Adept: Way of the Cenobite

Original Source: ROYal Brews

Adepts who follow the Way of the Cenobite are deeply religious, following the codes of their gods and beliefs with a religious fervor. They value purity of spirit and mind, this drive allowing them to be gain various benefits through their faith.

Sanctified Arts

3rd-level Way of the Cenobite feature
You can use your focus to replicate certain divine spells. You can spend 1 focus to cast bless, ceremony, divine favor, protection from evil and good, and sanctuary, without providing material components. Additionally, you learn the light cantrip.

You may cast these spells at a higher level by spending 1 additional focus per level. You may cast them at 2nd level when you reach 5th level, 3rd level when you reach 9th level, 4th when you reach 13th level, and 5th when you reach 17th level. Your Discipline ability is your spellcasting ability for these spells.


3rd-level Way of the Cenobite feature
You have been blessed by your faith. You gain the following benefits:

Mark of Repentance

6th-level Way of the Cenobite feature
When you hit a creature on your turn, you can spend 1 focus to forgo the damage and force the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, they have Disadvantage on attack rolls until the start of your next turn, and they take radiant damage equal to one roll of your martial arts die each time they attack or take a hostile action.

Blessing of Enlightenment

11th-level Way of the Cenobite feature
Your faith has rewarded you with light and knowledge. You count as a cleric for the requirements on the use of magic items.

Additionally, you may spend 5 focus to commune without providing material components. You may also cast daylight with 3 focus.

Divine Vessel

17th-level Way of the Cenobite feature
You body is a sacred vessel for the divine. You can spend 5 focus to cast dispel evil and good, hallow, or holy weapon on yourself without providing material components. When you cast holy weapon, the target must be your unarmed strikes or a weapon you are carrying.