[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Sixteen

Appearing Characters: Arthak Saurfang, Bru'kan, Ebonhorn, Eche'ro, Jale Rivermane, Lantresor, Lasan Skyhorn, Li Li Stormstout, Mayla Highmountain, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Rak'Symma, Rexxar, Sol'chi, Strongbo, Thisalee Crow, Zar'Kaa

November 13th

As Nyxxa and Sol rejoined and headed to meet for breakfast, they happened to catch Zar’Kaa. He had a very visible wound on his leg and his hair was completely limp and unkempt.

Sol'chi says: You doing alright? You look like shit?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Sol!
Sol'chi says: It’s a fair question! He looks horrible. Are you doing alright, Zar’Kaa? Do you need help?
Zar'Kaa says: I’m. Fine.

Zar’Kaa didn’t even look at them. Nyxxa’s ears flattened.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Well, if you need anything, let us know. There was something I wanted to ask you… but that can come later.
Sol'chi says: …Yeah. If you need help, just let us know. We can figure something out.
Zar'Kaa says: I won’t.

Zar’Kaa barreled ahead without acknowledging them further. Nyxxa saw as Bru’kan came into sight, lagging behind Zar’Kaa. He looked over at Nyxxa, and he didn’t say anything, but he was wearing a clear look of concern that indicated he had no idea what had happened. Sol used [Detect Thoughts]. Sol traced that Zar’Kaa seemed to be concerned that if he told anyone what was wrong, the crew would stray further from him.

Nyxxa nodded in Bru’kan’s direction, and he nodded in acknowledgement and offered a sad smile before he disappeared again.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Sol, there was something I wanted to mention to you… next time you make the mansion I want to use that room.
Sol'chi says: You’re going to need to be more specific.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I think you call it the rage room? I want to test something, but I also… at a time no one else is using it so I don’t hurt someone.
Sol'chi says: Okay. We can have a lock. Question, do you want more Zar’Kaa busts, or something else?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Actually, no faces, if you could.
Sol'chi says: So just objects?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Yes.
Sol'chi says: Okay. I can do that.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I appreciate that. Thank you.
Sol'chi says: Lets get some breakfast.

Nyxxa nods. She had braids in her hair now, which had never worn before.

Sol'chi says: Like the new hair style.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Thank you. Lantresor did a good job.
Sol'chi says: The man’s good with his braids.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: He is!

They continued on their way to breakfast and met up with the rest of the party. Mayla met them in a personal chamber that was frequently used to entertain other chieftains and similar guests of honor. There was a simple table setup with morning amenities. A few of her close companions and guards were also present, and those that had brought the food were also sitting down to eat it with the group, and Ebonhorn had also arrived with Arthak. Jale and Lasan were still present, but Torok was not present and it seemed he had already left as he had the longest distance to traverse. Mayla greeted everyone warmly as they all sat down around the table.

Mayla Highmountain says: I have undergone weeks of training amongst some of the most rigorous braves Highmountain offers, yet I’m still exhausted from last night’s festivities! But please everyone, dig in and fill your bellies.

Some of the somberness from the prior night had started to settle, but there was still a certain weight in the air as the next step was to determine what came next.

Mayla Highmountain says: I hope the lodgings for last night were suitable.

Mayla’s eyes wandered to Zar’Kaa, clearly taking note of his state, but she didn’t say anything. Arthak’s gaze flickered between Nyxxa and Lantresor, and he smirked as he continued to chow down on the food. Symma had found a seat next to Ebonhorn and Mayla.

Arthak Saurfang says: So. What happens now?
Lasan Skyhorn says: I couldn’t eat another bite!

He then saw something he didn’t try.

Lasan Skyhorn says: Maybe one more bite.
Mayla Highmountain says: Well. I suppose my next course of action is to make good on my promises. I intend to leave Thunder Totem and make my way to the Path of Huln. Though Eche'ro migrates across Highmountain, he is often found along that path-the trail that leads from Thunder Totem to Riverbend where the Rivermane are headed. I would be glad to accomapny you along the way, Chieftain Rivermane. Though our paths may diverge, I wouldn’t be opposed to your company.
Jale Rivermane says: Well, we’re already heading in that direction. I’d be honored for our caravan to be joined and your traveling companions, chieftain.
Mayla Highmountain says: Glad to hear that. But my first course of action is to seek the spirit and prove myself worthy of his blessing, as my father and forefathers before him.
Zar'Kaa says: What will this entail?
Mayla Highmountain says: I do not know. The nature of the test is kept between the spirit beast and those who keep it. I only know that my character will be tested. And if I’m found worthy, then he will give me his blessing.
Zar'Kaa says: So there’s no real way to prepare?

Mayla shook her head.

Mayla Highmountain says: Only by stealing my heart. And I needn’t come against it alone.
Ebonhorn says: The rite is not something that needs to be completed by ones lonesome. It is tradition for the chieftain to approach with a trusted companion. Historically it has been siblings, kindred, blood brothers, or lovers, but whomever they choose goes with the chieftain to support them, to remind them of their purpose and the strength of Highmountain. Others may come as witnesses, but they cannot participate directly.
Arthak Saurfang says: Interesting.
Jale Rivermane says: Mayla, have you put consideration about who you would ask?
Lasan Skyhorn says: I was curious myself, Mayla!
Mayla Highmountain says: I have. Well, I was going to ask previously, but now is as good a time as any.

She looked at Symma.

Mayla Highmountain says: Skyfriend Rak'Symma, if you would do me the honor, there is none I would want to join me more than you. I am here because of your own sacrifice. I would love it if you accompanied me on this journey. But if you would prefer not to, there is no responsibility, of course.

Symma had been nibbling on pieces of toast, but she then stares at Mayla, somewhat dumbstruck. He feathers fluffed, and she smiled, and almost chuckled softly.

Rak'Symma says: Nothing would make me more proud… to find and trace the tracks of another wild god. I would be happy to assist you.

Mayla smiled and put a hand on Symma’s shoulder.

Mayla Highmountain says: Thank you. I won’t forget this, and I’ll appreciate your wisdom and aid.
Rak'Symma says: Of course.

Mayla then looked to the rest.

Mayla Highmountain says: I invite the rest of you to accompany me as witnesses. I do not know what that entails, but I believe you have more than earned that right.
Zar'Kaa says: As I see it, this is our charge. Speaking for myself, I would like to.

The others agreed.

Mayla Highmountain says: Then, if you are prepared, we can begin our travel in a short while. I will see to it that thunderhooves are prepared for us, and we should be able to make it so where ech’ero is often spotted before sundown.
Arthak Saurfang says: Very well.

Arthak nodded and offered a soft smile.

Ebonhorn says: While I would want nothing more than to accompany you as well, Mayla, I must attend to the people of Thunder Totem in your absence.
Mayla Highmountain says: Of course, spiritwalker, I’ll be relying on you. From there, our best bet would be to rendezvous with you in Skyhorn, chieftain Lasan.
Lasan Skyhorn says: Indeed. But take your time. You’ll be close to Trueshot Lodge. Perhaps our braves or the other huntresses will have more information.
Mayla Highmountain says: A sound plan, chieftain.

Lasan looked to the rest.

Lasan Skyhorn says: I’ll be counting on you to ensure Mayla makes her way to us safely, though she hardly needs protection herself.

He grins, and Nyxxa saluted.

Lasan Skyhorn says: That’s the spirit I like to see!
Zar'Kaa says: Not with that spear, she doesn’t.

Mayla looked over at the spear with a wistful look.

Ebonhorn says: No, the Talonclaw Spear is nearly as storied as the Hammer of Khaz’goroth. That it’s already chosen you this much is a testament to your potential.
Mayla Highmountain says: I can only hope I can prove myself worthy to the spirits and the legacy of my ancestors… and to this delicious bounty we were able to share! I may not be my father, but I think that’s alright. I’ll make my own way.

Ebonhorn put a hand on Mayla’s shoulder before looking at the rest.

Ebonhorn says: You all have my thanks as well. I’ll await word here, and ensure you receive a warm welcome after your success.

As the breakfast finished up, lasan was the first to stand and clapped his hands.

Lasan Skyhorn says: This was delicious! You’ll do great, Mayla. I look forward to seeing you in Skyhorn whenever you make your way. And for the rest of you, I’m excited to show you how the shu’halo of Skyhorn like to party. Thunder Totem is great, but there’s nothing quite like Skyhorn! Not to get your hopes up.

