[Horde] Session One

Friday, February 03, 2017


There is a montage of violence of the conquest of the orcish horde. There is a siege of a massive silver and gold spires and violet crystals and the screams of draenei as they are pulled out of their homes and cut down.


There is a small squad of orcs with missing right hands who are holding different pieces of climbing gear who are climbing massive spires that punch into the sky. As they reach the top they unleash a surprise attack on the birdfolk overhead. They quickly overwhelm their forces, and one with pale skin raises a weapon against one of the racial leaders.


There is a legion of orcish wolf riders lead by an orc with stark black hair in a ponytail and a black tattoo on his lower jaw. They slice their way through ogres who stand to protect themselves, and the ogres flee from his fearsome battle cry.


A muscular saber tooth tiger man facing down an ogre in an arena while orcs cheer from the seats as they rip into each other. There is a massive centaur-like creature charging through a burning forest weilding a massive lance made of earth and stone, as a orc war party riddles it with flaming arrows. It bats several of the orcs away with its large spear, but finally it is brought low.


The scene fades into a night sky over a blackened peninsula overlooking a stream of thick green bubbling water that has clearly been tainted by fel magic. The moon shines over the peninsula.


There was a massive citadel that rose up from a twisted jungle. The jungle still had a strange amount of beauty to it, though the land and the foliage was different from what one would have expected from a jungle. Yet life still managed to survive. As the camera panned through the trees there was a two-headed snake that stalked a rabbit in its hole, and a large boar with thickened, black skin shoved its way through the foliage as it dug up blood red roots.

The camera panned up and the jungle just ceased as the withered branches stopped at Hellfire Citadel - which jutted up right in the middle of the jungle.

The area around the Hellfire Citadel looked to be the site of the most severe corruption, but the touch of the fel was evident everywhere and strange life continued to exist. The camera zoomed in closer to the large fortress, and the massive steel doors moved upward as the quiet, low hum of conversation and the clashing of steel rang out. One orc made his way through the armored gates.

He was green-skinned - a dark, greenish grey. His chest, back, and arms were covered in tattoos that depicted two orcs - a man and woman - and their acts of courage and prowess in battle. The woman used a katana, while the man used a huge, black iron axe. The orc was wearing heavy, black iron armor, and he had a very heavy black iron katana on his hip and greatsword secured to his back. He had a short beard, pale eyes, and his head was shaved on the sides while the rest of its length was twisted into a war braid at the base of his neck.

His name was Arthak Saurfang.

Arthak made his way through the gates, and as he stepped through the entrance he was greeted by a crowd of orcs. Many were cloistered off into corners with their clans, though some had started to fight each other. The battles were not to the death, but some were fierce. One of the fighters was clearly recognized as one of the red-skinned fel orcs.

As Arthak looked around he recognized the banners of various clans: Blackrock, Bleeding Hollow, Burning Blade, etc.

However, most of the orcs present were not old.

Arthak kept his distance from the Burning Blade and began to look to see if there were any members of the Frostwolf clan as he made his way toward his kinsman in the Blackrock clan. However, there did not seem to be any Frostwolves present. Instead, he did make note of a group of orcs from the Shattered Hand, and one of them patted Arthak on the back as he walked by and greeted him with a large smile as he said, “Cowardspawn, glad you could make it.”

Arthak also made note of the Warsong clan, and it seemed to be the largest of the groups present. However, there were no faces that were familiar to the orc.

Thus, he moved to hook up to the fringes of the Blackrock clan - which was the second-largest group.

There were some faces Arthak could recognize, and some were carrying weapons that Arthak had crafted in the past. However, then there was a voice.

“Well, well, well.”

Two large orcs broke through the crowd to move past Arthak, and he realized both Rend and Maim Blackhand were present as they encircled him.

They were closely followed by Garrosh Hellscream, who walked up to Arthak and looked him up and down with a snide remark.

“What, were you hoping to join a warband? As if anyone would bring the cowardspawn into their group. The humiliation if they lost! I didn’t think you’d have the nerve to show your face, Arthak.”

Arthak stated he was not here to exchange words with them, and Rend mocked Arthak and shoved him as he stated that words were at least one thing the green-skinned orc was good at. Maim countered that Arthak was good at assassinating chieftains in the night as well. While Arthak’s grip tightened on his sword, he simply stated that he would not be goaded.

Garrosh said Arthak was wasting his time here, but another orc shoved his way through and another familiar orc - Arthak’s cousin, Dranosh - stated the same could be said about Garrosh.

“Ah, kinsman. Finally a voice worth hearing,” Arthak turned to greet Dranosh, and the other orc clapped him on his shoulder.

“Don’t you have an axe to grind?” Dranosh asked Garrosh with the clear intention to end the altercation.

“Well then good luck to the two of you. I’m sure a two-man warband will do just fine,” Garrosh sneered.

Rend made a point to bump into Arthak as they left, and Maim locked his eyes on Dranosh as he followed after his brother..

Dranosh and Arthak exchanged a few words, and Dranosh expressed he hoped that one of the orcs that had mocked him ran afoul of some boar so one would come back short an eye.

Arthak agreed, but stated they would see what became of them at a later date.

As they talked, other orcs began to quiet down as a door swung open behind a terrace of blackened steel to reveal several figures. There were five total, and one of them was the warchief by the name of Blackhand. He had a bald head and heavy, black steel armor that seemed to glow internally with fel energy. There was also an orc with green skin and a massive axe with a blackened ponytail and a black tattoo splashed across his lower jaw - Gromm Hellscream. Next was the sickly green skin of Kargath Bladefist. A towering, two-headed ogre - Cho’gal - was also present, and finally the hunched figure of Gul’dan also lurched forward..

