[Horde] Session Seven - Foreshadowmoon Clan
Previously, the group had been speaking to Ner’zhul on top of the Black Temple. The clear sky - unlike the greenish-yellow haze that surrounded the area - is completely midnight blue and the two moons are clearly visible.
Most notably, Ner’zhul had mentioned to the group that Arthak’s father’s legacy will “pave the way.”
Arthak goes very still all of a sudden, and there is a creaking noise as his grip tightens on the handle of his sword. “My… father…?”
Ner’zhul nods slowly with a smile beneath his skull-emblazoned, aging face.
Arthak: “What… what role does my father have in this?”
Ner’zhul raises his hand, and as he does a stream of stars moves out from his hand as he draws it through the air. The stars shoot out and begin to float in the air between the group. They form into a large sphere at the center, and the sphere stops turning for a moment. What is before them is a planet. “Azeroth.”
Azgadaan recognizes Azeroth. As does Spinyl because she scoffs.
Ner’zhul: “A distant land. A world far from our own. And the self-same location that my former student and his pet warchief seek to conquer.” He then looks at Remnii. “Your people’s most recent refuge.”
Remnii’s eyes narrow as she looks at Azeroth, but she doesn’t say much.
Ner’zhul: “Three naaru shall open the portal, and the third you shall bring here. “Twas already your plan, yes?”
Arthak confirms. “You didn’t answer my question though. My father.”
Ner’zhul starts to laugh. “All in due time, my boy.”
Her clacks his staff on the ground and the illusory stars and planets disappear. “Come.” He says as he walks through the group back toward the entrance. The air is a bit chilly as he passes.
The group follows him. As he walks he continues to speak, the only other sound is the rhythmic tapping of his staff. “‘Twas through Broxigar the Red’s efforts that the way will be paved. Without him, this conquest would be over before it even began. I assume none of the others told you that much, did they?”
Arthak confirms that he wasn’t told anything except that he was a traitor.
Ner’zhul wasn’t surprised. “Enemies withhold information, but we are not enemies. I’ve seen a great many things. And those things I would share. That is-” he stops abruptly and turns to the group. “That is if you’re willing to listen.”
Arthak: “So… you want… Gul’dan and Blackhand and the warchief’s plan to succeed. What’s in it for you?”
Ner’zhul: “Survival. Perseverance. Victory.”
Arthak: “Speak plainly. If we’re going to be allies.”
Ner’zhul: “Then I will speak, and you will listen.” He moves again and gestures for the group to follow. They do.
As Arthak follows behind Ner’zhul he turns for a moment to see where everyone else is at, but there is no one else behind him. It is just Arthak and Ner’zhul. He turns back to Ner’zhul. “Where are they?”
Ner’zhul: “They are listening. Worry not my friend, they will find their way.” He laughs.
Arthak sighs, and Ner’zhul resumes walking with Arthak behind him.
Meanwhile, with the rest of the group, Azgadaan had heard a familiar voice call from a hallway. He turns to look at it, but when he looks back Ner’zhul and Arthak are gone, as are the rest of the group. He is alone, but oddly enough the hallways is a bit different than it was before. When he looks back in the direction of the hallway he heard the voice, that hall is also gone.
Clearly, there is something going on, but it what it was was not clear.
However, the voice he heard was his mother’s.
Azgadaan blasts a thunderous chromatic orb down the hall, and it smacks into something at the end and two gates blast open to reveal a larger atrium down the hall. There is cheering and jeering down that direction. He heads in that direction.
As he gets to the edge of the door everything looks much more familiar as a narrow platform lead outwards to a central disc with tarnished crystals. He notices that it is a coliseum - the execution platform his mother was killed on. The arena is filled with demons and eredar. At the far end of the dais, his mother is standing there looking up at Archimonde sitting in a throne. There are two warriors to either side of her.
Archimonde: “Erraa of House Jaraxxus. You send accused of high treason for interrupting the incantation that would allow us to have sent reinforcements… (can be viewed in the snapshot on the forum).”
Erraa confirms her guilt, and the crowd murmurs. Archimonde raises a hand to silence the room.
Azgadaan stands and watches while grinding his teeth.
Archimonde: “Then your fate is sealed.”
A voice shouts out to wait and the red electricity that was materializing around his hand ceases as Jaraxxus steps forward. However, as Azgadaan looks, where he was once standing as a child is empty. He claims that HE is of his house and it is his responsibility.
He. Not she.
He moves past Erraa, grabs the sword from a wrathguard, and then looks across the pathway to the door and stares directly at Azgadaan. Azgadaan pulls out his quarterstaff as Jaraxxus storms across the bridge, and all the demons are gone. There is no one here except Jaraxxus, Azgadaan, and Erraa now.
Behind him, Erraa tries to move down the bridge as well, but collides with an invisible barrier that prevents her from leaving. As Jaraxxus crosses the bridge the bridge collapses. Erraa looks at Azgadaan and screams at him to run and save himself.
Azgadaan, however, doesn’t move and his form gets larger as he uses Enlarge Person. Jaraxxus picks up his pace and raises the sword as he closes the distance. Azgadaan raises his hand as well and begins to form a spell, but Jaraxxus brings the sword down. However, the gates creak and shut, and the sword crashes against them and everything goes dark with just his mother repeating, “You have to save yourself” over and over again.
