[Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Sixteen

Appearing Characters: Aliden Perenolde, Elissa Cross, Esara Verrinde, Gilveradin Windrunner, Kira Iresoul, Marez Cowl, Remnii, Seria, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, Victor Prestor

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December 15th

Uther Menethil says: I see no reason to waste time on pleasantries. What exactly are you offering?
Kira Iresoul says: As I said, I’m offering to help you, provide you the information that you seek, information that will help you bring this Syndicate leader into justice, and put an end to this high ranking member of the Argus Wake.
Uther Menethil says: And all we have to do in return is give you a weapon that we have no strong it may be?
Kira Iresoul says: A relic, yes. And then, of course, for me to take the relic and leave.
Uther Menethil says: A bit of information for a valuable artifact doesn’t seem fair to me.
Kira Iresoul says: And assistance. After all, I am still outwardly a member of the Argus Wake. I carry enough weight to lure the Syndicate boss into a more vulnerable position. Unless you want to face the manor and all its guards? Most of you will even make it out.
Uther Menethil says: What do you plan to do with this relic?
Kira Iresoul says: Learn more about it and use it. If it’s too dangerous, I’ll destroy it. The orb allows you to assert your influence over demons. It may allow me to… manipulate exceptionally powerful one. If you do not see the benefit of such things, fighting fire with fire is a useful tool.
Uther Menethil says: A lot of power. But power isn’t an ends, it’s a means. What do you plan to do with the ability to manipulate demons?
Kira Iresoul says: Secure my freedom, my control, and my strength.
Uther Menethil says: Even if it sees the world rendered to ashes?
Kira Iresoul says: I didn’t say that.
Uther Menethil says: No. I did.
Kira Iresoul says: I believe you misunderstand me. I have no allegiance to the Argus Wake. I don’t care to see their invasion successful. I’m no friend of demons. Demons… are a means to an end, as you said. Even little Tennyson here. Without my control and my binding him, he would try to rend my throat, but that’s not a concern.
Uther Menethil says: You’ll have to understand my hesitation at someone being so eager to turn on their fellows.
Kira Iresoul says: I joined with the intention of doing so.
Uther Menethil says: Oh. That makes it perfectly fine.
Kira Iresoul says: I’m not planning that with you.
Uther Menethil says: And I have every faith you’d tell me if you did.
Kira Iresoul says: We’ll have to take each other at our words, yes?
Uther Menethil says: Answer me this. Do you know anything about a Seven-Sided Star?
Kira Iresoul says: No. I’ve never heard the phrase. Not in anything specific, at least.
Uther Menethil says: Unfortunate.
Kira Iresoul says: I was not a high-ranking member of the Argus Wake. After all, it’s not wisest to reveal your full powers to folk like them. They start getting antsy, demanding, or downright dangerous if they understand what you’re capable of. If it is too much of a risk, I can be on my way. I have no intention of alerting them. The manor is that way. There are some winding tunnels that lead in other directions, but as long as you keep heading east you’ll find the tunnels that lead into the cellar. But I would obviously still prefer if you took my bargain. We are after the same thing, after all.
Uther Menethil says: Well. Were we in Lordaeron, I’d be inclined to accept your offer. But. We are not in Lordaeron.

Uther looks over at Victor.

Uther Menethil says: You have the authority here, cousin. I think there’s much to be gained here, but I won’t presume to tell you what to do in your kingdom.
Victor Prestor says: While true, Uther, this could expedite finding your father. I’m not going to make this decision without your console. Not this one in particular.
Uther Menethil says: I think we should take the deal.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’m also inclined to take the deal.
Remnii says: My stance is not changed.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Though it should be noted, that if you ever cross us, the Kirin Tor will know your identity, your last point of operation, and anything that can be used to track you down.
Kira Iresoul says: I expect nothing else. I will make no threats, as I assume with two knights of the Silver Hand present here, I imagine that no one will try to alter the deal part way through, yes? We can all take each other’s words at face value.

Kira offers a smile and steps forward to offer a hand. Uther takes her hand with a firm handshake. Kira meets his eyes.

