[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Thirty-Three

Appearing Characters: Arthak Saurfang, Azgadaan, Azuka Stormbreaker, Belmara, Dathric, Dieworth, Driana (dream), Go'el, Halno, Levia Blackflight, Luminrath, Morran, Naberius, No'Rash, Nyxxa, Rakeesh, Ravandwyr Somberlight, Sagaz, Serena Frostweaver, Vaerux, Vargoth

Outland Day 40

The group charges into the chapel in pursuit of the necromancer. As they enter, they see a simple building--perhaps no more than 100 feet deep and 50 feet wide. The roof is crumbling and has semi-caved in. There are pews shattered and broken to pieces. The first thing they see is the visage of a terrifying wraith. He is wearing spectral, tattered robes that seem to be a perversion of the Kirin Tor robes. His features are sunken in and decrepit, and flesh is sloughing off his bones. He seems to be working on runic circles that surround another, skeletal figure. Its bones are blood red, as if it was drenched in blood. There are spikes of stone, metal, and magic around it, and at the center is a deep, bluish-violet core with chains enshrouding this strange entity.

Its eyes also glimmer with the same light as its core, and other arcane wraiths are in the area.

Naberius says: Heh… you’re too late to stop what’s to come. This is MY domain!

There is a pulse of necromantic energy.

Naberius says: Come, fools, remove these people from my sanctum!

Rising from the earth are more specters. One seems to be an amorphous spectral ghost, but others are various tormented souls--one of them is the spectral figure of the ghostly mage that had been hunting for her hat. She shrieks, her movements jilted and puppeted.

There is also a battle mage, his hair floating around his face with agony in his expression, a silver-blonde-haired elf with chains wreathing his body, and another woman with longer silver hair who seems to be under the sway of the necromancer.

The mage who had been seeking her hat flies forward and starts to cast [Cone of Cold]. Azgadaan goes to cast [Counterspell], but the battle mage slashes his sword to counterspell the counterspell, however then Halno counterspells the battle-mage’s counterspell. The cone of cold promptly fizzles.

Azgadaan runs into the midst of the room and uses his horn of blasting. Pews explode into wooden shrapnel, but the majority of the spirits seemed to resist the blast.

At that moment, Ravandwyr appears in the doorway as more fighting manifests outside.

Ravandwyer Somberlight says: Alright, lets see if this works!

He holds his hands out and clock-like runic glyphs appear before him, the hands spinning faster and faster as he casts [Haste] on Arthak and ducks back through the door.

No’Rash runs for the battle-mage known as Dathric, and he swings his club around. As he strikes into the mage, there is a burst of frigid damage. However, he shatters through the [Ice Barrier]. He tries to swing again, but the ghost blocks him with his spectral staff.

One of the ghostly undead spirits swipes at Azgadaan and is blasted by the remainder of his own ice barrier. Naberius tries to cast [Black Tentacles], and Azgadaan tries to counter that spell as well, but the ghostly Serena Frostweaver counters Azgadaan’s counterspell.

Wispy, greenish-black deathly energy roils around and starts to grab Azgadaan and No’Rash as Nyxxa runs in to slash through one of the mana seekers. She races through to the mana seeker next to Azgadaan and leaves it wounded and flickering.

Another mana seeker goes for Halno, but misses, and Halno opts to silently cast [Slow]. Halno tries to push the spell on Naberius, but Naberius is still able to resist the spell and only the conjurer Luminrath is affected by the spell.

Bound Wraith says [common]: You will not… defile my master’s sanctum!

The blood red wraith rips his claws through the air and [Cloudkill] starts to pour into the room. However, Halno silently counterspells it.

Arthak charges at the mana seeker engaged with Nyxxa and Azgadaan and swipes through it. He is blocked by a pillar and Serena, however, and he swings into the ghostly arcanist. However, as he strikes she seems to be bolstered against damage. He swings again and breaks through the rest of the false life that had been bolstering her.

The abjurist Belmara casts [Dispel Magic] on Luminrath, dispeling the slow effect. Luminrath then soars to the top of the battlefield and casts a [Lightning Bolt] through No’Rash, Azgadaan, Arthak, Nyxxa, and Serena. A mana seeker then claws at No’Rash.

Battle-Mage Dathric casts [Cone of Cold], covering No’Rash, Azgadaan, Arthak, Nyxxa, and Serena. The cold washes harmlessly over Serena as there is a flurry of icy energy. The mage then flows downward and passes into Arthak’s vicinity, trying to draw his life-force into him.

Levia tries to use turn undead, which turns battle-mage Dathric away and destroys the mana seeker next to Halno. She then casts [Spiritual Weapon].

Battle-Mage Dathric says [common]: No… this isn’t right!

He turns to flee as Nyxxa closes on Serena Frostweaver. With three strikes, she shatters the chains around the ghost, who begins to fade away. Dathric, meanwhile, flees into the wall and disappears.

The wild, unstable magic surges around the group and a spark slams into Arthak, giving him the effects of a [Comprehend Languages] spell.

Arthak closes on Naberius and tries to swing at him, but the first attack glances harmlessly off a shield spell. He strikes twice more, and his concentration on the black tentacles wanes. Azgadaan rushes after Arthak to outflank Naberius, but both of his strikes miss.

