Bard Spell List

Cantrips [20]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Abjuration Blade Ward 1 reaction VS Self Instantaneous PHB 218
School of Illusion Dancing Lights 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 230, SRD
School of Enchantment Encode Thoughts 1 action S Self 8 hours GGR 47
School of Evocation Flash 1 action VS 10 feet Instantaneous Homebrew
School of Enchantment Friends 1 action SM 10 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 244
School of Evocation Light 1 action VM Touch 1 hour PHB 255, SRD
School of Conjuration Mage Hand 1 action VS 30 feet 1 minute PHB 256, SRD
School of Transmutation Mending 1 minute VSM Touch Instantaneous PHB 259, SRD
School of Divination Message 1 action VSM 120 feet Instantaneous PHB 259, SRD
School of Illusion Minor Illusion 1 action SM 30 feet 1 minute PHB 260, SRD
School of Transmutation On/Off 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous UA: Modern Magic
School of Transmutation Prestidigitation 1 action VS 10 feet Up to 1 hour PHB 267, SRD
School of Evocation Psi Blade 1 action SM* Self 1 round Homebrew
School of Evocation Rose Blade 1 action SM* Self 1 round Homebrew
School of Evocation Starry Wisp 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous UA: Playtest 8
School of Evocation Thunderclap 1 action S Self (5-foot emanation Instantaneous PHB 2024 333
School of Evocation Toxic Strike 1 action SM* Self 1 round Homebrew
School of Divination True Strike 1 action SM* Self Instantaneous PHB 284, SRD
School of Enchantment Vicious Mockery 1 action V 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 285, SRD
School of Evocation Wind Blade 1 action SM* 30 feet Instantaneous Homebrew

1st-Level Spells [34]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Enchantment Animal Friendship 1 action VSM 30 feet 24 hours PHB 212, SRD
School of Enchantment Bane 1 action VSM 30 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 216, SRD
School of Enchantment Cause Fear 1 action V 60 feet (C) 1 minute XGE 151
School of Enchantment Charm Creature 1 action VS 30 feet 1 hour PHB 221, SRD
School of Illusion Color Spray 1 action VSM Self (15-foot cone) 1 round PHB 222, SRD
School of Enchantment Command 1 action V 60 feet 1 round PHB 223, SRD
School of Divination Comprehend Languages 1 action VSM Self 1 hour PHB 224, SRD
School of Necromancy Cure Wounds 1 action VS Touch Instantaneous PHB 230, SRD
School of Divination Detect Magic 1 action VS Self (C) 10 minutes PHB 231, SRD
School of Illusion Disguise Self 1 action VS Self 1 hour PHB 233, SRD
School of Enchantment Dissonant Whispers 1 action V 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 234
School of Evocation Earth Tremor 1 action VS 10 feet Instantaneous XGE 155
School of Evocation Faerie Fire 1 action V 60 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 239, SRD
School of Transmutation Feather Fall 1 reaction VM 60 feet 1 minute PHB 239, SRD
School of Divination Gift of Alacrity 1 minute VS Touch 8 hours EGW 186
School of Divination Guiding Hand 1 minute VS 5 feet (C) 8 hours UA: Starter Spells
School of Conjuration Harvesting Hands 1 minute SM 10 feet Varies HHHv2
School of Necromancy Healing Word 1 bonus action V 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 250, SRD
School of Enchantment Heroism 1 action VS Touch (C) 1 minute PHB 2024 285, SRD
School of Enchantment Hideous Laughter 1 action VSM 30 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 280, SRD
School of Divination Identify 1 minute VSM($) Touch Instantaneous PHB 252, SRD
School of Illusion Illusory Script 1 minute SM($) Touch 10 days PHB 252, SRD
School of Transmutation Longstrider 1 action VSM Touch 1 hour PHB 256, SRD
School of Illusion Major Illusion 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 10 minutes Combined
School of Enchantment Puppet 1 action S 120 feet Instantaneous UA: Starter Spells
School of Transmutation Remote Access 1 action VS 120 feet 10 minutes UA: Modern Magic
School of Divination Sense Emotion 1 action VS Self (C) 10 minutes UA: Starter Spells
School of Transmutation Shift Pigment 1 action VSM Touch Instantaneous Homebrew
School of Enchantment Sleep 1 action VSM 90 feet 1 minute PHB 276, SRD
School of Divination Speak with Animals 1 action VS Self 10 minutes PHB 2024 318, SRD
School of Enchantment Sudden Awakening 1 bonus action V 10 feet Instantaneous UA: Starter Spells
School of Evocation Thunderwave 1 action VS Self (15-foot cube) Instantaneous PHB 282, SRD
School of Illusion Unearthly Chorus 1 action V Self (30-foot radius) (C) 10 minutes UA: Starter Spells
School of Conjuration Unseen Servant 1 action VSM 60 feet 1 hour PHB 284, SRD