Kira Iresoul says: Very well! Then I suppose we can be a bit more cunning with the information that we share. First of all, there’s two pieces of information I think you’ll find most interesting. The first is about the man whom you are seeking, Baron Terance Gorgonne. I don’t know much about him. In fact, he’s not here. I assume he’s a ranking member of the Syndicate, but he was gone before the Argus Wake arrived. I believe he was present for a brief time before he departed. But that does not mean that all is lost. There is still a very important member present, one who had been given leave of this manor as a safe house in the absence of Gorgonne. I assume you are familiar with Perenolde, yes? The former dynasty of Alterac.
Victor Prestor says: Yes, we’re aware.
Kira Iresoul says: Well, it seems a man claiming to be the eldest son of the late king is currently residing in the manor with a number of his cohorts. He controls one of the larger branches of the Syndicate, and the Argus Wake is trying to convince them to work alongside them. As some of his peers have chosen. While it is not the man you seek, perhaps he can lead you to him, or give you more information.
Uther Menethil says: Not the lead we came for, but some lead is better than no lead.
Kira Iresoul says: And speaking of leads you weren’t expecting, the nature of the leader of the Argus Wake. Specifically, she’s an orc.

Remnii frowns.

Kira Iresoul says: Your guess is as good as mine how she managed to get this far, and she’s here. And she’s not the only one. This is what has lead me to believe they are puppeteering the rest of the warlock cabal. To act as a softening force for the invasion.
Remnii says: As I had mentioned, this is a common tactic amongst the Legion.
Kira Iresoul says: They know who you are.
Remnii says: And this where you got that name?

Kira nods.

Kira Iresoul says: I don’t believe everyone knows you, but I’d be surprised if the higher ranking ones do not. It seems you’ve done something to irritate them. I don’t know what it is, but it impresses me.
Remnii says: I exist.
Kira Iresoul says: Well, nevertheless Marez Cowl is her name. She is proficient in the common tongue, though she made the mistake that her native tongue was safe to speak in. She is inside trying to persuade lord Aliden to see to her whims. She is powerful, but not impossibly so. But she is not the leader.
Velameestra Windrunner says: The leader is the Hierophant?
Kira Iresoul says: Not exactly. He’s one of their leaders, but he answers to the leader. I do not know who that is.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And what does the Wake want with the Syndicate?
Kira Iresoul says: I imagine it’s a foothold. I can’t say for certain, it’s mostly conjecture, but it would make sense. Though I’m sure there’s more to it.

Vel asks about the hierarchy of the Wake, even just titles.

Kira Iresoul says: It’s a recently created organization. They have operatives across this section, including Stromgarde. I do not know if they have operations in Lordaeron.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Did it originate in Silvermoon?
Kira Iresoul says: Likely not. I imagine the orcs gathered various sycophants. It is a recent organization. And small.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Do you know the name Dar’khan Drathir?

Kira confirms she doesn’t, and Remnii asks if the orc, Marez, wears any prominent symbols.

Kira Iresoul says: The only rune I can think of… I can draw a loose representative of it. It looks sort of like an S. There’s a dot in it.
Remnii says: Could you draw it in the dirt?

She does, and it looks mostly just like an S.

Kira Iresoul says: Apologies. She does not wear much iconography.
Remnii says: Well, I can read them when we get there.
Kira Iresoul says: After, I assume, she is safely defeated. I wager she is too dangerous to leave alive. Which I suppose does bring me to my next point. I can’t say how many Syndicate members are present, but I do know the Argus Wake. There are three neophytes, all of… they’re learning. Good spirit, poor willpower. An advanced demonologist with multiple demons under her control. All of them have imps under their control. Beyond that, the demonologist I mentioned has the command of a felhunter. Not dissimilar to Tennyson. I assume you know what they’re capable of.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Quite.
Kira Iresoul says: Then you know they are dangerous. There are two hulking beats known as felguards. Rank and file demons. The two of them are under control from the bloodstone orb, but they are not the only one. The most dangerous is a six-armed demoness.
Remnii says: Shivarra?
Kira Iresoul says: I believe so. She is a force to be reckoned with. She is never far from Marez herself. I would dare say the power of the orb is what allows her to command such a demon. She is a dervish of steel, each arm wielding a blade long enough to be a greatsword by human standards.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Can the control of the orb be interrupted?
Kira Iresoul says: Not without destroying it. Without taking the orb and wresting control of it, I don’t believe ripping the control of this demoness would be possible. It’s likely you’ll have to confront her. That is all the Argus Wake has to offer. Here, at the very least. Though I’m certain Lord Perenolde would have more information, should you capture him alive. Which I assume you are trying to squeeze information from him. What you do from there is no matter for me, of course.

Gil looks at the prisoner.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: And what are we doing with them?
Esara Verrinde says: Well, I actually do have an idea. Kira, you said you would help try to lure them out of their hiding places, yes? Well, would your… I suspect your claim would be more believable if you had assistance, is that right?

