[Alliance] Chapter Two: Session Twenty-Three
August 21st - September 1st
Vel approaches Uther about getting his hammer enchanted. He agrees that it would be a good idea, and goes halfsies on the enchantment process. She is able to successfully do it during the span of the travel, and the enchantment takes. However, as she finalizes things, she hears a crack and there’s a lightning bolt shaped crack in the front of the hammer itself. It appears that the crack itself doesn’t interfere with the structure of the hammer, however.
About halfway through the journey, during one of the days they are staying at an inn, Vel hears a knock on her door. It’s Vereesa.
Vereesa asks how Vel’s doing, which Vel says she’s been fine. Vereesa expresses she had seen Vel working on enchanting Uther’s hammer, and mentioned that she had hoped Vel would have taken it easy while she could. Vel expresses that, ultimately an advantage was lost that needed rectified, and Vereesa agrees, but mentions that it’s easy to get lost between protecting others and taking care of oneself.
Vel says she had remembered to eat, if that’s what this was about, and Vereesa laughs, expressing that’s important, but not what she was getting at. Vereesa’s intent no confirmed, Vel asked who had told her aunt about her corruption.
Vereesa confirmed it was Arator. He had noticed some minor signs while he spoke with Vel and didn’t know what to do or approach it, so had come to her.
Vereesa expresses that everyone comes to a point where they brush against such a condition, Rhonin included, and while she was loathe to give it to her, Vereesa offers Vel a small vial.
She explains that it’s an extract of Aethril, a really rare plant found on the edge of the Tirisfal Glades that has properties capable of absorbing magic. Rhonin had actually mentioned it in passing, but hadn’t expected her to actually be able to find any.
Vel comments on the skills of elven rangers, and Vereesa just smirks and then hands the vial to Vel. She mentions that, given their circumstances, she couldn’t just ask Vel to not push herself as, when given the option between protecting someone or not, the choice was clear. But at the very least, they could try and negate as much damage caused by it as possible. She isn’t sure how the potion works, but she’s confident Vel will look into it.
Vereesa then opens her arms for a hug, and Vel accepts. Vereesa strokes her hair for a moment before leaving her for the night.
Upon identifying the potion, mechanically Vel knows that it causes disadvantage on corruption checks, but gives her resistance to corruption damage--ideally helping to negate a lot of the damage caused.
One night they are staying outside of a town, Valeera walks toward Uther, looking around a bit. Uther called her over, apologizing as he promised her protection, but then he vanished.
Valeera: “Huh… that’s not what I expected to hear when I approached you. Um. Thanks, uh… I assume that’s what people say when people apologize. I don’t think anyone’s ever said something like that to me before, so we’ll just go with that.”
Uther: “No response necessary. No for me. But, come from your reaction, that’s not why you came by. What can I do for you?”
Valeera: “This may be a selfish request, but, I know that you and your friends may not trust me completely, and that’s reasonable, I was trying to kidnap you, which doesn’t leave a great first impression but… um… I guess, let me just come out and say it. I want my dagger back, if that’s alright.”
Uther: “At this point I believe you’ve earned it.”
Valeera: “O-oh…”
Uther: “I believe the only reason I held on to it was to make sure you upheld your end of the bargain, and I wasn’t even able to uphold mine. So, of course.”
Valeera: “Oh wow, I was prepared to have to buy it back or something…”
Uther: “Is that the impression I gave you?”
Valeera: “No, but that’s the kind of world I’m used to.”
Uther: “In that case, welcome to this one.”
Valeera: “Thanks. Really. It’s hard for me to explain how important that is to me.”
Uther: “And I won’t force you to.”
Uther retrieves the dagger and hands it over. There’s almost a weight lifted off her shoulders as she looks at it, and she fastens it to her belt. On the belt is a second identical dagger.
Uther expresses that he hopes they have shown her a different side of the world, and she agrees, and Valeera reassures him that she still intends to see things through. Ultimately, people are still getting abused by the warlocks, and in the end, if they don’t stand up to them, everyone is going to end up paying for it. She’s one of the people that lives in the world, so might as well try to save it.
Plus the king may be giving them a nice purse in the end.
Uther said he’s glad that she’s going to stick things out with them as they couldn’t have too many allies with this much on the line.
Uther: “Walk with the Light, Valeera.”
Valeera: “Ain’t that what I’m doing right now?” She gestures at Uther, and then returns back to her tent.
Vel goes and talks to her brother to apologize. Gil’s new hawkstrider, Swiftwing, gets antsy at her approach. Gil correctly assumes its Vel upon noting it, and he comments to her that she normally doesn’t seek him out.
Vel expresses that she wanted to apologize for how heavy-handed she was in regards to the topic of his actions and his refusal to give her the name of the undead mage. Gil claims that he had forgotten all about it, and said he wasn’t mad.
