Rommath Pyrewing

Art by
- Species
- San'layn
- Gender
- Male
- Height
- 6'01"
- Eyes
- Green
- Hair
- Black, Long
- Skin
- Olive
- Status
- Undead
Known Languages Common, Thalassian
Convocation of Silvermoon
Elven Magistrate
† Belo'vir Salonar | Adopted Father
† Unnamed Biological Father
Rommath Pyrewing was the protege of Bel'ovir Salonar and the elder mage's successor to the title of Grand Magister. He was an incredibly talented pyromancer, and the best friend of king Kael'thas Sunstrider.
Rommath had dark olive skin and an overall toned physique with long, jet black hair that was normally kept pulled back into a high ponytail. He had red, geometric tattoos that dominated the majority of his body--covering his arms, chest, back, and even up his neck to his lower jaw. While normally shielded by a high collar of scarf, his throat and lower jaw were also covered in a gruesome web of burn and slash scars, and he was missing the majority of his tongue.
Rommath was a man of few words and generally was taciturn and aloof unless the subject in question was of notable interest to him. He could also be prideful, harsh, and controlling, as he was a man that was both brilliant and competent, thus he frequently believed he had the answers and the best approach to most situations that arose. However, such a harsh exterior disguised a surprising amount of consideration toward those he decided he cared about, and a lot of his brusque personality became the means through which he would ensure they were protected and taken care of.
Rommath's father was an ambitious and prideful magister of Silvermoon whose interactions with his son almost entirely pursued the goal of turning Rommath into the perfect mage. Much of this process involved impossibly high expectations and rampant experimentation on his son, including the forced application of arcane tattoos that served to channel Rommath's magic and effectively turned him into something akin to a living leyline. Eventually, around the age of 18, the stress and anger at his situation and his father reached a breaking point.
His father was killed in a fire that entirely consumed their mansion. Rommath was found in the wreckage by the grand magister Belo'vir Salonar after the young mage had made a desperate and foolish attempt to sear off the tattoos his father had inflicted upon him, which left the young man with deep and permanent scarring across his throat and lower jaw. Belo'vir was able to stop Rommath from doing more damage to himself, and while he had put together that it had likely been Rommath that was responsible, the suspicions he had garnered about the dead magister's actions resulted in him deflecting accusations away from Rommath, as there was no reason for the young man to suffer consequences for actions that that were truly earned. After the event, Belo'vir took over guardianship of Rommath and became a father that was the opposite of everything his biological father ever was.
Given Belo'vir also mentored the young prince Kael'thas Sunstrider in magic, it was this mutual connection that eventually resulted in Rommath and Kael'thas meeting.
Chapter Two: Casting Dice
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Four
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 2)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 5)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 6)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 7)
Chapter Four: Homecoming
Rommath was present for the resurrection of Sangrias Stillblade at the conclusion of Velameestra Windrunner's brief sabbatical in Northrend, though he did not directly aid in the process. He was perturbed by Lana'thel's unexpected arrival to the ritual, and telepathically expressed to Vel he would do what he could to ensure her identity remained secret until she chose to be more transparent about her survival.
Similarly, he accompanied Kael'thas Sunstrider and Alleria Windrunner to the site of Velameestra's would-be grave in order to fulfill his promise to the young arcanist that he would cage her soul using the soul cage spell in order to safeguard it against the hungering maws of the hex that sought to claim it at the moment of her death. During Velameestra's violent demise, the hex struck, and Rommath was forced to strike back at it in order to pull the arcanist's soul from its grasp. He successfully repelled the attack and retrieved her soul, but in the process it seemed he had done lasting damage to the hex--the consequences of which were not fully known. However, seeing an opportunity to protect the interests of his people and verify the sincerity of Velameestra's own loyalty, he used the soul cage spell to interrogate her captive soul as it was compelled to answer truthfully.
The result of such an interrogation bore no deception or ulterior plot, but instead revealed that Velameestra blamed herself and her own failures for the fall of Silvermoon, and her choice to become one of the living dead was, in all sincerity, her attempt to atone and aid her people in their new state. The guilt of his breach of her trust, now that it was apparent there was no plot, began to settle like a stake to the heart. All he could offer was that such a belief on her part was foolish.
- Interaction: Show Me Your Teeth
- [Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Nineteen
- [Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Thirty-Seven
Chapter Five: Civil War
During the showdown between Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, and their companions with the rogue bronze dragon Thaxdormu, the conflict dove through snippets of the timeline as it was "supposed" to be. One of these scenes showed Rommath, Lor'themar Theron, Aethas Sunreaver and a contingent of other blood elves as they broke into a Magister's Terrace that was in complete disarray to face down Kael'thas Sunstrider at the height of an extreme degree of fel corruption at the head of the Sunwell from whence he was attempting to summon a powerful demon. However, this scene was one that had not come to pass in the present timeline.