Kira nods.

Kira Iresoul says: Are you suggesting some sort of enchantment?
Esara Verrinde says: I may be able to coerce our unwilling friend here to lend credence to Kira’s story.
Velameestra Windrunner says: … but if it falters, it just throws a further wrench into things. I don’t doubt your abilities, Esara, but I’m not one to rely on enchantment magic.
Esara Verrinde says: It was just a suggestion.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I don’t suppose our friend wants to spill info on the Syndicate?

The Syndicate captain expresses she just wants to live.

Uther Menethil says: Then I suggest you say what you know.
Syndicate Captain says: She’s right. Gorgonne’s not here. There are a few more ranking captains like myself, including his consort. One of the house assassins is present, I don’t know where. There are the manor guards, most of which are paid off by the Syndicate. A dozen. Maybe two. That’s all I know. I was just here keeping watch.
Uther Menethil says: Well. We do very much appreciate it. Victor, I turn this prisoner over to the sovereign of the nation.

Victor nods.

Victor Prestor says: This one, on the other hand, is one that I do take personal responsibility for.

He approaches and draws his sword.

Syndicate Captain says: You promised to let me go! Please. Look. I was just doing it for money.
Victor Prestor says: And on behalf of the kingdom of Alterac, I thank you for your service, but it is no longer necessary. You are guilty for assaulting the crown, and various other things between theft, assassination, and other charges. Your guilt is implicit. The Light will not forgive you.

After a brief moment, he brings the blade down, severing the woman’s head from her shoulders.

Victor cleans his blade and turns to the rest of the group.

Victor Prestor says: Well, shall we? I believe we have an ambush to prepare for.
Uther Menethil says: Indeed we do.

Kira nods.

Kira Iresoul says: If you’ll follow me, I’ll lead you to some areas that would be sufficient.

The group sets up their ambush in a cave, and Vel covers Uther and Seria with invisibility while Kira goes to bring the warlocks and Syndicate members in.

They hear movement coming down the hall, and the first person can see from his vantage point is the orc warlock. She is cowled in black and violet garb, with a thick furred hood drawn over her head. To her left is another Syndicate captain, and behind her is a well-dressed man who has bright blue eyes and has the look of a man who is normally clean shaven. He is looking around cautiously, and his is well armed and armored. He is likely Aliden. To his right is a woman much younger than him with a half cloak over her shoulders, and she also looks concerned, as they are flanked by the violet-skinned shivarra that Kira had described.

Beyond them is a great number of individuals. There are all five of the warlocks, and all the demonic servants, as well as four guards and two captains and another Syndicate member that seems to be garbed in grey. Kira and Tennyson are at the very back behind the demonologist, and they are being flanked by the two fel guards.

As they enter, Aliden raises a fist.

Aliden Perenolde says: Something is not right.

The felhunter that is with the demonologist begins to sniff the air, and Marez grins.

Marez Cowl says: We’re being watched.

Blades begin to get unsheathed. Kira just watches, and she is preparing to cast a spell.

Marez casts mirror image.

Marez Cowl says: Come out and fight, you dogs!

Seria stealths forward and readies herself to attack. One of the Syndicate captains moves, and he glimpses Esara, and shoots at her with his crossbow. However, it goes wide.

Syndicate Captain says: There’s an ambush in front of us! Everyone take cover!

Victor runs around the edge and engages one of the felguards with a yell. He catches the weapon of the felguard, and it slams into the wall and clatters on the ground. He then trips up the felguard, and the felguard drops. He then runs a hand over his weapon, making his sword magical. No one notices.

The other felguard rounds on Victor, and slams into him. However, Kira casts banishment on both the felguards, using her readied action. Unfortunately, both succeed. However, she pushes the spell, forcing one of them into the nether. One of the Syndicate members takes a shot at Remnii, but Uther is in the way, and it clanks off his armor, leaving the Syndicate member confused.

Remnii casts power word shield on Uther.

Aliden raises his crossbow to prepare to fire once the encounter truly starts, and a warlock neophyte casts orb of annihilation at Esara. It explodes, but does not connect with Uther, Esara, or Seria.

One of the Syndicate captains tries to move forward, but runs into something, and she flails her sword around. The first blow goes wide, but the second one connects.

Syndicate Captain says: There’s something here!

Vel steps to the side and unleashes a frost nova, killing several enemies and doing a good deal of damage. Cold snap then activates, causing an aura of frost to erupt around her, and she backs off of Remnii and Esara to ensure they don’t get hit.

