[Alliance] Chapter One: Session Nineteen

Appearing Characters: Aethas Sunreaver, Arator Windrunner, Gilveradin Windrunner, Kel'Thuzad, Khadgar, Modera, Velameestra Windrunner, Zaeneas Emberlight, Zalazane

May 27th

Zalazane reaches out and blue energy begins to coalesce around his hand and Arator, however, Vel immediately swipes her hand through the air with a [Counterspell], which caused the spell to immediately fizzle.

Zalazane looks back at Vel, and he seems to sneer at her from behind his mask.

Zalazane says: You’re gonna wish ya didn’t do that, mon.

The Farakki shadow hunter immediately dives at Uther with a cry that her people do not forget (referencing the fact that Uther took down one of the dire trolls), but Uther quickly deflects her attacks aside.

Uther: “Don’t worry, you’ll see them again soon enough.”

Vel glances at Gilveradin and she digs deep into her arcane reserves into cast Haste. However, her unsettledness about seeing Arator causes her to dive a bit deeper than she anticipated, and the air around her immediately chills. She flings the potion Jaina gave her to Anduin as well, and he takes it.

Tess stabs at the shadow hunter, and her rapier digs deep into the troll’s abdomen.

Zalazane spins around and casts Ray of Frost on Uther. The air between the two of them chills for a second, and frost appears around Uther’s limbs.

Gil’s right hand starts to glow a familiar white-green and he leans down and touches the ground. A line appears in a circle around the area, and the air itself seems to almost stand completely still. Zalazane seems to realize what happened as Gilveradin then fires an arrow, but the blow misses.

Zalazane gestures at the amani witch doctor, and the troll takes his mask off. He rushes at Gil, and his body starts to shift and transfigure itself as he drops his staff. His hand transfigures into a bear claw, and he strikes Gil hard, and the ranger loses his concentration on the sphere of silence.

The witch doctor’s other claw transfigures into a raptor claw, which also hits, as his head then transfigures into that of a massive serpent. However, Vittoria throws her shield in the way and interferes.

Vittoria: “Get the fucking ‘ell off my elf friend, aye?”

As the silence vanishes, the Drakkari ice priest smiles. He raises his gnarled grey staff into the air, and the wind and the sky around them starts to crackle and shift as he casts blizzard.

One of the shards of ice slams into Gil, and he immediately drops. Vittoria tries to back him up, but her two strikes miss as Zap runs forward to use his jumper cables on them.

Anduinn uses Beacon of Hope and casts healing magic on the entire party. Gil snaps awake and even Arator is healed a little bit.

The air around Uther shimmers as he casts shield of faith on himself while he takes a defensive position.

The Zandali shadow priest looks at Uther. “Hoho! That one’s got a strong sword arm! Lets take care of that one, mon!” He hurls a beam of energy at Uther, but the shield of faith seems to negate it.

Once again, Gil uses the silence spell, and uses an arrow to knocks one of the witchdoctors off the cliff.

One of the shadow trolls goes to attack Gil, but Vittoria blocks the attack.

The Amani witchdoctor moves up the stairs. Another shadow troll goes to attack Uther but he stands strong.

Zalazane uses his enhancement ability, and uses drain soul, but Vel skillfully counters it. However, she starts to feel very cold.

Arator is able to stabilize.

Anduinn downs a potion, and heals Gil. Then casts a mass desperate prayer to heal everyone.

Zap goes to defend Vel, and shoots the troll about to attack her with a discombobulation ray. And that troll is discombobulated.

Vel whips a chilling orb of energy at the shadow hunter, and the troll winces at the pain. Vittoria strikes at the shadow priest, but he manages to duck out of the way.

Tess slips behind the shadow hunter, and she coughs up blood as the human strikes true. Her eyes look as if they are losing focus.

Anduin raises a hand into the air, and the space around him starts to glow with bright light. All the trolls cringe in pain, and the area seems to be brightly lit as if by the daylight spell.

The amani witch doctor attempts to strike at Zap, but being confused, his hand turns into a snake and it snaps viciously at him. Unfortunately, the blow did not connect.

Gil strikes at the Zandali shadow priest with Stalwart and his shortsword. However, his flesh seems to harden reactively as the blows hit, dulling the cuts.

Zalazane turns his attention from Arator for a second, and he reaches his skeletal hand out toward Gil. However, as it coelesces with shadowy, necrotic energy, Gil ducked out the way.

The shadow hunter stabs at Tess, but she is able to backflip out of the way so that the blade just grazed her instead.

The shadow priest tries to hit Gil, but he is able to duck out of the way. The ice priest attempts to do the same at Uther, but also fails.

Vel conjures a swarm of ice shards on Zalazane, the ice priest, and the shadow priest.

Vittoria strikes at Zalazane, but he grabs her sword with his skeletal hand and shoves it aside.

Zap scrambles behind Vel and his protoplaser hums wildly as he heals Tess. He then hurries back to his position.

Uther finishes off the shadow hunter with a look that says “your time is up,” and he thrusts his greatsword straight through her heart.

Tess rushes forward and pieces through the Drakkari ice priest with her rapier, and he cries out as Anduin continues to channel divinity.

Meanwhile, the witch doctor turns and flees, completely confused.

Zap calls out after him: “And nobody likes you either!”

However, just as Zap says that, he stops, and then turns around.

Gil continues to assault the shadow priest with his two swords. However, as he strikes, he whirls around and kicks the priest in the face. He tumbles off the side of the pyramid, but manages to survive.

