[Horde] Chapter Two: Session Two
July 3rd
0:00 The scene opens with Azgadaan and Spinyl with Aracyra onboard the Vitiator. As they materialize onboard the ship, they find themselves in some sort of hangar. Aracyra starts to show them around, and they see a bunch of activity, including the creation of some golems and the like. The golems were Infernals.
There is the ambient sound of hoves clunking on metal throughout.
Aracyra apologizes for the military presence, though she admits there were multiple reasons for their arrival. Azgadaan asks if they are intending on invading the planet that had defeated the Legion before, why didn’t they bring more? Aracyra brushes off the question as she “isn’t a military commander.”
They also pass by a large, disembodied head-like creature which seems to be carrying various objects of interest in its tentacles. It also seems to be talking to somebody, though it’s hard to tell who.

It seems to be talking about some rather minor, mundane things. Namely, giving its side of a disciplinary situation that it had seen.
Aracyra leads them past some sort of resting chamber as not every creature in the Burning Legion requires sleep, and some require things other than sleep, and there seems to be a variety of different accommodations for these creatures.
Despite the name of the ship, it seems like the Vitiator doesn’t seem to be a primarily militaristic vessel. It’s more scientific.
Azgadaan knows that Kil’jaedan is the one in charge of the more scientific pursuits while Archimonde is more militaristic, however, Shaspira reports directly to Archimonde. For some reason, as the organization she heads, the Archival Authority, is outside of Archimonde’s normal sphere of command.
Aracyra also mentions that Arthak had started making a few waves, and Azgadaan humors her with the story of how he met him and “forced” him to become part of “Azgadaan’s” hunting party.
Aracyra laughs at the appropriate junctures. Spinyl backs him up.
They continue the tour and see more denizens of the Burning Legion and a variety of eredar at work. They had been touring for the better part of an hour.
Spinyl asks Aracyra if there is a place to freshen up, as she hadn’t really gotten a chance to, and Azgadaan had, well, not used something meant for that.
Aracyra takes a detour, and as they pass they hear a “speech” of some sort, or rather, some sort of sermon. Inside is a demon woman speaking excitedly to a group.

There are other members of her species, the Shivara, as well as several eredar of various ages and some other demonic species all listening.
“The time of our most important conquest comes! The fate of our destinies are entertwined with every member of this world. The Dark Lord watches from beyond the Veil. May his castagation send those who would stand against the Legion’s might burning to their knees. May they call out in hopeless vain as they realize the folly of their resistance!”
The fires flicker, and form into peculiar shapes. One is the symbol of the Legion.

Eventually, the trio finds themselves in a more dimly lit, more intricate section of the vessel. Aracyra directs them to a bed chamber and tells Spinyl that she is welcome to using her own chambers. The room looks very comfortable with a great number of plush artifacts and rugs. The immaculate bed looks absurdly comfortable. There are no windows, but on the walls are shimmering “portals” that warp and show a different view from somewhere else in the ship outwards. There are curtain-like pieces of fabric flowing from each side of the portals.
There are intricate dresses hanging in a wardrobe, which Aracyra hastily closes after apologizing for the “mess”.
Azgadan sputters upon seeing the dresses, and mentions the books nearby and asks if he can take a look. Aracyra welcomes him, and Spinyl suggests to Aracyra they could have girl time.
Aracyra gets genuinely excited about the idea, and she goes over to a small cube and presses a few buttons. She tells Azgadaan to let her know if he needs anything, and then dividing walls appear, separating the girls from Azgadaan so they can have some privacy if they want to try on clothes and things.
Azgadaan falls over as the walls appear, a bit surprised.
Azgadaan peruses the books, crystals, and other such artifacts and he drifts toward one on the history of Argus.
Meanwhile, back with the girls, Aracyra mentions that orcs are not the cleanest of individual, and she gestures to a small room that seems to emulate a washroom if Spinyl wants to freshen up. She waits while she does.
Spinyl asks Aracyra if Azgadaan can hear them, and Aracyra indicates not.
Spinyl admits she was a bit taken off guard that someone other than her Queen would know why she was here. Aracyra correctly guesses Spinyl wants to know why she knew. Aracyra is still combing her hair, and she smiles.
She explains that, at some point in every eredar’s life, they need to make a name for themselves.
