Lireesa Windrunner

Art by
- Species
- Undead Elf (Dullahan)
- Gender
- Female
- Death
- Beheaded during the assassination of King Anasterian Sunstrider.
- Status
- Undead
ā Verath Windrunner | Husband
Sylvos Windrunner | Son
Sylvanas Windrunner (daughter)
Alleria Windrunner (daughter)
Turalyon (son-in-law)
Arator Windrunner (grandson)
Vereesa Windrunner (daughter)
Rhonin (son-in-law)
Giramar Windrunner (grandson)
Galadin Windrunner (grandson)
Lirath Windrunner (son)
Nirenn Windrunner (daughter-in-law)
Gilveradin Windrunner (grandson)
Velameestra Windrunner (granddaughter)
Lireesa Windrunner served as the Ranger-General of Silvermoon up until her death at the start of the Second Troll Wars, at which point the mantle was passed down to her eldest daughter, Alleria, who refused the responsibility. Ultimately the title was claimed by Lireesa's second eldest daughter, Sylvanas, though Alleria insisted on keeping the legendary bow Thas'dorah. She later answered the call of her granddaughter, Velameestra Windrunner, to strike back at the orcs, demons, and trolls that had invaded their lands, which resulted in her returning as a spectral dullahan.
Not much is known of Lireesa's history save for the fact she gave birth to five children and ultimately was killed during the Second Troll Wars. She likely inherited the title of Ranger-General, as is the case with most Ranger-Generals.
She had received the news that her youngest son, Lirath's, children had been born, but had been delayed in going to see them. Unfortunately, she was killed before she got the chance.
Chapter Five: Civil War
When Lireesa's granddaughter, Velameestra Windrunner, returned to Windrunner Spire to retrieve the body of her mother, Nirenn Windrunner, and take it somewhere safe until she could be resurrected, Velameestra chose to call upon the restless spirits of those that had been killed by the Horde in the area and peel away the veil long enough for those that wished to take their vengeance to have an opportunity to pass back into the material plane. Lireesa, while long dead, heard her granddaughter's summons and chose to answer it alongside several other deceased Windrunners and an entire host of vengeful spirits, and she materialized as a headless specter that wielded a spectral copy of Thas'dorah. As a former Ranger-General, she took charge of the spectral host and led them in a bloody hunt in the lands around Windrunner Village in pursuit of orcs, trolls, and demons that invaded their lands.