Gromm raised a hand to quiet the chatter. “Warriors of the Horde, the time for waiting has come to an end. I’m certain that word has gotten to all of you on your ways here, as to the nature of your coming. It has been nearly fifteen years since the draenei fled this world like the cowards they are, and yet my scouts have heard tell of a group of draenei - not the Broken slaves that toil in the mines, their spirits shattered - but of true draenei. If this is true, they will be found. And we will be the ones to find them!”

Blackhand stepped forward.

“You young warriors of the Horde, the time to prove yourselves has come. You will gather your warbands and ride off out into Draenor. And if there are anymore draenei hiding in the corners of this world - our world - you will bring them back here.”

“And you will do it without harming them!” Gul’dan spoke up. “We need them alive.”

Blackhand looked down at the warlock and nodded before he addressed the crowd again. “And you will do it without harming them. There are great honors for those that retrieve any draenei. Honor that any one of you young warriors will sorely need in the coming months.”

He looked up and his eyes looked past Arthak and out through the gate.

“Conquest is coming, and the Horde is in need of champions. If you think you are worthy of being called a part of my horde, then I would suggest your gather the swiftest warband you can.”

He raised a hand again to speak, but then started to cough and Gromm stepped forward to take over. “Gather your warbands, young warriors, and show these draenei the meaning of what it means to be the Horde. For the Horde!”

As he called out the battle cry, the gathered orcs raised their weapons and cheered. Arthak’s uncle was also on the terrace behind the speakers, but he left with Blackhand after he nodded in Arthak’s direction.

As the cheering returned to a low rumble, warbands began to break apart and organize themselves. Many members of the Blackrock clan made their own groups, but ultimately Dranosh and Arthak found themselves alone. Garrosh was visible through the crowd, and he sneered at the pair as he, Rend, and Maim broke apart with their own band.

Arthak chose to ignore Garrosh.

“Well brother, as confident as I am that we would be able to succeed with two of us, perhaps we should see about making friends,” Dranosh suggested as he crossed his arms.

Arthak agreed that numbers would be necessary.

As the groups continued to pair up, another solitary figure made her way through the crowd: a female orc.

A non-assuming, female, green orc who was dressed to dance with a warfan in hand scoped out the crowd.

She made note of Dranosh and Arthak, and she recognized that the older of the two was Dranosh Saurfang - the son of the high overlord of the Blackrock clan. She also knew he was a fearsome fighter.

After a moment, she also recognized Arthak because of the scandal that happened a few years ago when Arthak was accused of assassinating the chieftain of the Frostwolves.

The female orc smiled, and began to approach them. However, as she did, a hand grabbed her bottom and there was some raucous laughter. She rolled her eyes, but kept moving. As she passed the group, she made note of a few other female orcs who had also been harassed. They either also rolled their eyes, or punched the grabbing male in the face.

Arthak made note of the approaching female, and she greeted the pair of them.

Dranosh looked her up and down and said “Lok’tar” in an intrigued and flirty manner. Clearly, he was not making eye contact as his eyes were focused on the region below her face, though Arthak made eye contact immediately.

Dranosh elbowed Arthak and said, “Well Arthak, she looks like she could use a warband.”


“Actually why I approached you in the first place,” the female orc offered.

“Ha, sounds like a plan to me,” Dranosh agreed.

Arthak asked if the female orc could fight, and she stated she helped others fight. “If you are not interested, I’m sure I can find other people who would be.”

“No, we can make use of you. What is your name?”


Arthak and Glashaa gripped each other’s forearms as Arthak introduced himself, and Dranosh also gave a firm handshake and expressed that he looked forward to fighting alongside her.

Glashaa expressed the same sentiment as she moved her fan across her face seductively and shook Dranosh’s hand as well. Dranosh elbowed Arthak and he gave his comrade a dumb grin.

“I believe she has accepted. You can let go of her hand,” Arthak commented.

“Oh. Right.” Dranosh released Glashaa’s hand.

Arthak asked Glasha why she had chose the pair of them, and she expressed that they looked like they needed people. Plus, her presence would help them attract more members.

“I would say,” another voice spoke as Go’el, chieftain of the Frostwolves, made his way across the crowd.Go’el clasped Arthak’s hand and greeted him, though Arthak expressed he had not expected to see the Frostwolves.

“I have to admit, surprises are not usually my forte,” Go’el admitted. “But, I heard there was a small warband that was doing some recruiting. And I brought a friend. You remember Sorak, yes?”

“Indeed, good to see you again, brother,” Arthak nodded.

The other orc was about average height for orcs and had a black twin-braid for a beard though his head was shaved. He had lightning scars extending down his right arm. Like Dranosh, he had brown skin, and wore a small hammer at his side and a large cloak made of leather and fur. What looked like a puncture scar was present on the crevice between his shoulder and neck.

Go’el had the battleaxe called ‘’Sever’’, which his father had wielded.

Dranosh also greeted the new members. “Throm-Ka, Go’el. I never had the chance to thank you for intervening on Arthak’s behalf. We were a little busy when it all went through.”

“My father always said that to allow someone innocent to suffer for transgressions they did not do was one of the least honorable things one could accomplish. I was not about to let my friend burn for the sins of someone else.”

“Regardless, it is a debt I still owe,” Arthak added.

Go’el shook his head. “No debt needs repaid, my friend. In fact, I think for allowing us to join your warband. One could say we’re even.” He smiled.

“You offer a gift claimed as a debt repaid. Very little changes with you, Go’el, I’m glad to say.”

