my apologies.

Illidan lets Tyrande go. She dusts herself off.

Tyr: Let's go meet this Reliquary.

Tol: While Vel is handling things I can lead the way.

Luma reached down into a travel bag and pulls out a cover for their arm.

Vel pops in and lets Marin know they’re done using the circle.

Mar: So that’s what’s been causing all this. Velameestra Windrunner. Good to see you again.

Vel: Good to see you again. Apologies. We should be done commendering your circle for the time being.

Mar: Oh no, it’s fine. Great publicity. Great opportunity to introduce them to the sights and sounds of Gadgetzan. You’d be surprised how many guided tours we’ve been able to sell. I mean… offer.

Vel: Glad to hear it. I also wanted to check in. Those rumors of fountains of life you were hearing up north.

Mar: Oh yeah, did you find anything about that?

Vel: They’re not fountains of life. They’re called Moonwells, they’re sacred pools of water connected to the leylines. They have no capacity to grant immortality.

Mar: That’s a bummer. But magic wells connecting to the leylines you say? Now that sounds like an opportunity.

Vel: I would be cautious. They are religious and sacred vessels.

Mar: Ohhh. That makes sense. Well we wouldn’t want to step on any religious toes. For who exactly. For who exactly?

Vel: The kaldorei that make the woods their home.

Mar: Oh those tall ones that have been coming through. We’ll see what we can do. We’ll see if we can offer them some trade. I’m sure there’s things we can offer them from down here that may be worth trading. Maybe we can get one of those moonwells set up here? Could you imagine?

Vel: I wish you the best of luck.

Mar: And I appreciate that. And thanks again for your information. I”m still holding out for these fountains of life. But this is a pretty compelling alternative.

Vel: Also a fair warning. Your competitors are making a push further north.

Mar: Damn Venture Company. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised that they’re sticking their noses where they don’t belong.

Vel: The ones we saw may have gotten eaten, it’s unclear.

Mar: Hah, serves them right! That’s what you get for not listening to the way are run around here.

Vel: Indeed. I just wanted to inform you given our bargain.

Mar: And I appreciate it. And know you’re always welcome here Velameestra.

Vel: Of course. Appreciated, mayor. And tell Sprinkle I say hi.

Mar: Oh I will. And you charmed her. She wouldn’t stop talking about you for a week after you left.

Vel heads off to reconvene with the group.

The group returns to the Reliquary. Before long, Kilnar emerges around the same time Vel arrives.

Kil: Ah! My friends, it’s so good to see you. Where is– ah, there she is!

Kilnar glides over to Vel and takes her hands and plants a kiss on each cheek.

Kila: Shara told me you’d be along. It’s wonderful to see you all hale and healthy. And you brought more friends!

She looks at Illidan and Tyrande.

Kil: It has just been one after another.

Tyran: Greetings. Tyrande Whisperwind. It’s a pleasure.

Kil: Ah! The high priestess.

Tyran: Not any longer. Just Tyrande.

Kil: Of course. It’s a pleasure. I have been told you are in need of transportation.

Tyrande narrows her eyes.

Tyr: Correct. You’re well informed, Miss Goldensword.

Kil: Just Kilnar is fine. And this strapping young gentleman must be Illidan Stormrage. Kor’vas couldn’t stop talking about you.

Illi: Yes, I’m sure she couldn’t.

Kil: Pleasure is mine as well, my dear. If you would be so interested, make yourselves comfortable and we can speak further! I’ve spoken with the others. Provided you’re willing to make use of the Gold Standard, we would love to be an asset.

Tyran: We’ll speak on it later.

Kil: I’m sure you’re all quite parched from all the excitement. Lets ensure you can get some–

She stops, and her eyes go past the group to the door. And they see Daelin Proudmoore just entered the Reliquary.

Vel swears softly under her breath, realizing she had forgotten to give a warning.

Kil: Well that… is an unexpected ghost from an unexpected past.

Daelin doesn’t seem to recognize Kilnar for a moment.

Dae: Aye, this is that Reliquary place, aye?

Kil: Daelin Proudmoore!