Halno silently casts [Arcane Hand] on Belmara, and it punches at her, but an arcane [Shield] deflects the attack aside.

The bound wraith floats backwards and launches a bolt of [Chain Lightning] at No’Rash. However, Azgadaan counterspells it as a tier 6 spell, and Luminrath tries to counter the counterspell, but then Halno counters Luminrath. Wild magic surges, and arcane missiles fire off at the bound wraith. However, he notes that the gem at the center of the bound wraith pulses, and then breaks.

Abjurist Belmara casts [Dispel Magic] on Arthak, unweaving the magic of his haste and causing a wave of lethargy to wash over him.

With a howl of contempt, Conjurer Luminrath casts [Black Tentacles] over the group.

Naberius says [common]: You have meddled far too much demon. This is my domain!

He looks at Azgadaan and grabs his helmet, casting [Disintegrate]. Azgadaan struggles and tries to pull away, but the blast strikes into his shoulder, and necrotic, forceful energy blows over the eredar--dropping his equipment to the ground on a pile of ash.

Naberius cackles loudly.

Levia shouts out in shock and rage and casts [Exorcism] on Naberius, pushing the spell fully as the black tentacles wreathe around her. No’Rash runs to her side and pulls her free of the spell.

The bound wraith casts [Greater Invisibility] on itself and vanishes. Halno shoots a [Fire Bolt] at Naberius, but the attack goes wide.

Having seen his friend disintegrated, Arthak surges through the exhaustion with a battle cry and one of his attacks goes wide, but the other cuts in Naberius with a powerful strike. He swings again with a devastating blow, Champion’s Forge leaving a jagged strike through the decrepit wraith.

Luminrath shoots a [Lightning Bolt] through the remaining mana seeker, Levia, No’Rash, and Halno, the crackling lightning flashing through the room.

Nyxxa runs forward in a rage, using [Mana Break] before she cuts into Naberius with her glaives. Naberius is ragged and starting to fall apart, but he is still up. However, No’Rash roars and charges through the room.

No'Rash says: You… will not… TAKE ANOTHER.

He swings down on Naberius with his club again and again. The chains shatter momentarily, and there is a horrifying scream behind them. The bound wraith reappears, and shrieks, bones flying from its body as it is destroyed--and its essence is transferred to Naberius. No’Rash roars again and slams into the wraith--grabbing at Naberius. Unfortunately, he is unable to grab hold.

No'Rash says: FINISH HIM OFF.

Levia tries to slam into Naberius with her spiritual weapon, but the wraith blocks it with [Shield]. Levia uses [Exorcism], her eyes ablaze with hot-white fire.

Levia Blackflight says: I’ll see you in hell!

There is an explosion of holy light, and there is another shriek as Naberius evaporates. The remaining mana seeker feels, and the black tentacles fade. The two remaining ghosts stop, their tormented pain fading and being replaced with confusion.

Abjurist Belmara says: Now… where did I put that tome of mine?

She floats away through the wall.

Conjurer Luminrath says: How did I leave home without my mantle?

He also disappears from view.

Levia immediately runs over to the ashes and remains of Azgadaan’s armor and weapons. As they poke through it in desperation, they find a long, thin, violet crystal--the ata’mal crystal that Azgadaan had been safeguarding.

Levia tries to cast [Revivify].

Levia Blackflight says: Whatever the fuck you are, bring him back, dammit!

But the divine intervention she tried fails.

Nyxxa says: You can fix this, right?

Levia looks up at Nyxxa in panic, her hands covered with ash.

Levia Blackflight says: I don’t know…

Arthak pulls out his sending stone.

Arthak Saurfang says [sending]: Rakeesh. Kirin’Var Village. Azgadaan is gone. We need you here right now. I’ll owe you a favor.

No’Rash puts a hand gently on Levia’s shoulder.

Rakeesh says [sending]: Oh dear. This sounds a bit… urgent. I’ll be there as soon as I can.

Moments later, Go’el and the others appear.

Go'el says: It looks like the other undead are retreating.
No'Rash says: We have another problem.
Go'el says: What do you mean?

His eyes fall on the armor.

Go'el says: Where’s Azgadaan?
Arthak Saurfang says: Gone. For now.
No'Rash says: Go’el, I know Azgadaan is--was--a demon. But can you call upon the ancestors to intervene upon his behalf?

Go’el approaches and looks down at the ashes, his expression dropping.

Go'el says: I would in a heartbeat. But this… this is beyond my capabilities…

No’Rash tightens his grip on Levia’s shoulder, and Nyxxa goes and hugs Levia.

Arthak Saurfang says: I contacted Rakeesh. He’ll be here soon. He has connections. He can fix this. We can get him back.

Nyxxa takes a few deep breaths.

Nyxxa says: If you can take care of this, I can take care of the rest. Make sure the others don’t have to interface with Rakeesh.
Levia Blackflight says: We should figure out the rest of this… there’s nothing we can do about this right now…
Nyxxa says: We have to take this one step at a time.

Arthak is pulling Azgadaan’s stuff out of the ashes. Meanwhile, Ravandwyr is just watching with a dire look on his face as he realizes what happened. Ini had re-appeared and was almost inconsolable, but Nyxxa hurries over to him and gets him calmed down--opting to keep the marsuul in her company.

