[Horde] Session Twelve
As the parties eye each other from across the battlefield, Sorak leaps into action. He charges up the hill and reaches out with his hand crackling with lightning. However, Soulbinder Nyami’s eyes widen and she deftly ducks out of the way.
Socrethar, upon seeing Sorak, raises his hand into the air and cracking energy begins to spin around him. He casts ‘’mana shield’’ on himself as the energy floats around him.
Samaara steps forward and follows up on Sorak’s attack. She fires and misses, but immediately she fires a second one and it digs into the female eredar’s stomach.
Arthak, however, goes for Socrethar, and he swings his sword upward. Sorcrethar deftly parries the attack to the side, and his great black and red weapon bites into Arthak’s side. It drips with an otherworldly red acid, but it barely seems to affect Arthak.
Nyami rips the arrow out of her stomach and holds it up. Her blood drips from it and turns thick and ichorous. “Embrace the void. Come, followers!” As the ichor drips on the ground, the blood spreads out and surrounds her. It envelops her entire body, and as it fades away her skin and features become hard to make out and her eyes just burn a bright yellow. Five figures begin to coalesce around her.
As the figures drip up into view, Sorak sees the familiar sight of five void walkers.
As Azgadaan sees the five voidwalkers appear in an aura around the dark priestess, he casts enlarge on Kaylaan and the fellow eredar immediately shoots up in size.
The voidwalkers immediately spread out, and one of them strikes at Kaylaan. However, he almost seems to shrug it off. Spinyl cast an aura of shimmering fire over the enemies, however, Socrethar and one of the voidwalkers managed to step out from the influence of the aura.
Socrethar whirls around and looks at Sorak and Arthak. They’re up in his grill. He says, “You are fools to think you can face me in combat, even if you have the advantage given my the Naaru. BURN!” He raises his hands and they begin to burn. Arthak ducks out of the way, Sorak is hit, but he then absorbs the flame. They’re coated as Yrel charges forward.
Yrel moves up to the hill. She reaches out and says, “Arthak, you’ll probably need this.” He hand glows and she casts magic weapon on Arthak’s weapons. She looks to Socrethar, “As for you, consider this revenge for all the lives you’ve taken. You die today, Socrethar.”
A voidwalker sees Azgadaan and moves to intercept. It connects, as he winces his eyes in pain-- Azgadaan’s eyes close. He sees visions of his mother’s execution, he hears his father’s words, they’re brought to the forefront of his mind. Another Voidwalker attacks at Sorak, but he sees into the future to avoid the attack. The wood of his shield scrapes as the voidwalker slams against it.
Kaylaan targets himself and casts magic weapon upon himself. He engages the group in his friend pile.
Remnii then takes a step forward and the sigil over her forehead flares to life. Yrel, Sorak, Azgadaan, and Arthak gain a similar glyph over their foreheads as she ‘’blesses’’ them while also crying out a prayer of healing that manifests in a gentle glow around Arthak.
Socrethar holds his weapon out and slides his hand along the edge as it begins to crackle with shadowy energy (‘’shadowstrike’’). As he does so, he whirls around and swings at Arthak, cutting into his side once again. The shadows leap from the blade and ravage the orc’s body. The acid that coats the weapon once again starts to sizzle through Arthak’s armor. Fortunately, he is able to resist some of the damage and the poison does not topple him. However, the shadowy strike was quite painful.
Another voidwalker slides over to Sorak and strikes him. However, as the attack hits him, he is able to flush any dark thoughts away. The final one moves to bypass Sorak to head towards Remnii, but the shaman strikes at the demon with his sword. The weapon dips right through its shadowy flesh and it continues toward Remnii. It strikes her, but she too is able to push the thoughts away.
Samaara fires at the voidwalker that attacked Remnii, but the shot went wide.
Sorak ignited Socrethar’s blade with fire (‘’heat metal’’), but Socrethar just laughs and mocks Sorak for the attempt. He seems to be completely unaffected, and he just strikes at Sorak instead. With each strike, the blade seems to hum with more energy, and the devastating blow cuts deep into the shaman. However, out of pure defiance, Sorak remains standing.
As Sorak staggers back, Socrethar rounds on Arthak, but his weapon clashes with Arthak’s and the shadowy energy dissipates.