Daelin looks at Kilnar and doesn’t seem to recognize her, but then furrows his brow.

Dae: Can I… help you?

Kil: I think you helped me quite enough, my old friend.

Daelin’s eyes go wide.

Dae: Tidemother’s tits… Kilnar. You… you’re here. You look–

Kil: Go on, tell me how I look, darling.

Kilnar smiles and Daelin clears his throat.

Dae: Different.

Kil: I’ll take that as a compliment. You look different as well. Greyer.

Dae: That happens with… humans.

Kil: It suits you.

Kilnar smiles again.

Kil: I’m surprised you aren’t dead.

Dae: For what it’s worth, I’m surprised too. I, uh… what have you been up to?

Kil: Isn’t it obvious? Helping to start an organization. Recovering from the devastation of our people. Some redecorating here and there.

Dae: …Right.

Kil: You need supplies to rebuild your vessel, correct?

Dae: …Yeah.

Kil: Don’t worry, darling, we’ll get you what you need. When have I ever let you down?

Daelin closes his eyes and nods.

Dae: Right. I’ll… I’ll wait over here.

Daelin heads back outside with some of his sailors to drink some water. Kilnar turns toward the group, her hands clenched with a grin.

Kil: Well that was a refreshing gust of cool air.

Vel: I… forgot to warn you. I apologize.

Kil: Among everything, it seems Tae’shara also forgot. Delightful! I have a feeling you enjoyed reconnecting with your grandfather, Uther?

Uth: It was nice to meet him for the first time. I was so young.

Kil: He and I go… way back. You could say we’re old friends.

Uther nods uncomfortably.

Kil: But we were talking about other things!

Some of the attendants bring them some water, and after Kilnar briefly speaks with all of them she asks Velameestra to retire to her office with her.

Kil: I think it may be good for us to speak about everything that’s happened.

Vel: Of course.

Kil: If there’s anything the rest of you need, please don’t hesitate to ask. And Remnii, dear. The Ati Kaso have been a wonderful asset to the Reliquary. We wouldn’t have been able to accomplish half of this without them. But I’m sure they will be thrilled to see you.

Rem: Thank you, I will be speaking with them on similar things. Otherwise, thank you I will leave you to it.

Kilnar with Vel makes her way into her office.

Kil: What a delightful day it’s been.

Vel: I suppose I feel less bad about failing to warn you.

Kil: Oh, if anything you should feel bad for failing to warn him.

Vel: Understood, there was a lot to focus on.

Kil: Oh I wouldn’t worry about him, dear. He has a soft spot for elves, I don’t think he would hold it against you.

Vel: That I noticed. But I bring good news.

Kil: I do love good news.

Vel: Two things of note. The first, we broke the hex.

Kil: Truly? Entirely?

Vel: Entirely. I saw Min’da.

Kil: You did?

Vel: There’s nothing stopping us from bringing her back.

Kil: That is certainly wonderful news. And, the hex? Were you able to ascertain if it had any lingering damage upon her spirit?

Vel: She wasn’t around long enough to tell.

Kil: I see. We’ll need to still move forward with caution.

Vel: I have contacts for that.

Kil: I am glad to hear it. Resourceful as always, Vel.

Vel: I try at the very least. The other thing, have you managed to open the Reliquary itself yet?

Kil: Not yet. It’s complicated unfortunately. Only one who had signed a contract previously, regardless of the persistence of it, would be able to open the seal I had placed upon it as a safeguard. As a precaution that if they stumbled into they would not plunder our secrets for themselves. Because you have in the past, and when you have the strength to do so, we could undo that seal.

Vel: I finished looking into the spell required.

Kil: Did you?

Vel: We can likely open it before you leave.

Kil: You never cease to amaze me Velameestra. I feel like just months ago you were just learning to transport yourself via teleportation circle. And now you believe you can open up the Reliquary?

Vel: I haven’t tried the spell yet. But I have cast spells of similar caliber.

Kil: The Magistrate missed out on you when they let you slip through their fingers to go to Dalaran.

Vel: Dual enrollment isn’t uncommon, is it not?

Kil: Not it’s not. But what are we doing sitting around?