Zalazane is able to grab Gil’s arm, and immediately the ranger seizes up with paralysis.

The shadow priest stands up from being prone, and he laughs. “Lets see ya dodge this, mon.”

The priest hurls arcane missiles at the paralyzed Gil, and the silence dissipates.

The ice priest attempts to cast hold person on Uther, however, he is able to resist the use of that spell.

Vel casts a cantrip at the shadow priest, but the spell misses. Out of desperation, she then vanishes, and reappears next to Arator. She is able to get him up.

Zap fires at the shadow priest with his gun, but the priest is still up.

Zalazane reaches out to Vittoria, but he misses.

Uther swings in on the ice priest. His weapon flickers with radiant energy as he slashes into the ice priest, but it’s still standing.

Zalazane now has two hands on Vittoria as he once again attempts to paralyze her, but fails.

The shadow priest runs at Zap and attempts to put him to sleep, but fails.

Zap: “Ha! If you want to put me to sleep, you have to be a little goblin girl with a strange looking drink!”

Zap: “Gil! A troll is touching me in a way that I don’t like.”

Gil; “Don’t let him. Or, perhaps, lead him!”

The ice priest uses blizzard, and once again ice rains down, decimating the battlefield.

Tess stabs the ice priest, and he coughs up blood that immediately freezes as it hits the ground. He’s looking bad.

Zap grapples onto a nearby wall, and the shadow priest punches him as he zooms by. Zap drops a stick of dynamite on the shadow priest once he lands. Zap wiggles his butt at him mockingly.

Vel leaps off the side of the pyramid with Arator, and feather falls them both safely to the ground.

Zalazane sees Vel and Arator disappear off the edge, and he walks over to where she jumped off. Both Uther and Gil strike at him, but he shoves both their attacks off.

Zalazane:”Ya tink that’ll save ya, mon? Fine. If ya so insistent on savin’ ya little friend, how about you start the feast instead?”

A blue, wispy energy starts to fly out of Vel’s eyes and mouth as Zalazane starts to drain her soul instead.

Gil knocks to arrows and strikes hard into Zalazane with both attacks. Unfortunately, though he shudders, he maintains concentration as he fires off a cantrip at Gil.

Gil drops, but just as he does, an arrow flies forward and strikes directly into Zalazane.

As Zap looks over, he sees an elf-woman standing on a pillar. She looks a lot like Vel and Gil.

She follows up with a second attack, and the shadow priest also stops moving.

Zalazane staggers back and winces as he looks over at who attacked him. He leaps off the side of the temple, and there is the sound of gravestriding as he vanishes.

Zap also sees Turalyon (from his vantage point) as he rushes into combat shouting a battlecry. Zap instead fires at the ice priest instead of the amani witch doctor.

Anduin runs to start stabilizing Gil, and Uther strikes at the ice priest. Unfortunately he misses.

Turalyon strikes at the witch doctor, but the first blow misses. The second strike, however, rings true and he drops the witch doctor immediately.

Tess: “You know, you’ve been around too long. It’s time to go. Bye!”

She runs the ice priest through with her rapier, and he drops - dead.

Tess: “Have a very ‘ice’ day.”

There are war drums as more trolls approach

Arator’s eyes flicker open and he looks around and sees Vel spilled on the ground next to where he’s at. He reaches out to heal her, and he blinks as he realizes he’s missing a hand, but there is something that’s more important.

Vel’s eyes flicker open for a second.

Arator: “Haha… Vel, I’m glad you’re alright....”

He then passes out on top of Vel.

As Vel drifts into unconsciousness, she senses the mental link between her and Arkha’din re-establish itself. Zap sees, overhead, a bunch of gryphons, dwarves atop them.

There is also a massive, purple troll hanging on to a gryphon’s talon. Ashwynn is atop the same gryphon.

The rest of the party has also arrived. Leading the charge is a red-beared dwarf with a bunch of tattoos. He shouts out a battle cry, and hurls his hammer down. Lightning arcs between a bunch of skeletons and shatter them into bits.

Between the reinforcements and everyone else, they are able to secure the temple.

Vittoria and Gil are able to get to their feet. Turalyon goes and fetches Vel and and Gil and brings them to the peak of the pyramid.

Turalyon: “They’re alright. They’re going to be alright. By the Light, we made it in time.”

Gil is staring intently at Vel.

Vel: “Stop staring, Gilveradin, I’m fine.”

Arator expresses he was worried about everyone, and Gil counters that they were worried about him. He mentions that he only got tortured a bit, but he may have to learn to fight again. His voice trembles a bit.

At that moment, Elissa and Ashwynn appeared. Ashwynn explained that the Wildhammer clan had come to fetch them as they owed them a favor. However, they didn’t explain what that favor was, or who told them.

Gil looks at Zap, who shrugs and looks at Colonel Nutters. The squirrel also shrugs.

Alleria looks behind her, and the temple at the very center of Zul’Gurub there is a black storm swirling around the peak. She expresses that Zalazane likely went there.

Alleria informs them that the battle has slowed significantly elsewhere, but she needs to make sure that her son gets out safely. Turalyon is accompanying her as well, but they promised they would cover their ascent if possible.

Uther: “Come comrades. We’re not done yet.”

Anduin and Vittoria both express that they are probably not in the shape to continue fighting, but Vittoria expresses that she wants Uther to come back. She then plants a kiss on Uther’s kiss.

Vel looks INCREDIBLY awkward.


Elissa then casts a buff on Tess, Gil, and Vel, before she stays with the rest. Vel is reunited with Arkha’din, and he looks really happy, but then suddenly really mad that he was left behind. She apologizes. She also draws some mana from him (also apologetically) before she dismisses him to safety.