The voidwalker that had engaged Azgadaan strikes at him, but Azgadaan seemed to be unaffected by the dark thoughts as he continues to fight back.
Meanwhile, Nyami steps back from Sorak, and the orc strikes at her. In the same manner that his blade dipped through the voidwalker, it seemed to almost dip through the edges of the woman’s skin. He swept her off her feet with his blade, but she managed to scramble at least a few feet away.
Nyami holds a hand out to Sorak. “Your own mind will betray you!” However, the shaman seemed to be unaffected by the spell as he saw, on the fringes of his vision, figures peeking out of the shadows. He banishes such thoughts with a shake of his head.
As Arthak swings for another hit, he feels the injuries he has sustained over time mount. However, as he looks up at Socrethar, he can see the naaru in the distance and it speaks through his mind.
Mu’ru: “Your body is injured. It will be taxing, but if you wish, I can assist you.”
Arthak nods, and his is immediately enveloped in a brilliant light. His wounds are promptly cured, and all of his critical injuries are also remedied. Arthak then brings his weapon up, and drives his sword into the eredar. As he staggers back, he sees the green blood that eeked out of him and he has a faint look of fear as he regards the orc’s weapon.
“I grow tired of you, Arthak. It’s time for a change of strategy.”
Socrethar waves his hand in the air, and he promptly vanishes - reappearing a fair distance away with a large smile.
Azgadaan looks over to Remnii and sees that she was attacked. “Promises are harder to keep than simply acting out of revenge.” He then charges across the battlefield and strikes at the voidwalker that was attacking Remnii.
He strikes the voidwalker, and shoves it off into the voidwalker that was attacking him.
Remnii gives Azgadaan a grateful nod and then focuses on healing Sorak. She is successful in doing so, but it is not as substantial as she had hoped.
One of the voidwalkers strikes at Azgadaan again, but it misses as Yrel rushes at one of the other voidwalkers in order to back Azgadaan up now that Socrethar had teleported far out of range. Her weapon started to glow with violet-gold energy and she slices across the demon’s chest. Light almost seems to spew from holes in its body as it goes.
Meanwhile, Socrethar hurls a bolt of flaming energy at Spinyl and immediately ignites her into a blaze. However, she is immediately able to put the fire out and then leans over to whisper some deadly words to him.
His eyes narrow, and then he scoff at the attempt as he successfully resisted the effects, but it didn’t seem to be a damage type that he was resistant to. However, as his eyes lock on her, Spinyl gets a feeling in the pit of her stomach - almost as if she is being watched.
She shakes off the feeling and then moves to place herself between Socrethar and Remnii.
Kaylaan looks down at Arthak and tells him to go after Socrethar while they take care of the voidwalkers and the soulbinder. One of the voidwalkers strikes at him, and his eyes flare in rage as images leap across his mind, and he rounds on it while another attacks him.
Sorak once again reaches for the soulbinder as lightning leaps between his fingertips. He reaches for her face, but feints the Soulbinder. He then goes straight for her gut. The energy blasts her off. In mid air, she hears a language that Sorak doesn’t understand. She reaches her hand out and her eyes glow blue. His mind is invaded with scratches at the end of his sanity. The pressure on his mind is hard…. Then he shakes it off. Nyami then splats on the ground, prone.
A voidwalked then tries to hit Arthak. He hits, but he ignores the clawing at the edges of his sanity. He’s trying to pull up bad memories, but Arthak refuses. Another Voidwalker goes for Yrel, but it scrapes.
Spinyl, again, decides to push her spell, using Dissonant Whispers. “A pitiful trick, huh?” Spinyl smirks. Socrethar’s legs betray him. He takes steps backwards and he runs away. He then strikes the force field behind him. It blasts him back, radient, Arcane burns appear across his face. When he turns back around, his eyes burn with rage. “You will regret doing that, if it’s the last thing I do!”
Inspired by proxy, Socrethar conjures an orb of shadowy energy. The orb spins right into Spinyl. It erupts into a shadow of flame and shadow. As it hits, Spinyl collapses. The energy blasts outward, the shadowy flames hit Azgadaan and Remnii, too. Somehow, they fucking dodge it. The Demon looks furious, as his arms are glowing with flames.