2nd-Level Spells [44]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Abjuration Aid 1 action VSM 30 feet 8 hours PHB 211, SRD
School of Enchantment Animal Messenger 1 action VSM 30 feet 24 hours PHB 212, SRD
School of Transmutation Arcane Hacking 1 action VSM Self (C) 1 hour UA: Modern Magic
School of Necromancy Blindness/Deafness 1 action V 120 feet 1 minute PHB 219, SRD
School of Transmutation Brittle 1 bonus action VS 15 feet (C) 1 minute Knuckleheads
School of Enchantment Calm Emotions 1 action VS 60 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 221, SRD
School of Conjuration Cloud of Daggers 1 action VSM 60 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 2024
School of Enchantment Crown of Madness 1 action VS 120 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 229
School of Divination Detect Thoughts 1 action VSM Self (C) 1 minute PHB 231, SRD
School of Abjuration Digital Phantom 1 action VSM Self (C) 1 hour UA: Modern Magic
School of Transmutation Enhance Ability 1 action VSM Touch (C) 1 hour PHB 237, SRD
School of Transmutation Enhance Vision 1 action VSM Touch 8 hours Combined
School of Transmutation Enlarge/Reduce 1 action VSM 30 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 237, SRD
School of Enchantment Enthrall 1 action VS 60 feet 1 minute PHB 238, SRD
School of Divination Fortune's Favor 1 minute VSM($) 60 feet 1 hour EGW 186
School of Illusion Glamour Object 1 action VSM Touch 24 hours Homebrew
School of Transmutation Heat Metal 1 action VSM 60 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 250, SRD
School of Enchantment Hold Creature 1 action VSM 60 feet (C) 1 minute Combined
School of Transmutation Immovable Object 1 action VSM($) Touch 1 hour EGW 187
School of Illusion Invisibility 1 action VSM Touch (C) 1 hour PHB 254, SRD
School of Transmutation Kinetic Jaunt 1 bonus action S Self (C) 1 minute SCC 37
School of Transmutation Knock 1 action V 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 254, SRD
School of Divination Locate Resources 1 action VSM Self Instantaneous PHB 256, SRD
School of Divination Locate Target 1 action VSM Self (C) 10 minutes Combined
School of Divination Magic Map 10 minutes SM($) Touch 10 days Homebrew
School of Illusion Magic Mouth 1 minute VSM($) 30 feet Until dispelled PHB 257, SRD
School of Abjuration Mental Barrier 1 reaction V Self 1 round UA: Fighter, Rogue, and Wizard
School of Divination Mind Spike 1 action S 60 feet (C) 1 hour XGE 162
School of Illusion Mirror Image 1 action VS Self 1 minute PHB 260, SRD
School of Illusion Mischief 1 action SM 60 feet (C) 1 minute FTD 20
School of Illusion Orate Text 1 action VSM 30 feet 1 hour Homebrew
School of Illusion Phantasmal Force 1 action VSM 60 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 2024 304
School of Transmutation Pyrotechnics 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous XGE 163
School of Abjuration Restoration 1 bonus action VSM($) Touch Instantaneous PHB 255, SRD
School of Evocation Shatter 1 action VSM 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 275, SRD
School of Illusion Silence 1 action VS 120 feet (C) 10 minutes PHB 275, SRD
School of Transmutation Skywrite 1 action VS Sight (C) 1 hour XGE 165
School of Conjuration Spray of Cards 1 action VSM Self (15-foot cone) Instantaneous UA: Wonders of the Multiverse
School of Enchantment Suggestion 1 action VM 30 feet (C) 8 hours PHB 2024, SRD
School of Abjuration Thought Shield 1 action VS Touch 8 hours UA: Fighter, Rogue, and Wizard
School of Evocation Warding Wind 1 action V Self (C) 10 minutes XGE 170
School of Transmutation Whirling Weapon 1 action VSM 30 feet Instantaneous Homebrew
School of Conjuration Wristpocket 1 action S Self (C) 1 hour EGW 190
School of Enchantment Zone of Truth 1 action VS 60 feet 10 minutes PHB 289, SRD

