
Art by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.


Mage Lord
The Supreme Archaeologist

Known Languages Common

Rafaam was one of the mage lords of Venetia, and given his supposed title of "The Supreme Archaeologist", he had an extreme fascination with artifacts of eld, which were a prominent focus of his acquisitions and collections.


Rafaam was a very well-dressed ethereal whose wrappings were thoroughly adorned with expensive, gilded trinkets and baubles. His eyes, and therefore the energy that made up his form, were a bright crimson red.

While clearly powerful and well-connected, Rafaam was not a man who was particularly discrete, as he was both notable and visibly skulked around areas. He was prone to confident proclamations and promises, and had a distinct sense of arrogance about him that came from how well-connected he actually was. However, he was not particularly perceptive, and as a result he was very easily startled.


Chapter Five: Civil War

Rafaam was present at the Silent Auction being hosted as the estate of Harold Kirtonos in Venetia, where he was observed notably "skulking around". Uther Menethil later encountered Rafaam in the chamber dedicated to dwarven artifacts, where he was engaged in a bidding war with the dwarf Belgrum, who was a representative of the Explorer's League. They were both seeking to claim a set of three platinum discs, which Uther immediately recognized as being similar to the disc that had come with the shield Truthguard.

After Belgrum had left, Uther approached Rafaam to make conversation (and swiftly startled him), during which Uther posed as a representative for an "employer" that had special hardware capable of reading the discs that Rafaam was trying so hard to win. Rafaam was clearly intrigued by the notion, and followed up that he was sure Uther's (who was going by Seamus) employer wasn't the only one with such hardware. Uther admitted he was likely correct, but there was value in having someone with the hardware readily available, and ultimately all his employer wanted from the discs was the information.

Rafaam was receptive to meeting with Uther's employer, and Uther made arrangements for Rafaam to meet said employer at a tavern called the Crusty Cantrip at midnight on the following day.

Appeared In

Chapter Five: Civil War


Rafaam's promise to a disguised Uther Menethil
Very well. After I win this, we will see if I meet with this employer. But I can guarantee you, you might as well go home. You won’t be needing to extend offers to anyone else. Or my name isn’t the Supreme Archaeologist, Rafaam! I will be going home with those discs, mark my words.


Coming soon.