[Horde] Session Eleven
After Kaz incinerated the party, it’s left Samaara and Spinyl down. Other members of her Warband come out of the trees. She greets them, saying they’re an unexpected “whatever you are.”
Arthak positions himself between himself, Kaz, and the party.
Kaz explains that collateral damage is a part of the job, and that they burn their dead for the reason. The flora and fauna… mix. Confirmed: They know how to make an entrance with a bang. The inquires as to why the Warband is passing on her land. Arthak offers that they’re passing through.
Arthak introduces the Warband and Himself. She says she made the right decision in not roasting him or the others-- as they’re funny.
Arthak explains where they are heading and that they didn’t mean to intrude. She explains that many do… except many are roasted. She won’t stop the Warband, in fact… she doesn’t have much else to say. She got to destroy, but she also got a good laugh. She bids everyone to be careful with the plants. After all, she may not be around to save the day next time.
Arthak and the Warband are then invited to join ~her~ Warband for the evening. Violent land confirmed, there’s seeping wounds everywhere. They have strength in numbers if they comes along. Honestly, Kaz and Arthak exchange ~wit~
She then notes how many Eredar there are, so, golly, it must be important. Arthak agrees. He then flatters her with the campfire reference of the century.
Kaz then invites the party to ~the feast~. Good timing, as the sun is going down. The party is fucked up.
They’re lead back a short period, no matter how they look, there seems to be more of the Orcs that come out of the weird blasted planes. They see more pathways, almost like art, lines of destruction that cuts through the grass. No more than a half hour passes before the Warband gets to a threshold of the plains area. The Warband finds themselves a camp in name only. There’s no tents or bedrolls. There’s some loose sheets of grass and leathers strapped over sticks.
It’s ganky as fuck. Who needs comfort. They don’t seem to care.
Before them, there’s a massive campfire. It seems as if the campfire has been built around an old structure of sometimes. It’s Orcish in design. There’s iconography of the Laughing Skull on the burning centerpiece. There are spits, too, where there are huge shafts of meat. There’s something about them… they are definitely not from wildlife.
The meat seems to be from orcs and ogres. Kaz expresses that they are more than welcome to dig into the feast as there is plenty of “treacherous pig to go around”.
Arthak: “...trecherous pigs?”
Kaz: “Yes indeed! You may think it strange we’re eating other orcs, but they are not actually orcs, they’re pigs! There’s a difference you see! Orcs do not murder their kin! Not without good reason, you see, and greed is not one! You do not betray Kaz, you see, and so, we feast!”
Apparently the orcs were originally from her group, and she offers a hunk of ogre to Arthak, which Arthak takes.
It isn’t bad, but it could definitely use some seasoning.
Kaz asks Arthak what he knows of her clan. Arthak expresses he has only heard they were renegades who were very fond of fire and apart from the main horde, but they were very loyal internally - though they didn’t tolerate others messing with them.
Kaz said he was right on point!
She goes on to explain that they had broken off after the battle of Tempest Keep, and an orgre named Mogor decided he thought that he could rule the clan better and thought to usurp it. However, he was chased away and is currently still far away… for now.
However, Kaz expressed that when she finds him she will roast every bit of his body until there is nothing left.
Arthak wished her luck and expressed that traitors deserved to be roasted slow. Kaz shudders. She enjoys that idea and expresses that Arthak reminds her a lot of her son, Cutter, who is not there at the moment.
A few of the orcs are grinding up bits of the ogres and cooked orcs and smoking it, then creating multi-color fire with it. One of them goes to a verdant place on the plane, lays down, and starts to burn the grass in a pattern around him. “Look, it’s the leader of that one orc clan we found!” he cries as he points at the scorched patch. Several others laugh.
Spinyl is dancing for the Laughing Skulls and goes hard partying with them.
The next morning when Spinyl wakes up, everyone smells the scent of burning. However, the first thing she notices is that she is at the bottom of a pit. Her hands are covered in dirt, her hands are also large and green, and there is something on her head.
She touches her head and feels cold metal. She takes off the helmet, and it’s Arthak’s helmet. As she looks, her hands also seem to be rather masculine-looking.
She may or may not have used disguise self to make herself look like Arthak, and she is at the bottom of a pit.
She drops the spell and climbs out after realizing one of Arthak’s swords is also down there. There are tracks, burning, and a few tents around what is clearly a make-shift camp. However, she sees no one she knows, and she seems to be a distance away from where she started. There is a single orc body - the body has a stab wound, and his mask is off, but his expression is one of pure elation - in a campfire pit.