He looked at Symma.

Lasan Skyhorn says: And our brothers and sisters will be excited to see you again.
Rak'Symma says: Let me walk you out.

Rak’Symma got up to accompany Lasan and Mayla informed the rest of the group they would leave in a few hours, so they had time to make some preparations.

Lasan Skyhorn says: So! Looks like you’re going on the rite. That’s quite the honor!
Rak'Symma says: It is. I just hope I serve her well. I was surprised she remembered, and even thought to pick me. But that wasn’t what I wanted to speak with you about.
Lasan Skyhorn says: What’s on your mind, Skyfriend?
Rak'Symma says: You’ve seen the eagles have ground restless…
Lasan Skyhorn says: I have. I shouldn’t be surprised you picked up on it.
Rak'Symma says: I do have a soft spot. I don’t know, they don’t know, what it is. But something is upsetting the young ones. They’ve been having nightmares. They are calling for things that aren’t there. The skies are heavy, and I can only think it’s for one reason.
Lasan Skyhorn says: What do you think?
Rak'Symma says: It ties into what we’ve heard. That Crawliac’s reach has grown…
Lasan Skyhorn says: Well, all the better that we make plans to clip her wings. She’s been flaunting her power for too long, as you know more than most. Hey. I’m no shaman, but I felt what you’re talking about. The subtle shifts in the winds… but you have something special, Rak’Symma. Something that I don’t think most of our shamans can replicate. I don’t know where we’ll find the answers. My solution is a lot more straightforward, but, if I were a man who made more plans, well, I might see into speaking with the Windmother. If something strange is happening in the skies, then Onara would know more than most.

Symma bit her tongue.

Lasan Skyhorn says: I’ll see if my windspeakers heard anything. If they have, you’ll be the first to know. But if you can do something on your own, or you hear anything, let me know as well.

Symma looked incredibly guilty, but nodded. Lasan put a hand on her shoulder.

Lasan Skyhorn says: Hey. Look at me. We’re going to beat this, alright? You’re not alone.
Rak'Symma says: I know. And you’ve been generous. But what felled my mentor, my escort, the one I carry, it also felled Olidus and his brothers. I don’t want you to full subject to that. I want you all to be safe.

Lasan looked serious.

Lasan Skyhorn says: We’ll be careful. I know it’s hard to believe me saying that, but we will.
Rak'Symma says: I want you to promise me something.
Lasan Skyhorn says: What?
Rak'Symma says: If her blight infects your flock, I want you to leave, and I want you to get yourself and them as far from her grasp as you can.

Lasan considered for a long moment.

Lasan Skyhorn says: I can’t make that promise, Rak’Symma. I can promise that I’ll look out for my people, but what are you going to do when that happens? Will you still take that fight?
Rak'Symma says: I have no choice.
Lasan Skyhorn says: Then I’m not going anywhere. Highmountain belongs to all of us, and you won’t protect her alone. But I can promise we’ll be careful. We won’t take any brash action until you get there.

Rak’Symma smiled.

Rak'Symma says: I suppose that is asking the most of you.

Lasan chuckled.

Lasan Skyhorn says: You know me so well! But we’ll handle this, on my honor as Highmountain, Skyhorn, and your friend, we’ll beat this and put an end to whatever scheme she’s got. What’s after that is up to you. One step at a time.

Symma was able to see Lasan off along with his eagle companion, Aviash. Aviash was always incredibly excited to see Rak’Symma and was just as much of a hype man as his rider. Aviash and Lasan took off, and Symma couldn’t help but feel a pit in her stomach.

Zar’Kaa had stepped out of the meeting chamber to put himself together, but Sol caught him.

Sol'chi says: Hey Zar’Kaa, I hope you feel better. Would you like some help getting together? I’m pretty good at that, and I have a spell for you.

Sol tried to heal the injury, but Zar’Kaa put a hand over Sol’s.

Zar'Kaa says: I’m fine. I don’t need your help.
Sol'chi says: Zar’Kaa, I know you’re saying that. I’m not very observant, but you don’t look fine at all. Like I said last night, we’re friends now and I want to help you. Can I at least heal your leg? That shit looks like it hurts. I have no idea how you got that. Maybe you fell on a knife? I don’t know. But you’re leaking. It’s clearly fresh.
Zar'Kaa says: You think just because we had one good conversation we’re friends? I already told you. Just leave me the fuck alone.
Sol'chi says: …Alright. I’ll leave you be.
Zar'Kaa says: Good.
Sol'chi says: But if you change your mind, I’m here.

Zar’Kaa shook his head in agitation and stormed off to his chambers to get himself put back together. He was able to get himself presentable, and he returned to speak with Mayla as she was also getting her own traveling equipment ready.

Mayla Highmountain says: Zar’Kaa.
Zar'Kaa says: Chieftain. Well, maybe that sounds kind of weird.
Mayla Highmountain says: It’s alright, but you can call me Mayla.
Zar'Kaa says: Alright, Mayla, I guess I just wanted to check in with you real fast. Something I thought you should be aware of before things move and take shape. Yesterday, before the services, I spoke to Torok.
Mayla Highmountain says: He didn’t cast you from Highmountain?
Zar'Kaa says: He could have tried. But no. I wanted to see if I could soothe the troubled waters. Help him see reason. He made quite the obvious play against you for the title of Highmountain chieftain.
Mayla Highmountain says: You saw fit to speak with him about this?
Zar'Kaa says: I’m not saying I know the history of Highmountain, I don’t. But, after what happened yesterday, the only way Highmountain will be able to defend itself and cast out the drogbar and whoever is backing them, is together. I got the sense that chieftain Bloodtotem does not see it this way. That he wanted the title for himself, and perhaps even the hammer. But all he did yesterday is alienate himself.
Mayla Highmountain says: Zar’Kaa, can I ask what your goal was? Did you simply seek to ameliorate his concerns?
Zar'Kaa says: I gave him a strategy.
Mayla Highmountain says: A strategy?
Zar'Kaa says: A proposal. He knows that we will be seeking bring some order to Highmountain so we can combat Dargrul’s forces. I suggested he do what his people do best, take the fight to them and distract them. So when it comes time for us to bring in our own forces, we will have an opening. He did not respond well.
Mayla Highmountain says: With all due respect, Zar’Kaa, I’m not surprised. He made his position quite clear. And even you had presumed his opinion of outsiders is lukewarm at best. What you asked of him was to do precisely what we hoped him to do. He made it clear he didn’t trust me to lead Highmountain to unity. I do not think he thinks a divided Highmountain is stronger. He extended his challenge because he was willing to give me an opportunity to prove myself… or perhaps assassinate me. He’s an honorable warrior, but I do not know him. Regardless, I will rise to his challenge. I appreciate what you tried to do, but I did not ask you to do it. And I believe that your… your assessment of Torok Bloodtotem is incomplete. He’s made a bid for power, but it is not a toothless one. If he simply wished to claim Thunder Totem, then there’s no reason he wouldn’t have taken it by force and ensured I wouldn’t have survived yesterday. He’s a warrior, but he’s not a conqueror. And I do not believe providing him a strategy, one that ultimately was presented as one that is surrender, was one that will aid your position or mine.

Zar’Kaa sighed.