Vel: I did prepare it just in case.

Kil: Ever resourceful. In that case, let's give it a try shall we? Focus your mind and your thoughts on the Reliquary’s outer gate. From there we should be able to access it.

Kilnar discusses the details on how to access it.

Vel holds her hands out, and her tattoos flair with arcane energy. She then spreads her hands and twists them. And a portal starts smaller in the air and gets bigger and bigger before it’s big enough for someone to go through.

Kilnar’s grin widens. She gestures to it.

Kil: After you, Velameestra.

As Vel steps through the portal she had created, she enters a large, dark chamber. In the darkness, she can hear her heels echo against the stone. She looks around as Kilnar steps after her, and a glow starts to emanate from the center and they see a massive hourglass. The glow seems to be coming from the sand within as it flips, and the sand starts to fall.

Kil: State your name and intention with this place.

Vel: Velameestra Windrunner. I intentend to open the Reliquary for the use of Kilnar Goldensword.

The sand then stops, and reverses, and then slows. Braziers of fire light, and the expanse of the Reliquary shows itself. It seems to be an expansive, multi-level library with immaculate marble floors and beautiful staircases. There are holding cases throughout that protect artifacts. It seems to be something between a museum, a vault, and a library. At the center, there is an hourglass that seems to take 12 hours to drain.

There are long hanging chandeliers that provide additional light, and many chambers spiral off.

Vel: This is… amazing.

Kil: Welcome to the Reliquary. And now we’ve disabled the defense system, so we can truly rebuild this place in earnest. There shouldn’t be anything that stumbled in from the Astral Plane, but I’ll bring a team in here to do a sweep.

Vel starts looking at the cases.

Kil: By all means, look around.

There are a lot of relics and artifacts. There appears to be a chunk of stone reminiscent of the Highborne ruins. There are books here, some of which she’s read, some which she’s only heard of. Kilnar gives her a guided tour. There are empty chambers, one that she plans to put in a permanent portal. But this was her personal place to store relics and knowledge. It was also a time capsule for the high elves. Now that the Reliquary exists she plans to turn it into their inter dimensional storage facility where their truly valuable relics are kelp.

Kil: We should be returning back before the gate closes, but there is one thing I would like you to see.

She leads Vel into a completely dark room. She waves a hand and a dim light turns on. It appears to be a dim room for analyzing text. In the corner there is a section of perfectly preserved scrolls.

Vel: The Meitre scrolls.

Kil: Our half at least. I was able to preserve them here.

They are in an ancient dialect of Darnassian. And they are verbose by glancing at them. The runes themselves pulse with power.

Kil: Now that you can access this place, I would invite you to investigate further. There are not many that I would entrust with such important documentation. For you, I believe it would be fair to make a bit of an exception.

Vel: I would be honored.

Kil: Don’t thank me yet. It’s not the most exhilarating read. Meitre could be verbose at the best of times, droning at the worst. Just make sure to keep your focus. The scrolls are difficult to decipher and unkind to those who lose focus.

Vel: Understood. What are the proper precautions?

Kilnar goes over the precautions, essentially maintaining concentration and focus and don’t distracting yourself. Attempting to read these while unprepared has killed someone before. It is capable of breaking the mind.

The two of them head back through the portal.

Kil: I will inform Tae’thalan right away so we can get this place fixed up. Perhaps by the time your done preventing the Alliance from collapsing in on itself we’ll have a permanent portal. Oh and there is one thing I would like to mention. Should you return the Reliquary and someone doesn’t recognize you, or should you need to take a disguise.

Kilnar hands Vel a small card.

Kil: This is a high examiner pass. Carrying this means you’ve been given permission by myself or one of the high examiners. If anyone gives you any issue, despite not being a formal member of the Reliquary, that should shut them up.

Vel: Appreciated.

Kil: Considering you were the one who opened the Reliquary to us, they should be the one appreciating you.

Vel: I’m sure the resources you’ve gathered would be a great help.

Kil: I can certainly hope. That said, are you busy?

Vel: Not beyond returning the Karazhan at some point.

Kil: In the meantime, if you would not mind, I have a bit of a curiosity.