3rd-Level Spells [29]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Enchantment Antagonize 1 action VSM 30 feet Instantaneous UA: Wonders of the Multiverse
School of Necromancy Bestow Curse 1 action VS Touch (C) 1 minute PHB 218, SRD
School of Divination Clairvoyance 1 action VSM($) 1 mile (C) 1 hour PHB 222, SRD
School of Abjuration Dispel Magic 1 action VS 120 feet Instantaneous PHB 234, SRD
School of Enchantment Enemies Abound 1 action VS 120 feet (C) 1 minute XGE 155
School of Enchantment Fear 1 action VSM Self (30-foot cone) (C) 1 minute PHB 239, SRD
School of Necromancy Feign Death 1 action VSM Touch 1 hour PHB 240
School of Abjuration Glyph of Warding 1 hour VSM($) Touch Until dispelled or triggered PHB 245, SRD
School of Enchantment Haywire 1 action VS 90 feet (C) 1 minute UA: Modern Magic
School of Conjuration House of Cards 1 minute VSM Touch 24 Hours UA: Wonders of the Multiverse
School of Illusion Hypnotic Pattern 1 action SM 120 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 218, SRD
School of Enchantment Infallible Relay 1 minute VSM Self (C) 10 minutes UA: Modern Magic
School of Abjuration Intellect Fortress 1 action V 30 feet (C) 1 hour TCE 107
School of Conjuration King's Castle 1 action S 120 feet Instantaneous Homebrew
School of Necromancy Mass Healing Word 1 bonus action V 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 258, SRD
School of Abjuration Nondetection 1 action VSM($) Touch 8 hours PHB 263, SRD
School of Transmutation Plant Growth 1 action (Overgrowth) or 8 hours (Enrichment) VS 150 feet Instantaneous PHB 2024 305, SRD
School of Evocation Pulse Wave 1 action VS Self (30-foot cone) Instantaneous EGW 188
School of Divination Sending 1 action VSM Unlimited 1 round PHB 2024 314, SRD
School of Enchantment Silvery Barbs 1 reaction V 60 feet Instantaneous SCC 38
School of Transmutation Slow 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 277, SRD
School of Necromancy Speak with Dead 1 action VSM 10 feet 10 minutes PHB 277, SRD
School of Divination Speak with Plants 1 action VS Self (30-foot radius) 10 minutes PHB 277, SRD
School of Conjuration Stinking Cloud 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 278, SRD
School of Conjuration Summon Fey 1 action VSM($) 90 feet (C) 1 hour TCE 112
School of Conjuration Tiny Hut 1 minute VSM Self 8 hours 2024 PHB 291, SRD
School of Transmutation Tiny Servant 1 minute VS Touch 8 hours XGE 168
School of Divination Tongues 1 action VM Touch 1 hour PHB 283, SRD
School of Divination Trace Aura 1 minute VSM($) Touch 3 days Homebrew

