[Alliance] Chapter One: Session Eleven
Appearing Characters: Aethas Sunreaver, Ashwynn Menethil, Dallas Twofingers, Elissa Cross, Gilveradin Windrunner, Kel'Thuzad, Rai, Rhonin Windrunner, Testament Greymane, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, Zap Rusthammer
Meanwhile, in Dalaran.
After the near assassination, the group decided to take a teleport to Dalaran to avoid a repeated attempt. They wound up at the private sanctum of Aethas Sunreaver.
Tomorrow night is the full moon.
Aethas greets them and offers a guest room for any that need one, though he can’t guarantee anything beyond the night - however, he assumed it was likely only a one-night stint anyway.
Uther formally thanks him.
Apparently, Aethas cleared a favor with Magistrix Goldensword thanks to his assistance.
Gil asks how many favors he has with her. Aethas says it’s best not to ask.
Aethas says that he will be in his study if he’s needed, but his sanctum staff can attend to anything else they may need unless it was something more pressing.
He shows them about his estate; each of the room are fit for an elven dignitary. It’s comforting to Vel, but everyone is a bit too much for everyone else.
Gil tells Zap they need to go drinking.
Zap questions if Gil is the real dwarf here. Gil insists that they have the best ale “because fun”. Zap asks Vel if this true, and Vel has no idea. Zap shrugs and agrees. Tess asks to join, and Elissa says she’ll watch.
Zap asks if there isn’t anything more important that they could be doing. They don’t have clearances, so there is nothing they can really do.
It’s decided Rai will stay in the guest rooms given, well, he’s a troll, and Uther opts to stay with him alongside Ashwynn.
Gil contemplates inviting Rhonin out. He decides to do so, and they go as a group to see him.
As they exit Aethas’s sanctum, they see beautiful, rounded buildings with gorgeous architecture. The streets are lined with magically conjured torches. People can almost see the shimmer of magic. The moon is nearly full, and hovers overhead. Many of the tallest buildings have magically rotating bits and pieces hovering around them.
As the group makes their way through they are relatively unimpeded. They reach Rhonin’s flat, which is a relatively simply abode that contains both his office and his living quarters. There is a small button, which triggers an alarm spell to alert Rhonin someone is at the door.
Vel hits the button.
They hear a thud, some things falling, some cursing, something being leaned against something, and then the door unlocking.
There is a man a bit past his middle ages. He las long red hair in a messy braid. There are a few streaks of grey in his hair. The door gets stuck as he opens it, and he kicks something else aside.
He greets them, then is confused as to why they are here. The group gives him the short version.
The flat itself is fairly cluttered. Tomes and papers are strewn about, and there are a few clocks thrown about. There’s an empty plate on a book shelf, and Hearthstone cards scattered about.
Zap comments that this was the mage-est mage house that he’s ever been in. Cluttered = Authentic.
Rhonin introduces himself to Zap, and Zap comments that Vel is always talking about him. Vel raises an eyebrow.
Rhonin recognizes Uther and shakes his hand.
Rhonin turns to Elissa and Tess, and asks who they are. But he assumes that they are because of Gil. Gil responds that he and his wife and their assumptions.
Gilveradin introduces Tess and Elissa, and they exchange pleasantries.
Rhonin adds that he needs to go grocery shopping, he’s out of alcohol.
The group will only be here until tomorrow, so Rhonin agrees that the paper’s he’s working on can wait until tomorrow.
Rhonin asks if anyone needs a place to stay, he had some couches. Vel calls a couch. She has research to do.
Rhonin offers a cardgame when he gets back. Vel reiterates that she has had practice as she played some games with Talath.
Rhonin takes them to a place called the Drunken Dragon Inn.
There are some jaunty tunes and some apprentices are playing some magical pranks and such.
The drinks are numerous and high in quality. The menu is on boards up above, and 3D illusions of the drinks and food are cycled through.
There are some magical duels going on (good natured, of course), and there are a few strange people, but it’s a “hip and happening” place overall.
Tess does the drinking. She gets a bubbly drink that smells like chicken soup, but tastes like champagne. It’s called “Aegwynn’s Endless Energy” and she doesn’t get tired for the entire night. She’s going hard considering what will happen tomorrow night. She navigates herself over to the magical duels, and some of the other students are taking bets. She decides to get in on that. She made back all the money she spent on drinks, and she got an additional 15 gp. Some of the drunk students start chanting her name- the raven-haired master of betting.
