[Alliance] Chapter Two: Session Seven
July 12th 0:00 It’s still the night of the 12th.
Open with Vel and Kael’thas. On a hot date.
“Please, just call me Kael.” The king says, opening that library.
The door closes behind the pair, Vel’s expertise tells her that the palace itself has a ton of invisible and unseen servants. While there still are serving staff, they’re more dedicated to serving with a personal touch.
Kael asks if she likes the size of his library. Vel says it’s impressive. Kael discusses the legacy of the library-- the library holds texts older than Dalaran itself. 4,792 books dwell within its halls.
Kael thanks Vel for coming, she inquires the purpose of the meeting… but he claims it should be “transparent.” Vel def. Thinks its about the investigation, sweet child.
“I suppose I might have the opportunity to talk with someone with whom I can be more honest, someone whom I would not necessary need to be a king to. I could be a man… who lost a dear friend, one who fears for what is to come. One who is afraid of what might be next.”
Vel offers that all will be solved soon, but Kael rebuffs it. He shares that he fears what they try next. He reveals that he’s feeling somewhat vulnerable, as his friend and father have both been killed in the Heart of Silvermoon.
“I suppose what I’m hoping for, part of the reason I wanted to speak with you tonight, I was hoping that I might have an opportunity to speak with someone I can truly trust. I don’t know how deep this corruption goes, Velameestra. Maybe to my very door. If they were able to kill Dar’Khan, then they could be anywhere. I don’t know if I can trust anyone from Silvermoon.”
They discuss why Jaina is there, due to this factor alone. He’s glad that she is here, but knows Jaina has other things. That said, he iterates that he’s glad Vel is there, again. Motioning for Vel to follow, Kael walks with her through the sanctum. The stone slates begin to appear in front of them. They build stairs, up and around, spiraling to the higher tiers of the library.
He notes that he will make good on his promise from last season. He brags about the pruning efforts his family has gone through, superior peer reviewing. Dalaran archmages, you know. Kael says that his father didn’t see the reason in studying abroad-- noting that he was a great man, but the late king was closed minded. They discuss that humans are good at opening new doorways, that they accumulate a great many things in a short lifespan.
WINDRUNNERS have ties to humans. That said, Kael praises Vel for her quick happenings and graduatoins in Dalaran. The tips of her ears pink, and Kael also congratulated her on her acquisition of Dalaran property. She rebuffs him this time, talking about how she got all of the OTHER KT’S holdings.
Talk moves to Kael’s time in Dalaran, the summoning of Al’ar, and his impressive summoning of him. Vel makes a comment that he may resemble a human after all. He offers to her a unique offer, to see Al’ar.
With a wave of Kael’s hand, the orbs in the center of the library stop. They form onto a perfectly circular disc, he steps off and then onto the disc. As Vel steps onto the platform, it begins to raise into the air. Slowly but surely, they go up 100 feet up into the air, passing through into the atrium. The stained glass begins to melt away. It dissolves just enough for the platform to squeeze through.
The moon illuminates much of the area. Vel and Kael are now at the highest part of Silvermoon. As she looks out, only a few spires go higher than them. They can see the sprawling, twinkling, lights below of the city.
Kael holds his hands out and there’s a brilliant pillar of light shooting up from the Sunwell. Even with the sunlight, they can still see the stars. Hand aloft, Kael conjures a small flame in his hands. 40 ft away, a contained portal appears.
A keening caw can be heard, it ripples with the sound of a blaze. Soon, Al’ar appears before them.
Al’ar erupts from the ground, not as hot as Vel might have expected. His wingspan is at least 30 ft. in length. Vel knows this bird isn’t even full grown, holy cannolis.
Kael steps forward as the phoenix hovers. His hand is held out, and he pets Al’ar. Smiling, Al’ar nuzzles into his hand. Without a second notion, he looks up into the sky, darting into the air, it makes a streak across the sky. It flies away for a moment, circling. Almost as soon as it arrived, Al’ar vanishes again with a blast-out, flames trailing in the sky.
Kael shares that his pride is in Al’ar, but that he’s interested in hearing about Vel’s accomplishments. She shares that their elemental attunements may be opposed, but he doesn’t doubt that whatever she may achieve, it will be nothing short of miraculous.
Kael closes the distance between them slightly, “And with your help, after we save the city from these warlocks, these dissidents, I look forward to watching. Perhaps, in time, you could even come to study here in Silvermoon.” They both agree that two places of study would not be a bad thing.