Esara uses wall of fire, and blocks out one of the main escape routes. One of the neophytes is consumed by the flames.

Cult Demonologist says: You’ll pay for turning on us, Kira.

She empowers the shivarra.

Uther then runs in at Marez, smacking her with a smite and he triggers green-flame blade, causing the damage to leap onto a Syndicate captain. However, his second and third hit shatters her mirror images. But, triggering off of Uther’s attack, Seria leaps at Marez, clawing a good deal of damage into her. An imp pops out of invisibility with a firebolt, and it scorches Seria’s fur before the imp backs off.

The shivarra moves forward.

Shivarra says [Eredun]: Tremble before the might of his excellency!

Her form vanishes, and she teleports, appearing next to Remnii.

Shivarra says [Eredun]: You shall be brought to justice first!

She slices into Remnii, and grapples her, lifting her up.

One of the Syndicate members is killed by the wall of fire, while Elissa runs to back up Victor and attack the felguard after casting magic weapon on herself. She twists her blade into the felguard, killing it.

One of the warlocks tries to flee the wall of fire.

The enemy felhunter attacks Kira, and she drops the banishment on the felguard. It reappears.

One of the guards attacks Seria, then tries to scramble away from the fire, shoving Seria back in the process..

Tennyson attacks the warlock attacking Kira, and he rips into her, knocking her concentration off the haste on the shivarra, and the shivarra seems to slump for a moment.

The guards continue to try and break through Uther’s guard. He manages to force Uther to drop his weapon, and the light that had illuminated the weapon fades. Aliden then follows up, attacking Uther with his rapier. The blow connects, and for a moment, Uther feels a drain on his energy, but is able to resist the poison.

The demonologist uses spider climb and starts to move up the wall. Tennyson bites her as she does. Thus, the demonologist loses concentration on the spider climb and falls.

A bunch of people start to try and pile on Uther and Seria, and Seria is knocked out of her animal form.

Syndicate Assassin says: Ohhh, that makes sense. DIE YOU FILTHY TROLL.

A warlock uses curse of agony on Uther, but he is able to brush off the curse and she flees away from the fire.

Manor Guard says: She’s a troll? She was a troll the whole time!

He starts to stab at Seria as well.

Uther picks up his weapon and swings at Marez, but the green-flame blade shatters the illusion. The fire, however, leaps onto Marez. He proceeds to continue swinging into her, his hammer erupting into holy fire. However, the orc stays up with relentless endurance.

Gil shoots at the demonologist as he jumps out of cover. He shoots her, and the arrow digs into her shoulder, and the second arrow drops her.

An imp appears and shoots an eldritch blast at Esara. However, she ducks out of the way, and the imp curses loudly.

The felguard that reappeared swings at Victor, but Elissa imposes disadvantage with her shield, ducking the attack away. He attacks again, but this time the glaive hits.

Remnii makes eye contact with Vel, hoping the wizard has a plan, and Remnii wiggles for a moment and uses her channel divinity to bring Seria and Uther up to half their HP. She then uses blessing of salvation on herself.

Elissa attacks the felguard, hitting him once.

A syndicate captain attacks Uther, only managing to get one hit on him. She then backs off out of the flame again. Uther tries to clip her, but it misses.

One of the imps dives into the fire range and takes a shot at Uther. It connects. Meanwhile, the felhunter continues to try and attack Kira.

Another imp appears and fires a firebolt at Uther.

Seria gets to her feet and then turns into a war raptor, pushing several people back, and there is a series of curses. She pounces on the assassin and begins to scuffle with him with a loud raptor screech.

Syndicate Guard says: Fucking shit! What is this monster!?

The guard tries to attack her, but the blows miss.

Marez starts to glow with a bright green. Vel attempts to counter the spell, but she is unable to cut through it. Uther’s life essence starts to get pulled from his eyes and mouth as he drops.

Kira casts a shadowbolt on the felhunter, and while it resists the effects, it drops. She then runs through the fire to cover Uther.

Vel runs at the shivarra and grabs Remnii, dimension dooring them both back behind Esara and away from the shivarra’s grasp, she then joins Esara to create a barrier between Remnii and the demon.

Victor continues to handle the felguard fairly handily. Tennyson darts after its mistress and rushes at the guard near Uther.

Esara Verrinde says: That thing’s going for you, right Remnii?
Remnii says: Absolutely.
Esara Verrinde says: Well this might be one of the stupidest things I’ve done in my life.