Nyxxa says: What do we need to do right now?
Halno says: Well. We should get him away from here.

He points at Ravandwyr.

Nyxxa says: I can…
Halno says: Are you sure you don’t want to just stay here?
Nyxxa says: No. I want to finish this. I need to finish this.
Halno says: Very well. Would you like some company?
Nyxxa says: Sure. Will you be okay?

She looks at Levia and Arthak, and Levia seems to have started to get a hold on herself. She nods.

Levia Blackflight says: Yeah. Yeah. There’s nothing we can do right now anyways until maybe Rakeesh can pull a miracle or something.
Nyxxa says: If there’s something we can do, we’ll try everything, alright?
Levia Blackflight says: Okay.

Nyxxa puts a hand on Levia’s shoulder and then looks up at Arthak.

Nyxxa says: Are you going to be okay?
Arthak Saurfang says: We’re going to fix this. Then it will be okay.
Nyxxa says: Okay.

Nyxxa looks at Go’el with a sad look as she gets up and heads over to Ravandwyr.

Ravandwyer Somberlight says [common]: I’m… I’m sorry. I knew that Naberius was dangerous, but… I’m sorry you lost one of your own.
Nyxxa says [common]: Always a hazard of fighting. But thank you. I’m sure he would have appreciated that.

Nyxxa is a bit choked up, but she’s keeping a hold on herself.

Halno says [common]: We should move along.
Ravandwyer Somberlight says [common]: If we search through Naberius’s things, we should get the incantations I need. Then we can drop the wards around my master’s tower.
Halno says [common]: Lets just give the group a wide berth.
Ravandwyer Somberlight says [common]: Yeah.

The trio rummages in the notes in the back and finds the incantations they need. They also find the remnants of Naberius’s spellbook, and some brief passages about the strange bound wraith. It seemed Naberius was pursuing rituals to make a phylactery, and that wraith was something of a guinea pig. They start to head back to the Violet Tower.

They notice the presence of the ghosts seems to be waning, and the desecrated ground is still present, but it’s not as potent as it was. They see the two ghosts that were waiting, Morran and Dieworth.

Lieutenant-Sorcerer Morran says [common]: It’s you! Excellent. How did things go? Does the traitor still stand?
Ravandwyer Somberlight says [common]: No. These… they were able to dispatch him. We found what we needed, and I think we can lower the barrier of the tower.
Lieutenant-Sorcerer Morran says [common]: I will help as well. What do I need to do?

Ravandwyr explains and takes up Vargoth’s staff. He looks at Halno.

Ravandwyer Somberlight says [common]: Could you help as well?
Halno says [common]: I think that’s probably for the best here, yeah. Get this done as quickly as possible.

Ravandwyr nods and starts the incantations. Halno combines his magic with Morran’s and Ravandwyrs, and they channel for about an hour. The force field starts to fluctuate, and then it vanishes, and the partially fallen tower starts to crumble. There is a flicker of magic, and a figure appears--having teleported out of the collapsing tower. He looks rather haggard, with unkempt red hair, and disheveled robes.

He stands up fully.

Archmage Vargoth says [common]: I thought I would never escape that place. Finally, I’m free of that tower.

He looks at the group and immediately his eyes glow brightly.

Archmage Vargoth says [common]: Were you the ones responsible!?
Ravandwyer Somberlight says [common]: Master, no, it’s not like that. They actually helped.

Ravandwyr explains the situation to the archmage, who listens, and then nods.

Archmage Vargoth says [common]: I see. And for what reason did you decide to help? Just because the head archmage asked you?
Nyxxa says [common]: Yes. And my friends genuinely wanted to help. I ultimately did so as a favor to him, but I know you can engage with the Legion more directly, so helping you helps us as well. We were also sent to the ethereals… which seem to be the ones responsible.
Archmage Vargoth says [common]: Yes. It seems to be the case. Whatever device was responsible for this… havoc was almost certainly of their making. Did you find this device?

Nyxxa shakes her head and looks at Ravandwyr.

Nyxxa says [common]: Is that something that we can… look into?
Archmage Vargoth says [common]: I think you’ve all done enough, if I’m speaking plainly. Whatever that device is capable of, forgive me if I want to keep that device out of the hands of the likes of you, but you… did save my life. And I won’t forget that anytime soon.
Custodian Dieworth says [common]: Master Vargoth, sir, with all due respect, there is work to be done. The spirits may not be tormented by Naberius, but they are not at rest.
Archmage Vargoth says [common]: You’re right, but not work I can help with. This weapon needs to be recovered, and I need to speak with Khadgar. Not to mention the Council needs to be informed. I’ll get the scouts at Sunfury Hold to secure the area and locate the device. From there, we will be taking our leave. We need to inform the next of kin of those who were lost.

He looks at Dieworth and Morran.

Archmage Vargoth says [common]: Morran, Dieworth… you two are still stuck here. Can you help usher the others to the other side?

The two nod.

Custodian Dieworth says [common]: It is, as ever, an honor to serve you, Master Vargoth.

Morran looks at Nyxxa.

Lieutenant-Sorcerer Morran says [common]: I had my reservations trusting a bunch of orcs and demons, but you have my gratitude. It may be the gratitude of a deadman, but you have it.

Halno raises an eyebrow.