4th-Level Spells [15]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Enchantment Compulsion 1 action VS 30 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 224, SRD
School of Enchantment Confusion 1 action VSM 90 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 224, SRD
School of Conjuration Conjure Knowbot 1 action VS Touch 10 minutes UA: Modern Magic
School of Conjuration Dimension Door 1 action V 500 feet Instantaneous PHB 233, SRD
School of Enchantment Dominate Creature 1 action VS 60 feet (C) 1 minute Combined
School of Evocation Fount of Moonlight 1 action VS Self (C) 10 minutes UA: Playtest 8
School of Abjuration Freedom of Movement 1 action VSM Touch 1 hour PHB 244, SRD
School of Illusion Greater Invisibility 1 action VS Touch (C) 1 minute PHB 246, SRD
School of Abjuration Invigorate 1 action VSM($) Touch 8 hours Knuckleheads
School of Illusion Mirage Arcane 10 minutes VSM Sight 24 hours PHB 260, SRD
School of Illusion Phantasmal Killer 1 action VS 120 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 2024 304, SRD
School of Transmutation Polymorph 1 action VSM 60 feet (C) 1 hour PHB 266, SRD
School of Enchantment Psychic Lance 1 action V 120 feet Instantaneous FTD 21
School of Enchantment Synchronicity 1 action VS Touch (C) 1 hour UA: Modern Magic
School of Transmutation System Backdoor 1 minute VSM Self (C) 1 hour UA: Modern Magic

5th-Level Spells [25]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Transmutation Animate Objects 1 action or 8 hours VS 120 feet Varies PHB 213, SRD, PHB 2024
School of Transmutation Awaken 8 hours VSM($) Touch Instantaneous PHB 216, SRD
School of Necromancy Awaken Undead 8 hours VSM($) Touch Instantaneous Homebrew
School of Divination Borrowed Knowledge 1 action VSM($) Touch (C) 1 hour SCC 37
School of Divination Commune with City 1 minute VS Self Instantaneous UA: Modern Magic
School of Necromancy Commune with Dead 1 minute VSM Self 1 minute Homebrew
School of Divination Contact Other Plane 1 minute V Self 1 minute PHB 226, SRD
School of Necromancy Danse Macabre 1 action VS 60 feet (C) 1 minute Homebrew inspired by XGE 153
School of Illusion Dream 1 minute VSM Special 8 hours PHB 236, SRD
School of Transmutation Enchanted Evening 1 action VS 30 feet 8 hours Homebrew
School of Enchantment Geas 1 minute V 60 feet 30 days PHB 244, SRD
School of Divination Legend Lore 10 minutes VSM($) Self Instantaneous PHB 254, SRD
School of Necromancy Mass Cure Wounds 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 258, SRD
School of Illusion Mislead 1 action S Self (C) 1 hour PHB 260, SRD
School of Enchantment Modify Memory 1 action VS 30 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 261, SRD
School of Abjuration Planar Binding 1 hour VSM($) 60 feet 24 hours PHB 265, SRD
School of Enchantment Regal Presence 1 action VSM Self (C) 1 minute PHB'24 343
School of Necromancy Resurrection 1 hour VSM($) Touch Instantaneous Combined
School of Divination Scrying 10 minutes VSM($) Self (C) 10 minutes PHB 273, SRD
School of Illusion Seeming 1 action VS 30 feet 8 hours PHB 2024 314, SRD
School of Transmutation Shutdown 1 action VS 120 feet (C) 1 minute UA: Modern Magic
School of Transmutation Skill Empowerment 1 action VS Touch (C) 1 hour XGE 165
School of Enchantment Synaptic Static 1 action VS 120 feet Instantaneous XGE 167
School of Divination Telepathic Bond 1 action VSM 30 feet 1 hour PHB 270, SRD
School of Conjuration Teleportation Circle 1 minute VM($) 10 feet 1 round PHB 282, SRD