It seems like she blackout murdered someone while disguised as Arthak.
She looks around, and there are no injuries on herself and no burn marks on herself at all. The only other thing she sees is that there seems to have been people sitting around the burning body.
She manages to find her way back, but the side camp seemed to have been about three miles away.
The actual story was that she was pretending to be Arthak and accidentally killed the orc, and the other Laughing Skulls thought it was hilarious.
Azgadaan, fortunately, remained in control of his facilities despite drinking a bit. As did Sorak and Kaylaan.
Remnii was just buffing people with fire-based spells (like inner fire) to have fun, and two Laughing Skulls got into a fist-fight to get a buff.
However, the Laughing Skulls seemed to have woken up the next morning, burned their camp down, and left. However, they left the group’s tents standing, of course. They liked them.
When Azgadaan woke up, he peered out with his spyglass and saw Spinyl approaching with Arthak’s helmet and one of his swords.
Spinyl: “I know you probably all have a lot of questions… but let me tell you I cannot answer any of them.”
She hands Arthak his helmet and sword (though she had scrubbed them clean). However, Arthak noticed the blade was slightly dull.
Arthak asks if she used the sword. Azgadaan explained that he saw her leave with a few orcs who were smoking “Blightbark”.
Arthak took note of it, but asked the question again.
Spinyl: “Well… looking at the evidence… I think the sword may have been used to… well… kill and orc…. Not that they cared… but….”
Arthak blinks. “Did you kill an orc with my sword? Is that what I’m hearing?”
Spinyl confirms, and Arthak sighs. He walks away while shaking his head and pulling out his whetstone. The only thing he says later is “if they ask later what happened to their warrior, one of us is explaining it. But that’s the last we speak of this.”
Spinyl was totally wearing the victim’s Laughing Skull mask. It had been sitting at the edge of the pit waiting for her.
They set off again, and fortunately they are not stopped by anything else as Arthak would prefer not being held up anymore.
Azgadaan wants to check out some of the ruins, but Samaara said that, while there may be something to find, there could just as easily be nothing but trouble.
Azgadaan asks Arthak if he has any normal swords, and Arthak lets him borrow one of his smaller swords.
Arthak asks Kaylaan if he wanted to have one of those “walk away from the fire and have a private talk” chats. Kaylaan expressed he was wondering when he’d get one, and Arthak said he didn’t want him to be left out.
Arthak: “So… have you put any thought toward what you’re going to do after Socrethar’s dead? Assuming we succeed?”
Kaylaan is sure they will succeed. “As far as what happens afterwards, no I have not. With my betrayal being the closest to him, I imagine there will be a certain amount of focus put toward me. If I manage to weather the storm, I’ll figure it out. I may take you up on your offer, I may not. Depends on how I’m feeling.”
Arthak: “Very well. Then I don’t need to go into a sale’s pitch.”
Kaylaan: “Once we return, I do know a number of things that may come in handy. A number of the abilities he has. Hopefully, we will not have to face him alone.”
Arthak: “If you don’t take me up on that offer, and we do survive, you could continue traveling with our warband.”
Kaylaan’s eyes narrow. “You know. There are many reasons as to why that would be an interesting choice. And plenty more as to why it won’t be a wise one.”
Arthak: “Wise choices are very rarely something we’ve had the opportunity to make.”
Kaylaan agrees that’s fair.
Arthak: “My point is this. You don’t seem to be attached to the Legion. You also don’t seem to be attached to their Light. One way or another, you’re outcast.”
Kaylaan: “Just another outcast among many, as it seems. You are an interesting lot, Arthak, that I can say, and at the moment hat is all I can say.”
Arthak says that’s fair. “My point is this. And it’s one you may be able to appreciate. If you stay with us, I’ll never ask you to bow or call anyone master, least of all me.”
Kaylaan: “I wonder how long you’ve been planning this. You have some good lines, Arthak. I’ll think on your words.”
Arthak: “That’s all I ask. Now, we can get back to camp. We can joke about plotting against the draenei. Yrel may at least buy it.”
Kaylaan: “That one is interesting. I’m sure sh can be convinced I would do many things.”
Arthak: “She has conviction, which is admirable. But she also has a narrow way of perceiving the world.”
Kaylaan: “And those with narrow-minded conviction are doomed to stumble if they don’t look at the whole ground.”