Spinyl asks if she was scheming against her mother, and Aracyra says not. That goes against everything they believe, but it’s important to make your own contacts. Specifically, she had reached out to some individuals on Argus that she knew weren’t in contact with Shaspira.
Namely, the Queen of Bones and the Queen of Whispers don’t see eye to eye.
Spinyl laughs, saying she knows.
Aracyra mentions that the Queen of Whispers had not named anyone in particular, but had described some of her most beloved operatives, and Spinyl fit one of the descriptions.
Aracyra also mentioned she had some questions about the Queen of Whispers own agendas, but Spinyl probably couldn’t tell her. Spinyl confirmed, and also added she likely didn’t know anyway.
They talk a bit more, and Aracyra mentions that she didn’t have much chance to speak with eredar her own age, and even when she did, they didn’t speak with her candidly. Spinyl sympathizes with her.
Aracyra mentions that her father was the one that betrayed the Legion, and she had to simply prove she wasn’t his daughter.
Aracyra gets some alcohol, and Spinyl indulges a bit and tells Aracyra about the last two times she got really drunk she ended up waking up next to a dead orc.
Meanwhile, Azgadaan is looking through the various books and the like looking for clues to future events. He finds an account of the War of the Ancients he had not read before. It has a number of names and descriptions.
He starts to write down the names. Namely, they seem to be names of leaders of the kal’dorei resistance. Kur’talos Ravencrest, Malfurion Stormrage, and the like are some of them. It does also make vague reference to some complications, and some infighting relating among creatures native to Azeroth called dragons. Namely, a betrayal of one that is black of scale.
It seems like the account used to be complete, but it was rewritten.
Back with the girls, Aracyra mentions that, before long, they should collect Azgadaan. However, she mentions she would like to spend time together like this in the future.
Spinyl fiddles a finger around the glass and agrees, but then asks a favor. There was something she wanted to do. Namely, she mentions the incident and that Kaylaan had been incarcerated. Spinyl wants to try something, and she prefers that no one knows about it.
With the promise of more “girl time” later, Spinyl asks that Aracyra let her sneak off for a bit. Aracyra considers for a moment. And then she agrees. After all, she had no desire to hold Spinyl there against her will.
Spinyl asks if she had a way to keep in touch, but she says she doesn’t beyond short distances.
Spinyl asks if the ship was going to stay in touch, and Aracyra nods.
Spinyl suggests a more primitive way of keeping in touch. She uses minor illusion to conjure an image of a letter.
Aracyra admits that she has never communicated with parchment, and her eyes almost seem to sparkle. She asks if Spinyl will write the first one so she has something to base her’s off of, and Spinyl agrees.
Spinyl goes to slip off, and she asks Aracyra that she get Azgadaan back to the group before it got too late so Arthak didn’t get too mad, and she’s off.
A few moments later, Aracyra peeks in on Azgadaan. Azgadaan puts down the book. She asks him if he’s alright, and he said he just finished reading about Malfurion Stormrange.
Aracyra mentions he was one of the most powerful spellcasters on Azeroth, and that her mother had met him personally, though she didn’t speak of it much.
Azgadaan mentions that she should. To better prepare all of them. After all, spreading the information could only benefit. Aracyra agrees, but mentions that her mother was one for facts more than stories. Azgadaan counters there is always some facts in stories, and Aracyra mentions that the only stories she experienced were the ones she read.
Azgadaan humors her with a story of a world Shaspira and his mother conquered, and she asks him where he got all the stories. He implied it was his mother. She mentioned he must miss her. He said it’s a lot of questions remaining, and a lot to make up for.
Aracyra goes into her father, and how his name was stricken from their records as a traitor. She seems to be genuine.
They bond a bit, and Aracyra asks Azgadaan to tell her some more stories. She also mentioned that Spinyl had left, and was going to inform the others where he was and that he would be back by nightfall.
--- 1:20-
Meanwhile, back down on Draenor, Arthak had rejoined with the rest. He sees the Blackrock Veteran, Kurg, off, and then touches base with Remnii.
He suggests it may be a good idea for them to return with Thura to the rest of the clan. Arthak asks Remnii if she is able to send messages over long distances, and she said she likely could tomorrow. Also to Lantresor informing him to meet them and Thura halfway, and also ask if he is willing to take up the position as his second.
Remnii makes mental nods, but then asks about Kaylaan.