Rommath traveled back to the Eastern Kingdoms alongside Kael'thas Sunstrider and Alleria Windrunner in order to meet with the remainder of the Convocation of Silvermoon. When they arrived, Alleria reached out to Velameestra Windrunner to ask if she wanted to meet up with them, but when the sending stone message went through, Vel replied that they were presently in the midst of raiding a necromancer's lair and that she would talk to her later. Alleria, Rommath, and Kael'thas decided to teleport to Vel's location in order to aid with what she and her friends were doing, and they arrived just in time to see Vel beheaded by Jackson Razuvious and discorporate into mist. While Kael'thas and Alleria both were enraged by the sight, Rommath remained confident that Vel would be fine, as she was ultimately a vampyr like they were.
During the quick debriefing that followed the conflict, Rommath revealed that he was familiar with the Scales of Azeroth, as he and Alleria had recently returned from their own errand in the Dragonblight. He was also satisfied to know that Velameestra had successfully stolen evidence from the Cult of the Damned warehouse that incriminated leadership of the Scarlet Crusade in helping to fund the twisted organization. At his suggestion, himself, Kael'thas, and Alleria set off to help clear one of the Naxxramas wings other than the dormitories so their limitations as vampyrs did not get in the way, though not before they were tapped into the group telepathic bond and he and Velameestra engaged in a brief, private telepathic pun exchange as he commented that she would do not to lose her head again.
When Velameestra and Uther Menethil's party successfully shut down Naxxramas's generator, he reported over the telepathic bond that Naxxramas had managed to correct its trajectory with an emergency power source, though he doubted it would last long term. However, he also relayed that he had managed to observe the path of the necropolis and that it had dumped plagued ooze along its passage, blighting a swath of the Eastweald in the process. However, they were successful in clearing their wing of the necropolis, and Rommath was among those that met the party at the peak of the facility after the destruction of Heigan Capless and ascension of Tamsin Roame as a new lich and mistress of Naxxramas.
Rommath accompanied the group when Velameestra returned them to Venetia so that Uther could attend his meeting with Rafaam. While the Grand Magister was largely stoic in his assessment of the hidden mage city, even he couldn't hide his amazement at the exposed leylines that snaked through the city. He was briefly taken aback by the care Velameestra had placed in manifesting custom quarters for himself with an astonishing attention for detail, but he expressed his gratitude before retreating into the chamber to rest after the siege of Naxxramas.
The following morning, during the debriefing of events and future plans, Gilveradin asked Rommath how he had known about the Scales of Azeroth. The Grand Magister simply replied he and Alleria had made contact with the dragonflights in the Dragonblight and was made aware of the initiative, though the elf pointedly made it clear he would not share more information with the former Farstrider. As the breakfast meeting adjourned, he and Kael'thas were approached by Velameestra, who had created an impressive stack of policy ideas concerning the changes happening to their people, and while Rommath cheekily expressed the act was certainly presumptuous, he couldn't help but be impressed by some of the ideas she had brought forth as he skimmed over the documents.
Later on, Remnii brought Velameestra with her to meet with Kael'thas and Rommath, as she had expressed that she wished to give them more context about the deal made with the orc Nazgrim. While both of the vampyrs were skeptical about the situation, particularly when focus turned to Grom Hellscream, Rommath grilled Remnii for more information and expressed they had become acquainted with Grom's son, Garrosh, during several encounters in the pursuit of Frostmourne. Following the discussion, Rommath opted to retreat to his chambers to consider what was said in addition to continuing the process of reading over what Velameestra had provided.
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Five
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Six
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Seven
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Eight
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Nine
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifty
Appeared In
Chapter Two: Casting Dice
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Four
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 2)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 5)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 6)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 7)
Chapter Four: Homecoming
- [Alliance] Chapter Four: Session One
- [Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Five
- Snapshots: Memento Mori
- Interaction: Show Me Your Teeth
- [Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Nineteen
- [Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Thirty-Seven
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Five (Alternate Timeline)
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-One
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Two
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Three
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Four
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Five
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Six
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Seven
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Eight
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Nine
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifty
- Rommath was prone to night terrors centered around the experiences in his youth. Kael'thas learned to become aware of them so he could help him when they were in the same vicinity. Kael'thas is secretly glad that san'layn can't dream, as it means that Rommath is no longer plagued by them.
- Rommath and Dar'khan Drathir went to theater school together well before Dar'khan would go on to meet Kael'thas and work his way into his inner circle. Dar'khan beat Rommath for the leading role once, and he never forgot it.
- Rommath enjoys watching the people he cares about sleep, as seeing them at peace and at rest has a calming effect on him. He's always the last to fall asleep so he can ensure everyone is safe.
- Rommath finds debate exhilarating.