[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Thirty

Appearing Characters: Arthak Saurfang, Azgadaan, Azuka Stormbreaker, Go'el, Halno, Khadgar, Lantresor, Levia Blackflight, Nitrogg Thundertower, No'Rash, Nyxxa, Rakeesh, Rexxar, Sadras, Syvlos Windrunner, Vaerux, Val'zuun, Veena

Outland Day 38

Go’el is taking a look at Arthak’s wounds, noting the blackened rock on his hand. Arthak also is inspecting it as Go’el heals Arthak and a few others--the spiritual energy knitting their wounds together.

Rexxar says: It’s damn hot down here. But it seems we passed the test.

Sadras is wide-eyed staring at Arthak and the Doomhammer, a bit speechless as she absent-mindedly scratches Summerpaw.

Azgadaan says: Is your hand okay there, Arthak?

Arthak reaches down and lights a cigarette off the cooling magmatic rock around his hand. Nyxxa uses [Detect Magic].

Nyxxa says: Whatever magic did that is fading… but I think it should remain the same?
Azgadaan says: Can you even still move it?

Arthak flexes his fingers absently, proving he can.

Go'el says: I suppose that might take some getting used to, but I can’t help but see the symbolism in this.

Go’el extends a hand, and Arthak takes it and gets to his feet.

Go'el says: We should wrap up what we have to do in here, and find the others. I get the sense this place will be much easier to leave than it was to arrive.
Azgadaan says: Probably.

Rexxar holds up some blackrock iron from the scraps of the armor.

Rexxar says: Arthak, before we leave, is there anything you want to take from this scrap heap Blackhand left behind?

Azgadaan and Sadras go to investigate on Arthak’s behalf, and they are able to scavenge a good deal of high-quality scrap. Some of the weapons in the area may have once been magical as well, but many of them had lost their magic.

They head back to the entrance to the dark tunnel and step through. They are only traveling for a few moments before they exit the other side--and see the very first bridge at the entrance to the Heart of the World, as well as the rest of the party that had not made it to the final chamber. Nyxxa sprints forward to hug Levia, and Lantresor’s tail flicks as he notes the group--and that Doomhammer Go’el has in hand.

His eyes then fall on Arthak’s hand.

Levia Blackflight says: You alright? Good. We got spit out back here.
Nyxxa says: We had a feeling you were alright, but that was pretty rough. For me at least.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah, guess the cave wasn’t a big fan.

Nyxxa looks back at Arthak and Go’el.

Nyxxa says: You guys did it though.
Lantresor says: it is the real deal, then? Impressive.

He looks at Arthak’s hand again.

Lantresor says: A mark from the Heart, it seems.
Arthak Saurfang says: It seems.
Lantresor says: A reminder perhaps.
Arthak Saurfang says: Or a challenge.
Azuka Stormbreaker says: Are you alright though? Does it hurt?
Arthak Saurfang says: No.

Azuka nods. Arthak notes she probably wants to talk about something later.

Lantresor says: There are cooler caves further out. It may be wise for us to rest there. Now that you are carrying this, the targets on your backs are greater now.

The group agrees and they settle down in the mentioned caves to rest. Arthak quickly realizes he isn’t going to be able to sleep and instead sits down to meditate. There is exhausted silence and trepidation that permeates the group.

Arthak doesn’t even realize Go’el had approached him.

Go'el says: Is this seat taken?

He points at the bare grown, and Arthak gives him a nod to sit. Go’el places the hammer on the ground before the two of them.

Go'el says: Looks like Gel’nok was right after all, though I think you and I both knew that would be the case. I pray that his spirit has found rest, wherever it is.

Arthak almost responds--pretty sure he knows where Gel’nok’s soul is--but then chooses not to.

Go'el says: But we did it. For the time being, at least. We did it.

Arthak stares at the Doomhammer and then reaches over and picks it up.

Go'el says: I suppose it’s up to the two of us to safeguard it. And ensure it’s not lost like it has been in the past. And to use it to build something better.

Arthak sets the hammer down again.

Arthak Saurfang says: It doesn’t make sense.

Go’el looks at Arthak with a furrowed brow.

Go'el says: How do you mean, Arthak?

Arthak picks the hammer up again.

Arthak Saurfang says: This. This doesn’t make sense.

He hands the hammer off to Go’el.

Go'el says: Few things have made sense to me, Arthak. The ceaseless wars. The political maneuverings for the sake of power. The deaths of my mother and father.
Arthak Saurfang says: That’s because you’re… decent. Those things make sense to me.
Go'el says: And this makes sense to me. I did not know what would happen when we came down here, Arthak. I did not know if I would leave alive, let alone if the Doomhammer would allow me to wield it. But I did know that you would. You didn’t come down here for anything less. And you didn’t come down here to wield it, to create or destroy to your own whims or desires, you did it because it had to be done.
Arthak Saurfang says: This test isn’t about intentions. It’s about worth. An honorable orc. Perhaps we should ask Garrosh my worth.
Go'el says: And perhaps someday you’ll have to. We all have to face our sins eventually, Arthak. But the Doomhammer would not have allowed you to take it if it did not see potential in what you’ve done. If it didn’t see honor in the things you’ve sacrificed. It’s still there. It’s still weighing our souls, even here. And yet, even in doubt, it seems to be firm. I can’t hope to understand how this works. The spirits that helped Gelnar forge this hammer generations ago are beyond my understanding, but not beyond my respect. And if they are willing to grant you that opportunity, Arthak, then it doesn’t matter why. It doesn’t have to make sense. But you also don’t have to do it alone.
Arthak Saurfang says: I know

Go’el takes the hammer and stands up, flipping the hammer in his hand. He places it hammer-side down on the earth in front of Arthak.

Go'el says: Perhaps in time, it will reveal more to you. Of yourself, of itself, or maybe even both.
Arthak Saurfang says: I already know myself well, Go’el. That’s the problem.

Go’el smirks.

Go'el says: You might be surprised what you could learn about yourself. Even at my age, I’m learning new things about myself every day. You might be surprised to find you can do the same. Try to get some rest tonight, if you can. We have a lot of work ahead of us still.

Go’el gives Arthak a solid pat on the shoulder and turns to leave.

Arthak Saurfang says: Go’el.
Go'el says: Hm?
Arthak Saurfang says: Thank you for coming. And for pulling me out.

