[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Forty-Six

Appearing Characters: Aracyra, Arthak Saurfang, Azgadaan, Azuka Stormbreaker, Blackhand, Garrosh Hellscream, Go'el, Gramgun Laughingeye, Gul'dan, Halno, Jorin Deadeye, Jubei'thos, Kaznada, Levia Blackflight, Mahka, Mankrik, Nitrogg Thundertower, Nyxxa, Rexxar, Rokara, Sadras, Sagaz, Shaspira, Thura Saurfang, Varok Saurfang

September 14th

Many of the clan approach the group to welcome them home after their adventure into Outland. Over time, the group disperses, leaving only the core leadership.

Thura Saurfang says: It’s good to have all of you back. I hope that everything went well.
Arthak Saurfang says: Well enough. We achieved the objectives we intended to.

Thura nods.

Thura Saurfang says: I’m glad to hear it, chieftain.

Gramgun claps a hand on Arthak’s shoulder.

Gramgun Laughingeye says: It’s good to have ya back, chief. All of ya really! Had it been longer, we might have taken wagers on whether or not any of you were coming back, and I wouldn’t want to make such a wager, ya know?
Arthak Saurfang says: How long have we been gone?
Thura Saurfang says: A few months. From this place’s calendar, from what I understand, we are a few days short of the anniversary of the first step through the portal.
Arthak Saurfang says: Ah. Are we now… that’s good to know.
Mahka says: Indeed! We are approaching the autumnal equinox I believe. The nights will get longer.
Nyxxa says: Certainly feels like that already.
Levia Blackflight says: It’s… still so strange seeing it get so cold up here.
Arthak Saurfang says: How were things while we were gone?
Thura Saurfang says: Things have been relatively calm here. The blockade is still strong, though not as severe as it was. The increased pressure from the Amani and the war elsewhere has taken some of their manpower elsewhere. A prolonged blockade is not easy.
Gramgun Laughingeye says: You can say that again! The smallteeth aren’t as afraid of water as some of us are, but even for them, being on teh sea for so long must be hell. I reckon this winter will be quite hard for them to keep a close watch on everything, if I were a bettin’ man. Which I am!
Arthak Saurfang says: You are.
Thura Saurfang says: The war has continued… though their defenses have been emboldened. There has been changes in their organization. If what I’ve been told is true, they’ve consolidated their leadership under a warchief. He has bolstered their defenses, and the forces at their command has increased. What’s more, it seems they have new weapons at their disposal. More of those flashsticks the diminutive smallteeth had brought. A new clan of theirs has arrived not long after you left. Their weapons have made it difficult to gain ground. The Horde controls most of the Eastweald to the east of the river, but beyond that is a no man’s land where both sides have tried to push. The Bulwark they’ve called it. Some clans broke past by heading south into other territories, but I’m unsure of their success.
Arthak Saurfang says: Interesting. So. In summary, we have stalled out again.
Thura Saurfang says: It seems like both sides are starting to hunker down for a long winter. But something strange happened. A few weeks ago or the better part of a month… there was almost like a ripple that all of us felt. It was… strange. I can’t say I know how to explain it. It felt like… a weight was being ripped from our shoulders. But from what I understand, not everyone experienced it the same way. I spoke with some of the other clans, and there’s been… morale has dropped from the front, and I don’t believe it has anything to do with the coming winter. There hasn’t been substantial loss, but it seems like the will of some to fight has blunted. Or at least, that’s what some have said.
Mahka says: I imagine the coming winter is not helping. There are a lot of considerations that must be made in the cold months, but with the clans spread out, those more apt to handle the conditions are unable to aid our brothers and sisters from other clans.
Arthak Saurfang says: Troubling, but something we will just have to contend with.

Nyxxa glances at Arthak. Maka smiles.

Mahka says: I understand elder Gul’dan is planning a celebration in honor of our coming to this place. I believe he intends to raise morale.
Nyxxa says: Not the first Gul’dan affair we’ve been to.
Arthak Saurfang says: No. Though this one may be a tad more exciting.

Gramgun smirks.

Gramgun Laughingeye says: Well, now that you’re back chief, I daresay we can likely count that any gathering might be a bit more interestin’! For as humorless as you tend to be, you know how to liven up a party.

He elbows Arthak in the side, but then he winces and grabs his elbow. He squints.

Gramgun Laughingeye says: I know you’re a bit… young, Arthak, but is it just me or did you get taller?
Nyxxa says: I… hadn’t noticed. You did… eat a lot of powerful things.

Nyxxa crosses her arms.

Azgadaan says: Killing Gruul was fun.
Arthak Saurfang says: Gruul or the rock I imagine.

All of the orcs blink.

Gramgun Laughingeye says: Wait… you fought… Gruul… like, the gronn. The big one?
Nyxxa says: Killed him.
Arthak Saurfang says: Ate his heart.
Gramgun Laughingeye says: Did you save some for us?

He laughs. Mankrik looks slightly disappointed.

Mankrik says: That’s incredible! I can’t believe you accomplished such a feat.
Arthak Saurfang says: Oh, speaking of, this is Nitrogg.

Thura had been looking at Nitrogg and Rexxar.

Thura Saurfang says: I was about to ask.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: I was just waiting my turn! I wouldn’t want to get in the way of a family reunion, after all.

He smirks.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Nitrogg Thundertower. The pleasure is mine.

He looks at Thura, who nods.