Yrel beats down onto some voidwalkers to try and rid the Warband of them. Unfortunately, Spinyl’s faerie fire drops. She brings her hammer down then up. The Voidwalker stops existing. It’s bracers drop to the ground. She then brings the hammer around, smiting the last one. She then downs the next Voidwalker, too. Its bracers also go flying off to the side.
Azgadaan thanks her. And Yrel looks to the barrier, it’s beginning to disintegrate. M’uru’s energy is starting to fade.
Samaara then goes to work on clearing a path for Arthak. A voidwalker goes to strike at Arthak, but an arrow flies through it. It’s been denied its reaction.
Meanwhile, Remnii looks down at Spinyl-who is now unconscious on the ground-and she starts to glow with a faint pale yellow light. Some flecks of purple of Mu’ru’s energy also entwine around her, and two lines of energy slither around the voidwalkers and encompass both Sorak and Spinyl as sigil appear over their heads-healing them.
She then steps to the side and chants a quick prayer to further heal Sorak.
Azgadaan then runs forward and hurls an orb of thunderous energy at Socrethar. He ducks out of the way of the attack, but the orb bounces off of the force field behind him and strikes him hard in the back.
Arthak looks around at the casters on his side to see if anyone could aid him in reaching Socrethar. However, they were unable to help, so he instead charged down the hill and was able to use his momentum to rush at Socrethar.
However, Socrethar met his blow, and sent Arthak sailing backwards. However, Azgadaan catches him. “We’re not out of this fight yet!” and he shoves Arthak back to his feet. Arthak grunts a thanks.
One of the voidwalkers miss as it attacks Sorak, and Nyami gets back to her feet. She holds out her hand, and it is projected forward as she cast ‘’chill touch’’ on Sorak. However, he is able to duck out of the way of the spectral hand.
In addition, once again, Sorak is able to block her out of his mind.
Meanwhile, Kaylaan continues to strike at the voidwalker with reckless abandon. However, the voidwalker is unable to find an opening to strike back.
Socrethar holds out a hand. “You are a fool for thinking you can face me, Arthak Saurfang. And you will burn.” A thunderous wave of fire surges forth and momentarily consumes Arthak. He then raises his other hand into the air, and bright green meteorites form in the sky and surge downward toward the forcefield. They pierce through as he casts ‘’firestorm’’.
The meteorites rain down on the battlefield and he cackles wildly. “Now you see how foolish you were to try and face me!”
Sorak uses ‘’lightning lure’’ to drag Nyami back up the hill, and she once again tries to invade his mind but fails. However, she manages to assault his mind on the surface and he cries out as he drops to the ground unconscious.
One of the voidwalkers go over to Sorak’s unconscious body, and attempts to draw his shadow into his essence. However, it was unable to succeed.
Mu’ru speaks to Remnii. “If you need aid, I can divert power to your allies. It will be taxing, but if you believe you can triumph, I will put my faith in you as you put your faith in me.”
Remnii does not wish for Mu’ru to tax himself, but she says they will try their best.
Sorak hears a calming sound that echoes through his mind. As it does, the piercing pain in his mind is replaced by a soothing hum, and all of his injuries and pain is washed away.
However, the forcefield falters a little bit once again.
Remnii quickly stabilizes Azgadaan while she calls out to Arthak and blesses him with the ‘’gift of the naaru’’.
Kaylaan continues to beat on the void walkers and manages to take one down, while Samaara also pegs the last one with an arrow. It spins around and strikes at Sorak, but its hand bangs hard into his shield and it never connects.
Yrel then runs up next to Remnii and heals Azgadaan herself as a sparkling white light surrounds him and his eyes and mouth shoot open and flash for a second. Azgadaan coughs as he is revived and asks if Socrethar is still alive.
Yrel confirms he is, and she shouts out to Arthak as she holds out her hand. The orc’s pupils dilate as she casts ‘’blessing of might’’ on him.
Arthak nods and strikes at Socrethar again, but the eredar vanishes once again and reappears behind the orc and right in front of Azgadaan. “I will show you the true power of the Burning Legion!” The ground around him begins to shake, and waves of heat starts to waft off of him. As soon as he teleports, the area within a 15-foot radius around him erupts in an explosion of white-hot fire. As it explodes, Yrel, Remnii, and Spinyl are able to dodge out of the way of the majority of the damage. Azgadaan is able to scramble to his feet in order to get out of the way of the blast.