Zar'Kaa says: You think I made it worse?
Mayla Highmountain says: I don’t know. I can’t say. Torok’s opinion of outsiders is low enough that I do not believe you soiled your reputation with him more than it was. But I’m glad you told me about this. At the very least, I know you wanted to help, and I see that intention and appreciate it. Just… be careful. I would not want anything to happen to you, especially when you were trying to aid my own cause.
Zar'Kaa says: It would have been more foolish for him to try. I’m not boasting. The optics would have been terrible. But… yes. I took a shot. An unsuccessful one, but I’m hoping he’ll consider what I said. But surrender or no, the option I gave him was logical. It makes sense.
Mayla Highmountain says: perhaps to you, yes. But not everyone sees the world as you do. Everyone has their own perceptions of how the world should work, what people should do, and navigating that is incredibly difficult. I’ve been the chieftain for a day, and I’ve felt the weight of it.
Zar'Kaa says: Well I don’t mean to add to that weight, but maybe in the future I’ll be able to be more effective. I wasn’t successful with Torok, but I’ve been persuasive in the past.
Mayla Highmountain says: You have no obligation. You and the other members of your group have done a great deal, and will do much more. I appreciate your attempts nonetheless. Should I need your aid in the future, or if you have an idea, I would hope we could speak on it first, before one or the other makes a decision on behalf of another person’s people.
Zar'Kaa says: Considering everything yesterday, I just thought it best to take some initiative.
Mayla Highmountain says: Thank you for considering my feelings.
Zar'Kaa says: You went through something unimaginable.
Mayla Highmountain says: I did. But yesterday is for grief, today is for action.
Zar'Kaa says: To that end, how are you feeling about this trial?
Mayla Highmountain says: I’m nervous. A bit excited. But mostly nervous. I don’t know what it will entail. But I’m determined. I will succeed. One way or another.
Zar'Kaa says: I know wild gods can be unpredictable and can operate in ways we don’t understand.
Mayla Highmountain says: I know Eche'ro has nothing but love for our people. He’s watched over us since the days of Huln.
Zar'Kaa says: That is encouraging, but it may not be love he shows you today.
Mayla Highmountain says: Perhaps not of a type I’m familiar with, no.
Zar'Kaa says: If I may, Mayla. Could I tell you what’s worked for me when it comes to wild gods?

Mayla raised a brow.

Mayla Highmountain says: I’m curious enough to ask.
Zar'Kaa says: My experiences have mostly been tertiary, but they can be overwhelming. Dealing with spirits. To understand what it is what they expect out of you. Close your heart to them. If a spirit means to do you harm, don’t let them.

Mayla frowned.

Mayla Highmountain says: I do not know what spirits you have interacted with, Zar’Kaa. I’ll take your words to mind, but… I cannot say your approach will work for me. I cannot say what my approach will be. I’ve never met a spirit before. I’ve only heard stories of the great beings who protect us from the wilds, the spirits of the wind, the land, the water… I… I must admit I don’t know about the spirits found in your home, but I do not believe ours are malicious. That ours seek us harm. Perhaps I will be proven wrong.
Zar'Kaa says: I hope not, for your sake. Steel yourself, regardless.
Mayla Highmountain says: That I have been doing since yesterday.
Zar'Kaa says: Yeah. Then in that case, I guess you don’t need me to tell you.
Mayla Highmountain says: Thank you for your words. I don’t know if I will take it, but I appreciate where it is coming from.

It’s clear that Mayla respects and understands what Zar’Kaa had been trying to do, but there was an unspoken question. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Zar’Kaa, but more that she was asking who had hurt him. It was if she had picked up that Zar’Kaa was coming from a place of hurt, and it scared her for Zar’Kaa’s behalf.

Zar’Kaa cleared his throat.

Zar'Kaa says: Well then, that’s all I wanted to say. If you need anything else, let me know. I’m here for you, okay.
Mayla Highmountain says: I appreciate it, Zar’Kaa. Oh, and if our lodgings were insufficient and you did not rest well, I understand. It can be hard to sleep in a new place. I struggled with it myself. I found dipping my head in the river this time of year is delightfully refreshing.

Mayla smiled and Zar’Kaa raised his eyebrow at her.

Zar'Kaa says: Hm. Cold bath. I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks.
Mayla Highmountain says: See you in a few hours, Zar’Kaa.

Nyxxa had found Thisalee on one of the higher reaches of Thunder Totem where she sat looking out over the scenery.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Good morning.
Thisalee Crow says: You know… we spend so much time awake at night that we don’t really get to see the world like this.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: It’s a different world almost.
Thisalee Crow says: I guess I can see why people choose the daylight hours.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: It also helps when they can’t see at night.
Thisalee Crow says: Fair point! And they may not take as much comfort from Elune as–

She cut herself off, and Nyxxa smiled sadly.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I have some explaining to do.
Thisalee Crow says: You do, yeah.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: First, I feel it’s important to know that I was in Val’sharah by invitation.
Thisalee Crow says: By who?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Former High Priestess Tyrande.
Thisalee Crow says: Wait? Seriously?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I met her, and she has invited me to the Temple of Elune as we are trying to find a cure for the curse.

Thisalee shook her head.

Thisalee Crow says: Wait, you mean you’re looking for a way to stop being a satyr?

Nyxxa nodded.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I didn’t like the aspect of trespassing on what I know is holy lands, but… know I am not doing this lightly. I was encouraged to take this form so as to not cause problems for myself or my companions.
Thisalee Crow says: I… can get that.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Still, I want to apologize for deceiving you. I did not intend for you to be accompanying us, nor for the deception to go on for as long as it did.
Thisalee Crow says: I did drop out of a tree… you said former high priestess…?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: It seems some stuff has happened in the homeland.
Thisalee Crow says: I want to disbelieve you, but I think the story’s a bit too… it’s too much for a lie. And I don’t think you’d be trying to lie about this anyways.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: If you are accompanying us here, you can likely accompany us to the Temple of the Moon and get the story from them too.
Thisalee Crow says: Yeah, I think I will.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: As you should.
Thisalee Crow says: If you are lying, then it’s my responsibility to keep an eye on you. And if you aren’t, it’s my responsibility to help.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I know you’re just doing your job. Are you… in your Sentinel years?
Thisalee Crow says: About 70 years into my service. I’m also a member of the Cenarion Circle.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: You must be busy!
Thisalee Crow says: Prefer that. Always have something to do and sink my teeth into. Though I think I bit off… well, more than I’m used to chewing.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: You’re at the age you should be doing that. Learn what your limits are. And to be honest, you kind of remind me of my daughter.
Thisalee Crow says: You have a daughter?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Well, I didn’t remember she was my daughter for a time… I don’t recall most of my life as a kaldorei.
Thisalee Crow says: That sucks. I’m sorry.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: It happens. I think you’re doing well, and you’re allowed to stumble.

Thisalee looked away from Nyxxa abruptly.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Did I say something?
Thisalee Crow says: No! You’re fine.

Nyxxa picked up that Thisalee was trying to prevent Nyxxa from seeing she was tearing up.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Well, you don’t have to trust me, but for right now, we’re allies, and this is neutral territory.
Thisalee Crow says: Yeah. I guess you’re right. Thanks for apologizing and… everything. It’s nice to… well, I guess I wasn’t expecting someone like you to… to be so nice, I guess.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: That is partially by intention. I resent what I am expected to be. So I… try to be who I want to be instead.
Thisalee Crow says: Wow. Um. But if this is all a get into my good graces thing? I’m still going to be watching you.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Yes! That’s refreshing. I’m worried I’m giving people the wrong impression of what I am.
Thisalee Crow says: Speaking of that… the tattoos and the weapons... They aren't like anything I’ve seen before.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: They are what has helped me regain some control over my sanity. I am part of a organization that was started by kaldorei that were looking into the arts pioneered by Illidan Stormrage.
Thisalee Crow says: The Illidan Stormrage? War of the Ancients betrayer Illidan Stormrage?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Yes. I joined them to see if their methods would help me, and it did.
Thisalee Crow says: Geez. I assume the former high priestess knows this too?

Nyxxa nodded.

Thisalee Crow says: I’m sure she has feelings…
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: She’s traveling with Illidan right now.
Thisalee Crow says: He’s free!?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: He’s free.
Thisalee Crow says: Wow, you weren’t kidding. Well, I feel like… I definitely need to go with you so I can compile a report. My superiors will know, assuming they don’t already.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: They are looking for the other Master Stormrage.
Thisalee Crow says: I know he’s been missing… I don’t know the full details, but everyone is worried. I guess that makes sense. Well now I need to go because I need to help her! Okay. I’m going with you for the foreseeable future.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Of course! And I’m sure Sol will clarify this as well, but he’s not a problem either.
Thisalee Crow says: I’m not sure how to feel about all this, but I guess there’s only one way to find out.

Thisalee stood up and offered a hand, which Nyxxa took.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: It’s Nyxxa Murkthorn, by the way. But for the time being, Nycia is fine.
Thisalee Crow says: Well, it’s nice to meet you more formally now. With less daggers.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: We can laugh about it later!
Thisalee Crow says: Yeah. You want to sit and look at the view? I was thinking of gliding down later.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: That would be fun. Have you ever done a free fall?
Thisalee Crow says: Yeah all the time.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I love them! Especially now that I have wings.
Thisalee Crow says: Well. If you want to join me, I guess you could…
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I’m also very good at landing.