Unbidden, Vel’s ears redden at the intensity in his voice. It’s clear that he’s suggesting there’s more than one reason as to why he may want her to study here.
Vel, flustered, deflects with another question about the books in the library. Kael smiles, nonetheless, and humors her in discussion about the book.
The pair step onto the disk and go down to another row of books, below. He pulls an accurate chronicle of the construction of Silvermoon and the forming of the Elflands. Kael shares that the book was penned by some of the very first magisters. He states it can be hard to read, as the language has shifted. Still, he taps the spine of the book on his chin and hands it to Vel, stating that it may be interesting for her to read.
Vel takes the book, but not before his hand brushes her’s. He makes no note of her cold hands.
The title of the book is The First Stone of Silvermoon by Magistrix Idries Montholl.
Vel drops the names of the Meitre Scrolls, wanting to see his he recognizes the names. He does. He states that he never had a chance to read them, but he’s impressed by her studies. They speak more about NERD STUFF.
Eventually, it comes to the topic of Dar’Khan’s attempts to route the Warlocks. Kael shares that he didn’t think it was a big deal, and wished that he would have listened sooner. He wishes they could have stopped the incursion together.
Vel shares that the Warlocks may have been active for longer than anticipated. She shares about Talina Mirthbrook may have spoken with Warlocks in Silvermoon two years ago. It’s a theory. She also mentions that Dar’Khan noted it the last time they were in Silvermoon. She also mentions that they’re getting sloppy, explaining the different magics she found upon the magister’s body. (Expertise in fire magic needed, eh, Kael. ;> )
She mentions that while the Warlocks are getting sloppy, they may be able to smoke them out. She states that if they can catch one, perhaps they are not loyal within the cabal. He is grateful for her presence in Silvermoon.
Kael offers the Rommath should go, instead of himself. Some amidst the magistrate think that Kael is directly involved, so any testimony he gives may be seen as turned. Thus, Rommath would be an excellent second choice, as he is trusted.
Above them, a sun and a moon in the Atrium tick along. This ornate timepiece tracks the sun and the moon, and Kael notes that it is getting late. He hopes he enjoys the book.
Once more, he states his gratitude and asks if they could share another conversation sometime soon. If Vel can carve out time, he would very much like that. Still, for safety, he does not want many to know of the talk they shared-- noting that some may question her loyalties as they do his. Kael does not want his own interference to get in the way of the investigation.
“Perhaps keep the Phoenixes off of the next correspondence, then?”
He replies bashfully that he wanted to share the fact that he respected her. He takes Vel’s hand between his own two, bidding her to take care. Kael looks forward to getting to speak again, perhaps, in time, they will not have to do so at such an infrequent pace.
“Right. Yes. Late.” Vel says with pink ears.
Kael’thas flashes another intense but kind smile, and he bids her goodnight. Vel retreats back to her room.
0:38 As Vel investigates the book back in her room, she finds that the book makes mention of the elves as pilgrims. It’s almost written like a novel. They’re framed as lost individuales with no home, it makes notion of them finding nowhere, they’re hounded by shadows and whispers in the dark. It also speaks of first contact with trolls, the cannibals, with graphic depictions of how the trolls struck down the elves. It’s an underdog story.
Certain words just don’t quite work in the flowing story, but she’s able to read past it. While hardly fluent, she gets the idea of the paragraph. Using logic, Vel can piece the language together with a general picture of the story.
‘Pilgrim' is a common word seen within. She notes the word as the Kaldorei of “Children of the Sky/Stars” also appears. It seems they’re referring to a different people. Near the end of the first chapter she sees the first time they use “Quel’dorei.”
Meanwhile, outside the manor that Dar’khan called his home, Erin and Tess are still invisible for another 20 minutes or so.
Outside the manor, there is a small, 3ft tall arcane guardian that referred to itself as an “investigative assistant” that was activated by one of the guards Gil was accompanying. It was asking for a “Private Melash,” which one of the guards responded to. The assistant said that functionality is limited at this hour, and Melash had it activate an image of the crime scene as it was. Virtually there was no sign of struggle, though there is a part of the ground that was still scorched.
The golem seemed to indicate the attacker may have escaped down a nearby alley.
Gil asks if the golem can factor in the fact that there was new information regarding the multiple attackers. Melash said there wasn’t anything he could help with--it was his first time looking at the scene.
