Azeroth (World)

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Azeroth was the name of the world that had been an ongoing source of interest for both the Burning Legion and the Old Gods. Deep within its core slumbered a nascent world-soul, which had the capacity to eventually awaken into a titan. The history of Azeroth was expansive, with its earliest memories being the invasion of the eldritch Old Gods that had once ruled over over world until the titans arrived and managed to imprison them deep within the earth. However, it was a time that the world would never escape, as the influence of the imprisoned Old Gods continued to seep into the events that followed.

Due to the presence of the Old Gods, Azeroth became the central point of a conflict with the Legion, whose leader Sargeras sought to destroy the world before the Old Gods could claim it and the nascent world-soul for good.


The world of Azeroth was primarily comprised of four major continents with a number of smaller islands scattered across the expanse of the great seas. At the center of the continents was a massive, chaotic whirlpool known as the Maelstrom — which was all that remained of the original Well of Eternity.

To the east was the Eastern Kingdoms, which was made up of three major regions: Azeroth to the south, Khaz Modan in the middle, and Lordaeron to the north. To the west was Kalimdor. To the north was the frozen continent of Northrend, and to the south was the hidden landmass of Pandaria.

Before the War of the Ancients, these continents and islands were a singular, massive landmass known as Kalimdor, but the implosion of the original Well of Eternity caused a Great Sundering, which shattered the great continent into its smaller pieces and sunk a massive section of its center into the sea.


Azeroth had a robust collection of natural life on its surface, with a mixture of influences as some of its people evolved naturally while others were created by the powerful beings that called the world home. Eventually, beings from other worlds had come to settle on the world, their own worlds destroyed or lost to the cosmic wars that raged around it.

Native Evolution


World of Azeroth
Continents Eastern Kingdoms (AzerothKhaz ModanLordaeron) • NorthrendKalimdor
Planes Shadowlands
Worlds of the Warcraft Universe
Plants, moons, and other locations ArgusAzeroth (Blue ChildWhite Lady) • Draenor (Pale Lady) • Great Dark Beyond
Inner Planes Abyssal DepthsDeepholmEmerald DreamEthereal PlaneFirelandsSkywall
Cosmic Planes Fae WildsHeavensLibrarium CategoricaShadowlandsTwisting NetherVoid