Go’el stated plenty had changed as he was a chieftain now.

Dranosh asked if Go’el had found any new information on those that killed his parents, but Go’el said he had not. Even so, that was not why they were there.

Go’el also looked at Glashaa and raised an eyebrow. “I must admit, you have me at a disadvantage. Arthak, who is your young friend here?”

“Glashaa,” she said with a curtsey - a strange movement for any orc..

Go’el introduced himself in return.

“By the way, Glasha, which clan do your hail from?” Arthak asked as the information had not been offered.

“The Warsong Clan.”

Dranosh stated he counted that as a victory, and Arthak agreed it was good to have one of the Warsong..

However, just then, there were a lot of shouts and the crowd parted as a shadow darkened across the sky. A felbat shrieked as it moved to land in the center of the crowd.

There was a bright red-skinned eredar on top of it clad in nothing but fine, elegant shorts. There were some clasps around his wrists, and a signet ring in the form of a broken pentagon on his hand. He dismounted the black felbat, and it looked around at the silent crowd.

Arthak’s group tried to keep their heads down as the crowd gathered around the eredar.

“Honored master, you gift us with your presence here,” Gul’dan called with a large grin. “I had not expected your arrival here. A thousand pardons, my lord, or I would have prepared a more proper greeting for you.” He bowed.

The eredar looked up at him. “Oh, no tell of my arrival has gotten here? No matter. Seems it would have been a waste anyway. My bat is so damned slow.” He knocked the felbat on the head and it folded its ears down and hopped away, but approached again when its master gestured.

“Have you come to join the hunt, young master?”

“I have, my father Lord Jaraxxus sends his greetings.”

Gul’dan smiled again.

“How honored we all are to be in the presence of such an illustrious heir to an illustrious name. I daresay any of the warbands present here would be honored to fight alongside an eredar of such esteem. Is that not right?”

Gul’dan gestured his hand across the crowd, and there was some muttering, and Blackhand - who had come back out - bellowed over. “IS THAT RIGHT?”

At hearing the shout, the orcs all nodded and there was a chorus of agreement. Arthak’s group, however, attempted to sneak away.

The eredar noticed, and he frowned and then pointed directly at the group. “You lot, come here.”

The group exchanged a look with each other.

Go’el was the one who spoke up. “Yes. Is there something that we can do for you?”

“I’ll take that group, if you don’t mind. They seem to be missing someone.”

Arthak attempted to say they were unworthy of his presence, and that they were fine with five, however the eredar quickly cut him off.

“No need to say that. I chose you, and that should be the greatest honor.”

Everyone watched the exchange, and Arthak looked up for support.from Blackhand, but the warchief just shrugged.

The eredar spoke again. “So which one of you is leading this warband?”

Dranosh, Go’el, and Sorak exchanged looks, but then everyone looked at Arthak.

“It appears that I am the one leading this hunt for this warband,” Arthak offered.

The eredar smiled and reached out with both hands to tap him on his shoulders. “Good. This shall be the leader of MY warband. What is your name?”

Arthak gave his name, and the eredar repeated it and stated he would ensure everyone present knew his name. Dranosh, under his breath, stated he was sure everybody already did.

The eredar heard. “Oh do they? Is it good or…. Terrible?”

Dranosh suggested they tell the story on the road, but the eredar pressed. Arthak admitted he was not looked favorably upon.

“Oh, then when I am done with you, the Horde will say your name with praise.”

Arthak was caught off-guard, but asked by what name the eredar should be addressed.

“Just call me Lord Azgadaan.”

Go’el nodded. “With all due respect, my friends, it seems the hunt has begun.”

There was rhythmic beating of drums outside, and many warbands began to make their way out of the citadel. Azgadaan said it was a pleasure talking to those assembled on the terrace, and Gul’dan said the pleasure was all his before he left.

Azgadaan told his new group he had something prepared, and he gestured at his felbat. It screeched and took off, and Azgadaan began to walk through the other bands. As the warband followed, they passed Garrosh - who sneered at Arthak - but then there was a twinkle of anger in his eyes upon seeing Go’el.

Azgadaan noticed the look of anger, and he looked directly at him. “Keep your eyes forward.”

Garrosh quickly bowed his head. “Of course, my lord.”

Go’el simply offered a statement of good hunting, but after they passed, Garrosh looked absolutely livid.

As the group left the Hellfire Citadel, they were greeted by the sight of a fel elekk attached to a carriage. The carriage was made of dark brown wood and had spikes on its wheels. The tarping was black, and on both sides there was the same image that was on the eredar’s ring. The felbat ultimately descended down to the carriage and perched atop it.

“Well its not exactly fast, but it will certainly come in handy,” Dranosh commented.

“Oh yes, and whoever ends up in our way, they will move… or otherwise,” Azgadaan agreed.

The wolves that belonged to the two Frostwolves had approached the group, and Arthak made note of their advantage as they were skilled trackers. Go’el also said they had one additional advantage - he had spoken to Gromm and gotten the most recently location of a sighting of the draenei.

Arthak said they should go there straight away.

“By the way, are any of you good with handling beasts… I would assume some of you are seeing there are two wolves.”

Dranosh said he was.

“Good. I will keep you in high favor if you keep the ride smooth.”

Dranosh said it would be the smoothest damned ride he had.

Azgadaan then asked for the rest of the names of the group, and they gave them. Azgadaan was impressed by the presence of a chieftain, and mentioned there were two members of the Frostwolves and two from… “the other clan”. He also asked for Glashaa’s name, and she gave it..

