

Undead (Corporeal)
Common, Thalassian

Dullahan were a type of undead that were readily identified by their lack of a head, which resulted from a death by beheading. They were frequently beings of vengeance due to the violent nature of their death.


The story of the dullahan, like many specific varieties of undead, is one that is ancient in nature and has a great many different origins based on the culture that tells of it. However, one thing that remained consistent throughout those tales was that they were typically spirits of vengeance that manifested in response to a violent end through beheading.

Many months after the invasion of Quel'thalas by the orcish Horde, the former elven Ranger-General Lireesa Windrunner manifested as a dullahan after the veil was thinned by her granddaughter, Velameestra, when the necromancer called for the vengeance of their people against the orcs, trolls, and demons that still roamed the elflands. While Lireesa was not the only spirit that returned to the material plane, she took charge of the undead host and became its leader in the assault against the Horde and Legion forces.


Typically, the dullahan would carry their severed head with them, but dullahan that did not have a head to carry (such as Lireesa Windrunner) would also manifest with smoke or mist seeping from their severed neck from which a pair of eyes glistened. Sometimes these dullahan would be compelled by a desire to locate their lost head so that they could once again carry it with them.

Most forms of dullahan would possess their bodies in a manner similar to that banshees are capable of, which allowed them to roam in a corporeal state and interact with the material world. However, sometimes a dullahan would temporarily manifest as a ghost until their body could be successfully recovered. Unlike banshees, however, they could not possess bodies that were not their own, and had a specific tie to their own corpse.


Many dullahan were skilled warriors in life, and that prowess extended into undeath, which made them fearsome opponents when empowered with the strength of their undead forms.


Undead Elf
Lireesa Windrunner Former Ranger-General of Silvermoon, and former wielder of Thas'dorah Undead

Warcraft Creature Types
Undead Creatures
Corporeal Abomination (Flesh GiantFleshshaperPlague-dog) • Crawling HandDeathchargerDeathrocDullahanFrost VrykulGeistGhoulHomunculusLichMummyNightscreamerShadehoundSkeletonUndead Dragon (Bone DrakeEmberwyrmFrostwyrmMagmawyrm) • Vampyr (San'layn) • Zombie (Vargul)
Incorporeal Banshee (Farshee) • ShadeSpectreWispWraith