However, hellfire from the Twisting Nether itself is spilling forth, and it conflagerates Arthak. He manages to stay up out of defiance and charges at Socrethar as he cackles maniacally midst the flames. Arthak’s blade swings forth and collides with the mana shield that Socrethar had summoned earlier instead of the demon’s body itself.
Spinyl tries, once again, to cast ‘’dissonant whispers’’ on Socrethar, but he seems to simply continue cackling maniacally as the mana shield once again absorbs the energy. However, Spinyl once again starts to get the feeling that she is being watched, and she feels very restricted by the uncomfortable feeling.
The soulbinder looks at Sorak. “You are no longer of any importance. The time has come.” And she takes off past the shaman. He strikes at her as she goes past, but she completely ignores him as she holds out her hands into the air. “You will all die! And none will hear your screams!” And Socrethar’s wounds seem to start to knit.
A font of shadow also erupts from around Socrethar and shoots into the air as a translucent black bubble wraps around the group, enshrouding them in silence.
Nyami then points a finger at Remnii, and an arc of blue lightning shoots out across the battlefield and strikes her. As it does, she feels what little reserve of her mana flee through her mouth. Nyami just smiles. Sorak, however, casts ‘’gust’’ and sends the soulbinder hurling down the side of the cliff. She lands on the ground next to Spinyl. She swings down and hits the eredar with her war fan, and the woman winces, but she maintains concentration.
Samaara fires at Socrethar, but she misses.
Meanwhile, Yrel sprints outside of the bubble and spins her hammer around. She brings it down with a furious, violet radiance and it collides heavily with Nyami. She then takes a step forward and swings again, hitting her once more.
Meanwhile, Kaylaan is continuing to duel the voidwalker. It’s still up.
Azgadaan, and Spinyl are consumed by hellfire as the others duck wildly out of the way. Remnii dives out of the silence bubble and hurls holy fire at Nyami. However, she simply laughs and shrugs off the damage.
Arthak strikes at Socrethar, but misses.
Samaara fires at Socrethar and it connects with his shield.
Arthak once again attacks Socrethar, and the shield shatters as the blade bites through. His body is starting to break up from the force of the hellfire.
Remnii shouts at Kaylaan to leave the voidwalker. Kaylaan is knocked out of his tunnel vision and spits as he charges down the side of the hill.
Sorak hurls himself off the side of the hill and tries to impale Nyami to the ground, but in a panic she drops the silence bubble and reaches out a hand to Sorak. However, she misses her attack as her hand gets coated in a black ichor and scrambles to her feet.
The voidwalker runs after Sorak, but misses.
Remnii once again hurls a sacred flame at Remnii, but the soulbinder dodges out of the way.
The hellfire once again ignites, and several members of the group drop - including the soulbinder and the voidwalker. Only Samaara, Arthak, Kaylaan, and Yrel remain up.
Yrel charges forward and smacks Socrethar twice, but he continues to cackle maniacally as he stays up.
However, Arthak swings his katana and smashes it into Socrethar’s stomach. He reverses his grip and drags it back - gutting him. And then he looks at Kaylaan. “Killing blow is yours. Take your vengeance.”
Kaylaan looks at Arthak and nods as he strides forth. Meanwhile, Mu’ru stabilizes the group.
Socrethar drops to his knees as the hellfire subsides, and laughs. “Your victory heere. It means nothing, you trecherous snake. You cannot kill me. Not forever. When you strike me down, I will come back, and I will hunt every last one of you! I will burn you to the ashes! I will kill you and everyone you care for! Your will have nothing as your lifeblood leaks from your frail mortal coils, and I will have the last laugh!”
However, just then, something is tossed through the air. A small blood-red crystal. It buries itself into the ground at Kaylaan’s hoof.
Akama is standing a distance away. The shield is down, and the demon forces have been routed. “You’re not as invincible as you think you are, Socrethar. Do you know what that is?”
Kaylaan looks at it and shakes his head. “No, but I imagine you will tell me.”
Akama: “Why don’t you pick it up and find out.”
Kaylaan’s eyes narrow, and he does. Red lightning crackles around his hand, and he looks at Socrethar. “We’ll see who has the last laugh. Bury yourself in the deepest parts of the Dark Below, you treacherous snake. This is for my brother.”
