[Horde] Chapter Two: Session Ten
July 22nd
Everyone is nursing their collective hangovers. Dranosh is still high through most of the day, but he starts to become more lucid about halfway through.
It becomes apparent very quickly that travel through Gorgrond is going to be very warm. As a result, they end up hunkering down for the day and camp with the intention of starting to travel later that evening when the temperatures had cooled.
Sorak spent the day working on crafting some healing potions.
Azgadaan works on cooking for the group, aiding the Ati-kaso woman once again.
Remnii was working to help take care of the new infants where she could, primarily stepping in for medical checks and the like. However, she isn’t stepping in to interfere with any traditions and the like. Most of them seem rather healthy, but the very last one that was born seems to be much smaller and more sickly than the others.
Arthak ends up finding Remnii as she is leaving the “medical” tent. He asks her how the young are, and Remnii informs him that five of the six are exceptionally healthy, but one is underweight. However, she is pretty sure, with careful watching, he will be fine.
Arthak then mentions she wanted to “catch up,” as Remnii had previously mentioned, given the clan was at rest for the day. Arthak then asks what she wanted to speak about after they found a place out of the sun.
Remnii mentions that she was curious, given how things are moving, if there was anyone that Arthak looked up to as a leader.
Arthak mentions there were a few.
Remnii then asks what kind of leader Arthak was looking to become. She mentioned that, being the daughter of the Prophet Velen, gave her an advantage in that she never had to look far for an aspiring leader. Even the Lost Ones looked to Velen as a waypoint. She then mentioned that, while the cultures of orcs and draenei were different, the hallmarks of a great later would transcend those boundaries. She also mentioned she had been worried about Arthak, given if she wasn’t sleeping, she was sure he wasn’t.
Arthak mentions her concern was appreciated, but had not expected the question she had chosen to ask. He then goes to mention there were three people he looked up to: Varok, Grommash Hellscream, and Orgrim Doomhammer.
Remnii: “Orgrim was… he was a noble orc. Very quiet in the few times I did know him. What of them draws you? What parts of them are you seeking to emulate? And I am sorry to put you on the spot, Arthak. It is a hard question to answer, but it is one that needs to be simmer in all of us.”
Arthak mentions it was a question he had also considered. He then goes on to explain all three of them lead with action. Whatever words they said, it was their actions that were followed. Varok speaks carefully, Grommash speaks as he chooses to, relying on the deeds that followed, and it was the same with Doomhammer. Their actions spoke most truly of them.
Remnii nods, and says they were a larger than life bunch overall. She considers, and then continues that, in the future, when tests are many and morale is low, the noble aspects of those orcs would likely get swept under the rug, not by Arthak, but by the Legion that wished to turn the orcs into their foot soldiers. However, she feels that if those three were Arthak’s inspiration for his foundation, then she believes it will be a good one.
Arthak then says it wasn’t just them. Others were guiding the foundation as well. Some things wouldn’t have been possible without the actions of others.
Arthak: “I’ll just keep it simple.”
He then pulls something out, and offers it to Remnii.

The gem in the center glows very faintly, and it seems to be a very, very small piece of Mu’ru.
Arthak: “A token. Of appreciation from two… friends.”
Remnii stops for a second, and she automatically accepts the headband. She turns it over in her hands.
Remnii: “Oh… Arthak….”
She turns it over again, and then she gives him a hug. Arthak is surprised.
Remnii: “Sorry. Where words fail, actions can help. It’s beautiful, Arthak.”
She’s getting teary-eyed, but she wipes the tears away and thanks Arthak again. She then asks that they don’t go so long without speaking again.
Arthak said that such a thing was agreeable.
Shortly after breakfast, Remnii then brings Dornaa her food. Raluhi is also with her. Dornaa asks her if Remnii found her friends, and Remnii said she did. She asks Dornaa how she was feeling, and she said she was feeling fine.