Esara casts ice barrier on herself, enhancing the spell to quicken it. She then runs forward and engages the shivarra, hitting her twice with her sword.

The syndicate assassin attacks Seria, landing all his blows. Another Syndicate member manages to follow up, knocking Seria out of her wild shape.

Gil fires an arrow at the felguard, and finishes it off.

A Syndicate captain attacks Kira, and all three blows connect. The shivarra unloads on Esara. The first blow glances off an arcane shield. However, the shivarra recoils from the recoiling frost damage. The Shivarra attempts to disarm Esara, but only succeeds in knocking her prone.

The warlock neophyte tries to mana burn Kira, who then uses a greater healing potion on Uther. He comes to, finding himself on the ground and Kira standing over him.

Kira Iresoul says: No time to be sleeping on the job now, prince!

The imp tries to shoot Remnii, but is unable to do so due to the sanctuary, and it shoots Vel instead, which misses.

Esara stands up then uses steel wind strike. She blinks away, unable to hit the shivarra, but Marez is dropped and others are wounded. Esara reappears right outside of Vel’s aura, and drops her wall of fire so the rest of the group can run in.

The imps unload firebolts on Kira, but the attacks miss. Tennyson continues attacking his target, and the other guard continues to attack Seria. Another guard backs off and takes a shot at Vel, but she blocks it with shield.

Remnii moves forward and uses her channel divinity, healing Seria, Uther, and Kira. She then uses blessing of salvation on Seria.

Elissa runs in to engage the clustered group and attacks the Syndicate captain.

Aliden Perenolde steps forward.

Aliden Perenolde says: Might I ask what all you are after, in all this?

No one responds, and he goes to attack Elissa.

Uther swings in on a manor guard, and the damage splashes onto a nearby guard, dropping both of them. However, as he swings again, the blow misses, but the last one hits with a blast of holy energy.

Victor runs in to engage with Aliden.

Victor Prestor says: Lord Perenolde, I presume?
Aliden Perenolde says: Prince Victor… I was not expecting to see you here, my lord.
Victor Prestor says: I’m sure you weren’t.

One of the remaining neophyte uses orb of annihilation, but he is able to block it with shield. It then explodes, and Tennyson takes the brunt of it.

Vel fires off a frost nova again and a gale of frost energy erupts around the shivarra and the nearby allies, killing the Syndicate assassin as the cold snap spreads out. Frost manifests around the shivarra’s limbs, chilling her.

Seria then blinks back, and uses wrath on the critical manor guard, dropping him to the ground.

One of the warlocks uses curse of weakness on Victor, and Gil shoots at the other warlock, dropping her. Gil then heals Uther.

An imp runs away from Victor, panicked, then flings a firebolt at Gil. Gil uses absorb elements. Tennyson then goes imp hunting.

Esara attacks the shivarra, and the shivarra responds with a pivot and two blows hit Esara. She also attempts to swing at Remnii. She gets through the sanctuary, and grabs her again. In a bit of panic, Remnii casts mind flay, her eyes going dark. However, the shivarra seems to resist it.

Shivara says [Eredun]: Your death will make me RENOWNED!

Meanwhile, Aliden and Victor are dueling, but Aliden disengages and flees.

Vel hones in on the shivarra, and crackling cold energy manifests in her hand as her eyes flare to life.

Velameestra Windrunner says: You talk too much.

She whips the chromatic orb at the shivarra and hits her straight in the face, causing her to drop Remnii and be sent reeling to fall at Uther’s feet, very dead.

Victor darts after Aliden.

Victor Prestor says: Stop! We just want to talk! Running will only make this worse!

He hides the fact he is using charm person, and Aliden stops and turns back toward them.

Aliden Perenolde says: Alright, your highness. Lower that weapon, and we’ll talk. I would remind you that you just killed all my men.
Victor Prestor says: Gil. lets give this a chance. For a moment. If he gets out, we’ll have to pry him from the manor. This could be our only chance.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: You… think he’s going to get away from me?
Victor Prestor says: A man like him didn’t become a leader of the Syndicate for being incompetent.

The remaining syndicate captain and the warlock surrender, and the remaining imp is decimated by Tennyson.

Aliden Perenolde says: Fire that bow, and I’m out of here. You may be fast, but not fast enough. Follow me there, and you’ll have a death wish. Do we understand each other, elf? I should thank you. You removed that monstrous pox from my sight.