Go’el gives Arthak an earnest and gentle smile.

Go'el says: I could thank you for the same thing, Arthak. I was just repaying a favor.

Go’el leaves Arthak to his thoughts. Arthak places the Doomhammer on his lap and continues to meditate.

Shortly after sitting down, Nyxxa speaks up to her fellows.

Nyxxa says: Something I meant to bring up sooner rather than later, and there is time here… you all recall the offer I was given by…

She points to her head.

Nyxxa says: For purpose of keeping you in the loop, I decided to take him up on it. But I’ll be keeping an eye on myself to see if anything changes… and I expect that’s something you all will be able to do too.

Sadras looks concerned.

Sadras says: Are you sure that’s wise to trust him with anything? If you give your mark even a moment’s hesitation, they can take that and run. Whatever he has you doing is probably nothing you want to be a part of…
Nyxxa says: I understand. This is going to be a slow process. Step-by-step. If I feel any uncertainty, or that he is trying to pull something on me, I will stop, but… what he asked of me I did anyway. I have to admit the skills he did impart on me were useful at the time, but I am proceeding with caution, and if you all have concerns, don’t hesitate to tell me.
Lantresor says: As ever, I trust your judgement in matters of yourself. I’m here to provide guidance and companionship, and nothing else.
Sadras says: Just be careful, alright.
Nyxxa says: I will, I promise.
Azgadaan says: And if you need help, you can ask. I have free time.
Nyxxa says: I’ll be sure to let you know.

Go’el nods.

Go'el says: I don’t know much about satyrs or this Vaerux, but don’t let him defeat you in whatever battle is occurring. If there’s anything I can do to help, I will.
Nyxxa says: It’s good you don’t know much. Most satyrs are not like me in the ways that it matters. But thank you for your time.
Vaerux says [telepathically]: Ugh. Now that you’re done getting your permission slip signed, are you ready to actually learn something?

Nyxxa continues to work with Vaerux for a bit.

A bit later, Azuka pops up near Arthak. She arrived soundlessly to sit next to him.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: Chieftain?

Her arms are wrapped around her scuffed knees.

Arthak Saurfang says: Azuka.
Azuka Stormbreaker says: I wanted to apologize.
Arthak Saurfang says: For what?
Azuka Stormbreaker says: I… I failed.
Arthak Saurfang says: How so?
Azuka Stormbreaker says: I said I would help. I said I would see it through. That I wouldn’t slow you down. But first, with the king of the gronn, and now this… Maybe it would be best if I went back. Help with things I wouldn’t interfere with.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ve dragged you into things no one is ready for, and no one could be ready for. I can’t make your doubts go away. I could tell you what I think. If I, at your age, had been through half of this, I would be very dead.

Azuka exhales.

Arthak Saurfang says: I was very stupid when I was young, you see. A lot like Go’el’s boy.

Azuka looks at Arthak incredulously.

Arthak Saurfang says: It’s true. You would not have liked me back then. And you would be smart to have not liked me back then.

Azuka smirks.

Arthak Saurfang says: What I think, what I know, is that you don’t slow me down. Quite the opposite. You help me keep moving forward.
Azuka Stormbreaker says: Are you sure?
Arthak Saurfang says: You observed a while back that I go out, and I lose pieces, but I always come back. You’re a part of why I always come back. You’re young still, Azuka. You can’t do everything, and not every situation is one you will be able to ride as well as others. That’s similar to me. There are situations where I’m helpless. Magic… I know little of it, and I have few defenses against it. We all do what we can, where we can. And there is no shame of running into something where you just can’t.

Azuka nods.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: Okay. I don’t think I like that… not being ready for things. Not being able to help. But I… but you’re right. Until then I’ll just have to get stronger.
Arthak Saurfang says: I don’t like it either when it’s me. And it’s me more often than you think. I’m not always as capable as I like to project. I’m not perfect, Azuka.

Azuka leans her head on Arthak’s shoulder.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: You’re… you’re good enough.

The two of them sit in silence, and before long Azuka’s breathing slows as she falls asleep.

That evening, Nyxxa gets a sending from Khadgar.

Khadgar says [sending]: Nyxxa! Sorry, it feels like I’ve been late. I hope everything’s going well.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Yes, this is a good time. We’ve been really busy.
Khadgar says [sending]: I see.
Nyxxa says [sending]: We’re heading to the Netherstorm now. Soon I should be able to check out that thing.
Khadgar says [sending]: Yes, Kirin’Var Village. That’s for the best. We haven’t heard from them, and attempts to scry the location have come up ineffective. Do not put yourself in needless risk. It’s the most I can hope for that the village still exists in one way or another.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I’ll see what I can do. I can look into it. Also, we did run into Kalec and Tyri.
Khadgar says [sending]: Good! How is everything going?
Nyxxa says [sending]: They are meeting up with the netherdrake matriarch. We should be meeting them in the Netherstorm.
Khadgar says [sending]: Good. This is unprecedented. I’ve never heard of another flight of dragons… so I’m glad they will be able to make contact. Perhaps it would be good for them to meet the other flights as well, in time. I hope they will be able to help you.
Nyxxa says [sending]: We started with the most aggressive, so it should only go up from there. If Tyri tells you we kidnapped baby dragons, let it be known it was her idea.

There’s a long pause.

Khadgar says [sending]: I’m sure there’s a story… but I’m glad no one was harmed?
Nyxxa says [sending]: Yes, it went well. We also ran into some slaves that had been taken by the orcs. We freed them, and they are on their way to the Zangarmarsh with the Ashtongue.
Khadgar says [sending]: I see.
Nyxxa says [sending]: They have safe passage at the moment, but I thought it best to spread the word just in case.
Khadgar says [sending]: I can tell you from my own knowledge that I believe some of our people in Allerian Stronghold in the Terokkar Forest made contact. Things are tenuous, but we’ve at least been able to make a nonaggression pact. In time hopefully we can make that more proactive. The Legion is also more active. It seems they are preparing for something at Hellfire Citadel.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Well… I know the pit lord at Hellfire is planning a strike against Sinestra.
Khadgar says [sending]: I see.
Nyxxa says [sending]: That may be what that’s about.
Khadgar says [sending]: I’ll see what I can find out.
Nyxxa says [sending]: There might be one other thing… I want to tell you something in case something happens to me. Something that’s going to happen after we leave Outland. You should know this.
Khadgar says [sending]: I’m listening.
Nyxxa says [sending]: When we return, we’ve been put on a mission to find an artifact to reopen a portal. I believe they are starting to move on that in earnest. I don’t think it will be put into direct motion until we return. I’m going to try and ensure that doesn’t happen.
Khadgar says [sending]: Do you know what this artifact is?
Nyxxa says [sending]: The Scepter of Sargeras.

