[Alliance] Session Eight
Backtracking to the night previous
As night falls in Eversong, Gil goes to meet with Vereesa. She is fletching some arrows and ensuring her bow is in good condition and generally relaxing before she turns in for the evening herself. The Enclave is quiet - most have gone to bed or are still ranging. She smiles when she sees Gil and asks what she can do.
Gil says there was a lot that happened recently and that it’s been really hard on his sister especially. Vereesa says she understands and makes note that Vel’s hatred for trolls is particularly severe, but they will get to the bottom of things even if Alleria has to burn down every catacomb to find Arator.
Gils says he knows and sits down near here, but he expresses he isn’t sure, which causes a question from Vereesa. He explains he isn’t sure he’s doing the right thing with Rai.
Vereesa stops and leans back and says there is no way he could be sure because she isn’t even sure if what he’s doing is right as it would ultimately be safer to simply “take care” of him. While he could be of some use, there is clearly more to the story that Rai isn’t telling anyone.
Gil said he was out alone, and Vereesa expresses that the question is why he was caught alone. Gil says it wouldn’t be the first time, and Vereesa mentioned that was suspicious in itself. Ultimately, Gil may be right, but it won’t be easy whatever Gil chooses to do - despite the fact Rai is in Gil’s custody.
Gil said he is only worried about what certain people think, and Vereesa said he should be more worried about what people do. Likely the only reason Gil is being permitted to try is because of who he is.
Vereesa: “Throwing your name around may be the only way to keep that poor little creature alive.”
Vereesa also expressed that Rai is not what she envisioned when she heard of a troll captive.
She advises Gil to be careful, in which Gil responds that he’s always careful. It’s just that Sylvanas is scary and it’ll be tough convincing her of something.
Gil then asks Vereesa to do him a favor, and he asks her to return Nirenn’s engagement ring to where to belongs as she would likely be back at the Windrunner estate before he would. She is rather confused, and Gil quickly explains about the encounter with Nirenn’s banshee.
She says she will return it, though she is concerned about how it got there in the first place. She asks if Gil had investigated Windrunner Village to see if the grave had been disturbed, and Gil said Caleron and Zaeneas had gone to do such while they went to Silvermoon.
Vereesa was concerned more of their dead were being desecrated, and then she thanks Gil for giving her the ring and assures him it will get back to where it needs to. When she asks if he needed anything else, Gil just hugs her and she hugs him back.
Vereesa: “If you had tried to escape without giving me one of these, you would have been hunted down by more than one of your aunts. It’s good to see you again. Hopefully we will be able to catch up better soon.”
Gil then asks if Rhonin would be back in the area, and Vereesa said he would be meeting her in Lordaeron. Gil nods and asks if it would be hard to get ahold of him, and she agreed but said it would be likely he’d find a way to get in touch.
Gil expressed Vel trusts him a lot, and Vereesa said he only finds a solution to things. Gil makes a comment about that may be why the twins are so “creative”.
She then abides him to get some sleep, as he has a long flight tomorrow and it would do him well not to fall off the dragonhawk. He then goes to where Rai is being held to keep a close guard to him.
Early the next morning, after Vel awoke with the ring, she went to go talk to Rai. Gil was there as well, and Rai is curled up in his cell in a fetal position. He is able to curl up into a perfect ball and it is quite impressive. He is a tiny troll. So very tiny.
Gil sees Vel approach. She is still incredibly sore. Gil asks if she’s alright, and she asks she is surprised to see him there. She informs Gil she has woken up with the ring on her finger once again. She is 95% certain that the spell being cast on her is voodoo. She has come to Rai with questions. Gil responds that he might not know every single spell. Vel still wants to ask, and thinks it’s useful to get out what information she can before her aunt puts an arrow through his skull. Gil flinches and lets her through.
Vel approaches Rai and asks for more information about teleportation. She asks for incantations. Rai says there were some incantations, but he didn’t recognize the language. He didn’t know what they were saying. He was scared, and it wasn’t a language they had heard of. Gil mentions that not everyone has a photographic memory.
Rai doesn’t know a lot about of things. Vel mentions that it was a mix of conjuration and necromancy, and Rai doesn’t recognize either of those words. Gil mentions different cultures. Vel then shows him the ‘bite’ on her finger. This makes Rai’s eyes widen with fear. He says it’s reallyyyy not good. He says it’s a really bad hex. He doesn’t know the specifics, but it’s not easy to get rid of. She asks what it does, and he doesn’t know. Vel says she’s been feeling sore, and Rai worries that means it’s already started. It’s called the Hungering Hex, and it’s never slated. She asks how quickly it comes into effect, and Rai doesn’t know. He also doesn’t know if there is any way to delay it. Vel asks if his “king” would know. Rai responds that he’s no king, and he shouldn’t be alive. Vel says she already knew that.
