You were brought up in the rolling farmlands of the country sides where small, close-knit communities band together to make a simple living.
Skill Proficiencies: You have proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Nature, Perception, Religion, Resilience, or Society.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language.
Tall Tales (Major)
Life along the crossroads rarely offers an opportunity for proper schooling, but the roads carry with them legends and stories from far and wide. Stories of a lost magical homeland are constantly on the minds and lips of your community. These tales guide you in your search. Choose two of the following skills: Arcana, Nature, Religion, or Society. You can always choose to use Wisdom when making a check with the chosen skills. The DM may decide that the results of a check made in this way are distorted or exaggerated forms of the truth.
Life along the crossroads rarely offers an opportunity for proper schooling, but the roads carry with them legends and stories from far and wide. Stories of a lost magical homeland are constantly on the minds and lips of your community. These tales guide you in your search. Choose two of the following skills: Arcana, Nature, Religion, or Society. You can always choose to use Wisdom when making a check with the chosen skills. The DM may decide that the results of a check made in this way are distorted or exaggerated forms of the truth.
Village Watch (Major)
Villagers know when to be cautious around strangers and other dangers. You have Advantage on Insight checks made to determine hostile intent or predict violence, and you have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception).
Villagers know when to be cautious around strangers and other dangers. You have Advantage on Insight checks made to determine hostile intent or predict violence, and you have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception).
The Best Teacher (Minor)
Though many may consider village life to be simple, it provides more experience than you would expect. Choose two of the following:
Though many may consider village life to be simple, it provides more experience than you would expect. Choose two of the following:
- You gain proficiency with an artisan tool or frontier tool of your choice. You can choose this option twice.
- You may choose to use your Wisdom instead of Intelligence for the purpose of the Training downtime (including the number of tools you can learn).