There’s a pause.

Khadgar says [sending]: Thank you for telling me. I’ll reach out to my contacts and see what they know. Keep yourself alive in the meantime.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I’m not going to tell the others I told you. If, for whatever reason, this gets out, I want to take fill responsibility for the leak. It’s important enough I’m willing to take that risk.
Khadgar says [sending]: I appreciate it, as ever. If I notice any significant movements, I’ll reach out.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Thank you. One last thing… if you still want to meet with my friend at some point, just let me know how you want that to happen and I can see what I can do.

Khadgar pauses again.

Khadgar says [sending]: When you and your companions return to the Hellfire Peninsula, or somewhere within the Terokkar Forest. As long as we can meet somewhere I’ve been, I can meet you there, and I can meet this Arthak fellow. If you’re both still willing.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I need to speak with him more. I’ve been vague. But given the nature of the geas
Khadgar says [sending]: Feel free to use my name. I’m not concerned if anyone gets ahold of it. It’s only a matter of time before I get on their radar one way or another. I understand this is no small amount of risk for your compatriot, but it’s a risk of myself as well. You have my word that I plan to only meet with him alone. I won’t inform anyone else.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I trust you. Even if I wasn’t sure, I remember you aren’t supposed to be doing this.
Khadgar says [sending]: Certainly not! But I’ve been doing this for too long to be told what I’m supposed to do. If they didn’t want me to act on my own impulses, then perhaps they shouldn’t have made me the leader of the Council of Six.
Nyxxa says [sending]: You’re… their leader?
Khadgar says [sending]: It’s more of a council. I’m the tiebreaker. Not that it particularly matters.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I… I guess I don’t understand how these things work. I didn’t know you were a leader.
Khadgar says [sending]: Try not to think too much about it. I’m not the most leader-y of leaders out there.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I’m pretty good at that... That was a joke.
Khadgar says [sending]: It’s much easier for me to get a joke than you to get mine. I can only hope my context is translated when I write.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I’ve been picking it up. Thank you.
Khadgar says [sending]: And thank you. As ever, I appreciate the information. Don’t feel like you’re obligated.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I’ve been sitting on that for a long time. It may be good for someone else to know. Thank you for allowing me to share my burdens with you.
Khadgar says [sending]: Anything I can do to help.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Same to you. Hopefully I can get you more good news.
Khadgar says [sending]: One more thing. Your friend Loramus, he and the others have, relatively recently, left Honor Hold. I’m not sure where they went, but they seemed intent on accomplishing something. Well… they were still being taught when last I spied them, but it seems a few members are more interested in learning how demon hunters do your thing.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Well. I knew Allari was going to bite, but I didn’t expect others.
Khadgar says [sending]: A few other soldiers from Sunfury’s division as well as most of the prisoners you rescued went with. I hope they don’t get themselves killed. I can only hope your friend Loramus isn’t driven mad by so many irksome questions. He doesn’t seem like a people person.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I’ll have to apologize to him. It might be my fault. There are more amicable ones.
Khadgar says [sending]: It takes all types.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Maybe even more different kinds.
Khadgar says [sending]: Thank you again for the checkup. I look forward to seeing you again, when there’s less chaos.
Nyxxa says [sending]: As long as you’re in the Nether, there is always chaos. Good night, my friend.

Azgadaan tries to get inn preferences from members of the group, and Rexxar warns Azgadaan to never ask Puffer for his preferences. Lantresor just gives really cryptic responses that Nyxxa frequently also chimes in that she likes. Levia says she loves breakable things that she doesn’t need to clean up.

Outland Day 39

The next morning, Arthak gets a sending--from a sending stone that he didn’t know was connected to the party sending stone. Arthak lets it through, and he hears a familiar voice.

Rakeesh says [sending]: Arthak, I do hope things are going well. We have a couple things to discuss, and I have a gift for you and your companions. Meet me at the Traitor’s old seat and I’ll explain more. At your earliest convenience.
Arthak Saurfang says [sending]: We’ll make our way.

Arthak looks down at his sending stone.

Arthak Saurfang says: Word from Rakeesh.

Nyxxa’s ears perk up.

Nyxxa says: Oh.
Azgadaan says: Good to know he knows our general location. That’s not concerning.
Arthak Saurfang says: The stones may have been compromised.
Azgadaan says: Sneaky bastard.
Halno says: That’s about right.
Nyxxa says: We could do worse for demons.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m uncertain of that. He wants to discuss things, and he has a gift for us. He wants to meet us at the traitor’s old seat, by which I think he means what was Farahlon.
Nyxxa says: Where was Farahlon?
Arthak Saurfang says: Well, now it’s the Netherstorm.
Nyxxa says: Oh. We were heading there anyway.
Arthak Saurfang says: Convenient.
Go'el says: I suppose that’s our next location?
Nyxxa says: Should we discuss our plan of action before we go to the Netherstorm? Actually…

She holds up a finger and looks around for any scrying censors and sees none.

Arthak Saurfang says: Coincidence is something we should be skeptical of.
Nyxxa says: We have a lot to do there. We have the Etherium situation, and the netherdrake matriarch… there was also another thing I want to check out, but I don’t want to put you on your own in the Nether, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: I can find something to occupy my time. I’ve been thinking…
Sadras says: Oh boy.
Arthak Saurfang says: ...Fair. But now that this has been dealt with.

He gestures to the Doomhammer.

Arthak Saurfang says: Amongst everything else we’re doing, the primary concern is now Mannoroth and Sinestra. We need to be ready for that. That battle is going to be difficult, and I think I would be more comfortable if I had an army.
Halno says: Where are you finding an army?
Arthak Saurfang says: Something Rakeesh may be able to help with. But minor clans, clanless… there are others that have likely evaded the Ashtongue and Hellfire. Our people are survivors. While we continue to the Netherstorm, there are some I would ask to help me with this.