And they go back to the camp. Arthak says they should glance at Yrel sneaky-like, and then chuckle. They do, in fact, do that.
Kaylaan offers to talk about Socrethar’s abilities before they arrive at the Seat. He was one of the members of the Sha’tari, and his blade drips with burning poison . He also has some powerful magic. He seems to prefer the more “illustrious sorts of evocative magics” and is likely to try and crush them with wide swaths of fire and shadow.
There is also a Soulbinder always at his side.
Arthak asks Remnii and Yrel if they have any ways to protect them from shadow magic. Yrel says it’s possible, but not on a mass scale. Kaylaan also says there may be several other demons. His “cronies” as he puts it. They would have to take Socrethar out quickly.
Arthak said that, tactically, it’s simple: they had to take him out as fast as possible, either with the naaru’s help or without it.
Kaylaan: “Talk about living on a prayer, eh Remnii?”
Remnii: “Well, we’re halfway there.”
Arthak: “Eh… we’ll make it… I swear…”
Azgadaan asks how they are going to hide his boils and the other marks that make it clear he has been “disowned”. Kaylaan is not worried. Either he will not worry, or care.
His focus would likely be on the crystals, and his obsession with them would be the thing to exploit.
Remnii explains more about the Ata’mal crystals. They are ancient relics from Argus - the proper one. Her father, Velen, spoke to a naaru named K’ure, and the naaru gifted him a piece of himself - a crystal. During the siege, the one crystal shattered into seven, and each one serves its own purpose. The only person who could interface with them appropriately was Velen and few others. Socrethar would have more knowledge than most, as he once stood side-by-side with Velen.
They were basically sacred, and likely partially led to some of the disagreements between the orcs and draenei - however, the past, in that regard, no longer mattered. Samaara expressed the group should rest as they would need it.
Arthak has a few changes to watches, though they would not come up tonight. He wants to share watch with Spinyl so that Spinyl could start to explain some things about Azeroth and their languages - at least the one she knows.
Sorak would share future watches with Remnii.
Remnii has one last late-night talk with Arthak where she is showing him how to write his name and read other names in Draenic.
Remnii is musing what to teach Sorak, but she thought it ask Arthak how he is feeling considering he was, once again, a bit on edge.
Arthak is puffing fervently on his pipe. “I’m holding on. The fight with the plant-things… only aggravated the condition. Didn’t actually help any.”
Remnii expresses she admires his fortitude and cannot imagine it has been easy. “That being said, I will not… I don’t know if it will be any amount of comfort… but… it may be forward of me, but I do not intend to see you suffer like this alone. While I cannot promise anything, I do have… I am actively looking for ways from what I know, to see if we can purge you of this corruption.”
Arthak: “I… uh… appreciate that. In the meantime I can handle it about as best as possible. There’s nothing much else to really be done.”
Remnii: “I’m certain I can offer suggestions, but I’m not sure if you would take them. With that, I hope you know, somewhere, as this warband of yours continues, you would rather stab yourself, see yourself almost mortally wounded as to not hurt someone else. You aren’t alone in your fight either. I’m going to see to that.” She stands up and nods. “We won’t let you fall. I will go to wake the others.”
Arthak: “Uhm… probably for the best. About time we got moving.”
The next day, Arthak is really feeling it, but they are able to continue traveling without much impeding. Azgadaan, however, is starting to feel a bit better after a week of not casting magic.
That night, Remnii approaches Sorak given they are now watch partners, however, he isn’t sure if there is much he can teach her given she is around 300. Remnii insists there is always more to learn.
Sorak said all he knows are gathering, foraging, hunting, and such. Remnii said, however, foraging would likely not be a bad idea. Sorak resigns to teach her what is poisonous and what is not, though it’s getting harder as corruption spreads.
In exchange, Remnii offers to teach him a bit about the history of Tempest Keep.
Sorak asks Remnii if she intends on leaving in Tempest Keep, though she said that was not the case.
Sorak resigns that he is fine with history, but he doesn’t want to talk about Oshu’gun. Remnii relents that they will not until he is ready.
On the following watch, Arthak and Spinyl talk and Spinyl starts to teach Arthak about the races of Azeroth. Spinyl pulls out her Hearthstone deck.
Arthak groaaaaansssss.
Spinyl explains humans came up with Hearthstone, and when Arthak asks what a human is, Spinyl uses minor illusion to conjure an image.
Arthak asks a ton of detailed questions about humans, and Spinyl explains where she is able.