The duo sat for a bit, but then they did in fact jump off the edge of Thunder Totem.

Arthak had gone to find Zar’Kaa as well.

Arthak Saurfang says: I’m guessing the others have already asked.

Zar’Kaa completely ignored Arthak as he continued to walk.

Arthak Saurfang says: So yes, then.
Zar'Kaa says: Let me guess, I did something wrong, now you’re here to scold me.
Arthak Saurfang says: Not unless there’s something I don’t know about. Is there something I should be scolding you for, Zar’Kaa?
Zar'Kaa says: Not that I’m aware of. So are we arriving at a point?
Arthak Saurfang says: You seem troubled. In stark contrast to how you were last night.
Zar'Kaa says: Very insightful. I’m fine.
Arthak Saurfang says: Said in the matter of someone who is very much not fine.
Zar'Kaa says: You want to do this right here? Right where you expect me to blow up and cause a scene? So you can scold me about how I’m in command and I don’t understand that?
Arthak Saurfang says: If you’re expecting a trap, captain, I have none prepared for you. This is concern. You seem like you had a bad night.
Zar'Kaa says: We all have bad nights of sleep, Arthak. Not that you know seeing you have so few. I. Am. Fine. I am directing my attention to the task at hand. That’s all that matters right now.
Arthak Saurfang says: Directing your attention to, or distracting your attention away.
Zar'Kaa says: Want to know what’s a distraction? This is. Everyone else coming up to me thinking I need their help is a distraction. I’m telling you, I don’t need your fucking help.
Arthak Saurfang says: Noted.
Zar'Kaa says: Good. Anything else you need, warchief?
Arthak Saurfang says: I don’t need anything. Not right now. What are you off to do?
Zar'Kaa says: To prepare for the journey.
Arthak Saurfang says: As it happens, I also need to prepare. I’ll come with.

Zar’Kaa sighed heavily.

Zar'Kaa says: Fine. But in my room, no smoking.
Arthak Saurfang says: Then I will have one on the way.

A cigar had already manifested in Arthak’s hand as he followed Zar’Kaa back to his room. Arthak just sat in companionable silence while Zar’Kaa went about his preparations.

Sol had sought out Ebonhorn after the breakfast, and Ebonhorn acknowledged him warmly.

Sol'chi says: I have a few questions…

Sol asked Ebonhorn what had happened with Neltharion, as he had had his own trouble with his own father. Ebonhorn admitted that he didn’t know directly, as he was gone before Ebonhorn had been hatched.

Ebonhorn says: From what the man who raised me told me, he had become a tyrant. He transformed from a benevolent guardian to a monster. I do not know the details, but it was said he betrayed the rest of his kind, and to protect our lands, Huln removed him from this place. But I have never met him, nor do I have any intention of doing so. The details beyond that are speculative at best.
Sol'chi says: A high ranking eredar told me the black dragons had gone mad in some form… we’ve seen that in Sinestra, of the black dragonflight. She was pretty… high strung. I’m glad Huln was able to save you.
Ebonhorn says: As am I. I have wondered what would have happened if he had not found me and gifted me with his strength of mind and will. I have wondered if I would have become no better than… Deathwing. I do not know what happened. Whether it was voluntary or madness or some combination of the two.
Sol'chi says: I wonder that about my own father sometimes. But… sorry, my thoughts are wavering as of late.
Ebonhorn says: No. It’s alright. You have nothing to apologize for. Your journey has clearly been one of challenges and turns you could have had no way to predict. But it seems you have every intention of facing your father in time?
Sol'chi says: In time.
Ebonhorn says: Perhaps you should ask him.
Sol'chi says: I plan to. He’s here on this island. Somewhere.
Ebonhorn says: Then if you intend to face him, you are a braver man than I. But if you carry your conviction and your love in your heart, I’m sure you’ll be able to do so.
Sol'chi says: Thank you. I’ll need it. If there’s anything I can do for you, I’ll be happy to help.
Ebonhorn says: I appreciate the offer. Sincerely. But the greatest thing you can do for me now is watch out for yourself, and watch out for Mayla.
Sol'chi says: I will. I asked Zar’Kaa to keep an eye out for any lucky rocks… but it’s a base for a magical item that will assist in one’s fortunes. It would be useful to have one. I’d rather not be disintegrated a second time.

Ebonhorn blinked.

Ebonhorn says: I… see. I’m unsure if the luck is contained in the stones, or rather if those that find them and infuse them are the true source. But if you’re looking for a suitable stone you can use for such a charm…

Ebonhorn withdrew a beautiful stone that had a bluish purple hue when the light caught it.

Ebonhorn says: This stone has been in the caverns I had shown you for a long while. It’s a rare type of stone that is formed due to volcanic activity. This one in particular called out to me. Perhaps it will be a suitable vessel for your hopes and dreams.
Sol'chi says: You already had one.

Ebonhorn smiled.

Ebonhorn says: We have a fondness for stones.
Sol'chi says: Likewise! I gotta show you my demiplane sometime. I have a lot of rocks and crystals.
Ebonhorn says: Perhaps when you return and Highmountain is safe, I’ll take you up on that offer. And if I find anything you might be able to use, perhaps I may prepare another gift for you. As thanks for helping to protect Highmountain, and my dear Mayla.

Ebonhorn got a slightly mischievous smile on his lips.

Sol'chi says: Sounds like fun! I’ll need to think of something for you… I just met you…
Ebonhorn says: You need not prepare anything for me, but I appreciate the thought nonetheless.

After Nyxxa had done some freefalling with Thisalee, she had caught up with Li Li and Strongbo, who were also getting prepared to be on their own way. Li Li asked Nyxxa if she still wanted to spar, and they headed down to the base level of Thunder Totem to a large rock in the middle of a stream at the base of a waterfall. Strongbo sat nearby with his legs folded to watch. There were some towels next to him, and Lantresor had also sat down next to Bo. They exchanged glances of acknowledgement, and then Arthak also joined next to them.

Nyxxa waved at Lantresor. Strongbo observed the gesture, and furrowed his brow. He started to wave back, but then he saw Lantresor wave back, and he tried to hide the fact he was going to wave back. Arthak patted him on the shoulder, and Lantresor sighed.

Sol asked who was sparring with Nyxxa, and Arthak explained that it was the companion of Strongbo.

Sol'chi says: I see. You got this Nyxxa! Li Li kick her ass!
Li Li Stormstout says: I will!

Li Li rolled her shoulders and told Nyxxa not to hold back. Nyxxa promised she wouldn’t as they prepared to fight hand to hand. Li Li dropped into an open, flowing stance that was also very relaxed. She waited for Nyxxa to make the first move, and Nyxxa darted forward.

They started to trade blows back and forth. Li Li spun around and used Nyxxa’s momentum against her. Nyxxa caught the first blow, but Li Li managed to land a strike on her side, and a light teal, airy energy formed around her hand and there was a pulse of energy that erupted through Nyxxa’s body. It attempted to lock up her muscles, almost, and it wasn’t something Nyxxa had ever experienced before. Nyxxa was able to get her arm up to block another strike, but it seemed Li Li’s entire style was about anticipating Nyxxa’s moves and using her own speed against her.

Nyxxa summoned an invisible mage hand to momentarily use as a distraction and give herself an opening as she struck forward with her hoof. Li Li sprang over Nyxxa’s hoof and caught Nyxxa in her chest as the back and forth spar continued. As they broke apart, they rounded and then darted straight at each other. Nyxxa went to sweep Li Li’s legs, and Li Li tried to flip over and deliver an overhead kick.

But then as the blows connected, they both surged their stunning strikes, and both of them fell completely stunned. After a second, they were able to stand again, and they were both laughing hysterically.

Li Li Stormstout says: You’re no slouch!
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Neither are you!
Li Li Stormstout says: Where’d you learn to fight like that?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I think you know where.
Li Li Stormstout says: Fair enough!

Li Li dusted herself up and extended a hand to Nyxxa. Nyxxa took it, and the same tealish energy wafted over Nyxxa and eased the bruises from the strike.