Rai says he doesn’t know what brought him back, but he’s back and he wants be eat everything. And all the trolls that work with him are fools.
Vel frowns, and looks back at Gil. She was expecting more than that. Gil asks Rai if he knows someone that could help. Rai looks down and says that he doesn’t. He’s very clearly lying. Gil asks who he knows. He says “she” can’t help, probably.” “She” is the chief of his tribe. But he doesn’t think she would help. He doesn’t know what she would do. He doesn’t think there is a chance.
Gil mentions to Vel that they’ll need to talk to their aunt to ensure that Rai will stay safe. Vel says she’ll continue to ask him questions at a later time. The two bid each other farewell and head back to bed.
The rest of the night passes without incident. Vel sleeps in a chair and feels slightly less sore. The enjoy a nice elven breakfast of fruits, nuts, salad and poultry.
The group heads to where the dragonhawks (/revision/latest?cb=20060918152438) are.
They are located around a spire, and are magically bound to a certain area.. There are a ton of colors between oranges, reds, and yellows. Some are larger than others, the size of a small car all the way down to about cat-sized.
Elissa has not blinked as she stares, and Gil waves a hand in front of her face. She was stunned as she had never seen dragonhawks before. Zap says they're just like rams. Vel says they’re nothing like rams. Zap agrees.
Elissa asks if they can ride the rams sometime too, and Zap said if they head down to Alterac he knows a guy. Gil asks if he can come too. Zap responds that of course he could. Gil hugs him and gets oil all over him.
Vereesa had accompanied them and hands each of them a voucher to be turned into the handler - including the troll. She also hands Gil a pair of manacles and the prison transfer paperwork from the Enclave to Silvermoon. Rai has, understandably, never ridden a dragonhawk before. Varessa responds that he best be careful, as most of them are trained to eat trolls. The elves have a good chuckle. Even Vel smirks. Very faintly.
Vereesa said that they should get a move on before Alleria caught sight of them, and Gil agrees and then hugs his aunt again. Tess hands Vereesa a letter and asks if she could ensure it got sent back to Last Crossing for her mother. It is addressed to “Mia Stone” instead of, well, any reference of Greymane.
The group hands the vouchers to the young elf woman in charge of the dragkonhawks. They are all very pretty. Zap’s is very small and stumpy brown one that tries very hard. The horses, meanwhile will be transported via a caravan. They get along well with their dragonhawks.
They take off through the canopies of the Eversong Woods, and they are greeted with an absolutely beautiful sight of Eversong from above. The spiraling towers of the elven architecture are fully visible, the peaks of the mountains, and the forests that once belonged to the jungle trolls are to the east, and to the north the radiant city of Silvermoon is far in the distance. Even further there is a bright golden beam piercing the clouds, which the elves know is coming from the Sunwell. It is really fucking pretty.
Elissa is absolutely enraptured by everything, however Rai is practically choking his dragonhawk in terror. Ashwynn, however, seems to be born to be in any sort of saddle. The combined streams of blonde hair billowing from Uther and Ashwynn’s heads in the wind almost compares to Zap’s glorious beard.
It’s a long-ish flight, but the dragonhawks are built for this and arrive in about six to seven hours. It’s about 4 pm when they arrive in Silvermoon. There is another tower like the one at the Enclave near the city, and the dragonhawks instinctively know to head toward there. Their collars seem to be able to be reactivated once they get into range.
Silvermoon City itself is absolutely gorgeous. They land and the dragonhawk tamers quickly get the beasts into position so their riders can dismount as they coil around different things. As soon as Rai gets off he collapses to his knees and dry heaves out of complete and utter terror.
Tess goes and asks if he’s alright, though as she does a number of elves wearing armor draw their swords and start to approach. Gil says he has a document and that the troll is with them. Two members of the Guardians of Eternal Spring that seem to be in charge takes the document and mentions that it looks like the most casual prison transfer he’s ever seen.
Rai is shaking in terror, and Gil says it isn’t difficult to keep him in line. One of the elves asks if the troll is going to the Farstrider barracks, and Gil says that was the plan. He then says to stay of trouble. Zap laughs, and the elf stares him down, then glances at all the humans present, and said that also goes for the rest of them before the group took off.
The non-elf members of the party, especially the dwarf, get looks from the cityfolk.