Remnii mentions that it may be time for her to be off of bedrest, and Dornaa said that was good, because she heard them have a party last night. She then goes in to say one of her past groups, when they found a safe place, they had thrown a birthday party because no one knew their birthday. They weren’t sure what to do at a birthday party, but they had fun.
She then asks if it was someone’s birthday last night, and Remnii said that six babies were born. Dornaa asks if baby orcs have the big teeth. Remnii said they don’t have the big tusks, but they have teeny tusks.
Dornaa said she would like to see the babies someday if they didn’t try to eat her, and Remnii says they won’t try to eat her. She will introduce her after they get another check up, but for the time being, she was going to introduce her to the Ati-Kaso. Raluhi also decides to go, and they approach the clump of broken eating together.
Two of the Ati-Kaso are eating some of the stew that Azgadaan had made: Armord and Motraa. Motraa had been starting to open up to the rest of the group and get to know the orcs a little bit. Overall, he’s a pretty positive guy.
However, as they approach, Dornaa is definitely hiding behind Remnii a *little* bit. She’s a tad nervous.
Remnii introduces her, and Dornaa shyly waves at the group. A lot of the Ati-Kaso immediately melt, and one-by-one the group approaches to introduce themselves. Deremos and Motraa are the two to greet her first, and overall, there is a very positive reaction. Many are flabbergasted Dornaa survived this long.
However, a few don’t get up and introduce themselves. Namely, Livii, who had previously lost her sister, doesn’t say or do much, even when introduced.
Raluhi is also introduced.
1:00 Azgadaan sees a figure in the mountains, and he goes to show Sorak. Sorak knows there is a history of saberon in the area, and it’s possible that it could have been one of them, or it could have been an orc clan watching, but it isn’t anything that he can exactly pin down. As a result, Sorak just doesn’t say anything, hands Azgadaan back his spyglass, and walks away.
Azgadaan thanks him sarcastically, but opts to not climb after the figures. Instead, he just gets everyone else on alert. Just in case.
1:09 (We talk about Cart organization, namely organizing people with thaumaturgy and prestidigitation around the outside so they can maybe scare off intruders)
In the process, Arthak kicks Dranosh off the lead cart because Dranosh is still seeing green things as purple, and Dranosh starts pouting. He also continues heckling Arthak whenever the lead cart hits a bump or something. Gramgun is completely losing it.
At one point, Arthak gives Thura a look to try and get her to fuck with Dranosh, but it backfires. Instead, she takes the opportunity to fuck with Arthak. At one point she rides her boar in front of him, causing the clefthoof to veer hard. As Arthak tries to keep it under control, the clefthoof breaks part of the yoke off and runs 20 feet off before it starts to stomp the ground angrily.
The rest of the orcs are laughing.
Arthak asks Azgadaan if he can cook boar, becauses they are having boar. Thura says he needs to catch her first, and she goes and fist bumps Dranosh. Arthak draws his bow and takes aim.
Spinyl tells Arthak, “Now now, don’t be petty.”
A bunch of the orcs goad Arthak on, and Dranosh proclaims that he won’t do it, as he’s a big softie as he started making jewelry (affectionate teasing), so Arthak shoots the arrow next to him. Dranosh pretends to pick his teeth with the arrow, and then he hiccups up a bubble.
Meanwhile, in the back, Remnii sees glints of eyes around 100 feet away or so. There are never less than four at a time. Remnii points it out to Samaara.
Samaara identifies them as “death dogs,” a type of scavenger. They have two heads each. One head is always awake. Especially in the last 40 years, they have gotten a bit deadlier, but their packs are normally not very large. She suggests ensuring there are no stragglers.
They actually start to illuminate rocks with the light spell, at Azgadaan’s suggestion, and they fling the rocks behind the caravan, dissuading the death dogs from drawing closer. Remnii, at one point, sees a nocturnal bird dive down and retrieve a rock before taking off. It disappears a bit later. Remnii isn’t sure if it’s because it went behind something, or if something else got it. She tells Yrel, and Yrel laughs.