Vel: And how may I indulge that?

Kil: You’ve clearly been studying your arcane study, but that is only one half of our discipline as you have learned from our dear Asara.

Vel: I assure you I have not been neglecting the marshal either.

Kil: I may not be as free to wield the magics that I’ve studied for a millenia. But you would not be opposed to indulging a curiosity in how much you have grown?

Vel: Of course not.

Kil: Then will you share this dance with me Velameestra?

Vel: I would be honored.

The two of them go to a space where they share a dance.

Tol’vas follows the instructions to head south from Gadgetzan, and he manages to find a simple stone sticking out of the sand that serves as a guide marker. He continues and finds another, then another, as well as some words and symbols in druidic..

It says: “Speak friend and enter.”

Tol: …It can’t possibly be that easy.

He says “friend” in Sylvan, and there is a soft glow as the area shimmers. He finds himself in a small oasis with a pool of crystalline water. There is wildlife everywhere. There are two camels sitting next to the pool, and in the water there is a basilisk floating lazily as well as dune crocolisks that are sitting at the edge. There is a menagerie of other animals, and he sees a night elf woman with short pixie-cut hair that is white but looks pale pink in the setting sun. She has very light, simple clothing, and she is wielding a drudic focus that seems to be made of cactus needles woven together with flowers blossoming.

Woman: Well. Hello there, stranger. Not often I get visitors.

Tol’vas frowns.

Tol: I’m… here to deliver some bad news.

Woman: I… see. Might I get your name?

Tol: Tol’vas Moonshadow.

Woman: It’s a pleasure to meet you. Faeyrine Springsong, so I get the feeling you know that.

She sits down and gestures for Tol’vas to join her. As he does, a desert rabbit emerges from a burrow and sniffs around then settles down next to the woman.

Fae: Can I get you anything? Gadgetzan is not far, I presume you came from there. But if you need water or food, you’re welcome to the bounties of this oasis.

Tol: Thank you, but I’m alright for right now.

Fae: What’s happened?

Tol: I’m not sure if you’ve received news from up north?

Fae: I’m far from home, unfortunately.

Tol: There was a battle. There were casualties.

Tol’vas produces the bag of seeds he was given and offers them to the other druid. She puts a hand to her mouth.

Tol: Thalyss fell.

Fae: …I see. I see.

She laughs meekly.

Fae: Thank you… for telling me. And returning this. When he last left he said he would gather more heartseeds from the ?? and he would bring them here so we could grow a beautiful garden… One that the animals could always return to. Thank you for letting him fulfill that promise.

Tol: I’m truly sorry he wasn’t able to do it himself.

Fae: I am too. But his work, his life, will live on. In a thousand tiny ways. Death is a natural part of life. These will be able to foster that life. Did… did you know him?

Tol: Yes. We were friends when we were both starting our training together.

Fae: You knew him much, much earlier than I did, then. Did… did he tell you anything? Were you able to speak with him before the end?

Tol: I wasn’t there when it happened. The last I had seen of him was a few days before. He hadn’t… said anything that felt out of the ordinary.

Faeyrine nods.

Fae: If you’d like… I’d like to share some of these seeds with you. You can take them and spread his love and life and those memories. Plant them wherever you think he would have liked to.

Tol: I can’t think of a better way to honor him.

Fae: If you have time… perhaps we can share stories of him? You can tell me what he was like as a child.

Tol’vas smiles.

Tol: He was just as gentle then.

Fae: I’m not surprised.

They settle in to talk, and more and more animals come in to sleep during the night. It seems to serve as a secret resting place for various creatures.

Tol: When we had reconnected, he gave me a seed. It’s not surprising… I don’t recognize it.

He shows the other druid the seed, which was much bigger than the others. Her eyes widen in recognition.

Fae: This… this is something truly special. This is a heartwood seed. They can only be given freely. They’re gifts bestowed by matured spirits of the woods… dryads. Should you plant this in the right place, a new dryad tree will grow. And with it, Cenarius’s blessing. This is a sacred treasure, Tol’vas.

She closes his hand over it.