Gil challenges Zap to a drinking contest. Zap agrees, but after one magical drink decides to try to get water instead and not let Gil know. Gil chooses bartender’s choice. A thick solid-black liquid, with gold sparkles and smells like a campfire.
It tastes a lot like a woman’s perfume smells. A drop falls on a napkin and burns through it, but it doesn’t seem to burn Gil on the way down anyway. As Gil is taking that drink, Zap trades out for water and Gil doesn’t notice. However, Zap did notice that the first gold piece he touched after drinking exploded into 100 copper pieces and Gil thought it was hilarious.
Zap also grabbed a drink to take back to Uther. It smells terrible, but it’s supposedly good and has a lot of runes on it.
At some point, they lost track of Gil and he woke up in an unfamiliar inn with someone next to him. The person a very old man and is clearly a mage. Gil doesn’t remember seeing him, but he’s ancient and exceptionally hideous. Fortunately, he is snoring loudly and seemingly unconscious.
Gil slips out with all of his things. No one has to know. But he will know.
Rhonin returns back to his place and finds it’s more tidy and all his paper’s graded. Vel is working on transferring over spells from her mother’s spellbook. Vel mentions that two of his student’s essays are identical copies of each other.
Rhonin asks her about the letter, and if they have any leads on Arator. Vel informs him about Rai and tracking down the Darkspear clan. That is why they are here, it was easier finding their last location. Rhonin mentions that bandit attacks have gone up. Vel adds the gnoll attacks, as the gnolls are working with the trolls.
Vel reports that the letter she sent was a dead-end. Given she doesn’t have access to research for the time being she requests Rhonin continue the research. Vel asks him the research the “hungering hex”. Rhonin asks what happened. Vel tells him about the ring and the hex she was put under.
Rhonin says he’ll see what he can do, but even then he did a lot of research then too. He asks if she was the target of the hex. She responds that was the assumption.
Vel says she has at least a five-year timeline. Rhonin asks her not to say that. He promises he’ll find something, he doesn’t know yet but he will.
He asks how she is feeling, and she responds she is sore but still able to move.
He smiles a small smile that says ‘Uh-huh, sure,” but he doesn’t pry any further.
Vel says it’s important to find Arator before his mother burns the place down. Rhonin agrees that was a good idea.
Rhonin says he’ll pull in some favors and see what he can do. Vel informs him that they’ll be in the Hinterlands.
Rhonin brings up Hearthstone, as it’s best to take minds off of things even for a little bit. Vel beats him. Rhonin laughs, saying she wasn’t kidding about the practice.
After the game, Vel does hug him. Rhonin gives her a nice, comforting hug. He promises her that they’ll beat this.
Meanwhile, Zap goes back to Uther and offers him a drink. Uther graciously accepts it, but he isn’t in the mood for drinking.
The next day, everyone has had a good restful night. Except for Gil, which no one has to know.
Zap decides to go to a small second-hand magic shop before they leave. On one of the racks he sees a shimmering magical longsword. It doesn’t look super crazy, but embedded in it is a gold piece. There is also a necklace with jewels that appears to be a prayer necklace. There is a potion that he can hear a heartbeat from. There is also an unassuming broom.
Zap sees the broom and has heard stories about flying brooms.
Zap calls out loudly to the shop keeper.
Zap asks if there was anything a dwarf can buy with 400 gold pieces. Not much, apparently.
He then pulls out the dust he got from some trolls. Dust of Disappearance. He explains that he beat up a troll to get it when she asked. She offers him 50 gp. He asks what he can buy with 450 gp.
She ducks in the back then comes back with a small horn, though it has a small crack in the side.
Zap is now broke. But rich in spirit.
The shopkeeper chooses not to continue what other warnings she had seeing Zap already opted to buy it. However, there was another guy in the shop, and he was watching Zap ever since the dwarf pulled out the pouch of dust.
Zap calls out to the man and waves. The man nods back.
Once Zap leaves, a voice calls after him from a shady alley.
It’s the same guy from the shop.
Zap steps into the “office,” which is the back alley. The man indicates that he thinks he has something special in that “Dust of Disappearance.”
He asks to see it, and when Zap accepts, takes it and takes a pinch and tastes it - then coughs. He insists that it isn’t Dust of Disappearance.
It’s apparently Dust of Sneezing and Choking. Supposedly.
He offered to get rid of it for him in exchange for 250 gp.
Zap accepts on one condition: if the man tells him the most interesting place he can go that would make for a good story later.