Thura Saurfang says: I assume you are another companion?
Nitrogg Thundertower says: Clan mate! I tried to kill him, it didn’t stick, and now I’m here.
Gramgun Laughingeye says: That does sound about right…
Azgadaan says: We had to deal with him then Gruul. Interesting day.
Arthak Saurfang says: And this is Rexxar.

Rexxar nods and gives a grunt of acknowledgement. Somehow, some of his beasts had already started to filter into the village despite the fact they had not followed them through the tree. Puffer had already found a puddle of mud.

Arthak Saurfang says: Nitrogg will be taking over the role of Forgemaster.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: I heard about my predecessor. I’ll try to live to his expectations. I heard they were pretty steep.
Thura Saurfang says: I’m sure you’ll do fine. I can give you a tour around the settlement.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: That would be lovely, miss Thura!

Mahka smiles.

Mahka says: Come and make yourselves comfortable. We’ve done what we can to prepare this place for winter.
Arthak Saurfang says: Also, now that we’re back, lets… keep our return within the clan. At least until Gul’dan’s feast.

The other orcs nod.

Gramgun Laughingeye says: Aye aye cap’n. That won’t be a problem. I’ll alert the others. We wouldn’t want to go spoilin’ surprises now!

Gramgun winks at him, and Arthak closes his remaining eye in response.

Gramgun Laughingeye says: I suppose I should get to work! It was good to see all of you. I’ll be around!

The group starts to disperse. While it’s not particularly cold outside, it is quite toasty inside the main buildings and it seems there had been quite a bit of work in building up Gramgun’kur while they were gone.

Go’el and Arthak hang back together as the group moves.

Go'el says: I should not linger over long. My clan would like to know I’ve returned. I’ll appraise them of where the others are.
Arthak Saurfang says: Good. Good. Um… all that I ask is be discrete at least until I make my move. I trust your clan to keep that secret.
Go'el says:' Of course. I don’t plan on telling many.
Arthak Saurfang says: And after… you’re still planning on helping in what comes?
Go'el says: There are some old friends I’m going to reach out to. Make sure they know I’m here.

Go’el smiles and puts a hand on Arthak’s shoulder.

Go'el says: I trust the hammer will be in good care while I’m gone.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll put it to good use.
Go'el says: You were never one to squander a tool not used to its full potential, that’s for sure.

Go’el squeezes his shoulder.

Go'el says: Ancestors watch over you Arthak. I’ll see you in a few days.
Arthak Saurfang says: Be careful, Go’el.
Go'el says: You too, Arthak.

Go’el also bids farewell to the rest, and Nyxxa asks him to tell Rehgar she said hello. Go’el agrees he will, and then tells them all to relax if they can–as fruitless as that advice may have been.

Nyxxa says: So how are you planning on doing this Arthak?
Arthak Saurfang says: I will make contact with Gul’dan and with Lady Shaspira. Get a lay of the land and make arrangements. With their help, the warchief should have no real chance of learning I am back, let alone what I have with me. So, when Gul’dan’s feast is set, and the warchief is in his seat of honor, I will make myself known. And we will see what happens.

Nyxxa nods.

Nyxxa says: Well, if we’re laying low… we should probably push the skarvyn meeting a bit back.

She glances at Azgadaan and Levia.

Azgadaan says: If they need to know something immediately, I can send them.

Nyxxa nods.

Nyxxa says: I’d rather not take a risk and be caught. In the meantime, I’ve told you I had a bad feeling, so I want to remain close anyway–not as I was on the train, but…
Arthak Saurfang says: As you wish. Other than making contact with Gul’dan and Shaspira, I don’t plan to leave until the time is right.

Nyxxa nods.

Nyxxa says: I can keep an eye out for people poking around.
Arthak Saurfang says: Whatever you think is best.

Nyxxa nods again.

Arthak Saurfang says: Azgadaan, if you could put me in contact with my uncle at some point.
Azgadaan says: Varok, right?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.
Azgadaan says: Yes, I could send you in a dream tonight if that’s what you want. Or really anytime during the next few days.
Arthak Saurfang says: Appreciated. Let me see to the other two first, and then I can reach out to him.
Azgadaan says: Sounds good. I’m… probably going to sit back while we wait and create a new spell or two.
Arthak Saurfang says: What about Lady Aracyra? I’m assuming she’s probably back.
Nyxxa says: Do you want to handle that sooner rather than later?
Azgadaan says: I’ll deal with it after the event.
Nyxxa says: There is wisdom in that.

Nitrogg, Sadras, and the others also keep their heads down for the duration, Azgadaan opts to set up his mansion whenever he is able.

Arthak sends Gul’dan with the sending stone.

Arthak Saurfang says [sending]: I have returned, elder. I would like to report.
Gul'dan says [sending]: Excellent. Welcome home, Arthak. I’ll come and find you soon. I look forward to hearing about your adventures, and of what comes next.

Arthak also asks Azgadaan to send Shaspira.

Azgadaan says: Oh. Can you have Halno do this one?
Arthak Saurfang says: Ah… I understand things are tense. Are you alright on that front?
Azgadaan says: I’ll find out in a few days.
Arthak Saurfang says: Very well. Good… luck.
Azgadaan says: Thanks.

Arthak pats him on the shoulder and goes to find Halno so that he could send Shaspira instead. He finds him at his workshop with Sagaz and the other members of the small cabal he had been building. Halno sends the demoness, and she expresses she was glad to hear it–and she would like Arthak to stop over.