Azgadaan: “I’ll do more than save myself. Just as your last words say, the Legion will fall. I’m already on this path.”
“He knows. He is coming. He will claim what is his. He is coming. He knows.” Whispers reverberate through the air as the gate vanishes and Azgadaan turns back to go to where he came from. However, not before he turns and punches the wall. He’s still huge.
From another room, Azgadaan hears voices - one of which sounds like Arthak. Azgadaan charges forward toward the room.
Also meanwhile, Sorak hears Wintermaw bark. Somehow, from way in here. His eyes dart toward the sound, but when he looks everyone is also gone. There is a massive storm of wind and he shields his face, but when it subsides and he looks again he’s not in the Black Temple anymore. He’s in the middle of a snowy wasteland.
Sorak kneels down and picks up the snow between his hands. It is cold. It is wet, and seems quite real - as real as it could be. However, as he looks in the distance he sees smoke - though it is not from a campfire. He quickly goes to check out the smoke.
“You know, you’re already too late.” Came a voice that was familiar, but Sorak didn’t think he’d ever hear again. It’s his brother’s voice.
Sorak is pretty sure, at this point, it’s a vision, a warning, a trick, or some combination.
Sorak: “You’re looking good in one piece.”
Dotartan: “The same can’t be said for our village. Not here.”
Sorak points a thumb toward the smoke.
Dotartan: “They know.”
Sorak: “Who knows. And what do they know?”
Dotartan: “You know who I’m talking about, and they know what you are. You’re right. And she saw. And if she saw, then he saw.”
Sorak: “Who is she?... OH FUCK.” His pupils dilate. “Then they do know already.”
Dotartan nods.
Sorak: “And you’re here to tell me it’s too late.”
Dotartan: “I suppose it’s not really ever too late.”
Sorak: “Then it appears I have some work to do. Any suggestions? You were always better at the smashing part.”
Dotartan: “I’m not here for suggestions. I’m here for warnings. If you’re not careful, the whole clan will end up like…”
Sorak: “Like that.” He gestures at the smoke.
Dotartan: “Or worse.”
Sorak: “If I’m not careful, but you just said they know.”
Dotartan: “Then you better watch your back.”
Sorak: “I have been. Apparently not well enough. Sole warning. Is that it, brother?”
Dotartan: “And a choice.” He looks at the smoke again, and then turns around and looks into the woods behind him. They are dark and not burning. “You’ll make your choice. Just like I didn’t have a chance to.” Then he turns and walks into the forest behind him and vanishes into the shadows of the Frostfire Ridges.
Sorak heads toward the smoke. He goes through the forests toward the smoke, but when he breaks through the forest he doesn’t see the village or the Frostfire Ridges. Instead, he sees a forest, but it is unlike any that he’s seen. The trees are filled with beautiful red leaves. There are strange elegant spires of a strange architecture. Everything is burning. Fire is raining from the sky. There are screams. As he looks around the ground just rumbles. As Sorak tries to see what it is, the sky goes dark as the sun is eclipsed by a black moon.
The forest fades, and then once again Sorak finds himself in the hall of the Black Temple.
Like Azgadaan, Sorak hears a voice that sounds like Arthak’s and he follows it.
Meanwhile, as Spinyl follows the group along she hears a giggle from behind. She looks and there is nothing there, but when she looks back everyone is gone. Instead, the hallway comes to an abrupt end and there is a plush, comfortable chair. It looks realllyyy comfortable. It’s tall, high-backed, brilliant gold with blood-red cushions. The gold juts out into twisted black spires.
Spinyl observes it’s a very strange chair.
There are a couple stairs that lead up to the chair, and set in behind it there are three gemstones sewn into the cushion. They glimmer off the dim light of the area and reflect the floating lights that dance about in the air.
Again, there is a giggle.
Spinyl: “Is somebody there?”
There is another giggle.
Spinyl: “Well I’m not going to sit in strange chairs. No matter how comfy they look.”
It does look reeaaallly comfortable.
However, Spinyl observes something else on the chair. It’s on the arm rest, but she can’t make it out from this distance. Spinyl chooses to investigate.
The giggling continues as Spinyl moves closer to the chair. When she gets there she sees a hidden latch on the armrest as if it lifts up to reveal a secret compartment. It is only on the right side, not the left. She thinks for a moment, and then pulls the lever.
Something shoots up out of the compartment, and Spinyl is able to duck out of the way. When she looks down, there is a long, white crystal that is sharp and needle-like. There is more giggling.
Spinyl is just getting more and more confused.
Just then a hand slams the compartment back down, and Spinyl recognizes Nerezza’s hand as she is now sitting in the chair. She smiles and brings a finger to her lips and shushes quietly.
Spinyl stares wide-eyed and covers her mouth. The giggling gets louder. And louder. It eventually gets too loud and she instinctively claps her hands over her ears, and then suddenly it’s over.
The chair is gone. Nerezza is gone. Spinyl is once again standing in a hallway.