His eyes go to Rexxar, Lantresor, and Sadras.

Rexxar chuffs.

Rexxar says: You want me to help you raise an army? Did you forget the part I’m not a people person?
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll give you the words. Hopefully that and my reputation will be enough. I trust you. You know how to survive, and you move quickly.

Sadras elbows Rexxar in the side.

Sadras says: Don’t be so hard on yourself, big guy. You have more of a reputation than you realize. Having you along will help. If we find anyone.
Lanresor says: That will be the true test. Mannoroth’s net is wide. If we cannot find anyone, we will ensure the rest of your people are as ready as they can be. There is, of course, also Nitrogg who can assist. He has been stationed here for some time, and he may be able to use his connections, if he can get permission to come with us.
Arthak Saurfang says: It makes sense. Once we meet Rakeesh, I will see if I can get him to help look. If he doesn’t already have some idea, he has the resources to help us look.
Rexxar says: Alright. I’ve done my part of the bargain. As long as I can return to Azeroth, I can do what you need me to.
Nyxxa says: I can make sure they don’t get lost. I learned a lot from you and Sadras.

Rexxar chuffs.

Sadras says: You’ll be fine, Nyxxa. I’ll make sure Rexxar doesn’t get too full of himself.

Arthak writes down some statements that the group can read to any potential recruits they find and hands them over to Sadras.

Go'el says: We should get ready to move out, then.

Azgadaan also asks the group to pick up items from interesting places, and they start to head up to the Slagworks. No one seems to be paying them much attention, and they keep the Doomhammer hidden.

They head to the train station, and they find Nitrogg working hard on a few things as others are sent off to retrieve their money and Ini. Nitrogg grins at the group and immediately slams a hand on Arthak’s shoulder.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: You made it back! Good to see you. Did you find what you were looking for?

Arthak nods and shifts his banner cloak, showing his hand.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Holy shit. Ohhhh, he’s in for it now. What’s the plan now, big man?
Arthak Saurfang says: We have to head towards the Netherstorm. As for you, I have a different task.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: What do you got in mind?
Arthak Saurfang says: Before we leave, we have a battle at Hellfire. If I’m going to go to battle, I’m going to need an army.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: Alright. So you need me to round up some strong arms for you?
Arthak Saurfang says: Everyone you can.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: I’ll see what I can do. I talked to a few friends here, and I might have gotten them to make letters of resignation.
Arthak Saurfang says: Good.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: They won’t miss me too much.
Arthak Saurfang says: I hope they miss you dearly.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: We’ll see about that! This a solo mission?
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m sending you with my fastest. Hopefully you’ll be able to find not just the places you know. Clanless, minor clans, others still surviving. Offer them a chance to do more than survive. A chance to decide their destiny, and the destiny of our world. Should they be interested… a clan to fight under.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: Can’t make any promises, but I can promise you I have a few ideas. We’ll see what we can do.
Arthak Saurfang says: Good. I hope it’s more appealing than being rounded up, made into fel orcs, and losing your hands.

Nitrogg nervously chuckles.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: I can understand how that might feel.

He looks down at where Arthak’s hand is.

Arthak Saurfang says: At least I can still pick things up.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: I’ll see what I can do to meet up with those ogres at Varokmar. Just don’t get this party started without me.
Arthak Saurfang says: I can promise you you’ll be there.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: I won't miss a fight like that for the world.
Arthak Saurfang says: You don’t even know the full story yet.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: No, but I got a few ideas. Keep your wits about you. If I’m throwing it away to join your clan, I want to have a chieftain. Besides, there’s a showdown I want to see, and you have to be there to make that happen.
Arthak Saurfang says: Well, if nothing else, I make my appointments.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: Speaking of appointments!

He picks up a scroll of rough-hewn parchment.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: I’ve got a letter of resignation to turn in. This should be amazing, and once my ears stop ringing from the overseer yelling, I’ll hit the road. Until next time, Chieftain.

He nods to the rest of the group and heads off. Sadras, Rexxar, Lantresor, and Summerpaw all see the group off as well before reconvening with Nitrogg. Nyxxa and Lantresor had exchanged a somewhat awkward hug after Nyxxa hugged Sadras, and Nyxxa is almost knocked over by a pouncing Summerpaw. Sadras also gives Arthak a hug.

Sadras says: I’m proud of you, Arthak. Now we just have to follow through with all this. But honestly, I feel like that was the easy part.
Arthak Saurfang says: Ancestors… you’re right. Shit.

Sadras lowers her voice.

Sadras says: I can’t wait to see the look on Blackhand’s face.

She jabs Arthak in the shoulder.

Sadras says: I’ll see you soon.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll see you. Be safe.

Sadras starts to say something but stops herself.

Sadras says: Be safe.

Sadras tries to punch Halno in the shoulder, who reactionarily uses [Shield]. Sadras laughs and knocks on the shield.

Sadras says: Take care of yourself.

She also gives Azgadaan a hug, and Rexxar mutters something under himself complaining to himself in giant about the goodbyes taking too long--something that Arthak understands. Arthak makes eye contact and shrugs.

Nitrogg rejoins them and informs the group that he has a line on the train to get back to the gorge--much to Rexxar’s chagrin. After some bickering, Rexxar agrees to go on the train, but after they get off, Rexxar is in charge. The group sees them off, Sadras perhaps looking back one too many times, and the warband then takes cloud forms as Go’el uses [Wind Walk].

They soar out of the massive mountain and continue on their way towards the Netherstorm. As the day progresses, they fly over some high mountain shards--and down below they see more of the crystals like those at the Singing Ridge. However, these ones are larger, and almost resemble a crystalline spine. The terrain unfolds into a series of deep cliffs, and they see abandoned ruins of orcish villages. Eventually, they see the edge of the world where the mountains plummet into nothing.

They continue flying over nothingness and see the spiraling abyss down below where nebulae and stars blink in and out of distance. As they get further away from land, there are still strong winds, and they see the sky darken with thick violet energy. They see shrapnel of Draenor that had fallen off in chunks, and others continue to crumble into the open space. Occasionally, the violet clouds twist and spiral and flash purple lightning.

Flying is strange, and it becomes easier as they start to gradually float higher. Gravity had started to shift, and continues to fluctuate almost like weather patterns.