Gil: “You’re going to have to tell me how being a medicine woman for those trolls went.”

Elissa: “Uh, later! Later!”

Gil then thanks Alleria, who tells him to finish this. For their mother’s sake.

Falstaad also wishes them good luck, but still refuses to explain the origin of the favor.

Vittoria and Uther exchange more looks. Vel still looks very uncomfortable, and Gil goes to sling his arm over her shoulder. He immediately recoils as she’s incredibly icy to the touch, and his eyebrows furrow.

Vel: “....cryomancy.”

Gil doesn’t believe a word she says.

They head toward the top of the temple, where Zalazane is standing over a massive, dead zandali troll. It’s almost fifteen feet tall, and mummified. It’s chest cavity is ripped open, and Zalazane has its heart in his outstretched hand.

Zalazane tears the mask off of his face. “You’re too late, mon!” And he takes a bite out of the heart.

Lirath’s eyes widen. “I recognize that troll. That’s king Rastakhaan. He started the war.”

Power starts to form around Zalazane, and they can almost hear the heartbeat of the sill heart.

Zalazane: “Do you really think I didn’t plan for this, mon?” He stabs into the heart, and the party feels their hearts beat in their eyes, chest, and body.

And then it stops.

As they drop down to their knees and look up, the egg starts to pulse.

Zalazane: “You humans and elves… yer so predictable, mon. Everytime ya come in force, offering all sorts of blood and souls for the god Hakkar. Making him fat for the feast. So I guess I should thank you at the end of the day fer getting everyone together for this. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt a lot.”

As they are struggling to try and move, Vel sees something off in the distance. Up in the sky. The sky is kind of overcast, but there is something glinting in the sky for a moment.

Zalazane walks back and forth. “Once it’s time, all of your friends will feel the same ting you are. But don’t worry, they’ll have the privilge of watching you fail first. I want your friends to know what happened, see what I become, after I consume what is left of the god Hakkar. After you summon him. Don’t worry, Velameestra, Gilveradin, Lirath, you’ll be joining her real soon, mon.”

He turns to continue. The egg starts to splinter and shatter, but the glint gets bigger. It heads straight toward the top of the pyramid.

Right as it seems that the egg is going to crack fully, the glint smashes through the egg and the group’s bodies jump-start.

The glint slams into the altar and sprays the remains of the troll across the altar. Zalazane looks on in horror as the thing slams into the wall of the building.

Rolling on the ground in front of Uther is a circlet on a single gemstone in the middle of it.

Uther picks up the circlet.

In the aftermath of this, Zalazane rounds furiously.


And the battle commences.

Gilveradin launches two arrows at Zalazane, and they thunk into Zalazane. He staggers back, and then regards Gil with a fiery look. However, Gil steels himself against it and is able to shrug off the effect.

Zap tries to discombobulate Zalazane, but he just laughs. “Your pathetic magics ain’t gonna work on me, dwarf.”

Zap: “Ha, you said elves and humans were predictable, but you didn’t count on a dwarf that can break fate - or break your face!”

Zalazane sneers and then gestures at Vel. She is surrounded by shadowy energy. It feels as if Zalazane is inside of her. It’s incredibly unnerving.

Tess runs at a necrolyte and stabs it.

Zalazane then casts devouring plague on Zap.

Vel hurls a chromatic orb at one of the necrolytes, but it misses as it sails over the prone troll’s head.

Lirath pegs one of the trolls with his own shot, and it is wrapped with bluish energy as he casts arcane shot.

Rai blesses Uther, Tess, Gil, and Vel.

One of the necrolytes hops up, and he reaches out at Tess. A bolt of sinister energy fires forth. It grazes her.

Ashwynn runs to back up Tess, and pins the troll necrolyte to the ground with her spear.

Uther shield of faith’s himself and then charges to engage Zalazane.

The pinned troll necrolyte attempts to grab Tess’s foot, but she is able to hop out of the way. However, he looks up at her and attempts to cast poison spray, but she covers her mouth and completely negates it.

Tess stabs at the troll necrolyte, but it doesn’t seem to notice.

The tether disappears on Vel, and spirits materialize before Uther and start to strike at him. He is fortunately able to shrug off the damage, but the last spirit he sees is Anduin Lothar. They then vanish.

Lirath fires off two more arrows at the necrolyte, and the second one once again coalesces with arcane energy as it smacks into the undead caster.

Zalazane sidesteps around Uther and an orb of necrotic energy materializes in his hand. As many of them feel themselves tested by the ability, they are able to resist it.

Zalazane: “Ya think ya can best me with your Holy Light. Well ya were wrong.”

Zalazane goes to cast Harm on Uther, but Vel immediately breaks the spell with a quick counterspell.

One of the necrolytes attempt to touch Uther, but misses. Likewise, the second necrolyte also attempts to do so against Tess, but also misses.

Zap starts to feel an invisible insect start to chew on him from the inside out. However he protoplases Tess.

Tess: “Thanks, bud!”

Zap: “I’m not your bud, pal!”

Gil fires two arrows into Zalazane and he hisses as he rips the arrows from his body. Gil smiles.

Ashwynn slices through the pinned necrolyte and it crumples. She follows up with a strike at Zalazane, but the attack misses.

Ashwynn: “Press the attack! We will not fail here!”

Meanwhile, Vel cannot hear her heartbeat any longer.

Uther strikes at Zalazane, and connects.