A small town on the border of the Alterac mountains. A small place called Gallow’s Corner (mountains are really hard to siege, so that’s where they hang bodies as a warning). There’s a backwater place down there. The Hanged Man. You want to say five words to the innkeep there: The sun sets when the guillotine falls.
He also says to say that Dallas Twofingers sent him.
Zap makes a note to inform the party of such a place.
Vel heads to the coldest and least used corner of the Violet Citadel, which is where Kel’Thuzad has his office.
There is an incessant meowing. Kel’Thuzad asks Mr. Bigglesworth not to scream and he’s getting the door.
Mr. Bigglesworth shoots towards Vel and rubs on her boots.
Kel tells Vel he wasn’t expected her to see him this soon, but it is good to see her nonetheless.
Vel reports what has happened the past few months. Kel finds it very interesting.
Vel ask reports that Zalzane is undead, but capable of sentient thought. Vel didn’t think it was possible.
Kel’ temples his hands.
Vel asks if this can be used to their advantage.
Kel’Thuzad asks Vel for a moment, and how pressing is her leaving the city.
Vel reports that she’s leaving around noon.
Kel’Thuzad asks for her to escort him to his study. Vel does, and the two have small talk.
Kel’Thuzad says it’s unfortunate that Vel got hexed, though it had more to do with the person that rose the banshee rather than the banshee herself.
Kel’Thuzad says she can use Zalzane’s pride against him. They reach the manor, and Kel’Thuzad asks Vel if she wants lunch. Vel agrees
Kel’Thuzad prepares her a light lunch.
Afterward, he tells Vel that what he’s about to show her might stave off her appetite for some time. He leads her into a dark hallway. There is a secret stairway that leads down. They go down, and Vel hears strange noises. Kel takes the lead.
He tells her this research will be vital to who she’s fighting.
As the reach the bottom of the stairs, they see three figures (If you can call them that). One of them is raggad. His sunken eyes eyeing her with twisted hunger and starvation as his twisted body try to struggle free. His arms are free but his neck is chained.
The second creature is much larger. His muscles break through his broken skin. He groans with an unearthly groan. He tries to tear the chain out but to no avail.
And lastly, a skeleton. This one sits and he doesn’t strain against the chains. His eyes glow with a blue malevolence.
Vel asks what they are.
The first one is called a Ghoul. They have an unholy thirst for the chill of the grave. He would likely kill the two of them and attempt to eat them alive. The talons emit a toxin that chills it’s victims.
The second one is a wight. They are both capable of speech, thought they groan too much.
Kel’Thuzad explains that he was the one that raised them, but they were criminals.
He also reports that the skeleton can exert control over the other two.
Vel asks if there is a way to break that control. Kel’Thuzad said there is a way, but he hasn’t tested it on a live specimen.
Such techniques are difficult, though and can’t be taught quickly. And time was something that he didn’t have.
She asks for the theory, so that she can test it.
He says it’s similar to enchantment.
Vel asks what would happen when the control is broken, theorizing that they would go insane.
Kel’Thuzad mentions that once the bond is broken, they attack anything and might even turn on their masters. They could use this as Zalzane.
Vel mentions that with his pride and that he makes mistakes, it would happen sooner than later.
Kel’Thuzad says he’ll savor the kill of Arator, and Zalzanes pride is the only thing keeping him alive.
Meanwhile, the ghoul continues to scratch at his chains, and Kel’Thuzad orders him to be quiet, his eyes glowing the same eerie blue. The ghoul goes quiet.
He says he will continue to study her notes to assist her in bringing about this prideful troll’s fall. He tells her that since Vel’s mother ended Zalzane, it would be likely that Zalzane would be ended once again by her.
Vel is still curious as to how Zalzane got raised, but she will report back to him and what he fines.
Vel then goes to leave.
Kel’Thazad takes some meat from a crate and throws it to the wight and observes as it rips it apart.
The group reconvenes at the southern gate of Dalaran. When they arrive, there is a strange sight. Uther sees a familiar steed there. Alongside a bucket of apples.
In an absence of princely decorum, Uther calls out to his horse, Radiant, and runs over to give him an apple. Gil gives Zap an apple so he doesn’t feel left out.
The land is very hilly and very nice. Mid-spring/early-summer, crisp weather.
High up on the mountains of the Alterac to the east there is still some snow on the peaks. There is a brook babbling through the Hinterlands. It’s very hearty in comparison to the eternal spring of Quel’Thalas, and it is a lot more chilly.
