Galadin Windrunner

Art by
- Species
- Half Elf (Human / High Elf)
- Gender
- Male
- DoB
- April 27, 618
- Height
- 5'07"
- Status
- Alive
Vereesa Windrunner | Mother
Rhonin Windrunner | Father
Giramar Windrunner | Brother
Lireesa Windrunner | Grandmother
† Verath Windrunner | Grandfather
Sylvanas Windrunner | Aunt
† Sylvos Windrunner | Uncle
Linore Windrunner | Aunt
Tylana Windrunner | Cousin
Syvia Windrunner | Cousin
Eretasia Windrunner | Cousin
Alleria Windrunner | Aunt
Turalyon Windrunner | Uncle
Arator Windrunner | Cousin
Lirath Windrunner | Uncle
† Nirenn Windrunner | Aunt
Gilveradin Windrunner | Cousin
Velameestra Windrunner | Cousin
Galadin Windrunner is the identical twin of Giramar and outspoken ringleader of the mischeivious duo. His hair is slightly darker than his brother's, but is otherwise completely identical.
Galadin is the 'brains' of the duo made up of himself and his brother, Giramar. He is cunning, quick, and generally amicable. Though he is the louder of the two, he is also the more emotional and broody of the two, and has a tendency to snark and disengage when things do not go his way.
Chapter One: Matters of Life and Death
Giramar and Galadin appeared at the Farstrider Enclave along with his mother, Vereesa.
Weeks later, he joined the rest of his family during the assault on Zul'Gurub in the efforts to defeat Zalazane.
Chapter Two: Casting Dice
Galadin and his twin, Giramar, were present during the celebration of Prince Uther's knighthood after the fall of Zalazane. Afterwards, they were sent with their father back to Dalaran as Vereesa had received an immediate summons to Silvermoon due to the investigation into the warlock activity immediately following Uther's celebration in Lordaeron. Once there, Rhonin had enrolled them in classes within the Kirin Tor so that they could start to receive a more rounded education.
After the Sacking of Silvermoon, Velameestra invited Giramar, his brother, and his father to live with her and Talath Dawnsworn in her manor. He seems to have taken his mother's disappearance harder than his brother, and has begun to shut down.
Velameestra gave him the Dagger of the Raven as a gift to protect himself, and has begun to give him direction and "missions" of sorts to hone his abilities.
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Five
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Six
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Eight
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Nine
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Ten
Chapter Five: Civil War
When the war started to rage, and after the supposed death of their cousin, Velameestra, Galadin had gotten into a fight with his brother, Giramar, because his twin desired to do what he could to help and start to learn to become a Spellbreaker. Despite their argument, Giramar left Dalaran to join their mother, Vereesa, and Galadin was left with an overwhelming feeling of emptiness and agitation, as he didn't want to just go to school while nearly every member of his family were at risk of getting themselves killed.
Before Dalaran was lifted into the sky, Galadin fled home and took the Dagger of the Raven that Vel had given him, which he used to broker a deal with Relhana Ravenholdt: in exchange for the dagger, he could learn from them and help where he could. In the process, he was introduced to Wrathion, and he decided that he wanted to help the young black dragon's schemes in whatever way he could, which in turn resulted in him being sent to Gilneas so that he could perhaps track down information on the black dragon agent that was believed to be active in the isolated country. He cut and dyed his hair and used a hat to hide his ears so that he could take on the false identity of an urchin boy named Gillian.
Galadin proved to actually be the contact in Gilneas that Wrathion had directed Velameestra towards, and while he was able to keep up his act as an urchin boy, he was in disbelief when he first saw her at the pop-up town around Greymane Manor, and that she had actually known Wrathion's pass phrase. He decided to follow her, and when he was caught spying on them by his cousin, he demanded to know what her name was. When Vel confirmed it was Velameestra, he retorted that she was lying, because Velameestra was dead, but when Vel recognized him after he removed his hat, he realized that it was, in fact, actually her.
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Two
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Four
- Interaction: Best Laid Plans
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Six
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Seven
- Snapshot: Both Sides of the Wall
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Eleven
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twelve
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Eight
Appeared In
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session One
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Five
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Six
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Eight
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Nine
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Ten
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Two
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Four
- Interaction: Best Laid Plans
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Six
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Seven
- Snapshot: Both Sides of the Wall
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Eleven
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twelve
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Eight