This page lists all existing Necromancy spells. If you would like to see spells broken up by class, reference the appropriate class spell list.
Cantrips [5]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Source
| Chill Touch
| 1 action
| VS
| 120 feet
| 1 round
| PHB 221, SRD
| Heart Strike
| 1 action
| SM*
| Self
| Instantaneous
| Homebrew
| Sapping Sting
| 1 action
| VS
| 30 feet
| Instantaneous
| EGW 189
| Spare the Dying
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| Instantaneous
| PHB 277, SRD
| Toll the Dead
| 1 action
| VS
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| XGE 169
1st-Level Spells [5]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Source
| Cure Wounds
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| Instantaneous
| PHB 230, SRD
| False Life
| 1 action
| Self
| Instantaneous
| PHB 239, SRD
| Healing Word
| 1 bonus action
| V
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 250, SRD
| Inflict Wounds
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| Instantaneous
| PHB 253, SRD
| Ray of Sickness
| 1 action
| VS
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 2024 311
2nd-Level Spells [7]
3rd-Level Spells [15]
4th-Level Spells [3]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Source
| Blight
| 1 action
| VS
| 30 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 219, SRD
| Bone Shield
| 1 action
| Self
| 10 minutes
| Homebrew
| Shadow of Moil
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| Self
| (C) 1 minute
| XGE 164
5th-Level Spells [10]
6th-Level Spells [7]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Source
| Circle of Death
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| 150 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 221, SRD
| Create Undead
| 1 minute
| VSM($)
| 10 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 229, SRD
| Eyebite
| 1 action
| VS
| Self
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 238, SRD
| Harm
| 1 action
| VS
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 249, SRD
| Heal
| 1 action
| VS
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 250, SRD
| Magic Jar
| 1 minute
| VSM($)
| Self
| Until dispelled
| PHB 257, SRD
| Soul Cage
| 1 reaction
| VSM($)
| 60 feet
| 8 hours
| XGE 161
7th-Level Spells [3]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Source
| Finger of Death
| 1 action
| VS
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 241, SRD
| Regenerate
| 1 minute
| Touch
| 1 hour
| PHB 271, SRD
| Tether Essence
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| 60 feet
| (C) 1 hour
| EGW 189
8th-Level Spells [2]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Source
| Clone
| 1 hour
| VSM($)
| Touch
| Instantaneous
| PHB 222, SRD
| Horrid Wilting
| 1 action
| 150 feet
| Instantaneous
| XGE 150
9th-Level Spells [4]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Source
| Astral Projection
| 1 hour
| VSM($)
| 10 feet
| Until Dispelled
| PHB 215, SRD
| Mass Heal
| 1 action
| VS
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 258, SRD
| Time Ravage
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| 90 feet
| Instantaneous
| EGW 189
| True Resurrection
| 1 hour
| VSM($)
| Touch
| Instantaneous
| PHB 284, SRD