Azgadaan tells Spinyl it could be a lesson to her, and Spinyl lightly punches Azgadaan saying she wouldn’t be flying in the dark with a light through dangerous territory.
However, a bit later, they can see three orcs riding wolves in the distance, following the light. Spinyl identifies them as Warsong clan going by the banners. Spinyl informs Arthak, and then Sorak. Word starts to spread.
When the new orcs get within speaking distance, it’s realized no one recognizes them. However, they recognize Arthak.
One of them says they heard about the fight between Garrosh and Arthak. They then look back at the pebbles and ask if it was their doing, to which Arthak confirms.
The orc says it was clever, but it was turning the caravan into a bright beacon.
Arthak said their primary concern was discouraging wild animal attacks. The Warsong orc wishes them look, and the three then move to continue on past the caravan. However, they seem to be heading in the same direction as the caravan, toward the Frostfire Ridges.
Arthak calls after them, asking where they are going. One of the orcs asks why they would tell them. Arthak counters they are all Horde, and therefore allies. The warsong orc said he was right. They were all members of the Horde.
Warsong Orc: “So you’ll understand why we don’t want to share our business. We wouldn’t want to trouble you with it, after all.”
Arthak: “It’s no trouble. And if you have a mind, you can share our camp. There is safety in numbers, and other advantages.”
Warsong Orc: “If we were looking for safety we wouldn’t be riding through Gorgrond. Lok’tar, chieftain.”
They then head off again.
Later on, Arthak and Azgadaan do see a small camp with simple hide tents. There is a solitary figure by the campfire, who is watching the caravan. As they get closer they can tell the individual is a mok’nathal. He continues watching, and gets his weapon, a large spear, but doesn’t seem to be moving to attack.
Azgadaan asks Arthak if he may be a “late night recruit,” and Arthak said it was at least worth a conversation. He asks Azgadaan for the “thing that he does,” referring to the spell that increases his conversation ability. However, Azgadaan said he can’t do it currently. He’s been taking a break from magic to recuperate.
Arthak goes to talk on his own, and Azgadaan asks if he should come with him seeing there were 4 tents. Arthak agrees, and gestures for Dranosh to take the lead cart again. Dranosh informs Arthak he will not be getting the lead cart back, and Arthak retorts that when he learns how to tell colors apart they’ll talk.
As Azgadaan and Arthak approach, the mok’nathal lifts his spear, but he is still not moving to attack. However, he does walk to meet them.
Arthak: “Lok’tar, son of Nathal.”
The mok’nathal snorts. He has a wide jaw and a single braid down the back of his head.
Mok’nathal: “What you want?”
Arthak informs him they just want a brief conversation if he was willing.
Mok’nathal: “Talk is cheap.”
Arthak: “What isn’t, these days?”
The mok’nathal snorts again, and asks what he wants again. Arthak asks where the mok’nathal had traveled from, and he informs him he is heading toward Hellfire. Arthak asks if he was part of a clan.
Mok’nathal: “Once perhaps. Now we are part of a machine. We do not debate the difference.”
Arthak asks what he means.
Mok’nathal: “Your Horde. Blackrock machine. Marching to war. We go as well. Nothing more to say.”
Arthak asks if he is seeking to join the Blackrock, or whatever clan would accept him.
Mok’nathal: “We go to survive. We care not for the rest.”
Arthak: “We also are going in our direction to survive. “
The mok’nathal looks at the carts, and wishes him good fortune, then.
Arthak said he could come with them. Once they finished in the Frostfire Ridges they were heading back to Hellfire. If he was seeking a place within the Horde, such a place could be found with them.
The mok’nathal snorts again.
Azgadaan also chimes in, and the mok’nathal seems to almost have a rumble in his throat as he considers. He briefly looks back at the other tents.
Mok’nathal: “I will speak to the others. My watch has ended anyways.”