Fae: Make sure you keep this close to your heart. When you believe the time is right… then perhaps you can use it.

Tol’vas nods.

Tol: I’ll just have to wait for that moment.

Fae: You’ll know it when you see it, I’m sure.

Tol: If there’s one thing I have, it’s a gut feeling.

Fae: Probably why he liked you so much! I’m sure your instincts will guide you well. Should you ever need somewhere to stay, or a refuge from the hot desert, you’ll know where to find me.

Tol: I will certainly come back. Especially to see the garden.

Fae: I promise it will be beautiful.

Tol: I have no doubt. He knew how to pick seeds.

Fae: I hope we can grow them half as well.

Tol: And I can live up to the trust he placed in me.

Tol’vas looks down at the seed in his hands.

Remnii finds the Ati-kaso. It seems they had cleaned up their little camp and are in the process of relocating. Some of them are living in an apartment complex nearby, while others are looking for more permanent dwellings. Many are still working with Kilnar, though others had started to do their own thing.

Remnii is able to find Gotrii, and they meet each other with a big smile.

Got: Remnii! You’re alive! You’re here!

Rem: it’s good to see you, Gotrii.

They give each other a hug.

Rem: From what I hear, it seems everyone has been quite busy. I would like to tell as many of you as possible what has transpired for the better.

Got: Let me try to gather them.

Many of the Ati-kaso are gathered and there is a good ten minutes of chatter before Remnii goes into an abridged form of what had happened up north.

Motra: So… we can go back? We can actually go back?

Rem: If you wish, yes. At the moment, a lot of it is recovery efforts. The Exodar needs a lot of work. But things are moving forward, finally.

There is some chatter of what they want to do, but Gotrii quiets them, expressing there will be time to discuss.

Rem: I will hope there will be a time for draenei to be found across the world. I’m hoping I can leave a sending stone here with you, if you would like to come back to me to the Exodar when I return. If you have a dire wish to return, I will be back here in a week or so. Know that our lives have started again.

Got: Though we have lived together for a very long time, our people are more than just this room. We have our own lives. We have our own aspirations and dreams. There is no expectation. Those who wish to go, will go with hearts lightened. Those who have begun to put down roots, they will do so and will be loved by others for it. No matter what, we’ll still be Ati-kaso. Distance has never changed that.

Remnii’s lip wiggles.

Armord: You have a point! Regardless of where everyone goes, I’m stuck with you in my records and my memory. It doesn’t matter how much I drink!

Got: Thank you, Remnii, for telling us. It will not be goodbye. We can stay in touch, and perhaps in time, more will come. This place is our home now. The balmy weather may be good for some.

Rem: There is less sun in the canopies of Ashenvale. I am proud of everyone for coming this far. Thank you for trusting during the harder times. It has not always been easy. While there are still hardships ahead, we’ve overcome much. Whatever a rest looks like to you, please continue to take it.

Got: That applies to you too, Remnii. Not matter where you’re going, or what you do, you are still Ati-kaso. Does not matter if you are ambassador, Exarch, or anything. You too must find time to rest, young lady.

Rem: Soon. Perhaps.

Got: Don’t start taking after your father.

Rem: Easier said than done!

Remnii also introduces the group to Maraad, and the gathering starts to dissolve.

As Velameestra returns to the Reliquary, she sees that the secretary on duty is Telius.

Tel: Oh! Velameestra! It’s wonderful to see you again! And of course, always a pleasure ma’am.

Kil: Of course. Always a pleasure, Telius. You should know he’s well on his way to becoming an examiner.

Vel: I think that would suit him.

Kil: Of course. One of his unique talents would be most appreciated. He has much he can give us.

Tel: Oh please ma’am! You’re being far too kind! She offered me to become an examiner out of the gate! I refused. I will earn my keep with this place like everyone else. It’s the least I can do to make up with that unfortunate debacle earlier this year.

Kil: Modest as ever. But Velameestra I have some things to take care of if you need anything. If you need places to stay I can ensure you and yours do.

Vel: Appreciative as ever Kilnar.

Kilnar bows and goes off to her business.