Rai reaches out a hand to Zap, and cures the disease that was afflicting him.

Vel runs to stab at the troll necrolyte with her dagger, but unfortunately it fails to connect with any damage as it just strikes through its hand.

Lirath runs over to Zap and reaches a hand out as he uses a magic similar to Gil’s to heal the dwarf.

Gil fires an arrow into Zalazane, and it bites into him.

Zalazane glares at Gil: “You pathetic vermin! I’ll kill you first then!”

Gil senses a vile hex start to dance its way around him, but he is able to shield himself by focusing his mind.

Zalazane once again reaches back at Uther as he starts to cast harm once again.

Zap tries to fire at Zalazane, but he seems to be completely immune to nonmagical weapons.

Rai once again blesses Tess, Uther, Vel, and Gil, and then moves back into a corner.

Tess strikes at Zalazane, but he also resists that strike.

The necrolyte attempts to strike Vel with ghoul touch, but fails.

Zalazane casts harm on Uther, but he fortunately is able to resist the blunt of the damage. Ashwynn tries to finish off the necrolyte, but is unsuccessful in killing it. Vel also strikes at it, but she misses and she mutters something in irritation before she tosses the magical dagger at Tess.

Uther strikes at Zalazane, and his sword flares with holy energy.

Zalazane: “No! I was supposed to be unstoppable!” As Zalazane is still radiating with the light from Uther’s smite, Gil lines up a shot and puts an arrow right through Zalazane’s forehead and it splits it down the middle. The necrolyte blasts into dust.

Gil (in Thalassian): “That was for my mother.”

Zalazane: “This isn’t how it was supposed to be, mon. You said I was gonna be unstoppable. You said I was gonna be a god.”

As he says that, Rai comes up. “It’s time to rest now, mon. It’s over. Ya don’t have ta fight anymore. Ya don’t have ta kill anyone else anymore. Please.”

Zalazane looks over. “Your gonna regret dis… when da shadow casts itself over everything… your gonna wish there was somethin… bigger.”

And he begins to blow away in the wind. Zalazane is no more.

As they look around off the edge of the ziggurat, the rest of the skeletons - now without a master - are overrun.

The fight is won. A single ray of light shines through the storm clouds that had covered Zul’Gurub. The Light bathes the ancient city as the remnants of the undead are defeated. The live trolls throw down their weapons and surrender.

Lirath: “That’s the end of that. Excellent work everyone.”

As they look down below, everyone seems to be okay. There are a number of fallen knights, but the casualties are relatively low.

They decide to regroup at the Aurum Blade camp.

As they descend, everyone is cheering and chanting their names.

Vel holds her hand out to Tess for her dagger. Tess gives it back.

Elissa, Vittoria, and Anduin in particular greet them. Elissa beams as she looks up at the sun.

Elissa: “You did it! You guys actually beat him!”

Tess expresses that Elissa helped.

Fortunately, everyone is alright.

Anduin expresses that Arthas and Varian are already investigating the meteorite. They go to do so.

It’s quite possible that the meteorite may have saved all of their lives.

Katrana was one of the ones investigating the meteorite. Apparently it consisted of both light and shadow magic. The Church of the Holy Light would likely have some interest.

Arthas: “It’s finished then., You took care of the beast, didn’t you?”

Vel: “I don’t think Zalazane will be rising again anytime soon.”

Arthas expressed that was some of the best news he heard. And they had the group to thank for retrieving Zalazane’s location.

Jaina expressed they had trolls they had to bring into captivity, and other work to be be done. Some knights lift the shard and take it with them.

Gil heads off for Arator with Vel in tow. As he sees everyone enter the camp.

They exchange some words, and Gil hands Arator back Stalwart. Arator expresses that he will have to learn to fight again.

Turalyon expresses he was proud of his son, as his foolish decision may have saved many lives.

Arator laughs and thanks him.

Gil: “You know we’ve chased you all over this continent.”

Arator: “So I’ve heard.”

They continue exchanging some words, and Gil puts a hand on Arator’s shoulder to heal some of the wounds.

Vel holds out a black woven leather bracelet to Arator. It’s worn, but incredibly neat. It was clearly her’s. “Don’t lose this one.”

Arator blinks, and then wraps Vel in a hug and his shoulders start to shake as he hugs her. Vel looks incredibly awkward, and looks at Gil for help. Gil gestures for her to hug him back.

She does.

He doesn’t seem to be bothered by the chill.


Thaxdorlin and Zap are pulled into the celebrations of the Wildhammer clan, and mugs of ale are shoved into their hands.

Falstaad asks Zap his name. He introduces himself, and mentions that his name is actually “Thazdorlin”, but Thaxdorlin wears that name better.

Thaxdorlin spats his ale out for a second, and kind of just peers into the situation because the names are TECHNICALLY different, but he just goes back to drinking.

There is more jovial merriment.

Zap is able to keep his wits about him, and eventually sneaks away to use his breathilizer.

Vittoria goes up to Uther, and apologizes for the kiss earlier. He expresses she had nothing to apologize for.

Uther: “Thank you, Vittoria, for everything.”

Vittoria: “Heh, don’t mention it. Thank you, for, well, saving the world.”

Uther: “We couldn’t have come this far without your help.”

Vittoria: “Well, we are all heirs to this kingdom. We have to do our part.”

Uther: “The duty of a royal.”

Vittoria: “That indeed. Well, uh, somehow, through all of this, you were able to take care of Zalazane, save all of Azeroth, and make it in time for your party.”

Uther: “Would you believe it if I said I wasn’t ready?”