Li Li Stormstout says: I have a feeling if you were fighting in your preferred style, I wouldn’t have been able to keep up!
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: It’s fun to try something different. And I’ve been trying to learn some new tricks.

Nyxxa allowed her mage hand to become visible.

Li Li Stormstout says: I certainly didn’t see it coming!

Li Li gave the mage hand a high five, and Nyxxa said that it was incredible to see what other people could do with their arts, even if there were some similarities.

Li Li Stormstout says: If you want a real challenge, you’ll have to get Strongbo!

Strongbo raised an eyebrow.

Li Li Stormstout says: Or better yet, if you could spar with uncle Chen!
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Maybe if we run into each other again.
Li Li Stormstout says: If you ever find your way to the Wandering Isle, you could maybe learn from the others. Master Firepaw, I have a feeling, you’d get along great with.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I’ll keep it in mind! But it was incredibly fun.
Li Li Stormstout says: It was! But you know… I think Bo was looking forward to something, and we were too even matched to give it to him. It would be a shame if he couldn’t offer those towels.

Li Li sprinted off toward the water on the side of the watchers, and she cannonball into the water to make as big of a splash as she could manage. Bo was unable to erect a stone wall to protect him from the splash, and he was completely drenched.

Strongbo sighed heavily and reached for a towel to dry himself off, only to realize it’s sopping wet. As Li Li emerged, Bo threw the wet towel on her face.

Sol dried the towel with magic, and Nyxxa dried off Lantresor and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Lantresor says: Quite an impressive display.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: It was fun.
Lantresor says: It seems that the martial arts of these people is quite impressive. I must admit I was tempted to experience it firsthand. Perhaps that can wait.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I’d like to see a fight between two blademasters.

Lantresor smiled and glanced at Strongbo.

Lantresor says: Perhaps in time. After all, even the greatest mountain is worn down by persistent enough wind.

Sol asked what Li Li and Strongbo were up to, and Li Li explained they were looking for her uncle Chen, as he had been traveling the world. They had reason to believe he was there. Sol promised that if they found him, they’d try to let her know. They suggested Stormheim as a place to look, as the vrykul likely had a great deal of mead.

Zar’Kaa asked them about the Wandering Isle they had mentioned, and Li Li explained their people were pandaren, though originally their people were from a mystical land called Pandaria–which had been hidden for many generations by mists. It was said to have been hidden long ago by the land’s first emperor so it wouldn’t get destroyed by raining fire. The Wandering Isle was a colony that had left long ago on the back of a giant turtle–Shen-zin Su–who was said to know the way back to Pandaria.

Zar’Kaa was wide-eyed at the notion and admitted he had never seen anything like that, but Li Li said it was all they ever knew. The Wandering Isle ultimately drifted all over the world on the back of the turtle, though no one was sure why he hadn’t returned to Pandaria in a very long time. Some legends stated it was because the turtle was grieving the death of his friend, Liu Lang, the founder of the Wandering Isle, but they were not sure. Zar’Kaa mused he wanted to see the isle someday, and Li Li asked if Zar’Kaa was also an explorer. Zar’Kaa explained that they had come to the Broken Isles somewhat by accident, as they had been searching for scattered Darkspear trolls to reunite them. Li Li said that was a noble goal, and she hoped everyone could eventually be reunited.

Li Li Stormstout says: As Liu Lang says, every horizon is a treasure, and every exploration is a blank map to be unfolded!

Li Li said some final goodbyes to the group and she and Strongbo set off to get ready to be on their own way.

The group met up with Mayla and the group that would be accompanying her to the Path of Huln. The thunderhooves were massive, shaggy, moose-like creatures that were clearly built for tauren to ride. Nyxxa took the opportunity to speak to the thunderhooves and thank them for their help.

Most of the trees in the area were evergreen, but what sparse trees with leaves had started to lose their leaves, but what leaves remained were awash with brilliant colors. There were small settlements dotting the paths that wound off the Path of Huln. The temperatures were rather cool, and Sol offered Zar’Kaa one of the frostwolf blankets. Zar’Kaa took it but didn’t wear it immediately.

Flowing next to them was the Whitewater Wash, which was a rather strong river that was currently flowing in the same direction. Boats were going along them carefully, and they seemed to be accompanied by shamans to help calm some of the water as they made their way. All around them, tall mountains dotted the horizons.

Mayla Highmountain says: Trueshot Lodge is somewhere in that mountain chain up there. It’s less than a hundred miles away. Though the mountains may make it a bit less direct.
Zar'Kaa says: My crew said they were looking for it.
Mayla Highmountain says: That's good. It’s an ancient place. It was constructed by shu’halo and kaldorei hands long ago. The rangers there keep overwatch on these lands and ones far beyond, seeking to do right where they can. I’ve never been there myself, but I’ve hoped to travel there. It was said the lodge was blessed by the Windmother, Ohn’ahra.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Is she one of the wild gods that protects the area?
Mayla Highmountain says: She is. She’s said to be the mother of eagles, and many others. She’s especially revered by the Skyhorn, but all of us pay our respects to Mother Eagle.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I’d like to hear some stories if you know any.
Mayla Highmountain says: I know many. She has a special connection to the Highmountain clan as well. If you remember spiritwalker Ebonhorn’s tale, Ohn’ahra was the wind spirit my ancestor Huln sought out. She bestowed upon him her own blessing, and her spirit and her kiss remains in the spear I carry today. It is said the Talonclaw spear has been passed down since the days of Huln. If that story is true, I’d be impressed, but if it’s blessed by the Windmother, perhaps that possible.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: The craftsmanship looks impeccable.
Zar'Kaa says: Agreed.
Mayla Highmountain says: I hope I can prove myself worthy of it.
Zar'Kaa says: We have that in common. This has a spirit in it as well.

Zar’Kaa drew his own spear.

Mayla Highmountain says: Oh?
Zar'Kaa says: You can’t see him, but it’s an ancestor of the Darkspear. Master Bru’kan. He’s currently waving.
Mayla Highmountain says: He’s literally here?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Do you want me to translate?
Mayla Highmountain says: That’s very kind of you. I hope that he can sense the appreciation my people have for what you have done, and I hope he is comfortable here. I know it’s far from home, but…
Bru'kan says: Oh don’t worry about me! But tell her that I like her moose!

Nyxxa snapped her fingers to relay Bru’kan’s message with [Minor Illusion].

Zar'Kaa says: I think he’d complain about the cold, but I guess you’re buffered from that when you’re a ghost.

Bru’kan laughed. Jale looked at Nyxxa.

Jale Rivermane says: You can see the spirits?!
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Yes. My eyes are… very powerful. I can see into the… ethereal plain? Where those who reside between the living and the dead are.
Zar'Kaa says: And the scrying sensor plane.
Jale Rivermane says: You must tell me, noble kaldorei. Is my mate here right now?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I don’t see him right now. I’ll keep an eye out.
Jale Rivermane says: That slugabed, of course he’s not. It’s been ten years since he’s passed away, and you’d think he’d be worried about his old mate traveling these cold roads alone! Well, not alone, but you get the idea.
Mayla Highmountain says: Jale, I’m sure he’s looking out for you.
Jale Rivermane says: I’m sure he is. I’m sure he is. That’s a good gift, but be wary. Some spirits have less than benevolent means if they know of your gifts.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I never thought of that…
Jale Rivermane says: I didn’t mean to scare you, girl. You seem plenty skilled. That was proven enough!
Sol'chi says: My mom’s amazing.
Jale Rivermane says: I can see why you would think that, my child. She is truly gifted.

Lantresor nodded.

Lantresor says: She truly is.
Sol'chi says: Is Bru’kan here?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Yeah.
Sol'chi says: I want to try something. Can I hop behind your eyes?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Sure!

Sol does so, and he can also see Bru’kan when he views through Nyxxa’s eyes.

Sol'chi says: It’s nice to meet you, Bru’kan. I guess with mom’s help I can see and hear you. Hope you’re taking good care of Zar’Kaa!
Bru'kan says: I’m not sure this boy needs anyone to take care of him, but he needs someone to pull his ear every now and then. And remind him to eat.
Sol'chi says: You’re lucky, Zar’Kaa! I wish I had one of my ancestors helping me out.
Zar'Kaa says: Didn’t ask for it.
Bru'kan says: Sometimes the help you get isn’t the help you ask for.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: And it’s the role of the guardian to sometimes be a bit annoying!