Spinyl takes out her fan and starts fanning herself. However, she too hears Arthak’s voice, and she moves toward it.
That was strange.
Also in the meanwhile, Remnii is walking with Yrel. As she goes she hears a voice call out her name. It’s Samaara’s voice. Remnii looks to Yrel and asks if she heard it.
Yrel: “Hear what? Wait, I think I did.” She turns to look, but she looked in a different direction that from which Remnii heard it.
Remnii: “I heard Samaara. That way.” And she points.
Yrel nods, but when the two of them look back everyone else is gone. “Where did everyone go?”
Remnii: “Good question. Is it okay if I’m… I think it’s that way.”
Remnii looks in the direction she heard the voice, but when she looked back again Yrel was gone.
Instead, she sees a familiar broken draenei. Ahonan. He looks over at Remnii and says her name.
Remnii: “You cannot be anything but a vision. I know where I was and I know where you are not.”
Ahonan: “What is and isn’t real doesn’t change the truth.” He gestures behind Remnii, and she starts to smell smoke. She turns to look, and she finds she is standing in the exit of a door. She sees the ruins of Shattrath City. Civilians are screaming only to be silenced. The thunderous steps of orc warriors charging through the roads.
Ahonan steps past her. “You know what you’ve done, yes? You know what you’re doing?”
Remnii crosses her arms in a sickened manner: “Yes…”
Ahonan keeps walking through the burned streets. Remnii follows him. “You know this was not the first. You know it’s not the last.”
Remnii: “World?”
Ahonan: “How many Shattraths? How many Taladors is too many? When does the price become too much, Remnii?”
As they round a bend there is a corpse of a young draenei girl and who are probably her mother and father. There is an orc next to them, an old man and not a warrior, and a young orc girl in her teens. There are also the corpses of arakkoa, ogres, and then humans. Elves. Dwarves. All manner of things all fitting the descriptions she had heard, and all dead.
Ahonan: “When does it become too much? Is there a death toll? Or do you not even know?”
Remnii: “My first thought, vision, is to ask… nothing is too much for the Burning Legion. They know they would chase our people to the ends of the universe. They already have. And as long as my people run, the Burning Legion will be on their heels. It has been far too much. What do you want me to say?”
Ahonan: “It’s not what I want you to say. It’s what they will want to hear.” And he points down the road, and Remnii sees Velen kneeling and cradling a human child no more than nine or ten. To his right there is Yrel, and to his left Samaara. All three of them look up and their eyes lock on Remnii. Their faces are fixed with concern, fear, and uncertainty.
Remnii: “We can’t keep running… I don’t know what else to say. Not yet, vision, please. There has to be a way to fight.”
Ahonan looks at her and leans in closer. “There is always a way.” And then the vision vanishes. However, when Remnii comes to, she is in a slightly different place than the rest. When she blinks, Ahonan is gone and is replaced with Yrel. They are in a hallway, and to their right is a massive figure as Dentarg is next to them.
Yrel greets Remnii, and they embrace.
Dentarg clears his throats: “We’ve been waiting for you. We’re glad that you made it.” The two continue to hug but acknowledge. “Your sister is waiting for you.”
Remnii continues to hold Yrel’s hand even after they break the hug. Dentarg steps back and there is a metallic creaking as he opens a doorway behind him. There is a dungeon beyond. There are some bones strewn about, but on the far end of the wall is an emaciated draenei. She almost doesn’t look familiar at first as she has been chained in the dungeons for a long while. She’s very unconscious, and her tealish-blue hair falls messily as she hangs against the wall, but she is breathing.
However, she is not entirely unbroken.
Her face is still Samaarra, and her eyes are as is her hair, but she’s different. While less unbroken than not, she is still her.
Dentarg: “We are sorry. The warlock and his demons interrogated her. Tried to learn the location of the naaru. You should know it was news that the naaru’s location had been revealed that ceased the inquisition. Your orc may have saved her life. And it is not my place to weigh the balance between a god and a woman. I will leave that balance to you and to my master.”
He reaches down and places a key in Remnii’s hand. “You will need her expertise and her knowledge on your way. Your journey shall be dangerous, and we have been instructed to release her unto your custody.” He then begins to walk away. “You will find the others in the main atrium.” He gestures down the main hallway. “You will find it.”
The ogre turns a corner and is gone.
Yrel takes the key and rushes to Samaara. She unchains her and the other draenei falls limply as Yrel calls her name and then lays her down. She’s still clearly unconscious. Yrel looks at Remnii for help.
Yrel cradles Samaara as Remnii begins praying. The light wafts around her and her eyes flutter open. Yrel calls Samaara’s name, and she blinks weakly for a moment. “Yrel… Remnii…. By the Light of the naaru, it cannot truly be you can it?”
Remnii: “We made it.” Her eyes are watery as she looks at Samaara. “We’re here.”
Samaara closes her eyes and starts to sob. “Gul’dan told me that you had been executed. He and his terrible creatures. I feared for the worst. I did not know what to believe.”
Remnii: “Believe he is nothing but a liar. A foul creature.”
Remnii closes the hug with Samaara at the center.
