

Krokul Ahonan (formerly Larohir) Former leader of the Ati-Kaso, former Exarch and Sha'tari Proconsul Deceased
Krokul Akama Leader of the Ashtongue Brotherhood, Former Leader of the Hand of Argus and High Vindicator of the Council of Exarchs Alive
Krokul Altaa Alive
Krokul Armord Alive
Krokul Artallus Alive
Krokul Deremos Alive
Krokul Gotri Alive
Krokul Kaviir Shaman Acolyte of the Ati-Kaso Alive
Krokul Livii Alive
Krokul Lunasemena Member of the Ati-Kaso Deceased
Krokul Mahoi Alive
Krokul Melagin Alive
Krokul Nobundo Farseer and Adviser to the Prophet Alive
Krokul Phaedra Self-Taught Auchenai Priest Alive
Krokul Raluhi Former Professor of the First Magic, Adviser to Remnii Alive
Krokul Rem'oth Alive
Krokul Samaara Former Priestess and Scout of the Rangari; Bodyguard of Remnii Alive
Krokul Shaarubo Alive
Krokul Thelamis Alive