Meanwhile, Erin is surveying the scene. It seemed the attackers had to be all over the place--almost every direction. It’s hard to say whether or not it was because he twisted or turned during the fight, but it seemed they attacked from the bushes and perhaps even atop the buildings.
Erin tries to creep up onto the roof, and succeeds. However, as he looks around, he doesn’t find anything out of the ordinary. He’s seen enough crime scenes, and watched the handiwork of people enough to look for the signs of movement and the like, but there’s nothing. He’s confident no one was up there.
However, he’s also confident that someone attacked Dar’khan from behind, and the only way to do that was either to be up on the roof, to have been inside the manor, or had been invisible in the perfect spot before.
In that moment, he looks down and his hand shimmers as he becomes visible again.
Meanwhile, Gil continues to chat up the guards. However, the angrier of the two finally gets fed up and says they aren’t investigators, that’s Gil’s job, and the area is off limits right now anyway. He asks if they can leave.
Gil apologizes and says of course, and the three of them leave. The arcane construct reactivates an alarm as they leave, and Gil notices a magical alarm system now activating around the manor.
Tess and Erin are currently trapped within the perimeter of the manor. Erin and Tess agree to finish up their investigation, and then worry about the getting out part later.
They pick the lock and get into the manor. Erin goes and investigates the desk in the bedroom, while Tess keeps watch. Erin finds a false bottom in the desk. As he pulls it out, he has the belief that there is some sort of trap on the false bottom. He stops before it’s triggered, and deactivates it. It seems the latch was meant to trigger some sort of magical trap.
Erin pulls out a small vial from the latch. The contents seem to shift from liquid to gas, then back again, and again, and again. Erin has no idea what it is, but he pockets it.
However, inside the drawer is empty aside from a symbol. It flashes, and a massive fireball erupts from the drawer. Erin ducks down, but the entire room is then caught ablaze.
Erin darts through the window and is able avoid the majority of the fire. He tucks and rolls, and lands in the grass on the ground. The upper half of the manor is now set ablaze.
Tess calls to him that they need to go, and there are sirens the activity springs the alarm spell, and Guardians of the Eternal Spring start running in the distance. Tess and Erin book it. A voice shouts after them to stop.
Tess had darted down an alley, and as Erin hesitated two guards and an arcane construct round a corner and see him. Tess, from down the alley, waves at him to go a different way before running off.
Erin drops a bunch of ball bearings as he runs. He hears a huge crash as the arcane construct slips and collapses. As the construct’s hand reaches up, he feels a presence, and he looks back just in time to roll out of the way of an arcane net (hold person) fired at him.
Several guards also fall, but several pursue. He loses one, but another is gaining on him.
The path ends at a cathedral of the holy light, and he has limited escape options. Erin tries to climb up and bash through one of the stained glass windows. He bounced off of it and fell prone on the ground in front of the cathedral.
The guard holds his spear up, and Erin surrenders. They take him back to the Morningtide hold to await what is being done with him. All of his belongings are taken, and he is kept in an overnight holding cell.
No one talks to him.
Meanwhile, later on, Vel is with her book. She gets a knock on the door, and it’s Tess. Tess gives her the entire summary of what happened. Vel asks what she wants her to do with the information, and Tess said she was going to find Gil, but it wasn’t a good idea for her to go to the barracks this late.
Vel said it would be best to just leave him there for the night, as trying to break him out wouldn’t do anyone any favors.
Tess sighs, but agrees, and they part ways. Vel closes her door again, leans against it, and just sighs.
July 13th
At around six in the morning, activity starts around the hold. Nothing major happens, but no one really talks to Erin either. However, eventually there is some activity from inside the hold, and two individuals exit. Both seem to be members of the Guardians of Eternal Spring. One is an elf woman with long raven hair. It is likely Lana’thel. With her is her husband, Thalorian.
Lana’thel: “This is ridiculous. Thalorian. I can’t speak to her, but, what is our daughter thinking? I didn’t go anywhere!”
Thalorian: “Listen, Lana, I don’t believe it either. The arcanist that came with the queen of Lordaeron suggested it may have been an illusion, but for the time being it’s been requested you stay in more secure places. I’m sorry. I promise, we will do what we can to clear this up.”
Lana’thel sighs, and Thalorian leads her to a cell next to Erin. With a pained expression, he opens it, and Lana’thel enters. She sits down, and mutters a curse in Thalassian.