Halno says: You’ve been summoned at your convenience.

He looks back to his projects.

Arthak Saurfang says: Ah, thank you. No time like the present I guess.

Arthak opts to make the trek to the new base of operations she had set up on Quel’danas–staying as discreet as he possibly can using the cover of evening and with Nyxxa’s help to maneuver through the woods.

The tower is well-lit, and reminiscent of many of the Archival Authority buildings. There are guards around, as well as some researchers, and they duck into the heart of the spire. There is a familiar figure as they enter–Aracyra, who seems to also be moving discretely and quietly.

She does not seem to see them, and Nyxxa gives Arthak the sign to stop.

Nyxxa uses her sending stone to inform Azgadaan that she is on the island.

Azgadaan says [sending]: Thank you for letting me know. I’ll stay out of sight.

They see Aracyra continue to move away, and with a wave of her hand, her shadow emerges from behind her. She kneels down, whispers something to it, and darts off into the night. She glances around suspiciously, and then she sighs and heads further in before tracing a circle in the air and stepping through the crimson portal that had appeared.

Nyxxa exhales and casts [True Seeing].

Nyxxa says: I’m going to do a quick check.

Under her cloak, her tattoos glow, and she clutches her head momentarily. However, she sees nothing left that would indicate Aracyra.

Nyxxa says: We should be good.

Arthak nods, and they head further into the tower. The wrathguard there sees Arthak and nods in acknowledgement.

Wrathguard says: The Lady is waiting. You are free to enter.
Arthak Saurfang says: Thank you.

Arthak looks at Nyxxa.

Arthak Saurfang says: Do you want to come in, or stay out here?
Nyxxa says: I can wait at the door.

They enter, and they see a truncated version of the lobby from the Archival Authority building. There are more decorations around, and it's a bit less museum-esque. There are no attendants or guards inside, but the door at the far end opens automatically.

The duo continues through the doorway, and they feel the lift beneath their feet move. Unlike the one on Argus, this one does not go in a perfectly vertical direction–instead it moves as if navigating through a maze. After a few moment, the lift comes to a stop and opens.

They see a hallway, which has a single door at the end–already open. The suite beyond is slightly smaller than the one on Argus, and more suited for one person to live instead of multiple.

Inside is Shaspira, wearing a nice black dress with a high neck. Her back is to them.

Shaspira says: Come in.

She hadn’t turned around, and Arthak walks in–leaving Nyxxa at the door.

Shaspira says: You can come in too, Nyxxa.

Nyxxa hesitates, but then enters.

Shaspira says: Have you heard of what happened?
Arthak Saurfang says: Which event?
Shaspira says: Lord Mannoroth’s demise. I assume you were aware of it, given you were there for the self-same battle.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes, we were aware.
Shaspira says: Pray tell, how did he manage to get himself killed?
Arthak Saurfang says: The battle was chaotic. Both sides butchering each other. Mannoroth in his… zeal to destroy her, over extended. She didn’t escape unbloodied, but… Mannoroth fell.

Shaspira glances at Nyxxa.

Nyxxa says: I unfortunately can’t see out that far.
Shaspira says: Of course…
Nyxxa says: All I know is that Sinestra had us pulled in every direction.
Shaspira says: I trust you did not see anything out of sorts with that unique vision of yours?
Nyxxa says: I did not.

Shaspira sighs.

Shaspira says: I was hoping that that you or your companions had seen something… anything that would help. Something doesn’t add up… there’s a piece missing. I’m glad you’re back, and safe. I trust your companions were able to survive the endeavor.
Arthak Saurfang says: Not our… newest one.
Shaspira says: My condolences. Unfortunately, there is no time to mourn.
Arthak Saurfang says: Unfortunately not.
Shaspira says: The one solitary piece of good news to come out of the recent days has been that Master Gul’dan and I have discovered the most likely location of th4e artifact we seek. Once things are handled, we can begin coordination on the retrieval of said artifact. Perhaps we can take control of this situation before it gets further out of hand.
Arthak Saurfang says: Good. I’ve been informed the war has stalemated again.
Shaspira says: It has. Giving us all the more reason to recover the scepter. With it those against the Horde will crumble.
Nyxxa says: And we can use the winter to do so I imagine.
Shaspira says: Beyond the difficulties expeditions experience, yes.
Arthak Saurfang says: While the season may be poor, all here know that the Horde does not fight well in a stalemate. We need movement.
Shaspira says: The winter will not be kind to your people. It rarely is kind to armies. But you are very right. Thank you both for coming. Helping me to… discover more of this disruption that we have stumbled upon… I am much appreciative of it.
Arthak Saurfang says: Of course. What are you thinking regarding Mannoroth?
Shaspira says: Mannoroth’s destruction is one of a series of recent revelations. Occurrences. That have caused me no small amount of pause. But the nature of them is unimportant. You have more important things to focus on.
Arthak Saurfang says: You are correct.
Shaspira says: Such matters are beyond either of our power to do aught about. Thinking of them would just distract us.
Arthak Saurfang says: The next step… you are aware Gul’dan is hosting a feast celebrating the year of war.
Shaspira says: I am, yes. I wager a great deal of orcs will be in attendance. A serendipitous time if one were to have an announcement to make.
Arthak Saurfang says: Indeed.
Shaspira says: I would not want to miss it. Though I am not an orc, I would more than wish to be a part of the celebration. Even if just as a spectator.
Arthak Saurfang says: You are an ally of the Horde, and I would be lying if I said I did not want you there to see this.