Finally, they start to see a large landmass in the darkness. They fly about to take a look around, and Nyxxa notes a spire of Legion architecture and the ruins of draenic civilization. There are two imps wrestling over something shiny down below, and there is a crater in the top of a hill where there are six large claw-like pieces of fel steel: all that remains of Socrethar’s Seat.

They see mana wyrms nesting in the wreckage, and there is other movement as well as a Legion vessel with a spherical glass compartment that is glowing with fel green lights. There are two figures. Both seem to be wearing cowls, and one is smaller and narrower than the other with a bright red tail. They are lanky and have an obscuring cloak, but they appear to be eredar.

The other figure stands up, and reveal themselves to be a massive orc with a long white beard and a red cloak. His left eye is brown, but the right eye is covered. He has plate armor from the waist down with a rylak skull, and has Frostwolf bracers on his rests. On his shoulders, there are tattoos: one a long fang, and the other a crescent moon. He is barefoot, and he has a massive club in his hand that almost resembles a tree. There is an insignia on the club, and there seems to be patches of discolored skin that had turned red, black, or a very dark green.

As the group approaches, there’s something about the orc that’s familiar to Arthak, but he can’t put his finger on it. Arthak recognizes the eredar as Val’zuun.

One by one, the group manifests out of their cloud forms. As they materialize, there is a flash of recognition on the massive orc’s face as his eyes fall on Arthak, and also as his eye falls on Go’el.

Go’el’s jaw drops in surprise.

Go'el says: No’Rash? You’re alive?

No’Rash’s jaw also drops in disbelief and shock at recognizing two of the orcs.

No'Rash says: Go’el? Lok’tar, my chieftain.

He then gets down to one knee with some degree of difficulty to greet Go’el.

No'Rash says: It has been… some time, Go’el.
Go'el says: It has, old friend.

The orc keeps his head down.

Go'el says: When we last spoke… it was… I didn’t know you survived, but I’m glad to be proven wrong.

He puts a hand on the orc’s shoulder, noting the massive man is trembling faintly.

No'Rash says: I… I did not expect to be alive.

He slowly starts to get up, using his club as support.

No'Rash says: But nonetheless… I am glad to see you are alive as well.
Go'el says: There are a lot of unexpected things that have happened.

No’Rash nods with a grimace and then looks over to Arthak.

No'Rash says: Not a young pup anymore are you, boy? Perhaps you do not remember… it’s been even longer since I’ve seen you.
Arthak Saurfang says: It has been some time.

No’Rash reaches out an arm, and Arthak clasps it.

No'Rash says: It’s good to see you too, young pup… not so young anymore.
Arthak Saurfang says: No, I’ve aged since last we met.

No’Rash nods.

No'Rash says: As have I.

He looks to the rest of the warband.

No'Rash says: Seems you keep interesting company.

He narrows his eyes at Azgadaan and Nyxxa, his hand tensing around his club.

Go'el says: War makes for strange bedfellows. What have you been doing the last couple of years? After you left, before the Shattering, I didn’t know what had become of you.
No'Rash says: Fighting. Constantly fighting.

Go’el's eyes trail down over the corruption on No’Rash’s flesh.

No'Rash says: Tell me, Go’el, what has become of the young hunter Sadras?

Go’el glances at Arthak and then back to No'Rash.

Go'el says: She’s alright. She was with us until recently. She left to take care of other business. She’s joined Arthak’s clan now.

No’Rash’s eyebrows raise.

No'Rash says: Clan?
Arthak Saurfang says: Chieftain now.

No’Rash smirks.

No'Rash says: Certainly not a young pup anymore. Didn’t expect a chieftain but… pleasant surprise.
Arthak Saurfang says: Given most expected corpse… pleasant surprises for all.
No'Rash says: Just as well that she is not here. I would not want her around me of all people.
Go'el says: Where are my manners?

Go’el looks to the rest of the group.

Go'el says: This is No’Rash. He is a dear friend of mine. He was once a great warrior of the Frostwolf clan, and a good friend of my father’s and my father’s father as well.

Nyxxa removes her mask, showing her blindfold and faintly glowing eyes.

Nyxxa says: Pleasure to meet you, then.

No’Rash narrows his gaze again and says nothing.

Go'el says: Nyxxa’s done a great deal of good for all us. I’m not sure we would have made it this far without her. Sadras and her have become fond of each other.

Nyxxa’s shows a bone necklace around her neck.

Nyxxa says: She and I got these together.

No’Rash’s gaze softens

Levia Blackflight says: The name’s Levia Blackflight. It’s good to meet you. You seem to be quite the badass, that’s for sure, especially if Go’el is talking you up.

No’Rash nods at her.

Halno says: Hi there, I’m Halno. I’m our necromancer. You don’t mind dead things, right?
No'Rash says: Only to the extent they do not come back after I have killed them.
Halno says: Oh, as long as not if you kill them? Okay. I’m also dead.

No’Rash’s eyebrow raises again.

Nyxxa says: You get used to that.
Arthak Saurfang says: He used to be Shadowmoon.
Halno says: Oh yeah, I’m in his clan now too. I guess that’s relevant.
No'Rash says: He… was orc?
Halno says: Was. Am. Not sure what I am now.
Arthak Saurfang says: It’s something new the necrolytes and warlocks have been developing.

Halno gestures with his hand, and the disembodied face of Sylvos appears.

Sylvos Windrunner says: Greetings, good sir! It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Sylvos Windrunner, or was, when I was still alive!
Halno says: I’m sure names carry over. I’m borrowing the body from him, by the way.

No’Rash sneers.

No'Rash says: Does this one need to speak?
Halno says: Yeah, he’s pretty smart.
Sylvos Windrunner says: If you wish for me not to speak to you, I will not overtax you. I apologize if I have done anything that would offend.

No’Rash points at Azgadaan.

No'Rash says: What of you, demon?
Azgadaan says: I am Prince Azgadaan of the Burning Legion. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.

No’Rash sighs.

No'Rash says: Another aristocrat.
Azgadaan says: You can call me Azgadaan. It’s nice to meet one of Go’el’s friends.
Go'el says: He was an accomplished warrior when I was but a babe.

Azuka is quietly watching No’Rash.