Samaara asks if Remnii has any water, and Remnii provides her waterskin which Samaara gingerly sips from. “Where are we. They did not tell me where I was taken. How did you get here?”
Remnii: “We can fill you in when we are out of this place. It seems we have been drafted into somewhat of a warband.”
Samaara: “So you were captured then?”
Remnii: “Yes, but not in the same capacity as you.”
Samaara: “Then I must come with you. I must protect you.” She tries to get up but fails.
Remnii and Yrel both tell her to not be stupid and to keep her strength as she is now in Remnii and Yrel’s custody.
Remnii starts to cry when Samaara made a joke about Remnii and Yrel standing up for her before she will be able to stand at all.
Samaara closes her eyes for a moment. “I suppose for the time being… you may have to do more protecting of me than I originally thought.”
Remnii grabs Samaara’s hand. “You know, once you are back on your feet I don’t think that I have the capacity to say anything but the fact that we all are still draenei.”
Samaara smiles softly: “The warlock may have begun to break my flesh, but I will not allow him to break my spirit.”
Remnii: “And that is what makes you a draenei.”
Samaara: “But I can certainly say he did quite a number on breaking my flesh… ouch…”
Remnii: “Well then it is a good thing we got here even for nothing else that I am good at mending said flesh.”
Samaara: “Your warband did not hurt you, did it?”
Remnii: “No, but there are a few things you should know…”
Samaara asks Remnii to tell her.
Remnii: “The warband has six members, but only two orcs. There are demons with them. And you need to know that before you meet them.”
Samaara: “Thank you. I feel that is a good thing to be warned of…”
Remnii: “A succubus, the smallest thing I have ever seen, and an eredar of all things…”
Samaara: “That is problematic… perhaps….”
Yrel says that the eredar is not like the stories, but Remnii offers that he is very young - younger than half a century. Remnii also says that they are going to need Samaara’s help with something still hanging in the air.
Samaara knows she is talking about Mu’ru. Remnii then confesses that she was the one that had told the orcs.
Samaara: “If it ensured your safety, then that is sufficient reason for me. We’ll do what we have to.”
Remnii said she would not count Mu’ru out, and Samaara said she will have to get her bearings before she makes judgements. However, Samaara said that if they find Mu’ru he will probably not survive.
Samaara: “We need to decide if we survive to fight another day, or to go down with the ship.”
Remnii explains about the vision Velen had and why she chose what she did, and Samaara said that if Velen had put faith in Remnii she would as well.
Remnii starts to babble about having no real way to fight with anything but words, but Samaara stops her.
Samaara: “Remnii, you are a warrior in so many more ways than that… if I will have faith in you, if Yrel will have faith in you, then have faith in yourself. And if you cannot, but faith in us… and put your faith in the Light.”
Remnii starts to tear up because she was going to say to put their faith in the Light.
Samaara then asks if there was any clothing for her, and they managed to find some orcish clothing. She also said that she will have to see if her changes impacted her ability to wield a bow.
Samaara gets dressed and the group goes to regroup with the rest.
Back with Arthak.
Ner’zhul: “Your father. He was not a wise man, but he was brave. He was strong. He was bold. Some might say he died a fool, wailing against that which is indestructible. I know otherwise. He did something grand the day that he died. He send a very poignant message. On that day.”
Arthak asks what happened.
Ner’zhul: “He showed everyone that nothing is beyond the reach of death.” He gestures at the atrium that opens up before them, and as Arthak looks he sees a wide room. Around the room in three separate lowered areas there are three circles. Two of them have rippling green energy forming around them in a cage, and within each of these there is an immaculate iridescent creature floating in the air. One of them is a faint blue, the other is faintly purple. They jerk and twist as if in pain. The third circle has only a single golden crystal floating in it. Between the three little containment zone, there is a raised area with a massive object burning with green and red fire. The object levitates for a moment, and the green flames lick outward to the two occupied green “cages.”
Ner’zhul: “Behold. Your father’s legacy.”
Arthak asks what it is, and then the sphere flips and rolls and then stops. There is a black slit right through the center of it.
Ner’zhul: “The eye of Sargeras.”
The eye stares down at Arthak.
Ner’zhul: “Do you want to see what happened to your father?”
Arthak says he does.
Ner’zhul: “I cannot show you, but you can see for yourself.” And he slowly gestures with his hand up toward the eye.
Arthak takes a step or two toward the eye. It seems to watch him as he moves. The heat that comes off it is simultaneous overpowering and almost welcoming. Arthak looks back at Ner’zhul. “If this is what you say it is, will something happen to me if I do this?”
Ner’zhul: “All things have a price. Knowledge more than anything.”
After some hesitation, Arthak takes the last step and then reaches out and touches it.
As he touches it, Arthak’s vision gets sucked into the eye and he sees a flaming hellscape of an area. He has no idea where it is, but Arthak is looking over it from a high vantage point. The sky itself is ablaze and the mountains are on fire. Sauntering his way up a spire towards Arthak is his father, Broxigar the Red. He shouts. “You! I guess that makes you Sargeras, am I right?”
As he walks the air around him is slowly burning him. Smoke is rising from his flesh as he stares up at the massive form Arthak is seeing everything through.