Symma was flying along and she made a gentle eye contact with Zar’Kaa. Mayla informed Symma that there was room if she needed to rest her wings, and Symma assured her that she would be fine.

Rexxar was riding on the back of his clefthoof with Misha bobbing along in his lap.

They traveled until the point where the sun was starting to set. Jale and the rest of the Rivermane diverged from them, and Jale gave a sweet goodbye to Mayla before they set off.

Jale Rivermane says: I don’t know what will happen when I speak with the council at Riverbend. I’m sure people will be torn. But the Rivermane will be your friends. I hope we can find a peaceful solution and get you the justice you deserve. When it comes time to make your moves, I hope Riverbend will be standing with you. Though I will not be joining you on the front lines, I will pray day and night to the Earthmother, her children, and the spirits that will listen. Hopefully they will guide you.
Mayla Highmountain says: And we will be stronger for it.
Jale Rivermane says: I don’t know about that. I’m one old woman. But all of you remember to drink water! Just because it’s cold doesn’t mean you aren’t supposed to hydrate yourself. And remember, beware the deep places of the earth.
Mayla Highmountain says: May the Earthmother guide you as well, Jale. Take care.
Jale Rivermane says: I will. I’m going to take a very long nap.

Jale set off and Nyxxa mused that her mate was probably waiting back at her home. She also observed that Jale was very nice, and Mayla admitted Jale had always been something of a grandmother to her as she had never had the chance to really know her mother.

They headed off the beaten path into the woods. They were following game trails rather than more permanent paths, and the woods were growing deeper and more untamed.

Mayla Highmountain says: I believe we’re well within the territory of Eche’ro. It’s just a matter of finding him. But I get the sense he’s more the type to find us.
Rak'Symma says: That feels appropriate.
Arthak Saurfang says: Such things arrive when they are meant to. In their own time.
Mayla Highmountain says: I simply hope he does not wait too long.

Symma suggested they try to draw Eche’ro out with some of the old songs of the Highmountain. They started to sing one of the old folktales of the Highmountains, and Symma’s voice trilled out over the trees and hills.

The winds we ride
The earth we roam
The tides bow to Mu’Sha, sweet
To be as wilds
To be so free
Lo, beneath the rising moon
Or under Sun
In sky so bright
To thrive beneath bright An'she
Celebrate, now
The life well lived
We’ll meet again, someday
Now run, you, long through forests deep
Through the open fields and valleys wide
Meet me where the rivers sleep
On the mountains we call home
High on peaks where feathers rest
The skies wide open, or cloudy, be
Meet me there, in caverns deep
On the mountains we call home
Hear the brothers
wise and strong
Or the Great Wolf, howling
Wild Ones, run
Forever more
Lo, beneath the rising moon
Feel the winds
Beneath you wings
Join the hunt of Antlers, broad
Tusk and claw
And mother, wise
We’ll meet again, someday
Now run, you, long through forests deep
Through the open fields and valleys wide
Meet me where the rivers sleep
On the mountains we call home
High on peaks where feathers rest
The skies wide open, or cloudy, be
Meet me there, in caverns deep
On the mountains we call home
Infernal blight, in fellish eye
Though Shadows come and break the land
Now ‘neath the Tree, you never die
Come wail again, and make your stand
Can you hear
Your people aching
As we fight through darkness, long
Back to back
We stand together
Lo, beneath the rising moon
Come now, on
Your rest is over
Fight again, for love of home
Be the Light
Though broken hearted
We’ll meet again, someday.
Now run, you, long through forests deep
Through the open fields and valleys wide
Meet me where the rivers sleep
On the mountains we call home
High on peaks where feathers rest
The skies wide open, or cloudy, be
Meet me there, in caverns deep
On the mountains we call home

The other tauren also joined in, as they were all very much familiar with the song. Birds had started to flock to the clearing and perch in some of the trees, as if entranced by Rak’Symma’s voice, and some of them joined the song with their own songs. After the first chorus, Arthak joined in as well, as did Sol. Nyxxa offered some harp play to the song, and Zekhan joined in with a simple drumbeat. Zar’Kaa lit a small fire with his medicinal herbs, and the group crafted a harmonious performance. It resounded through the clearing as the song ended, and on the edge of the glade, a figure had appeared. None of them had heard or seen him arrive.

He was a truly immense creature, larger even than the thunderhooves. It was a great moose with long and majestic fur, its body shimmering and glowing in the dim light of the forest as if he was made of moonlight, but he was corporeal. Symma alerted Mayla quietly, and Mayla’s eyes widened as she look in the immaculate creature.

Mayla Highmountain says: Eche’ro…

The creature spoke, his voice deep.

Eche'ro says: Mayla. Daughter of the Highmountain tribe. Blood of the mountain. Child of sorrow. Thou hast come here this day to take your first step. I have waited for thine day, though I did not believe it would come so soon.
Mayla Highmountain says: Neither did I, great beast. But you know of me?
Eche'ro says: Indeed. You are known to me, young one. As are all who live amongst the peaks of Highmountain and beneath the boughs of our home. And now, I have but one question to give to you, daughter of Highmountain. Child of sorrow.

Mayla stepped forward.

Mayla Highmountain says: Ask, oh great spirit?
Eche'ro says: Art thou prepared?

Mayla looked back to Arthak, then back to the spirit beast.

Mayla Highmountain says: I am not, great spirit. I do not believe anyone can truly be ready. But I will rise to the challenge nonetheless.
Eche'ro says: Hm. Then thou art prepared indeed.

The beast’s eyes flitter to Symma.

Eche'ro says: In thou, she places her trust. With thou, she walks this path. Dost thou accept, child of the sky? Daughter of G’hanir?

Symma bowed.

Rak'Symmma says: I do.
Eche'ro says: Then it is sealed. And you, those whose voices joined in chorus, whose hands and fingers have supported this daughter of Highmountain this far. Thou art gathered as witnesses. Do you seek to remain? Or would you watch as she ascends to the summit of her future. And of her own spirit.
Arthak Saurfang says: I would gladly follow in her wake.
Zar'Kaa says: Here we are, here we remain.

Nyxxa nodded.

Sol'chi says: You only get to witness this once, so yeah.
Eche'ro says: Very well. Then it shall be so.

Eche’ro lifted his head, and his horns coursed with ancient magic of the wood and nature. The mystic energy washed over the glade and the group felt themselves feel light and weightless.

Sol'chi says: Good luck to both of you!
Arthak Saurfang says: …Huh.

Arthak touched Mayla’s shoulder.

Arthak Saurfang says: I have been tested like this before. Ugly truths, but truths, whatever it is, will guide you. And it will test you. Don’t fear it.

Mayla nodded.

Zar'Kaa says: Remember what I said. Not because I hope it’s true, but so that you can push through.

After a moment, the watchers were transfigured into small glowing fireflies that began to fly around Eche’ro’s antlers. Rexxar opted to remain behind with the animals, and he exchanged a look with Symma that portrayed assurance and faith that she will be able to have the strength to pull through.

Rexxar says: I’ll watch beasts. You go.

Symma smiled at him, and Rexxar offered a small smile of his own. A firefly that was likely Thisalee flew around Symma with a show of support before joining the others.

Eche'ro says: Steel your hearts, and prepare yourself for what must be done.
Mayla Highmountain says: What would you have me do?
Eche'ro says: It’s simple. You must simply catch me.

The creature bounded off through the forest toward the rushing and running water. Symma and Mayla exchanged looks, and Symma put on her skull helmet, and they took off after the great beast. Symma took off into the air to give Mayla a bird’s eye view of the situation, and it seemed that the moose was rushing directly toward the Whitewater Wash.

Eche'ro says: Thou must keep up if thou wish to succeed! Steel your heart, and keep it beating strong through the seasons, lest the march of time tire your mind and beleague your muscles.

Eche’ro pounded across a bridge, but as Mayla went to follow, the bridge collapsed.

Eche'ro says: What is trivial to one is an insurmountable struggle to another. Together, you must triumph.

The moose disappeared into the trees on the other side, leaving Mayla and Symma to figure out the situation to pursue him. Symma tried to assess the situation, and then she noticed that there was something in her hand.

It was a plank from the bridge.

