

Highmountain, Broken Isles

The witches of this forest keep it covered in mist. Better keep your senses about you, otherwise you'll be lost before you realize.

The Witchwood was a dense forest found in northern Highmountain immediately north of the Haglands. It was largely controlled by harpies, though the Bloodtotem tauren possessed an outpost nearby named Cliff's Edge.


The Witchwood was a site of frequent skirmishes between the harpies and the tauren, as the harpy roosts of the area claimed the wood as their territory, but it happened to be on the borders of Bloodtotem lands. As a result, for a very long time it was not uncommon to see signs of fighting along the borders of the wood as both groups attempted to claw their way into the territory of the other.

Chapter Five: Civil War

Following the defeat of the High Crawliac and the harpies loyal to her, a new paradigm was set on Highmountain as Rak'Symma pushed for a tenuous peace between the tauren and the harpy roosts. As a result, fighting in the Witchwood slowed to a standstill, with many tauren treasures and bones being returned to their people as a show of peace. However, due to the long-standing history between the harpies and the Bloodtotem, tensions remained high, even if a tenuous peace was maintained.



The Witchwood was a mountainous, evergreen forest that climbed up the side of the mountain range known as the Haglands. It was frequently covered in dense mist due to the spellcraft of various harpy hexxers, and many of the trees were home to the totems and fetishes of the harpy roosts that occupied the forest and the surrounding mountains.

Subzones of Highmountain
Towns/Villages BloodtotemIronhorn EnclavePrepfoot CompoundRiverbendSkyhornTorok's Bluff
Camps Icepine PointCliff's EdgeFelbane CampSummitcrest Basecamp
Towers Frosthoof WatchNightwatcher's PerchCordana's ApexCliffhorn Watch
Caves Bitestone EnclaveCandle RockCave of the Blood TrialCrystal FissureDeep RoadsEchoing HallsGreystone EnclaveLair of the DevoutMucksnout DenStonecrown CaveStonedark Grotto
Coasts Clackbrine CoastMisty CoastRockaway CoastRockaway Shallows (Rockaway Shelf) • Shipwreck Cove
Roads/Paths EttinwalkPass of An'shePath of Huln
Forests/Woods Bloodhunt HighlandWitchwood
Mountains/Hills GreystoneHaglandsHeymanhoof SlopeHighmountain PeakHuln's RiseHowling HillsReflection PeakSanderhorn's SpanScreeching Crag
Plains/Valleys Darkfeather ValleyEarthmother's BountyFields of An'shePinerock Basin