Thalorian: “I promise, we will sort this out soon.” He then mutters about “what is Thal’ena thinking?”
He then addresses Erin, and mentions he is a new face. He gets the record on Erin, and puts the pieces together.
Thalorian: “Wait. You were there.”
Erin: “I didn’t know it was time for my questioning.”
Thalorian: “Yes, well, I suppose we can get to that now. If you can come with me Mr…. Erin?”
Thalorian leads Erin to a small interrogation room. He then asks Erin what happened. The records mentioned he was seen fleeing the scene of the crime, and Thalorian asks to fill int he gaps.
Erin explains he was there to investigate the scene of the crime. He managed to get in, but hadn’t taken into account there was an alarm system that was rather effective. It was magic.
Thalorian mentions he was in Silvermoon, which is the capital of magic in the land.
Erin mentions he rarely has to deal with magic. It’s annoying. He then continues to explain that he was investigating the desk, and disengaged one trap, but failed to account for there being more. Hence the fire.
Erin then asks if Lana’thel was one of the suspects.
Thalorian’s lips tighten.
Erin said he doesn’t have to hide it, he knows. Thalorian said he isn’t at liberties to discuss such matters, especially with someone being tried for trespassing and arson.
Erin mentioned that whoever committed the murder was thorough. There was no evidence left.
The door then opens, and Thalorian snaps to attention as Borel enters. Borel dismisses Thalorian, and says he will take things from here.
Borel tells him to go check on his daughter, and Thalorian goes to do so, leaving Erin and Borel.
Borel mentions he shouldn’t be surprised that a member of Gil’s group was involved. Borel mentions that it’s curious that Erin is supposedly from Gilneas, and his documents seem official, but Borel is having second guesses.
He asks Erin what he’s truly here for. Why would someone from Gilneas be this far? Borel confirms he knows the nature of one of the women Erin is traveling with, thus it does not need to be spoken of. However, it’s interesting that a half elf from Gilneas survived that long, and found such clandestine individuals.
It’s a bit… difficult to swallow. However, they don’t need to be on opposite sides.
Borel calls him friend, and Erin counters they don’t even know each other.
Erin mentions he shouldn’t be talking to someone considered a suspect in the investigation. He was fine talking to Thalorian, but Borel is a “man of mystery.”
Borel mentions that he is also the one in charge of assigning the weight of his crimes.
Erin says he will accept whatever fate gives him.
Borel says the sensitive nature of the matter can come across poorly. If he was brought to trial, they may believe him involved with the warlocks, there to remove evidence. If he was lucky, he may spend several years in prison. However, Borel knows of the individuals with whom Erin is traveling. He’s heard tales, and they would not put their faith in someone who would be hired by such individuals. At least Borel would hope so.
Borel asks him for something to assuage his own fears, and then the circumstance may never have to go to trial at all.
Erin relents, and he asks that Borel get his things, and he will show him something. Borel obliges.
Erin roots around a bit, and produces proof of his actual identity. It’s a coin with the symbol of SI7.
Borel mentions this explains a number of things.
Erin said he had his reasons, but that was none of Borel’s concern. He had to simply play the part.
Borel asks if Erin is intending on helping them get to the bottom of the position, and Erin said he has little choice.
Borel warns him that word will spread rapidly about Erin’s involvement in the situation, as there is only so much that Borel can do. However, interestly, Erin Duskpride, seems to have been lost in transition. He doesn’t see anyone of that name here.
Vincent smiles. “How unfortunate.”
Borel takes the fake document, and there is a glint in his eye. The document bursts into flames and vanishes. He then mentions there will be a search, and it may be wise for him to change his identity back… and explain the actual reason he is there.
Borel: “They will understand. War makes for strange allies.”
He then asks for Vincent’s name.
Vincent: “I don’t really have a real name… but the one I always go by is Vincent.”
Borel: “Remember what you saw in that manor, Vincent. Remember. And ensure that you help get to the bottom of this. The city is in a greater danger than any of us realize.”
Vincent comments he seems to care very much for the city, despite letting an “arson” get away.
Borel says it’s a problem he will have to correct. If he ever sees Erin Duskpride again, he will ensure he will not escape a second time.
He is hiding a lot of things, but Vincent can tell he does care about Silvermoon.
Vincent mentions it’s possible there are more culprits to the murder.