Mayla Highmountain says: It’s too far to jump. I know you can fly across…
Rak'Symma says: I won’t go without you.
Mayla Highmountain says: We can maybe try to ford it downstream, but it may take us too long. We need to find another way I think.

Symma looked at the blank again and saw a curious symbol that she had never before.

Rak'Symma says: I won’t go without you. Maybe we can build another bridge where it’s more narrow…

Symma flew around and inspected the area. She tried to lay the plank from the shore to a rock, but it seemed it was a bit too far, and she realized that there were more planks that were needed. However, magic washed around the plank, and it leaped out of her hand then suspended itself in the air.

Rak'Symma says: I won’t go without you. Wild gods and their tricks. If I had a few more, this would go a lot faster.
Mayla Highmountain says: Do you think we could find more?
Rak'Symma says: I won’t go without you. We can look.

They started to look around, and they found another plank stuck in a cross stream. On it was the familiar symbol of the Rivermane tribe.

Mayla Highmountain says: Did you find anything?
Rak'Symma says: I won’t go without you. Another one. See if you can find more that have the symbols of the clan among them.
Mayla Highmountain says: The different clans…
Rak'Symma says: I won’t go without you. I found the Rivermane.
Mayla Highmountain says: I may need your help for the Skyhorn! If that one was in the river, theirs may be up pretty high.
Rak'Symma says: I won’t go without you. I’ll leave the Bloodtotem to you!

Symma took off into the air and she found a plank at the top of a tree with an assembly of twigs and branches upon it. It was an eagle’s nest, with a baby bird in it. Symma went to leave, but the eagle spoke.

Eagle Chick says: You’re not my mom. But you seem like her…

Symma faltered in the air as she looked at the small baby.

Rak'Symma says: I won’t go without you. Oh little one… I am not your mother, but the branch upon which your nest rests on something I need. Do you want to come on an adventure with me?
Eagle Chick says: That sounds fun!

Symma delicately set the eagle chick in the beak of her mask where she kept her snacks and then took the plank as she soared down below. The baby eagle was having a grand old time. Meanwhile, Mayla was looking around at the rocks, and as she entered a clearing, she saw a large wolf with jet-black fur. Firmly in its jaws was another plank. The wolf’s ears raised in a gesture of playfulness, and as Symma joined Mayla, they could see the symbol of the Bloodtotem on the plank.

Mayla Highmountain says: I don’t think he’ll be willing to give it up easily.
Rak'Symma says: I don’t think he means you harm.

Mayla tried to playfully wrestle with the wolf, but the wolf was able to keep away from the tauren. Symma tried to exchange for a game of fetch with a stick, and she was able to encourage the wolf to go off running after the stick she threw and drop the plank instead. It almost seemed that the lesson was to stop and enjoy the present at points.

Symma admitted that the situation made her reconsider her opinion of the Bloodtotem, as it was possible that a challenge was simply a challenge instead of a threat.

They returned to assemble the bridge, but as Mayla went to cross she stumbled, and fell into a pit on the other side. There was nothing for her to grab onto.

Mayla Highmountain says: This is a bit of a bind. But I’m alright!
Rak'Symma says: I might have an idea…

Symma grabbed the planks and shimmied them down the hole to maybe give Mayla an option to climb up. Symma was almost dragged down as Mayla struggled to use them as a handhold, but the magic of the planks persisted for a moment, then began to wane. Emblazoned on the earth at the bottom of the hole was the symbol of the tribe of drogbar that were led by king Dargrul.

However, then Mayla had the idea that Symma could maybe see something down in the hole she missed, and Symma agreed to fly down, but only because it was for her. When Symma flew down, the stonework seemed to represent king Dargrul, but as she looked closer, the symbol was actually made of dozens of other symbols. There was a small glow from some of the stones in the symbol. They were the stones that represented the tribes that didn’t want to war with the tauren. Symma plucked up the stones and flew back out of the hole and she held them next to the planks that had waned.

It seemed as if the stones recharged the magic somewhat, but it was just missing one more thing. Then another stone flew and knocked Mayla lightly in the side of the head, and then rolled onto the ground between them. It was the symbol of the Horde.

They looked up and saw Nisha perched in a tree. She crooned and flew away.

The last stone empowered the strength of Highmountain, and they were able to fully assemble the bridge and get it to a state that Mayla could cross.

Mayla Highmountain says: It seems the strongest bridges are the ones we build together, aren’t they?
Rak'Symma says: I think that is the lesson, yes. Also, the Skyhorn say hello.

Symma withdrew the small eagle.

Mayla Highmountain says: Where did you find him?
Rak'Symma says: In a nest. But he’s fully here for an adventure right now.

The baby bird chirped happily and Mayla took a deep breath as she jumped up on the planks and traversed over the bridge. They turned and looked where they had passed over, and the plants were gone, but the original bridge was rebuilt. They exchange looks and then head into the trees, where they catch sight of Eche’ro again.

But then they heard the call of a young eagle, and the beating of wings. Suddenly, Symma realized the weight on her head was gone, and instead he was fully plumed, though young, flying alongside them. The eagle encouraged them as they entered a clearing.

The Nyxxa firefly was completely vibrating about the baby eagle.

In the clearing was multiple copies of Eche’ro, and all of them had fireflies dancing within their antlers.

Eche'ro says: All eyes in this land are upon thee, child of Highmountain. All expectations lie upon your shoulders. There are many who would seek many things, and no two may be the same. Be no deceived by demons, my child.
Mayla Highmountain says: How am I supposed to find the right one?
Rak'Symma says: I can help you on this one… but you won’t have my counsel forever. It’s you who will have to hear what your people need.
Mayla Highmountain says: You’re right.
Rak'Symma says: I can give you advice, but this decision must be yours.
Mayla Highmountain says: Yes. I should figure this out myself. The answer is… the answer may not be obvious to me, but…

Mayla stepped forward.

Mayla Highmountain says: Hello everyone! I know that one of you is the Eche’ro we seek, but that does not mean that he is the only one I am here to see. You’re all here for a reason. So I want to find out what those reasons are. If you wouldn’t mind helping me?

Mayla looked at Symma, who nodded. Mayla went up to the first one.

Mayla Highmountain says: Hello. I want to help you first. Is there something you need? Are you hungry? Did you lose anything?

Mayla was going through each of them, and it was obvious that it was taking a long while. Symma suggested Mayla hear all of them, and then see which of them could help themselves. Mayla had all the moose organize themselves by their need, and helped large groups of them at once.

Mayla Highmountain says: You know… as I’m going through this… it’s easier to see the differences between them. Not every problem is the same.

Symma mused that eventually Mayla would be able to delegate as well, as the other chieftains would help her, and Mayla agreed. There was only a few more to help, and Mayla approached them. She selected one as the real Eche’ro.

Eche'ro says: What leads you to that conclusion?
Mayla Highmountain says: Because you don’t need anything. You’re here to help, not ask for anything.
Eche'ro says: And if you are correct, why hast thou not caught me?
Mayla Highmountain says: Well. I will get to that, but there are still a few more I need to help.

Symma smiled, and there was a smile in the moose’s eye as he turned and bounded out of the grove again. Mayla thanked all the moose for helping her learn the lesson, and she wished them all a wonderful day.

They continued on and saw Eche’ro standing next to a pond, and the wind in the trees began to grow colder. Suddenly, Eche’ro was gone. The eagle flew into the grove, now a full adult. It nested in a tree, where a nest of its own had been made.

There were deep shadows beneath the trees, and in one of the shadows, there was a small figure beneath it. Eche’ro’s voice echoed out.

Eche'ro says: As thou runs through thy seasons… as thou meet the expectations and the demands and the sacrifices… heavy doth thou weight become.

Mayla nodded at Symma, and they approached the figure in the shadow.

Mayla Highmountain says: Hello? Can you hear me?

The figure had wings. And she was weeping. She looked up at them.

Young Winged Figure says [sylvan]: H-hello? Can you understand me?

Mayla’s hand raised to her face and she looked at Rak’Symma as she realized it was a younger Symma.

Shade of Young Rak'Symma says [sylvan]: What do you want!? I just want to be alone. Please.

Symma was translating for Mayla.

Mayla Highmountain says: I’m… not sure this one is for me.

She put a hand on Symma’s shoulder, who took a deep shuddering breath as she kneeled next to the younger Rak’Symma. The young harpy shifted away.