Most of the group could fit in the carriage with Azgadaan, though Sorak mentioned it may be best for someone to keep an eye on the wolves. Azgadaan agreed.

They set off at medium speed, and during the ride Azgadaan told the group to talk freely. Arthak ultimately focused on talking strategy and ways to approach the problem of finding the draenei. In the meanwhile, the felbat was also circled overhead and then came back to rest when necessary.

As they got further away from the Hellfire Citadel, the corruption seemed to be less intense, though the presence of it was still evident.

Go’el also asked if Azgadaan would be interested in telling them about himself, but the eredar said his past did not matter. However, he was interested in hearing about the exploits of his new “friends”.

Go’el explained some of the triumphs of the Frostwolves, and Dranosh offered some recounts of the fights that had happened in Gorgrond - the Blackrock territory. Additionally, he also spoke of the battle of Tempest Keep.

Azgadaan listened with some interested when it came to any mention of the draenei.

Throughout the week, Dranosh attempted to impress Glashaa, who simply laughed a bit as if entertained.

At one point, Azgadaan requested that Arthak ride his felbat as a scout. Arthak hesitated, and Go’el pointed out that the Blackrock clan were not trained in such things, but Arthak did relent when Azgadaan insisted. However, the felbat did not do too well with flying with such a heavy passenger.

Azgadaan suggested he leave his weapons behind as they were not needed overhead. However, Arthak mentioned he was not a warrior without his weapons. Go’el suggested someone else who was lighter may be better, and he glanced at Glashaa.

Glashaa said she was willing, and mounted up.

The felbat’s name happened to be “Daan.”

It responded quite well as she was incredibly light. She was able to take in the view overhead, and the felbat seemed a bit confused by how light Glashaa actually was.

In the distance, Glashaa could see, rising into the mountain, the remnants of a large structure that had been ruined. The crystals were broken and faded, and orc structures were assembled around it. A number of figures were also in the distance - a number of orcs - and there did not seem to be a distinct banner. Each were wearing black clothing with shoulder pads and carried whips. Some were walking around alone, but a small collection of broken draenei were being herded as they carried rusted tools like pickaxes and shovels as they made their way. One stumbled and fell, and one of the orcs struck it with his whip.

Eventually, the felbat landed again with Glashaa and she was able to report on what she saw. It was estimated they could probably reach the site by the next day.

Azgadaan mentioned Daan seemed to like Glashaa’s company better than Arthak’s, though he asked if Arthak had at least enjoyed what he saw during his brief flight.

Arthak mentioned he appreciated the strategic benefits of having eyes in the sky.

The group made camp for the night, and Go’el ended up approaching Arthak.

“Arthak, are you aware as to what is at the ruins of the Temple of Sha’naar?”

Arthak did not have any idea.

“The temple was an old draenei temple to whatever religion they held. Devoted to their worship of Light. The temple is in ruins now, obviously, and is used as a work camp. I don’t think you’re going to like what you see there.”

“Hmph. Speak plainly, Go’el.”

“The Broken there are used for excavation. Removing raw materials out of the caves built into the temple. Searching for… crystals of draenic origin. Or raw materials for Gul’dan’s equipment.”

“Hmph. I see.”

“The temple is run by a demon by the name of Arzathamersus??? We will do our best to try and avoid him at all costs. If we can hope to deal with his people directly, we can perhaps get entrance into the caves beneath. The scout said that is where our prey is located. If we can find them without dealing with the terror-fiend, all the better.”

“Agreed. Well. We avoid the demon as much as we can, then ideally one of the Broken can be persuaded to give us information we need.”

“With any luck.”

“Hmph.” Arthak sighed.

“Tomorrow we ride,” Go’el offered.

“Hopefully, to glory,” Arthak agreed.

Go’el nodded as he stood back up and said “Lok’tar, Arthak,” and Arthak repeated the saying.

Sorak had already been alerted by what they would see at the temple before they had arrived at the Hellfire Citadel.

Glashaa did a wardance to get the group jazzed up for the hunt tomorrow. Dranosh was very interested.

Azgadaan gave a slow, moderate clap when she was done, and Dranosh grinned dumbly. Arthak, however, was working on sharpening his weapons and muttered beneath his breath. Sorak hadn’t watched at all, though Go’el had watched politely.

“Well done! I didn’t realize the Warsong clan was so lucky!” Dranosh commented.

Azgadaan walked over to Dranosh and handed him a skin of water. “I think you need a drink. You look thirsty.”

However, Dranosh did not seem to notice the reference. Glashaa just laughed and said he was too kind.

Dranosh downed the drink and realized it was actually alcoholic.

After some time, everyone drifted off to sleep and they had a fairly uneventful night. By early morning after they set off again - a week after they left the Hellfire Citadel - and they started to ascend the mountain. There were some wagons and collection areas, and a number of broken draenei were assembled with pickaxes and working on the side of the mountain.

There was a small pile of green crystals they had already extracted on a plaque nearby. As the warband approached, one of the Broken brought his pickaxe up and clinked it into the wall a few times but then collapsed.

As he did so, the orc taskmaster stopped and shouted “SCUM. BACK TO WORK.” When the broken said he was trying, the taskmaster cracked his whip in the air behind him and repeated the demand. The broken attempted to stand up again, but not fast enough, and the orc beat the whip across his back.

He tried to stand up again, but again was not fast enough, and he was whipped again.

Arthak quickly moved and caught the taskmaster’s hand before he could strike again. The orc glared at him. “What do you want? Can’t you see that I’m working here?”

“As am I. I want to have words with this slave. If he cannot work, then let me have words.”