They start to head towards the barracks while Gil, Zap, and a few others banter. As they approach the gates there are elves with bows and also some members of the Spellbreaker Legion. As they pass, Zap seems to have been “randomly selected” for some additional screening. They find several sticks of dynamite, ammunition, his gadgets, his blaster gun, his discombobulation ray, his chain whip, a mechanical squirrel, Baron Buzz Buzz, and the like.
One of the Spellbreakers picks up the squirrel and gets grease on his hand, sighs, and then puts it back and washes his hands off and then asks if Zap has the proper paperwork.
Zap deferred him to “Gilveradin Windrunner of the Windrunner clan.”
Gil turns and vouches for the group, and the Spellbreaker says any trouble will be referred to his superiors.
They enter through the gate and are greeted with the most radiant city the non-elves had ever witnessed. There are elf civilians everywhere. Some are shopping, talking, studying, etc. There is a minstrel strumming a jaunty tune on a lyre and several children gather around and watch illusionary figures dance through the air. There are guards patrolling, and a couple arcanists are sitting near a fountain reading (Vel’s people). A few arcane constructs are patrolling the area and bleeping out Thalassian sayings and greetings. They are offering directions to those that ask.
Gil stops the group and says it’s time to divide and conquer. He said that he assumed Ashwynn and Uther will go talk to the king first, (Vel trusts no one) and he said that Tess would go pick… nevermind, as Tess is basically forced onto going with Vel, claiming, “It shouldn’t be too bad!”
Zap heard something strange from the Spellbreaker, he muttered something like, “Too many dwarves in the city…” It sounds as though he’s not the only dwarf in the city. There was also, “... menagerie…” It was implying that there’s some unique characters.
As Zap contemplates things he hears, “I think dat’s the guy! Come On it’s a Dwarf ins Silvermoon.”
There are two Goblins. One is wearing a business suit and a fedora. The other is wearing goggles, he has singed hair on his head. He’s got soot marks where his goggles should be. The Goblins flag Zap down.
“You’re Thazdorkan, yeah?” They ask.
They drop off a gift for him. There is a loud BOOMBOOMBOOM and a huge hobgoblin comes out of an alley carrying a massive crate. It waddles toward them, and the crates seems to even be too busy for him “Here you gooooo.” He says and then drops the crate before Zap.
The business-suit wearing goblin says Zap needs to sign, and holds out a paper to him. There’s a letter on the package:
“Dear Zappy,
Zappy-wappy, because you have poor hygiene, have some gum, Sugar-free. See if you can find the prize.
Love, your Darling ex-wife.”
The business suit-wearing goblin gestures to a variety of different places Zap needs to sign, but Zap says he just heard the king calling for him and immediately took off (He cheesed it). Gil offers to sign for Zap instead, and Gil just signs Zap’s name.
When the goblin asks for Gil’s name, he says it’s “Arthas Menethil.”
The box blocks the road, a cart is now trapped behind it. An elf, atop the cart, begins to fuss over the crate. The party stares at the crate, dumbfounded.
Gil summons Ashwynn to try and find Zap. Gil then asks Elissa to move the gum after an arcane golem mozied over and said they have 5 minutes to unblock the road. Elissa pushes her back against it and, slowly but surely, it starts to move. She gestures for some help, and together some members of the party help her to move it out of the way.
Gil then asks Elissa to help him push it all the way to the Farstrider Enclave in the city. Elissa suggests they find a cart, and Gil has someone go find a cart. Tess and Vel had already left, and Ashwynn went to go find Zap.
While Zap was fleeing he took a left and came upon a sign. To the right it pointed to the Row of Shadows, the Court of the Sun, the Palace, and Farstrider Square. To the left was the bazaar and some other things. Zap went left again.
As Zap runs through a bunch of people he is pretty confident no one is following as he looks over his shoulder. However, in doing so, he crashes right into a big wooden cart. A piece of wood goes flying, and a wheel rolls off. The area is now slick with soap, and he slips and falls on his back in a puddle of something. A young elvish woman and a slightly older elvish man are off to the side, and the woman has her hands outstretched with a stream of water flowing out of her hands. She cuts off the stream and asks what the “clumsy dwarf” was doing.
Zap: “Making poor decisions.”
Zap sees a sign in Thalassian he can’t read, but he is able to surmise he crashed into a “cart wash”.
The man stands up angrily. “Blood ‘ells are you thinking just running through the bazaar?”
Zap: “Listen fella, you ever been married before?”
Elf: “No.”
Zap: “Then ya wouldn’t understand.”
The man said the cart was very expensive and Zap just busted one of the wheels clean off. Zap asked how much it ran, and the man responded 300 gold and that Zap had ruined it. Zap commented then that he needed the services of a skilled engineer. Zap basically offered to fix it, and the man said his boss wouldn’t be happy with the dwarf.