Rak'Symma says [sylvan]: I see your pain. Something tells me that I know your pain. I know how alone you must feel right now, and I know what you have done.
Shade of Young Rak'Symma says [sylvan]: Then you know it can’t be undone. You know I can’t go back out there!
Rak'Symma says [sylvan]: And you won’t. Not again. Not for years and years.
Shade of Young Rak'Symma says [sylvan]: That’s how it needs to be. There’s no one out there for me. The only one that was is dead. He’s dead and it’s my fault! And I can’t just go out there and make new friends! They’ll just leave too! Then I’ll be here alone again. In the shadows.
Rak'Symma says [sylvan]: They will. And you will be. But I want you to know one thing, it wasn’t your fault. It was his. He went where it was dangerous. And you followed to try and keep him safe. But you weren’t strong enough. And he wanted you to go, but you wouldn’t, because you loved him. And then he did what any parent should, and he protected you from the dangers he put you in. And you gave him an end that was better than the one destined for him. You’re stronger now, even though you’re frightened. You know you can fight. You know how to survive. And you will. Even now, years and years later, you still won’t trust anyone else, because you don’t want to feel that loss again. Someday you’ll meet people stubborn enough who will ignore every heed of warning, and they will throw themselves into danger because they care. You’ll be able to try again. It won’t be vengeance, but it will, someday, hopefully, maybe, give you peace.

The younger Rak’Symma wiped her face with her wings.

Shade of Young Rak'Symma says [sylvan]: I want to believe you. But I’ve just known the shadows. How can I walk in the light.
Rak'Symma says [sylvan]: Because you will always have your own light. You were once his light in the darkness. What happens in a storm, when the clouds are dark and roiling? What light shines across the sky?
Shade of Young Rak'Symma says [sylvan]: The storm clears…
Rak'Symma says [sylvan]: It will pass. The winds will calm. The storm will settle. You’ll fly again. You’ll remember that not everybody hates you. That you did have friends that were fond of you, even without him. Ones that laughed. Once that pulled you into song and dance. They’ll always be there because of the impressions you made. They were good, and bright, and shining.
Shade of Young Rak'Symma says [sylvan]: What about his voice? What if I… what if we… we forget his voice?
Rak'Symma says [sylvan]: We’ll never forget his voice. He’s always here.

She mimicked Blaithe’s voice.

Rak'Symma says [sylvan]: I am always here.

The younger Symma slowly stood up and walked toward Rak’Symma. She stopped within arm’s length and held her hand out.

Shade of Young Rak'Symma says [sylvan]: Promise?
Rak'Symma says [sylvan]: He will always have our back.

She reached out to the hand extended to her, and the younger Symma took a deep breath and smiled at her.

Shade of Young Rak'Symma says [sylvan]: Okay. I trust you.

Symma nodded, choked up with tears. The younger Symma released her hand and then looked up at the sky and took flight. Mayla had tears in her eyes, and she pulled Symma into a hug. Symma shook in Mayla’s arms, quite raw from the experience.

Rak'Symma says: You know, if I had that conversation at that age… you may not be the one standing here.
Mayla Highmountain says: It’s alright. Regardless of what happened, we’re here now, and we’re here together.

She squeezed Symma’s shoulder.

Mayla Highmountain says: I’m sorry I drug you along for this, but I’m grateful you came.
Rak'Symma says: I shouldn’t have expected anything else.
Mayla Highmountain says: I have a feeling we’re not done yet.

Mayla looked around for something else, and she saw a crystal. The same type of crystal that took her father. She squeezed Symma’s hand one more time then stepped forward toward the crystal. She saw her reflection in it, and as she stared at it, she realized the reflection wasn’t moving in sync with her, it was moving on its own. She was holding Talonclaw, and she had dropped to her knees in exhaustion.

Mayla Highmountain says: Hello there…
Reflection of Mayla Highmountain says: Hello.
Mayla Highmountain says: You look like you could use a hand.
Reflection of Mayla Highmountain says: You could say that… I… Earthmother I thought there would be more time.
Mayla Highmountain says: I did too.
Reflection of Mayla Highmountain says: I always thought one day… when he would pass… that I’d be able to say goodbye. That was taken from me.
Mayla Highmountain says: I know. It’s not fair. But we can’t change that. We have to keep moving forward. That’s all we can do.
Reflection of Mayla Highmountain says: I’m not ready! Highmountain, the drogbar, the hammer, it’s beyond me…
Mayla Highmountain says: It’s beyond father too. I don’t think anyone could be ready for this. I mean, when we talked to Arthak, he practically said the same thing. You can’t be ready for this, but it happens…. And it’s not fair, but it is. It simply is.

The reflection clutched her spear tightly.

Reflection of Mayla Highmountain says: How many times do you think we’ll fail?
Mayla Highmountain says: A lot. I think. But I think that’s okay. Because I… I don’t think that failing is a bad thing. I’m afraid of it, I’m terrified of failing… but I mean… everyone fails, right? Everyone makes mistakes. It’s just about moving past it. And when you can’t do something, come at it from another angle. We don’t have to do this alone. You don’t have to. We’re not even alone now.

The reflection nodded and wiped away a tear.

Reflection of Mayla Highmountain says: One mind alone can’t figure out the world… it’s what father taught us.
Mayla Highmountain says: Yeah.

The reflection rose to her hooves and used the blunt end of the spear to crack open the crystal. She hit it twice more, so she could break through it, and she stepped out to face herself more directly.

Mayla Highmountain says: You know… you do look good. The spear… the way you carry yourself… I think you can do this. But I think it’s alright to cry. I think it always has been.

The reflection looked down, somewhat bashfully, but nodded.

Reflection of Mayla Highmountain says: You look good carrying it too. Just need to remember not to cut yourself when practicing.

Mayla looked at Symma.

Mayla Highmountain says: I hope you can keep that a secret.

Mayla held out a hand to her reflection, and the reflection took it.

Mayla Highmountain says: We aren’t our father, but that’s alright too.
Reflection of Mayla Highmountain says: We just need to be ourselves.
Mayla Highmountain says: For better or for worse.

The reflection sheathed her spear, and nodded to herself and Rak’Symma, then walked out of the grove. It faded away, and Eche’ro stepped forward.

Symma looked directly at him.

Rak'Symma says: That was rude.
Eche'ro says: Thine hardest struggles often dig up the greatest wounds, but thy greatest challenge is still yet to come.

The moose looked skyward.

Eche'ro says: The day grows long, and the shadows deep.

Snow had started to fall on the trees.

Eche'ro says: Winter is coming. Thou must be prepared, if thou are to weather the storm that is to come.

The snow fell faster, and faster, and the wind started to pick up, biting their faces. Eche’ro turned and bounded into the trees. Rak’Symma did not struggle against the storm, but Mayla raised her arm to shelter her face.

Mayla Highmountain says: We need to take shelter! I won’t be able to catch him like this.

The eagle was following them, but its feathers were long and dropped as they used the beast as a guide. They could see the silhouette of Eche’ro before a great cave. They trudged through the rapidly piling snow, and they entered the cavern hesitantly. Mayla shook the snow from her body and horns.

Mayla Highmountain says: It seems we’re not finished yet. I don’t know where he is… but perhaps we need to wait out the storm. It would be a lot easier if the spirits would just tell us what to do.

Mayla slid down the cave wall and looked out into the storm, and Symma felt her wings get fatigued and heavy. Everything weighed down on her, and she found herself sitting next to Mayla, against her better judgment. Their eyelids grew heavy.

The eagle flew down and weakly landed in Symma’s lap. He looked up at her with no fear in his eyes, and he curled up and settled down for its final rest.

Symma awoke with a start and she looked over and saw Mayla, but something was different. Her hair was gray and her fur was mottled. Her horns were large and notched with a thousand scars. She opened her eyes and looked at Rak’Symma, her eyes searching for an answer.

Memories started to fall around them like a thin coating of snow. Memories that had not yet happened, and voices that seemed familiar, and other sensations that were on the edges of awareness. They looked upon what was a shallow cave, but now it was a tunnel.

Both of them heard a familiar voice calling from the darkness. Ebonhorn’s voice calling for Mayla.

Voice of Ebonhorn says: Mayla. We need to talk. It’s time. We have to settle this now.