Azgadaan also approached. “Let the draenei have a break before it dies and ends its usefulness.”

“But the foreman said to make sure it worked-” The taskmaster did not realize who he was speaking to, though quickly realized his mistake when Azgadaan backhanded him.

“I said, let the draenei speak before it dies and ends its usefulness.”

“As you say, my lord. All you lot. Ten minutes.”

“Very good. Now turn around. And shove your face in the dirt for your insolence, for ten minutes.”

The taskmaster looked at Azgadaan almost in horror, and the broken draenei looked on in awe. “As you wish, my lord.” And he does so.

Sorak put his hand on the shoulder of the draenei that had been whipped, and started to do something. No one noticed aside from Glashaa, though she could not make out what had happened other than the fact that the draenei seemed to look a bit better than he had.

The draenei looked up to Sorak and simply said thank you.

“Don’t thank us yet,” Arthak said when he overheard. “You have been spared pain and work. For that, answers are owed. Failure to give the answers we seek, and pain and work will resume. And we have far more at our disposal than a simple lash. Do you understand?”

The draenei nodded.

“Alright. There were reports of a group of renegade draenei in these lands. We seek them. Our reports suggest they are hidden in the tunnels below this place. If you know anything about them or where they can be found in those tunnels, or if you can give us the name of someone that does, I can ensure you are rewarded for your cooperation. Or if you do not have those answers or attempt to deceive us, I also have the power to see you punished terribly.”

The draenei nodded again, and his eyes darted over for a second and closed them. “Naaru forgive me,” and then he pointed at a broken draenei woman. As soon as he pointed, her eyes widened and she started to sprint away.

Arthak started to sprint after her, and Azgadaan whistled and pointed. Daan quickly swooped down and grabbed the broken by the shoulders and picked her up into the air.

“Let me go your infernal beast!” she shouted.

Azgadaan slapped manacles on the wrists and ankles of the draenei woman while she continued to shout..

“I don’t know anything! I’m just working here!”

“Your comrade speaks differently. I trust his fear more than I trust yours,” Arthak mentioned.

The female looked at the other broken, who said he was sorry and mentioned her name - Remrah.

She spit in his direction and started to curse him in draenic eredun.

“Regard us with your attention, not him. He has served his purpose, now serve yours. You know where the renegades are hiding in the tunnels below. Tell us now, and this can still end well for you,” Arthak continued.

She gritted her teeth and spit out a few more curses. “You’re too late. They’re probably already gone by now.”

Azgadaan and Sorak, however, were pretty certain she was not being genuine.

“If they are already gone, then there is no harm in telling us,” countered Arthak.

“I.... I only know where the camp is.”

“Fine. Tell us where, and live to see the next dawn.”

“There’s no way I can tell you how to get there without showing you myself. The tunnels are crazy. There are dead ends everywhere.”

“Okay. We’ll bring you along. But… you’ll be gagged and wearing the manacles. That way no warnings can be shouted. Nor can you run again,” Azgadaan put in.

“Then how am I supposed to show you how to get there you shadow-sucking bastard?”

“Easy. We walk you.”

“And you still have hands to point in the right direction. That will suffice,” Arthak agreed.

She winced again and muttered something under her breath. She then shrugged, defeated and dropped on her knees.

“Lord Azgadaan. Do I have your leave to dictate the nature of our informants reward?” Arthak asked.

“You have my grace.”

Arthak went over to the taskmaster. “Stand, warrior.”

Arthak pointed at the broken that had informed them. “That one is to be relieved of his work for the day and given an extra set of rations, as are two of his fellows of his choosing. Understand?”

The taskmaster nodded, though was clearly enraged. “As you say, Blackrock.”

Azgadaan walked over and slapped the taskmaster again. “This man is part of my company. You shall issue him respect.”

“A thousand pardons, my lord. He and his two of his fellows will be granted leave for the day, my lord.”

He seemed infuriated, but honest.

“Oh, and I will come back. If these slaves are gone, then you will be punished,” Azgadaan said.

“As you command, my lord.”

The group started to walk away with their captive, who continued to curse as she was being gagged.

As they left, they heard the taskmaster shout at the workers and emphasize that they were expected to do the work of those who were given the day off.

However, the captured draenei led them to into the tunnels.

The tunnels were illuminated by a bunch of bioluminescent fungi and mushrooms, but the carriage and the elekk were unable to fit inside. The frostwolves also showed intense reluctance to approach, thus were left with the carriage.

Meanwhile, deep underground….

The Ati-Kaso camp had started to pack up because Samaara and the people she had taken with her should have been back soon. An unbroken draenei approached the only other unbroken draenei in the camp.

She asked if “Nii-Nii” had heard anything of Samaara’s people, though Nii-Nii. Remnii, could not provide an answer. The first draenei, Yrel, was clearly worried.

They got into a bit of banter to lighten the mood about the annoyance of setting up and taking down tents over and over again. Remnii pointed at her bedroll, which had no tent, and said that they were underground. Yrel said that she preferred some privacy.

An older broken, Ahonan, walked up to Remnii and Yrel and stated that if there was one thing he knew about Samaara was that she always tended to be late. However, he also had no news from them.

“Ah, perhaps I was hoping for a light in the dark,” Remnii sighed.

They talked for a bit longer, and then Ahonan turned to leave. As he did, another of the Broken ran forward from deeper in the cavern. She was recognized as Lunasemena, a younger broken, and she clearly was showing signs of concern.

“Luna, are you okay?” Remnii asked.

“The crystal! The warning crystal! It glowed three times!”

Remnii quickly looked to Yrel.

“We need to get ready for an attack,” Yrel said.