Vittoria: “You are.”

Uther: “Well, knowing I got you on my side, does make me feel ready.”

Vittoria blushes more. “Tell ya what, our notherners are not really fit for the humidity. It’s rather warm, I think.”

Uther: “Yes, my first time in a jungle and I didn’t expect it to be near this humid.”

Vittoria laughed, smiled, and brushed some of her hair back.

Uther: “Will you be joining us in Lordaeron for the festivities?”

Vittoria: “Consider me there.”

Uther: “Good. I’ll be glad for your presence.”

Galadin looks rather dejected when Gil went to go find him and Giramar. Giramar looked pleased. Giramar had bet Gil would get the killing blow, Galadin had bet on Vel. Galadin lost.

Tess: “Heyyy. Can we wait to go back until tomorrow?”

Jaina: “Why’s that?”

Gil: “Can we talk about that privately, actually.”

Jaina raises an eyebrow but accompanies them.

Tess: “So… I have a condition.”

Gil slaps his forehead.

Tess: “So, long story short, I’m… okay… I’m the princess of Gilneas, and I turn into a worgen every full moon. Aand, that’s tonight.”

Jaina blinks and looks at Gil with an eyebrow raise.

Jaina: “You’re telling me you’re the daughter of Genn Greymane?”

Tess: “Yes. Testament Greymane.”

Jaina: “Wait, they’ve been trapped behind a wall for 20 years.”

Tess explains she was out before the doors were shut. Jaina was able to conclude Gilneas was already overrun by the curse.

Gil: “Tess has been learning how to control it.”

Jaina: “We should keep this quiet for the time being. I don’t think it were to be wise if this were to get out… we don’t want a panic. I have a study in the castle. I should be able to ward it against… escape, and you can do what you do there.”

Tess looks at Gil, and Gil shrugs. “It’s as good a place as any.”

Tess: “Alright. I just wanted to give that heads up.”

Jaina: “I appreciate the warning. You.. don’t have any plans before Uther’s party, do you?”

Tess: “I’m free as a bird.”

Jaina: “Well, not anymore. I need to learn as much as I can.”

Tess says she can borrow notes off of Vel. Jaina knows of Krennan when Tess mentions the name.

Tess apologizes that this was their first conversation, and they exchange formal introductions. Jaina expresses she met her father once when she was a child. She promises to speak with Tess again later.

Arthas: “If it isn’t the hero of Azeroth!”

Arthas comes up and clasps a hand on Uther’s shoulder.

Arthas: “You look like a man with something on your mind. What’s wrong, son?”

Uther: “We saved Arator, we defeated Zalazane, we ended the third troll war, and yet… I don’t feel like it’s finished. Yes, we won this battle. But for some reason I can’t stop thinking about how I can stop the next one.”

Arthas’s smile fades. “You know, Uther, that feeling that you have, deep in the pit of your gut, that right there is why you’ll be a great king someday. When I’m long gone, it’s good to know that my kingdom - our kingdom - will be in good hands. You’re right though. I’m sure this isn’t the end. There’s always more people trying to exert their forces. Step on the meek and the weak. And you, you have that responsibility twice over as both a prince and future king, and as a knight of the Silver Hand. You serve as the bulwark against that. It’s our responsibility to rise to those challenges. And I believe you will. Besides. You aren’t going to do it alone.”

Uther: “By my blood and honor.”

Arthas: “I know. So we will step into tomorrow, ever vigilant, for the next evil that tries to crush the world underfoot. No matter how big or small.”

Elissa: “Uhm, excuse me, your highness, your majesty. Um, her majesty, the Queen Jaina, is almost done with her incantation. If you guys are prepared, sirs.”

Arthas: “And who is this?”

Uther: “Ah, I suppose this is as good a time as any. Father, allow me to introduce you to Lady Elissa Cross. My first vassal.”

Arthas: “Ha! That’s wonderful!”

He extends a hand to Elissa, and she takes it wide-eyed.

Elissa: “It’s a honor to meet you, your majesty-”

Arthas reassures her that they were all just knights and she wasn’t being cross-examined. He looks at Uther.

Arthas: “So you have your first vassal already?”

Uther: “A few wise men have told me virtue is rare, and to let that go is an evil in and of itself.”

Arthas: “Well said.”

Elissa is still wide-eyed.

Uther: “Well, I suppose it wouldn’t do to keep mother waiting.”

Arthas: “I suppose not. Let us go.”

They exchange smiles, and head off.

With that, they are all teleported back to Lordaeron.

Later that evening when they return to Lordaeron, Jaina summons Tess to her study.

Jaina: “This.. this is certainly not something I’ve ever done before, but…”

All the windows have been shaded by curtains and such, and Tess finds herself in a very soft room with a very plush seat. As she does, Jaina gives her an apologetic look as she holds out the Lupin Loop.

She looks at Vel, who was assisting her.

Jaina: “So… who’s idea was it to make the command word the Thalassian word for ‘sit’?”

Vel: “...A combination of Gilveradin and our dwarf friend.”

Jaina isn’t surprised.

Jaina asks Tess to try and not tear up the upholstery, but there is always more upholstery.

That night, the guards - Falric, Uther, and Ashwynn - hear the door creak and shudder as the Tess Worgen attempts to break out. Fortunately, the door is reinforced enough that it doesn’t break.

Eventually, she tires herself out, and there is a quiet whimpering. She wakes up the next day.

Only the chair and the door are notably damaged.