She then moves on to elves while explaining the established kingdoms, as there is a kingdom with an elf king. However, she opts to use disguise self instead of minor illusion so it’s more evident.
Arthak thinks it’s a game when he sees what an elf looks like.
Arthak: “....Spinyl… nothing in nature has eyebrows like that.”
Spinyl insists they do.
She also explains the kingdom that has a council of mages instead of a king, and Arthak asks about uprisings that had happened. Spinyl said it’s similar to when an orc clan isn’t happy with a chief, though the one that kills the “king” isn’t necessarily the one that takes over.
Humans are the most versatile race, and they tend to either use magic or weapons. As far as magic, there are priests, there are arcane users, and there are warlocks - though warlocks are frowned upon.
However, she was able to provide that they worship the Light as Remnii does.
The majority of their watch was primarily an info-dump.
The next morning, they reach Socrethar’s Seat. Several demons, like Felguards, were being organized into squadrons and formations. There are also several wrathguards and doomguards.
They clearly knew the group was coming, and stepped aside to let them pass. They are greeted by three figures: Socrethar, the Soulbinder, and a tall, gaunt-yet-muscular figure who is about the same height as Socrethar. There are two horns sprouting from his head, and two very large bat wings folded against his back.
A dreadlord.
Spinyl knows about these guys. They are the masters of intrigue, and the greatest rivals that exist to succubi queens.
Socrethar greets them and says they will have ample time to speak. Sorak explains that he practices what little he knows that, from what little knowledge, one of the crystals would be there with the Naaru-- or so the Dreadlord figure leads in with. Sorak then tells him he’s not very adept at using the shamanic powers.
The Dreadlord doesn’t care about his skills. He cares about them crystals. (SORAK ROLLS A DECAPETION CHEKC OHY mHY GOD) The Dreadlord compliments Sorak’s powers. The Dreadlord seems suspicious, but Sorak can’t tell if he is lying or not. Generally, no one can tell.
Arthak then tries to push the conversation forward. (Ahahah. (YOU BET YOUR ASS HE DOES.) Socrethar then calls the troops to march. The Dreadlord then turns to the Warband, and then asks if anyone has goddamn objections to marching with his host. Uhh, no one does.
Socrethar hopes, for ~everyone’s sake~ that one of the crystals is there. “You’ll learn that when it comes to exchange, I’m a fair man.”
Arthak then follows through with an of course. He then threatens Sorak with his special eyes. It’s confirmed that if the information is false, everyone pays.
Azgadaan then attempts to reference his mortal coil. The Dreadlord then goes on about how Azgadaan’s failure would affect his family name.
Dreadlord: “I imagine your failure here would be quite the pox on your father’s reputation… I imagine you don’t want to disappoint him. I’ve heard the ire of the eredar is vengeful even toward their own kin.”
Arthak agrees along again, and the party then gets ready to march. It’s all grand and shit, and then they walk past everyone, grandly.
As Azgadaan looks out, everyone can suddenly hear the blaring siren of a Felreaver. The ground itself shifts and moves. It’s a titanic construct of fel iron.

The massive construct was built right here. The creature stands to its full height-- it’s taller than the party. It starts to move, ponderously, it sinks its foot into the ground with a burning footprints in its wake. It sirens with every step, too.
They continue to walk, and several engineers walk after it. Clearly they are responsible for building it. There are a few wyrmtongues, more demons, and some broken draenei slaves being driven by taskmasters.
The host begins to move out. The Dreadlord’s wing fold. He looks at/down at the Warband, he then says, “I would find a place in the Host. The last thing I would want for Socrathar’s honored guests is for you to be trampled. That would raise several issues.”
The party searches for a place with the least corruption, which seems to be near the back. The Fel Reaver is near the front. Thus, the Warband chooses to lurk in the back. Remnii drops her cloak over herself, but Azgadaan lets his face be shown seeing the dreadlord made it clear that Jaraxxus’s ire was known.
Kaylaan was watching the dreadlord, and he approaches Remnii. “You should watch that one. Culuthas is his name. He’s worked with Socrethar in the past. They don’t like each other, but still.”
Remnii’s brow knits together, and she nods. Kaylaan also expressed he probably knew who she was, and Remnii would have been surprised if he didn’t.
They will be marching for four days. Anytime Remnii was in eyeshot of the Soulbinder, the eredar woman was watching her.
Arthak is not doing particularly well with his bloodlust exhaustion. He is starting to slow down.