Arthak Saurfang says: And this is Azuk--
Azuka Stormbreaker says: Azuka Stormbreaker, heir to the Broken Blade Clan.

No’Rash smiles.

No'Rash says: Throm’kar, young one.

Azuka forces herself to look up at the massive orc.

No'Rash says: It’s fine. I understand.

No’Rash nods, and her eyes flicker over his face.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: No. I’m… I’m learning how to speak to new people.
No'Rash says: It’s no matter young one. I’m happy to make your acquaintance.

Azuka nods.

No'Rash says: You say Broken Blade?

He looks to Arthak.

No'Rash says: How did she come into your company?
Arthak Saurfang says: Landed a hit on me. She’s my daughter.

No’Rash’s eyebrows raise.

No'Rash says: A father too?
Arthak Saurfang says: Not by blood, but by choice.

No’Rash does a bit of a double-take. As this is going on, Val’zuun clears his throat and raises a hand.

Arthak Saurfang says: Sorry.
Val'zuun says: No need. I’m being paid by the hour.

He seems to smile beneath his cloak.

Val'zuun says: But if your reunion is finished, I can connect you with my client.

No’Rash gumbles.

No'Rash says: If it will get me away from the demon sooner.
Val'zuun says: I can assure you, Master No’Rash, after I connect you with my client, I will take my leave.
No'Rash says: The sooner the better.

Val’zuun produces a device that he points over to the vessel and presses a button. A large sphere on the vessel shimmers with fel magic that projects outwards.

Val'zuun says: The discretion field should mask your conversation. You have your assurance that my discretion is included as part of my fee--one that has already been paid.

An image projects from the sphere and conjures a green, translucent image of Rakeesh. There’s a smile on his face.

Rakeesh says: Greetings, friends, it’s been too long. I’m glad you made it here safely, and I’m glad you have acquainted yourself with this surprise.

No’Rash grumbles.

No'Rash says: Not long enough.

Rakeesh chuckles.

Rakeesh says: As I’m sure you’re well aware, Hellfire Citadel is on the move. Mannoroth is preparing his forces for the invasion of Sinestra’s compound on the island once known as Ashran. I trust all of you are making your own preparations, so, to ensure your plan goes smoothly, I sought to arrange the reunion of an old friend of yours. I hope I didn’t overstep any boundaries by recruiting him, but I feel his unique talents will be useful in the trials to come.
Arthak Saurfang says: Interesting. Well. Having the extra assistance is appreciated.
Rakeesh says: Of course. Facing the king of the pit lords will not be an easy task, but few seek his blood as much as our mutual friend here does.

No’Rash growls.

Rakeesh says: I was able to liberate him from the depths of Hellfire Citadel. I thought he would find better purpose among kindred spirits instead of remaining among the experiments levied on the poor fellow. Apologies if I made some assumptions.
Arthak Saurfang says: Mannoroth was not informed of this prison transfer?

Rakeesh smiles.

Rakeesh says: The inquisition works in mysterious ways. When they, or Lord Kil’Jaeden, requests the presence of a prisoner, even someone like Mannoroth would be a fool to say no. He wasn’t informed, not until after. I don’t answer to him, and if things go as planned… no one will answer to him. As I’m sure you’ve all realized, I’ve connected your sending stones to mine. If you need anything, or updates, feel free to ask. When Mannoroth moves, you’ll know. In the meanwhile, I have my own pieces to move. Do you have a plan, by the way? Have you gotten to that stage?
Arthak Saurfang says: I have a few things. Do you want to know, or do you want to be surprised?
Rakeesh says: Please, tell me. I can try to arrange less difficulties.
No'Rash says: Or stab us in the back.
Rakeesh says: If I wanted to, I would have done a while ago.
No'Rash says: I would have caved in your head, demon.
Rakeesh says: Yes yes, we’ve heard it before. As you were saying, Arthak?
Arthak Saurfang says: The fight is going to be chaotic. I’ve supplied Mannoroth with weapon designs against the dragons. I’m trying to collect my own army from those Mannoroth hasn’t swept up, and wish to maximize chaos. From there, well, the more intense the battle, the more likely one to kill the other, and we use the chaos to mop up the other.
Rakeesh says: Interesting. Question. You’re recruiting additional forces… do you have anything in mind to ensure they don’t t urn their blades against one another? If you’re getting third parties involved… how could you be sure they’re pointed in the right direction.
Arthak Saurfang says: I have connections with the ethereals, and their loyalty is something I can count on with coin. Whatever army I get personally, if nothing else, they should be able to hide under my banner, and that’s a strong incentive. As for any others, we’ll have to do favors, buy loyalties through various means. Ultimately, everyone has a price, and we’ll find it.
Rakeesh says: Interesting. A good plan. A good start, at least. Something to concern yourself with… I understand you seek the head of this Sinestra is as well? I don’t care, she’s good bait for Mannoroth, but the more forces you bring against her… the less likely she’ll engage. You may win the battle, but you won’t win one of your prizes. A tip you might enjoy, as I understand you have a personal vendetta. A cornered beast may fight back… or they’ll find their way out.
Nyxxa says: So she’ll just choose to flee?
Rakeesh says: It’s possible. However, you’ll undoubtedly have quite the blood bath in which he can be claimed as well.
Arthak Saurfang says: Should both sides be able to bring more to bear, both sides would have reason to get reckless. Eager. Would it be possible for you to arrange windfalls… things to make Sinestra think she has more of a chance than she does?
Rakeesh says: Oh. I like the way you think, Arthak. As you know, Ashran was once the base of operations for the Stormreaver clan. Those that remain have been in a deadlock with Sinestra’s forces… if some exceptionally bad luck were to strike them, perhaps there would be less assistance when you arrive, but a more emboldened Sinestra. I can’t guarantee anything, but it may help.
Arthak Saurfang says: It may. The harder they go after each other, the more they escalate, the more likely it is for one to kill the other and we can bring the wounded one down.
Rakeesh says: Another word of caution. I know dragons only by reputation, but I do know of Mannoroth. Were I betting man, I would put my money on him. But let me make something clear… if a circumstance arises, and you have to make a choice--should you raise your blade against Mannoroth, I would strongly suggest you follow through. If Sinestra survives, she stews amongst her own wreckage, and she has but herself and her own sycophants. But if Mannoroth survives, I won’t be able to shield you from his wrath, or knowledge of your attempt. That obfuscation comes only if you finish the job. If you don’t follow through, nothing can save you.
No'Rash says: We’re forgetting one thing. Those of us who possess the fel in our current states can do nothing against him.
Rakeesh says: I’ve been thinking on that, No’Rash… I believe that is a problem that needs to be dealt with with you.

