Adept Talents: Practiced Techniques

Adept Speed

Your speed increases by 10 feet while you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield. You can choose this technique more than once. Its effects stack.

Acquired Knowledge

Choose any combination of three languages or tools you are not proficient with. You become proficient with all three.

Battlefield Etiquette

After you have fought beside a martial artist for an encounter, battled against them, or observed them for at least 10 minutes, you gain Advantage on Charisma checks against them. Any creature proficient in at least one combat maneuver tradition is considered to be a martial artist.

Humble Existence

While in cities or towns, you may live a modest lifestyle without any cost. Most middle- or low-class inns and shops will not charge you for simple goods and services, and most guards will not accost you without good reason. Some high-class shops and areas may ignore this ability. If you are carrying a number of expensive items in excess of your proficiency bonus, this talent has no effect. An expensive item is 100gp or an item worth at least much.

Insightful Intuition

Prerequisite: Proficiency with the Insight skill
As an action, study a creature you have watched speak for at least 1 minute. You can ask the DM one of the following questions:

  • Is the creature hiding any strong emotions?
  • Does the creature have a secret agenda?
  • Did the creature lie in the last minute?
  • Is the creature hiding their true heritage and/or culture?

The DM must give you a truthful answer. Once you have used this ability on a creature, you cannot use it on that creature again until you finish a short or long rest.

Marathon Runner

When you move at a fast pace, you don’t suffer a penalty to your passive Perception. In addition, you have Advantage on saving throws on Constitution saving throws while taking a forced march.

Pious Psychometry

When making an Intelligence (Religion) check to recall information about a holy relic, religious artifact, or any kind of similar object you are touching, or a location you are present in, you have advantage on the roll. The information gleaned often involves religious rites, cryptic wisdom, or the path to enlightenment, and sometimes conveys visions of things previously unknown to the character on higher rolls.

Total Concentration Breathing

You may hold your breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier + your Wisdom modifier, and you do not begin suffocating until a number of rounds equal to your Constitution Modifier + your Wisdom Modifier. You have advantage on saving throws against harmful gasses or vapors.

Warrior's Awareness

Prerequisite: Proficiency with Perception
You cannot be surprised while you are conscious.

Wilderness Training

You gain proficiency with one of the following skills: Animal Handling or Nature. If you have the Battlefield Etiquette talent, you consider beasts to be martial artists.

Requires 5th Level

Kip Up

Prerequisite: 5th level
You can stand up from Prone with a Reaction.

Nimble Athlete

Prerequisite: 5th level
You can always choose to use your Dexterity modifier for Athletics checks.

Power Tumble

Prerequisite: 5th level
You can always choose to use your Strength modifier for Acrobatics checks.

Slow Fall

Prerequisite: 5th level
You can use your Reaction when you fall to reduce any falling damage you take by an amount equal to five times your adept level.

Wall Run

Prerequisite: Adept Speed, 5th level
You gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces and on your turn without falling during the move.

Requires 9th Level


Prerequisite: 9th level, Focus
When you make an Intelligence check, you can spend 2 focus to use your Wisdom Instead.

Unbroken Surface

Prerequisite: Adept Speed, 9th level
You gain the ability to move along liquid surfaces and on your turn without falling. If you end your turn without moving your full speed, or if you have any penalties to your speed, you fall into the liquid at the end of your turn.

Requires 11th Level

Gale Walk

Prerequisite: Adept Speed, 11th level, Focus
You can spend 1 focus to gain a flying speed of 60 feet as a bonus action until the end of your turn. This flying speed benefits from any bonuses that increase your speed. You fall if you end your turn in the air and nothing else is holding you aloft.

Instant Transmission

Prerequisite: Adept Speed, 11th level, Focus
You can move so fast you seem to teleport. You can use an action to spend 5 focus and choose an unoccupied space you can see within 500 feet. You teleport and arrive at exactly the spot desired. You can bring along your gear, carried items smaller than your arm, and a single willing creature of your size category or smaller and objects they are wearing or carrying.

Requires 13th Level

Tongue of the Sun and Moon

Prerequisite: 13th level
You understand all spoken languages. Moreover, any creature that can understand a language can understand what you say.