“Very well, I will gather everyone and, please, be safe and spread the news,” Remnii nodded.

“I’ll make sure that we’re not pincered from the other entrance. We’ll get everyone out of here alright,” said Ahonan.

Ahonan turned to address the rest of the broken as they left their tents. “Draenei, take what’s important and leave what’s not! We’ll escape through the back entrance. That warning crystal was to the west, if we’re lucky our eastern exist will not be cut off.”

“Everyone be safe! Stay together!” Remnii called.

Yrel lifted her salvaged warhammer, and she said that she wouldl take a few of the defenders and try to hold them off. However, Remnii refused to let Yrel go by herself.

“Girls, as long as you stay together, there is nothing you can’t accomplish. I will gather the rest, and I will get the others who are able-bodied to help defend. However, don’t attack until you know who it is. The last thing we need is to cleave our own in twain,” Ahonan said.

“Draenei! Some of the able-bodied among you, join the girls in their defense. The rest will evacuate the Ati-kaso.” He looked at the two girls. “The two of you better be behind me.”

Remnii nodded and reassured that they would.

Ahonan then turned to head deeper into the cavern, and Remnii called a farewell after him in draenic eredun before she went to join Yrel and the other able-bodied draenei.

Just under a dozen stepped forward to join the two unbroken. Onard - a former Vindicator with a warhammer was among them, along with a completely bald draenei with sliced-of tentacles and a battleaxe.

A scrappy, small broken with an axe way too big for him with vulgar tattoos of orcs on his body and flips of the tunnel they were going to delve into. Vord also followed after him.

Another woman with a giant stick also stepped forward - Caerala - along with a one-armed swordman.

Lunasemena stayed with the group, and a young broken boy, Naphliir, also ran forward and told Luna her sister was going with the other group. However, she refused to go with her sister, and the boy said that he would stay to help as well then.

And finally, a broken with a sling - Deremos - also joined the group followed by a shorter broken woman with a tome at her side.

Together, they hurried off to prepare for the potential fight.

Onard, Mahoi, Oss, Vord, Caerala, Toraltil, Lunasamena, Naphliir, Remhall, Hafaret

Back with the hunting party, Remrah indicated they were 10 minutes away from the site of the camp.

“Remember, pure draenei we take alive unharmed as best we can. If we have to we’ll take them back with bruises and broken bones. However, we take them alive. Anyone else, if they get in our way, we cut them down,” Arthak told the party.

Azgadaan started to summon a felhunter directly behind the broken draenei, and as he made a few gestures and whispered an incantation a red summoning circled appeared on the ground. The red started to fade out into purple, and then back again, and after a minute it turned straight purple, went darker, and a felhunter raised its claws one by one out of the earth and leaped to a location nearby.

Remrah looked terrified as it appeared, and it seemed to detect magic from the group in general, but then it looked down the tunnel.

“So, the demon will lead us the rest of the way,” Arthak stated.

Azgadaan set the captured broken atop the felhunter so that it could carry her the rest of the way. Go’el and Sorak were clearly not happy, but Dranosh seemed to be ready to go.

Arthak, Azgadaan, and the felhunter took point as they exited the tunnel, and they are greeted by a collection of huts. As they headed in, Sorak and the felhunter made note of someone in the shadows to their right. Sorak whispered to Arthak about what he noticed, and the felhunter growled at whatever it had sensed.

Azgadaan signaled to Daan to keep an eye on their rear.

The shadow moved, and a rogue flanked them from behind while an unbroken draenei stepped out from the tent before them.

“Ah, hello draenei!” Azgadaan called.

The draenei looked at the group with a scowl. She was wearing cobbled together armor of steel and chain, and she had a warhammer swung across her back. Her eyes slid to the broken that was perched atop the felhunter, and the broken behind them drew their knives.

“We’re not here for the rest of the renegades. We’re here for you, and others like you,” Arthak said.

“Why am I not surprised?” Yrel commented snidely.

“You shouldn’t be. If you surrender now and willingly enter our custody, we will ensure your friends can escape and fight on for another day.”

The draenei laughed. “Do you really think I am going to trust you? That I can trust your word when you travel with one of them.” She gestured at Azgadaan.

“My word is my bond. I don’t say anything without following through,” Arthak stated. “Surrender now, you and any like you, and the rest will walk free. Otherwise this ends in bloodshed, lives lost.”

“I know that not all of your orcs are the monsters that destroyed my people, but he is proof that even if I could trust you, which I could not-” Yrel started.

“Who, little old me?” Azgadaan smiled.

“Don’t you speak at me like you’re smug!” the draenei shouted.

Another unbroken draenei, Remnii, stepped from the shadows and stated that perhaps the benefit of the doubt should be given.

Azgadaan asked why he should give the benefit of the doubt when he was not given it in turn, and Remnii stated because she had come out of hiding in the face of demons.

Go’el also stepped forward. “I can guarantee that Arthak will keep his word. I am Go’el, son of Durotan and chieftain of the Frostwolf clan.”

Remnii got a funny look on her face. “The Frostwolves?”


“You’re his son.”

“You knew my father?”

“Yes, when he was very young. When he was but a boy.” Remnii slowly approached and placed a staying hand on Yrel’s arm. “Long before the Burning Legion arrived here, I was able to travel with some of my people and we were able to meet the Frostwolves. We were able to share a table with Durotan and many others. It was much better than circumstances now.”

As Remnii spoke, one by one, broken exited the huts wielding weapons of their own. The weapons were held at the ready.

“So. Can you persuade your allies to let this end peaceably?” Arthak asked.