Another voice booms throughout the landscape, it is likely Sargeras: “And you are a pawn who has overstepped his station. And yet, you’ve fought your way here somehow. I suppose I should grant you this. You are certainly brave if nothing else.”
A massive, broken flaming song is swung sideways across a mountain and slices it in half. However, as that happens the orc jumps up onto the sword and runs up the sword, and then onto the arm holding it. “WE ARE ORCS. WE ARE NOT SOMEONE’S PAWN!!!!” And then he leaps right into the form’s face and his sword plants into Arthak’s vision. It’s Arthak’s mother’s sword.
There is a bellowing cry that echoes through Arthak’s very psyche. Arthak is blasted out of the vision and lets out a grunt of discomfort as he is also blasted off of his feet. Arthak slams down on the ground a good twenty feet from where he was.
However, he keeps his consciousness. As he stares up at the ceiling, his blood is pumping and his heart is beating really, really loudly. Arthak stands up, looks at the eye, looks at Ner’zhul, and then looks at himself.
His skin, fortunately, is not red. However, he feels a rush of anger surge through him. There isn’t enough to stir him to do something reckless, but Arthak feels antsy. An itch. There is a fire deep in his bones and bloods. Arthak knows this fire. It’s like how he felt when he fought Azuka, but a lot more intense.
Directed towards the people who called him cowardspawn.
Arthak: “Sargeras is the one that killed my father, then?”
Ner’zhul: “Lord of the Burning Legion himself. The dark titan. He who is thought to be indestructible, and yet… your blood proved that wrong.”
Arthak: “Can he see through it? Is that him looking at me now?”
Ner’zhul: “Perhaps. And perhaps not. That I cannot answer.”
Arthak: “You seek the destruction. You seek the same thing he did.”
Ner’zhul: “Yes. You see, Arthak, you and I are not so different. Used. Twisted. And discarded. Word that fits them most. Kindred spirits, you and I. And we are not alone.”
Arthak: “Who else?”
Ner’zhul: “That does not matter. Soon enough, everyone. You will be the vanguard. You will take the first steps. Deliver the first blow. Continue your father’s legacy. And free all from the fear of the Legion. From the fear of destruction. From the fear of death. And we will start with Socrethar.”
And at that point, everyone rejoins him. They see the two naaru imprisoned, and Arthak. As he turns to them, his eyes are visibly red.
Azgadaan walks in, sees the eye, and then immediately walks back into the hallway.
All of Arthak’s body language seems to indicate violence.
Ner’zhul: “Just in time. I see you recovered your sister and your friend. I am glad you were able to get here before the warlock saw her transformation and her breaking complete.”
From the hallway, Azgadaan calls: “Ner’zhul, can you put the eye away?”
Ner’zhul: “If I were to do so, the naaru would be freed. I am strong, but I am not that strong.”
Arthak: “Just get in here Azgadaan.” He is continuing to stare a the eye.
Ner’zhul: “Your master’s eye will not hurt you.”
Azgadaan sighs and returns.
Ner’zhul: “Socrethar. Does that name mean anything to you?” He says looking at Remnii.
Remnii does not recognize the name, but Azgadaan does. He’s an eredar who betrayed the draenei during the rise of the horde on Draenor. He was a high ranking member of draenei society that basically was isntrumental in their downfall after he was turned to the side of the Burning Legion.
Azgadaan: “Socrethar… you mean the draenei that betrayed them and became an eredar?”
Remnii: “Socrethar. Do not honor him with such a name. His name is Othaar. I knew him. He was one of the Council of Exarchs.” She scoffs.
Samaara asks what he can do.
Ner’zhul: “He will be the first. He is powerful enough to aid you in capturing a naaru, yes? And convince him you should, and will. ‘Tis a shame that the power of a naaru is far too much for a treacherous worm like him to survive. Just doesn’t know it yet.”
Arthak: “So, get him to aid us in taking the naaru and he is destroyed in the process?”
Ner’zhul: “He is a prideful man. A power-hungry man. It should not be too difficult for you to convince a man like he to help you. You’ll find him to the southwest in an ancient draenei ruin he now calls Socrethar’s Rise. And if that is not enough to convince him, then perhaps this will do the rest.”
He walks to the containment cell that contains the crystal and reaches for it. It floats down, and Remnii recognizes it as it is like the one she already has. It is a brilliant yellow color. It is the Brilliant Star.
Ner’zhul: “If you believe me disingenuous, then use this. He will know what it is. You know what it is.”
Remnii: “Brilliant Star…”
Ner’zhul: “The second.”
The shard floats to Remnii. She seems astoundingly calm despite everything as the crystal floats down into her hand.
Remnii: “I though the ata’mal lost.”
Ner’zhul: “Not lost, and not diminished. With this, he will believe himself able to confront the naaru.”
Remnii: “Did he know that you had this?”
Ner’zhul: “Of course not. And yet, to collect a second will be a prize far too valuable for him to turn down.”
Remnii asks if he has another, and Ner’zhul confirms.
Remnii: “Do you know which one it is?”
Ner’zhul did not, but he said they would find out when she returned it and the one called Brilliant Star to him after Socrethar’s death.