Vel: Telius, actually. You mentioned the possibility of seeing Winterspring.

Tel: Oh! I did! I nearly forgot. I was so busy with things. Yes I did say that.

Vel: I was wondering if you were receptive to taking a small break before we leave.

Tel: Yes, I’m only covering for a friend. I do like making friends and I hate saying no.

Vel: Just make sure they don’t ask you too often.

Tel: Of course! Of course! I wouldn’t want to be taken advantage of. You’re not asking too much by the way! I was not insinuating that I promise!

Vel: Of course not, you seemed interested in going yourself. It seemed like a valuable excuse for you.

Tel: It’s been some time since I’ve seen the Matron Protectorate. She’s very, very kind. Never brough friends before but I’m sure it’s fine.

Vel: Whenever you’re available.

Tel: Certainly, I’ll find you in a few hours.

In those few hours the group gathers. Vel, Remnii, Uther and Luma all gather. Later that evening Telius finds them.

Tel: This everyone? Hello everyone! I’m not sure we had the pleasure of meeting. My name is Telius! An old friend of your friends. What’s your name?

He nods to Luma.

Luma: You can call me Luma, nice to meet you.

Tel: Of course, the pleasure’s mine. Well. Are all of you ready?

Vel: Of course.

Tel: Now, make sure that you cover up, it’s rather cold there. And it’s been sometime since I’ve been there.

He rubs his hands together and begins to cast a teleportation spell. Things start to swirl around for a second. They feel the magic teleport them and find themselves in a very different place, as they find themselves standing in the tundra. The setting sun peeking through casts the snow in a violet glow. It’s not unbearably cold, but it is cold. There are evergreen trees in every direction.

Tel: Ha! Not bad at all Telagos! You got nice and close to where we need to be. A half a mile of a trek, but it will feel longer with the snow. Not as bad as it could be in the heart of winter. It’s this way!

Ten to twenty minutes later they make it to the base of a mountain. Even from this distance they can see a large cave. Vel can sense that there is illusion at play.

Tel: Hello! It’s me, Telagos! Is anyone there? Oh yes, it’s me, Telagos. Yes, I didn’t think it would be a problem.

He seems to be talking to himself via magic.

Tel: Of course, yes, of course. Oh no! Heavens no! Yes I suppose. I hadn’t thought of that. I hadn’t thought of that either. Apologies, General I… okay… Yes, understood. Okay, I’ll let them in.

He turns to the group.

Tel: Well. Apparently a small clutch just hatched the other day. I didn’t know that. I would have expected it to be later, but things change as they say. They’re not happy I brought you all here. But the Matron Protector is coming to see us. In fact she should be here any moment.

As he says that a high elven woman steps out from nowhere. Her hair is in a tight principal’s bun. She wears a simple dress, part of the midriff exposed, and small pair of reading spectacles. She looks a bit older than Kilnar age wise.

Woman: I’m right here. Greetings Everyone. This is an unexpected visit. One that I would hope in the future would be pre arranged with an appointment. Or a warning. Or anything like that. But it is good to see you, Telagos. And I am in a good mood. I suppose a bit of rule bending can be done for the sake of the good fortune.

Vel: Congratulations by the way.

Woman: Thank you. I much appreciate it. Such things are not common any longer especially amongst our kind. But if Telagos trusts you, I suppose you’ll be safe enough.

Vel: Velameestra Windrunner, it’s a pleasure to meet you.

Woman: Halehgosa.

With a flicker of her hand the illusion dissipates, revealing a beautiful ice cave lit with magic flames.

Hal: There is a cave where we can speak. I’ve been told that you have some questions. So allow me to welcome you to ask them.

Velameestra thanks her and introduces the others.

Hal: It’s not often that mortals are allowed in this hallowed place. But perhaps given the circumstances of what I’ve been informed of, this might be an exception.

As they go they see a couple of snaking out passageways. They hear draconic conversations. It appears that some of them are classrooms. In many of them there are dragonspawn taking lessons in complex math and spells. Occasionally some of the instructors are dragons, but most of the individuals they see are dragonspawn. Haleh leads them into the principle’s office. A massive dragonspawn with two blue wings wearing some armor looks at them.