On the second day of marching, as Remnii is trying to keep a low profile, she notices a cloaked figure make their way toward them. However, as soon as they break through, they rush over to Remnii. It grabs her by the arm. “Remnii, what are you doing here?”
Under the hood is a familiar broken face: Sulsoett.
She insists all of them need to leave immediately. There isn’t time. They needed to run before it was too late.
Kaylaan: “Wait a moment… you’re kidding me. Are you telling me that this pitiful creature here is Sulsoett?”
Sulsoett: “I don’t know what you’re doing here either, but if you tell Socrethar they are here, I’ll kill you myself.”
She insists they need to run and they are on a fool’s errand. Arthak wants an explanation, but she insists there is no time. She needs to leave. “They” are coming.
And then she starts to choke.
A swarm of bats swoops around the group and forms into a figure of Culuthas direction behind Sulsoett. Her hand is firmly around her neck.
Culuthas: “I had a feeling one of you little worms was skulking around…”
She claws at his hand, and he picks her up by the throat. And then he squeezes, and her neck snaps. He drops the body, reaches down, and wrenches her jaw open. He then rips out her tongue.
When he holds it, he smiles.
Culuthas: “As I suspected.” He inspects the tongue. It’s black. “Ashtongue.” He throws it on the ground at their feet. “I do wonder what she had to tell you, Remnii. Nevertheless, it’s clear that these broken insects have been infiltrated by Akama’s men. Why don’t you lot make yourselves useful.” He gestures at Arthak and Azgadaan. “I’ll need you to help me carry out the sentence. I don’t want to break Socrethar’s men out of formation. Kill them all.”
There were easily at least about 50 broken draenei slaves.
Culuthas: “If anymore have these… markings on their tongues, if you’d be so kind… but we can’t take any risks after all. There are always more slaves. Socrethar won’t miss a few.”
Arthak begins to argue, though Azgadaan said it isn’t a problem. Arthak tells Azgadaan to keep an eye on the draenei, and Arthak said he’d handle it.
Yrel the offers to help. The Dreadlord then orders Arthak to do it on his own-- he volunteered after all. He shoos Arthak off. Yrel looks like she’s about to do something stupid. Remnii stays her with a hand on her shoulder.
Kaylaan looks pissed. He says he fouught alongside her, but he shares that Sulsoett was his peer. He wishes to be left.
Remnii then tells Yrel and Samaara to help her move the body. They act swiftly, and Remnii tells Azgadaan to keep his distance in a rather aggressive fashion. He still accompanies them.
Arthak then goes to do some shitty stuff. Arthak goes through the ranks. He tries to makes sure they don’t see him coming. He gives what respect he can. Sorak goes with him, he takes half the burden.
“Sorak, I will do this, it’s fine.” Arthak tries to argue, “Someone needs to be back there while I’m taking care of this.”
“I’m not leaving you to this.”
“You’re my second, someone has to keep an eye. Wanna help me? Go and keep an eye?”
“Arthak, I’m nOT leaving you to this.”
Spinyl then offers to go, as she’s done this sort of thing before.
Arthak agrees to have Spinyl go, but he wants her to keep her blade sheathed. Spinyl bows.
As Arthak takes the first one, suddenly, the Blood Rage isn’t a problem anymore. He gets plenty of killing. He stashes it away, with Spinyl there to lend him aide, he’s able to push it to the back burner. Once he gets 12 people deep though, he feels a pang of excitement in the back of his mind when he finds a tongue.
Some tried to fight back, but there was no hope. By the last one, a deep part of him shifts on his blade. He wishes, deeply, inside, that there was one more.
In the end, 17 of the 50 people have the blackened tongues.
Arthak then goes and turns them into the Dreadlord. He looks and says, “Good, my notions were correct.” He praises Arthak.
Arthak nods.
The Dreadlord shoos him away, claiming that Socrethar needs him at his peak condition. Arthak agrees.
The rest of the Draenei were fed to the fel hounds. Samaara makes sure they don’t tarry. The Draenei rejoin the group followed by Azgadaan.
Another day passes. The Warband keeps a low profile. They come to the next day soon after. They’re close to Tempest Keep, they should arrive before the day’s end.
That day, rather shortly, they get to the pass that leads to Tempest Keep. The pass is relatively narrow. It’s a mile, at the most, across. There’s something interesting. SOme rockslides have occurred. They’d travelled through the blacked, corrupted area.