Arthak: “So he will be destroyed. Where will that leave the naaru?”
Ner’zhul: “You will find a way - by weakening it or otherwise - to bring it here.”
Arthak: “And in doing so allow the portal to be opened to this other world. Azeroth.”
Ner’zhul confirms. “The first step towards the freedom from fear. We’ll get what we all truly seek one way or another.” His eyes linger on Spinyl and Azgadaan.
Arthak: “Freedom from the Legion…”
Ner’zhul: “So what say you, Arthak?” He says as he holds out a hand to Arthak.
Spinyl and Remnii both notice that Ner’zhul clearly has way more going on than he's letting on, but he is not being disingenuous about his hatred for the Legion. He is clearly not trying to frame the group to get himself in the Legion’s favor, and he clearly wants Socrethar dead.
Arthak looks at Ner’zhul’s hand. “If we set our path with yours, then we are allies. No lies. No manipulation. No hidden agendas.”
Ner’zhul: “Of course. As I said. Only an enemy does not reveal the truth.”
Arthak: “Fine.” He takes a few steps forward and takes Ner’zhul’s hand. However, he looks him directly in the eyes. “Then we are friends. But know this. Prove yourself to be anything but what you have said, your aims, anything, than what you have claimed them to be. Prove yourself an enemy to me, and you will know one thing at the end of it. I am my father’s son.”
Ner’zhul: “And yet at the same time so, so much more, my friend.”
Arthak grunts.
Ner’zhul: “Now as educational as this has been for both sides, it is time you made yourselves scarce. Gul’dan will be arriving at the ports in a few hours. It is good for you to get some distance, especially with her.” He gestures at Samaara.
Arthak agrees and says they will make for Socrethar’s Rise.
Ner’zhul wishes him good hunting, and says he will prepare to receive his “star pupil.”
As Remnii looks at the naaru (Yrel has been unable to stop looking) she can see that they are in pain as blackened shadows have started to creep across them, but she cannot hear them.
Arthak tells the group that they should go after he gives one last, long look at the Eye of Sargeras.
They ultimately were given a cart drawn by two corrupted talbucks to aid them in their travels. Mork was speaking to another peon, and he actually looks a lot like Mork, but his eyes were violet like the rest of the Shadowmoon Clan.
Mork waves at the group and asks if they are finished, and Azgadaan confirms and asks if he knew how to drive a carriage. Mork said he did, and then mentioned that was how he taught his son how to do it.
He then introduces himself to the other peon - his son - whose name is Vork and he is a member of the Shadowmoon Clan.
Mork is clearly pleased with his son as Vork goes to leave. Vork has been talking in the same brainwashed tone that is associated with the members of the Shadowmoon Clan.
Samaara also introduced herself to the rest of the warband. She expressed that she had them to thank for her life as much as Remnii and Yrel. Azgadaan expressed he was sorry they could not get to her sooner, but she expressed she was alive at the very least.
Arthak introduces himself and extends a hand, which she does not take, but she thanks him for showing mercy on her sister and her friend. Arthak offers the phrase for the death of the Legion in Draenic, and Samaara notes that Yrel and Remnii have also been at work.
She also knows roughly where Socrethar’s Rise may be, and explains a potential route to take. Samaara also expresses that they may need the tracking abilities of Sorak.
Azgadaan gave some uncorrupted rations to Remnii to give to Samaara, but she refused as Yrel and Remnii needed it more and, at this point, she had little to lose from what she would eat. Yrel and Remnii were not going to go against Samaara’s wishes.
Azgadaan then spoke to Arthak and asked if he had looked in a mirror, as his eyes were incredibly, incredibly bright red. Arthak was not exactly surprised.
Azgadaan seems to know that he was likely corrupted from the meeting with the Eye of Sargeras. Remnii was insistent it was just standard orc corruption, but Arthak said that there would be no harm in checking if that was the case.
Azgadaan confirmed that it seemed to be standard corruption.
Azgadaan: “Keep getting corrupted like that and not only your eyes will be red.”
Arthak: “So… a fel orc?”
Azgadaan confirmed.
Arthak: “...So, red… was that a joke?”
Azgadaan looks at his (red) hand and says no.
Arthak sighed and said he made note of it. He asked if that was everything, and Azgadaan said yes.
The group continues toward the south, and they quickly leave Karabor. They expect to reach the edge of the first landmark, the river, in about two days.
Sorak managed to find some hallucinogenic herbs.
Arthak is feeling incredibly antsy by the second day considering the boiling rage in his blood. While training Remnii, it gets particularly unbearable, but Samaara is always watching. And she is always fletching arrows. He has given up on fighting with her directly, and instead is focusing on getting her to cast while someone is in her face.
The amount of smoking Arthak has been doing increased dramatically and he seems constantly on edge. He isn’t talking a lot and seems to have to restrain himself from yelling at anyone that approaches.
Azgadaan went to speak to Remnii at one point and she was outside her tent pacing. Azgadaan asked to speak with her, and she looks him up and down and asks what he needs.
Azgadaan asks about learning the Draenic tongue, but she said she wants to wait to see how he progresses before she brings him into the native tongue. She also expressed she is hesitant to teach another so soon, but if Azgadaan keeps up his end of the deal she will ensure he is ready to meet Velen when the time comes.