“Arthak, let me talk for a second. I am the problem. She does not trust me. Let me speak,” Azgadaan said.

Yrel glowered. “Then you have the floor, traitor.”

“Traitor. That’s a title I haven’t been called yet.”

“You must be young,” Remnii put forth.

“Do you wish to take a guess?”

“You cannot be any older than 50. Perhaps younger if you are willing to deal with anyone here, and allow orcs to speak freely,” Remnii suggested.

“Remnii, you can’t really be trying to take their word? What do you think they are going to do when we leave? They’ll just ride us down!” Another broken spoke up, one named Oss, and the insulting, self-made, vulgar tattoos on his body were obvious.

“I. Gave. My. Word,” Arthak repeated.

Onard came up behind Remnii and put a hand on her shoulder. “Nii-nii, you know what they’re asking, right? You are as much a part of the Ati-Kaso as anyone else. Do you expect us to just turn you over? What would we do without two of you? What would we tell Samaara?”

“I can’t imagine that everyone would like the idea, but if everyone can go home… most of them seem honor-bound in their own ways. That means Luna can go home to her sister, and Oss and Vord can go on. I’d rather go myself so that no one loses anyone more. Two versus any number. We have already lost so many.”

Sorak and Glashaa heard Go’el mutter something under his breath, but they could not make out what it was.

Yrel’s grip tightened as Remnii spoke, and she stepped forward. “You wanted us, right?”

“Yes,” Arthak and Azgadaan said in unison.

“Very well.”

More broken started to emerge one-by-one.

Yrel closed her eyes and gritted her teeth as she stowed her hammer.

“And I guarantee you, that if any of us hurt you, they will answer not only to Arthak’s blade, but to my axe,” Go’el said.

“And please, please let her go,” Remnii pleased as she gestured to Remrah, who was still bound on the felhunter.

Azgadaan pointed downward so the felhunter kneeled, and it let go of Remrah. He undid the manacles on her, and she stumbled back behind Remnii and spoke quietly in draenic eredun. (You’re fucking insane).

“If that means that all of the Ati-Kaso can still be together, I’d rather that than if half the clan doesn’t come home,” Remnii returned in Draenic.

“I’ve had enough of this charade. You know they’ll just betray us!” Oss shouted, but one of the Broken beside him grabbed his hand and shook his head.

Daan started to flare in response, but Azgadaan pointed at him and shouted at him to sit. The felbat complied.

“Think about your actions. They are offering themselves freely so no one dies. If you move that weapon and inch more, you will not be the first to die. You’ll be the last,” called Arthak.

“And what happens when you take her? What will you monsters do? Torture them?” Oss countered.

“I do not know. But this way their fate is of their own choosing. Not yours. Not mine. Theirs. We can take them as slaves instead and have this end in bloodshed. Your choice.”

“Boy, what would make them happier. You being alive, or you being cold on the floor?” Azgadaan threatened.

“We already said we would go. Oss please, Vord needs you!” Remnii begged.

“Fine go sacrifice yourself to these perverse monsters then!” Oss shouted as he threw his axe to the ground.

“So, then it is decided. All of you should leave now. Others will be looking for you, and others will not be nearly as reasonable,” Arthak said.

Yrel closed her eyes and stepped forward with her weapon held out toward Arthak.

Azgadaan started to approach with manacles, but Arthak said that they had given their word and they were coming of their own choice. He then pushed Yrel’s weapon back. “A warrior carries her weapons. As long as you do not raise them against us, you can keep them. Give us reason to regret that, it will not fare well for you.”

“And if you give me reason to use it, I can guarantee the same,” Yrel remarked.

“Then we understand each other. Nothing more needs to be said. We can depart.”

The warband gathered up their weapons and started to leave. However, as they turned to go, Onard stepped forward again.



“Dioniss aca.”

“Aar-don'sha, ki kahl'dos.”

Yrel said the same in response.

“I’ll see you again when you return,” said Onard.

“Please stay safe,” Remnii replied.

Just then there was a clap that echoed from down the tunnel the group had come from and an unfamiliar orc in long black and purple robes approached.

Azgadaan called his felhunter to him and started to walk back toward the orc, but as he did so more orcs followed the individual.

“Who are you, interrupting me?” Azgadaan asked.

“You know it’s terribly unfortunate that we had to break up such a heartfelt goodbye.” From behind the orc in purple robes, there was also a fel orc. “And what a shame that the cowardspawn’s wonderful little warband was slain by a group of draenei before we could find them. We’ll let your uncle know. And Lord Azgadaan, I’m sure your father will hold a short ceremony, but the draenei will come with us.”

Azgadaan threatened the orc, but the orc seemed unaffected by it.

“Korlac here is less inclined to listen to reason.”

The fel orc grunted and heaved as he stared at them with burning eyes.

“Aww, was it something I said? Well if formalities are being dropped already, lets get started,” the warlock commented.

The warlock’s imp jumped onto his shoulder and started to snicker while the other orcs burst into action.

There was a mass of attacks, and Lunasemena was the first to be stricken by two orcs. She was launched hard into the wall of the cave, and she was dropped to the ground immediately.

“Dranosh, Go’el, cover our other flank. Try to keep as many alive as we can!” Arthak shouted as he heard Luna get taken down.

As the fel orc charged forward, Sorak shouted out how the attack was going to land, and the broken who was the target managed to duck out of the way of the first attack. Sorak shouted again and she managed to avoid the second swing and gave Sorak a grateful nod.

Go’el charged forward to engage a second fel orc, and was able to strike it hard with his quick double swing. The fel orc immediately rounded on the chieftain that had engaged him.