Arthak said that he violated a sacred orc tradition. He would be taking care of it, and him, before the night was out.
Yrel: “So he saved your life, and now you’re going to kill him?”
Arthak: “Yes. Yes I am.”
Yrel: “I don’t care if it’s a tradition, Arthak. You know that’s not right.”
Remnii: “Is there no other way?”
Arthak: “No. Anything else would… no anything else would damage our position and make it a useless sacrifice.”
Yrel grits her teeth and looks away.
Arthak: “What’s right does not carry much weight here. Not now. We do what we have to.”
Yrel: “I suppose we’ll see if anyone saves your life now. If this is the fate of those that do.”
Arthak: “Believe me, I’d rather they not. So. Remnii, you’ll be able to send those messages tomorrow.”
Remnii nods. She has a number of ideas where Go’el could be that she will try. However, if they do not reach him, she will inform Arthak.
Arthak thanks her. It is his intention to only be a day or two behind with the demons in tow.
Remnii asks Arthak to have mercy on Kaylaan. Yrel is not pleased with the situation. Samaara is also saddened by the circumstances. Sorak leads them off to meet up with Thura.
However, as they exit, not far from the entrance where the bodies were hung, Shaspira is present. She sees all of them, and her eyes fall on Remnii.
Shaspira: “So you… are Nuuri’s daughter, then?”
Remnii: “I am.”
Shaspira: “What a privilege it is to finally meet you. Your parents have caused a great deal of difficulties and stress for my people.”
She comments on the irony that it was Remnii who was left behind, and comments she probably stopped to “help an infant squirrel and missed her flight.”
There was a malice in Shaspira’s voice that wasn’t previously present.
She comments that she hoped that Remnii said good-bye to her father for the last time.
Yrel’s fist balls up, but both Samaara and Remnii stop her.
Shaspira comments that Yrel must be Restalaan’s daughter, and that it would be best that the “firebrand” not get her friends killed.
She then congratulates Arthak on his performance. They were counting on him. And every orc on Draenor is watching him - as may more than he realizes.
She drops a final barb at Remnii, and then leaves.
Remnii’s hands were shaking from the ambient aura of intimidation Shaspira had, and she breaks the mood by mentioning the snarky comments she wanted to make. Samaara is pleased she restrained herself. Yrel said she should have said something.
Arthak said that, ultimately, Remnii won the engagement.
The group then leaves to regroup with Thura. They manage to catch her a ways out.
That night, Remnii checks up on Yrel. Yrel expresses the Citadel is worse than the last time they were there. Remnii mentions she condemns what was being done to Kaylaan, and they both agree they wouldn’t leave each other. However, the Legion was going to try and push any and all honor from the orcs. And it’s frightening when there is nothing they could do.
They cheer each other up, expressing that ultimately the Legion is weak because they believe hope is weak.
Meanwhile, back at Hellfire Citadel, Arthak navigates to the Stormreaver areas. There seems to be a larger number of warlocks than any other clan. Namely, he needs to speak with Gul’dan in regards to a “commission.”
However, he was presently in a meeting. Arthak waits. With this warlock. Awkwardly.
He also teaches a young female warlock how to sharpen her sacrificial dagger.
After a bit, Gul’dan returns, and Arthak apologizes for the fact the commissions for Rend and Maim will likely be a bit late considering circumstances. Gul’dan tells him not to worry.
Arthak then offers an alternative. Instead of making Rend and Maim full suits of armor, he could make them weapons instead. Or a weapon for Gul’dan or his apprentice.
Gul’dan wraps an arm around Arthak, and agrees to such an alternative.
Arthak also encounters Cho’gall and informs him that they had recovered his Bag of Holding, and Azgadaan has been keeping it safe for them. He would have Azgadaan come by with it either that day or tomorrow.
Cho’gall, however, said they would find him when the opportunity arises.
Arthak would let Azgadaan known to expect his arrival, and Cho’gall also congratulates him.
The neophyte Arthak helped was introduced as Shisgor, and she also sees him off.
Arthak goes to the Warsong clan to talk to Garrosh. Namely, about their history. Regardless of what kind of history it was, they both had things to put their attention toward. It was time they put their bad blood behind them.
Garrosh eyes Arthak seriously. He comments he’s done quite a bit of growing.