Shaspira smiles.

Shaspira says: May Lord Sargeras guide your hand then, Arthak. Should he be unable to, I trust you’ll be able to do so instead.
Arthak Saurfang says: I manage well enough when I have to.
Shaspira says: I’ll see you both at the celebration. There is one thing before you go.

She pulls out a cylindrical object in a sheath of black velvet.

Shaspira says: A small trinket. Consider it, perhaps, a welcome home present. Or, if you wish it, a symbol of good luck or congratulations.

With a flick of her wrist, the cylinder floats to Arthak, and he takes it. He unwraps the cylinder, revealing a smooth, steel cylinder. It’s about 4 inches long, and it has beautiful, ornate, silver filigree that surrounds the sides of it. Engraved on it is the symbol of the Horde on one side, and on the other side is the symbol of the Legion. All across it, in both orcish and eredun, are inscriptions of important words in the conversations that Shaspira and Arthak had had: duty, weight, burdens, and so forth.

There is a smirk on Shaspira’s lips.

Shaspira says: Press into it.

Arthak does, and there is a spark, along with a small crimson-red flame. All the engravings also glow crimson.

Shaspira says: Beyond the fact such a device is useful for starting fires, I thought it would also be useful for a certain habit of yours. I hope it is up to your specifications. I would not wish to grant a subpar gift to an esteemed craftsman like yourself.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll treasure this. Thank you.

Shaspira smiles.

Shaspira says: May it serve you well. I’ll make sure word of your arrival does not spread.
Arthak Saurfang says: You have my thanks.

Shaspira turns to stare back through the window of her chambers, her smile slowly fading.

Arthak Saurfang says: Before we go… it does behoove me to point out, that depending on how the coming days go, I may or may not be alive. We are both busy and creatures of our work, but in light of that, if you have time, perhaps we might share a cup.

Shaspira smiles again.

Shaspira says: Perhaps if either of us can find a moment from our schedules.
Arthak Saurfang says: I would like that.
Shaspira says: I would too.

Arthak bows and he and Nyxxa head out. They head back into the woods to make their way back to Gramgun’kur.

Nyxxa says: You two are really friends, aren’t you?

Arthak lights a cigarette with his new lighter.

Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.

Nyxxa looks back at the tower they had left.

Nyxxa says: I guess the best thing I can say then… is my condolences. This can’t be easy.
Arthak Saurfang says: Nothing ever is.

Nyxxa puts a hand on Arthak’s shoulder.

Arthak Saurfang says: This is why I warned you about your attachment to your contact.
Nyxxa says: I know that, now. But I can assure you, you don’t have anything to worry about from me, nor I you. We do what we must. We just enjoy the moments we get–fleeting as they are. No more, no less.
Arthak Saurfang says: Something like that.
Nyxxa says: It doesn’t mean the friendship is any less real though.
Arthak Saurfang says: No. But if one is to do something unwise, or have something unwise, it’s best to do it knowingly.
Nyxxa says: Ignoring such things will only get in the way, I understand. It’s helpful to know.

They continue in silence.

September 15th - September 16th

For the most part, the group keeps their heads low until the celebration. Halno coordinates with the cabal that had been created.

Sagaz says: Now that you’re back, once this is all done, do you want me to reach out to these… these people that wanted to speak with you? Ritssyn and the smallteeth?
Halno says: Yes, I’m curious what they’re up to.
Sagaz says: I’ll reach out and let them know you’ll be able to speak with them soon. Hopefully that’ll work out.
Halno says: Yes, I believe currently it would be a poor decision.

Sagaz nods.

Sagaz says: I won’t ruin the chieftain’s plans, whatever he’s up to, but I’ll get in contact with people. In the meantime, I guess we should swap some notes.

Nyxxa had started to work on a gift for Levia and had also spent some time with Sadras. However, Sadras had come to find her on one of the days.

Sadras says: Hey, are you doing anything tonight?
Nyxxa says: No. What’s up?
Sadras says: Well, one of my old friends from the Frostwolves is here. She found out I was back. You can trust her, but she’s a ranking member who had just returned from the front lines and… when Go’el was talking to her, he let her know I was back. I want you to meet her. I thought maybe we could have a girls night thing… I was going to leave tomorrow, so I figured I’d see if you wanted to join us tonight?
Nyxxa says: Oh… I’d be honored to!
Sadras says: I invited a few others. Maka and Thura too. Plus a couple of the other girls from the clan if that’s alright.

Nyxxa nods.

Nyxxa says: If you want me along, I’d love to!
Sadras says: of course I want you along!
Nyxxa says: Thank you.

Sadras smiles. There is a sadness there, but she seems to be working through it. She puts a hand on Nyxxa’s shoulder.

Sadras says: There’s not many people I’d rather invite, sister.
Nyxxa says: Thank you… sister.
Sadras says: Come on, this may be the last night we can relax for a bit!

Nyxxa nods and puts her things away before going off with Sadras. The group she sees gathered is fairly large. Azuka had gotten dragged along, along with Mother Kaza’s granddaughter–Kaznada–and many others. One unfamiliar voice speaks up.

Sadras's Friend says: You must be Sadras's friend then! I’ve heard a lot about you!

