Vel Notes
Just a little page to help me keep some lore stuff straight as far as what Vel knows.
Titans & Titanic Watchers
- Seemingly not native to Azeroth, but are godlike beings capable of great power.
- Know the name Aman'Thul and that he was the one whose powers blessed the Bronze Dragonflight.
- Created the Titanic Watchers to act as their stewards and servants on Azeroth.
- "Keeper" is a title used by their leadership.
Keeper Tyr
- Tyr was said to have fought alongside the dragons to best the monstrous primal dragon Galakrond many millennia ago. While he chose to get involved is unknown exactly, but it seems that he saw Galakrond as enough of a threat to draw his attention.
- Speculation: Possible that the dark powers that Galakrond used could have been linked to the Darkness Tyr was fighting? Krasus described the remains of the beast to still be blighted, and his size was said to be from an endless drive to consume anything he found.
- Lost his hand during the fight, and it was replaced with one made of Silver. Krasus showed an image of Tyr via an illusion.
- Tyr was later the one that Ordered the dragons and empowered the Aspects with their charges.
- Only a few hundred years later, Tyr met his end at what is now near the village of Tirisvar fighting an evil known as Zakajz.
- Tyr was buried in the same place the darkness was sealed, and the Tyr's Guard evolved around the area to serve as jailers to the darkness.
- Speculation: The original members of the Tyr's Guard may have been vrykul, and over th generations they died off. Potentially became humans?
- That same darkness has an influence on the surrounding area, though it's minor.
- King Thoradin of Arathor was later drawn to the area and was compelled to try and slay Zakajz for good. The tomb was breached, but the darkness was not reawakened, and Thoradin never left the tomb.
The Black Dragonflight & the Demon Soul
- Certain members of the black dragonflight are able to use a variant of their breath weapon that has been dubbed shadowflame. This manifestation seemingly occurred after the creation of the Demon Soul.
- Shadowflame has also been observed in use by a sect of Yaungol on the Timeless Isle. It bears a lot of similarities, though it is unlikely they learned how to harness it from the same place.
- The flame has a psychological effect on those it burns and can wear away at the psyche.
- Some of the wielders have been unable to contain the shadowflame and went insane.
- Speculation: The power of shadowflame may be a key in destroying the Demon Soul, as it was marred by Deathwing likely after his abilities were altered by whatever powers he uncovered.
- Speculation: Shadowflame may have a connection to the force of the Void, as the psychological effects and madness are similar to those observed in pockets like the Wailing Caverns where a void monster called a n'raqi was defeated.
Influence of the Demon Soul
- Gil has started to be affected by the Demon Soul. He woke up screaming, and described visions and sensations that were not his. Was unresponsive for a too long time despite being awake.
- Set the precedent of communicating things happening to him. Should he cease doing so, it is grounds for concern.
Void Connections???
- Similarities between the influence located at the Wailing Caverns (which had a void being at the end along with supposed connections to the Emerald Nightmare), the madness instilled by the saronite ore, and the shadowflame of the black dragons.
- Repeated themes of a Darkness since at least Tyr's time.
- Undead are immune to the influence of the saronite, and I did not have the same reaction to the shadowflame as Zagarra did. Seemingly immune to the mental effects.
- There is a seeming trend for such madness to originate in the ground given the Wailing Caverns were beneath the earth, and the saronite is specifically mined. Will need to confer with simulacrum in Northrend about what else could be found in the mines
- Speculation: the black dragonflight were the earth warders. Did Neltharion find something hidden beneath the earth that he shouldn't have?
- Speculation: Dar'khan = void influence??
Time-Lost Isle & Timeway Ramifications
- The Time-Lost Isle was an experimental pocket dimension created by Morchuron, who is a Chromie from an alternate timeline where the world was faced with tragedy and destruction and she was forced to slay her Aspect, leaving her as the sole bronze dragon alive. She was insistent that it was the dragons that led to such destruction.
- She sought to create a timeline devoid of those tragedies, and the Time-Lost Isle was a place where she could remove potential "snags" from the timeways.
- Morchuron was stopped.
- Freeing the bronze dragons resulted in the Aspect Nozdormu choosing to renege on the oath they had made and shatter the connection other timelines had to the "true timeline", implying that they were no longer compelled to follow it.
- Ramifications of that still unknown.
Things to be Processed at a Later Date when the Kingdoms Aren't on Fire:
- Witnessing what was perceived to be the "true timeline" and the tragedy surrounding loved ones involved in it (ie. Rhonin's death, Arthas slaughtering elvenkind including Sylvanas and becoming an entity called the Lich King, Sylvanas becoming a banshee, Lirath being slain and later raised as undead, and a stream of other things)
- Witnessing a timeline collapsing and ceasing to exist
- After fighting alternate timeline versions of ourselves
- Memory echoes that are not from this timeline, both my own and other people's.
- Morchuron was a cautionary tale.