
Naxxramas was a massive floating necropolis that had been built through the efforts of Heigan Capless and his Cult of the Damned as a stronghold for their operations in spreading a plague of undeath.


Naxxramas was constructed in secret by Heigan Capless to serve as a base of operations for his schemes in unleashing a plague of undeath across the kingdoms. Its existence was eventually found out by Velameestra Windrunner when she and Uther Menethil infiltrated the primary warehouse of Capless Feather Grains in Venetia, and they and their allies were able to gain access to the necropolis by escorting the lots purchased by Heigan at the Silent Auction hosted by mage lord Harold Kirtonos. Once inside the stronghold, the assault on Naxxramas turned into a full raid, as the Scales of Azeroth alongside Liadrin Everpost, Maxwell Tyrosus, and Darion Mograine were able to then use the party's presence to teleport directly into the necropolis to lend their aid. This technique was duplicated by Kael'thas Sunstrider, Rommath Pyrewing, and Alleria Windrunner when Velameestra informed her aunt what they were doing in response to a sending from Alleria.

Uther and his companions took on the Research and Development quadrant in order to hunt down Heigan, while their allies dispersed to clear the other quadrants. Kael'thas, Rommath, an Alleria focused on the Plague Specimen Research quarter, Elissa Cross headed the raid on the Dormitories and Garrison where Mag'beth and Sasha were freed, and the remainder took on the Administration and Overflower quarter.


The massive necropolis was divided into four different quadrants that spiraled off of a centralized chamber that served as a teleportation point in and out of Naxxramas.

Research and Development (Northwest Quadrant)

The research and development sector of Naxxramas was an expansive, ooze-soaked series of laboratories where the green sludge that contained the plague of undeath ran freely.

The Causeway

The Causeway largely consisted of a metal bridge that hung suspended over a river of plagued ooze, and was the location that Jackson Razuvious and his security detail attempted to ambush Uther Menethil and his companions after they managed to infiltrate Naxxramas. The Causeway continued for some time heading toward the north where it terminated in two heavy doors. Animated ooze creatures infested the corridor. The doorway to the left led to the lab of Professor Putricide and was warded with a powerful [Vitriolic Sphere] trap.

Table: Notable Enemies
Jackson RazuviousKilledCR 12
PatchwerkKilledCR 10

The Plagueworks

The Plagueworks was the laboratory of Professor Putricide and it also housed a large number of his most gruesome experiments. Because of the effects of Putricide's trials, he could alter the form of any creature in it and change their baseline state of matter, thus influencing their resistances and vulnerabilities according to the following table:

Table: States of Matter
 (D) Solid(D) Liquid(D) Gas(D) Ooze
(A) SolidNeutralSuper EffectiveHalf DamageHalf Damage
(A) LiquidHalf DamageNeutralSuper EffectiveHalf Damage
(A) GasHalf DamageHalf DamageNeutralSuper Effective
(A) OozeSuper EffectiveHalf DamageHalf DamageNeutral

Lance Beckett was being restrained in the Plagueworks while Professor Putricide experimented on him, but he was freed by his companions.

Table: Notable Enemies
Professor PutricideKilled 
Gluth, Hound of GluttonyKilled 

The Control Room

The control room contained an illusory diagram that served as a control panel for the various plague spreaders located on Naxxramas. From this room, spreaders could be activated, monitored, and deactivated, and it was one of the primary means the necropolis used to deploy the plague on the lands it flew over.

The Generator

The generator was a massive chamber that housed the mechanisms that powered the means Naxxramas used to fly. The power supply was the flesh titan Thaddius, who served as a conductor and battery for the massive necropolis, with the two ghasts Feugen and Stalagg acting as grounds and energy dispersers. Because of the way the power was balanced, if the two ghasts did not die quickly after each other, the electricity could revive the downed ghast. Due to the volatile nature of such a mechanism, the generator room was incredibly dangerous, and Thaddius was capable of using the power he generated to fend off intruders.

The generator itself also tapped into the teleportation network throughout the necropolis, and with the proper clearances it could serve as a shortcut to any area within the massive facility.

Table: Notable Enemies

Top Floor

The top floor was an isolated section of Naxxramas that was only accessible via proper teleportation clearances, and it served as the office and quarters for those that were in charge of the massive facility.

Supervisor's Sanctum

A circular room coated in ice, rime, and bone, the Supervisor's Sanctum was the domain of Lady Deathwhisper where she presided over promising cultists that sought to achieve the favor of Heigan Capless. The sanctum stood directly between the teleportation access point and the main office, which ensured that any that wished to speak with the master had to face the supervisor first.

Table: Notable Enemies
Lady Deathwhisper 
Lord Marrowgar 

The Outer Ring

The outer ring of Naxxramas was a long corridor that spanned the entire perimeter of the necropolis.