Nyxxa sees a wirey, muscular female orc with a wide grin and a steep black mohawk.

Sadras's Friend says: The name’s Rokara! It’s nice to meet ya!
Nyxxa says: Pleasure’s mine! Nyxxa.

Nyxxa holds out her hand, and Rokara smirks and pulls Nyxxa into a hug.

Rokara says: No need for that! We might as well be sisters too, huh?
Nyxxa says: …wow. You… have me speechless.
Rokara says: I have that effect on people!
Nyxxa says: I… understand.

Nyxxa looks at Sadras.

Nyxxa says: Is this how I can be sometimes?

Sadras looks between then, and something clicks.

Sadras says: Oh… huh.

Rokara puts her hands on her sides and belly laughs.

Rokara says: So tell me more about this girl’s night thing! We want to try it out!
Nyxxa says: Oh! Alright!

Nyxxa goes into her explanation in the group of mixed age women.

One morning Gramgun finds Arthak to inform him Gul’dan had arrived and was awaiting him outside. Arthak had been basically existing on micro-naps, but he gets himself together and heads outside.

Gul’dan smiles as he sees Arthak.

Gul'dan says: Wonderful to see you. I was just speaking with these pilgrims, and its good that you were able to open your village to them. If this is not evidence of good days to come, I don’t know what is.

He gestures to the camp of scarkvyn that had set themselves up near the village.

Arthak Saurfang says: You flatter me, Elder.
Gul'dan says: It’s earned.

Gul’dan gestures for Arthak to follow as they head to walk in private.

Gul'dan says: It seems our news is a double-edged blade. Ever there is both good and bad coming in.
Arthak Saurfang says: Lord Mannoroth.

Gul’dan nods.

Gul'dan says: It is a shock, a concerning one no doubt.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. I’ve already spoken with Lady Shaspira. What is the saying… two steps forward, one step back?
Gul'dan says: I have lost many nights of sleep puzzling over such a thing could come to pass. I was led to believe that an entity of such peerless strength and war was indestructible, and yet…
Arthak Saurfang says: And yet, it seems we underestimated Sinestra’s strength.
Gul'dan says: Yes. Perhaps we did. Nevertheless, this grants us a curious and wonderful opportunity. Mannoroth’s death comes as a shock and a danger, as I believe you know. It was he who granted us the strength to unify our people under the banner of the Horde.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. He and I spoke of that in Hellfire before the battle.
Gul'dan says: It was his strength and generosity that granted us a thousand victories. Now he’s gone, but we remain. There is… opportunity in this. A chance to prove our strength. The might of the Horde.
Arthak Saurfang says: A chance to raise our esteem in the eyes of our allies.
Gul'dan says: It is possible the lords of the Legion saw our strength only because of the gift we were given, and while it gave us an opportunity to elevate ourselves beyond our limits, now deprived of it, we can show them those limits never existed. It was said Mannoroth was war incarnate. Perhaps that title belongs to someone else now. But it will not come without time and opportunity. Tell me, are you prepared for what you must do?

Arthak nods and shifts his cloak so he can see the hammer, and his new hand. Gul’dan’s eyes widen, and then he laughs.

Gul'dan says: Poetic, is it not? Perfect. This will be a test unlike any you’ve ever faced, Arthak. But succeed… and you will be poised to change the Horde. Nay, this world, in ways we could have only dreamed of before.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m ready to see this done. To move on to what’s next.
Gul'dan says: Perfect. You need only steel yourself for the battle to come, my young friend. I will see to the rest, and see that you’re given your opportunity, and a proper stage on which to use it. Once this is handled, we will claim the Scepter of Sargeras, and return it, and with it, become the masters of our own destinies.
Arthak Saurfang says: We can show everything the Horde can be. I look forward to that.
Gul'dan says: As do I. I will leave you to your preparations, then. Unless there’s anything else that needs to be said.
Arthak Saurfang says: No.

Gul’dan smiles and starts to cast fel magic.

Gul'dan says: This has been a year of progress for the Horde. Let us make this next one… one to never forget.

He disappears in a flurry of fel fire.

Arthak spends the rest of the days attempting to meditate and connect with the ancestors. He does not receive any sort of omen or proof that he is following the right course of action. There is no secret message or guidance, but then again, the days he spends with his clan, his people, and those he built all of this with… perhaps there was an answer to be found in that even if it wasn’t the one he was searching for.

It was the last days of his time as the chieftain of the Broken Blade, one way or another.

There is a comfort that comes to him, even if it is not in the spiritual sense.

However, he visits Varok in a dreamscape–opening up the scene on top of the tower he had spoken to Garrosh at, but now it is placed in Hellfire Peninsula and surrounded with the corpse of Gruul and other things Arthak had overcome. The scene includes the corpse of Mannoroth.

Then Varok appears and ascends the stairs. He looks around at the countless broken weapons and corpses and dreams.

Varok Saurfang says: What… what is this?
Arthak Saurfang says: Hello uncle.
Varok Saurfang says: Arthak. You’re… speaking to me with his sorcery again?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes, though…

He looks around.

Arthak Saurfang says: It’s different than it was before. I don’t know why.

Varok also looks around more thoroughly.

Varok Saurfang says: What is it? This place?
Arthak Saurfang says: This is… the inside, I guess, of my dreams. Or my mind.
Varok Saurfang says: That is not exactly what I meant. This vision must have come from somewhere. This hellscape.