Vel is surprised, but then awkwardly tries to leave, assuming that her goal was now completed, but as she does Gil calls after her with another retort about the subject.
Vel stops, realizing the conversation wasn’t done, and Gil states that “she should know better than most that things ripple out” and he said that Tess threatened to slit his throat. Vel comments back that if she did she wouldn’t live very long, the tone Gil seems to have taken on is a bit passive-aggressive. She again tries to leave, noting his hawkstrider doesn’t like her much, and Gil comments that the baby bear from before didn’t either, and it was a recent development. Vel attempts to wave it off, but Gil continues to turn her around in the conversation, purposely confusing her with nuance and jumping topics to throw her completely off.
Vel eventually does leave, though she is left a bit soured by the conversation as it seemed like Gil was attempting to pass blame on her for Tess’s reaction to a choice he made, on top of the passive-aggression he had displayed despite “not being mad.”
Thaxdorlin had been watching Gil during most of the travel. He is constantly sipping from his flask, which always sounds like it has some liquid in it. Gil approaches.
Gil: “Am I doing something wrong?”
Thax: “I dunno lad. Are ye?”
Gil: “I’m not aware of it if I am. Just you seem to be paying more attention to me than your own people?”
Thax: “I don’t need to pay that much attention to my own folks. They know better than to do things they aren’t supposed to. Your right though, I’ve been watching you.”
He stands up and looks up at Gil.
Thax: “I get the feeling that something’s changed about ye since the last time I’ve seen ye. And I ain’t just talking about fekking growin’ up and all that shite.”
Gil: “I’ve hardly grown in the few months or so.”
Thax: “Ye and I both know that ain’t what I’m talking about.”
Gil: “What are you talking about?”
Thax gets closer to Gil, almost uncomfortably so. He sniffs.
Thax: “Aye.. that’s what I thought. That unmistakable scent…”
Thax sighs.
Gil: “What scent would that be?”
Thax: “I know the scent of a dragon when I smell one, boy.”
Gil smiles. “I can promise you, that’s something I’m not.”
Thax: “I didn’t say you’re a bleeding dragon, but you’ve been fucking around with them. That much is plain.”
Gil: “And what exactly makes you say that?”
Thax: “Are those bleeding ears there for show, or did you listen to what I said? I said I’d recognize that scent anywhere. It’s all over you. That’s an interesting development, that’s for certain.”
He takes another swig from his flask.
Gil: “Who are you really?”
Thax takes another swig. “You got a real shite memory, you do. Thaxdorlin. Dwarf. Mercenary. Second in Command of this ragtag group.”
Gil: “And what makes you familiar with the scent of dragons and, you know, that extraordinary sense of smell. Not exactly a dwarf trait.”
Thax: “You elves have those bleeding long ears, and dwarves have this big noses. I’m more familiar with dragons than you think. I’ve seen a lot, boy. Tangled with more than a few dragons in my life. This bleeding mercenary company has only been around for less than 20 years, and I can guarantee I’ve been doing things for longer than that.”
He shifts his coat, and Gil can see a sizeable dragon’s fang inside.
Gil: “So you used to hunt them then?”
Thax: “Aye. It’s a rather interesting… you don’t normally see dragons up this far north.”
Gil: “Well they are large and have wings, and they can go where they wish I imagine.”
Thax: “On that you’re very right. So. Are you gonna tell me or not?”
Gil: “Tell you what exactly?”
Thax: “Bah.”
He takes a drink from his flask again.
Thax: “If you’re gonna waste my time, then bugger off.”
Gil: “Why, you looking to go back to old habits?”
Thax: “A vetted curiosity.”
Gil: “The last dragon I got in a fight with was further south than here.”
Thax: “I heard tales o’ that.”
Gil: “Nothing particularly exciting. It did leave before it killed us.”
Thax: “You should feel lucky about that, then.”
He continues drinking, then turns back to the cart and retrieves his rifle. It’s a beautiful, sleek rifle with a blade along the bottom edge of it. It looks old, but perfectly kept. He starts to clean it, and then goes about ignoring Gil.

For the rest of the trip, Thaxdorlin’s attention on Gil wanes.
Finnall rendezvous with the group in a small town outside of Silvermoon about a day before they arrive back. The city is just barely in view. They hear a hailing of cheers from the mercenaries in the front of the caravan as Finnall approaches.
They enter into an inn, and Finnall rents the entire thing out. Jaina casts nondetection on one of the rooms so they have privacy.
Gil gives Finnall a brief rundown of things that had occurred up until this point.
Finnall informs them that all the members of the party had been sighted within the city itself. Likely warlocks using illusion magic to cause chaos.