Zap said if the elf gave him an hour, he’d have the cart running better than ever, and if not then he would just compensate him in full. The man went on a tirade, and then there was another voice.
“Now, uh, what wasn’t I gonna like?”
As Zap turns around he sees a dwarf. He is wearing messy leather armor over chainmail, and there is a pretty sizeable longsword and a pistol at his hip. His right eye is missing and he has an eyepatch over it, and he has blondish red hair tied back into a messy braid. His beard twirls into two straight braids. He grabs a flask and undoes it and takes a swig.
“And who da hell are you supposed ta be?”
“Alright, I will try to make this as short and simple and possible…” And then he goes on and goes into a big explanation and mentions a lot of the nobility he was traveling with.
The other dwarf blinks, and slowly takes another drink.
Zap also said he had a nice beard. The dwarf thanked him as he put the cap back on his flask.
“What’s that you said about princes and princesses?”
“I am a member of the traveling companions of Prince Uther Menethil.”
The dwarf nods, and Zap also dropped a few more names, explained the situation further, and apologized.
The other dwarf fishes in his pocket and then pulls out a single gold coin that he flips in the air and catches it on his hand. He tosses the gold coin behind him after he looks at the result, and then just tells Zap to fix the cart.
Zap says he will, and then dwarf lazily walks over to a nearby crate and then just hops up and sits on the crate to watch Zap do what he does.
Zap was very easily able to repair the cart. He even washes it while he was repairing it, and meanwhile the other dwarf was simply drinking from his flask.
Dwarf: “Ya said your name was Zap?”
Zap: “Aye, Zap Rusthammer.”
Dwarf: “That’s a fucking weird dwarf name.”
Zap: “Ah, you’re telling me. It used to be Brightaxe.”
“Well, now that ya fixed the cart I ain’t got much else to do.” The dwarf shrugs and tosses a few coins to the woman that was washing the cart. Zap asks the dwarf where he was headed, and he said he was heading to the most seedy tavern in Murder Row as that was where the rest of his company was at - at least the ones that hadn’t gotten lost.
Then he nods and turns to walk away. As he walks away, the crest he has on his shoulder clicks. It is the sigil of a well-to-do mercenary company called the Aurum Blades. A mercenary company that is lead by a half-elf. Zap also knows that the company has more half-elves than anything else, but there are a few humans, a few elves, and a singular dwarf (which he just met).
Zap decides he wants to hang out with them, and he asks if the dwarf wants some company as he could use a spot of ale before he found his companions. The other dwarf shrugs and said it didn’t matter.
Zap: “Alright, it’s a date.”
Dwarf: “Ya got a fucking weird dwarf name, but ya still drink alcohol.”
Zap mentions his family’s brew, and the other dwarf refers to it as “ant piss”. Zap said it was his “pappy’s” brew, and the dwarf said he “must be proud,” which Zap admitted that he really wasn’t.
The dwarf leads him back to the fork in the direction of the Shadow row, which everyone in the area calls Murder Row. The dwarf asks Zap why it might be called that. Zap ponders that it might have a high rate of murders.
The two head to the Bleeding-Sun tavern. A high elf seedy-tavern is the equivalent of a normal tavern by any other standard. BUT MEANWHILE
~~~~~Hoppin’ on over to see Talath ~~~~~~ o 3o
Vel and Tess head out towards the Walk of the Elders. There’s lots of high buildings.
“Am I really that untrustworthy?”
“Would you truly want me to say outloud why you are, truly?”
“I don’t want to hurt you guys, I’m all for this, you know.” Tess frowns.
“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Tess sighs and hopes that one day Vel will trust her. They continue in a stiff silence. Vel explains that Tess should try explaining things upfront. Tess then says that they wouldn’t have wanted her travel with the party.
“It would be a non-issue then, hm?” Vel says, cold.
Without missing a beat
“If I weren’t here, you would have killed Uther.” Tess retorts.
Vel stares icily, the temperature seems to drop. She says nothing else.
They walk the rest of the way, Vel can see a familiar figure as they approach. He’s fair haired, wearing work clothes with rolled up sleeves. Despite being an Elf, he looks like a good, honest worker. It’s Talath Dawnsworn.
Vel looks at him, she curses her brother under her breath.
Talath looks around warmly, until his eyes fall on Vel. “By the sun! Velameestra, is that you!”
They exchange pleasantries, and Talath worries about his shirt and how dirty he is. Vel didn’t expect to see him here. The shop belongs to a woman named Kalinda. She states their purpose, looking for silver bars.