He goes over and grabs the side of one of the bone stakes that keeps the tents up. In ogrish, he says “Sisters, rouse yourselves.”
He then goes and shakes the other tents awake. Four other mok’nathal exit their various tents. Two mok’nathals emerge from the first one. They are clearly twin sisters.

The other two are two males, one a bit older.
Mok’nathal: “Brothers. Sisters. This clan chieftain has offered for us to travel with them. They will head back to our homeland before they return to Hellfire to ready for war.”
One of the twins steps forward. She is missing an eye, unlike her sister.
Twin: “And why should we double back to the Ridges? We already left them far behind us before they shatter into a thousand pieces. What reason have they to return to it?”
They are all speaking in ogrish.
Older mok’nathal: “I am with them. What reason have we to turn back? We have already been told to join the others. For what reason do you wish for us to join with these… orcs.”
First mok’nathal: “They speak of sharing their bounties with us. These lands are dying. Without their assistance, we will have to hunt a great deal. I believe it wise we go. If we act as guides, they will be more inclined to share their wealth with us.”
Arthak [in ogrish]: “Your comrade speaks true.”
The mok’nathals are surprised. Arthak continues that they could use guides. They are a young clan, still building strength. There is opportunity in joining them.
The elder of the group takes a step forward. He is towering over Arthak, somewhere between 8 and 9 feet tall.
Elder: “You make many promises, greenskin.”
Arthak: “I do. I keep my promises. And if I don’t, feel free to collect my head and be on your way.”
The elder snorts.
Arthak: “If you treat honorably with us, we will with you.”
Elder: “You speak of honor, but your Horde abandoned it a long time ago, greenskin. My children and I will accompany you. We will guide you, as it seems few among you will survive without our guidance.”
Arthak: “Perhaps that is so.”
Elder: “Then we will share with you our knowledge, and you your supplies.”
Arthak: “And if it battles comes, we will share strength.”
The mok’nathal agrees, and then turns to his children, informing them they were leaving with the greenskins. Arthak extends his hand, and the elder doesn’t seem to notice. His eyes are slightly clouded.
However, the last male child clasps Arthak’s hand, and says they would then be brothers. Arthak introduces himself, and the clan as the Broken Blade.
This mok’nathal is Thokk, his father is Rhek, the first one Arthak spoke to is Barr, and the sisters are Wal’gas and Wal’gir. Wal’gir is missing the eye. Thokk explains she lost the eye in a hunting incident.
Wal’gir: “Hmph. You can call it a hunting incident, I suppose.”
She throws a bone stake at her brother’s feet.
The family follows the caravan, keeping to themselves mostly. Arthak goes to talk to Sorak, informing him they found a few others from the Ridges. Sorak acknowledges it, but seems wholly distracted.
July 23rd
As the sun begins to rise, they feel confident one more night of travel would likely get them out of the desert. They make camp in an alcove of a shriveled husk of bladethorn plants. As the clan settles down, the mok’nathal continue to keep to themselves. However, the two women have specifically taken notice of the draenei, who are not in chains. They also notice the three demons (including Mindi).
Spinyl goes to introduce herself. The two women tower over her, but introduce themselves as well. Remnii also comes along, along with Arthak.
Wal’gir: “You are not in chains.”
Remnii: “That is true. I offer what I can in medial assistance, and that is hard in chains.”
Wal’gir: “True enough. I’ve never seen a draenei before, sister. They are taller than I imagined.”
She pats Remnii on the head.
They both look down at Spinyl. They are a bit intimidating.
Overall, the mok’nathal are a bit more crass than the orcs, and they seem to have a heavy musk about them.
Wal’gir: “I’m afraid I might break this one, sister.”
Spinyl: “Yes you very well mlight. Mright. Might.”
The sisters start to laugh.
Arthak: “We should try to keep the breaking to a minimum.”
Wal’gir: “I’ll watch my step.”
Spinyl: “That probably won’t be a problem.”
She takes flight, and the twins look in awe for a moment.
