Hippogryph are a massive species of winged beast that reside in Kalimdor, the BrokenIsles, and Northrend. They are notable for having the traits of both a raven and a deer. High ranking Sentinels, Priestesses of the Moon and some other night elves use these beasts as mounts.
They are also called windgryphs or antil in Darnassian.
Biology and Behavior
Hippogryphs have the hindquarters and horns of a stag, and the forelegs, wings and head of a raven. Their feathers and fur come in a variety of colors, most commonly matching the foliage of the regions they live in.
They are omnivorous and opportunistic. Their high intelligence allows them to adapt their diet based on what is found in their environment. They tend to thrive in most climates, but prefer mountains and will migrate to other places if resources become scarce.
Given their intelligence, hippogryphs will form mutulistic relationships with other creatures and even people. Most famously this occurs with the kaldorei, but it isn't uncommon for other people sharing territory to be able to form bonds with them.
They often flock together in mated pairs, and several mated pairs may flock together in larger groups. In winter, wild hippogryphs migrate south to warmer climates to lay their eggs in a variety of roosts. They will spend these seasons building their large nests on cliffs. These eggs hatch in late winter and are signs that spring is near. Offspring mature quickly and reach adulthood by the first year.
Hippogryphs have lifespans of several decades. They will mourn their dead, especially a mate or an offspring.
Flock | Regions | Notes |
Cliffwing | Azsuna | Roost in the Azsuna cliffs and primarily feed on fish down on the coastline. |
Cloudwing | Suramar and Highmountain | Roosts that go along the southern end of Highmountain and into Suramar. Primarily feed on goats and other creatures by pulling them off the cliffs. |
Frayfeather | Feralas | Largest roost of wild hippogryphs, and where the wild god of the hippogryphs resides. |
Leyfeather | Suramar City | Infused with arcane energy due to long term exposure to the Nightwell. |
Moonfall | Various | Hippogryphs that are kept by the kaldorei, they regard themselves as one flock. |
Skychaser | Northrend | Live all over the mountains of Northrend, avoiding areas frequented by the dragons and protodrakes. Roost in Sholazar Basin. |
Stagbeak | Hyjal | Roost all over Hyjal, rarely ever migrating. |
Thunderhead | Azshara | Known to prey on night elves. |
Violetwing | Val'Sharah | Roost in the cliffs near Shaladrassil, and known for vibrant violet plumage. |
Named Hippogryphs
Name | Notes |
Lorthalium | Wild God of Hippogryphs |
Jai'alator | Shandris Feathermoon's hippogryph companion |