Vel introduces Tess as they enter the shop. Talath looks to Vel and he notes the necklace is getting good mileage. He’s happy that it matched and that it looks so good on him. She compliments his sense of color.
That’s an elf inside with long red hair in a pony tail. She’s trying, hardcore, to set gemstones into a piece. She’s interrupted by Talath. The woman greets her apprentice, and Talath introduces Vel and Tess to Kalinda Redwing. (At Vel she goes, “oHHH”). The shop is called Redwing Jewelers. Talath has apparently spoken highly of Vel.
They explain their purpose once more, and she puts on some reading glasses to look over pricing and figures. They just want one bar-- it will run them 250 GP (With Talath’s puppy eyes). Talath fetches a bar, he offers to bring it to wherever they’re going.
Kalinda tries remind him of chores, but he promises he’ll work double-time. Kalinda relents. Talath asks where they’re going and they determine their next course of action. He’s smiling wide as he’s free, “thank you” he mouths to Kalinda. Kalinda smiles softly.
Vel heads out, Tess and Talath in tow. She’s walking a tad stiffly.
As they walk, Talath tries small talk. He asks how things are, Vel turns it around on him before he can learn too much. He’s just genuinely into how she is. Talath also turns to Tess and asks how she met Vel and how they became friends. She answers noncommittally, a little stiff, with a smile.
Talath is amazed by adventuring, as he’s not the type. He needs stability. They discuss homesickness, as Tess likes the sound of that. He wants to know more about her home once she knows, he invites Tess and Vel (omg) back. He also explains that he wants to make jewelry as beautiful as their homeland-- Tess thinks it’s beautiful.
“Always running off to learn more secrets, huh?” Talath says, wistfully. He also supports her, as she’s the one who can crack those secrets.
Uther tracks someone down to rent-a-cart from. He finds it, he moves to go. Elissa… when he looks, isn’t there. There’s a crowd. There’s no Elissa. They’ve become separated.
Uther calls for his knight. He looks around, peering through the crowd, he sees her. She’s over off into a corner, there’s a number of half-elf boys/ruffians. They’re between the ages of 15-25. They’re wearing mismatched armor, but they have a small metal patch on their armor. A small golden patch with a sword on it.
Uther approaches, he can hear one of the boys talking to Elissa. She takes a step back, not quite going for her sword, but she’s defensive. “Now how did a girl like you get armor, and a sword… and a shield like that? I don’t reckon you know how to use it, do you missy?”
Elissa rebuffs, and she goes to leaves. The boy steps in front of her-- stopping her, claiming to make friends. When asked her name, she gives it, but she tries to move around. They surround her as she tries to leave.
Uther is now in talking distance, but he has faith in Elissa. He knows that Elissa is no damsel. He’s ready to step in at any point, though.
Elissa fiddles with her sword for a moment. She tells them that she’s a knight and asks them to stand down before they regret it.
With shit eating grins, they rebuff her-- laughing at her claims. The Ringleader guesses that she’s just playing soldier.
Elissa closes her eyes, grip on a sword, she won’t be provoked, though. She asks them to leave, again.
The boys refuse to leave her alone, claiming “friends.” He thumbs over the knives on his hip, and he demands her sword/shield from her. Elissa’s grip on her sword happens.
Uther steps in, “Ah! Lady Elissa, there you are!”
The boys back off some, questioning who he is. He’s no one important, he says, but he’s her Lord. One of the boys makes the comment that he must be the “prince of Lordaeron” or something.
“Astute observation, friend.” Uther smiles.
“You’re kidding me, you’re going with this king thing, huh? This is hilarious, isn’t it?”
“The vernage you used there? Letting us go? Ohhhh, my dear child, I’m afraid you’re out of your element.”
Another voice cuts in, “You know Markus, there’s always the chance they’re telling the truth. You don’t want to play with fire, do you?” They see an elf wearing the same symbol. He’s got a kind smile on, looking at his compatriots. This boy is almost 16.
The half-elves frown, telling the boy, Theo, to shove off.

Theo says that this kind of stuff will get back to the boss. He wants them to leave the girl alone. He points to Uther’s armor, the Silver Hand armor, and says that he wouldn’t fight knights.
The half-elf spits and he scowls at Theo with the comment “You can’t suckle on your mom’s teet forever.” (rude)
Uther greets Theo and he introduces himself as Theo Goldensword. He says that the group was part of the same mercenary company as himself, and their actions reflecting poorly wasn’t a good thing seeing his mother was the leader.
Theo expressed that if Uther saw anyone else with the Aurum Blade symbol acting like idiots to please let someone else with the symbol know as it was time “trim the fat.”
