Holt Thunderhorn

Art by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
- Species
- Tauren
- Gender
- Male
- Eyes
- Red
- Hair
- Pale brown mane with pure white fur.
- Location
- Trueshot Lodge
- Status
- Alive
Known Languages Darnassian, Taur-ahe
Affiliations Unseen Path
Holt Thunderhorn was the liaison between the Unseen Path and the tauren tribes of Mulgore, and served as a lore master for the organization.
Holt had some degree of albinism as he had bright red eyes that were particularly sensitive to light, and snow white fur, though his mane still retained some color and was pale brown. His mane imitated shaggy side burns, and he had similar hair on his chin that resembled a long bard that he kept wrapped with red fabric. He had wide steer horns, though his left one had been half snapped off.
As the lore master of the Unseen Path, he spent a great deal of time pouring over tomes and parchment and otherwise scribing things he had found. He had a good memory for information, but was largely a man of few words unless he was otherwise directly addressed.
Holt had arrived on the Broken Isles sometime before the emergence of the Chaotic Disturbance that had made communicating with the factions on the Broken Isles difficult. Given the dangers in navigating away from the islands, he had established himself at Trueshot Lodge until contact could be re-established with Mulgore.
Chapter Five: Civil War
Holt was present at Trueshot Lodge when Mayla Highmountain and her companions first arrived to speak with Emmarel Shadewarden and the Unseen Path concerning the threat of the High Crawliac and the Burning Legion presence on the Broken Isles. He was introduced as a resource the group could use, as he was the resident lore master of the Unseen Path.
Appeared In
Chapter Five: Civil War
- Greeting
- Yeah. Well met.