Sangrias Stillblade

Art by
- Species
- San'layn
- Gender
- Male
- Status
- Undead
Known Languages Common, Thalassian
Relatives Dorana Stillblade | Wife
Chapter Four: Homecoming
Sangrias suffered a second death in the frozen tundras of Northrend while aiding in the Sin'dorei exploration of the region. His body was fortunately recovered, and was provided to Velameestra Windrunner during her brief sabbatical in Vengeance Landing for the purposes of performing an autopsy to better understand vampyric anatomy. At the conclusion of her stay, he was resurrected by Malande on May 22nd, 633 with the aid of Velameestra, Kael'thas Sunstrider, and Lana'thel Duskseeker.