He gestures to the orcs.

Rakeesh says: The hellfire that runs through your veins. The strength that Gul’dan shared with you derives from him. I understand some of you have drank from the blood of other pit lords, but that doesn’t matter. He’s their king, and the source. It’s perverse. He seems himself as the father of the Horde.
Arthak Saurfang says: He mentioned that when we spoke.
Rakeesh says: Yes, it’s quite terrible. But that aside, I don’t believe you…

He looks at Azgadaan, Levia, and Nyxxa.

Rakeesh says: Will have much trouble. But you will all have to deal with that. I’ll see what I can brainstorm, but you would have to be exceptionally strong of will to turn your blade on him. After all, he’s the source of the strength that runs through you. Do be sure to strengthen your mind as well as your body. Can’t say it will solve the problem, but it won’t hurt.
No'Rash says: I will do what is required.
Arthak Saurfang says: So will we all.
Rakeesh says: I look forward to seeing all of you succeed. Of course, we all remember the promises I made, for as little as that means. I am a man of my word. Now, I believe I have taken you from your reunion long enough, and I wouldn’t want to grant No’Rash any more wrinkles on his venerable flesh. Do make sure every moment counts. After all, ever preparation made now, Sinestra and Mannoroth are doing the same.
No'Rash says: Try not to fall into the Nether, vilespawn.

Rakeesh smiles.

Halno says: Before you leave, you were unsure of what you could offer me?
Rakeesh says: I must admit, you’re the most enigmatic of this group.
Halno says: I would request more advanced notes on necromancy than what the Horde has accomplished.
Rakeesh says: The Legion has more than its fair share of necromancers… they have drawn inspiration from the denizens of the Shadowlands, and I’m sure I could come up with something.
Halno says: Specifically…

He looks at the rest of the group.

Halno says: Specifically regarding lichdom.
Rakeesh says: I see. Well. That certainly gives me some keywords to search for. It would be my honor to do so. Do make sure you survive the other end of this so you can see what I cook up for you, and I look forward to our continued partnership.

Rakeesh bows, and the image fades.

Val'zuun says: My contract has come to an end. It has been a pleasure as always.
Arthak Saurfang says: Until next time, Val’zuun.
Val'zuun says: Of course.

Val’zuun bows and silently heads back towards the vessel. The large sphere opens as he boards, and the vessel takes off silently.

No'Rash says: Shitspawns.

Levia makes an exaggerated lean on Azgadaan’s shoulder.

Levia Blackflight says: I know, I can’t stand them.
Azgadaan says: Yes, they’re absolutely fucking terrible.
No'Rash says: It seems we have the same enemy.
Arthak Saurfang says: So it seems.
Azgadaan says: Yes. I’m rather tired, however. Would you all like to retire?
Go'el says: I think that would be wise. It would be good to regain our energy and catch up.
Azgadaan says: Lets find a good spot, I have something special to show you all.
Go'el says: This place should be mostly safe. It seems mostly abandoned by the demons.

They manage to find a good spot to camp, but it soon becomes evident that Azgadaan has other plans. He gathers up some gemstones and a crystalline cup that the gemstones are placed in.

Azgadaan says: I’m tired of sleeping on the ground.
No'Rash says: Better than a cage.

Azgadaan pours liquid magic from the cup and creates a translucent doorway as he casts [Magnificent Magic].

Azgadaan says: Welcome to our home away from home.

He gestures to the door, which opens, and the group files into the first room which is completely made of crystal that glistens with images of grandeur--like the time Arthak took the head of various chieftains--or fond memories. In the center there is a platform that is sitting completely still, and there are various doorways on multiple levels.

Suddenly smoke starts to fill the room--thick black, green fel smoke. Then there is laughter--the laughter of Gul’dan.

Gul'dan!? says: Well, well, well… you finally made it here. I’m not surprised to see you all in a place like this, and it’s good that you’ve come.

Everyone’s hands go to weapons, as Arthak squints at Azgadaan.

A figure materializes through the smoke.

Gul'dan!? says: After all, if you had not arrived when you did…

The smoke disappears, and they see Gul’dan. Except, he’s dressed in succubus-like apron, and he has a featherduster held daintily in the talons of his gauntlet. He strikes a post.

Maid-Servant Gul'dan says: Because now I can tend to your every whim! Welcome to the mansion, everyone!

He winks.

No’Rash gives Azgadaan an incredulous look.

Arthak Saurfang says: Azgadaan, I’m going to bed. Where’s my room.
Maid-Servant Gul'dan says: Right this way, Arthak!
Arthak Saurfang says: Azgadaan. My room. Not him.
Azgadaan says: I’ll have another servant show you.
Arthak Saurfang says: Ancestors…

Halno tries to leave, but the door had already closed.

More servants appear--all looking like Azgadaan.

Mansion Servant says: Wait, Arthak, before you go!

He produces a bundle of 18 cigars all bundled together.

Nyxxa and Levia are crumpled over laughing hysterically.

Arthak grabs a fistful of cigars and starts to follow a servant to his room. Arthak’s room is barebones and true to Arthak, and has a mannequin he can hang his armor on. The bed is large and comfortable.

Azgadaan looks at Gul’dan.

Azgadaan says: Go to the room you belong in.
Maid-Servant Gul'dan says: Of course, master!

The Gul’dan servant tip-toes away, Levia tailing behind him still laughing. Go’el is seemingly really flabbergasted and vaguely amused. Azuka’s eyes are really wide and overwhelmed, while Veena is consoling her.

No'Rash says: Demon, do you possess an outside area? I wish to rid myself of this sight.
Azgadaan says: I have a few. I made a room for you as well--
No'Rash says: You will take me to these areas.
Azgadaan says: Sure. Number 32, will you help him?

Another Azgadaan-servant leads No’Rash away. No’Rash slaps at the servant, and the servant pops into liquid that has the consistency of paint or soap with a round core. Another servant shows up and asks No’Rash if he’s ready to go to his room, and No’Rash sighs and keeps moving. He manages to find his way to a bathing pool.

