Ranger: Drakewarden

Original Source: Fizban's Treasury of Dragons

Drakewarden Magic

3rd-level Drakewarden feature
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Drakewarden Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of ranger spells you know.

Table: Drakewarden Spells
Ranger LevelSpells
3rdchromatic orb
5thdragon's breath
13thelemental bane
17thsummon dragon

Draconic Gift

3rd-level Drakewarden feature
As in Fizban's Treasury of Dragons

Drake Companion

3rd-level Drakewarden feature
As in Fizban's Treasury of Dragons with the following additions:

Bond of Fang and Scale

7th-level Drakewarden feature
As in Fizban's Treasury of Dragons with the following addition:

All-Terrain Drake. Your drake can grow wings, gills, and other appendages to help it travel. When you summon it, you can choose to give it a burrow climb, flying, or swimming speed equal to its walking speed. The drake can breathe air or water whenever it has a swimming speed.

Drake's Breath

11th-level Drakewarden feature
As in Fizban's Treasury of Dragons with the following changes:

Perfected Bond

15th-level Drakewarden feature
As in Fizban's Treasury of Dragons