The day is nice and windy. The sky is clear. The birds are chirping. Things seem good (despite the looming threat of the worgen).
Eventually, the sun begins to set, and it becomes painfully aware that they should set camp. They choose to set up in the middle of nowhere, and they quickly begin to eat a small supper.
It could be the last one.
Vel glares and the rest of the party laugh.
Tess mentions that looking at the moon makes the transformation worse.
Vel is not amused by Gil’s question. There is some additional brief conversation on what to expect with this entire situation.
Tess changes into some unimportant clothes, and takes some of the drug to lessen the transformation.
Vel shuts him up.
Elissa gives some reassuring words.
Vel asks if more hair is better for dwarves.
Elissa casts Bless on Tess in order to make it easier for her to resist the call of the moon while Vel casts Frost Armor on herself. There is the distant rumble of thunder, and one of the clouds shifts to reveal the full moon.
Tess feels like she’s going to throw up her heart. Her veins bulge. It hurts. Like fire in her veins as if her veins want to sprout out from her skin. Fortunately, she is able to keep it in check for a moment.
However, as the night progresses, about two hours in, the pain comes to another head. As Tess grits her teeth and shifts to try and control herself, the blindfold slips off. As it slips off, she looks up and the full moon gleams down.
Her eyes slit.
Then her body starts to shift. She stops shaking, and her limbs elongate and dark black-blue hair spreads across her skin. Her clothes tear, and her eyes start to glow. The silver chains strain as they work to try and cage this beast.
A wolf howls, and she throws her head back with a howl in reply.
Zap tries to encourage Tess to keep it together. Everyone prepares.
The chains start to strain and stress as she starts to wiggle out of it. She slips out from under the chain. However, as she does, Gil shouts the command word, “stharl” and they start to grapple her again.
She cannot break free.
She starts to whimper like a sad dog. Gil manages to avoid her jaws as he rights her.
He comforts her during the night and, weirdly enough, Gil feels like she isn’t going to rip him apart. She just kind of watches warily. About halfway through the night, she starts to see what’s happening as if it is a dream. She kind of sees Gil, and hears him talking to…. Her? Then there is the primal need to escape, but the second half of the night is almost a lucid dream.
The next day, as the sun peeks over the horizon, the bloodlust starts to ebb and Tess’s form gets smaller again. Slowly but surely she returns to normal.
Immediately upon noticing, Elissa throws her blanket over Tess so she isn’t left naked on the ground.
Tess comes to under a blanket. However, she is still bound in the chains.
Elissa asks if it is her, and Tess responds with “...huuuhhhh?” Elissa sighs in relief, and Rai comments that the night was “something else.”
Elissa asks if it happens every month, and Tess confirmed. Elissa then asks if it hurt. Tess said it only hurt a little. Elissa helps Tess get in some clothes and undoes her chains and such away from the boys.
That was a thing they all saw.
Due to the rain, them traveling again is a slower process.
Vel deadpans and the rest of the group laugh.
Late in the second day as they are traveling through the foothills, right around the time the group is planning on camping,the group sees a small camp. There’s a single cart. As the night begins to fall, on the side of the cart there is a peculiar banner with strange baubles. The fire seems to smell of incense.
Zap and Vel both know the banner.
It is the symbol of the Darkmoon Faire. However, it is a single covered wagon, not the entire faire. Vel and Zap explain.
As they approach there are no birds chirping or anything, but as soon as they step into area there is a loud chorus of birds chirping. There are a series of small plates on table, and there are a bunch of small animals eating off the plates.
There is some shuffling from inside the cart, and the smell of oranges fills the air. Vel looks uncomfortable at the smell (re: dream).
Zap calls out, and a voice greets him in return. The cart opens and purple mist billows out. Gil has the unmistakable urge to eat some sort of cannoli. Perhaps a holy cannoli.
The purple haze subsides, and a gnoll is revealed.
The gnoll laughs. “Close. He’s my brother.”
There is some banter, and the gnoll welcomes them to his camp. However, the faire is not in town. He is just traveling, finding stories and finding… someone. Zap thought it was him for a moment, but no it was Uther - who was behind Zap.
The gnoll said he had an urgent thing to tell Uther. “I have seeeen you! I have seeennnn you! I had a dream, and in it your future! Or one future, that could be of many. Yes, yes, the future wisps around in my mind and yours. It is fate that brought you here to this camp, and fate that tells me what your future holds!