Arthak tries to block the view of Mannoroth.

Arthak Saurfang says: These are, um, things familiar to me. Things I’ve done. Uh…
Varok Saurfang says: The landscape. This is what’s left of our home?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. This is Hellfire.
Varok Saurfang says: It is true then. Draenor… it is gone.
Arthak Saurfang says: No. It is changed, but it’s not gone. I have seen what it has become. It is strange and… difficult. But it is still the place our people came from.
Varok Saurfang says: I see.

Varok stops, and he sees Gruul’s broken body first. He recognizes it.

Varok Saurfang says: You say that you’ve surmounted these challenges in your time in our ancestral home.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes, and before. These are…
Varok Saurfang says: Reflections of your experience. Of your burdens. And you did not wish to show me this, yet it is here all the same. Perhaps as much for me to see as you.

Varok turns and looks at Arthak.

Varok Saurfang says: You are not one to brag, Arthak, so I presume you came to me to tell me more than that you slew the titan gronn.
Arthak Saurfang says: No. I came to tell you I am back, and…

He shifts his cloak and reveals his hand and the Doomhammer.

Varok Saurfang says: So you were victorious. And it seems the elements have marked you as they did the warchief.
Arthak Saurfang says: Appropriate, I think.
Varok Saurfang says: A sign, perhaps. Or perhaps simply another burden for you to bear. I’m glad you returned safely, Arthak. My thoughts have been… distant, recently. Often have I cast them to you and Dranosh. And to my brothers. So what will you do now that you bear the hammer and the mark of the deepest places in the earth?
Arthak Saurfang says: The feast. I intend to make my challenge.

Varok nods.

Varok Saurfang says: An appropriate place for it.
Arthak Saurfang says: For all the Horde to see.
Varok Saurfang says: I and many others will be in attendance. While the war continues… endless as it is.
Arthak Saurfang says: Not endless. Long. But we can end it.

Varok looks down, and he looks his age–tired and worn.

Varok Saurfang says: There are many who have said that, Arthak. But my life has been one war after another. I… I don’t think I have the energy to believe there is an end to it all. Not anymore. I’m… so tired of all the war. Of all the fighting.

He gestures around, and his eyes fall on Mannoroth, but he doesn’t seem to recognize it.

Varok Saurfang says: All of this… This looks like war. One I fear you may never escape. Ancestors willing, there will be an end to it. For you to see, if not me. But I will be there.
Arthak Saurfang says: The others who said that. They were not me.

Varok offers a dispirited chuckle.

Varok Saurfang says: You… you always have been stubborn. I have always sworn my life, first to protect the clan, and then to protect the warchief and the Horde. That determination, that spark, I’ve seen it before. In the glittering eyes of my former chieftain. Of the man who you seek to challenge. I’ve heard those words from him as well.
Arthak Saurfang says: I am not him. I am many things, and… war is one of those things. But I am not Blackhand. And just because this is my nature, that doesn’t mean it is my choice. I will use it, but I will not let it define our people.
Varok Saurfang says: Something has changed in you. Since we last spoke. You seem to have… a certainty in your voice. One you did not have before your journey. A certainty that perhaps I may have once held, and I hope that I can have again. Perhaps… perhaps you are right. Regardless of what happens, regardless of if you are right, know that I’m still here. No matter how tired this old soldier will grow of fighting, I still swore my life to the Horde, and to its Warchief. I want you to prove me wrong, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: I will.

Varok nods.

Varok Saurfang says: Then I can only offer you my support when the time comes. Lok’tar ogar, Arthak. Blood and thunder.
Arthak Saurfang says: Blood and thunder. One last thing, uncle. In case this doesn’t go the way I intend, you were as much father to me as you were to Dranosh. And for that I am grateful. More grateful than I for the old soldier.

Varok chuffs quietly.

Varok Saurfang says: Before Remda was taken from me, we had spoken of… having a large family. Raising more proud children together. Though we never got to have that opportunity, I’m grateful to have been able to watch two strong, honorable men become orcs I could be proud of. I only wish I could have given you more.
Arthak Saurfang says: You gave me enough.

Arthak offers his hand, and Varok looks to it, and they clasp arms. He then pushes his forehead against Arthak’s, their braids brushing. After a moment, Varok chuffs again.

Varok Saurfang says: I may not be as young as I once was, but I don’t remember you being this tall, and I don’t think my back is that bent yet.
Arthak Saurfang says: I think that’s from Gruul’s heart.
Varok Saurfang says: I’m glad you’re eating well then.

He starts to laugh.

September 17th

The next morning, the group boards a ship to head towards the mainland. When they arrive, they can feel their blood bumping to the rhythm of the drumbeats that seem to be echoing through all of Silvermoon City. In the year since its fall, much of it had been resettled by various orc groups–though the war had branched beyond, clans had carved out sections of the city that have since grown more secure.

Many had returned for the celebration. The majority remained on the warfront, but many clan leaders or their representatives had made it back. There had been a toll, an evident one, but regardless, there is the trace of a more positive atmosphere. There are smells of cooked meats and meads, as well as the light sea breeze.

The majority of those present would be meeting at an address by the warchief in the evening: at the tower that Gul’dan had made his base of operations, in the Court of the Sun.

