Sorcerer: Draconic Sorcery

Dragon Ancestor

1st-level Draconic Sorcery feature
You choose one type of dragon as your ancestor. The damage type associated with each dragon is used by features from your Sorcerer bloodline.

Draconic Spells

You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Draconic Ancestor table of each type of ancestor. Each of these spells counters as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.

Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be of one of the two schools associated with the draconic ancestor, and must be from the Sorcerer spell list or one of the other two spell lists associated with the draconic ancestor.

Chromatic Dragons

Draconic AncestorElementSpell SchoolsSpell ListsLevel 1 SpellsLevel 3 SpellsLevel 5 SpellsLevel 7 SpellsLevel 9 Spells
BlackAcidEvocation, EnchantmentWarlock, WizardAcid Splash, Bane, Create or Destroy WaterAcid Arrow, Ray of EnfeeblementFear, Hunger of HadarControl Water, Elemental BaneInsect Plague, Maelstrom
BlueLightningEvocation, IllusionWarlock, WizardCommand, Jolt, Witch BoltDragon's Breath, Dust DevilCall Lightning, Incite GreedElemental Bane, Mirage ArcaneControl Winds, Geas
GreenPoisonConjuration, EnchantmentDruid, WizardEntangle, Infestation, Speak with AnimalsSpike Growth, SuggestionPlant Growth, Speak with PlantsConfusion, Grasping VineCommune with Nature, Mislead
RedFireEvocation, EnchantmentBard, WarlockBane, Fire Bolt, Hellish RebukeEnthrall, Heat MetalFlame Stride, Incite GreedElemental Bane, Summon ElementalConjure Elemental, Flame Strike
WhiteColdEvocation, TransmutationDruid, WarlockArmor of Agathys, Hunter's Mark, Ray of FrostLocate Resources, Pass Without TraceHunger of Hadar, Spirit ShroudElemental Bane, Ice StormCommune with Nature, Cone of Cold

Metallic Dragons

Draconic AncestorElementSpell SchoolsSpell ListsLevel 1 SpellsLevel 3 SpellsLevel 5 SpellsLevel 7 SpellsLevel 9 Spells
BrassFireEnchantment, EvocationBard, WizardFriends, Hideous Laughter, SleepEnthrall, Heat MetalIncite Greed, Wall of SandElemental Bane, Web of FireDream, Legend Lore
BronzeLightningConjuration, EnchantmentCleric, DruidBeast Bond, Shape Water, Speak with AnimalsBeast Sense, Zone of TruthCall Lightning, Pulse WaveControl Water, Elemental BaneGeas, Maelstrom
CopperAcidEnchantment, EvocationBard, WizardAcid Splash, Hideous Laughter, Unearthly ChorusAcid Arrow, Spike GrowthMeld Into Stone, Silvery BarbsStone Shape, Vitriolic SphereTransmute Rock, Wall of Stone
GoldFireDivination, EnchantmentCleric, WizardBless, Hellish Rebuke, Produce FlameRay of Enfeeblement, Zone of TruthIncite Greed, Remove CurseDivination, Elemental BaneDream, Flame Strike
SilverColdAbjuration, EvocationBard, WizardArmor of Agathys, Frostbite, Sense EmotionCalm Emotions, Zone of TruthBeacon of Hope, Glyph of WardingAura of Purity, Elemental BaneDispel Evil and Good, Legend Lore

Gem Dragons

Draconic AncestorElementSpell SchoolsSpell ListsLevel 1 SpellsLevel 3 SpellsLevel 5 SpellsLevel 7 SpellsLevel 9 Spells
AmethystForceAbjuration, EnchantmentBard, WizardCommand, Protection from Evil and Good, Sword BurstEnthrall, Spiritual WeaponGlyph of Warding, SendingControl Water, Freedom of MovementLegend Lore, Wall of Force
CrystalRadiantAbjuration, DivinationCleric, DruidCommand, Guiding Bolt, Sacred FlameRestoration, MoonbeamHypnotic Pattern, Spirit GuardiansDivination, Guardian of FaithDawn, Storm of Radiance
EmeraldPsychicDivination, IllusionWarlock, WizardDissonant Whispers, major illusion, Vicious MockeryMagic Aura, Mind SpikeNondetection, SendingPhantasmal Killer, Mirage ArcaneMislead, Scrying
SapphireThunderAbjuration, EvocationBard, WizardSnare, Thunderclap, ThunderwaveEnthrall, ShatterGlyph of Warding, Meld into StoneElemental Bane, Stone ShapeStorm of Radiance, Telepathic Bond
TopazNecroticAbjuration, NecromancyDruid, WizardBane, Chill Touch, Create or Destroy WaterMagic Aura, Ray of EnfeeblementBestow Curse, Spirit ShroudControl Water, FabricateAntilife Shell, Destructive Wave

Other Dragons

Draconic AncestorElementSpell SchoolsSpell ListsLevel 1 SpellsLevel 3 SpellsLevel 5 SpellsLevel 7 SpellsLevel 9 Spells
DeepPsychicEnchantment, IllusionBard, WarlockCause Fear, Faerie Fire, Vicious MockeryProtection from Poison, Spike GrowthPlant Growth, Summon ShadowspawnPhantasmal Killer, Summon AberrationDream, Passwall
Dragon TurtleCold, Fire, or LightningAbjuration, ConjurationDruid, WizardArmor of Agathys, Hellish Rebuke, Produce FlameHeat Metal, Immovable ObjectCall Lightning, Glyph of WardingControl Water, Elemental BaneConjure Elemental, Flame Strike
MoonstoneRadiantAbjuration, EnchantmentCleric, DruidFaerie Fire, Guiding Bolt, Sacred FlameCalm Emotions, MoonbeamRevivify, Summon FeyCompulsion, Conjure Woodland BeingsDawn, Dream
ShadowNecroticEnchantment, NecromancyWarlock, WizardArms of Hadar, Inflict Wounds, Toll the DeadMagic Aura, Thought ShieldBestow Curse, Spirit GuardiansPrivate Sanctum, Shadow of MoilDestructive Wave, Negative Energy Flood

Voice of the Dragon

You can speak, read, and write Draconic. Additionally, whenever you make a Charisma check when interacting with dragons, your proficiency bonus is doubled if it applies to the check.

Draconic Resilience

1st-level Draconic Sorcery feature
As magic flows through your body, it causes physical traits of your dragon ancestors to emerge. Your hit point maximum increases by 1 and increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class.

Additionally, parts of your skin are covered by a thin sheen of dragon-like scales. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.

Elemental Affinity

6th-level Draconic Sorcery feature
You gain resistance to the damage type associated with your draconic ancestry. Additionally, when you cast a spell that deals damage of the type associated with your draconic ancestry, add your Charisma modifier to one damage roll of that spell.

Dragon Wings

14th-level Draconic Sorcery feature
You gain the ability to sprout a pair of dragon wings from your back, gaining a flying speed equal to your current speed. You can create these wings as a bonus action on your turn. They last until you dismiss them as a bonus action on your turn.

You can't manifest your wings while wearing armor unless the armor is made to accommodate them, and clothing not made to accommodate your wings might be destroy when you manifest them.

While your wings are manifested, you can spend 2 mana to double your flying speed for 1 hour (no action required).

Draconic Eminence

18th-level Draconic Sorcery feature
Your affinity for dragonking grants you greater strength. You gain the following benefits:

If you use this ability every day in the same location for a year, the effect becomes permanent and the range of the aura increases to 500 feet. You can only have one location prepared in this way at a time, and it fades if you are ever away from your lair for a year. The effect fades after 2d10 days if you die.