I’ve seen it! I’ve seen it! Soon. Very soon. Come closer!”
Uther comes closer.
“Yes, yes it is! I saw you. Soon, yes very soon! Soon you will see. You will find true love. Yes. Soon. In the hamlet.”
Uther laughs. Zap expresses that Uther should listen as the gnoll and his brother are renowned for knowing the future.
He goes into more detail, but it’s still really vague. He also offers to read the futures of others. Zap slams 65 gp on the table in front of the gnoll, and trips his way forward.
Zap is prepared. The gnoll pulls out a crystal ball. Zap gets all up in that ball space.
The gnoll’s face falters. “Well that’s strange. Strange indeed.”
Zap asks what.
Gnoll: “I didn’t see anything. I always s-see something! Hang on, let me try again.” He shifts through some cards and rolls some dice. “I swear, it always works! This is quite… this is something.”
Zap, sounding disheartened. “Are… are you saying I don’t have a future?”
Gnoll. “No… I… what are you?”
Zap: “I’m sad!”
Gnoll: “You are truly something strange, Zap. You are he who exists outside of fate!”
Zap: “What does that mean?”
Gnoll: “I have no idea!” He then proceeds to explain that it’s only heard of in rumours.
Zap: “Sooooo, can I have more punches on my punch card?”
Gnoll: “YES!!! 74 PUNCHES!! For that is the punches for the number of the fateless one!”
Zap: “That’s more than my card can handle.”
Gnoll: “EXACTLY.”
There is some more banter.
The gnoll tells them that their fates have been changed by meeting with Zap. Uther could not meet his true love, or he could.
Zap eats more funnel cake.
Gil is up next. The gnoll hands him a small stuffed animal. It looks like a gnoll. One of its eyes is missing. He also hands Gil a needle and asks him to poke the stuffed animal as hard as he could.
Gil does. The gnoll arches his back and comments about a terrible nich in his back, but he can go back to the fortune now.
Gil’s loyalty, faith, and fate will all be tested, and finally, when the night is at its bleakest, the sun will shine through, but even that is a test. His future is full of tests, and he will either crash or ride like a wave. His future is uncertain. Will he fall and break, will he become lost, or will he stride forth into the sunset, victorious?
Vel’s eyebrow is steadily raising.
Gnoll: “But your fate will hinge on one thing… within the prison, dark and light become one to shine through towards the truth. Never forget that. Or dash upon the rocks of fate you will. And burn as kindling of the world you will.
Gnoll: “Oh, and on top of that, it looks like you don’t have any children, yet. You’re lucky!”
“And on top of that, beware the Black.”
Vel says this is a waste of time, and these can be applied to anyone.
Tess wants to go next!
“Yes, yes yes. Gaze deep into your history. Deep into it… oh dear. OH DEAR. You have wonderful complexion! It’s so pale… LIKE THE FULL MOON!
Ohh.. Ohhhhhh. You must be careful. The beast. The beast it comes for you. The howling shadow. Eons of strength cannot stop it, but perhaps you can. Fight it. Destroy it. Or perhaps control it. The master of beasts… but be aware. On the razor’s edge you will teether, and upon its edge, you will fall. But remember. No. No hiding. No amount of covering will hold the truth. The truth, it will come out. HE will know. He will KNOW. And he will SEE. You must prepare.”
Tess asks who this “he” is.
“He howls louder than any. Strikes where fears are struck, but deeper. But he will know. And at his howl all will tremble. You must howl… louder!”
Tess then sits Vel on the seat, and offers to pay for her.
Vel is upset, but obliges.
“I see I see! A trophy, a card at the top.
“This is very strange. You seem to have a number of them. That was one, sure. I think I can only look into… this one.” He points arbitrarily at the table. “Very interesting. Very interesting. I see darkness. A frigid loneliness. A blizzard. A woman alone. Deep, deep in the tundra. None can reach her, though many have tried. Dead to the world. I see… a choice. A skull entwined with the roots, the roots, they twist, they crush, they break… the roots can be burned, frozen, cracked and splintered. Or the skull can nurture the earth. But why not both. Why not both. I do not know. Lets ask the ring! The ring will know. The ring will always help. The ring will help you. It will guide you. And also it looks like the best course of action…. You should, you should…. I can see it. Clearly. No. It can’t be. You should remove the archmage from your deck. It’s mana inefficient. There are other cards that will do more.
Vel stares.
