Aethas Sunreaver

Art by Lost Eventide Studios
- Species
- High Elf
- Gender
- Male
- DoB
- April 23
- Height
- 6'03"
- Status
- Alive
Unnamed mother
Unnamed sister
Aethas Sunreaver was offered a seat on the Council of Six at the recommendation of Kael'thas Sunstrider so that Kael'thas could return to Quel'thalas to lead his people after the death of his father. While he is still considered relatively youthful by high elven standards, his ambition and raw talent largely contributed to his fast rise through the ranks of the Kirin Tor.
Aethas is very handsome, even by elvish standards. It is not hard to believe that a large number of young apprentices - especially women, and especially elves - find themselves swooning when the young archmage walks by. He does not dislike the attention, but he has no desire to stir the hornet's nest that reciprocating such affections would be, and so he very rarely does anything to entice them further. That does not stop them from swooning. In fact, it often makes it worse.
Aethas is driven, and though intellectual, is a hands-on mage. He is often the first one to suggest direct intervention to avoid further conflict. He was born and raised in Dalaran, though he still holds a certain patriotism towards his ancestral homeland. He is a staunch proponent for neutrality and cooperation, and is known for his optimism, enthusiasm, and willingness to assist others.
Previous biography largely unknown.
It was mentioned that he formerly worked at the Cantation Cantina in Dalaran as a means to pay his way into the Violet Citadel.
When Kael'thas Sunstrider was forced to return to lead his people in Quel'thalas after the death of his father, Anasterian, he recommended Aethas to replace him on the Council of Six. The recommendation was heeded, at which point he took his place next to the others.
Chapter One: Matters of Life and Death
Aethas remained in Dalaran during the troll activity triggered by the undead king, Zalazane, though he served as a connection for Kilnar Goldensword to get Uther Menethil's party out of Silvermoon so they did not become caught up in the warlock investigation in the midst of troll threat. It was implied he owed the magistrix many more favors, though allowing the usage of his teleportation circle had eliminated one, at least.
Chapter Two: Casting Dice
After the sacking of Silvermoon at the hands of the orcish Horde and the Legion, Velameestra Windrunner reached out to Aethas to discuss her concerns about the possibility of warlocks having slipped through with the refugees in order to seed areas such as Dalaran or Capitol City with offshoots of the original cabal. He agreed that it was a legitimate concern, especially due to his own hypothesis that he had generated.
The result of this concern was the formation of a faction known as the Sunreavers, whose purpose was to rout out any warlock activity in Dalaran and, potentially, eventually serve as a strike force to destroy the Sunwell if no other options were presented.
Chapter Five: Civil War
During the showdown between Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, and their companions with the rogue bronze dragon Thaxdormu, the conflict dove through snippets of the timeline as it was "supposed" to be. One of these scenes showed Aethas, Lor'themar Theron, Rommath Pyrewing and a contingent of other blood elves as they broke into a Magister's Terrace that was in complete disarray to face down Kael'thas Sunstrider at the height of an extreme degree of fel corruption at the head of the Sunwell from whence he was attempting to summon a powerful demon. However, this scene was one that had not come to pass in the present timeline.
Appeared In
Chapter One: Matters of Life and Death
Chapter Two: Casting Dice
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Five (Alternate Timeline)
- Aethas's favorite color is dark blue.
- Aethas's favorite dish is a salad of fresh Thalassian greens with a hint of lemon and a light vinaigrette dressing, paired with soft breads and grilled poultry.
- Aethas has a hawkstrider named Moonfeather, named for the color of its feathers, which are dark blue as the night sky.
- Most of the young students of Dalaran are able to recite the previous three facts by heart, without taking a breath.
- Most of the young students of Dalaran sigh wistfully after reciting the previous three facts by heart, after taking a short breath.