He then comments on what Varok lost when Arthak emblazoned his skin with the stories of his parents. Resources. Face. All to keep Arthak safe. Did he expect Garrosh to do the same?
Arthak expressed that he would have done the same for Garrosh.
Garrosh: “Only a fool casts himself in front of a blade that strikes down an ally. Had I done the same, perhaps I would have been in the same position as your friend sequestered in Hellfire Citadel.”
He then comments on their present positions, with Arthak being the chief of a new clan, and Garrosh being poised to inherit the Warsong with the sons of Blackhand as his allies.
Arthak asked if that was what Garrosh wanted. When they were younger, he wanted to leave his father’s shadow, not “wrap it around himself like a swaddling cloth.”
Garrosh grabs his plate and expresses that, had he thrown himself on the executioner's block, would Arthak be where he is now? He tells Arthak to keep up. And then he turns to leave.
Arthak calls after him, then walks up to him when he turns around and goes to punch him. However, Garrosh catches his wrist.
Garrosh: “Are you finished? This isn’t a fight you want to take, Arthak. You have more important enemies to worry about, than to make one.”
Arthak: “Like I said. I’m here to end this. But there’s a few things to work through before we can bury that axe.”
Garrosh then punches him.
Arthak declares a mok’rogahn.
They start to roll around, flinging their fists at each other. A crowd starts to gather. Arthak lands a powerful hit, and Garrosh is knocked prone. Arthak then gets on top of him and punches again. Garrosh shoves him off, and then hits him twice.
They exchange more blows, and Arthak manages to throw Garrosh off enough that he is frightened for a moment.
Arthak steps back and makes the “bring it” motion, and after a moment Garrosh leaps on him again.
With a few more exchanges, they are starting to beat each other into bloody pulp, and blood is starting to flow freely.
At some point, Grom also appeared to watch.
The encounter continues, both orcs bellowing roars at each other as they continue to charge each other.
Arthak gets Garrosh down again, but Garrosh goes and headbutts him. However, he didn’t break free. Arthak continues the assault, and Garrosh is still unable to break free. Blood pools in his eyes, but he breaks free.
Finally, Garrosh manages to drop Arthak for a moment, but Arthak strikes back and misses. And Garrosh gets one final blow in by grabbing his head and smashing it over his knee.
Garrosh: “Heh… well-played, Arthak.”
As Arthak loses consciousness, Garrosh walks away.
Garrosh: “Make sure he doesn’t bleed out on me.”
MEANWHILE, WITH SPINYL. She lands on one of the parapets of the Citadel, completely invisible. She slips by several orc guards without a problem.
She looks about the dimly lit, grim dungeon area, she sees a malnourished bird person, several orcs, and an anthropomorphic tiger person who sniffs around through the bars. However, an orc hits it over the head.
Spinyl manages to get to Kaylaan’s cell, who is commenting on the lack of final wishes and last meals. However, there are orcs right nearby.
Spinyl slips around and hides to wait. She enhances her invisibility to cast it with subtle spell, but fails her corruption check. Her horns and claws almost feel a bit sharper.
A warden comes up and relieves the two guards.
Spinyl approaches, and she flickers into view.
Spinyl: “Don’t be concerned.”
As the warden looks at her, her voice almost takes on an otherworldly quality.
Warden: “Oh, it’s you.”
Spinyl: “Yes, I wanted to visit a friend before… well.”
Warden: “Of course.”
He walks off a bit, and Spinyl looks at Kaylaan, who greets her, a bit surprised. He asks if Arthak was able to negotiate his freedom, and she said she doesn’t know, but knowing orcs it was unlikely.
Kaylaan asks what the plan is.
Spinyl mentions that they need to take care of the guard quickly, because he is charmed currently, but once it ends he will remember.
They talk things out briefly, and Spinyl calls the warden over and asks if he can let her in so she can give Kaylaan a hug. The warden immediately complies and hands her the keys.
She then asks for his weapon because she wants to “Reward him” and he gets a really dumb look on his face. And Spinyl goes and gives him a kiss. As she does, the dumb grin washes away and his veins start to strain against him as his life essence is drained away.
In a flicker of black smoke, Kaylaan’s blade appears in his hand, and he goes off on the warden. He grapples the warden and clamps his hand over his mouth, but the warden breaks free and shouts “INTRUDER”.