Food is laid out on the dining table, and Nyxxa immediately runs to what appears to be neon-green rice (which had likely been Nyxxa’s depiction of rice in her dream). Nyxxa also gets led to her room, which resembles a garden with a bunch of small kitty servants that look like Mischief. Mischief immediately appears to wrestle a fake Mischief. There’s also a button for Mischief to get treats.

Levia manages to find the rage room of all sorts of breakable objects. Gul’dan is sitting on a platform over a dunk-tank with “kick me” written in eredun between his spikes. He seems to be goading anyone in the room to try and dunk him.

Upstairs, there is also a door with a sign that says “Caution: Do Not Enter.”

Halno’s room resembles his lab pretty much perfectly with all sorts of materials and various tools, and there are other various crafting rooms such as a forge and a recreation room that people can relax in.

While most of the group is getting their bearings and digesting what they saw, Go’el approaches No’Rash who is looking at his reflection in the pool.

Go'el says: It’s gotten a lot worse.
No'Rash says: Yes. Yes it has. I… think I am more fel than orc at this point.

Go’el gives No’Rash a sad smile.

Go'el says: Why did you think you had to leave, No’Rash?
No'Rash says: You know what happens, chieftain. You saw what was happening to me. On the hunts. In the battles. I was losing control. And then… what I nearly did to Sadras…

Tears seem to be welling up in his eyes.

No'Rash says: I couldn’t let that happen again. Not that it helped. Tell me… was Yukra given a proper burial?
Go'el says: Who's to say? The Frostwolves… they’re not here anymore, No’Rash. None of us are.

No’Rash nods.

No'Rash says: Just as well. This world is dead. Most of the orcs that remain… taken by the fel or might as well be. Soon I will be one of them.
Go'el says: You may be right. I can’t say for sure.
No'Rash says: It would be no different than who I really am. All the blood on my hands from years past… just as well that I would succumb to this fate.
Go'el says: You should be lucky that Sadras didn’t come with us. If she was, she would probably shove you into this pool, and she’s gotten strong over the last few years. No’Rash, all of us have done things we’re not proud of us, and all of us have blood on our hands. None of us are innocent, and none of us can forget about the lives that have been lost because of this war. Because of all of this. But right now… I don’t care if you believe you’re losing control. If you believe that someday you’ll be no more than a beast. Right now, right now I see an orc so concerned he would hurt others, that he left to seek an honorable death--a lone crusade. I can’t fault you for that, No”Rash. I couldn’t dream of faulting for you--
No'Rash says: An honorable death I did not find. My goal was partially completed. I drew the pit lord out himself. But when the time came I couldn’t even lay a hand on him.
Go'el says: You are mighty, No’Rash, but you are one orc. And you found us.
No'Rash says: I’m sorry, chieftain. I left at a difficult time for you. I still grieve for Durotan and Draka… as I’m sure you do as well.
Go'el says: I have many things to grieve for now, old friend. But, lest you forget, No’Rash. I’m not your chieftain anymore. You left my clan.

No’Rash nods and looks down.

No'Rash says: I know. I am no longer No’Rash of the Frostwolves. Now I’m no one.
Go'el says: If you’re no one, then I believe I would like to get to know no one. My whole life I’ve known you as a pillar of strength. Someone who has been fighting for longer than I’ve been alive. Perhaps this is an opportunity, No’Rash. Perhaps now you can know me as Go’el, and not as chieftain.

No’Rash shakes his head.

No'Rash says: You may be right. But Go’el… you must understand, as I am not part of your clan, it means that the day will come when I am No’Rash no longer and I fully become the monster. I cannot be left alive like that--be it for your sake, for Arthak’s, for any of your companions, I do not wish to live like that. That is not living. I have seen these orcs of the fel Horde. They are not living. They are… slaves. Do you understand?

Go’el nods.

Go'el says: If such a day comes, No’Rash, I will ensure you get your noble death.
No'Rash says: That is all I ask.

No’Rash seems to relax.

No'Rash says: Well, there is enough room by this water for another.
Go'el says: There is. It reminds me of the spirit springs beneath Worgol. In a way.

Go’el sits down next to No’Rash, and No’Rash pulls down his hood--revealing a red eye.

Go'el says: I have something for you, No’Rash. And something to tell you, though I fear in your heart you may already know it. Sometime after you left… Drek’thar went to the spirits.

No’Rash nods.

No'Rash says: I know.

Go’el nods as well, sympathetically.

No'Rash says: I knew the day would come, but I believe he went peacefully, yes?
Go'el says: Better. It was by his strength we soared to the skies, and by his blessing I learned to conjure such magic.
No'Rash says: I miss him. He was the father I never had, and I feared for so long I had lost him to my cruelty during the war with the draenei.
Go'el says: He was not as pure as you believed him to be. His hands were also stained with blood. He did what he could to be an example to us… you remember Sorak? Sadras’s elder brother.

No’Rash nods.

No'Rash says: I remember the pup.
Go'el says: When Drek’thar passed, he gave him a gift. But Sorak has shown his true colors… and I was forced to expel him from the Frostwolves for betraying our ideals and endangering our people. So I would bestow upon you the gift that Drek’thar gave him. One that I believe he would have given to you had you still been there.

Go’el reveals a simple black band of leather, one that No’Rash recognizes as the blindfold that Drek’thar had worn. He drapes the band across No’Rash’s hand.

Go'el says: Perhaps Drek’thar can be a part of you as well.

No’Rash takes the band with a shaking hand and holds it.

No'Rash says: It shouldn’t be me. Others…

Go’el shakes his head.

Go'el says: I don’t think it should be anybody but you, No’Rash. No one else is more worthy of his protection, and should that day come, perhaps he can guide you into the next life, one way or another.

No’Rash looks away, his eyes tearing up, and with some reluctance he ties the band over the red eye.

No'Rash says: Well. I guess you always knew I would end up with a shit pair of eyes.
Go'el says: Something we all have to contend with in our old age.
No'Rash says: You’ve always had the pretty blues.

Go’el smirks.

Go'el says: I guess we have a good deal to catch up on… where do I start.

Go’el goes into what had happened to him over the last several years, catching up with each other and on recent events. After about an hour of talking, No’Rash blinks, finding himself able to see through the blindfold