The host came to a stop, and Socrethar steps forward. “Ah, it seems the path is blocked. That shouldn’t be a problem. Engineers. Direct the fel-reaver. You know what to do.”
The two engineers nod, and they start to direct the fel-reaver. It steps forward, and plants both feet on the ground. Fel steam starts to vent out from various directions. The plate on its chest slides open. Energy begins to coalesce in it, and then shoots out in a green beam of energy that pierces through all the debris.
For a moment, there is nothing, but then the ground erupts with fel fire and energy as the rubble is burst into a million pieces. The entire section is clear, and nothing is left in its wake aside from a burning pile of refuse and wreckage. More steam is vented, and the hatch slides closed.
Whatever is left of the foliage and rocks is no longer there.
Socrethar looks on at the destruction and smiles. “Press forward. Your naaru, and the Ata’mal crystal lie beyond.” He looks specifically at the group.
As the host walks through the chasm, the group sees, amidst the wreckage, pieces of parts of alien technology. Chunks of the Tempest Keep.
As they go further, there is evidence of a battle long, long concluded. Discarded weapons lost almost two decades ago. Remains of draenei and orcs - their bones nearly dust, and their armor tarnished. The one-eyed vultures swoop down from the peaks and scour the place.
The host narrows itself out of necessity as the chasm gets narrower. In the distance, there is a mountain, but in the flickering sun of midday, it becomes obvious it isn’t just a mountain. A towering spire is jutting towards the sky, a construct crashed a long time ago.
It’s lesser satellites are scattered beneath. A tarnished wreck.
As they march further, Tempest Keep looms. Floating amidst no more than 100 meters away from the entrance to the Keep is a giant, iridescent thing. One of the most alien creatures most have ever seen. A massive, glowing snowflake given energy and life as it twirls and shifts.
As it floats, it spins gently. In a perfect circle around it, the ground is lush - in no more than a 15 foot radius where it floats - but it is not black. It’s green and flowering.
Socrethar’s sword is drawn. “Well. Well. Well… I have to say. This was… not what I expected. Mu’ru, is it?”
Mu’ru: “That is correct.” It speaks through everyone’s minds.
Socrethar: “I did not expect a welcoming party. I suppose that will just make make this easier.”
Mu’ru: “I was hoping for more time before this eventuality. I have done much work for this land. But alas, that time has come to an end.”
Socrethar: “Unfortunate, certainly…” He flicks a ball of fire at the pristine grass under Mu’ru, and it catches ablaze.
Mu’ru: “I regret to inform you, this will not be as easy as you originally anticipated.”
Socrethar: “Is that so? I assume you are speaking of the fact that you believe that these people behind me will somehow be able to stop me. That was your goal, yes?” He turns to look at the group.
Arthak: “Remember you’re fighting a god. Perhaps keep your eyes on it.”
Socrethar starts to mock the group, but at that moment Kaylaan materializes behind him and brings his mace down on him. At the last instant, Socrethar blocks it with a magical barrier.
Socrethar expresses that Kaylaan should have planned better as he has an army at his back, but at that moment the area is bathed in green.
Culuthas comments that Socrethar has already proven his incompetence with important issues. “Consider this your termination.”
The hatch on the fel-reaver opens and starts to charge, but as the group begins to try and move, the fel-reaver explodes.
Culuthas: “What is the meaning of this!?”
A voice echoes through the chasm. “You are not as safe as you think. You are not prepared for what is to come. Vengeance is everywhere.”
Materializing on top of the fel-reaver is a broken shrouded and wielding two scythes. “Your time has come, dreadlord. Krona ki cristorr!” And then he charges at the dreadlord and slices through his wings. Culuthas tries to attack in response, but as if on cue at least another 100 broken materialize and charge forward.
The Legion starts to fight back. A shield materializes around Mu’ru as green infernal meteors start to rain from the sky, and they bash into the shield and dissipate.
Some of the felguard rush through the forcefield and are immediately vaporized.
Socrethar looks, and the Soulbinder’s hands flare with shadow. “This has gone on long enough! We must deal with them!”
Socrethar: “Very well. Let us deal with treachery at hand first!”
Arthak: “Question, Socrethar. Do you still feel in control? You came here to kill a god and instead you’re going to die at the hands of insects”
As a very evident look of worry crosses the eredar’s face, all of the group are filled with an invigorating feeling. In their heads, they hear Mu’ru. “I cannot keep this protection up indefinitely. You must end the traitor.”
Remnii, specifically, also hears something. “You have done well, child.”