Tehd Shoemaker

Art by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
- Species
- Undead Human (Wight)
- Gender
- Male
- Status
- Undead
Known Languages Common
Tehd Shoemaker was originally part of a family of cobblers in Andorhal, but he was infected with the plague of undeath. In an attempt to heal him of the plague made by Remnii and Seria, Tehd was killed and then resurrected, but had maintained his mind in the process and also discovered a talent for the arcane he had never recognized before.
Tehd was a fairly average-looking man with shaggy brown hair when he fell victim to the plague of undeath. While his body had been reasonably preserved as he had been raised as an undead wight due to how quickly after his death he was returned, he showed the obvious signs of his new existence, such as lengthened claws, pale skin, gaunt features, unnaturally glowing eyes, and an aversion to sunlight. He also gradually started to lean into his new existence and eccentric nature in ways such as dying his hair.
Tehd was surprisingly chipper and talkative for an undead, and he was largely fueled by his insatiable curiosity and newly awakened thirst for knowledge that led him to risk-taking habits if it meant he could acquire a new skill or information. He developed a personal desire of wanting to master all forms of magic, regardless of the source.
Coming soon.
Chapter Five: Civil War
Tehd was infected with the plague of undeath when it spread through Andorhal, and had been moved to one of the quarantined medical areas where a disguised Remnii and Seria attempted to heal him of the affliction before his demise. Unfortunately, the attempt killed him, but he was swiftly resurrected by Remnii. While he had returned in an undead state, he appeared to have somehow kept his lucidity, unlike every other person up to that point, and the fluke in his recovery allowed for Velameestra Windrunner to achieve a breakthrough in her research to develop spellcraft to awaken the feral undead and return their minds to them.
He was initially in a state of shock and was moved to Velameestra's conjured mansion where he could recover and be further assessed. However, when Remnii and Velameestra later checked on him, they discovered that Tehd had taken to his new state incredibly well, and had also tapped into an unsatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge. He had launched himself into reading what sparse passages of the books in the manor he could understand, and in the process had discovered an untapped talent for arcane magic that he eagerly wished to pursue instead of his family's prior trade of cobbling. Velameestra offered to given him what guidance she was able to between her research.
Later, when Velameestra made the attempt to awaken the feral undead in Andorhal, Tehd offered up his burgeoning magics to help.
Tehd opted to join the group in their quest to find the hidden mage city of Venetia as he saw it as an opportunity to further his arcane knowledge, and he continued to improve in his skills at an unprecedented rate. Within days after discovering his magical ability, he had already summoned a pigeon familiar, which he had dubbed Midge. He also was among the first to offer help to the newly raised Lance Beckett when he was returned to an undead, but lucid, state by Velameestra, and he assured him that he could show him some of the ropes of his new existence. On the journey, now guided by Lance, he continued to learn what he could from Velameestra.
When they arrived in Venetia, Tehd largely focused on experiencing as much of the city as he could, and had ventured out with Gilveradin Windrunner, Sigilith Avernicious, and Hedanis Poisonbloom to enjoy the nightlife the city had to offer. Somehow, he had managed to secure an invitation to the Silent Auction held at the estate of Harold Kirtonos in the process. He accompanied the group when they attended the auction to try and find a way to get access to Heigan Capless's stronghold known as Naxxramas, and also joined them in the raid of the necropolis, where he used his magics to support them and his other new companions.
One of the first spells Tehd learned to cast other than cantrips was the spell used to acquire a familiar. His chosen companion was a pigeon, who he had dubbed Midge.
Appeared In
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Three
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Four
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Five
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Seven
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Five
- On becoming undead
- Velameestra Windrunner says: Master Shoemaker… you are aware of what happened to you, yes?
Tehd Shoemaker says: I am! I died! Right? And now I’m back! You know, I was just a simple cobbler of 26 to 27 years? But it doesn’t even matter! I’m dead now! Did you know, the trade? I hated being a cobbler. The smell was the worst! It was terrible on my asthma you know– I don’t have that anymore! I had a bad back too, and well, I still have that, but I don’t need to breathe so no asthma! No more smelly shoes! In fact I might forgo wearing shoes all together!
Velameestra Windrunner says: Those… do protect your feet, still.
Tehd Shoemaker says: Good point! They don’t seem to have any circulation, so they may need more protection now than they did before. But I want to learn all I can about magic! All this time I had a knack for it and I could have been studying in Dalaran! But no, my father said “son! You have to take up the cobblering business!” I spit on his grave! Well. I wouldn’t do that.
I’m sure when I was alive I was like “ew, bite a rat? No!” but now? I’ll bite anything!
Coming soon.