He jabs the crystal right into Socrethar’s forehead. Fine red cracks run through the demon’s body, and a pulse of energy erupts from him. The light fades from Socrethar’s eyes, and he collapses.
Akama explains that the crystal is why Socrethar wanted him dead. He approaches, and rips the crystal from the demon’s forehead. The broken ignores the group and digs through Socrethar’s belongings. He withdraws another crystal - a light violet one. He holds each of them in one hand, and then hangs them on his belt.
Akama: “I’m not going to ask what you’re all doing here. And you’re not going to ask what I was doing following you. I understand that you have another one of these crystals in your possession. My people saw you with it. And they reported it to me before you butchered them.” He looks pointedly at Arthak. “I will give you two choices. Give me the crystal, and we will depart here as friends. Refuse, and we will not depart here as friends. But I’m not surprised to find it in the possession of the daughters of Restalaan, and you, Remnii, but that said, give it to me.”
Arthak says it is Remnii’s choice, as it is not his crystal to give. He drops the tip of his sword, and severs Socrethar’s head.
Akama: “Your father was foolish enough to lose them. I will ensure they will not fall into the wrong hands again.”
Remnii shakily stands up. “Arthak. I am not totally opposed to giving him this, but if you do not return this crystal to Ner’Zhul, it may derail the course. If we make one friend, we lose another. You know that, right?”
Arthak confirmed he does.
Remnii mentally asks Mu’ru for advice.
Mu’ru: “The path that you choose is the path that will be followed. It has already been, and always will be.”
Remnii, to Akama: “I do not mean to keep you waiting… this is not a decision that I would make alone.” She looks at the group. “You listen to myself and Yrel when you had no reason to. I would give the crystal to Akama, but, you know the enemies we would make in turn. What do the rest of you think?”
Akama: “I’m not surprised that more people are seeking these crystals.”
Remnii: “And many are still lost.”
Akama: “Take a moment to speak of it then. I will be back shortly to hear your answer.”
Remnii: “Thank you, general.”
Akama stops and looks at Remnii. “I’m not a general anymore, Remnii. Our people are dead. Your religion broken. We’re all a lot different now than we used to be. I’ll give you five minutes.”
Remnii: “Very well, Akama.”
The group huddles together to converse.
Spinyl: “Well. I believe we’re boned either way… but we came here to… well…” she gestures at the body. “That. And I don’t think you’d listen to me anyway, plus I’m a demon, so…”
The group insists she’s part of the warband.
Spinyl sighs.
Sorak: “If we don’t hand it over, we make a bunch of enemies. If we hand it over, we make a really powerful enemy. Either way, we’re stuck with a powerful enemy. That said, I’d rather hand it to someone fighting the Legion than Ner’zhul.”
Remnii: “You have already heard what I had to say. Akama was once a leader of the draenei, he knows more about these crystals than most. He was the leader of the Vindicators before, well, everything… he is militant, but I would also not, for what enemies we are inevitably going to make, we will make friends in turn. I would give it to Akama.”
Samaara agrees.
Kaylaan: “I do not know who this Ner’Zhul is, but I do know of Akama. That man is not the same one I have heard of. Trust a man like that only as much as you can trust how much he has changed. For how will he change from then on?”
Remnii: “His corruption has not been kind…”
Kaylaan: “It matters not to me. I did what I came to do, what happens from here is up to you.”
Azgadaan: “If we lose anymore crystals there may be a lot more trouble with Ner’Zhul. I don’t trust him, but maybe there’s another way to persuade Akama. Perhaps some relevant information? Maybe some information on what Ner’Zhul is doing.”
Remnii: “I have my concerns, as the Ashtongue are effective at being where they need to be.”
Yrel: “As far as I’m concerned, I suppose it’s not a surprise, but I’m inclined to trust Akama. He’s brutally efficient, but… we cannot trust Ner’Zhul, can we?”
Remnii: “I don’t know if we can trust Akama, but it depends on what evil we want to face.”
ASrthak: “No matter what, we’re going to make enemies. And it seems that no matter what they will be far stronger than us. We can’t trust either of them. But I owe a debt. I would have it be given to Akama as well. If Ner’zhul truely wants the naaru, then he’s going to have to accept the fact that if he wants us as pawns then, well, it’s not always going to turn out as he wants. If he wants exact results, he will have to do the work himself.”