Nyxxa says [common]: Thank you. Although…

She looks at Vargoth.

Nyxxa says [common]: Please don’t hold it against Khadgar for trusting me. Ultimately, I know how this looks. The last thing I want to come from this is for his reputation to be on the line because of me.
Archmage Vargoth says [common]: Khadgar is a clever man. I have no doubt he sent you to check on me. I’ll keep your words in mind, but I expect answers of my own. If I like what I hear, he won’t have any issues with his peers, but this will need an explanation. I trust you will understand that. He is a risk-taker, and while this risk panned out, there’s no telling what could have happened in trusting individuals like yourselves. But if you think I’m going to try to get him expelled, you’re wrong. I just want to see what he has to say.
Nyxxa says [common]: I understand.

Nyxxa closes her eyes.

Nyxxa says [common]: We should go back to the others, Halno. We shouldn’t tarry long.
Archmage Vargoth says [common]: I recommend you don’t. While you’ll be at no risk from us, I cannot say the Sunreavers would respond better.
Nyxxa says [common]: If Khadgar’s explanation is acceptable to you, I would ask you don’t share what happened here outside of him. At least not for now. We did this at great risk to ourselves. And at great loss to ourselves. I wouldn’t have our own counter-Legion operations jeopardized further.
Archmage Vargoth says [common]: The nature of what happened here, in this lonely place, I plan to report. Your involvement depends on this conversation with Khadgar.
Nyxxa says [common]: That’s all I can ask.
Archmage Vargoth says [common]: Duly noted.

Vargoth nods.

Archmage Vargoth says [common]: The two of you should tarry no longer. You have my gratitude. Were it not for your assistance, my last apprentice might be dead, and I would still be trapped. I can give you that much.
Nyxxa says [common]: Thank you. Lets go, Halno.

Her voice cracks, and she turns and starts to walk away, giving a nod to Ravandwyr as she passes.

Halno looks at Morran.

Halno says [common]: Pleasure working with you.
Ravandwyer Somberlight says [common]: Shalla’xar… um, thank you. If you can bring your friend back, give him my gratitude as well.

Nyxxa smiles.

Nyxxa says [common]: I will. I’m sure he’ll be happy to know.

The two ghosts fade away as they go to start to bring peace to this place. Vargoth starts speaking to Ravandwyr.

Archmage Vargoth says [common]: Seems we have our work cut out for us. Lets try to get this over with so we can leave this lonely place.
Ravandwyer Somberlight says [common]: Yes, master.

Halno gives Nyxxa an awkward pat on the shoulder as they stroll away.

Nyxxa says: Thanks, Halno. I’ll be okay. The gesture is appreciated.
Halno says: Are you sure we can’t go punch him in the face?
Nyxxa says: Were we not actively at war… even I would consider it.

However, she can tell, at baseline, Vargoth is very frustrated that he was unable to stop what was happening, and some of that frustration was taken out on her and will likely be taken out on Khadgar. But he was very clearly affected by the devastation that had been wrought.

As they arrive back, they see Arthak continuing to clean Azgadaan’s things, while No’Rash is sitting pensively.

Arthak gets a sending from Rakeesh.

Rakeesh says [sending]: So… what exactly happened, if you don’t mind me asking? I’ll need to know a little bit more before I can inform my contacts of what needs to be done.
Arthak Saurfang says [sending]: Undead magic users… a spell… he just turned to dust.
Rakeesh says [sending]: I see. That… could be troublesome, but not impossible. But it certainly won’t be easy or inexpensive. This would be easiest if you were to return to where you rendevouzed with our mutual friend. I’ll be there as quickly as I can. Shouldn’t be much more than a few days. This will require some finesse. I would recommend you go there and wait for me.
Arthak Saurfang says [sending]: Okay.
Nyxxa says: We need to go as soon as possible. They’re willing to overlook our presence, but only if we aren’t found by the elven reinforcements they are calling right now.

No’Rash growls, and Arthak takes a deep breath.

Arthak Saurfang says: Fine. Rakeesh got back to me. We are to meet him where we picked up No’Rash. He should be there in a few days.
Nyxxa says: Understood.
No'Rash says: He better be able to help.
Nyxxa says: I don’t think… Go’el, could you get us some distance?
Go'el says: We should be able to camp out on some of the ridges outside. That should give us some distance for now.
Nyxxa says: Yeah. I think we’ll have time before they turn their attention outward.
Go'el says: We should find somewhere to camp then.
Nyxxa says: I can start working on that. I don’t want to stop moving right now.

They leave Kirin’Var Village and manage to find a secluded place in the outskirts where they can make camp and figure out what to do next.

No'Rash says: Arthak. You should tend to her.

He’s talking about Nyxxa, who had kept continuing to scout.

Arthak Saurfang says: She has Levia. She’ll be fine.

They set up camp, realizing that, had things gone differently, they likely would have been staying in the mansion again. Arthak takes out the ata’mal crystal and starts to examine it, having some clear emotions as he looks through Azgadaan’s stuff.

No’Rash approaches Arthak.

No'Rash says: Can I join you?

He picks up an itch on his nose, as if they are not alone. There is something hidden from view, located behind Arthak. He suddenly reaches out and tries to grab the thing, but his hand passes through it.

No'Rash says: We’re not alone.