Gil sighs and puts his weapon away.

Aliden Perenolde says: Smart choice, elf.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Call me that in that tone again, and I will shoot you.
Aliden Perenolde says: And this discussion is over.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: yeah, you’ll be dead.
Aliden Perenolde says: Whatever you think, boy. Back into that room and we’ll talk. I have no intention of escalating this further.

They start to back into the room.

Victor Prestor says: Everyone put your weapons down! We’re going to have a chat.

Uther lowers his weapons, but he punches the warlock he was fighting in the face.

Aliden Perenolde says: Oh, make no mistake. I don’t care what you do with that one. But leave mine alive. So. I can only assume the reason you ambushed me is because you wanted to seek the warlocks death, yes? Or were you trying to capture me as well?
Victor Prestor says: Not so much capture, so much as parley with you, lord Perenolde.
Aliden Perenolde says: Quite the parlay. But I suppose, as should be expected. Well. I’m listening.
Victor Prestor says: We came here in search of Lord Gorgonne. He is a member of the organization you are a part of. That he was not here is of surprise to us.
Aliden Perenolde says: And what do you intend to do about that fact?
Victor Prestor says: Learn where he went. If you know.
Aliden Perenolde says: I do know. But why should I tell you?
Victor Prestor says: Well. We have… we have much to offer you as well. Us parting ways from here is one of those things. I’m aware you have much more at your disposal, and not all of us are in fighting condition. I would like to end the fighting here, as I’m sure you would.
Aliden Perenolde says: And if I tell you this information? You will all leave and cease your aggressions against the Syndicate? Here at least? Walk away and pretend this never happened. Is that what I’m to expect?
Victor Prestor says: let me make something clear. I’m willing to let you go, on this account. You say you can escape to your manor, but I’m not confident of that. If you believe you can outrun my elf friend here, and this creature, and the rest of us, we can go that route. But we’ll give you this one opportunity to leave with your life. If you can give us information that will lead us to our correct target. I have 1000 reasons to take your head, my lord. Don’t give me another.
Aliden Perenolde says: Very well. If you agree to this cease fire, then I will tell you what I know. These Argus Wake sycophants are nothing I was planning on allying myself with anyway. My sister is a fool to trust them. It was trusting aliens like them that got our family taken from our rightful place. First trolls, now these green skinned monsters. What’s next?

His eyes flicker to Remnii and Seria.

Aliden Perenolde says: What is it you’re searching for, exactly? Is it just Baron Gorgonne? Or is it something more? Or are you just not going to tell me? I can’t give you information if I don’t know what you’re looking for, and if it will get you off my back, it’s sufficient for me.
Victor Prestor says: We’re searching for members of your group that have participated in kidnapping king Arthas. I assume you know of it?
Aliden Perenolde says: ...I was aware such a thing was in the works, but I had nothing to do with it, if that’s what you’re wondering. If these warlocks were involved, I imagine it was one of the other bosses that came under their sway. My sister was first among them. They came to convince me to ally with them, and I had no intention of doing so. That didn’t stop them from trying, however.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And where as your sister holed up?
Aliden Perenolde says: Excellent question. All I know is she left for Stormwind. She mentioned she gained tutelage under the esteem of a man named Morganth. I assume he’s one of these Argus Wake cultists.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And what of the name Holger?
Aliden Perenolde says: I believe he was an assassin under my sister’s command. I suppose it could be a different Holger, but not the most common name around these parts. Seems she may be who you’re looking for, not I. And good riddance. She and I have different views on the Syndicate, and these demon worshipping monsters are not my way. Though you and I disagree on many things, my prince, we agree on one thing. Alterac belongs to the Alteraci. Not these foreigners.
Victor Prestor says: I suppose you’re right on that, Lord Aliden.
Aliden Perenolde says: If you wish to pursue these Argus Wake fools further, they were trying to get me to go to Dandred’s Fold. Burn the place down for all I care.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And where did Gorgonne go?
Aliden Perenolde says: Beats me. He left, left me a message that said he wouldn’t be present here for some time. I can’t give further information on him. Unfortunately the various sects of the Syndicate don’t work with each other. The only reason I know so much about my sister is she tried to appeal to me. Make the family great again, she said. Pathetic. So you have your target.

The other Syndicate captain has gathered the handful of other Syndicate members who remained alive.

Aliden Perenolde says: We’re going to take our leave. Don’t follow, or it will end poorly. If you choose to intercede, I’ll ensure the entire town militia falls upon you. You’re a man of your word, Prince Victor. I’m counting on you holding it.