Borel: “So I was afraid of…”
Vincent: “Given what I heard through Vel, and seeing the corpse itself. It was struck from many different angles, and given my profession, I decided to look where most people would strike. Yet there wasn’t a single trace from what I observed.”
He then asks if Borel knows of anyone capable of setting up the traps in the manor, and Borel says there are many people who could.
Borel directs him to the washrooms where he can ensure a different man is walking out.
The next morning, Tess and Vel appraise Gil, and immediately they go to the Morningtide Hold. As they arrive, a half-elf steps out. They go past, but then Tess stops and looks at the half-elf.
She squints.
Vincent keeps walking, and then Tess goes after him. She grabs him by the shoulder and turns him around.
Tess: “Erin’s not your real name, is it?”
Vincent: “Excuse me?”
Tess: “I said, Erin isn’t your real name, is it? Don’t make me repeat myself.”
Vincent says no, and Vel calls they should take things to a more private location.
They then head back to the home base they had set up.
Gil asks him who he is, and he doesn’t answer. Vel says not be coy. Gil comments he can be arrested again, and Vincent says it’s unlikely.
Jaina tells him to start talking.
Vincent reveals he wasn’t lying about being a spy, just not a Gilnean one.
Jaina correctly mentions he is SI7--Stormwind Intelligence. She then mentions he is far away from home. They ask for his assignment, and Vincent says that was there to watch Tess. He also comments they have a knack for getting into trouble.
Vel: “We’re not the ones who got arrested.”
Vincent continues explaining that he wants to know more about the warlocks.
Jaina mentions that she isn’t going to get in the way of SI7, as they help many of the kingdoms. At the end of the day, he was their ally, and they could use his skills.
Vincent said he was intending on it. He then explains what he saw at the manor, and produces the vial of liquid and smoke, and explains the other trap. The vial itself was prepared to get sprayed into the face of whoever opened the drawer, followed by the blast.
As Vel takes a look, it seems to be a modified version of a potion of speed, which basically makes it act like the slow spell when inhaled. It was probably meant to slow reflexes.
They continue to talk about the situation, and Vel wracks her brain. She recalls seeing Finnall use illusory duplicates that could fight with a degree of her strength before vanishing.
Which is a possibility of what could have happened here.
Dar’khan was killed on May 19th, and at that point, Vincent said she was still in Stormwind. So she has an alibi.
However, she had to learn her abilities from someone. And that someone was probably Kilnar.
Vel was already intending on going to speak with her, and Gil says that she needs to find out what the “clandestine mission” was.
Vincent gets assigned to go talk to Rorha, while Gil also points out they need to talk to Zendarin, and he probably won’t tolerate anyone but them two. They relent to go, and Vincent goes to talk to Rorha along with Tess.
Arator and Uther go to try and find info at one of the chapels.
Vel and Gil go to head toward the Court of Sun. People are already bustling, despite the early time. As they are going, Gil sees some peek into a cart, cover it again, look both ways, and then head into an alley.
Gil asks if Vel wants to find more criminals, and Vel tells him to lead the way. Vel casts invisibility on both of them, and Gil casts pass without trace on both of them.
There’s a strange noise in the wagon, and Gil looks inside. There is the buzzing of wings. Under the tarp is a cage, and inside is a tall, yellowish brown pillar that has holes in it. In a terrifying cloud, there is over a dozen massive wasps. Each are the size of a very large dog.
They are not native to the area. The only time Gil has heard of a creature this large were in Stranglethorn Vale, over across the entire continent. Their stingers are notoriously painful and about the size of a large dagger or shortsword, and the venom is much more potent.
They slink down the alley, and they see the man talking to another man.
The man informs the other man that the delivery was there, though he wasn’t sure what he needed two dozen of the wasps for.
The buyer said he should know better than to ask questions.
The seller agrees, and then goes deeper into the alley while the buyer goes off.
Gil goes after the buyer, while Vel goes after the seller.
The buyer continues meandering through the streets for long enough for both spells to wear off. By the end of the first hour, he was by the edge of the bazaar. By the second hour he’s made two and half laps around the big statue. Then he heads toward the western gate, and begins to pass out of the gates.
Gil continues to track him, and a half hour from the city he seems to be traveling down the road.
It’s about 4pm by the time he gets 5 miles out from Silvermoon. He continues following, and then he senses a good deal more people than he was expecting. There are seven others at the end point.
It’s about 6pm, about 8 and a half miles out from the city. He makes note of the location, and then heads back. He passes word onto other Farstriders.