Jaina checks on Tess in the morning, a bit bewildered. Tess apologizes for the damage, but Jaina sits down and talks with Tess about the curse and Gilneas. Occasionally, Rowan is present, as well as some other individuals - including a black-clad woman with massive hair.

Lordaeron Intelligence may escort Tess’s mother, Refia, and Krennan back discretely.

At some point, Lianne was grilling Tess for information about Anduin Wrynn.

When Gil gets back, there are a decent number of people at Lordaeron. All of the Aurum Blades are present. At the very beginning, Vereesa, Galadin, Giramar, and Rhonin are chilling around. Rai is also chilling around in his disguise.

Alleria definitely makes herself scarce after a few days, but Turalyon stays.

After about a week, Caleron and Zaeneas show up. Apparently they requested leave until Gil gets done with the party.

Gil: “Oh. Now you guys show up.” Caleron: “Yeah, you did a number on that troll business. We’re practically out of a job at this point.”

Zaeneas: “I know I, for one, want to see how humans party.”

Gil: “Don’t worry, Zaeneas, my sister is here too. Somewhere. I think.”

Zaeneas fist-pumps and spends a week carousing. Gil joins him in the evenings. After a week, Gil has made two friends. Gil does, in fact, re-encounter Relhana Blaque.

Relhana: “Well, well, well, I didn’t think I’d see you here.”

Gil: “I could say the same for you. Last I saw you you were with the prince’s party.”

She expresses that there were some interesting things in the area and she decided to pop in. She expressed surprise at Gil being one of the heroes of Azeroth.

Gil: “Now, what draws your interest?”

Relhana: “Interesting things. For instance, my friend here.”

There is a small girl next to her, wearing a cloak.

Gil: “Do you have a name?”

Girl: “Aye, I do. Don’t see why that’s important, but I do.”

Gil: “Not much of a talker are ya?”

She glances in Gil’s direction, and then she immediately looks away. “I don’t see why that matters.”

Relhana: “She hasn’t been very forthcoming, but she’s quite interesting. I wonder what she was doing stumbling through the mountains. Everyone has their stories. But, she’s cute as a button.”

Relhana shows the girl’s face. It’s Lee.

Gil’s eyes flash with recognition.

Lee: “Don’t you say a word.”

Relhana: “Woooow. The little bird has talons.”

Gil: “Do you attract all dangerous people to you?”

Relhana: “Ah, it appears so. It seems you two may know each other.”

Gil says he’s encountered her, and Relhana comments that Gil may be the one with a habit of running into dangerous people.

Gil: “So, uh, miss. I’ll hold your name for you. I don’t know anything can sober me up faster than a knife-wound. What are you doing so far away?”

Lee: “Business.”

Relhana: “Business?”

Gil: “With any group in particular?”

Lee: “Why would that matter to you?”

Gil: “Oh, you’d be surprised.”

Relhana: “What do you know of the Syndicate?”

Gil: “I’ve had some run-ins.”

Relhana: “Well, there are a lot of people that want the Syndicate taken care of. A lot of rich people. And after what happened in Durnholde… well. Did you hear about the aftermath? Apparently some knight - bastard of the general that met an unfortunate wound - rallied the guard and retook the fortress. Those Syndicate members involved were either killed or thrown back into cells.”

Gil: “I imagine the general made a lot of enemies.”

Relhana: “The general was a fop, but I’m more concerned about the men inside. Do you know anything about that?”

Gil: “I might.”

Relhana: “Let me just ask you this. Is this person an interesting person?”

Gil: “You can say that.”

Relhana: “I thought so. We’ll be out of here tonight. However, I imagine you may be a very rich woman, my young friend. A toast! To good friends in high places, and to happier times!” Lee nods. “To happier times.”

Relhana orders them a round.

Gil spends the night with her. The next morning, Gil wakes up and finds that the room has been paid for. There is a single knife stuck into a piece of paper with three gold pieces.

As Gil walks over, there is nothing written on the paper. It’s just a kiss mark.

As he looks up in a mirror, Gil is covered in make-up. It’s on-point.

There is no sign of Lee or Relhana for the rest of the time in Lordaeron.

At some point, Gil had lost track of Caleron and Zaeneas.

As soon as Tess’s awoo night is handled, Uther goes on a horseride with his father. On that ride, he tells Arthas literally everything that happened.

Arthas: “You know. I can’t actually say anything, son. That doesn’t sound too unlike my first adventures. You know, where I met your mother… among other things.”

Uther: “Father, did you know when you met mother that you were going to marry her?”

Arthas: “Now that’s a question, Uther. When I first saw her I was a boy, much younger than… well, honestly, the same age as many of your young cousins. I met her when the archmage Antonidas visited my father, and she, being his pupil, came along. I thought she was a cute little thing. I was convinced to make her my queen when I saw her again, but I got cold feet. I decided I would make the stupidest decision of my life and break it off. Luckily, she was kind and generous to give me a second chance. I guess double-so for you otherwise you wouldn’t be here.”

Uther gets a weird, uncomfortable look. “I suppose…. Accurate. And… does that mean, you never thought you were going to have to marry for your position?”

Arthas: “Well, that’s unfortunately where it gets complicated. I didn’t, no. Your aunt, though, she did. As you know she was given to King Prestor to strengthen our relations with Alterac. Unfortunately Calia took a bullet for me there. At the time, Jaina was the second eldest-child of Daelin Proudmoore, and she was a powerful mage of Dalaran. I was lucky enough that she qualified for certain standards. But I want to make something clear to you, Uther. I saw what happened with Calia. She went through a lot of turmoil, and her relationship with my parents was never fixed. If I can help, I don’t want you or your sisters to go through that. I want you to choose someone you love, not someone you hope you can love. I know this is hardly the thing you were expecting, but you are getting to be that age.”