The warden reverses the grapple on Kaylaan, but Kaylaan holds on to his weapon, and Kaylaan finishes him off. She turns them both invisible and book it.
They then part ways, and Spinyl mentions that she would give him a kiss for luck, but that would be “in poor taste.” Kaylaan laughs and says next time he “sees” her.
Spinyl, meanwhile, flies back to the ship and makes it look like she was just coming out of it. That’s when she sees a flicker of bright green energy as Aracyra and Azgadaan step out.
Spinyl greets them and lies through her teeth that she was trying to find Arthak, and successfully fools Azgadaan, who was the one she was trying to fool.
All three of them then go to try and find Arthak. However, as they do, they see the hulking form of Cho’gall going through the camp. Azgadaan and Aracyra are arm in arm again.
They spy Azgadaan. They lumber over to meet him, and they greet both him and Aracyra.
Azgadaan identifies them as Cho’gall, and he immediately mentions he helped out his caravan previously.
Cho’gall mentions that one of Azgadaan’s group had informed them that Azgadaan had safekept an item from it. Azgadaan said he had appropriated an item as a “reward” of sorts, and Cho’gall said they needed it back, but they would reward him handsomely.
Azgadaan asks what the reward would be, and Cho’gall said that they couldn’t speak such secrets in public, but he would be in his debt.
Azgadaan agrees, but requests they give him a day as he has many things in the bag. Cho’gall agrees, and asks that they seek them out on the morrow.
They then proceed to go and find Arthak. They hear rumors about a Mok’rhogan, and Spinyl hears the name “Arthak” as well as Garrosh.
They then go to investigate.
In the process, they encounter a woman named Glaasha, who asks if there was another orc of the same name traveling with Arthak. Spinyl says she thinks she got herself killed by getting incinerated by a fireball. Glaasha believes her, and said they weren’t a very good impersonator then.
The crone that Glaasha was speaking with who was tending to Arthak wakes him up.
Spinyl greets Arthak, as does Aracyra. Who comments that his people has a very peculiar style of medicine (referring to the crone having sprayed water in Arthak’s face and shouted for him to get up).
Arthak mentions that he needs to get to the prison, and they inform him it seems someone escaped.
Arthak also mentions that Cho’gall was looking for him. Azgadaan said he was already found, and then asked why that was.
Arthak said he told Cho’gall about the bag.
Azgadaan punches Arthak and Arthak immediately gets knocked out again.
Aracyra demands to be appraised of the situation, and Spinyl suggests they leave the boys to it and she’ll explain.
She explains that it looks bad with orc politics if Arthak runs to an eredar for everything, so there needs to be some show. Aracyra asks if Azgadaan claimed the bag and Arthak told the ogre about it, and that’s why the ogre approached them. Spinyl confirmed.
Aracyra commented that if the Horde was to be part of things, this would not stand.
Spinyl: “Boys will be boys, it’s up to people like us to turn them into men.”
Aracyra accepts that, and congratulates Spinyl on “something”. She also says that she looks great.
Meanwhile, the crone awakens Arthak again and Azgadaan states he won’t do it again, he just had to “redraw some lines”. They proceed to walk toward the dungeons, and Azgadaan said they would have to find someplace to dump his stuff later. Thanks to Arthak. Given Azgadaan has some illicit things in it.
Arthak mentions he hadn’t forgotten. He also informs Azgadaan about the attack on Sorak and the draenei, and Azgadaan mentions he had thought Aracyra worth keeping an eye on. However, he had determined he had been wrong and she wasn’t much of a threat.
They get to the dungeons and see the signs of a struggle. Arthak is able to identify the wounds on the warden were caused by Kaylaan’s sword.
The orcs aren’t sure how he was capable of escaping.
They ask if the wolves were given Kaylaan’s arm to get his scent, and as soon as they got the orders, they did in fact send the wolves out. Arthak requests the arm back.
The next morning, Remnii has prepared sending and he sends a message to Lantresor informing him that they are on their way and Arthak requested that Lantresor meet them halfway. Arthak wanted to speak with him about being his second as well.
Lantresor confirms back, and they make a rendezvous point.
Remnii tries Go’el in the Frostfire Ridges, but can’t get him. So she tries Nagrand, and is able to get him. She informs him that they are going to the Frostfire Ridges to try and find him.
Go’el returns that he will go to the Frostfire Ridges and will find them.