The feasting and festivities had already begun--fires cooking large beasts and mead flowing freely as clans share bounties with their kin. Nyxxa is fairly certain no one had recognized Arthak, but she sees familiar faces: several warriors that had fought alongside them on Ashran. They had been with Ger’hel.

Nyxxa says: Ger’hel’s people are here.

Arthak nods.

They have a bit of time, as the Warchief nor Gul’dan had yet to arrive. Azgadaan had disguised himself so as not to stand out in the crowd.

As the sun begins to set, suddenly they hear cheering and excitement in the crowd. Blackhand steps out first--exiting from the entrance to the palace of the high elves. Multiple orcs flank him, including Varok. But Rend is not there.

Gul’dan trails just behind, and a circle in the crowd opens to give Blackhand an area to address everyone. Gul’dan joins him at the center, and he does not make eye contact with Arthak, but there is a faint grin as his eyes scan over the crowd.

Blackhand raises his magma-covered fist and strapped to his back is the Doomhammer--or rather, what everyone else believes to be the Doomhammer. Arthak sees Jorin in the crowd, as well as Jubei’thos. However, he does not see Go’el, and several other chieftains that are a bit less likely to draw attention to themselves.

Sadras and Thura give Arthak looks of good luck.

Thura Saurfang says: I believe in you, Arthak. And if I can speak freely… kick his ass.

Gul’dan steps forward, starting the address.

Gul'dan says: Sons and daughters of the Horde, for one rotation of this sun we have been the greatest force of might and strength in this world. For one year we struggled and fought to earn our place. To take what belongs to us. And to conquer, as is our blood. As is our destiny. Each and every one of you should be proud of what you have accomplished with the Horde, and what we will accomplish together.

Gul’dan looks around and smiles.

Gul'dan says: The strength of those gathered here, and those who still battle. Who still seek glory beyond these walls… will make more than just our ancestors proud. But none will understand that more than our warchief. A warrior of peerless skill! One able to bend prophecy to his very might. A warrior who has never once been defeated. I believe all gathered would love to hear what he has to say.

There is a chorus of cheers from the crowd, and then quiets again.

Blackhand opens his mouth to speak, but Gul’dan raises a finger.

Gul'dan says: Not so fast, Blackhand!
Warchief Blackhand says: What is the meaning of this, Gul’dan?

Blackhand moves towards Gul’dan.

Warchief Blackhand says: You dare challenge my authority. I am your warchief, and you silence me?
Arthak Saurfang says: No. I do.

Arthak takes a step forward. Eyes swirl to the the orc that had left the crowd.

Warchief Blackhand says: What. Is. This?

Gul’dan smiles.

Gul'dan says: I believe you know what this is.

Gul’dan backs away, giving the two orcs room in the cleared circle.

Arthak Saurfang says: This is your end, Blackhand.

He pulls back the cowl that he had over his head.

Warchief Blackhand says: Cowardspawn…

Blackhand spits on the ground.

Arthak Saurfang says: That is the name. One of many.
Warchief Blackhand says: Are you so consumed with being a thorn in my side that you would slow your life away on such a foolish pyre, boy? Your armor is not so big as you think.

Arthak pulls out a cigarette and lights it as he strolls forward, letting the height change become obvious.

Arthak Saurfang says: Neither is yours. I never intended, when this started, to be a thorn in your side. I wanted peace between us. When I offered compromise at the start of this invasion, over who would be the vanguard, and again when I killed your spy, I gave my eye as an offering of peace. Each overture was spat back in my face. You have tried to kill me with assassins and traps and deceit. You know I asked myself this whole time… what it is you saw when you looked at me. Who did you see? Was it Orgrim? The man whose legacy you couldn’t carry? The one who took the strength from you.
Warchief Blackhand says: You…
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m not done.
Warchief Blackhand says: Your words ring hollow as the heat of the forge, boy! You speak of lies! Of weakness! And yet I have bound prophecy to my will! You speak of deceit and deception, but you have undermined me at every turn! You are nothing but a foolish child, playing at legacies above your reach. But I am not beyond forgiveness. Prostrate yourself before me, boy, and I shall not take your other eye and make you eat it!
Arthak Saurfang says: Do you see yourself when you look at me? Not what you are now, but the orc you used to be? I wondered about that.

Arthak shrugs aside his cloak, revealing both his new hand, and the Doomhammer, which he raises into the air.

Arthak Saurfang says: I think I know the answer now.

The Doomhammer begins to glow, a representation of Arthak’s connection with it.

Warchief Blackhand says: What is this!?
Arthak Saurfang says: This is the truth. Not the false fabrication you made after Orgrim’s death. I went to Outland, Blackhand. I got past your traps. I came to the Heart Of the World, and I did what you could not. And now you are dead. The whole Horde, all of our people, see you for what you are.
Warchief Blackhand says: I am your warchief! You believe my Horde will listen to you, the blood of cowardice, the spawn of betrayal!
Arthak Saurfang says: They will listen to their eyes.
Gul'dan says: Give it up, Blackhand. I don’t believe anyone gathered needs my knowledge and wisdom to tell that what Arthak says is true. You have deceived all of us.

There are growls and whispers and chatter that spreads through the Horde that had gathered around them.

Arthak Saurfang says: It’s done, Blackhand. The challenge is going to happen. You might kill me. Here, now. But someone else will come. And someone else. And another. Until someone gets you. You are dead. And I have killed you. But I will honor the orc you used to be by giving you a chance to return the favor in kind.