They turn and begin to head back to the direction of the manor.

Victor sighs.

Victor Prestor says: As much as I wish to kill him, doing so will be dangerous. Removing him from the picture would not be the worse thing, but he commands a good deal of influence. And he’s right. If we fail to bring him down, we have a big fight ahead of us. I gave him my word, but… I’m trying to make that word mean something. That doesn’t sound like rubbish, does it?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: That sounds like something I would say.
Victor Prestor says: Yes. Perhaps I’ve been spending too much time with you. Let them go. This might bite me, but Perenolde is a problem for tomorrow.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: No good deed goes unpunished?
Victor Prestor says: yes, I suppose you’re right.

Remnii had been looking around Marez for identifying marks. Kira has already claimed the bloodstone orb. There is a sigil that is an orcish rune, and Remnii is familiar with it. The warlock’s staff is also there, which has a draenic skull on top. There is also a small amount of iron coins and gold.

Meanwhile, Vel had called Gil over to help her look at the shivarra body. They are able to extract the spine, as well as five vials of blood, and its heart.

Victor Prestor says: So what’s our plan?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Well. What’s our next lead take us?
Victor Prestor says: There is either Beve and Morganth, or there’s the rest of the Argus Wake. Dandred’s fold isn’t far. Or we could leave that situation for the Ravenholdt assassins. They do still owe you.

They discuss their next move, and Vel suggests perhaps sleeping on it and looking at the situation with a clear head. Kira says she would lead them out of the caves and then take her leave, and she thanks Remnii for drawing the demonic attention away from her, as the shivarra very much wanted Remnii dead.

Remnii suggests that Kira stay away from the symbol on the warlock, and she agrees that would be wise.

Kira Iresoul says: I wish you the best of luck on your journey. And for what it’s worth, thank you, for trusting me. You don’t make friends in my profession very often.

Remnii keeps the draenei skull to bury it later, and she looks at Victor. He looks happy that it’s over, proud of himself, but also like he’s mentally kicking himself. Remnii puts a hand on his shoulder, trying to soothe him a bit.

Remnii says: I know it can be hard sometimes, but you made a… right step, if that’s what you were going for.
Victor Prestor says: I just hope it doesn’t bite me. He is dangerous, and keeping him alive is equally dangerous. But I didn’t want to risk us further.
Remnii says: Well. You have people behind you if it does bite you. I told you I would help you see this through. I’ll be around if you need me.

Victor nods and smiles as Remnii goes off to Kira.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: Curious thing that he was so willing to talk.
Victor Prestor says: Yes, I suppose he was as afraid of us as he was of him.

Gil nods.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: It was still an impressive display.
Victor Prestor says: Thank you. Yes. Sorry. I’m not used to getting compliments… like this. Necessarily. I’m glad it worked out, I suppose. The last thing I wanted was to drag all of you into this issue. The Syndicate is an Alteraci problem, and we already suffered a great deal at their hands because of this. I’m just glad we didn’t have to throw ourselves into further dangers.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: You seemed very confident, and I trust you, so.
Victor Prestor says: Thank you. Thank you for trusting me. I know that you’ve no real reason to trust me, but you did. Well. Thank you.

Gil shrugs.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: I consider us friends, so.
Victor Prestor says: Friends. I suppose you’re right. You know… I’m not certain I had anyone be my friend for no reason, but you’re all gods damned insistent I’m beginning to believe you’re right.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: If there’s one thing we are, it’s stubborn.
Victor Prestor says: So I’ve noticed. For what it’s worth, thank you.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I don’t think you have anything to thank me for, honestly.
Victor Prestor says: I think I do. I’m just going to say it, and that’s all there is to say about it.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Fair enough.

Victor smiles and clasps Gil on the shoulder and keeps walking.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: if only you didn’t live in such an inhospitable place.
Victor Prestor says: Oh yes. Quite cold. It’s my least favorite part of Alterac.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I thought you’d be used to it.
Victor Prestor says: I am. I just hate it. Not all of us grow up in a land of eternal spring.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: All you need is enough wizards.
Victor Prestor says: Fair enough. Throw enough magic at a problem and it goes away.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Oh, absolutely not. Have you looked at Vel’s problems?

Victor’s mouth flaps.

Victor Prestor says: I… suppose you’re right....

Remnii hangs back and talks to Kira.

