
Art by
- Species
- Eredar
- Gender
- Female
- Height
- 6'09" (sans horns)
- Status
- Alive
Relatives Shaspira | Mother
Aracyra is the daughter of the eredar Shaspira and a cunning and terrifying sorceress in her own right.
Chapter One: Matters of Life and Death
Chapter Two: Casting Dice
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
In the months that followed the invasion of Azeroth, Aracyra ultimately was assigned the responsibility of tracking down the lost dreadblade, Frostmourne. In the process, she came to an arrangement with Azgadaan where he would aid her as serving as both her bodyguard and support, while she, in turn, helped him to refine and improve the elven mansion that the young eredar had claimed so that it could be leased out for the use of the Shadowsword.
In the pursuit of Frostmourne, she met with three representatives of the Nathrezim ruling council--Detheroc, Balnazzar, and Varimathras--who were to be her contacts in the collaboration to retrieve the powerful runeblade. They informed her that their agent, Mal'Ganis, would be the one spearheading the retrieval effort, and while the negotiations ultimately went well, the three dreadlords succeeded in intimidating her when they nourished themselves through exsanguinating three high elven captives in front of her and Azgadaan.
At the conclusion of the successful meeting, she was left horribly shaken.
Several weeks later, she was invited by Azgadaan to be his "plus one" at the celebration that followed the bonding ceremony of Azgadaan's companions, Arthak Saurfang and Sadras. She was quite easily convinced by Azgadaan's excitable explanation of the party that would follow, and ultimately had a good time at the celebration itself. As the night wore on, she got a little bit tipsy, and she became a rather adamant fixture to Azgadaan's arm. Eventually, she asked him to talk a walk with her, and they found their way to a fish warehouse on the edge of the shore, where she and Azgadaan spent the night together.
She was quite endeared by Azgadaan's general obliviousness in regards to the act of intercourse, and she walked him through the process several times the following morning, before they parted ways with a spring in her step.
Later on, Aracyra was assigned in assisting Mal'Ganis in the retrieval of Frostmourne, and Azgadaan was quick to comfort her, though it was clear the sorceress was quite shaken by the situation. Seeing an opportunity, Azgadaan requested she close her eyes, and he surprised her by wrapping the cloak of the Aranasi he had had made for her around her shoulders. Aracyra was ecstatic over the surprise gift, and she pulled him into a kiss before they part ways.
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 1)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 3)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 4)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 5)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 6)
- [Horde] Chapter Three: Session Twenty-Two
Chapter Four: Homecoming
- [Horde] Chapter Four: Session One
- [Horde] Chapter Four: Session Two
- [Horde] Chapter Four: Session Three
- [Horde] Chapter Four: Session Four
Appeared In
Chapter One: Matters of Life and Death
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
- [Horde] Chapter Three: Session One
- [Horde] Chapter Three: Session Two
- [Horde] Chapter Three: Session Five
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 1)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 3)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 4)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 5)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 6)
- [Horde] Chapter Three: Session Twenty-Two
Chapter Four: Homecoming
- [Horde] Chapter Four: Session One
- [Horde] Chapter Four: Session Two
- [Horde] Chapter Four: Session Three
- [Horde] Chapter Four: Session Four