6th-Level Spells [11]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Transmutation Arcane Transformation 1 action VSM Self (C) 10 minutes XGE 168
School of Necromancy Eyebite 1 action VS Self (C) 1 minute PHB 238, SRD
School of Divination Find the Path 1 minute VSM($) Self (C) 1 day PHB 240, SRD
School of Abjuration Guards and Wards 10 minutes VSM($) Touch 24 hours PHB 248, SRD
School of Conjuration Heroes' Feast 10 minutes VSM($) Self (10-foot cube Instantaneous PHB 250, SRD
School of Enchantment Irresistible Dance 1 action V 30 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 264, SRD
School of Enchantment Mass Suggestion 1 action VM 60 feet 24 hours PHB 2024 296, SRD
School of Illusion Mental Prison 1 action S 60 feet (C) 1 minute XGE 161
School of Illusion Programmed Illusion 1 action VSM($) 120 feet Until dispelled PHB 269, SRD
School of Conjuration Scatter 1 action V 30 feet Instantaneous XGE 164
School of Conjuration Summon Heroic Spirit 1 action VSM($) 90 feet (C) 1 hour UA: Wonders of the Multiverse

7th-Level Spells [12]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Evocation Arcane Sword 1 action VSM($) 60 feet 1 minute PHB 262, SRD
School of Conjuration Dream of the Blue Veil 10 minutes VSM 20 feet 6 hours TCE 106
School of Transmutation Etherealness 1 action VS Self Up to 8 hours PHB 238, SRD
School of Evocation Forcecage 1 action VSM($) 100 feet 1 hour PHB 243, SRD
School of Conjuration Magnificent Mansion 1 minute VSM($) 300 feet 24 hours PHB 261, SRD
School of Enchantment Power Word Fortify 1 action V 60 feet Instantaneous UA: Playtest 8
School of Enchantment Power Word Pain 1 action V 60 feet Instantaneous XGE 163
School of Evocation Prismatic Spray 1 action VS Self (60-foot cone) Instantaneous PHB 267, SRD
School of Illusion Project Image 1 action VSM($) 500 miles (C) 1 day PHB 270, SRD
School of Necromancy Regenerate 1 minute VSM Touch 1 hour PHB 271, SRD
School of Abjuration Symbol 1 minute VSM($) Touch Until dispelled or triggered PHB 280, SRD
School of Conjuration Teleport 1 action V 10 feet Instantaneous PHB 2024 331, SRD

8th-Level Spells [6]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Enchantment Antipathy/Sympathy 1 hour VSM 60 feet 10 days PHB 214, SRD
School of Enchantment Feeblemind 1 action VSM 150 feet Instantaneous PHB 239, SRD
School of Enchantment Glibness 1 action V Self 1 hour PHB 245, SRD
School of Conjuration Maze 1 action VS 60 feet (C) 10 minutes PHB 258, SRD
School of Abjuration Mind Blank 1 action VS Touch 24 hours PHB 259, SRD
School of Enchantment Power Word Stun 1 action V 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 267, SRD

9th-Level Spells [7]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Divination Foresight 1 minute VSM Touch 8 hours PHB 244, SRD
School of Transmutation Mass Polymorph 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 1 hour XGE 160
School of Enchantment Power Word Heal 1 bonus action V 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 266
School of Enchantment Power Word Kill 1 action V 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 266, SRD
School of Evocation Prismatic Wall 1 action VS 60 feet 10 minutes PHB 267, SRD
School of Enchantment Psychic Scream 1 action S 90 feet Instantaneous XGE 163
School of Transmutation True Polymorph 1 action VSM 60 feet (C) 1 hour PHB 283, SRD