Remnii says: Would you care to hang back with me?
Kira Iresoul says: Of course? What can I help you with?
Remnii says: You know, orcs and humans have a similar phrase. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, ally, and likewise. If you intend to keep your word in the long term, I would be interested to hear what you learn.
Kira Iresoul says: Of course. I… would be privileged if this was not the last time we worked together. We make quite the team, but those villains were not easy to overcome. We did it nonetheless.
Remnii says: I stumbled into a rather competent group.
Kira Iresoul says: You did. Advantageous seeing you’re wanted, it seems.
Remnii says: I suppose I wanted nothing more to speak with you, and life has provided me with many strange circumstances.
Kira Iresoul says: I don’t know much about you or what you are.
Remnii says: Have you seen an eredar?
Kira Iresoul says: No. I assume they are a demon?
Remnii says: At the helm of the Burning Legion. My people are a splinter faction. My people were torn in two about 15,000 years ago. They are at the helm of the Legion.
Kira Iresoul says: I imagine they would very much like to recover this, then.
Remnii says: And there are some walking your world, at the moment. In a gesture of good faith, the orc told me just about anything I needed to know, unless you have more about the glass priestess moniker?
Kira Iresoul says: No. Not beyond what was stated.
Remnii says: Well. In a gesture of good faith, I would tell you a bit of the Burning Legion so you would know what to look for.
Kira Iresoul says: I would accept it. I feel that’s a fair trade for what I learn in the future. The gift you have given me may be a potent weapon against those same ringleaders. This could command some of the most powerful demons… which is well beyond my capabilities, but it would be something.
Remnii says: Ultimately, I have little to lose.
Kira Iresoul says: If there’s one thing I hope I made obvious, is I don’t like being told what to do. I don’t think I would jive well with them.

Remnii tells Kira about the hierarchy and the names of Archimonde and Kil’jaeden. She also informs her of Gul’dan, who is the leader of the orcish warlocks, and it’s likely that Gul’dan has a handle in the Argus Wake and the Legion commands him. She explains the shivarra and the fact they are Sargeras zealots. Remnii also explains that most in the area right now are likely under Archimonde, as he is the more militant. The Legion’s goal is to assimilate everyone, or die.

Kira Iresoul says: I see. Well. I will take what you told me and keep it close. Few warlocks trust each other unless they are a part of these cults, but there are others who are more similar to myself. Should I find them, I’ll tell them what they need to know.
Remnii says: Just be wary. As I’m telling you to tell them. The Legion will promise great things. A force that spans the Great Dark Beyond is nothing to be trifled with, but if any one person thinks they will win against them, they will be sorely mistaken. The Legion can be beaten, but not alone. And this, I have faith in.
Kira Iresoul says: Your words are quite inspiring, Remnii.
Remnii says: I suppose I’m a good priest.
Kira Iresoul says: Indeed!
Remnii says: one more thing. I’ll be vague for now. I am the daughter of a very prolific draenei. Beyond that, if you have a run in… the longer the orcs are under the yoke of the Legion, the more likely you are to run into them. There are three you would look out for. They were companions of mine for a time. An orc carrying the banner of a broken blade. Most demons with him should be… a satyr. An eredar. And a very pink succubus. If you approach them, know that they are mutual friends.
Kira Iresoul says: A strange person, you are.
Remnii says: War and something about bedfellows.
Kira Iresoul says: War and something about bedfellows indeed. I’ll keep this in mind. Who knows what fate has in store. You don’t need to worry about me. Rash action gets you killed.
Remnii says: Yet rash acts of trust have kept me alive.
Kira Iresoul says: I can’t argue on that one. I wish you the best of luck. Please deprive the Legion of what they want. Especially if it’s your life. Your life and your freedom is all any of us have.
Remnii says: That is true.
Kira Iresoul says: And your power, never underestimate that.
Remnii says: This is a gesture that humans like.

Remnii offers a hand, and Kira takes it.

Kira Iresoul says: Only fair you extend the offer to my friend here.

She gestures to Tennyson. Remnii freezes for a moment, but does it, and Tennyson puts a claw in her hand.

Kira Iresoul says: When they aren’t trying to tear your magical circuits out, they are rather cute.
Remnii says: I… should not be allowed to think so. But. Good faith.

Remnii gives a tentative pat to the felhunter.

Gil ends up asking Kira how they knew their names, and ultimately Vel had made an enemy out of the Argus Wake, so her name was known, and through some research Kira had come across Gil’s name. In particular, the elvish members of the Wake had been very familiar with Vel and Gil. Kira then takes her leave.