Uther: “I find myself looking forward to the next crisis.”

Arthas: “It’s a lot less complicated than women, trust me.”

Uther: “And I doubt there is anything you or mother could make me do that would strain our relationship.”

Arthas: “I would hope not. I love you, son. Always have and always will.”

Uther: “I love you as well, father.”

Arthas: “Now! Let's say we race to see who can get to the stables faster!”

They stopped at the grave of Invincible as well. Arthas told Uther what actually happened to Invincible - that he died for Arthas’s foolishness. Arthas wasn’t perfect.

They spend some time talking about Uther the Lightbringer as well.

Uther has been hitting training and BOOKs hard during the rest of the week. At one point Vel saw a sweaty, shirtless Uther reading a book, and her ears went bright pink before she muttered something about being proud and shuffling on.

Many people arrive in Lordaeron, including Julia Celeste. She pulls Uther and the leaders of the Silver Hand aside to give a special report.

Lianne, at one point, demanded a piggy-back ride, and Uther gave her some info on Anduin Wrynn. She almost swooned.

The family from Kul Tiras also arrive. Uther exchanges some good words with Tandred. Elanora tells him the story about how she took control of a ship in a storm. Felicity rolls her her eyes at her sister. Elanora also showed Uther that she can use lay on hands and told him she used it to cure her dad’s seasickness once (which she wasn’t supposed to tell anyone). Caitlyn just hangs out in Jaina’s study and reads.

The rest of the Wrynn family also show up, and Dorian immediately starts to harass all the Proudmoore girls and Lianne. It’s awful.

Taria Wrynn II also appears with the rest of her family. Taria’s gaze lingers on Uther a bit longer than usual. She curtsies. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance once again, King Arthas, Queen Jaina, and of course you Uther. It’s been some time.”

Uther: “That it has. We were much shorter then.”

Taria: “That we were.”

At that moment, Lianne bursts from the crowd and gives Taria a hug and asks her how she’s been doing.

Neither Victor nor Daval make an appearance. However, Calia does show up the night before the party with a retinue of knights.

Arthas just closes the distance and hugs his sister.

Calia: “It’s a pleasure to see all of you again. I regret to inform that my lord Daval was unable to meet it with the most recent difficulties in Alterac, he had important things to attend to as did my son Victor. I pray you’ll forgive them, Uther.”

Uther said there was nothing to forgive, and he felt he knew why Victor stayed.

However, Calia brought the hero of Durnholde with her. It was Aden, and he offers Uther a smile as he removes his helmet.

They exchange a bro-handshake.

Aden gives Uther the run-down of the situation in Durnholde. Their ringleader, an elf named Camrus Bloodstar, was among those captured.

Aden was also legitimized and given leadership of Durnholde.

Uther expressed he hopes to fight Aden in the melee, and Aden expresses that he looks forward to it.

A day after all of the excitement, there is a voice in Vel’s head via sending.

Kel’Thuzad: “Velameestra. I hear you’ve recently mastered plenty of magics. In addition to your success in taking care of the trolls, you’ve done quite well. If at all possible, I request your presence at my manor at your earliest convenience. There are matters I wish to discuss with you.”

“I’ll be there as soon as I am able.”

Vel takes off for Dalaran after telling people where she was going.

However, Gil pulls her aside to talk about her arcane corruption. She reassures him that she will be fine, though he is generally concerned for her.

However, she can’t take a horse to Dalaran. They’re terrified of her. She takes a boat across the lake and makes it to Dalaran and Kel’Thuzad’s manor. He greets her, and they spend some time talking during which he observes that she has changed. He asks about what it was like to face Zalazane, and she expressed that she was happy he was back in the ground - a sentiment Kel’Thuzad shared.

He then opened his library to her and stated that quiet study was probably something she needed, and he was willing to offer. She gratefully took him up on the offer and stayed for several days in his manor.

During one night, however, she starts to have a nightmare. It’s black, twisted, and she hears her mother’s voice crying out. There are the sounds of nails on chalkboards. However, there is a voice that starts to poke through the darkness: “Velameestra. Velameestra! I need you to WAKE. UP.”

Her eyes snap open. Between herself and Kel’Thuzad, is a pitch-black spider that he is attempting to magically contain. He tells her that she needs to trust him implicitly, and she nods.

A moment later, her heart stops beating, and she goes unconscious.

Her eyes open, and she is in her mother’s room. Her mother is sitting there. She turns

Nirenn: “There you are. I was wondering where you at, Vela.”

Vel: “Where… am I?”

Nirenn: “I don’t know. Could be a dream. Could be the afterlife. Could be something in between.”

They share some words, and Nirenn asks her daughter to come sit next to her. She does so, and Nirenn says that, if Vel wanted, she could just stay here with her. That it would be easier, and she wouldn’t have to suffer anymore. Vel hesitates for a moment, but then expresses she can’t do so.

Nirenn had figured as much, but had thought she would offer. She had been incredibly lonely, and everything was just darkness. Vel leaned against her mother’s shoulder, and she felt Nirenn start to sob as she hugged her daughter.

Nirenn: “You need to go now, Vela, or I don’t think you will be able to. Please. Just promise me something.”

Vel: “Yes?”

Nirenn: “Promise me you’ll always keep learning. That you’ll protect those you love. You can promise me that, right?”