She also expressed that, if Azgadaan made good on his promises, his lessons would be far beyond what Arthak’s would ever be.
Azgadaan thanks her and then goes to go to sleep off a head wound he got from training. Remnii offers to heal it with the comment “Or do you want to live with the pain? Are you going native?” but the joke goes over his head. He accepts, and she heals it, then he goes off on his way.
Azgadaan continues to train with Yrel. He also wants to speak with Samaara, and moved to do so. He wanted to inform Samaara about the promise he made to Yrel, Remnii, and, by extension, Samaara herself.
Samaara squints at him. “Remnii had told me that you are strange.”
Azgadaan agrees are far as eredar are concerned. He said that Yrel and Remnii may end up telling her about his past.
Remnii: “You know, Azgadaan, if you do continue to walk this path, owning it all so readily is… while not unwelcome, it is not something that is going to be pleasant for you if you continue.”
Azgadaan expresses he is well aware of what happens to traitors of the Legion, but he is already this far.
Remnii said it is not just about being a traitor and pushes about where Azgadaan’s powers come from because she knows he knows. She presents the consideration of what may happen when he is no longer drawing from the fel while he is a demon. She emphasizes that it is not just about being a traitor, but his physical health as well. It isn’t potentially a matter of simply becoming broken, either, though Remnii does not know for sure.
Neither did Samaara.
There was some concern for what may happen to Azgadaan if he continues along the path simply for the fact there was no way of knowing. It was a matter of warning more than anything. However, Yrel reminded him that, if he was indeed trying to follow this path, he could not give up. Ultimately it would only take one slip and then he would do something stupid.
Arthak butts in from a short distance away for Azgadaan to stop bothering the draenei.
Azgadaan: “Good to know you were listening.”
Arthak: “Hard not to. Fact it’s hard not to EVERY. TIME.”
Yrel: “It’s really not a bother, Arthak, he had some statements he wanted to say.”
Arthak: “AND HE HAS MADE THEM. REPEATEDLY. We have been scryed on repeatedly, and throwing them out there repeatedly, and beyond it just being annoying-”
Azgadaan: “Fine. I’ll stop talking to them.”
Yrel said the conversation was over anyways, and Arthak simply says “good”. Azgadaan, however, messages the Draenei and expresses that Arthak seems too on edge. Remnii said she had theories, but it should be left for now as provoking someone that had provoked something would not be wise.
Yrel expressed that it was time that she and Azgadaan start training. However, Arthak happened to overhear the whispering needed for the Message spell.
He got up and started walking toward Azgadaan. He immediately grabs him and then slams him against the side of the cart. “DO YOU THINK I’M STUPID? I CAN TELL WHEN YOU’RE CASTING. I CAN HEAR IT WHEN YOU WHISPER. DON’T. EVER. MAKE THE MISTAKE OF THINKING ME THE FOOL, DEMON.”
Yrel puts a hand on Arthak’s shoulder. “I think you made your point.”
Arthak: “HAVE I? Have I made good, or do I need to say it again?”
Azgadaan: “I won’t talk about you. I’m still talking to others, but I won’t talk about you.”
Arthak: “No, you aren’t hearing me. Your magic. Your connection to the Burning Legion does not give you an excuse to go around me. This is not your warband. Am I CLEAR?”
Azgadaan: “Crystal.”
Arthak: “Good. Now say it. WHOSE WARBAND IS IT?”
Azgadaan: “Arthak Saurfang’s.” There is a touch of venom in his voice.
Arthak slams him against the side of the cart again. “Good talk.” And then he storms away. However, there was guilt and regret mixed with his frustration as he stormed off.
Yrel shakes her head. “Lets just… go and train. Somebody needs time to blow off some steam.”
Azgadaan agrees, and tells Yrel about his new Enlarge/Reduce trick.
While he is talking Yrel comes at him and he blocks it but she expresses that size only does so much in combat. Azgadaan counters that it allows him to hit harder, but they go ahead and continue to train.
Azgadaan also asked Yrel why she hadn’t told him what his mother’s last words meant, and she said it would be more interesting for him to have figured it out on his own and it just gave him more things to worry about.
Later on, Azgadaan asks Mork about his kids, and Mork said that he had a bunch of children scattered across Draenor. Gork. Dork. Bork (a talented wolf-raiser in the Warsong Clan). Fork (a good chef). Lork. Rork. He goes on, but then admits he lost track of how many there are.
Azgadaan said that maybe one day they can bring his entire family together, including his wife. He said that he did miss his wife as she was also very busy pushing carts and the like.
Wintermaw has been avoiding Arthak and has been hanging around Sorak and Spinyl primarily. Spinyl has been absent-mindedly fingering the necklace Dranosh gave her. If only Dranosh were here ~wistful sigh~.
Back to night two after Arthak roughed Azgadaan up. Remnii has chosen not to approach Arthak about training at all, even though their typical assigned time comes and goes.
Arthak, however, while he is glancing at her, is choosing not to approach her as his initiations have been fairly violent.