Wal’gir: “If you’re up there we won’t accidentally step on ya!”
Arthak: “Air superiority is like that.”
Wal’gas looks at her sister and whispers, “What su-per-iority?” Her sister shrugs. They just go with it.
Both of them have very, very long hair, though the one that is missing an eye has shair about two feet shorter. Arthak knows mok’nathal tend to not cut their hair unless they suffer a loss.
With that, the clan settles in to rest.
While keeping watch during the later afternoon, Spinyl talks to Arthak while they continue working on common lessons. Spinyl asks Arthak what the actual plan is, and Arthak says that they find Go’el, bring the Frostwolves back to Hellfire, and along the way try to get the crystals back from Akama. The Dark Portal opens, they go through, the invasion starts, and they proceed.
Spinyl asks what he was going to do when he got through the portal, and Arthak says he would be following orders.
Spinyl then notices a child, Azuka, watching them, and she points them out, and waits for them to leave before they continue talking.
Queen of Chains: “What do you suppose will happen when his big boss tells him to slap a chain around your neck, Spinyl?”
Spinyl asks if he thinks his clan will be ready, and Arthak doesn’t know. He says that the invasion will happen, no matter what. But if they are part of his clan, then at least he can try to make them ready.
Spinyl: “Why did you promise you could protect them?”
Arthak: “I can’t be a chieftain if I can’t do that.”
Spinyl: “As a succubus, I guess it’s a cultural thing to say you’re going to do things then drop them at a drop of a hat, but, that’s not a promise I’m used to hearing.”
Arthak: “It’s one I intend to keep as best as I can. And knowing for some I’ve already failed… but that’s the path that I’ve chosen. And for now they choose to follow. What of you?”
Spinyl muses, and then mentions a hunch that the Legion is throwing Arthak forth to be slaughtered. She then mentions his clan, and then trails off. She continues that if “we” follow the course of the vanguard, she has a bad feeling.
Arthak asks for an alternative.
Spinyl: “Perhaps get yourself in a position to not be used as a meat shield?”
Arthak: “Are you talking about the entire orcish race or just us?”
Spinyl: “The clan.”
Arthak then asks what to tell Blackhand if he refuses to accept Blackhand’s gift to him. Spinyl comments it doesn’t seem like a gift. Arthak agrees, but he can’t refuse it without insulting him. He wants to know how to not become a meatshield without getting wiped out.
Spinyl doesn’t know, but she mentions she doesn’t feel like anyone has looked at alternatives. There’s Garlock.
Arthak counters that they will then have to do something about the Legion, who support Blackhand. Spinyl retorts that they can’t do anything about the Legion. As long as they get their invasion force, they don’t care about an upset in the Horde.
Arthak continues listing off orcs they would be also going against if they turn against the Horde.
Spinyl then asks why Arthak wants to learn common if he just wants to invade. If he’s just going to be a military force, it may be easier he doesn’t understand them.
Arthak: “A few reasons. It would be easier, but it shouldn’t be easier to do some of the things I’m going to do. If I’m going to understand them, then I need to speak their tongue. That’s both to fight them, and perhaps when I’m not going to be fighting them.”
Spinyl: “In trying to accomplish both of those things, you’re going to need to walk a line. There’s only a limited amount of bloodshed the people of Azeroth will take before they will never listen to you. Doing what Blackhand says helps us in the short term, but cripples us in the long term.”
Arthak continues they have little other alternative, and Spinyl resigns that she just has a really, really bad feeling. Arthak agrees, then asks about how she is doing with her corruption. Spinyl says her survival instinct has just kicked up a notch. Arthak believes her.
Meanwhile, the Queen of Chains continues to whisper to Spinyl how “cute it is he pretends to care.” The voice continues to prod at Spinyl. Suggesting “twisting his thoughts” for him so that he will listen.
They continue to talk for a bit longer, and Arthak acknowledges he can’t force Spinyl, or anyone else, to follow him. Topics turn to merrier things, and Spinyl suggests they get back to his lessons. After all, if he wants her to teach some of his clan, he had best not be a hypocritical warchief.