Dragonspawn: Telagos!

Tel: General Colbalton, it’s great to see you again.

Col: Likewise. I trust you won’t do this again, young man.

Tel: Of course not.

Col: Good. The rest of you, in spite of this breach of protocol, I welcome you to Mazthoril. Don’t touch anything.

Hal: He cares a great deal about the safety of this place. And you understand given the circumstances.

They enter through a slab of ice that melts away, and head into Haleh’s office. It is large enough for a full sized dragon to be in comfortably. There are rows and rows of bookshelves that are carved out of ice. All of them perfectly preserved, never to melt. This is likely her lair.

She leads them to a desk, and with a flick of her wrist enough chairs assemble from the ice.

Hal: Please, make yourselves at home. I don’t know what I have in the form of nourishment for mortals, but I could get you some fresh water.

Vel: I’m good, but thank you.

Hal: And the rest of you?

Lum: I would appreciate it, thank you!

Rem: I will be okay. Thank you, though.

With a wave of her hand a tray appears as she brings it forth and few glasses of water appear. There doesn’t need to be ice in them.

Hal: Telagos said you had some questions you wished to be asked. And given the circumstances formalities can be retired. I understand that this is not your first time speaking with a dragon beyond Telagos.

Vel: It’s not.

This is Luma’s first time. They’re just taking it in.

Vel: Specifically I was hoping you had information on a specific dragon. One named Onyxia.

Hal: That is a name I have not heard in a long while. Not out this way.

Halehgosa speaks a word in Draconic, a title, “History and Notations of the Black Dragon Broodmothers”. A moment later a tomb floats its way out. And makes it’s way to her desk before her.

Hal: I did have a copy! THis is a compendium of the black dragon broodmothers we know of. Those who are alive and those who have been slain. It’s not the most up to date, but there is some information on Onyxia.

She looks through the book.

Hal: Ah, here’s Onyxia. Onyxia was in fact of the first brood of the dragon formally known as Netharion and his prime consort, though she is no longer amongst the living. Onyxia was one of that first brood along with most notably her bother Nefarian, who I have also been informed is no longer amongst the living. Not much is known about Onyxia, in fact. However by this time she should be of a breeding age, and is considered a broodmother. Notably she is not the oldest child of Netharian, but she is the oldest that was born by his prime consort.

Vel: Brooding age, how old is that?

Hal: Old, unfortunately. Typically speaking a dragon will not begin to lay eggs well into their adult life. However those eggs cannot be fertilized until they reach a senior amount of maturity. That is why the death of a dragon broodmother is such a noteworthy tragedy. Typically speaking one cannot begin to fertilize eggs until at least 10,000 years.

Vel’s eyes widen.

Hal: An adult female dragon may be able to lay eggs, and some of them may hatch into dragonspawn. But to produce a full fledged dragon it takes a great deal of time.

Vel: You mentioned not much was known about her specialties.

Hal: Unfortunately no. She was reared and kept from the eyes of most. And after Deathwing’s betrayal in the War of the Ancients, she wasn’t seen publicly. Many of the others there has been evidence, but thus far nothing has been discovered other than her name and that she exists.

Vel: We have reason to believe we found her.

Hal: That is certainly noteworthy.

Vel: We also encountered one of her children.

Hal: Indeed, then she is of brooding age. We are uncertain as to what era Sintharia had laid her first brood, even before the War of the Ancients they were dodgy of such things. Many of the dragonflights still kept to themselves.

Vel: How much news has gotten here from the Eastern Kingdoms, as far as what’s been going on.

Hal: Little. We don’t have much contact. And Maztharil is a place of learning, rearing, growth. We don’t have the opportunity to speak with those more prescient in the goings on of the world.

Vel: Understood. The Black dragons are starting to move.

Hal: Then perhaps it is time that I visit back to the homeland. They will have news as well.

Vel: I believe they would. As I understand my brother is heading in that direction.

Hal: Is that so? It seems that your family is well acquainted with dragons.

Vel: There was an attempt made on the Demon Soul.

Hal: I see. That could be problematic.