Before Theo left Uther explained they had come into possession of some sugar-free gum and explained they needed a cart. Theo said he could probably part with one of his company’s and offered to take them to get one.
Conveniently, Tess, Vel, and Talath show up.
“I see the gum hasn’t moved yet.” Vel deadpans.
Theo asks if Elissa was hurt-- she’s all good. Uther checks on the status of the metal, in which Talath introduces himself to the prince. They exchange pleasantries. Uther says he appreciates the deal that Talath got them. (Vel can tell that Theo is… mainly elf, but there’s a little something, something.)
They’re all invited to the “seedy tavern.” Gil has yet to be seen. Theo thinks for a moment, and asks if Zap is a dwarf, which Vel confirms and Theo states that their dwarf also has a tendency to stumble into convenient places.
Theo recognizes Vel as a Windrunner, and Vel in turn recognizes Theo’s last name as the same one as Magistrix Kilnar Goldensword. He confirms she is his grandmother.
There is some more banter as they continue to the tavern in “Murder” Row. Eventually, they find the Bleeding Sun in. It’s built into the side of a row-house kind of place. The door has a bright red sun on the door, with red paint dripping down. Theo invites them in, and tells them not to breathe too deep. Vel raises an eyebrow at Uther, he ehHHhHhHHHs at her.
Uther steps into the tavern. There is no poetry in this tavern. One of the few that doesn’t have poetry. What heathens for elves.
No one stays outside, Talath looks slightly nervous, but slightly excited! The adventurer's life! Two dwarves sit in there, amongst the company, it’s Zap and the gnarly Dwarf with the cart from before. Zap is telling him a story. The gnarly dwarf isn’t particularly amused.
Nearby, they can see a lot of people around. Some of the Aurum Blade sigil. There’s two half elves, notably, too. The woman has bright blue hair.

Zap is surprised to see his party. Said party meanders to meet him through the crowd and they sit at a large, long table. The dwarf looks at the party and correctly identified them as the prince and Zap’s other companions.
Uther informs him of of the kinds of things the group has been up to today, including the run in with some young mercenary roughians.
The dwarf asks if they are members of the Aurum Blades, and Uther confirms they shared the same sigil. The dwarf asks Theo who it was, and Theo says it’s the same people that normally get up to trouble.
The dwarf’s stein might be magical, as he keeps drinking from it though it seems to be empty. Vel asks him about it, and the dwarf inspects is. He finds it to be empty, and just takes another swig. Vel rolls her eyes. Zap tells the group that this is his new friend.
Theo introduces the other mercenaries- Feerea and Derevan, and the dwarf’s name is Thaxdorlin.
Just then, the commander strolls into the tavern. Finnall Goldensword, a half elf. She bows and introduces herself. She then asks Uther for his name, and he gives it.
She steps forward with a cheeky smile and leans forward and comments that the situation is funny and she was always really curious. Uther asks what she was curious as to what, and she responds that they should play a game and he should imagine her with long hair, a dress, and a crown. Uther admits that she bears a strong resemblance to his mother, Finnel responds that her eyes are a dead give away.
“Not the most pristine place for a family reunion, but it’s nice to meet you finally.”
“We skipped a step… are you.?
‘Auntie Goldensword will be fine, I promise.”
“Aun.. Aun.. my? Are you… Are you my mother’s sister?”
“Half sister, yse. Your grand pappy wasn’t as half as faithful as your grandmother would have hopes. But, I mean, he was young. My mother was quite striking, I can’t blame him.”
“Well, ah, well…” Uther clears throat multiple times.
“If you clear your throat 2 more times, you might be able to say something.”
“It is a pleasure to finally meet you Aunt… Auntie Goldensword.”
“Oh, and while we’re at it… that would make him your cousin.” She gestures to Theo.
“Yes, I suppose it would.” Theo seems to be just as surprised as Uther is.
Finnall says that, if he wants, Uther could ask her mom for the details, but their relation is at least for sure. Uther says they may have to have a small celebration, and Finnall agrees and says that drinks are on her, but the dwarves are capped at five. Thaxdorlin gives her the middle finger, and Zap is disappointed.
Finnall said she had, for a while, wanted to go meet her half-relatives but never got the chance. She asked Uther if his siblings were with him, and he said just Ashwynn was. Finnall commented that Jaina probably heard the rumors but didn’t want to believe it.
Finnall commented that her birth was almost 50 years ago, and he just had to go and get himself killed anyways.
Uther asked if Finnall knew that for sure, and she admitted she did not and, in fact, was probably stubbornly refusing to die. She then offered a toast to Daelin Proudmoore and Uther agreed. Everyone else did raise their steins.