As they get ready to set off, they quickly realize the mok’nathal eat about four times as much as an orc, and they consume more than they bring back, as they are warriors by nature. When the foragers come back, they also are not finding as much in the barren deserts.
However, while they have stores, they are not breaking even.
July 24th
The group travels up through the mountains, and the temperature has started to regulate. However, as they pass through, they find an obelisk with a bunch of different languages.
They talk a bit, and they decide to try and make a spellbook for Raluhi, but it’s going to be a WHILE before something could happen. However, while they talk, Remnii remembers Azgadaan has the depleted tools from the draenic ship. She goes to talk to him, and Azgadaan starts to take all his items out of the bag until he finds the tools.
Remnii also suggests that, maybe, Raluhi can take a look at the crystal chronicle as well in the future. Azgadaan’s eyes light up, and they go back to talk to Raluhi. Remnii mentions Azgadaan had found some tools back in the ship, and Raluhi tentatively takes them as Azgadaan holds them out and then proceeds to geek out. A lot.
It breaks the ice, at least.
Azgadaan, asked, completely up to Raluhi, if he could teach him some things. And Raluhi accepts. Azgadaan seems a bit surprised that he agreed, but thanks him. He also asks if Raluhi could maybe take a look at the mana cells he had collected to see if maybe he could identify what it is, and how to make more.
Raluhi mentions that it would take a specifically pure crystal to be used as a focus, but it would be something to keep a look out for. 3:37
July 25th
Azgadaan goes and trades for a pearl so that Remnii can use the identify spell. She takes a look at the fluid in one of the mana cells that Azgadaan had. She realizes that, when exposed to it, it causes all spells to cost one more mana, and the individual that touched it functionally is under the effects of mana flare, but all spells cast are pushed once, and the user is subject to a corruption check accordingly. It can also be a crafting reagent.
If Azgadaan would like to make more of it, it’s likely he would need to have access to something like the Mechanar. The fluid is basically crystalized arcane energy.
Raluhi is pretty sure this may help energize the tools, and he seems to be really excited to try that idea.
As they continue traveling again, they end up in the Blades Edge mountains proper. As they are traveling, Remnii hears a crack and a loud noise. As she looks behind them, the back wheel of one of the carts had slipped, and the cart was starting to backslide. Remnii shouts immediately, using thaumaturgy.
The back wheel of the cart had slipped into the crevice, and some food and water tip off the cart.
Spinyl flies over and starts to cast tiny hut underneath the cart while she shouts for Yrel to grab it. Rem’moth, who was driving the cart, tries to undo the goat from the cart in case the cart does go over. He also jumps off, but as he does, the cart goes further off the side of the cliff.
Phaedra backs off to try and stop others from getting in the way. Thokk, meanwhile, is running to help. Remnii uses enhance ability on Thokk and Yrel. Yrel grabs and pulls as hard as she can. The cart is slowwwlly coming up. Thokk adds his strength, but the cart is still very heavy.
Raluhi also starts to back off, but then he holds out his hand. Launching from his hand is a large krokul hand of shimmering force, which loops around the cart and also starts to pull.
Arthak, meanwhile, starts charging back from the front of the column. He hurls a javelin into the cart for someone to grab, but it gets wrenched out again.
Several of the other broken charge in and also try to pull at the cart. Remnii also tries to help, pulling as hard as she can. Arthak also then charges in with an annoyed growl, and with his added strength, they pull the cart back off the cliffside.
Spinyl darts down to try and recover some of the food. Scavengers, like a Rylek, have already started to get at it. She is able to recover about 18 pounds of food safely, as well as the broken cart wheel.
As they continue on, Arthak hears a hissing sound. He sees a thick steam start to vent itself out of micro fissures in the pathway. They carefully make their way through.
And then they arrive in one of the final keeps before Frostfire.