Telogrus Rift


Deep in the Twisting Nether, teetering on the brink of the Void.

That is the Telogrus Rift. Or rather, what is left of it. A very old place, broken by rage, yet sculpted by the threads of fate. Whispers of the Old Ones... and the hatred of he who sundered it.

The Telogrus Rift, or just simply Telogrus, was made up of the fragmented remains of a destroyed, Void-infested world that was destroyed long ago. Due to the nature of the destruction, the world itself was left anchored deep within the Twisting Nether where it teetered on the edge of the Void. 1 It was heavily implied that its shattered state was because of the actions of the Dark Titan Sargeras, who likely sundered the world to stop the infestation of the Old Gods.


Telogrus was destroyed a long time ago, and only fragments of the forgotten world remained. It was seemingly discovered by Dar'khan Drathir, as he banished Velameestra Windrunner and Uther Menethil to the world when they were captured during the activities leading up to the invasion of Silvermoon. It was here that Velameestra and Uther first came into contact with the mysterious being known as Locus-Walker, who rescued them from the rampant void creatures that infested the shattered world.


Telogrus was largely abandoned aside from the void-touched creatures that had come to stalk the remains of the destroyed world. It was a dangerous and untamed place, and those that were cast into it unprepared risked swiftly meeting their end.


Little to nothing was known of Telogrus or its geography prior to its destruction.

However, in its shattered state the Rift consisted of six major islands suspended in space, with numerous other fragments floating in the immediate area. The landscape was rocky, and was almost devoid of life apart from voidal monstrosities such as voidstalkers and mana wyrms that had become altered by the essence they consumed. The land itself was soaked in void energies that could be seen emanating from the surface of the planet.

1 Explained to Remnii by Locus-Walker in Locus-Talker.