Then the presence fades. And it doesn’t come back again.

Arthak Saurfang says: What did you see?
No'Rash says: Not see… more perceived. It may not be safe here… Halno?
Halno says: Hm? Can I help you?
Arthak Saurfang says: Someone was just watching me. No alarm, everyone. Nyxxa, keep an eye out when you can.

Nyxxa nods, still carrying Ini.

No’Rash sits down next to Arthak as people return to their business.

No'Rash says: Getting used to sharing my fires… it has been some time since I have done so.
Arthak Saurfang says: I can imagine. Being clanless isn’t easy.

No’Rash nods.

No'Rash says: Not an experience I thought I would have, but here we are.
Arthak Saurfang says: ...here we are.
No'Rash says: But. At least concerning yourself. It seems you have rectified that.
Arthak Saurfang says: I was never clanless.
No'Rash says: No. But… in a way, from what I remember of you as a young pup, you were lost. Unless… you think I’m speaking out of turn.
Arthak Saurfang says: Everyone’s lost, elder.

No’Rash shakes his head.

No'Rash says: Do not call me that. I appreciate you still… honor those who have outlived you, but I am not deserving of that title. I have no clan, no honor left to speak of. After all, those who attack their kin are not honorable. Tell me. Has Sadras forgotten about me? Has she cast me out of her mind?
Arthak Saurfang says: No. She’s spoken of you. Fondly.

No’Rash’s expression becomes downtrodden.

No'Rash says: If only she had… Arthak. I don’t know the nature of your relationship with Sadras. I do not know how close the two of you have been. But… it sounds as though you two have spent a long time together? In whatever way.
Arthak Saurfang says: We were mated.

No’Rash cocks an eyebrow.

No'Rash says: Ah. I would not have guessed that. I remember when you first came to the clan she said you stunk like most orcs south of us. But you said… were.
Arthak Saurfang says: We no longer are.
No'Rash says: I’m sorry. I did not mean to reopen a wound. It is not my place to ask.
Arthak Saurfang says: It’s fine. Not the worst thing that has happened today.
No'Rash says: Given what has happened… perhaps I will not tell you why I wish Sadras had forgotten men. I will leave you with this. I’m grateful that you protected her.
Arthak Saurfang says: She never needed protecting.
No'Rash says: Supported, then.

No’Rash gets to his feet and leans on his club.

No'Rash says: Some other time we will talk some more.

He puts a hand on Arthak’s shoulder and leaves him to his thoughts.

Meanwhile, Nyxxa approaches Levia with Ini.

Nyxxa says: Hey, Levia.
Levia Blackflight says: Hey.
Nyxxa says: I want to apologize.
Levia Blackflight says: For what?
Nyxxa says: In the heat of the moment I shouldn’t have put that on you.
Levia Blackflight says: Hey, it’s fine. I don’t really know what I’m doing. It’s not like you should know what I’m doing.
Nyxxa says: Still. I wanted to apologize. How are you feeling?
Levia Blackflight says: Not as tipsy as I’d like to be.
Nyxxa says: I have that awful alcohol from Shattrath.
Levia Blackflight says: I think I could go for that. But, you know, the thing that pisses me off the most about this demon stuff? Booze doesn’t do what it used to.
Nyxxa says: I suppose. Can’t say what I would do if I went hard into that right now.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah, probably best to not tap that. Um… do you, uh… do you really think we’ll be able to bring him back?
Nyxxa says: I don’t know. I honestly don’t know. But it doesn’t hurt to try, right?
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah, just a bit afraid of what that’s going to cost us… but I guess we’ll find out. We got to bring him back. He has a little bit too much he didn’t get to finish.
Nyxxa says: Too much life he didn’t get to live.
Levia Blackflight says: ... yeah.

She takes a sip from the alcohol.

Nyxxa says: It’s just the way of things. War. Fighting. In an ideal world you, him… you wouldn’t have needed to be involved in this.
Levia Blackflight says: The world isn’t ideal. It hasn’t for a long time. Now it’s just more public. Now people are dying in the middle of the streets instead of behind closed doors. It’s always been fucked.
Nyxxa says: So it’s up to, well… if the world is fucked, it’s up to people to fix it. It’s up to people to keep fighting.
Levia Blackflight says: Can we even fix it, though?
Nyxxa says: There’s no point in giving up. Because if there is no point, well… as terrible as the world can be, there are beautiful things in it. If someone as sweet as Azgadaan can come from the background he came from, flowers can bloom on even desecrated ground. It’s harder… but…

Levia nods.

Levia Blackflight says: Yeah… maybe you’re right. I don’t know.

Nyxxa looks at Levia.

Nyxxa says: If we give up fighting, then it’s those flowers that are the first to burn. So even if we can’t fix the world, we can at least do what we can to protect. To make sure there are still beautiful things left.

Levia laughs mirthlessly.

Levia Blackflight says: Man. If all night elves sound like you? It must be a trip.
Nyxxa says: I can’t say I remember.
Levia Blackflight says: Well… thanks, anyways. I, uh… I don’t know how good I’m going to be at fixing… any of this? But I’m going to do what I fucking can to kill anymore bastards before they do this again. Maybe if we’re lucky, we can do that.

Nyxxa nods.