Blackhand looks around, looking at the crowd of orcs–who seem to be getting louder and more discordant in anger and rage.

Warchief Blackhand says: SILENCE!

The might of the shout does blunt the growing voice, and he takes his own hammer. He reaches onto his arm and pulls a lever on it. There is screeching of metal, and the clamping of steel.

Warchief Blackhand says: I accept your challenge, cowardspawn. And I accept the challenge of every man that steps up after I crush your skull in these stones. I will add their bones to the pile! This is my Horde, my legacy, and I will prove it to you… all of you! Like I did with Orgrim!

He starts to cough, but roars through the coughing fit. He drops into a battle stance, and the crowd spreads out--opening the circle as they all pound their chests and chant for mok’gora.

The two orcs eye each other down, preparing themselves, and then Arthak starts to grow.

Azgdaan says: Kick his ass, Arthak!

Arthak hurls the hammer at Blackhand’s face as he uses stormbolt, and Blackhand is able to block the hammer with his blackened fist–but the hammer returns to Arthak’s hand. He throws it again, but Blackhand narrowly evades it. As the hammer returns to Arthak, it strikes Blackhand in the back.

Arthak activates his fire rune on the connection, but Blackhand breaks free from the fiery chains–and the flame seems to get absorbed into his armor. Blackhand charges at Arthak.

Warchief Blackhand says: I’ll end this before it begins!

He swings his hammer down on the grown, and there is a resounding crack as the earth beneath them is shattered. Arthak is able to hold his footing, but many of the spectators are thrown back--including Nyxxa and Halno.

He then goes to swing into Arthak–pushing through the pain. The first strike misses, and Arthak tries to rip his weapon away. It sails out of his hand, and as Arthak reaches to grab it, he sees the chain on it tighten and bring it back to Blackhand’s hand. He uses the momentum to bring the hammer down.

Arthak swings in return and activates his frost rune–as he strikes him, he feels the heat of Blackhand’s armor wash over him. Blackhand is brought to the ground–knocked prone from the impact. Arthak grapples him, bringing his full size to bear as he plants his knee on top of the warchief and brings the hammer down again. Blackhand swings and hits him in the side in retribution and tries to shove Arthak off–again trying to push through, but the sheer pain in his chest leaves him helpless as he starts to cough. Arthak seizes the opportunity and swings again, and again, and again.

Blackhand manages to push through the pain and shoves Arthak off him, getting back to his feet as he backs off the massive orc. He spits some blood on the ground, and Arthak pats out some of the fires that had started on his clothes before closing again. With another three solid hits, he connects, but on the third hit Blackhand rolls with the strike, using momentum to leap back at Arthak.

Blackhand roars, but Arthak catches his hammer and shoves it back–completely ruining the barrage. Arthak swings, and as the Doomhammer connects, Blackhand tries to swing again–but Arthak grabs the hammer and uses the momentum to bring the Doomhammer down. He gets a perfect hit, and Arthak feels Blackhand’s armor buckle, but it deflects most of the blow aside.

Azgadaan says: Get him, Godslayer, killer of Gruul!

The crowd is going wild.

Blackhand swings, and the hammer deflects off his armor, but then he swings around and manages to land a strong blow in Arthak’s side. He then punches Arthak in the face, but the larger orc is able to shake it off.

They are both bloodied and panting.

Arthak swings the Doomhammer, nearly dropping Blackhand with a firm blow against the side of the head before the Warchief responds with another desperate strike. Arthak takes the blow, and Arthak raises the Doomhammer in the air and brings it crashing down on Blackhand. Blackhand tries to catch the hammer with his stone hand, but it cracks–shattering his arm down to his elbow as Arthak brings the hammer straight on his collar bone.

Blackhand’s bones crunch as he falls, his breathing labored. One of his eyes is swollen, and blood is streaking down both of their faces.

Warchief Blackhand says: It… can’t… It can’t end like this…
Arthak Saurfang says: It didn’t have to.
Warchief Blackhand says: You…
Arthak Saurfang says: It didn’t have to. Everything ends. Trying to prevent that is what led you here. You held too tightly.
Warchief Blackhand says: Lead… then… you… who have stolen this… from me… lead them… who have stolen the Horde… lead them… do not let this flame… be extinguished.
Arthak Saurfang says: You have my word.

Blackhand looks Arthak in the eye, struggling for breath and energy as the life drains from his limbs. He waits.

Arthak Saurfang says: Are you ready?
Warchief Blackhand says: I should… be asking you… the same…

Arthak nods, and then looks across the crowd–taking in everything. Dal’rend was still not there.

Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll tell your son that you died like a Warchief.

Arthak brings the Doomhammer down, and Blackhand crumples fully–the blood pooling across the stone–and the flames of his armor start to sputter out.

Gul’dan steps forward as Arthak shrinks to his normal size.

Gul'dan says: Long live… Warchief Blackhand!

He raises Arthak’s molten fist into the air, and the crowd cheers. But then the cheering starts to die. First to the north, but then it spreads.

A figure, cowled, and covered in long, brown cloak steps out. He is clapping slowly, but firmly.

Garrosh Hellscream says: Congratulations, Warchief!

Arthak and Gul’dan look behind them, and they see the figure--Garrosh Hellscream standing amidst the circle, looking at Arthak with an incendiary smile.

Garrosh Hellscream says: What's the matter, cowardspawn? Surprised to see me?