“Wait, there’s one more thing. A terrible curse will befall you! Unless you eat this funnel cake.”
Uther: “The curse or the funnel cake?”
Gnoll: “Both!!”
Uther asks the fortune-teller a question. What is his horse’s name? The gnoll had no idea. He didn’t know animals could have names. This changes everything!
He has a lot to discuss with his animal friends apparently.
Gil asks if the gnoll can tell Radiant’s fortune, but the gnoll isn’t sure if that’s how that works.
However, he had no more to tell Uther. Because the fate didn’t want to reveal more.
Gil buys Elissa’s fortune for 2 gp.
“I see… I see vines. They stretch onwards forever. Steel rent asunder by root and bark. What does it mean? The gold. The gold will point the way. But beware. The roots. The roots. They soak the blood. They drink it in. The path is wrought with change. Some good. MOST BAD. Dark wings they bring the answer. But the blood be drunk. Your latest art project will be a ROUSING SUCCESS!”
“I suppose the gold references her eyes.”
Elissa is surprised. No one had told her her eyes glow gold and is embarrassed.
Gil thinks it might be her mother. Vel says it was obvious. No one else thinks that.
Elissa never knew her mother. But she guesses fate will show them.
Uther: “But who knows with Zap around?”
Vel decides to make camp, and tells Uther that they will be resuming magic lessons.
Zap: “I suppose I’ll just be here. Interfering with the natural state of the universe.”
Vel and Uther work on their lessons.
Vel: “Shoot me.”
Uther doesn’t think it’s a good idea.
Uther: “What if I hurt you?”
Vel: “Then we’d be even.”
Uther: “Velameestra!”
Uther is still uncertain, but none the less agrees and fires a flamebolt at her. He misses, but fires a ray of frost at him.
Vel: You need to think more on your feet.
Uther: You know thinking on my feet is all I do
He fires with a flame and it puffs out in front of him
Vel: Then you need to get better at aiming.
Vel baps him with a chromatic orb.
The group encourages him, encouraging him to hit her.
And he hits her, but it blasts off the shield.
Vel: “Are you familiar with arcane missle?”
Uther: “No.”
Vel: “It never misses.”
He then fires a final firebolt at her and it hits. Vel falls to the ground, having also tripped.
Uther asks if she is alright.
Vel: “We’re not doing damage.”
Vel then casts mirror image, so there are four of her.
They keep going until Vel gets sore.
Meanwhile, Gil asks if Elissa wants to work on her medicine skills. Elissa is engrossed in her current art project. Gil excitedly encourages her.
Rai keeps looking over, and fiddling with herbs. He keeps looking at Vel, but looks too afraid to do so. Gil drags Rai over to Vel.
He tells her he has ideas. He hands her a little leaf, and some thick liquid stuck to it. He says it might help with some of the pain, if she wants relief from it.
Vel looks to Gil. He gives her nothing.
Rai swears it isn’t poison. Vel offers to try it.
The thick liquid is like icey-hot. Vel finds it interesting.
Elissa holds up the shield with a smile, and shows off her completed work.

The Lodaeron sheild symbol is interposed by the drawing of a sunflower.
Zap comments that he also has a shield, and he shows it off. It’s a pop-up shield. It’s called the Utherizer.
Vel asks him how many gadgets he has. Zap mentions 10 or so. And shows them off.
Gil asks to see her shield. He then casts a spell on it to prevent it from chipping.
The next day, just after afternoon. They make their way into Hillsbrad. A hamlet.
There is a dwarf lady there with a wagon with a busted wheel, and one of the townsfolk is doing some repairs on it. The dwarf greets them and explains he got stuck in the mud. He explains what he was selling, and that he was looking for someone to have a toast with.
Gil comments that this may be his true love. As far as Zap is considered, this is one gorgeous dwarf.
Ashwynn narrows her eyes at the dwarf and comments it is suspicious that she is offering wine to random travelers. The dwarf pours herself a glass and drinks some, and Ashwynn also takes a small sip to be sure.
Zap sees a bright orange bandana tied around the wrists of the wine merchant and the one repairing the cart. Tess also sees them.
Zap helps them fix the wheel, and the man thanks him. The dwarven woman also offers 40% off her wares. It seems pretty legitimate to Zap. Tess, however, was giving the woman the stinkeye.
They leave, and start heading towards Hillsbrad. As soon as the duo are out of sight, Tess explains something. “Good thing we didn’t buy anything from them… have you heard of the Syndicate?”