They tell her that they need to get the moonkeys to Kael’thas, and ultimately that they are going to try and split up--using the fake keys that Talath had made as decoys to hopefully draw the attention of Dar’khan and any of his warlocks, allowing the keys themselves to slip in unhindered.
They mentioned they were hoping Finnall could get one of them to Kael’thas, but Finnall is immediately apprehensive about the idea, and clearly nervous. Gil pushes a bit more, and Vel is able to gather that she and Kael seem to have history of some sort, but she finally reluctantly relents after saying it was going to cost them.
Gil just tells her to bill it to his family, which earns a look from his sister.
As Vincent starts poking around the town, he overhears some people discussing some reasonable doubt about the idea of Velameestra Windrunner actually trying to kill the king, as if Windrunners wanted the throne, there were other ways to go about it that involved less killing.
Vincent mozies over to a merchant with several well-bred hawkstriders. He starts to make some implications about the aid that Andilien had offered the group, but the man redirects him to some wealthier merchants that had passed through: Vynath Leafpost, Dastra Eveningband, and Lotis Eaglefather--a one-armed retiree from the war.
Vincent still looks around, but finds nothing of interest. He is able to pick up the man doubts the rumors, and asks him to keep spreading such doubts if possible.
Vincent ends up going with the mercenaries, while the rest of the group goes to rendevouz with Linore.
While the party navigates toward the coast, after the sun sets, they hear a bird call. Vereesa’s ears perk up, and she smiles as she looks into the distance. “I think that messenger is here.”
It’s Alleria. “Well well. It seems I stumbled upon some wanted criminals. What a curious circumstance.”
She’s smiling faintly. Vereesa goes and gives her a hug, and Arator seems pleased that his mom’s here.
They appraise Alleria of the situation, and hand her the missive, and she goes off to deliver the message. Vel also requests she let their father know they are alright. Alleria confirms Lirath has been beside himself.
When they approach the shore, they see a small vessel bobbing in the waves, about large enough to fit a dozen or so people. There are a few figures moving around in the dark. They start to approach, Gil scouting out ahead. There are two cloaked figures near a small campfire, and a third figure sitting on the edge of the boat, a cute red-head kicking her feet.
Gil reports back. Vel mentions it sounds like Esara, and she sends Esara to confirm. It is her, and there’s some splashing as a quiet voice calls to the others that they are there. Some reddish orange motes of light appear, illuminating the path with dancing lights.
They go down, and they wade across the water to the boat. Or, they would, except Vel uses shape water to temporarily freeze a path, same with Jaina. There is some friendly banter as Vel introduces Esara to Gil.
They arrive in the dead of night, and it’s indicated they can emerge safely. The cloaked man hands Vel a paper which contains a warehouse they can go to to lay low.
Esara bids them farewell, and they navigate to the warehouse. Everyone seems to be patrolling elsewhere, and the door is unlocked. Inside is a bottle of wine next to some chalices, and there seems to be a slip of paper.
Vel reads the paper.
“Dear friends, welcome back. I’m glad to hear you’ve arrived safely, and I look forward to speaking to you again. Cheers, Kilnar Goldensword.”
She breathes a sigh of relief. Vereesa pops the cork, and partakes, as does Gil.
Vel takes a moment to use Trace Aura on her fake moonkey before sleeping. It’s early morning on September 3rd.
Meanwhile, back with Vincent, they aren’t waylaid. There’s nothing suspicious in the cart, and Finnall throws a bit of a tantrum about them searching her personal belongings and it’s kind of rude, but there’s obviously no contraband.
They also don’t find the moonkeys hidden by Vincent and Valeera, nor the one hidden by Finnall (who had put it where she packed her underwear).
Inside the city, the mood is more dour. Fear is palpable in the air. Derevan looks about, asking what happened. He comments it seems like everyone is hiding from something, and Finnall confirms they are. There have been riots about the fact the warlocks haven’t been caught, and accusations flung at most magisters for being involved.
A few people have also still be going missing. But it’s always people who can’t protect themselves. She assumes that either they are being used in rituals, as distractions, or are among the warlocks.
Valeera slips out at that moment to deliver the key, and Finnall implies she’s going to do so the next day. Finnall says they have a safe area in the Dusk District.
Vincent comments he has some shopping to do, and Theo comments he’s been doing a lot of that. Vincent returns that it’s better to be prepared. He goes to a nearby tavern and asks after the names the merchant gave him.
Vynath has an estate in the Court of the Sun. Dastra has a shop in the bazaar, but her house is in Falconwing Square. Lotis has a small manse on the docks outside the shipping districts.
He heads to Vynath’s first, though by the time he arrives, it’s late enough it may garner some suspicion. However, as he arrives, he notes many of the parts of the mansion are glass.