Yrel says that was well-said.
Akama returns and said he awaits their answer.
Arthak: “Well, majority stands.” He walks over to Akama, pulls out the crystal, and holds it out to him.
Akama looks at him. His face did not divulge an emotion, but his eyes seem to digest his entire intention. He takes the crystal. “You’ve made a wise decision today, Arthak. That is your name, correct?”
Arthak confirms.
“I had thought so. My people had reported on your discoveries. It’s a pleasure to meet you. In its own way, it’s good to see you again, Yrel, Samaara, Remnii. It is clear,” he points at the body. “That the path you walk is the path of blood. I’m glad you saw the right side. The time to hide and run has long since passed. Now is the time to fight. And you will not fight alone.”
Remnii: “In the coming days, Akama, I’m sure our paths will cross ways more often.”
Akama: “I believe you are correct. I would caution, however. I was not able to strike down the dreadlord. He will remember what happened here.”
Arthak: “Just another sword that hangs over our heads. One of many.”
Akama: “Then I suggest you keep an eye to the sky at all times.”
Arthak: “I’m sorry about your warriors.”
Akama: “My people knew the risks. My people know the risks. We are all dead men walking. They merely found their time. We are not strangers to the blades of orcs. Do not waste your sympathy on them, as they will not wish it. Give the dead what they desire, what they need to rest.”
Arthak: “Vengeance.”
Akama nods, and then walks away.
The rest of his people turn and follow. They disappear.
Azgdaan goes over to Socrethar’s sword and picks it up.
Arthak asks to see it, and Azgadaan warns him not to touch it. Arthak reassures him that he will keep to the cloth.
He takes it over to a nearby rock, and attempts to break it over the rock with his hammer.
It takes a bit, but as he hammers into it, it creaks and bows, and then shatters. The lava-like acid melts and falls apart, and the glow of the weapon fades.
They then go to speak with the naaru.
Mu’ru: “You have all performed excellently. The treacherous one has been defeated and will blight this star no longer. I will admit, worry and concern dominated my thoughts for a moment. And yet you triumphed in the face of adversity and in the face of darkness and corruption. And for that, I thank you. I could not have toppled him without all of your assistances. I know why you have all come. But I regret to inform you that I cannot currently assist you with the request you have in your hearts. The battle was draining, and it will take me some time to recover enough energy to leave this place. That is one truth, but other truths dominate my thoughts.”
He continues to haltingly twirl as he speaks.
Remnii: “What are your thoughts, Mu’ru?”
Mu’ru: “It is of something I cannot deal with myself. The song of this land is in discord. Look upon the ground. The death of my brother sent this land into turmoil, yet it spreads further as time passes.”
Sorak: “Can we stop it?”
Mu’ru: “I do not know its source, but I believe I know where the chord that strums this star’s doom originates from. In but fourteen rotations, this discord has spread thrice-fold. I do not know how many more rotations it will take before it begins to claim all, but it is spreading, and I can do little to repel it.”
Sorak: “you don’t know its source, but do you know how to purify it?”
Mu’ru said that he did not, not until the source could be divined.
Arthak asked about the “star’s doom” and Mu’ru explained that the death of his brother is rippling across the land.
Arthak: “And you’re suggesting this is going to spread far enough to consume-”
Mu’ru: “In time, yes, I do not know how long it will take. It may take several hundreds, or thousands, of rotations to claim this star. But if this discord is strummed in synchronicity across the seas, it will begin to change. I would be remiss to leave this place before this discord is soothed. Before the scars of my brother are healed.”
Azgadaan asks if Mu’ru could point out the start of the corruption, and the naaru explained it lies deep beneath them in the wreckage of the Tempest Keep. “It’s presence here is… contrary to what the land seeks.”
Arthak: “So you won’t leave until this is dealt with?”
Mu’ru: “I would prefer not to.”
Azgadaan: “Is this why you’re not in the keep itself?”
Mu’ru explains he cannot be inside the keep as it has become too hazardous and damaged.
Arthak: “You understand why we have come here.”