2:30 Meanwhile, Vel is trailing the marketeer. His pattern is not nearly as difficult. He heads straight into the court of the sun and slicks his hair back. He jingles his coins around, and he strides straight into a fancy clothing shop, humming all the way.
Vel slips inside after him, and keeps a tab on him as he browses.
She continues tailing him, invisible, and as he slips into a “taxi”. She hops on the back, still invisible. However, the man senses the shift and tells the driver to book it.
Vel slips off, but blinks into the cart, and the man freaks. He pulls out a dagger, and Vel tells him he doesn’t want to do that. He tries to grapple her, but she evades and tries to frostbite him. He resists and throws her out of the cart. She blinks back in again.
He wants to know what she wants and that he didn’t do anything, and she counters that she must not have seen him sell a bunch of bees in an alley then.
He then pays the taxi driver and tells Vel they should go to lunch.
They go to a really fancy place, and Vel tries to get some information out of him. He isn’t biting. He says he can just disappear, no matter who is on his tail. He then tries to bribe Vel to just let it go, and drops 200 gold on the table.
Vel comments, “Are you really trying to bribe a Windrunner?”
She tries to appeal to him with the warlock situation, but he refuses.
She she drops gold on the table.
Now he’s willing to talk. He talks about daggers being searched for in the underground. Possibly of troll origin. There is an auction coming up, but his mind is fuzzy.
Vel drops more gold.
The man goes into more in-depth detail. In 3 days in the Dusk District, there is the dagger auction. He told her to go there after dusk, knock on the door three times, and say she’s been in the market for a change of scenery. Then she was to slip the coin he gave her.
It was on the 16th.
They end their dealings, and the man leaves money for lunch before leaving.
Vel regroups with Gil, and they continue to Zendarin’s estate. They approach the door and knock. A magic voice says they will be right there, and the door is opened by a pale elf woman with very long, black hair.
She asks if she can help them, and Gil says they want to speak with their cousin. Sinestra then identifies them as Gilveradin and Velameestra, and invites them in for dinner.
2:54 Meanwhile, Vincent and Tess are looking for former Magister Sundown. He wasn’t present during midday. Vincent asks around, and a passerby says he is probably at work. He had fallen on bad times, and was now working at his grandmother’s cafe called the Sundown Sitdown.
Vincent and Tess head over to the cafe. There is a cute little wooden sign out front, and all the mountains and sun and such are food. Inside, a young girl seats them (and clearly thinks Vince and Tess are a couple). She sits them inside, and informs them a server will be soon.
About 5 minutes later, a young man in his mid-twenties with thick circular glasses and greyish hair comes by. He asks for their drinks, and Vincent and Tess get coffee. The elf (it’s totally Zeen) comes back, and Vincent asks for Rorha. Zeen is worried there’s a complaint, and offers to get a manager, but Vincent asks to talk to him directly.
Zeen isn’t sure (he’s totally new at this), and Vincent hands him two gold pieces. Zeen is in awe, and stumbles away to get Rorha.
Rorha comes out to talk to them, and Vincent informs them he wishes to talk in private. They go outside, and he asks who he is.
Vincent responds he’s SI7.
Rorha curses, and then asks why he’s there. Vincent says he was in the neighborhood and heard about the Drathir thing.
Rorha said he didn’t do it, but good riddance. He then explains that he was in charge of the records of Duskwither Spire, and he was blamed for Telina infiltrating. Because he was in charge of filing things and didn’t catch a discrepancy, he was drummed out on Dar’khan’s recommendation.
Rorha believes he was framed. He lost a lot of money, a lot of respect, and a lot of contacts, and now everyone thinks he got revenge on Drathir because he didn’t want to be involved with investigation.
Vincent asks if there was anyone that kept in contact with, and Rorha is hesitant to drag down other folk. Specifically, Rorha was an educator in the Duskwither Spire. The magister that runs the establishment is Magister Duskwither, however, he asks that Vincent not stir up any trouble as there are a lot of good people there.
Vincent promises that no one else will know.
Rorha asks if Tess is a part of the entire thing too, and Vincent confirms.
Vincent then asks what was missed with the records. Rorha said the record was never logged. It was there. She attended the academy, but it was never logged that she did. She had no application process.
Rorha then asks if he was going to get anything, and Vince admits that he’s famished. He asks for the special, which is the spicy Dragonhawk omelette which Vincent enjoys.