Vincent starts to approach the door, and there’s a whirring noise. What appears to be two glass statues start to make noise, and a light refracts from inside. It’s a modified arcane guardian. He asks him to state his business, and Vincent said he would like to speak to Vynath on behalf of Lord Andilien.
The guardian says Lord Leafpost isn’t seeing visitors, and Vincent sighs, then asks about tomorrow. But tomorrow is booked. Earliest appointment is two months and 7 days away.
Vincent sighs, asking for it to give the notice that someone was there on behalf of Lord Andilien, and it records the greeting, and Vincent goes off on his way.
Instead, Vincent scouts around looking for Valeera. The palace is VERY heavily guarded at this point. After a bit, Vincent sees Valeera exiting the palace. She has changed, and is wearing just common traveler's garb. She’s smiling, and speaking to one of the other servants. She wraps a shawl around her shoulders as she makes her way out of the building.
Vincent intercepts her somewhere safe. “Well, there you are!”
Valeera spins around with a dagger drawn, and then she breathes a sigh of relief upon recognizing him. He offers to walk with her as it’s safer to walk in pairs.
Suddenly, Valeera says to follow her lead, and she leans her head on his shoulder as two guards walk by.
They act like a love-begotten couple, and one of the guards interrupts, telling them to return to their homes as it’s late.
They leave, and they head back toward the Rest on the Row, which is the place the mercenaries were meeting.
Finnall is waiting for them, and she asks how things went, and Valeera nods and tells her that Finnall is then up. Finnall just drains the rest of the alcohol.
Vincent comments that she shouldn’t get a hangover, and Finnall said she doesn’t need him telling her how to live her life. Vincent returns he just doesn’t want her to screw things up, and Finnall goes serious, expressing that she won’t, as a lot more is on the line.
Everyone turns in.
The next day, Finnall heads out early.
Vincent heads out to speak with Dastra, and he invites Valeera. He finds a shop named “Dastra’s Doo-dads”. Valeera laughs at it, and Vincent asks her to keep an eye on things as he rings a bell. There’s a flurry of movement as someone comes out from the back room, and he doesn’t see her for a moment before a… child pops up.
She looks about 14.
Vincent is a bit befuddled, and she confirms that this is, in fact, her shop. Vincent gives her the spiel, and Dastra refers to Andilien as “Uncle Osrin” and Vincent explains they met at one of his races and he promised to help with some things.
Dastra closes the door, and she comments that the only people Andilien would make such deals with are into some shady things. She asks if he is going to rob her store, and he said no, and she said that she probably wouldn’t be able to stop him, but Clink and Clank probably could.
However, Dastra said she was willing to give things at a discount, but she wasn’t going to just put it on Andilien’s tab without some sort of proof it’s okay.
After some browsing, Vincent asks what he can get for 96 gp.
Dastra laughs, and redirects Vincent toward some feather tokens and then asks if he wants her to look up what they do. The one with the anchor anchors a vessel in place, and the tree one turns into a tree immediately.
She also suggests that he can get any cantrip or tier one spells, or three magical arrows.
And then she says she has one thing for 75 gold that she’s confident Vincent won’t be able to say no to. Its a small vial of pink liquid.
Dastra: “No offensive, but it seems like you have trouble talking to women.”
Valeera busts out laughing. Vincent comments that’s not very ethical, and Dastra retorts it’s just as ethical as a sword that drinks the blood of those it kills as she gestures to a black sword.
Vincent picks up one of the +1 Arrows, and he asks about some of the recent happenings. Dastra just says it’s not safe to walk on the streets alone presently.
The warlocks are at it again.
Vincent asks after the missing people, and Dastra said most of the people taking are from the Dusk District or the Falconwing Square. It’s mostly people who can’t defend themselves, yet the warlocks never get caught.
Vincent goes to leave, and Dastra said she’ll save the love potion for him. Vincent flips her off with his nonexistent middle finger. Dastra giggles.
Vincent then heads back to meet with Lotis Eaglefeather, and goes for his warehouses. One of the dockworkers says that, given he owns the places, he’s never there. The man says he can send a notice, and asks for his name. Vincent gives the name Erin Duskpride, and the dockworker mentions there’s a safety inspection at dock 3 in a few days.
He drops his dock got hit recently, and Vincent hones in on that, but the dockworker isn’t willing to divulge the info. It seems like it’s a company secret that may get him fired, which is why he’s backpedaling.
As they leave, Valeera asks what Vincent thinks he was covering, and Vincent isn’t sure, but it seems suspicious. Valeera suggests some of the warehouses may be being used by the warlocks.
They split up, and Valeera goes to rendevouz with her friends and contacts before regrouping with Vincent at the tavern. Finnall had returned, but was up in her room. It seemed to have gone without a hitch.