Remnii chooses to approach incredibly cautiously. “Arthak, do you mind if I sit? I will leave you be if you prefer?”
Arthak said it was fine, and Remnii gingerly sits down. She lets the silence hang, but the once comfortable silence has become somewhat stiffened.
Remnii said that she wished to talk in Draenic. “I won’t keep you for very long as I imagine the meandering conversation will suit your needs at the moment. But how are you doing besides the obvious?”
Arthak: “I’m… hrrrgghhh…. I’m doing my best. I should… apologize… to the demon shouldn’t I?”
Remnii nods. Arthak growls. “Great…”
Remnii: “You prefer honesty do you not?” Arthak confirms. “Given today’s events I did not wish to interface with you much given how antsy you’ve been. But… do you want to continue to feel like this? As I recall, you do not like mind-altering magics, but there are a few options, actually. I could put you to sleep if you wish, I could magically calm your emotions, or…” She pulls out Brilliant Star. “For a time. This will be temporary Arthak, but this is Brilliant Star. It was one of the artifacts given to the original eredar when we were one on Argus. It was broken into pieces, but each one serves its own purpose. We will not be keeping this, but if I have my way we will have at least two, but perhaps before we continue to speak…” She holds it out.
Arthak has been looking pained, frustrated, and like he really, really needs a good smoke.
Remnii: “Here.” She hands it to him and he takes it.
I helps to quiet his mind a little bit, but it doesn’t completely make it better. Arthak sighs. “It’s helping.”
Remnii explains that Brilliant Star is known to calm emotions and help with mental clarity. Arthak admits that he needed it at the moment.
Remnii: “I know it will not fix it as corruption runs deep and angry when it does. But… again, do you want to continue to feel like this, Arthak? I did not want to deliberately instigate you when I was speaking to Azgadaan earlier, but it brings up an important point.”
Arthak: “Which is?”
Remnii: “Corruption is not easy to get rid of, but it can be done. It offers power, it offers much, and I don’t want to preach at you, but knowing the nature of what you are dealing with is something I have found that you prefer, correct?”
Arthak confirms.
Remnii: “While it can be cured,it may be some time before we can truly seek you help. It is magic far beyond what I am capable of as I am still young. But that being said this does not have to be permanent if you are able to keep your wits about you. And again, my opinion matters little in the grand scheme of things it seems. And your people, most of your people, are suffering from a similar affliction. But if you give in there is no coming back. When it offers you much for what may seem little, it can be hard to stay on the proper course. Whatever you may deem that be.”
Arthak is quiet for a bit. “Do you know why I hate the Burning Blade?”
Remnii: “I have an idea… but tell me.”
Arthak: “They were my mother’s clan, and my grandfather’s. Before the Legion the blademasters of the clan were some of the finest warriors of our people. They’d mastered the way of the blade to the point that they mastered a sword so they can master themselves. That was my mother’s clan. And then Dharl, the warlord of the clan, decided that they were going to become fel orcs. Give themselves fully to the Legion. Threw all of it away. They became monsters. I don’t regret that this is the cost of some of my decisions. I would make them again. But…”
Remnii looks on with a clear “uh huhhh” go on look.
Arthak: “I’m not a monster. I will not let myself become one. So yes, I want to make this go away. I have no intention of playing into the Legion’s hands. To become anything they would have me be. So when we find a way to rid myself of this, I will take it. In the meantime I’ll try and contain myself.”
Remnii looks thoughtful for a while. “Only you can answer this, but, while I am happy to hear you say that, would it be better if someone held you accountable? It is so easier to dip deeper into corruption, and I don’t want to tell you over and over again for the sake of chastizing you, that is not it. It’s serious. Look at my people. Less than 100,000 left, and look at what they have become because it is so easy.
Arthak: “What do you mean hold me accountable?”
Remnii: “If I leave Brilliant Star with you, not only will you have to take care of it, but lessons continue. Working on you keeping that honor you have. I fear corruption, for myself included, particularly after everything that has happened, but having someone that will remind you of what you fight for. Reminders are still important. Would that be of any help?”
Arthak: “I… appreciate it. But no. I can… if I am to beat this, then it has to be me. And I have everything I need to remind me not to give in. The only reminder I need is the very thing I bought with this. It’s the only reminder I need.”
Remnii is quiet again for a moment as she considers. She sits back. “If nothing else, do take my words seriously if you would do my languages. Perhaps we can start again tomorrow. Also, if you need it, I can put you to sleep if you are too antsy to rest. You’ll wake up normally. No tricks.”
Arthak: “No. Thank you. Again.”
Remnii: “Keep that safe, though.” Remnii stands up, but Arthak hands the crystal back.
Arthak: “No. Thank you. I may ask to borrow it, but this is yours. Besides… I… nothing is gained from using a crutch. I have to beat this. So thank you, but no. It’s not mine and it shouldn’t be mine.”
Remnii receives the crystal as it floats back to her and nods. Arthak asks if that was all she needed to talk about, and she said her plan was to leave him be for now. However, Arthak expressed he was grateful for the talk, and he said he would… apologize to Azgadaan tomorrow (thought he growled about it).
Remnii bids him goodnight, and Arthak does the same.