

Thunder Totem
Mayla Highmountain
Night elf
Darnassian, Drogbar, Taur-ahe
Northern Broken Isles

Few places in Azeroth are as beautiful — or as perilous — as Highmountain. Its rugged slopes teem with wild beasts, roaring waterfalls, and breathtaking views. A vast network of caverns winds through the mountain's heart, holding legendary treasures and secrets from Azeroth's distant past.

Highmountain was a region that dominated the north western quadrant of the Broken Isles and was made up of massive, jagged peaks. It was named in honor of Huln Highmountain for his bravery in the War of the Ancients.


Chapter Five: Civil War

Highmountain was one of the first zones of the Broken Isles that Arthak Saurfang and his disguised warband went to investigate after their arrival in Black Rook Hold, as the Highmountain tauren of the region were known to be the protectors of the Hammer of Khaz'goroth, which was one of the Pillars of Creation that the Legion was likely pursuing. On their way to Trueshot Lodge, they encountered the harpy Rak'Symma when the druid Thisalee Crow ambushed her, claiming that the harpy had been tailing them. However, despite Thisalee's initial suspicions, the harpy had not meant the group any harm.

While Rak'Symma was receptive to guiding the group through Highmountain, she was hit with the terrible feeling of something dire happening at the tauren capital of Thunder Totem and swept the group with her to check on her allies there. They arrived just in time to witness an attack on the tauren by the drogbar under the leadership of Dargrul the Underking. Before they could interfere, Dargrul had managed to seize the Hammer of Khaz'goroth and used it to slay the leader of the tauren, Ulan Highmountain with an explosion of mysterious crystal that would later be known as Azerite. An attempt was made to seize the hammer from Dargrul, but he was able to escape in the commotion, and the warband turned their attention to minimizing casualties in the rest of Thunder Totem.


The highest part of the zone was Highmountain Peak, which stood among the tallest mountains in all of Azeroth and branched off into the Highmountain range that created the region of Highmountain. The entirety of the zone was filled with untamed wilds, deep canyons, fertile valleys, icy peaks, and countless underground tunnels and caverns that stretched through the entirety of the mountain range.


Subzones of Highmountain
Towns/Villages BloodtotemIronhorn EnclavePrepfoot CompoundRiverbendSkyhornTorok's Bluff
Camps Icepine PointCliff's EdgeFelbane CampSummitcrest Basecamp
Towers Frosthoof WatchNightwatcher's PerchCordana's ApexCliffhorn Watch
Caves Bitestone EnclaveCandle RockCave of the Blood TrialCrystal FissureDeep RoadsEchoing HallsGreystone EnclaveLair of the DevoutMucksnout DenStonecrown CaveStonedark Grotto
Coasts Clackbrine CoastMisty CoastRockaway CoastRockaway Shallows (Rockaway Shelf) • Shipwreck Cove
Roads/Paths EttinwalkPass of An'shePath of Huln
Forests/Woods Bloodhunt HighlandWitchwood
Mountains/Hills GreystoneHaglandsHeymanhoof SlopeHighmountain PeakHuln's RiseHowling HillsReflection PeakSanderhorn's SpanScreeching Crag
Plains/Valleys Darkfeather ValleyEarthmother's BountyFields of An'shePinerock Basin