Mahoi charged at another orc while Naphliir took a stab at an orc and managed to slice deep into her throat. The female orc spun around to attack, but Naphliir was able to strike again and killed her before he sprinted to try and help Luna.

Azgadaan shouted at his felbat to “Kill that insolent pig,” which Daan took as a cue to attack the warlock’s imp. He launched two spine from his tail, and the first knocked the imp off the warlock’s shoulder. The second spine bounced off a shield that materialized around the warlock at the last instant.

“Take that creature down!” The warlock scowled and gestured at the felbat.

On cue, an orc charged at Daan, but its blow broke against a runic, blood-red shield that surrounded the large demon.

Meanwhile, another orc charged forward and struck at Azgadaan, but she was immediately blasted with a surge of flame as she connected. She staggered back, but she was able to stay standing.

A series of small darts of arcane energy blasted out from the hand of the broken mage (Hafaret), and she fired them at one of the fel orc berserkers. Meanwhile, another orc charged forward and swiped at Oss, at which point Vord charged through to hit her back.

Sorak reached out a lightning-scarred arm and a visible heat wave surged forward. After a moment a gush of flame was fired in the direction of three different orcs. They were able to get out of direct line-of-fire, but still got burned by the surge.

While the flame surge distracted a few of the orcs, another berserker sliced at Arthak and cut deep into him, but Arthak was able to avoid the second blow.

Azgadaan’s felhunter attacked the berserker that had attacked Arthak, but the blows were ineffective. However, its master was much more effective as, as he blinked away, the eredar fired an ice knife a the center of a cluster of orcs and it shattered into a flurry of ice shards while another orc successfully attacked Sorak.

Oss hurled his axe in the direction of a female orc with his axe and connected.

“Do not prove them right, please,” Remnii whispered as she extended a hand and healed Azgadaan. She muttered a silent prayer and extended the healing aura out to Arthak as well.

Yrel blew through an orc with her hammer, and the blow carried through and took out another one.

Meanwhile, Glashaa stepped forward and started to dance. As she did some flames burst to life from the tips of her fan and illuminated several of the opposing orcs to make them easier to see.

The imp chucked a ball of fire at Yrel, but it was batted aside with her hammer as she cast a disdainful look in its direction.

There were several other successful hits on the broken.

Once again, an orc attacked Daan, and was unable to get through the felbat’s shield

The warlock muttered an incantation and a large fireball burst forth and rocked the area as it exploded between a group of several broken and warband members. It brought several of the members to the ground as they were consumed by the fire.

However, as Glashaa was hit by the fire, her illusion faltered and she was revealed to be a succubus.

Dranosh took a deep breath and then started to yell as he pushed under Daan and charged at the warlock. Several of the orcs swung at him as he ran by, but he was able to avoid the majority of them and stole the axe from another as he hacked into the warlock twice.

“That’s enough foul incantations from you, you bastard!” Dranosh shouted as he severed the warlock’s head.

Upon seeing that his master was killed, the imp began to cry and then attacked Dranosh in a rage. He managed to hit, but Dranosh just brushed the damage off.

Sorak took a step back and fired another ray of fire that managed to drop two more orcs while Daan continued to bite at the orc that had been unarmed.

An orc attacked Sorak and bit into him with his axe.

“We don’t have time for this!” Go’el shouted as he closed his eyes and swung his axe around. Electricity began to swirl out from the corners of his axe. “FOR DOOMHAMMER!” He cried as he slammed the pommel of his axe into the fel orc berserker. As it hit, there was an arc of lightning that blasted through him, into the orc behind, and then to two others. They all dropped into sizzling corpses.

The newly revealed succubus bent over and seemed to whisper a secret to the orc berserker, which distracted him for a moment before he suddenly seemed to be almost pained.

Arthak drove his axe into the remaining berserker, and recoiled with a sudden, uncharacteristic fear.

The felhunter, which had become enraged after its summoner went down, immediately launched a series of unsuccessful blows at Yrel.

“STRIKE NOW, BROTHER!” Dranosh shouted, and Arthak was able to drive his blade through the fel orc he was fighting, which left it in a crumpled pile on the ground.

Deremos was able to revive an unconscious Remnii, though he had broken one of her ribs in the process.

The imp tried to turn invisible, but then it realized it was still under the effects of the succubus’s faerie fire and began to panic. It tried to run as fast as its legs could go, but was promptly intercepted by Daan.

Sorak reached out and grabbed two orcs by the throat and electrocuted them both.

The rest of the enemies were cleared out quickly, and Remnii was able to stabilize Azgadaan, but at the urging from Arthak she did not bring him back to consciousness. Daan, however, had approached his master and was trying to get some sort of potion to his mouth. The succubus, who had introduced herself as Spinyl once the danger was passed, momentarily distracted the felbat, but it quickly became obvious that Daan was not going to be sidetracked for long.

Sorak and Go’el exchanged a look as Sorak proclaimed that two of the biggest secrets of the Frostwolf clan were now out, and there was a brief discussion where it was decided that they would drag the bodies of the fallen orcs further into the caves so they could be dealt with by the wild animals that dwelt there.

The broken gathered their wounded to leave - though there was a great deal of hesitation to leave Remnii and Yrel behind. It was also soon realized that Lunasemena had, in fact, not survived, and Naphliir sorrowful gathered up her broken body so that her sister could at least say good-bye.

After the broken had left and a few more words were exchanged, Sorak walked over and dropped one of Azgadaan’s potions into his mouth to spare the felbat from his struggle before the newly-revealed orc shaman walked away to attend to making camp.