Vel: And evidence seems to be pointing that Onyxia might be involved. And that’s what we’re currently looking into.

Hal: My Aspect might wish to know about this if he hasn’t already been appraised.

Vel: I imagine he very well might.

Hal: I haven't seen him in some time. But perhaps he would give an audience for such things. I appreciate the knowledge.

Vel: Of course, at least I can offer you that. Even if there isn’t much information on Onyxia.

Hal: I would urge caution if you do. Both her sire and her dame are dangerous. Before her demise Sintharia was known as an especially devious individual, cunning and intelligent. If Onyxia is half as cunning as she, she will be a formidable foe.

Vel: I appreciate it, given the guise she may be taking that tracks.

Hal: Is there anything else I can help you with?

Luma is just investigating and taking things in.

Rem: It may not have much baring. I simply wish to say hello. My name is Remnii and I am of the draenei.

Hal: That is a name I have heard. Though we keep to ourselves we have some friends who have informed us of some of the goings on. The denizens of the Violet Star?

Rem: Correct.

Hal: It’s a pleasure.

Rem: It’s good to meet you as well. I am continually making an effort, even if we do not cross paths again, to make ourselves known to the denizens of this world. And a belated congratulations.

Hal: Of course. I have already sent for the mother. Hopefully she’ll be able to get here soon to see her children. They’re rather excited.

Vel: I could imagine.

Rem: How wonderful! Vel: I think that’s all the questions I had. We’re laying low currently. My name would be known to some of the representatives up there. My interaction if possible…

Hal: Kept discrete?

Vel: Correct.

Hal: Should not be a problem. Whenever I am able to make it up there, this meeting need not come up.

Vel: Namely from my brother, but that’s only if that comes up.

Hal: Truthfully neither do I. So I suppose I will keep this information to myself out of safety.

Vel: Appreciated.

Hal: Allow me to see you out.

Vel: And thank you for your time, as unexpected as it was.

Hal: Sometimes a bit of unexpected company can be good.

Halehgosa leads them out. From one of the side corners, in draconic they hear “Matron Protectorate!”

They watch as a very small blue dragon, freshly hatched, running over. Half running half flying.

Hal: Dear. What are you doing here? I don’t believe that you’re nurses would be happy to be roaming the halls.

Whelp: No Matron Protectorate! But I wanted to see the strangers! And I wanted to see if you could teach us about Leyline theory again!

Hal: As long as you promise not to run away from your nurses any longer perhaps I will. Does that sound fair?

Whelp: Okay!

The whelp turns to the group and tries to say hello in common.

Vel looks like she’s melting, and Luma puts their hand over their heart.

Vel [Draconic]: Hello

The whelp blows up in draconic and asks a million questions. Before she can answer any a dragonspawn catches up to the whelp.

Dragonspawn: Young one, please it’s not safe for you to be wandering the halls. You’ll get trampled! Sorry Protectorite.

Hal: It’s quite alright.

The dragonspawn picks up the whelp, who is wriggling.

Whelp: If you see my mom tell her I say hi!

Tel: I remember when I was that age.

Hal: I’m glad that you’re charmed. His is the class you’ll be teaching, once you have time off from your employer.

Vel: They’re precious.

Halehgosa beams, as every new dragon is a gift. And this mother was particularly young.

She leads them to the entrance.

Hal: Do be safe. And remember the warnings. And one more thing before you go.

The tomb reappears.

Hal: If you are facing the Black dragonflight, this tomb will be of use.

Vel: Thank you. Earnestly.

After Halehgosa goes back in and they begin to make their way out, Vel looks to Telagos.

Vel: I hope you’re not in too much trouble for that.

Tel: Not much. Just a few promissory lending of a few hundred lessons. Nothing too much! They don’t have to be consecutive. I do have to talk to Magitrix Goldensword. I will need to get a bit of time off. I hope she understands.

Vel: Thank you for showing us though. That was amazing.

Tel: Indeed! I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Luma: That was quite informative.

Tel: It was nice to be in her office when I was not being scolded for absentmindedness in class.

Vel teleports them back to Gadgetzan.