Nyxxa says: Battle isn’t over yet, not even this one. We’re meeting up with Rakeesh, and he might be able to fix this. There’s hope. So no giving up just yet.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah. Not going to give up that easy.

Nyxxa squeezes Levia’s hand.

Levia Blackflight says: But there’s no such thing as a free lunch. So we’ll see.
Nyxxa says: He’s not the first person we owe something big to.

Meanwhile, No’Rash had approached Go’el.

Go'el says: No’Rash.
No'Rash says: You know. Your father was always hesitant when I asked to use Sever.
Go'el says: He always said he’d rather extend a hand than an axe.
No'Rash says: Perhaps not this type of hand.

He points at his hand with his claws.

No'Rash says: Go’el. Has the warband lost anyone before today?
Go'el says: It’s hard to say… I’ve not been a part of Arthak’s warband indefinitely. But… they did lose one. I don’t know if you heard her name, but she traveled with them for a time. She was a draenei named Remnii. I knew her for a short period as my father had met her’s.
No'Rash says: Daughter of the high priest?
Go'el says: She was trapped here when the war happened. And… when the Dark Portal opened, she was whisked away by her companions. But… the flames of war claimed her after she had left. Sometime after.

No’Rash nods solemnly.

Go'el says: She was not in the warband, but she was a good person, and I know Arthak was close with her, as were some of the others. Azgadaan included.

No’Rash nods again.

No'Rash says: Many of the draenei died by the hands of the orcs. I… can’t say I knew Arthak well. I knew the boy was troubled, but now I can only imagine what he and his friends have been through. To continue losing those close to him, I worry. I don’t know if it was the right choice for Rakeesh to send me to travel with this warband.
Go'el says: Well, one way or another, you’re here now, old friend. Whether the spirits willed it, or it was the twisted machinations of demons. You’re here now, and if you weren’t, we may have lost more than just Azgadaan.

No’Rash nods.

No'Rash says: I’ve… not seen demons show emotions beyond anger or… selfishness. But these ones… care for one another. Friends with orcs and other creatures. Beings. People. It seems Azgadaan was cared for greatly.
Go'el says: There are a lot of things about this world I don’t know, a lot of things I’m still trying to learn. It’s easy to believe you understand your foe, but then people like Azgadaan and Nyxxa arrive and throw that into question. We all bear our own journeys and our own sins. Yours are great, but sometimes it’s only by asking and by sharing that you can realize others bear sins as well. We all have blood on our hands.
No'Rash says: Indeed.
Go'el says: Things may never return to what they were before, but that doesn’t mean you can’t repent.

No’Rash looks at Nyxxa and Levia.

No'Rash says: perhaps there is one I can repent for. Before my operations at Hellfire, I came into contact with a spirit. I don’t think it has a name, but the title it is referred to is the ‘Forgotten Wolf’. I cannot understand the spirits as you do, but if Rakeesh can’t help us… perhaps we can seek this spirit and it may be able to do something for this group. After all, it’s led by one who wields the Doomhammer. It has to count for something.
Go'el says: Perhaps. I admit I know very little about this spirit. But it’s possible. The blessing it would take to restore someone taken like this is… well beyond my own strength. Perhaps only Drek’thar could have conjured such power, but we may borrow it… the process of doing so eludes me. It would be a journey, but it is one to consider.
No'Rash says: If it can bring a friend back, I would be here for it. Were it not for Azgadaan in that battle, I too may have lost my life.
Go'el says: We will see what the demon has to offer. To see if his answers can reconnect us.
No'Rash says: We do not share this information about the spirit with him.
Go'el says: I had no intention.

No’Rash smirks.

No'Rash says: I’ll leave you to your thoughts, chief-- I must stop doing that. Go’el.
Go'el says: And you, old friend.

Outland Day 41 - Outland Day 44

The group sets off the next day, and they travel to the last place they had met with Valzuun. They camp out to wait for Rakeesh, and No’Rash spends some time working with Azuka.

Nyxxa, meanwhile, continues to work on training with Vaerux to get her illusion cantrip.

Vaerux says [telepathically]: Alright. So after all of that. I think you’re ready to start manipulating the shadows. It might be good to jump in hooves first at this point. You think your ready, or are you going to bitch out on me?
Nyxxa says [telepathically]: Ready when you are.

A little frustrated, Nyxxa tries the spell, but it sparks and fizzles.

Vaerux says [telepathically]: Come onnnnn. Come on, give it another try.

Nyxxa keeps trying for about 15 minutes, and she grits her teeth and tries again in annoyance and anger. An illusion appears of a mini Vaerux appears, yelling and berating her. It looks really stupid, and comically exagerated.

Vaerux says [telepathically]: There we go! Not bad! See? That wasn’t too hard.

The illusion disappears.

Vaerux says [telepathically]: Now try something you are actually meaning to make.

Nyxxa conjures the illusion of a tree.

Vaerux says [telepathically]: Not bad, kid. Not bad. Alright, that’s as much as I’m teaching you for now, but you’re already on your way. So far, so good.
Nyxxa says [telepathically]: Thank you, Vaerux.
Vaerux says [telepathically]: Don’t think I enjoyed any part of this. But. You learned quicker than I thought you would. You’ll pick up the rest once your end of the bargain is finished.
Nyxxa says [telepathically]: Yeah. Just need…
Vaerux says [telepathically]: Well, you took a piece of that necromancer bastard. I’ll give you a bit of credit there, but you still need more.