Mu’ru: “You have come to take me to my brother and sister, to pave the way to another place, to turn the page to a new chapter. I am prepared to meet that fate. But I cannot yet shoulder their burden until I have recovered.”
Arthak asked how long that would take, but Mu’ru didn’t know. Arthak asked if they took care of the corruption, if it would speed up his recovery.
Mu’ru: “I will endeavor to synchronize my convalescence.”
Arthak: “...either painfully sincere or painfully sarcastic gods.”
Mu’ru didn’t understand. He said he was just stating a fact.
Arthak explained he could not return without Mu’ru as he would forfeit his life and the draenei. Ultimately he would rather inconvenience himself.
Arthak offered to see what was going on down below while Mu’ru recovered, but the naaru said there was one more difficulty.
“When the Tempest Keep and its three sattelite creations crashed together during the battle, many of its defenses and automated systems were damaged. I do not know the status of any of them save one. The only entrance that can be accessed from the surface is the Mechanar. You may be able to access more once inside. However, it is full of an abundance of security systems that have been put in place by the draenei and my brothers and sisters. Those defenses will be activated when certain conditions are met.”
He explained there is a certain threshold for demonic influence that is permitted before they are activated, but there is a limit.
He suddenly hovered for a moment and seemed to scan the group. Azgadaan and Spinyl glowed yellow, however, Arthak glowed red.
Mu’ru: “I was… concerned this may be an eventually may have had to be addressed.”
Azgadaan: “Seems you’re more demonic than myself right now.”
Mu’ru explained that wasn’t the case. While Azgadaan was more physically demonic, Arthak was more internally so. However, if Arthak were to enter the keep at this point, he would die.
Arthak asked if he could at least fight through the security, but Mu’ru was not about to suggest it. However, there was a unique opportunity.
Mu’ru: “You are… tainted by fel corruption, but there is a place nearby on this land. A place that is free of this corruption. It is in the mountains to the north of here. The highest points. I do not know how, but something in this area has protected it from the blight of my brother’s death throes. If you wish to rid yourself of this taint, whatever the source of this is may be your best option of freeing yourself from the ravages of this blood curse. Or at least stemming it’s tide.”
Arthak asked how far it was.
Mu’ru: “It is difficult to say. Your people travel a different pace than my own, yet you can see the peaks from here. The mountains will be perilous. Difficult to navigate with a large group.”
Arthak said they have wasted enough time and this needed to be done as soon as possible. “The corruption is my doing and my problem. You all can descend into Tempest Keep while I resolve the ramifications of my decisions.”
Mu’ru agreed and said that he would endeavor to make sure he is prepared when they returned.
Sorak offered to allow Wintermaw to go with him as he was not intending on allowing Wintermaw to go into the Tempest Keep.
It was decided they would camp the night, and then as soon as dawn breaks Arthak and Wintermaw would go to the mountains and the rest would go into the keep. Arthak placed Sorak in command while he was gone.
Azgadaan asked if Mu’ru had any way of hiding himself, and he said he would conceal himself if an invasion was present.
Then, mentally, Azgadaan asked about his mother, Erraa.
He had no such information.
Azgadaan then asked if there was anything inside to repair a Crystal Chronicle, but again, Mu’ru was unsure.
Yrel asked if Arthak would be alright by himself, and Wintermaw grumbled indignantly.
Azgadaan continues to talk to Mu’ru mentally seeking advice. He expresses he believes he failed, but Mu’ru said otherwise as they group as a whole had succeeded and stood empowered against the darkness.
However, there was something he could assist him with.
When Azgadaan expressed that he was willing to do anything to ensure his promises were kept, Mu’ru then requested assistance from Remnii in private.
Mu’ru: “I need you only to close your eyes. You may wish to get comfortable. I require a bit of assistance for what I am about to do.”
Remnii says she will do what is needed, and then she passes out.
Then to Azgadaan, Mu’ru says: “Close your eyes, and empty your mind.”
Azgadaan tries to do so.
He feels a pinch, or 10 or 15, all over his body, and then he feels dizzy and his head spins. However, he is able to steady himself.
When he opens his eyes and he looks at his hands, they are back to normal. No blemishes. No boils. And as he reaches up to his face, no scars.
Azgadaan: “You… healed my corruption wounds and my… scar.”
Mu’ru: “You did. I merely brought forth the fruits with some assistance.”