Finnall then mentions that her mother would very much like to meet and speak with Vel. Vel is surprised but agrees. With that, business is done, Finnall says they’re heading to Stormwind next. There are a bunch of issues there, including some troll sightings. Vel is triggered. Uther finds this interesting. They drink and make merry for the rest of the night.
Uther rallies the group, saying they need to find Gil and talk to the Elf King.
Zap had inquired of Thaxdorlin if he knew of any explosives like what the gnolls had, and he in fact did use them, but he did not have any missing. He then asks Zap to see his gun, and he starts to take it apart with extreme expertise and looks at every little bit and then puts it back together again and comments “not bad.” They talk a bit about attachments. Clearly he’s some sort of engineer. He stands up to go to bed, and nearly falls over as he toddles his way out.
Theo calls “goodnight, Thax.” However, as he goes to climb the stairs he suddenly stops and stares really hard at the group, and then stares really hard at Zap, but then shakes his head and goes upstairs.
Vel suggests that they find somewhere to treat as a “home base” so Talath can put the silver down, and it’s decided they could probably stay at the Farstrider barracks.
---MEANWHILE at the barracks---
Gil gets the barracks and after a bit of waiting he is brought into the command center. And there is Sylvanas. She has a map of the ENTIRETY of the Eastern Kingdom. It’s very detailed. It has height, contours, and little pieces all over the place to represent patrols, individual rangers, and the like. There is a piece for each Ranger-Captain on the map, and there are tiny totems that represent troll encampments and the like. They are not just in Quel’Thalas. Some are near Ironforge, some are Stormwind, some are even in Lordaeron.
When Gil looks to Sylvanas, her hands are braced on either side. “Farstrider Gilveradin, it’s good to see you.” She doesn’t look at him.
Gil comments it is good to her as well, and refers to her as Ranger-General.
Sylvanas returns the pleasantry. They both wish for better times. Sylvanas notes the trolls are moving more, and she doesn’t know what they’re up to. SI7 agents and contacts are reporting similar activities. Sylvanas surmises that they’re bolstering numbers. Gil expresses that that number was too many, and Sylvanas agrees that it was far too many. Gil suggests they are probably bolstering their numbers.
Sylvanas said that Gil probably already knew how they were doing that, and she said that Zalazane has powerful magics at work and was not going to stop until everything is burned down. It may be the beginning of the Third Troll Wars.
Gil has never looked so nervous in his entire life. Sylvanas asked why Gil had come and confirmed she knew about his captive.
Gil explains what happened with the raid on the gnoll encampment, and Sylvanas commented that he chose to then bring him to Silvermoon. Gil said yes, and that it wasn’t often that they found a troll that was willing to help, and Sylvanas asked how they knew the troll wasn’t going to subvert their defenses and get into the royal crypts. Gil says because they would kill him before he had the chance.
Sylvanas explains that she can’t make the decision about Rai alone. The Convocation of Silvermoon is meeting tomorrow night, she can get him an audience, but Gil has to make a case with the Troll present. She says the can’t judge without the troll present-- if he fucks up then he’ll be killed in seven different ways. She instructs her nephew that the only way for this to work is for him to present Rai to ALL of them. She knows he’s ready to do so, though. Gil reflects these opinions.
Sylvanas asks who else he came with, Gil tells him the party roster. It’s a motley crew. She invites any of his companions to join him at the stand if he thinks they can help. Sylvanas reminds him that his is no game. His reputation, and that of the Windrunners, banks on it. Gil agrees there’s NOT TIME FOR GAMEESSSSS
Sylvanas leans back at takes all of it in. A Farstrider comes in and delivers her a note. She reads it and places a totem by the Amani lands. She dismisses Gil. Gil leaves before Aunt Sylvie shoots him.
As Gil inquires about catching up with the party, he just has to ask, “Are there dwarves there?” He is directed to Murder Row.
Gil catches up with the party in Murder Row. Whatever Zap is drinking, Gil chugs it. It’s water. “This isn’t helping me.” Gil goes to get water.
Gil sees Finnall entertaining the crowd. Ashwynn is nowhere to be seen. The party wonders where the eldest Menethil is-- but she can fend for herself. Zap hopes she’ll look out for carts. Gil inquires who Theo is, too. Uther explains that it’s his cousin.
Theo can point out the Windrunners by face.
Gil says that Theo is pretty. Theo shrugs, “So I’ve been told.” They flirt, oddly.
Talath and Gil share a sudden bro hug, they’re excited to see each other. Talath is drinking ALE!! It’s exciting! Talath asks if this is what adventurers do. (It’s what Finnel does, though). At the prospect of joining the Aurum Blades, Finnall laughs at the idea of a Windrunner in the merc company.
