Broken Isles

- Type
- Island
- Capital(s)
- Suramar City
Thunder Totem - Races
- Blue Dragon
Night elf
Sea Giant
Vrykul - Languages
- Darnassian, Drogbar, Taur-ahe, Vrykul
- Location
- Great Sea (northeast of the Maelstrom)
- Status
- Active
The Broken Isles are shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Their jagged coasts, lush forests, and colossal mountains are home to ancient ruins and cultures not seen by outsiders for thousands of years. Every stone has a story to tell; every cavern holds the promise of a new discovery.
The Broken Isles were a chain of islands that were located northeast of the raging Maelstrom. It was littered with elven ruins, and was also home to the hidden city of Suramar and the lost Tomb of Sargeras. It became a battleground when the eredar Shaspira and orc warlock Gul'dan sought the Scepter of Sargeras following the splintering of the Horde's alliance with the Burning Legion by Arthak Saurfang.
Before the Great Sundering, the region that would become the Broken Isles was part of the Kaldorei Empire on Ancient Kalimdor.
Chapter Five: Civil War
Following the schism of the Horde from the Burning Legion brought upon by Arthak Saurfang when he claimed the title of warchief of the Horde, those that were still loyal to the Legion fled to the Broken Isles in the hopes of being able to secure an ancient artifact known as the Scepter of Sargeras so that another Dark Portal could be opened and the Legion invasion could be ushered through in full. Recovering the scepter meant raising the Tomb of Sargeras from the ocean floor, and Gul'dan and the Legion forces raced against the Legionfall Coalition in order to secure the Pillars of Creation to use as a power source to accomplish such a feat.
The machinations of the Legion branched out across the entirety of the Isles in pursuit of the artifacts.
The Broken Isles were made up of four large islands that were arranged in a somewhat circular pattern, which one large island at each point on a compass. They were a basin of a wide variety of life and biomes, with a great majority of the islands being somewhat tropical and densely forested, though the climate got increasingly more temperate toward the north as the islands rose drastically from the forests into a steeply mountainous terrain. Due to the presence of drogbar, kobolds, and other subterranean creatures on the isles, there was a labyrinthine network of tunnels that wove through a great majority of it, especially in the mountainous regions.