Vel promises, but then pauses and apologizes.

Nirenn expresses that there is nothing to apologize for.

There is the distant tolling of funeral bells.

Vel awakes in her room at the Kirin Tor - not in Kel’Thuzad’s manor. There is no ring on her finger, though it had been there when Kel’Thuzad had first awoke her. She immediately tracks down another mage and asks what day it is. It’s four days after the initial dream.

She heads toward the manor and finds it unlocked, but abandoned. She pokes around a bit, but there is no sign of Kel’Thuzad or his cat. The basement door is still locked, and the creatures are still within it.

Confused and concerned, she leaves, but as she walks down the street, Mr. Bigglesworth suddenly appears out of an alley. He notices her and immediately starts to sprint at her before leaping up into her arms.

Vel catches him, confused, and asks where his master is, but before he can even attempt to respond in some fashion, the remaining members of the Council of Six materialize down the street as well. One of them takes note of Vel holding the cat, and they alert Khadgar to her presence.

He looks for a second, then smiles incredulously. “Velameestra Windrunner?”

Vel confirms that is her name.

Khadgar asks her to accompany them, and they return to one of the meeting rooms in the Kirin Tor.

When they arrive, Khadgar assumes that she had heard of Kel’Thuzad’s passing. Her thoughts immediately go to the tolling bells, but she states she had not been aware.

Khadgar confirms it, but then said there was something else that needed to be taken care of as Kel’Thuzad had left his belongings to a rather… unorthodox individual.

He puts on a pair of reading glasses and starts to read the late archmage’s will and testament.

“Beloved, fellow archmagi of the Kirin Tor. If you are reading this, chances are, my age has caught up to me, so I had this prepared in the event that should happen. To make things easy, I have decided to leave all of my worldly possessions with a singular individual. My manor, my study, and my library will go to the one person who I trust above all else, though my office in the Kirin Tor can be repurposed as needed. Mr. Bigglesworth has been my faithful companion for countless years, and he is not one to enjoy change, so I ask that all of my earthly belongings be left to him.”

Khadgar smiles, rather incredulously at the ridiculousness of the statement.

“That being said, I understand there might be some difficulties transferring a title into the name of a house cat. So, for simplicities sake, anyone willing to take of my friend should perhaps reside in my self-same manor. Thus, I believe it will do that it should be transferred to whoever is able to raise and care for him for the rest of his years.”

Velameestra blinks as Khadgar looks up at her, and the cat that is purring incredibly contentedly in her lap.

Khadgar: “That cat has bitten and scratched anyone else that has gone near it. How do you feel about being a homeowner, Ms. Windrunner?”

Velameestra Windrunner says: ...I had not anticipated it for some time.

Modera expresses that the entire situation is ridiculous and and she is clearly annoyed as she feels Kel’Thuzad’s manor should be repurposed rather than simply handed off to a CAT of all things. However, Khadgar states that it was the least they could do to honor the wishes of a man that had grown a bit… eccentric in his old age.

Khadgar then gives Vel a key and tells her that he will have the deed to the manor and the like passed on to her once it could be settled, and stated she was now free to go.

Vel nods, thanks him, and gets up to leave as Mr. Bigglesworth hops down to follow after her.

Aethas Sunreaver expresses that “now he had seen everything” as she exits.

She returns to Kel’Thuzad’s manor, and looks at Mr. Bigglesworth after expressing that she imagined he didn’t want to return with her to Lordaeron. The cat jumps up on the table and seems to be trying to get to her.

Confused, Vel approaches and holds out a hand. The cat deposits her mother’s engagement ring in her palm.

She casts [Identify] on it to see if it was the same as it had been, but there seemed to be a newer, more powerful abjuration magic on it in addition to the previous enchantments and the hex. The hex itself, however, while present, seemed to almost be contained.

She puts in on.

In her vision, a shimmery image of Kel’Thuzad appears as he begins to mentally speak with her. He explained what happened the night of the hex attack, and that he had been doing some research into while she was gone. He had had to observe her so that he was present when the ring found its way back.

The hex effectively would feed on the individual it was attuned to until they passed, at which point it would effectively devour their soul. However, when Zalazane had hexed the ring, he had left some “room” inside of it. Kel’Thuzad made use of that room, and when the hex attacked he had tricked it into thinking Velameestra had died using the “feign death” spell.

At which point, he was able to contain the hex, but to do so he had to shed off his mortal body.

His soul then inhabited the ring, and he explained that’s why he was able to mentally communicate with her. By extension, they could continue their research, he could continue teaching her, and there was now no need for her to expend mana to communicate with him.

He expressed that the entire situation was a gamble, and it was lucky it worked. He also admitted he had been hoping the rest of the Council would have simply played along with the wishes of a “crazy old man” as he needed his manor to come into Velameestra’s possession, but he couldn’t exactly name her as the heir. Fortunately, that had also worked.

However, the hex had not been destroyed, simply contained, and Vel’s full strength would not return until it was. Given the nature of the hex, though, destroying it may mean destroying what remained of her mother as well - something the elf was unwilling to do.

They share a few more words, and Kel’Thuzad expresses that she should take caution about speaking to him in the presence of others - at least openly - as they would not see the same things she did. She responded that she hardly had any intention of encouraging others to view her as insane.

Kel'Thuzad says: Velameestra, you are less insane than most others can say of themselves.

The archmage stated he would be present whenever requested, and then the spectral image vanished. Velameestra took care to leave some food and water for Mr. Bigglesworth - who had taken to lounging on the table - and then went to leave to head back to Lordaeron.