As Nyxxa plays around with the spell, Arthak finds her--noting that her eyes are glimmering purple instead of fel green.

Arthak Saurfang says: Do you have a minute?
Nyxxa says: Oh, yes.

The illusion fades.

Arthak Saurfang says: Can you check to make sure we are not being watched?
Nyxxa says: Oh, yeah.

She glances around.

Nyxxa says: Nothing.
Arthak Saurfang says: Your contact. I changed my mind.

Nyxxa blinks.

Nyxxa says: Oh. You’ll meet him in person?
Arthak Saurfang says: See if he will do dream, but if not, fine, I’ll meet him in person.
Nyxxa says: Understood. I won’t ask if you’re alright, Arthak, because I think I know the answer, but is there anything you need from me?
Arthak Saurfang says: We’re going to fix it, and I’ll get him back. That’s what matters.
Nyxxa says: I see. I’ll do what I can.
Arthak Saurfang says: We’ll handle Rakeesh.
Nyxxa says: Hopefully he’ll have some answers.
Arthak Saurfang says: He better. If not, we’ll find someone else.

Nyxxa nods.

Arthak Saurfang says: Azgadaan is the last one who was there from the beginning. I’m not losing another one.

Nyxxa closes her eyes in understanding.

Arthak Saurfang says: Tell your contact.
Nyxxa says: Did you want me to…

She pulls out the piece of paper out.

Nyxxa says: Tell him what you wrote, or hold off?
Arthak Saurfang says: Still tell him.
Nyxxa says: Alright.

She puts a hand on Arthak’s shoulder.

Nyxxa says: We’ll find some answer.
Arthak Saurfang says: I know we will. We will make sure we do.
Nyxxa says: If any demon would come back from this, it would be Azgadaan.
Arthak Saurfang says: Maybe.
Nyxxa says: He has historically had a lot of luck. There may be some left.
Arthak Saurfang says: His luck ran out. But we’re going to pick up from there. Anyway, that’s all. Just wanted to tell you.
Nyxxa says: Thank you, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: Don’t thank me yet. Still have to talk to him.
Nyxxa says: What changed your mind?
Arthak Saurfang says: It’s the second time in less than a year that I watched someone who was my brother die. And… before all of this, I spoke with Shaspira. We were talking about the Doomhammer. About destiny. The world doesn’t make sense unless you make it. The world is not right unless you make it. You make it take the shape you want. We have almost lost Azgadaan for your contact. So I am going to make it happen.
Nyxxa says: I see. So you’re planning on asking him for help?
Arthak Saurfang says: Talking to him first. I don’t know if I’m going to ask for his help. Frankly, the Gul’dan question is not my main priority. But I am going to get it started.
Nyxxa says: I understand. Well, we’ll just have to see then. I’m sorry this war has taken so much from you, Arthak. From the beginning, it seems.
Arthak Saurfang says: Living is loss. From the moment you’re born, you’re losing seconds, hours, days, and then people. Dreams. Life.
Nyxxa says: For what it’s worth, I understand. I won’t be prideful enough to say I understand it better than others, but I do know loss deeply.
Arthak Saurfang says: No one is exceptional in that.
Nyxxa says: I think something I learned from you, and everyone else, is that even when you feel as though you lost everything, as long as you keep going, you can find something else.
Arthak Saurfang says: It’s true.
Nyxxa says: I found all of you when I thought I had nothing left. That I wasn’t going to get anything else. We’ll do everything we can.
Arthak Saurfang says: We’re going to do more than that. We’re going to win. First Azgadaan, then the rest.
Nyxxa says: I think you’re more than capable of doing that, Arthak.

Nyxxa smiles, and then hugs Arthak. Arthak gives her a stiff pat on the back.

Nyxxa says: Starting with Azgadaan. Then Mannoroth. Then Sinestra. Then the rest. Keep on winning impossible battles until we can’t anymore. Because what else can we do?
Arthak Saurfang says: Anything else. But nothing else will be worth doing.

Nyxxa withdraws from the hug.

Nyxxa says: When next he contacts me, I’ll let him know.
Arthak Saurfang says: Good.
Nyxxa says: Though… I was planning on joking… Sadras called me her sister, so that would make you my brother, but I guess I can’t joke about that anymore.
Arthak Saurfang says: Perhaps you shouldn’t.
Nyxxa says: I think I still consider you my brother though. In arms, if nothing else. But I impose those feelings on other people without them wanting them, so perhaps that’s just me.
Arthak Saurfang says: Never had a sister.

Nyxxa laughs.

Nyxxa says: I don’t think I’ve had a brother. If I did, I don’t remember. But you’re family to me, Arthak.

Arthak presses his forehead against Nyxxa’s, and she starts to sob and apologize quietly for crying.

Meanwhile, Halno had been working on some things while waiting for Rakeesh, and he gets a sending from Sagaz.