Azgadaan: “Assistance?”
Mu’ru: “Endeavor to thank Remnii when she awakens.”
Azgadaan: “I’ll be sure to.”
Mu’ru: “Sleep well.”
Azgadaan: “Thank you, Mu’ru.”
There is a harmonious chord of approval in the back of his mind.
Azgadaan’s corruption level was returned to “0”. He was no longer tainted.
He was also no longer a warlock. He was a sorcerer.
The night passes by and everyone is quite introspective.
The next morning, Azgadaan offers Arthak his cloak so that the orc can take it into the cold of the mountains. He thanks him, but then sees Azgadaan’s unblemished face. He looked at him, then at Mu’ru, and back, and simply gives a small nod of approval.
The group begins to say their good-byes to Arthak.
Kaylaan, however, offered to go with Arthak. “I don’t want to return to that place. Not without my brother. But, this is your journey. And it’s your decision. If you wish to make it alone, I will not stop you. But I never intended to survive this fight, and now, I need to figure out what to do. So I suppose I’ll leave it to you, as you are the leader of this warband. Would you have me with you? Or do you want me with the rest of them?”
Arthak looks at everyone, then looks back at Kaylaan. “It’s our warband.And they can handle themselves. If you want to come with me, that’s your choice.”
Kaylaan looks to the group. “What do you think then?”
Azgadaan tosses a ration at him. “Just bring Arthak back in one piece.”
Spinyl: “Have fun, you two!”
Kaylaan expresses he owes it to the group. After all, he was still alive.
Remnii pushes her way forward. “Arthak.”
Arthak: “Yes?”
Remnii smiles. “You know, I now have full permission.” She then steps forward and hugs him.
Yrel and Sorak’s eyebrows go up.
Remnii claps Arthak on the shoulder, and tells him “safe journey” in draenic. Arthak got the context, at least.
Remnii then turns and rejoins the group. “Also, Arthak, I will say your face may get stuck like that if you keep frowning so much.”
Arthak looks at Remnii for a very long minute. Then he looks at the ground. “I, um… I was wondering why I was having trouble moving it.”
Remnii just laughs and waves. Arthak nods.
There is a small exchange between Yrel and Remnii.
Azgadaan then approaches her. “You know, if you’re accepting them… thank you for last night.” He then hugs her, and she looks back at Mu’ru.
He twinkles.
Remnii: “You’re the reason I passed out last night.”
However, she returns the hug.
Meanwhile, Sorak goes up to Arthak and asks him if he’s courting Remnii.
Arthak denies it, but Sorak simply raises an eyebrow and starts to walk away.
Kaylaan comments that the “loverboy should say bye to his boyfriend,” but Arthak just stares at Sorak’s back for a moment before he goes to leave.
Kaylaan, Arthak, and Wintermaw set off.
Yrel also speaks to Remnii and mentions she knew that Remnii was partially responsible for the change in Azgadaan. In addition, at least no demons would be curious about why Azgadaan looked the way he did as the boils were gone.
Yrel then suggests they get moving as well.
Remnii also thanks Spinyl for “having her back” during the fight, and Spinyl expresses they are a warband.
It was mentioned that, technically, the demons committed treason.
They then converse about the battle a bit, and Yrel compliments Spinyl on her work on Socrethar, and they ask Sorak if he had used a magical noose of all things on Nyami. Sorak denied it, but he’s a poor liar.
However, somewhere in that banter, Remnii opens her arms to Spinyl. She gleefully tackles Remnii, and Remnii laughs and basically twirls Spinyl with the momentum.
Samaara just walks next to Sorak while this is going on. “This is the strangest warband I’ve ever heard of.”
Sorak: “This is something. I don’t know if warband is the right word for this anymore.”
Samaara: “Perhaps not.” Azgadaan: “If you look around you’re the only one that doesn’t have hooves.”
Samaara: “Perhaps a warband isn’t the right word anymore. In my tongue, ‘’korah’’ is a word that is used. It means friend.” She smiles.
Meanwhile, Kaylaan, Arthak, and Wintermaw continue up toward the mountain peaks as the rest of the “warband” head toward Tempest Keep.
They enter the keep, and immediately see the damage that was actually done to the keep. Remnii illuminates the crystal on her staff, and they can fully see what state the place was in.