Gil tells everyone that he’s meeting with the Convocation tomorrow. He asks Uther to go. (Finnall spit takes-- finding the group entertaining.) Zap calls it the Concentration-- Vel explains. Uther says he’ll go.
Gil explains that they have to let Rai live. “Oh my.” Uther retorts.
Finnall declares they’re staying in town to see how this plays out.
Vel is going to do something useful in the meantime. Finnall invites Vel to meet the Magister. Vel reminds them that they need to meet King Kael’thas.
The Tavern goes fucking silent, as everyone leaves. ThESE PEOPLE. Talath is listening, starry-eyed.
Gil goes to talk to Uther in private.They go to an empty table in the corner of the tavern. Gil explains that he had a secondary objective to talk to the Convocation about, and specifically that Rai had mentioned his entire tribe was fighting against the “king.” If they could get that tribe on their side, then they could be incredibly useful. Uther rubbed his chin and admitted he saw the merit, but he said that it would be, as Zap would say, a “hard sell.”
After all, there are thousands of years of bad blood between the elves and trolls. However, Gil countered the uniting factor of Zalazane may be enough to start healing those wounds. Uther promised that he would do what he could, but he wasn’t sure how much worth a child princeling would be to the Convocation. However, Gil said Uther was a princeling they’d have to deal with later - basically in a blink of an eye Uther would be the king of Lordaeron.
Uther said that was true, and he would do what he could.
Gil said if they could get that one tribe he doubted they were the only ones that were like them. In addition, there was a personal stake. He explained Vel has a Hungering Hex on her - as Rai referred to it.
Uther asked what the hex did. Gil didn’t know, but based on Zalazane’s hatred of the Windrunner family it was likely similar to what had been cast on their mother. Uther flashes to rage and fear in a moment before returning to calm. Gil explains that there was a chance the tribe’s leader could lift the hex off Vel.
Uther was not sure it changed how much sway he had with the convocation, but it was now imperative they take Rai with them and get to his tribe.
“I will bring every ounce of my bearing tomorrow to the meeting. Whatever happens, I will not let that curse take Vel from us.” Uther says, resolute.
As they rise from the table, he faces Gil. He assures Gil that he’s happy to have him as a friend. Gil says he’s not bad for a human, with a big smile.
Post, Talath and Gil make plans for lunch, as they’ll be in the house for a few more days.
After drinks are finished, they head to the Court of the Sun and see the Sunfury Spire - which is also the palace and the site of the Convocation. As they approach the palace, three elves approach. Two of them are Elite members of the Spellbreakers. Standing behind them is a young Magister-- he’s garbed in black and has a wide black brimmed hat. He greets everyone with a smile, bowing deeply. “Welcome, Prince Uther Menethil and esteemed guests. It’s a pleasure to see you and I’m glad you made it.”
Uther returns the greeting, and he’s introduced as Dar’khan Drathir.
The Magister motions and informs them that Kael’thas is waiting. They follow this fucker.
Just then, a woman dismisses them and clears her throat, and dismisses Dar’khan. Kilnar Goldensword is there. She apologies to Dar’khan and wonders if he, and the King, understands-- as ruling is never predictable.

Kilnar ushers the party away from the palace. She had feather beds prepped, she says.
Dar’khan nods, but he insists that the King was eager to see them. Kilnar suggests that the party decides-- Gil and Zap are afraid. It’s reported that Ashwynn got lost in the Falconer’s District for a time. Kilnar’s people picked her up. Uther thanks Kilnar.
Still, Uther insists that the King was insistent see him. Gil and Vel suggest that they do both.
Kilnar says that if they go to meet the King, that Kael’thas will insist that they stay in the palace. It’s politeness dick measuring and veiled threats. Uther can tell that they’re fighting over the party-- either one of them wants wants to speak to the party FIRST.
“And this is elves we’re talking about. If we make the wrong decision hundreds could end up dead.”- Zap
“Seeker of Wisdom, you do me a great honor with your hospitality. But, the King has been waiting for me for a week and I despair to think what he might assume if I finally made it to his city and decided to keep him waiting a moment longer.”
Kilnar’s lips tighten. She concedes. “After all, the King did summon you much earlier than I. I must expedite my summons next time.” She bows and wishes them a good evening, offering to send Ashwynn and the refreshments she sent along.
Kilnar bids them farewell and she then leaves with her servant.
Dar’kahn thanks the party for making the “wise choice.” He gestures to the palace and lets them in. The ascend the steps and head into Sunfury Spire.