Sagaz says [sending]: Hey, you got a minute, master? A few things happened. A follow up from before.
Halno says [sending]: I have a surprising abundance of time at the moment.
Sagaz says [sending]: Remember when we spoke last and I mentioned that orc? He wanted you to meet with some people, right?
Halno says [sending]: Ah, yes, it has been… a few days since that conversation.
Sagaz says [sending]: It’s been a couple more than a couple days here. I sent your message back, and he took me and the others to meet with him and a few others in the sewers. They, um… well… it wasn’t what I expected. Only a few of them met with me, and they sent me a message to send back to you. They said ‘The Black Harvest wants to speak with you about something very important to you’. I don’t know what that means, but I’m guessing that’s the name of their group.
Halno says [sending]: I can’t say I’m familiar with the name… so they want me to get in contact with them?
Sagaz says [sending]: I told them you weren’t here, but once you come back, they want to speak with you. They see what you’re doing, and what you’re trying to do, and they think they can help. Roughly.
Halno says [sending]: Vague, ominous, reveals nothing. Fantastic. That could mean anything.
Sagaz says [sending]: I met three of them. Only one of them was the orc. The other two were smallteeth.
Halno says [sending]: Sagaz, they all have small teeth. Orc, human, elf, troll… what was it?
Sagaz says [sending]: A humans and an elf. The human was female, I think. I’m not sure about the elf. I think it was… probably a woman?
Halno says [sending]: All of this just to set up a meeting. Well, they’re mysterious enough to have my attention.
Sagaz says [sending]: I don’t know. I think they may have just… found out? About everything we were up to? And were interested in making contact. They didn’t give names, but that’s not too surprising. But you’re right. The orc was that Ritssyn Flamescowl guy, I think. He said to reach out to him. Once you return.
Halno says [sending]: Interesting.
Sagaz says [sending]: If you bring him, I could confirm that it’s him. He seemed to fit the description.
Halno says [sending]: It’s kind of hard for him to disguise himself. Thank you, Sagaz, this is very helpful.
Sagaz says [sending]: Yeah, something to look forward to, I guess.
Halno says [sending]: This has lightened my mood considerably!
Sagaz says [sending]: Anything I should know about?
Halno says [sending]: You weren’t close to Azgadaan, were you?
Sagaz says [sending]: He’s alright. He’s a little odd for a demon.
Halno says [sending]: Yeah, nothing you need to worry about.
Sagaz says [sending]: Right. Well, good luck. I’ll continue my studies. If anything else happens, I’ll let you know.

Halno proceeds to bombard Sagaz with homework.

On one of the nights, Nyxxa has a dream. She is in a deep forest, and she is seeing in full color. It’s almost familiar, and her body moves without any input from her. She’s running. She can hear tears. Someone is crying. Someone she knows. She knows where they are--where they always are. She runs for ages, and finally she reaches a grove in a familiar place. Satyrnaar, perhaps, or somewhere else.

On the edge of a cracked moonwell, she sees a figure. She is sprawled on the grass, her head and forehead facedown on the stone sobbing. It’s another satyr. Nyxxa remembers her, and when she sees her, her name slips from her lips.

The name is almost like a vacuum, and the satyr looks up from the stone. Her eyes meet Nyxxa’s, and then Nyxxa wakes up.

Someone is shaking her awake. It’s Levia.

Levia Blackflight says: Nyxxa. Nyxxa are you awake?
Nyxxa says: Yes, what happened?
Levia Blackflight says: I don’t know. I had a dream. I was thinking and when I passed out, I had a dream. I think I was your, running through the woods. I saw a woman. A satyr with purple hair. She was a lot shorter than you… it sounded like you called out to her, and then I woke up.
Nyxxa says: I had the same dream. But I’m not supposed to be able to dream.
Levia Blackflight says: Look, I don’t know what happened, but I think I know her name, and it wasn’t the one you said. It’s Driana.
Nyxxa says: Driana. She doesn’t like being called that.

Levia grabs her by the shoulders.

Levia Blackflight says: I don’t know who she is, or what your connection is, but I think she has something to do with how you can end the curse.
Nyxxa says: Oh…

Nyxxa blinks.

Nyxxa says: Oh… so I guess…

Nyxxa is in shock.

Nyxxa says: When all this is settled down, we should seek her out then…
Levia Blackflight says: Who is she?
Nyxxa says: She was a priestess… a long, long time ago.

All of her memories of the satyr had come back.

Nyxxa says: She was… forced, pressured, into becoming a satyr. But before that she was a priestess of the moon. Perhaps she is looking into it as well.
Levia Blackflight says: We’ll find her.
Nyxxa says: Yes… we shall. If that is the lead, then perhaps she would be keen on finding the answer as well. So… yes.

Levia smiles.

Levia Blackflight says: Good morning, by the way. Sorry about that.
Nyxxa says: Good morning. I think I need to sit down. I suddenly remember the entirety of that relationship…

Outland Day 45

The hear something approaching as the group is keeping watch, and they see a dark shadow making its way through the sky. It’s Rakeesh’s vessel--the Apex. It circles around for a moment before touching down. A few moments later, they hear the sound of the ship opening, and the ramp extending.

Rakeesh emerges, wearing his armor.

Rakeesh says: Hello everyone. I wasn’t expecting to see you all so soon, but desperate times, I suppose.
Nyxxa says: Thank you for coming on such short notice.

Rakeesh nods and half turns.

Rakeesh says: No time to lose. Everyone aboard. We have people waiting for us back on Argus, after all. It would not be good to leave them waiting.